Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 30 of 37)

Essential Tremor

I have a non-Parkinson’s essential tremor, also known as a familial tremor. Does anything you do address any of these types of symptoms? I would love to know if you address the symptoms separately or the condition itself?

Thanks so much!



My response will likely come as somewhat of a surprise to you. I approach symptoms from the perspective of a researcher. My approach is markedly different than the approach taken by medical doctors. Medical doctors are trained and qualified to diagnose symptoms which may be declared as an essential tremor or Parkinsons or …

From your question, I gather that a diagnosis has been declared. Once the diagnosis is made, medical doctors are in a position to prescribe specific treatment protocols in the form of prescription medicines and/or surgeries. Be advised that I am not qualified or trained to practice medicine in this manner.

I have a quite different perspective. I do not believe that diagnosing conditions is conducive to health and wellness. Once we fall into the trap of wondering what is wrong with our bodies by insisting on a formal diagnosis, we embrace a plethora of negative thought forms that have very low frequency. Wondering what is wrong with our bodies is not the route to health and wellness. The diagnostic approach is depressing. It also depresses our life force.

More importantly, a diagnostic approach to health assumes that the solutions falls outside of us. Someone else surely has a medicine or a surgery that will fix us. They place a label on symptoms as in your case to be an essential tremor.

This disempowers our ability to heal from the inside out. I believe that all healing comes from a place within each of us and that we all have the capacity and power to heal. The more I learn about the body, the more I honor the miracle of life. Medicine does not heal us. Our bodies perform the healing miracles.

In the second edition of my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease, I do include some of the treatments for tremors that people have reported to me help them get relief. But I must say, if there is a tremor, the more important question to ask is:

What is your body telling you?

If a tremor is present, something is out of balance. You can treat a symptom such as a tremor, but why not get to the root reason the tremor? Once you identify the cause, you can address it rather than trying to mask the symptom temporarily with medicines or supplements.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Candida and Parkinsons Symptoms

I particularly enjoyed your interview today with Lydia Epp on the connection between Candida and Parkinsons symptoms. Finally someone of stature in the scientific community recognized the relationship. I have been of this opinion ever since my wife got Parkinson’s right after a systemic candida infection (which we are still fighting).

Keep up the good work as you seem to leave no stone unturned. I listen to every show.

We are beginning to experiment with a Rife Machine as it has been shown to stop tremors.


Thanks for the fascinating report Marshal. Let us all know results of the Rife Machine therapy.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Neural Feedback

Jacyln Gisburne Ph.D works with Parkinson’s patients with ground breaking results. The neural feedback technology she has developed in this video is one she has been using with persons currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s with noteworthy success. It paves the way for maintaining a sustained journey on the road to recovery.

Below is a video showing a Neural Feedback treatment Dr. Gisburne gave to a participate at the Vancouver Parkinsons Recovery

Is recovery as simple as having her connect the electrodes to your head for 20 minutes and challenge your neural networks for forge new connections? No. But it is a rich initiation to the journey which must be taken by anyone who has dedicated themselves to healing the underlying conditions that have been creating neurological disturbances associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Clarification on TMJ and Parkinson’s

What follows is a brief clarification on TMJ and Parkinsons as a follow-up to my interview with her on Parkinsons Recovery Radio.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

For the record, I never had a TMJ issue. Henry(my appliance) is prescribed by a TMJ dentist, but it’s for Parkinson’s patients. If you have TMJ that’s a separate issue. The two don’t necessarily need to be together.  I don’t mean to be picky. I just want people to be aware one isn’t an off shoot of the other.

Thank you again for the work you do Robert, and the difference you are making in so many people’s lives.



TMJ and Parkinsons Disease

Cheryl was a guest on my radio show several months ago who addressed a connection between TMJ and Parkinsons disease. She reported experiencing remarkable improvement in her Parkinson’s symptoms after getting a TMJ appliance that corrects jaw misalignments over time. She named her appliance Henry. Below is an update on her progress which she gave me permission to post.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

I have some great news today. I went to my neurologist at UCLA. He’s been monitoring me since 2006. He was genuinely amazed and started asking me questions about Henry.Everything during my neurological exam rated NORMAL for the first time. And, I’ve lowered my medications. Can you believe it? He couldn’t. I could. I’m going in the right direction. Yahoo!

