About Parkinsons Disease

Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Cistus Incanus Tea as Therapy for Parkinson’s

About Cistus Incanus Tea as Treatment for Parkinson’s

Dietrich Klinghardt MD discusses a simple treatment for many illnesses including Parkinsons in this 11 minute video. Click the link below to watch (scroll down to find his video)

Release of Retro Viruses are a foundational cause of Parkinson’s

Here are Dr. Klinghardt’s instructions for brewing the tea:

  1. Boil slowly with the lid on.
  2. Steam for 5 minutes
  3. Add Stevia
  4. Drink 6-8 cups every day
  5. Re-brew the tea several times

Below is the source of the tea Dr. Klinghard recommends


Research Evidence on Cistus Incanus Tea

Int J Mol Sci. 2025 Jan 23;26(3):947. Antiviral Activity of Water-Alcoholic Extract of Cistus incanus L


Recently, previously known viruses have changed their pathogenicity and encompassed new types of host populations. An example of such an infection is that caused by SARS-CoV, belonging to the “well-known” coronavirus family. Another group of viruses that are of great importance to the human population are the herpes viruses.

Due to increasing viral resistance to existing antiviral drugs, plant extracts are attracting increasing interest due to their complex composition and their simultaneous attack of different viral targets. Based on the above, we tested the antiviral potential of water-alcoholic extract obtained from a commercial sample of the plant Cistus incanus L. against the enveloped viruses SvHA1, SvHA2 (ACV resistant) and HCoV 229E.

The results showed both complete inhibition of the intracellular stages of the viral replication and a strong effect on extracellular virions in the three viral models. In a study of the effect on the replication of SvHA 2, the calculated selectivity index was over 10. From the experiments on the virucidal effects on the two herpes viruses, it was found that the viral titer of the samples decreased by about 4 lg compared to the control sample. The extract is of interest for introduction into practice.


Sharry Edwards pioneered a unique technology that falls within a field of complementary medicine that is called  BioAcoustics. This innovative discipline combines Vocal Profiling through voice spectral analysis and the use of low frequency analog sound presentation to assist the body to support optimal form and function. BioAcoustics is to be considered a complementary modality.

Sound Health has discovered that the frequencies contained in the voice are holographic representations of your state of health and wellness. Every muscle, compound, process and structure of the body has a Frequency Equivalent™ that can be mathematically calculated. It is our belief that people with similar trauma, illnesses, syndromes, psychologies, diseases, toxins… have similar, if not identical, vocal anomalies.

Sound Health Website: https://www.soundhealthoptions.com

Free Voice Scans: https://www.soundhealthportal.com/

Also: https://www.bioacousticsolutions.net

Photobiomodulation Parkinson’s Study

Photobiomodulation Parkinson’s Study Results Released

Finally! I have been eagerly waiting to learn results of a 3 year Australian photobiomodulation Parkinson’s study that examined the impact of light therapy (using Vielight.com devices (10% coupon code healing4me) on symptoms of persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Results have finally been published.

Documented reductions in symptoms far exceeded my expectations. Measures of mobility, cognition, dynamic balance and fine motor skill for the 12 Parkinson’s research subjects were significantly improved (p < 0.05) with photobiomodulation treatment for 12 weeks and up to one year. Many individual improvements were above the minimal clinically important difference, the threshold judged to be meaningful for participants. Individual improvements varied but many continued for up to one year with sustained home treatment.

The design of this study was eloquent. Participants were assessed for mobility, fine motor skills, balance and cognition before treatment began, after 4 weeks of treatment, after 12 weeks of treatment and the end of the home treatment period.

Researchers drew the following conclusions:

“PBM (photobiomodulation) was shown to be a safe and potentially effective treatment for a range of clinical signs and symptoms of PD. Improvements were maintained for as long as treatment continued, for up to one year in a neurodegenerative disease where decline is typically expected.”

The Future of Medicine has Arrived

Click on the link below to hear my interview on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with Dr. Lew Lim, inventor of Vielight photobiomodulation devices. This interview was conducted before publication of the photobiomodulation Parkinson’s study.

I predict the future of medicine rests with innovative therapies that utilize light and sound to bring the body back into balance and harmony. Neurons are cells that contain mitochondria. Photobiomodulation energizes neuronal mitochondria, triggering a cascade of beneficial cellular functions. Potential benefits are:

  • Neuroprotective effects.
  • Self-repair mechanisms and
  • Enhanced functionality.

Results of this photobiomodulation Parkinson’s study affirm these expectations.

YouTube player

I predict Dr. Lim’s new invention promises to set health care in new and exciting directions and has the potential to offer far reaching benefits to persons experiencing Parkinsons symptoms.

After listening to this interview, I am even more optimistic about this therapy for Parkinsons and other conditions including mental fog and dementia. Be sure to listen to my interview with Dr. Lim posted at the top of this post. I believe Dr. Lim is a true pioneer who has invented medicine of the future which uses light.

Intranasal photobiomodulation is the most efficient method for light energy to reach the brain. Different from electrical and magnetic stimulation, photobiomodulation uses light energy (or photons) of specific wave lengths and power density to simulate cellular function.

Dr. Lim is an engineer and a Doctor of Natural Medicine with additional diplomas in Medical Neuroscience and Business and Accountancy. He obtained his degrees and diplomas from the University of California at Berkeley, University of Sheffield, Duke University, Quantum University and The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK.

YouTube player

About the Vielight Photobiomodulation Device

The company, Vielight, has generously offered followers of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount off orders of any Vielight devices including the Neuro Gamma and Duo devices. Enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. The website: www.vielight.com 
Do not hesitate to call the company. They always provide four star service and are happy to answer all of your questions.


Vielight is so confident in its new product that you get six (6) months to try out their newly invented photobiomodulation therapy. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you can return it for a 80% refund. I have never heard of a company that is so confident in their product that such a generous warranty can be extended. They obviously have high confidence in their new invention. The opportunity to try it out for minimal risk makes the investment easy to make.

Are Medicines or Supplements no Longer Working for You?

If the answer is yes to this question, what treatment options remain? There is, of course, Deep Brain Stimulation available as an option and focused ultrasound, but I am well aware many of you prefer not to pursue this treatment option. It is my hope and prayer that photobiomodulation therapy will become a natural option that supports the therapeutic effect of medicines and supplements such that the dosage does not have to be increased or even can be reduced under close supervision of your doctor.