I’m not perfect. I don’t want to come off like that. But it was a huge step in the right direction to get the medical community to look seriously at what the powers of Henry can offer…pretty cool, uh?



Natural Therapies for Parkinsons

What natural therapies for Parkinsons do you recommend aside from the food aspect?

The thrust of my research has been to cast a wide net to identify any and all therapies that help persons who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons. After five years of a focused search, I am happy to report that I have succeeded in identifying dozens and dozens of natural, safe and nonintrusive therapies that people with Parkinson’s symptoms tell me help them immensely. To my surprise, I have not found very many therapies that do not have a positive impact to some degree.

The nature of your question is tied to several underlying assumptions. First, you assume that Parkinsons disease is caused by one and only one imbalance in the body. I disagree. There are a multitude of factors that create neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. For many people, more than one factor is present. The particular therapies that can help will be driven by the conditions that are causing the neurological symptoms. There are no easy solutions of fixes.

You are likely thinking that I have a list of therapies that people should pursue if they expect to get well. That is, you assume that I promote a program of recovery. I am well aware that some medical professionals offer a very specific protocol to treat the symptoms and that some of these programs are successful.

I am not a medical care professional. I am a researcher. As such, my job is to find the people who are figuring out solutions that are working for them and let others know about it.

I document dozens of therapies that have proven successful for persons confronting neurological challenges. Each of these addresses a specific cause. The best approach is to identify the cause of your symptoms working in close consultation with your doctor. Once you know the cause you can get the therapy that best addresses it . My book

My book  Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. The book offers a detailed description of the many factors that cause the symptoms and the natural therapies for Parkinsons that address them.

There are many opportunities to get well. Seize the opportunities and you will begin to feel better day by day.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I recall you mentioned that one of your relative had Parkinsons, were they able to fully recover based on your methods?


My mother was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. She died in 1998 from a stroke caused by the side effects and interactions of taking a dozen prescription medications for a variety of symptoms – some related to Parkinsons and many unrelated.

I founded Parkinsons Recovery in 2005, seven years after my mother died. A huge motivation for my work has been driven by her sad fate. She became confused and disoriented from the medications she took. A stroke resulted.

While medications can be very helpful to a person’s recovery, I decided there had to be other therapies that could have helped her which were safe, natural and had no side effects. My research over the past five years proves this hunch to be right.

My uncle also had Parkinsons due to prolonged stress. He died in 2009. Gordon was aware of Parkinsons Recovery but elected to rely solely on the medications prescribed by his doctor. There was a good reason for this choice. His medications worked beautifully for several years until rapid deterioration set in.

I need to clarify -I do not promote or offer any program or therapeutic approach. I am a researcher who is documenting what works and what does not work – what helps and what does not help.

The one approach I suggest to everyone is to empower themselves to heal. That has been the inspiration for Jump Start to Wellness.  I believe that we all have the ability to listen to our bodies and recover from any chronic condition for in the end, all healing comes from a place deep within us.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Stem Cell Therapy in Parkinsons Disease

What follows is an article about stem cell therapy authored by Blanca Ramarez.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Blanca Elena Ramírez C. Ph. D

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects movement, muscle control and balance as well as numerous other functions, which occurs for the progressive death of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra of the brain.

The main consequence of this neuronal loss is a decrease in cerebral availability of dopamine in the caudate nucleus and putamen, where dopaminergic neurons projecting from the black susbstancia, leading to a dysfunction in the regulation of key brain structures involved in motion control basal ganglia.

The origin of this disease is multifactorial and is mainly due to four mechanisms:

  • Oxidative stress
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Exposure to environmental toxins
  • Accelerated aging

Parkinson’s disease is not a single disease, but it is multifactorial, and that hereditary risk factors and modifiable factors, such as the environment, pesticides, head injuries and snuff consumption.

Its histological feature is the presence of Lewy bodies in the substantia nigra along with a loss of dopaminergic neurons in excess of 80%, however the first symptoms appear when there is loss of half of the neurons in the substantia nigra.

The most effective medical treatment is oral administration of levodopa (L-3, 4 dihydroxyphenylalanine), a precursor that is converted into the catecholamine dopamine in the brain due to the dopaminergic nueronas Nitrergic that still survive in the substantia nigra.

Unlike dopamine, which does not cross the blood brain barrier, levodopa enters the basal ganglia, which is taken up by cells with the carrier for the neurotransmitter and once decarboxylated to dopamine, it becomes a neurotransmitter.

The levodopa induces a dramatic improvement and is especially effective when administered with carbidopa, which enhances its effectiveness in treating akinesia (loss of movement) and rigidity in early and intermediate stages of Parkinson’s disease, but long-term complications appear such as dyskinesias (involuntary movements) and on-off episodes, and the drug is not effective in advanced stages of the disease, because there are no dopaminergic neurons that convert levodopa into dopamine.

Neurogenesis declines with age and correlates with the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases, and there is no way to recover lost neurons except the stem cell therapy.

The stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of self-renewal and transformation into different specialized cell types. They can be obtained from various sources. The stem cells under certain conditions are able to self-renew for long periods and can remain in a pluripotent state until they receive a signal, in response to which they give rise to cells that are specialized.

The aim of cell therapy is to replace cells that have degenerated by other cells that can fill their role. The generation of new cells in the adult central nervous system is now not only one of the most important discoveries, but a path to prevention and treatment. Until just two decades ago, it was thought to be impossible to regenerate neurons. We have found that stem cells have the ability to regenerate missing neurons and repair damaged ones.

The cell lines that have successfully used adult stem cells for the treatment of Parkinsons disease are derived from an ectoderm lineage. This treatment is available in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, approved by the International Society of cell therapy with stem cells and regenerative medicine and anti-aging, and by the Medical Center of regenerative cell therapy and anti-aging medicine. This treatment is safe and effective, and because it has no side effects and does not generate rejection.

This treatment is based on the application of allogeneic stem cells in addition to other substances that induce neuronal growth. Each treatment involves the application of 5 intravenous injections at intervals of 4 to 7 days. Depending on each case, several cycles of 5 applications may be necessary, either continuous or intermittent, where you can leave a period of several months between them. Each injection is done on an outpatient basis without hospitalization.

The first treatment suggested the ectoderm lineage. The following treatments may be used from any one of three lineages: endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm.

In Puerto Vallarta this treatment is offered with a custom-made approach after clinical assessment by a multidisciplinary team of professionals in the field.

Blanca Elena Ramírez C. Ph. D, General Physician, diploma in haematology, diploma in emergency medical surgical by UNAM, and especialized studies in cell therapy.
Doctor Office: Street Francia #203, Colonia Versalles, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, Mexico.
Phone office: 3222936699
Cellular phone  3221286112

Parkinsons Disease and Candida

In my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease, I included a discussion of the connection between Parkinsons disease and candida which was inspired by research by Lidia Epp and B. Mravec. 

Until this week, I assumed the theoretical argument in the article was derived through meticulous logic and good guesswork. The argument is certainly convincing and is grounded in meticulous logic. Little did I know, however, the real story behind why Lidia Epp developed the argument.

What follows is an email sent by Lidia Epp that explains the reasons she was motivated to do the research and write the article.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

I’m molecular biologist, I work in a Biology Department in a small college in Virginia. At the time of writing the article I worked as a research specialist at the Molecular Lab in Medical College of Virginia. So – I do not work in the field of PD research, however I’m proficient in biochemistry and clinical  molecular diagnostics.

The reason for investigating possible causes of idiopathic PD is entirely personal. My ex-husband was diagnosed with it at an early age of 43. He was one of the patients receiving massive doses of Mirapex in the mid-late 90s, before the devastating side effects of that drug became known. His reaction to Mirapex was very severe, with all the usual OCD, gambling compulsions, etc. It ruined our marriage.