About the Vielight Photobiomodulation Device

The company, Vielight, has generously offered followers of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount off orders of their Vielight Neuro Gamma device . Enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. The website: www.vielight.com 
Do not hesitate to call the company. They always provide four star service and are happy to answer all of your questions. 1-877-355-8012 (Main line). The company is located in Toronto Canada.


Vielight is so confident in its new product that you get six (6) months to try out their newly invented photobiomodulation therapy. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you can return it for a 80% refund. I have never heard of a company that is so confident in their product that such a generous warranty can be extended. They obviously have high confidence in their new invention.

Experience of hundreds of members of my audience is certainly positive. Nine out of ten users retain their units. Only one out of ten return them to claim the 80% refund.


Be sure to enter the coupon code healing4me on the Vielight shopping cart to claim your Parkinsons Recovery 10% discount. Please also email me your experience with using it after a month (or longer) of use.

Research on Light Therapy from MIT

The following video previews recent research at MIT that explains why light therapy offers a promising opportunity to reverse dementia associated with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

YouTube player

I hope many of you will try this therapy out and let me know the result. It is not a permanent “fix” to be sure, but neither is medicine. I am attracted to this option because it is noninvasive and inexpensive over the long term when you consider it can be used for a lifetime and by all members of the household.

Photobiomodulation Mechanism

Photobiomodulation Parkinson's Study

Visible red and near infrared light energy stimulates cells to generate more energy facilitating self-repair. The healing takes place within the mitochondria through an enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase. This enzyme accepts and converts the light (or photonic) energy into cellular energy (ATP) and other gene transcription factors leading to cellular repair and regeneration.

Will Photobiomodulation Therapy Interfere with My Daily Life?

No. You are welcome to receive the therapy while working, reading or doing anything really. Dr. Lim, the inventor, recommends that people with more serious health issues such as Alzheimers might be advised to do the therapy at night while going to sleep. The treatment duration lasts only 20 minutes.

Photobiomodulation Parkinson's study

Photobiomodulation Therapy while Working


Claim a 10% discount when ordering when you use the Parkinsons Recovery discount code of healing4me. The website to order is https://www.vielight.com

  1. Get 6 months of use to see if it offers symptomatic relief or not.
  2. Risk is reduced 80% since you can return the device within the 6 month period after purchase for an 80% refund of the purchase price.
  3. Everyone in the family can use the therapy.

Vielight obviously has confidence in their product which is a very encouraging sign. I have never heard of any company that offered a 6 month warranty. You can purchase any of the Vielight devices from the Vielight website or by calling them.

Photobiomodulation for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

An assembly of recent research studies that report very favorable outcomes using photobiomodulation for traumatic brain injuries is presented here:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia Washington
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

What follows is an email I have permission to post regarding the photobiomodulation gamma device from Vielight. As with any therapy, do your due diligence in deciding whether this therapy is right for you.

“I want to let you know my wife’s experience so far with the Vielight gamma device.

We received the device on 1/25/18 and started using the device per Dr. Lim’s instructions 6 days on 1 day off. It took about 3 weeks to start seeing benefits. The benefits have been clearer head, more confident, better balance(hasn’t fallen since 1/15/18 with prior multiple falls weekly), better gait, much less threshold challenges, and has been able to reduce medication by about a third.

A little history about my wife, she has had Parkinson’s since 1995. Per her neurologist as of May 2017 she was level 4 with the disease ready for wheel chair. In June 2017 we began our journey with hrhyperbaric.com here in Norfolk, Va. She completed 40 dives, which basically gave her her life back. It was the best money we have ever spent on her treatment. You can see her video on their website.
After the last month of the vielight, we have experienced an extension of the benefits similar to HBOT but the Vielight has done more overall and at this point is much better investment.
Thanks again for getting the word out on Vielight. Please feel free to use this information to help others.”
Gordon Glover

Join with Robert Rodgers PhD in 8 Classes to Manifest Rock Solid Walking

How to Manifest Rock Solid Walking in 2025

  • Are you struggling to manifest rock solid walking?
  • Do you sometimes freeze or shuffle when walking?
  • Are falls an issue?
  • Are the steps unclear to transform wobbly walking to one that is rock solid?

If answers are yes to the above questions, I want you to know about a new course I will be teaching that begins soon. In addition to eight live classes with me, you will have access to my online Rock Solid Course that offers 152 modules to date.

Course content is continuously updated so you get all of the real time scoop on new discoveries to celebrate a  successful recovery.

For more information and to register visit:

A 50% tuition discount is available today by entering the coupon code manifest on the course registration page.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

Emotional Freedom Technique

Bernadette Hunter, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner, works with Monica who volunteered to be a demonstration client for the program. Monica is diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a form of psychological acupressure that involves tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on a particular emotional issue or problem. The technique is rooted in the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, particularly the concept of energy meridians, which are believed to be channels through which the body’s energy flows. EFT combines elements of cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and acupressure.

How it works: EFT involves using your fingertips to tap on a series of acupressure points, primarily on the face, head, and upper body, while simultaneously stating phrases that address the emotional issue at hand. The tapping is thought to help balance the body’s energy system and alleviate emotional stress. The process typically follows these steps:

  1. Identify the issue: Focus on a specific emotional or psychological issue, such as anxiety, fear, pain, or trauma.
  2. Rate the intensity: Assess the intensity of the emotional charge on a scale of 0 to 10 (with 10 being the most intense).
  3. Set up statement: While tapping on a point (usually the karate chop point on the side of the hand), say an affirmation like “Even though I feel [emotion], I deeply and completely accept myself.”
  4. Tapping sequence: Tap on a series of acupressure points while mentally focusing on the issue, repeating short phrases that express the emotion or problem.
  5. Reassess: After completing the tapping sequence, assess the intensity again. Ideally, the emotional charge should decrease.

For further information visit: https://eftinternational.org

What follows is Monica’s report on the results of the work which, as you will see, is quite amazing. She graciously gave her permission for me to post her report below.

I had a vet apt this AM and I wanted to advise you of the outcome. On a scale of 1 – 10, the experience was a 0 – 1. I noticed also while driving there was more relaxation. I felt very happy inside, very relieved that I could feel this way after 2 yrs of fighting and worrying about nothing..I think it may be carrying over to improving my walking in confined areas, like inside the house. I was so tense inside the house. Something has released but I cant put my finger on it, something to do with fear…

Tomorrow I have an even longer drive to meet a girlfriend for brunch…I have no anxiety about it. There’s no fighting going on in my head. I actually am looking forward to the whole event.