After being divorced for about 5 years I noticed some symptoms in myself that resembled my ex-husband health issues. In the meantime I remarried and my “new” husband mysteriously developed similar health problems. It became apparent to us that it is a contagious condition – mildly, as it took years to develop symptoms. So – that’s when I started investigating possible connections.

Parkinsons Disease and Candida

Long story short – I contacted Dr. OrianTruss in Birmingham, AL the main authority in chronic candidiasis research, and was his patient for about 1 year. I read all his articles and books and that was the time when I came to my conclusion about the connection between PD and Candida. I contacted my ex-husband; he has a doctorate in molecular biology and as soon as I told him my “theory” he agreed with me. He too became Dr. Truss patient and to the best of my knowledge – he is now PD symptoms free. At the time I contacted him however, his PD was very advanced. He had to retire from his professorship, had DBS and was partially paralyzed.

While working on my article I contacted Dr. Mravec in Bratislava, he is PhD, MD immunologist. He agreed to review my article, offered some suggestions and changes and then had it published at his Medical College in Slovakia.

I continued to evaluate all information pertinent to PD/Candida association ever since – it bothers me that so few in the mainstream medicine seem to notice the obvious connection. I’m convinced that although my theory is a correct one, it’s only the “tip of an iceberg”. The biochemical pathways of Candida and it’s relations to PD symptoms are much more complex that I presented in my paper. I’m now certain of at least one more – tissue transglutaminase (TTG) – it’s role in apoptosis of dopamine receptors and the fact that  TTG substrate is used by Candida in it’s life cycle. TTG is a hot topic now in the biochem research world, but – no word on that connection yet in the published data.

I contacted a professor at University of Alabama, pathologist specializing in TTG biochemistry and presented him my TTG/Candida/PD connection theory. He was very enthusiastic, agreed to corroborate with me and even do a preliminary study on a rat model in hopes to receive a grant. But as soon as I explained him my background and the fact that it all started with my ex-husband having PD – he ceased all contact with me.

A couple of years ago I approached another scientist who works in the field of ethiopathology of H. pylori (a connection to Candida – possibly) and I received very similar reaction. I’m now sure that revealing that my ex-husband is in this equation seems detrimental to the validity of my theory. I know I’m not a PhD specializing in the field, but I do know that my theory of a connection between Parkinsons disease and candida is correct, I just don’t expect everybody to believe me anymore.

Lidia Epp

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts

Brain Plasticity and Parkinsons

Brad gave permission for me to post his comments about brain plasticity and Parkinsons which follow.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Robert, here is another interesting neurological phenomenon. As I have written before, I am a long time weight lifter and cyclist, which I continue in spite of my PD symptoms. Recently, I was convinced to try skipping rope as a speed, balance, and coordination adjunct to my workouts. Having not skipped a rope for more than thirty years, I was somewhat dismayed to find that I simply could not do it. I just could not coordinate the action of arms and legs and rope to do even one jump over the rope.

Not to be that easily defeated, I determined to “retrain my brain” to skip rope. Each day in the gym, after my regular workout, I spend about ten minutes devoted to rope skipping. The first time I was able to do it, I got up to 5 skips before failing. The next day I did ten, and the next fifteen, and so on, so that after only ten days I was able to do 50 continuous skips; after about two weeks now, I not only do 50 continuous skips, but 50 “step throughs”, and even up to 20 or so high speed skips. This amazes me because what was un-learned over thirty years could be re-learned in just a few days, in just about the same amount of time that it takes a kid to learn it in the first place.

It makes me think that we grossly underestimate and under-utilize our brains. There is a connection between brain plasticity and Parkinsons. There are millions of unused neural pathways just waiting to fill in for any that may be out of order or overused or abused for whatever reason. It also puts the lie to the conventional notion of “inevitable and continuous degeneration” that is associated with PD. That concept is the primary impediment to continuous re-generation and learning that are the natural condition of the brain (even an injured or malfunctioning brain).



I tried hypnotherapy about a year ago based on some other theories, but found everything in your broadcast consistent with what I learned. With only a couple of low-cost sessions, I regained some abilities I had lost. Whether this is solely attributable to hypnotherapy, I cannot prove (as I did some other things simultaneously, such as removing metalic dental amalgam), but I am satisfied that it has helped me control the “fear”-response (as your guest described what we otherwise call “stress”) better than in the past. That is one of the beauties of this therapy. It is short term and does not require a great deal of effort to practice, but the results are sustainable.

Thanks for this program. It has helped confirm my belief that a great deal of PD symptoms are bio-emotional, or psycho-somatic, if you will. When I take an enjoyable vacation, I have found my symptoms to be remarkably reduced, to the point where I require little or no medication for days on end. Likewise, when I experience even mild emotional trauma (or fear of such), my symptoms present themselves regardless of any level of medication. This is easy to miss in our modern feverish lifestyles, but it is often noted that whenever a PD person immerses or loses themselves in an enjoyable activity, they tend to “forget” their symptoms until they return once again to a “normal” state of mind.



Hypnotherapy is an alternative therapy that uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness, or a trance-like state. In this state, patients may be more receptive to suggestions, helping them alter certain behaviors, manage stress, or address psychological challenges.

Here are some ways hypnotherapy might help people with Parkinson’s disease:

1. Hypnotherapy helps Manage Stress and Anxiety:

Parkinson’s can often be accompanied by anxiety, stress, or depression. Hypnotherapy can help manage these psychological symptoms by promoting relaxation, reducing the body’s fight-or-flight response, and enhancing coping mechanisms. The deep relaxation induced in hypnosis may also help alleviate the mental strain that often accompanies chronic illness.

2. Improving Sleep:

People with Parkinson’s disease often struggle with sleep disturbances due to motor symptoms (like tremors and rigidity) or other factors such as pain and medication side effects. Hypnotherapy may improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and helping individuals develop better sleep habits or mental techniques to ease into sleep.

3. Pain Management:

Chronic pain is another common symptom of Parkinson’s disease, and while medication can help, it may not completely resolve pain or could cause side effects. Hypnotherapy has been shown to help some people manage pain by altering the perception of pain or increasing pain tolerance through relaxation and focused attention techniques.

4. Improving Movement and Motor Function:

There is some evidence to suggest that hypnotherapy may help improve motor functions and motor control in certain cases. The mental and emotional state of someone with Parkinson’s can affect their physical movements (e.g., they may be more prone to freezing or difficulty initiating movement). Hypnosis may help individuals visualize smoother movement patterns or reduce some of the psychological barriers to movement, potentially improving motor coordination.

5. Enhancing Emotional Well-being:

Parkinson’s disease often leads to a range of emotional and psychological challenges, including feelings of frustration, helplessness, or depression. Hypnotherapy might help address these feelings by promoting positive thinking, reframing negative thoughts, or facilitating emotional expression and acceptance. This may improve overall quality of life.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Flea Medication and Parkinsons

A few years ago a drop of flea med landed on my wrist as my half wild cat struggled to get away. This minor incident led me to realize there is a connection between flea medication and Parkinsons. 

Had immediate reaction, shakes, weakness, terrible headache, incoordination. Couldn’t get off floor until my husband came home and pulled me onto my feet.

ER did lumbar puncture, thinking I had a brain bleed. Nothing showed.

ER docs discounted that flea med could cause it BECAUSE THERE WERE NO PRIOR STUDIES ON HUMANS.

Took a few weeks to recover, although my knees had a tendency to weaken for no apparent reason afterwards.

To confirm my suspicions, several weeks later a vet opened a tube of the same flea med across the room from me. I tasted it immediately, went weak and, of course, ran out of the room.

Recently heard, through my new vet, of person in British Columbia with same reaction. Am waiting for contact info through her pet’s vet.

Is there a website with demographics or a search application with factors that people dealing with PD may have in common?