Below is an e mail after the brunch:

I had another longer driving trip 2 days later with continued good results…Also noticed the longer I drove the more relaxed I became as far as more relaxed in the forearms vs tightened contracted muscles…

I’m going to further work with emotional freedom technique and Bernadette on the negative pleasure concept you wrote about. I agree with your other observation about adrenaline vs dopamine systems. I have been on adrenaline so long that its depletive and dopamine has gone bye bye or is dormant from non-use. So no wonder I shake or freeze. I know without doubt that fear emotion is the root cause…


Jump Start to Recovery

 Steer a Steady Course on the Road to Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease

In small part, recovery from Parkinson’s disease is about medicines, supplements, exercise and good food.

In large part, it is about our own thoughts that declare we cannot heal, stress that soars to new heights every day, anxiety that seems to never lift, toxins that eat away at tissues and even infections that destroy cells.

The Jump Start to Recovery Course offered by Parkinsons Recovery founder Robert Rodgers PhD introduces the steps one by one that must be taken to celebrate a successful journey down the road to recovery.

Regular Tuition $148
Sign Me Up 

Let me ask you a few questions. Do you want to…

  • Erase negative thinking that does not serve the best interests of your recovery?
  • Discover what is causing your symptoms?
  • Explore natural treatment options that reverse your symptoms?
  • Manage your anxiety?
  • Release past trauma?

In short, do you want to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease? Want to do that in 2025? Jump Start to Recovery provides the resources and support needed for a successful journey down the road to recovery.

Lillian comments on Jump Start to Recovery

Jump Start to Recovery Launches Monday January 6th, 2025     

Since 2004 I have been conducting research on the factors that cause Parkinson’s symptoms and natural therapies that offer the opportunity to reverse them. After two decades of research, I have integrated my discoveries into my best selling Jump Start to Recovery online course. Included are recent discoveries that are revolutionizing  how neurological conditions can be successfully reversed.

Jump Start to Recovery is the whole enchilada!

These sessions were very helpful as far as truly understanding Parkinson’s disease. To me it’s like a mystery movie playing out in your body and your job is to solve that mystery by trying everything you can to find answers as your body give you clues. The class helped a lot with my anxiety which was a very big problem for me. I still have it but now I seem to be able to control it better. Also I especially enjoyed listening to what the others had to say about the different things they are doing to help their symptoms. Jeannette

In short, Jump Start to Recovery offers a wealth of resources I have identified over the past two decades that have been helping people reverse their symptoms.

Why not set the intention to formulate a personalized recovery program that supports a successful journey down the road to recovery in 2025?

Regular Tuition $148
Sign Me Up 

Hi Robert,
Thank you so much for putting the jump start program in the place. I am experiencing great benefits from your knowledge as well as the experiences of others. 
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 8 months ago by a neurologist. Not believing her, I drove 2 1/2 hours for a second opinion by another neurologist that specializes in movement disorders. It was confirmed. Beyond a reasonable doubt, they said. I accessed your materials within one month of the diagnosis. I refused medication and put together my own program, with the help of your materials.

I want you to know that this week alone, my neurophysical therapist, my acupuncturist, and my cervical chiropractor, have all said no way, no way, do you have Parkinson’s Disease! They all three have many clients with PD. Whether I actually had it or just the symptoms does not matter. I am on the road to recovery! 
The best is yet to come!


Purpose of Jump Start to Recovery

The good news about Parkinson’s disease is that it is possible to feel better and celebrate relief from symptoms. Jump Start to Recovery demonstrates what other people with Parkinson’s have done for themselves to feel better.

Everyone knows some things that can make a difference. Eat healthy food. Exercise. Reduce stress. Maybe you do this. Maybe not. Jump Start to Recovery introduces fresh ideas and approaches that are making a huge difference to the quality of life for people who currently experience Parkinson’s symptoms.

The Jump Start to Recovery experience helps you discover what you can do for yourself to feel better. You read the last sentence correctly. Jump Start to Recovery is all about putting you in the drivers seat of your own recovery. It is not about convincing you to buy into any particular therapy.

More and more people are reversing their symptoms, but the path to success differs for everyone. Given the complexity of this particular neurological condition, there will never be a single magical solution that will fix the problem for everyone.

Jump Start to Recovery helps you figure out for yourself the natural therapies that will offer you the best opportunity for returning to your natural state – the state of balance and health.

  • My mission is to help you steer a steady course on the road to recovery.
     You are the one who heals.
  • My role is to facilitate your process of recovery.
     You are the one in control.
Hi Robert,
Now that our Jump Start to Recovery program has completed, I want to thank you. Your knowledge and  skill in guiding us through each session was very helpful and appreciated. You affirmed my feelings that I need to learn to trust my gut instinct and maintain control over my own healing journey.

Thank you for making time to respond to every one of my emails when I was looking for information. I’m looking forward to having ongoing access to all the resources you are posting.

All the Best,

It goes without saying that the 2025 Jump Start to Recovery course will not offer a quick fix or “cure”.  Given the complexity of the factors that contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s, it is highly unlikely that any single “cure” will ever be found.

I do believe it is possible for each person to discover opportunities to get great relief from their symptoms and lead a full and productive life. My research has revealed that many people’s lives are enriched beyond measure after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Some  are symptom free today. Others are successfully traveling down the road to recovery,

Grateful…yes, that is the word for the Jump Start To Recovery. The opportunity to share and reflect in a neutral space, a place where awkwardness crumbled in the mind’s inner core to be awakened on a new path for discovery.  

What Helps Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms?

Find out by enrolling in the Jump Start to Recovery course. You get to take the journey with other participants who are also committed to their own healing.

Regular Tuition $148
Sign Me Up 

Many people use prescription medications to control their hormones. This works well for some people and not so well for others. Jump Start to Recovery introduces various options that capitalize on natural therapies and approaches that facilitate recovery. My goal is to help you heal yourself from the inside-out by learning how to reset the delicate ‘thermostat” your body uses to balance your body’s hormones.

Hi Rob: 

Your program provides extreme value in guiding me through the process I had already embarked on. The guidance you provide as well as the guidance the other participants provide through their stories is rock solid spot on , so my body confirms.  Allowing to feel the old pains – getting presented where they come from , processing and synchronizing the mind and body and … releasing the old energy captured in my body after that is on my daily menu – all comments provide confirmation of what I am going through. All is part of the process.