I’m a newbie and just began my search.


There is no website that I know of that does such an analysis. As you can see from my requests to post your email – I always post stories from people if I get permission. I have not received a discussion reporting a connection between flea medication and Parkinsons. Thanks for your email.

Many people know that they were exposed to toxins but do not realize it is likely the factor
causing their symptoms. There is a strong likelihood that the flea pesticide you were exposed to contained pyrethroid. Researchers have found that the symptoms of Parkinsons have been directly linked to exposure to this very specific pesticide.

Now the challenge for you is to identify a detox program that will succeed in releasing the toxin from your body.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


TMJ Disorder and Parkinsons Disease

Just listened to your radio show interview with your guest Cheryl  on TMJ disorder and Parkinsons disease.. Makes sense.

Read that general anesthesia during surgery can exacerbate PD symptoms and that spinal anesthesia is recommended.

Think about it…. General anesthesia requires incubation. Jaw is pulled forward (disturbing TMJ joint) and tube is pushed into airway. Here is video:

YouTube player

Told my doctors that shoulder/arm/hand pain and dysfunction I’ve had for over a year is similar to myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome symptoms I experienced 30 years ago from clenching my teeth. Was misdiagnosed then as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Three months of dental appliance cured my pain/dysfunction and I was able to return to work.

Didn’t suspect TMJ disorder and Parkinsons disease this time because I don’t clench anymore.

But, will follow that up and let you know.

There are probably thousands of causes of PD and I’ll have to take them one by one but will never give up.


Like you, I also believe there are many factors that contribute to the neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. This is clearly what my research reveals. Once you figure out the cause you can address the causes and take action to remedy the imbalance in the body.

All the best

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Insecticides and Parkinson’s Symptoms


Insecticides……Has anyone had any incidents with anti-flea products?



Well? I know of no one I have interviewed with a story about how insecticides have affected their neurological system. Perhaps we can interest some people in commenting?

Research clearly shows that the toxins found in insecticides do create many of the symptoms typically associated with a Parkinsons Disease.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Symptoms Getting Worse – What Can I Do?

I have been suffering from PD for last four years (Started at the age 50). Currently I am on Apo_Pramipexold 3x1mg and Azilect 1x1mg. Tremor is under control and can walk easily but the problem I am facing now is that when I wake up its very difficult to get out of bed. I tried Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Massage therapy but situation is going to worsen day by day. Symptoms getting worse – What can I do?

Any suggestion of exercise or home remedy may be welcomed

I Abbasi


My hunch is that movement will help the most right now – any movement be it dance, walking, swimming, weight lifting, forced exercise – you name it. Perhaps your physiotherapist might have some great recommendations on exercise that might help you in particular.

I received a call yesterday from a women who was diagnosed about the same time as you. She tells me she is doing great. No one would ever know she had Parkinsons given her symptoms are not evident to anyone. How does she do it? She explains – exercise! The more the better.

My initial reaction is to suggest that you begin to move your body as often as possible – every day. Most of the therapies you have explored require passive participation on your part. Why not become more active?

What else might I recommend? The therapies you have considered so far represent a very small number of the natural and safe therapies you can consider in addition to the medications. I have now documented 44 therapies that have given people currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s relief in one form or another. I discuss these many therapies in my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.

Listen also to replays of Pioneers of Recovery which are posted here.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Fava Beans for Parkinsons

I have very early symptoms and would to try fava beans for Parkinsons before medication. I found blanched and shelled beans but I don’t know if they have enough dopa to make them worthwhile or how to prepare them to retain the maximum dopa.

Can you give me some advice?

Thank you


Eating fava beans are a delicious, natural food in themselves that also happen to enhancefava beans for Parkinsons dopamine in the body. For regular updates on fava beans for Parkinsons be sure and become a regular visitor of the Parkinsons Recovery Fava Bean blog sponsored by Aunt Bean who has a four acre farm in Tennessee where she grows fava beans and mucuna.

You will get the most mileage out of the value of fava beans if you sprout them first. Aunt Bean formulates a homemade tincture using the tips of the fava bean plants. Why not consider growing your own – as does Aunt Bean?

Keep in mind that ingesting fava beans in whatever form may have an effect on your medication, so be sure and consult with your doctor about any adjustments that may be required if you decide to add fava beans to your diet.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


An Inside Look at How Neurologists Leverage Emerging Research and Trends


Parkinson’s Disease: An Inside Look at How Neurologists Leverage Emerging Research and Trends

Plus: What’s New, What’s Next

PD News To Share With Your Readers

WHO:           Lawrence Elmer, M.D., Professor of Neurology and Medical Director of the Center for Neurological Health; Director of the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Program within the Department of Neurology, University of Toledo College of Medicine

Dr. Elmer to discuss:

  • The latest in PD management and treatment
  • How neurologist approach diagnosis and treatment of PD
  • Current and investigational treatments

Dr. Elmer to provide:

  • During the WebEx and upon request only — Tools to help your readers improve communication with their physicians and health care providers, and ultimately, better manage their PD — for example –  patient-friendly copy, graphs and charts which encourage conversations re PD treatment

Dr. Elmer to answer your questions, such as:

  • What does the latest research suggest about the best strategies for managing PD?
  • What are the key treatment options today….tomorrow?
  • How close are we to finding a cure?
  • What can patients do to take control of their own PD?
  • What new therapies are currently in development for PD?

WHEN:         January 25, 2011 — Presentation at 4 p.m. ET; Q&A at 4:30 p.m. ET


To reserve a space, please respond to this email; be sure to include a phone number.  After making your reservation, we will send instructions on how to log-in.  You may need to download add-on programs in advance; they address technical issues so you don’t experience them during the conference.  This WebEx is supported by an educational grant from Teva Pharmaceuticals.



Dr. Elmer joined the faculty of the University of Toledo College of medicine in 1998 where he holds the position of Professor of Neurology and Medical Director of the Center for Neurological Health.  He is also director of the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Program within the Department of Neurology.  He has served in a variety of leadership positions throughout the University, recently as President of the Faculty Senate at the University of Toledo Health Science Campus.  Dr. Elmer speaks frequently at patient and medical education programs throughout the region and country.

Dr. Elmer’s research is primarily focused on emerging medical treatments for Parkinson’s disease.  His career passion involves caring for people with Parkinson’s disease and their families, giving them the opportunity to deal successfully with this disease and enjoy life to the fullest.

Lawrence Elmer received his MD and PhD degrees from the University of Florida, completed postgraduate training at the Baylor College of Medicine, internship in internal medicine at the Sioux Falls Veterans Administration Hospital and residency in neurology at the University of Michigan. He then completed a basic science and clinical fellowship in movement disorders at the University of Michigan Department of Neurology.

Creativity and Parkinsons

Somewhere I remember reading that PD people sometimes become more artistic. There is a connection between creativity and Parkinsons. Can you point me towards any information about PD and the arts? I have to write a short bio of myself for a small, local gallery where they are showing some of my paintings, and I wanted to include a blurb about PD.


Yes indeed – the gift of symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease is that many people shift gears in their life as they become incredibly creative. As you so clearly state – there is a connection between creativity and Parkinsons. In some cases this translates into artistic endeavors. Sounds like this has been your experience too!

Why does this happen? I suspect the body demands that mental (as well as physical) activity slow down several notches. The body demands that standard routines of the past are interrupted.

The question then turns on – what now? What do I do with my life now? With a little reflection, many people realize that they have not been pursuing their life’s passion. The creativity switch gets turned on. Off they go into the world of art or some creative endeavor of one type of another.

If you have art work – I would be delighted to post it on the blog if you would like! If you have a story you have written about yourself – I would be delighted to post that as well if you would like – with links to your work.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Do Parkinson’s Symptoms Come and Go?

Do other PD people notice a change/worsening of symptoms seasonally? Do Parkinson’s symptoms come and go? I just realized that for several years now my symptoms seem to increase about Dec or Jan or there about. This time period is when I have been starting or changing or increasing medications.