Medication camouflages the real ‘feeling it’,  processing it and cleaning it up – therefore I can imagine that when people take medication it is hard to help them heal, as the experience remains hidden. Until also max medication can’t cover it up any longer – The area where medication does not yet or not anymore camouflages the symptoms is the area where the work lays. That’s where the nasty bits stick up their ugly heads, asking and yelling to be felt, recognized and healed. 
So grateful that I was given the techniques to handle the phenomena that then arise, through the guidance received from many, as a preparation for the release process which is now intensifying, and the relief that that brings afterwards – every time again.So grateful for folks like yourselves!! Just had to let you know.
Grateful regards,

Can I Participate If I Take Medications?

Heavens yes! Medications are simply one of the many options that many people pursue to get relief from their symptoms. Many participants in our Jump Start to Recovery Programs currently take medications of one type or another. Methods that improve the efficacy of medicines and make it possible for them to last longer will be addressed in the course.

Hello Robert,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your Jump Start Program. I appreciate all the time and effort you put in to it. I learned so much and now have so many options to explore and research. Thank you so much

Can a Family Member Participate?

Yes indeed.  Family members are always welcome in all of the classes. They play a critical role in the recovery process.

Thank you so much for a wonderful seminar, full of a lot of practical ideas to help oneself, and most importantly your genuine care and concern for everyone. May Our Lord continue to bless your work with Parkinson’s and instilling hope and the positive approach that this does not have to be a life sentence. God bless you always,
Mary and Jeff

Reasons to Register for Jump Start to Recovery

Jump Start to Recovery does not replace the critical role of your doctor and other health care providers. It is critical that you consult with your doctor before starting any natural therapy that is introduced through the Jump Start to Recovery course.

Past experience has shown that best results come from gently nudging your body to do the intricate work of balancing hormones. Short term remedies do produce awesome results for a few weeks or months. Jump Start to Recovery is all about helping you discover ways of nurturing your body so that you enjoy long term relief of symptoms.

I got the diagnosis from the neurologist last year in May and made the choice not to take medication. I started to do my own research. I changed habits (still do), started to heal traumas and now I am healing my gut. So, your Jump Start program is a great welcome and a big confirmation that I am on the road (my road) to be recovered. Recovery is my goal. Thank you for this wonderful Jump Start.

Stress and trauma aggravate the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Sometimes trauma from the past – even in childhood – can be so horrific that it remains contained and stuck in your physical body. Trauma from the past can literally be lodged in your tissues. Reduce ongoing stress by releasing traumas.

There are gentle ways to release unresolved trauma. When stress and trauma are released from the body, it becomes possible to return to a familiar state for the body – a natural state of balance and harmony. The body’s natural tendency is toward health and wellness, not toward disease. At Jump Start to Recovery we introduce a variety of powerful methods that gently nudge the body to remember how to maintain the delicate balance of hormones and sustain overall health.

Lay a Fresh Foundation for Recovery

Much of my research over the past two decades involves identifying the therapies and treatments that help people with Parkinson’s celebrate relief from their symptoms. I know a great deal about what helps because people with the symptoms of Parkinson’s tell me what helps them.

What lies at the foundation of the symptoms? Some researchers believe genes lie at the foundation. I enthusiastically applaud their work. Other researchers believe chemical and hormonal imbalances lie at the foundation of symptoms. I enthusiastically applaud and support this stream of research. Still other researchers focus on developing new drugs and surgeries. I too enthusiastically applaud and support this work.

I center my attention on an entirely different approach – the identification of what is causing the symptoms. Once the cause has been identified, appropriate therapies can be pursued to reverse  symptoms.

Thought forms also lie at the foundation of the symptoms. Thoughts which bring up fears, anxieties and stress will inevitably wreak havoc on a sensitive neurological system. When we churn a hamster wheel of negative thoughts day in and day out, physical discomfort and disability will inevitably persist.

When destructive thoughts are dismantled and replaced with a new foundation of thoughts that serve our highest and best good, recovery becomes possible. This is when correcting all imbalances in the body happens.

Entanglements in family systems can also impede recovery. Once identified, these entanglements can be cleared.  Clearly entanglements is also an important focus of Jump Start to Recovery programs.

Learn about Natural Approaches and Methods for Releasing Toxins and Viruses

Viruses and toxins also contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s. There are a wide variety of natural and safe approaches that can be used to release toxins and viruses from the body.  Jump Start to Recovery offers explanations of natural approaches that facilitate the release of toxins, bacteria and viruses that clog up the neural networks. Many people are unaware that they are being re-exposed to toxins from every day exposures.

Jump Start to Recovery Course Tuition

Regular Tuition $148
Sign Me Up 

The Path to Recovery Starts with Jump Start to Recovery 

There is no doubt about it. People feel better when they are not stressed and when they take control of their own health. Jump Start to Recovery is informative, interesting, fun and stress free. Learn what you need to know to feel better at Jump Start . Have fun doing it. Why wait?

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder of Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia, Washington

   © 2025 Parkinsons Recovery

US Tariffs on Canadian Imports to Increase the Cost of Vielight Devices

I know some of you are using the Neuro Gamma Vielight device already. Others have expressed an interest in them.

I just wanted all of you to know that Vielight is a Canadian photobiomodulation company. If the 25% increase in tariffs to Canadian imports to the US is finalized next month, the cost of the devices will skyrocket.

Bottom line: If you have been considering ordering one of the Vielight devices, now is the time to act. (Do not forget to claim the 10% discount with coupon code healing4me). The Parkinsons Recovery post below summarizes the Vielight research for Parkinsons:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025

Everyone who experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is well aware that anxiety fuels their symptoms. When stress is brought under control and you shut down anxiety in 2025, symptoms become far less problematic.

Everyone also knows that medicines and supplements have the potential to suppress symptoms in the short run. Unfortunately, they offer little promise of long lasting effectiveness. What in the world can deliver on this promise? Are there any natural solutions out there?

My answer is yes. A wide variety of effective methods to calm anxiety exist.  Techniques and therapies proven by research to shut down anxiety are covered in this course

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 Course Registration

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 introduces methods, strategies and techniques that are proven to quiet down and calm anxiety. They turn down the volume of the overactive flight-fight sympathetic nervous system that inflames neurological difficulties.

I did not invent these solutions. They have been extracted and simplified from an extensive body of discoveries  by practitioners and researchers.

There is no doubt that using these techniques provides relief from anxiety which is the key to celebrating relief from problematic neurological symptoms.

  • The course content introduces therapies and techniques that achieve relief that is long lasting rather than temporary.
  • It focuses on ways to shut down the relentless anxiety drives you crazy.
  • A bonus of the course is a download of my book Seven Secrets to Healing which covers the basics for how healing occurs from the inside out and a download of Pioneers of Recovery.

The course covers proven methods make it possible to release, remove and detach the debilitating impact of anxiety and anxiety attacks.  A welcome relief from symptoms follows.

Participants can connect to the Shut Down Anxiety online course content any time of the day or night using their phones or computers. Visit the link below to get started today.

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 Course Registration

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Rock Solid Walking

Are you interested in rock solid walking? Are you sometimes anxious because of a fear you might …

  • Freeze
  • Trip
  • Stumble
  • Fall

When these fears rear their ugly head the possibility of falling, freezing, stumbling and tripping becomes even more likely. Ugh! Many practical solutions to mobility challenges do exist. I have documented what people with Parkinson’s report helps their walking to become rock solid.

Click on the image below to register for Rock Solid Walking
rock solid walking

Rock Solid Walking Online Course

Selected for inclusion in this comprehensive online course are the most useful tips, strategies, therapies and suggestions I have documented during the past decade and a half. Many are taken from the wisdom of guests on Parkinsons Recovery Radio.

I want everyone to know about the many proven techniques, therapies and strategies that offer the promise of reducing the troubling consequence of falling, freezing and tripping. It is high time to stop worries about having to make visits to hospital emergency rooms because of broken bones, sprains or muscle tears.

Rock Solid WalkingThe strategies, suggestions and tips for walking have been taken from the wisdom of two primary sources: individuals with Parkinson’s symptoms and knowledgeable health care professionals. Radio show guests reveal how they have succeeded in improving their own gait, walking pace and overall stability.

Rock Solid Walking Online CoursePhysical therapists and other health care professions who work with persons with Parkinson’s symptoms offer practical suggestions that they use with their patients.  Image is taken from https://www.chionline.org/

Connection mind with body



Ease of mobility is derailed when there is a disconnection between the mind and the body. This course covers how to restore this connection.

Fundamentals of Rock Solid Walking

The Fundamentals
Discover tried and true strategies that make it possible for walking to be balanced, centered, stable and safe every time.

Rock Solid Walking Feet

Feet need to be flexible and malleable for walking to be rock solid. Locations of rigidity in the bottom of your feet give important clues about why mobility is compromised.

Vision affects Walking

Sometimes a limitation or obstruction of peripheral vision accounts for mobility challenges. Other times it is a question of where you look when walking.

grounding affects rock solid walking

A reason for falling, tripping and freezing is a lack of grounding. The human energy field that supports the physical body is top heavy. Discover ways to balance and center the energy field.

Exercises to make walking rock solid

Simple exercises are discussed that address specific problems with mobility including poor posture, rigidity, freezing and shuffling.

Mindfulness improves gait and balance

Mindful Walking
Studies report that becoming mindful promotes walking that is rock solid. Become totally aware of the “now” experience rather than regretting the past or worrying about the future.

How to Kick Start Rock Solid Walking

How to Kick Start Mobility
Practical Suggestions for How to Kick Start Mobility Challenges

Music improves gait and balance

Sound Therapy
Research shows that listening to music that has well defined beats and rhythms facilitates a steady and reliable pace of walking.

Light therapy improves gait and balance

Light Therapy
Light can have an immediate effect on effortless mobility. For some people, wearing glasses that allow a specific color to dominate vision shifts walking from being awkward to effortless.

The online Rock Solid Walking course is accessible using any phone or computer.

Click on the image below to register:. rock solid walking online course

Spine issues affect gait and balance

Spinal Decompression
Problems with mobility can be caused by compression in the spine which can be corrected with a series of chiropractic adjustments.

Break Down Movements for Rock Solid Walking

Break Down Each Movement into its Component Parts
Any movement can be broken down into its component parts which make up the whole. Focus on the parts – not the movement taken as a whole. .

How to train for rock solid walking

Solution for Tick Tock Walking
Re-train your body to remember how to walk with evenly paced, evenly distanced strides.

Vibration therapy improves gait and balance

Stochastic Resonance Therapy
A new invention from Germany adds a critical feature to vibration therapy by delivering the frequency of the vibrations randomly.

Energy Healing centers the body to make walking rock solid

Chakra Healing
Watch a demonstration of a brief chakra healing using the voice to emit sounds that open up the energy flow through chakras.

Magnesium relaxes tight muscles

Solution for Rigidity
Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and one of the best therapies that offer relief from rigidity and stiffness..

Trauma is the underlying cause of gait and balance problems

Underlying Cause of Gait Difficulties
What really lies as the foundation of mobility challenges? Answer: Trauma locks up the muscles and freezes flexibility

Dancing makes walking rock solid

Dance Your Way to Success
The Tango – among other dances – helps maintain balance and centeredness. It is also fun and energizing.

Some walkers worsen gait and balance

Issues with Walkers
Are you considering using a walker to prevent falls? Select one that supports good posture rather than destroying it.

Accessing memories can make walking rock solid

Access Memories to Facilitate Rock Solid Walking
When struggling with large or small movements, recall an activity of the past that involved doing a similar movement effortlessly.

Yoga improves gait and balance

Consistent practice of yoga helps make rock solid walking a reality

Guess what vitamin improves gait and balance

One Vitamin that Helps Maintain Balance and Prevent Falls
You may need to take more than you realize to get the benefit expected!

Click on the image to register:rock solid walking online course

Robert Rodgers PhD

Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery Membership

  • Some days it may feel like recovery is a big lie …
  • Other days it may be easier to numb yourself …

For the past two decades I have focused my research program on identifying natural therapies that offer the promise of reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease. Twenty years ago there were a few natural options that helped but not many. That dismal picture has changed dramatically over the past two decades as a result of Parkinsons Recovery research. 

I have now documented a number of natural therapies that members of my global audience report help them celebrate relief from their symptoms. Sometimes relief is temporary as is the case with medications. Other therapies offer more long lasting relief.

Many of the more successful therapies have been developed or invented recently. Most involve continuing improvements and changes in how they are delivered. Parkinsons Recovery memberships offer updated information about the most promising therapies available to persons experiencing neurological symptoms.     