Yes – my experience is that many people experience a flare up of symptoms during the winter. I suspect there are several reasons:

  • Diet – the holidays trigger unhealthy eating.
  • Lack of exercise – the winter months can mean colder weather with more rain and snow.
  • Lack of sunshine – Although you live in a rather hot climate, vitamin D3 may not be an issue – but Naturopath Doctor Laurie Mischley finds most people with Parkinson’s symptoms have severe vitamin D3 deficiencies. If there is less sunshine – your body will be getting less D3 the natural way.
  • Change or addition of medications – If you have been adding new medications or increasing the dosage, that could also be a possible cause of a symptom flare up due to interactions and side effects.

All in all – there are a multitude of factors that can potentially contribute to shifts in symptoms seasonally.  So the answer to the question do Parkinson’s symptoms come and go is yes. Since there are typically fluctuations – you can always celebrate improvement down the road.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

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Copper and Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Lori sent me several messages about her remarkable recovery relevant to copper and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. from the symptoms Parkinson’s disease. With her permission I am posting her correspondence to me below.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

My symptoms are currently reversing. My sons, myself and my sister tested very high copper levels. Found out once started prenatal vitamins started improving almost gone after nine months .

Neurologist confirmed marked improvement! Work out alot. Eating better. Cut out diet coke addiction. Pray alot! My sons and I take zinc to chelate copper. Water tested positive copper. Copper pipes leaching copper.

It’s so weird! You have been so positive for me. Footdrop gone. Cog wheeling gone. Smile back:) Bradykinesia almost gone. Just action tremor.

Copper and Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

They tell me I don’t have Wilson’s disease because cervoplasmin high too. They thought copper was elevated because of bc pills. But off them ordered own serum copper, i’m an OD, still high! My husband md, always said no resting tremor and he would notice it. Five doctors confirmed. Even went to Cleveland clinic. Raised 7000 dollars for mjff. Accepted it. Something kept telling me have another baby. Got off meds. Started prenatal. Bam – got better. I’m supposed to be in that big mjff study. Called Cleveland. They said pd never gets better. Must be ingesting something.

I kept telling neuro that thought copper toxicity due chronic green hair when moved into house with copper pipes five years ago. Peds doctor helped me most because tested sons and high so he called toxicologist geneticist and metabolic.

I’m so scared it’s going to come back but I don’t think God does partial miracles. My sister was higher than me. Currently get lots blood tests but say not Wilsons!

Thanks for positive vibes. Pd is so gloom doom. No hope awful, I think no one should not be given hope. People forget the God factor. Please post because if it happened to me it can happen to others. My husband always thought h1n1 did it. But he sees what vitamins are doing for me, vitamins with no copper.

My handwriting is no longer small. Still trembles but so much easier. I wrote and dated a journal so I can see the change.

Mirapex never really helped. It really only made a slight improvement in handwriting. Never helped foot, smile cog wheeling or tremor. My doctors sill say I have PD and haven’t seen all improvement – think I’m nuts!

But pharmacy assured me mirapex er out of system. Completely done with it Nov 1, started to taper it Oct 21. started prenatal vitamins Oct 21. Noticed improvement. Started documenting it all on Nov 16th. Haven’t seen neuro since nov 18th. I think they are going to be shocked!

Movement specialist said she never doubted my diagnosis, doesn’t want to see me til Feb. I’ve learned I have wrong doctors and the best peds doctor.

The thing that worried me was at 6 year old son started getting breasts. Doctor documented this. I researched crap out of it. It would come and go. Told peds everything, in youth elevated copper secondary sex characteristics. I started boys on vitamins. Youngest would not take them. I told doctor the oldest sons will be lower because been on vitamin. This turned out to be true. My husband’s copper level is normal.

I feel God put me thru this to help my boys! I’m planning to get prego once all gone . It will be miracle baby! It sounds unbelievable!

We have bottled water. Looking to get copper filter for shower! I would love to move but houses not selling. We have a really nice house but I hate the copper pipes!


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