Get the support and resources you need to recover nowJoin a virtual Parkinsons Recovery Support Group that meets every month and helps members identify steps they can take to reverse their symptoms

  1. The focus is positive.
  2. The intent is to support the recovery of persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. 

Parkinsons Recovery memberships are open for enrollment at a $10 monthly subscriptions through March 10, 2025.  Clicking on the Subscribe Now Button below to join. 


subscribe now button



After years of working with persons who have the symptoms of Parkinson’s I have two observations to report. First, most people with Parkinson’s do not realize there are dozens of options that are helping people reverse their symptoms: natural therapies, herbs, alternative approaches, various healing modalities, body work – you name it. Most people are not aware that some people have had a full recovery and are symptom free today.

Second, sustaining the lifestyle changes that are needed on a day to day basis is the true challenge. Many people eventually do figure out what they can do for themselves to feel better – things like eating good food, detoxing their organs and tissues from heavy metals, pesticides and pathogens, coping better with daily stresses and healing traumas in their life. But how do you make these changes a part of your daily routine? It is not easy.

We know for the most part what we should do for ourselves to feel better. But for a variety of reasons – some conscious and some unconscious – most of us find it difficult to commit to a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s face it. We all fall off the wagon. We know what little pleasures we have always treasured that are bad for our health. We know if we eat sugar we will feel terrible. We know what happens when we eat foods we are allergic to. We all love to eat comfort food because it makes us feel happy for a few minutes. After the few minutes of bliss we feel lousy. Sound familiar? And we do it over and over again.

 Why are we our own worst enemy?

Because we do not have the day in and day out support we need to stay on track. This is why I have created a membership program that encourages people to maintain a healthy lifestyle so they can manifest their commitment to feel good again and the opportunity to connect with others every month who are also traveling down the road to recovery.

What is a Parkinsons Recovery Membership?

First and perhaps most importantly  I facilitate support group meetings each month with all members. Members from across the globe connect with one another using a telephone or computer. The focus of meetings each month is to discuss recent discoveries about what is helping people reverse their symptoms. Every month we all learn something new and exciting.

I interview people with Parkinsons from all over the world who are getting good relief from their symptoms. I document their stories. As a member, you get to learn about these discoveries.

I interview some people who have fully recovered. I document how they helped themselves become symptom free. As a member, you get to learn all about it.

New treatments are being discovered every month that are helping people with Parkinson’s feel better. I interview the people who are making these discoveries. I document what their approach does and how it works. As a member, you read all about it.

I do not believe for one minute that any one therapy, drug or medical intervention will “cure” Parkinson’s. No “cure” exists today. From what I now understand about Parkinson’s a “cure” that “fixes” all the symptoms of Parkinson’s will never happen in our lifetime.

Factors that cause the symptoms of Parkinson’s are multifaceted. Underlying reasons for symptoms differ from one person to the next, often significantly. Everybody’s situation is unique.

Symptoms are highly individualized. Therapies and approaches that can help you feel a great deal better are connected to the particular factors that are causing your symptoms. What helps you feel better may be of little or no help whatsoever to someone else with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s.

Membership in Parkinsons Recovery is all about having access to a hub of resources that offer you the information and support needed to feel better. There are so many exciting choices to consider. What are they?

I assemble new options for recovery on the member website. This information captures the latest updates in the same place. I report anything from anywhere that offers a shred of hope.

My goal is to provide the support everyone needs to steer a steady course on the journey down the road to recovery. Everyone has a bad day here and there. Everyone has days that reinforce the belief they will never feel better. Membership offers a healthy choice during the difficult days.

Parkinsons Recovery memberships are open for enrollment at a $10 monthly subscriptions through March 10, 2025.  Clicking on the Subscribe Now Button below to join. 

parkinsons-recovery-membershipsubscribe now button    $10 Per Month

Where can you go when you get discouraged?

You can now visit the Parkinsons Recovery member websites. There are twelve (12) different websites that present fresh, updated information either every weekday or every week.

Where can you go when you need the motivation to do what you know helps you feel better?

You can visit the Parkinsons Recovery member websites and encounter new information and support for your recovery every weekday.

Where can you go to be reminded what you need to do today to feel better?

You can visit the Parkinsons Recovery member websites. It is easier to steer a steady and determined course of recovery when you travel together with others who are also on a journey to health and wellness.

I created the twelve (12) unique Parkinsons Recovery member websites to provide …

  • Resources that offer ideas and suggestions about what you can do to feel better.  Everywhere I look – the internet or health care providers or families affected by Parkinson’s – I am overwhelmed with one negative thought form after another. Most people believe Parkinsons is a “degenerative” disease. Once you get it – you are destined to get worse. Guess what? It is not true. I believe words like “degenerative” are prophetic for those who believe they are true. If you believe you are destined to feel worse, you will feel worse. If you believe you will feel better, you will feel better. The secret is out. Our thoughts and beliefs determine our future. My research reveals that the belief Parkinsons is “degenerative”  is entirely untrue. It is possible to feel better. It is possible to find good relief from symptoms. People are doing it now. I have been documenting their stories of recovery.I have not found a large number of persons yet who have fully recovered, but there are people out there who have succeeded. Many others have succeeded in reversing many of their symptoms.

I created the Parkinsons Recovery membership to offer …

  • Hope to every one who has the symptoms of Parkinson’s that it is possible to feel better. What works for someone else may fizzle for you. Then again, it may be exactly what you need to start feeling better. When you begin to feel better, you will have more strength and motivation to do everything that is needed to become healthier with each passing day.

I created the Parkinsons Recovery membership to spread …

  • Stories of people who have successfully found therapies and approaches that offer relief from their symptoms.  Nothing like this exists anywhere. All I encounter out in internet searches is gloom and doom about Parkinson’s. There is no reason to be pessimistic. The body is out of balance. It happens. It simply needs a little extra support to get back on track. What must you do for yourself to make this happen? Opportunities for healing are posted every week on some of the member websites and every weekday on others. It is exciting for members to be part of a growing community of people who are proving to themselves, their families and their health care providers that the most exciting times of their lives are yet to come. The end of life is not around the corner. The beginning has just arrived.

What happens when Peter Graves visits the Parkinsons Recovery member websites? He …

  • Receives a regular update from me every week on recent discoveries that are helping people reverse their symptoms –How do I know what is helping people recover? I am a researcher so some of my discoveries are derived from the research literature. Most, however, come through interviews I have with people with Parkinson’s symptoms who tell me what helps. I document what people say. I talk with national experts (medical doctors, naturopaths, psychologists, physical therapists, counselors, etc.) who explain exactly how their approaches, therapies and treatments work and why they are helping people with Parkinsons. I document these reports.
  • Gets a preview each week of a new technique, therapy or exercise to improve balance and prevent falls. Thanks to the hundreds of interviews I have conducted with people who have amazing and useful suggestions about how balance can be improved and falls can be prevented, I have accumulated an impressive body of great suggestions. Each week, I present a suggestion or idea you will find fascinating. Believe me when I say the suggestions really will help improve mobility if you take them seriously and “run with them.”
  • Experiences new meditations every weekday – People tell me stress aggravates their symptoms. One way to reduce stress is to meditate. There are many different ways to meditate to be sure. One way that works for many people is to listen to guided meditations. You will find a new meditation recorded by me personally every day, 5 days a week. It is a great way to start the day. You will also receive a new long meditation each week. The length varies from 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the week and the topic. Each time you listen to the longer meditation you get to experience deeper and deeper states of relaxation. Meditations help the neural network reprogram itself for health and wellness. People tell me meditations are a fundamental support for their recovery program.
I have so much energy to share and information for people. I know I felt more alive because your information generated new energy on my path of healing. Dave
  • LaughsThe best medicine for helping the body produce dopamine naturally is laughter. It is better than any medication or supplement or herb you can take. Where do you go to find something funny to laugh at every day? You visit the jokes website of course. I think the jokes I post are funny. They make me laugh. I know you will find some of them funny so you will laugh out loud. That is the whole point. That is what gives your body a dopamine rush. I imagine you will discover a joke here or there that you think is stupid or silly or dumb. You may even question my sanity. Great. Laugh at me. It does not even have to be funny. Just laugh. Laugh every day. You will feel better because of it.
  • Exercises the mind Research clearly demonstrates that new neural pathways can be created every day. It is called plasticity. Neural pathways that are blocked and obstructed can create pain and cause tremors. If you are patient, they will rejuvenate themselves. The body has creative ways of healing itself. How does this happen? In part it happens by challenging yourself to solve problems and puzzles. You get a new challenge every weekday. You also get to practice “Mind Work” which involves participating in just about every memory exercise imaginable – from remembering words and numbers to drumming specific rhythms to repeating sentences backward. Every new experience helps carve new neural pathways. Memory exercises are always varied to yield the maximum renewal of neural networks. Doing Mind Work is just like watching Monte Python and just as fun.
  • Gets great ideas for healthy eating –What we put into our bodies has a profound influence on how we feel. Have you been feeling lousy this week? The question that often solves this problem is simple: What have you been eating? If you continue with the same eating habits, you are unlikely to get well. How about trying a different approach? Prepare a dish from a new recipe that uses food that your body needs to sustain health. If you want to change eating habits the opportunity to do so awaits you when you visit the Parkinsons Recovery Eat Well member website. Discover a new recipe that uses fresh, raw foods every day. Challenge yourself to change your eating habits. You will feel better. Be amazed at how good natural foods taste. OK. Maybe you will not find all the recipes to be delicious. But you may be surprised how good real food tastes! Take delight in how much better you will feel when you accept the challenge of preparing and eating a new natural food. Change the eating habits that may be making you ill. You will feel better soon.
I read your Parkinsons Recovery articles every day and it fills me with hope. It has taught me a great deal. I want to thank you. Mike
  •  Exercises the body The research on Parkinsons has converged to a sound conclusion. Exercise helps you feel better. The more you exercise the better you will feel. The membership websites offer a new exercise every day by way of reminding you how important exercise is to your health. The exercise of the week takes 2 minutes. Who cannot take the time out to do a 2 minute exercise every day? The reminder to exercise stares you in the face when you visit the exercise member website. The more you exercise, the better you will feel. This means, exercise every day is what counts. Not every other day. Not every week. Every day. Experiment with new ways of moving your body. Your body will thank you.
Thank you for your time and your beautiful work. Kelly

Sick and tired of feeling lousy? Determined to find ways to feel better?

Find out the many different ways people with Parkinson’s are getting relief from their symptoms. Hear the stories of people who have fully recovered. Learn about new approaches and modalities from the experts, so you can evaluate whether they are worth investigating further. Challenge yourself to engage new experiences.  Subscribe to the Parkinsons Recovery membership to:

            • Laugh until you cry.
            • Challenge your mind until it hurts.
            • Eat good food until you feel good inside and out.
            • Exercise your body with a two minute exercise until your body tells you it is happy and your muscles exude pleasure.
            • Relax your entire neural system with meditations until your body is flooded with all the dopamine it needs to be fully nourished.
            • Reduce stress by undertaking a new mindfulness challenge posted each week. People with a successful mindfulness practice tell me their symptoms are of little consequence to them.
            • Become inspired by the words of others on the road to recovery with a new quote of the day.
            • Listen to my interviews with the experts from over 200 Parkinsons Recovery Radio shows.
            • Discover new says to improve your balance each and every week on the Walk with Confidence and Ease member website.
I really like what you are doing.John

Parkinsons Recovery Membership Solves Three Problems for People with Parkinson’s

1. Membership provides current information about Cutting edge, natural therapies that are helping people reverse their symptoms.

If you have Parkinsons and have been searching for information about therapies and approaches that offer the possibility of helping relieve your symptoms, you have probably discovered there are endless sources of information about drugs, herbs and therapies that offer the promise of relief. Some of this information is sorely outdated.  Much of it does not specifically relate to Parkinson’s.

The wide variety of choices is overwhelming for everyone, including me! Who can you trust will help? Who are the rip off artists, the scammers and the liars? How can you believe what you read?

Membership at Parkinsons Recovery helps focus your search for answers. I interview people with Parkinson’s who report on their actual experience with a wide variety of therapies and modalities. This is how I get the names of people to interview who are experts in their respective fields. You get the real scoop from the top professionals in their field. You get great ideas from people and places you never imagined existed.

2. Membership provides support and resources to help sustain the daily habits that are necessary to start feeling better.

If you are thinking that membership will offer a pill, therapy, modality or program that will “cure” or “fix” you please do not sign up. If you want someone else to fix you, do not bother becoming a member. It is a waste of your money.

But …If you want to help yourself feel better and are interested in       

    • Learning what helps other people
    • Visiting the membership web site regularly
    • Doing the activities that are offered

Membership at Parkinsons Recovery will become your home away from home, a lifeline of support for your recovery, a place where you will find hope that it is always possible to feel better.

3. Membership offers eternal hope. 

I talk with people all over the globe and hear the same frustration from many people.

“It depresses me to surf the internet about Parkinson’s. Everything is so negative and down beat. There is talk about nursing homes and wheel chairs and walkers. Even the words are depressing, words like ‘degenerative’, ‘progressive” ‘debilitating’, ‘end stage’. Everyone wants to sell me products because I am sick.”

My belief is that anyone can feel better. Anything is possible. Miracles happen every day. Parkinsons Recovery is all about documenting the stories of people who are proving it is possible to feel better.

Warning: If you are looking for good information about nursing homes or wheel chairs, don’t count on finding it at the Parkinsons Recovery membership websites. Don’t waste your money “hoping” to find information about how to help you cope as you become sicker. We are not about helping you cope as you become sicker. We are all about helping you achieve better health so you can get your life back.

Parkinsons Recovery memberships are open for enrollment at a $10 monthly subscriptions through March 10, 2025.  Clicking on the Subscribe Now Button below to join. 

parkinsons-recovery-membershipsubscribe now button

What Information Do You Discover on the Member Websites?  

              • Monthly Support Group Meetings.
              • Access to the 12 Parkinsons Recovery membership websites.
              • Meditations each week that help your neural networks rejuvenate.
              • Regular reports from me on what helps people get relief from symptoms.
              • Indexing and downloads of Parkinsons Recovery Radio Shows.
              •  A funny joke every weekday.
              • A healthy recipe each week day.
              • A new 2 minute exercise challenge every week.
              • A new mind challenge every day to renew neural networks.
              • A mindfulness challenge each week.
              • An inspirational quote of the day 


            Membership subscriptions are available through March 10th. You can cancel your subscription anytime.

            After subscribing you can begin taking advantage of the resources on the member websites immediately. Your credit card will be charged each and every month thereafter.

            The subscription charges will show on your credit card statement from Zero Point Healers which is the LLC for Parkinsons Recovery. 

            Commitment is Key

            My mission is to help people find ways to get relief from their symptoms. People tell me over and over that the information and support on the membership websites is helping them to do just that now. Parkinsons Recovery members are a very special group of people who are committed to figuring out how to get sustained relief from their symptoms. If you want to feel better, a critical step to take is commitment. Why not make a commitment to yourself to feel better today? The sooner you commit to taking full responsibility for your own healing, the sooner you will begin to feel better.

            What is the bottom line?

            I am not a medical doctor. I do not prescribe medicine.  I do not diagnose disease.

                • I do offer hope through the voices of others who have proven through trial and error that recovery is possible.
                • I do offer support which focuses your attention each and every day on everything you need to do for yourself to get well. 
                • I do offer an ongoing connection to a growing community of people who are bound together by the belief that the body knows how to heal itself.

Give your body a chance to heal from the inside out. Subscribe now to jump start your recovery starting today. Opportunity closes March 10, 2025.

parkinsons-recovery-membershipsubscribe now button



May your recovery unfold effortlessly however you decide to proceed.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia, Washington


 © 2025 Parkinsons Recovery


Secrets to Healing: Recovery is Always Moving Toward You

Are Answers are “Out There” Somewhere?

Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinsons Disease engage an aggressive search for ways to reverse them.  Secrets to healing are somewhere “out there” in the universe. The belief is that most of the good answers are difficult to find. The journey for the right answers is much like a treasure hunt for a treasure that is buried in a secret vault – a Fort Knox of sorts that locks up all the answers for reversing Parkinson’s symptoms.

Sometimes the journey involves finding one solution after another. When one solution fails to produce desired results, a new solution or therapy is pursued. Some people chase after dozens of therapies. Results are often disappointing time and time again. The search for answers “out there” is exhausting!

Research can and does make a difference. Being better informed can and does make a difference to recovery. That is why I maintain the massive body of resources on options for recovery on the many Parkinsons Recovery websites I subsidize.

But, there is a downside to a search “out there” somewhere for answers. It activates a continuous infusion of adrenaline. Adrenaline rushes are stimulating. They energize the body into action. The downside to adrenaline rushes is that the body has no energy or resources to produce dopamine. What is needed to reverse symptoms is to maintain a delicate balance of dopamine and adrenaline.

Recovery is Always Moving Toward You

There is a companion approach to a search for answers that offers the promise of marvelous results. Think about recovery as an opportunity that is always moving toward you. It is not something you have to discover by searching long and hard in places far away.

One of the seven secrets to healing a chronic illness like Parkinson’s disease is to
listen to the messages your body is always trying to communicate to you.  The body has a memory of the perfect state of wellness and health. Disease is not the body’s natural state. Health is.  the body is always striving to reverse any disease process that causes neurological symptoms.

Your body is giving you important information every day. Perhaps your intuition tells you to stop dying your hair or stop using a particular shampoo or stop using laundry detergent that is toxic. Perhaps you always tend to discount the instincts about recovery that you get every day. When you begin to trust these instincts you may marvel at how much better you begin to feel.

  • Finding natural ways to die your hair is not a solution that is “out there.” It is right here!
  • Finding a natural shampoo without toxins is not a mysterious solution that is “out there” somewhere. It is right here!
  • Changing your laundry detergent is not a task that can be performed only by a rocket scientist.

You can do it – right now.

The reality is that recovery is staring you in the face every day. Your job is simple. Pay attention. Act on any and all intuitions that you get when you listen to your body.

The body has all the resources it needs to maintain the delicate balance of adrenaline and dopamine. You usually have to make some life style changes to give the body the support it needs. When the body has the resources it needs to maintain balance, symptoms will melt like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.

The answers have been staring you in the face all along. They are not “out there.” They have always been moving toward you.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Seven Secrets to Healing

2024 Parkinsons Recovery Survey Results


This is a detailed report from responses provided by persons with Parkinson’s symptoms who responded to the 20242024 Parkinsons Recovery Survey Results Parkinsons Recovery Survey. The two minute survey asks two questions.

First, how have respondents been feeling since the previous holiday season one year ago (better, same, worse)

Second, what therapies have offered them symptom relief.

Listen to my reading of responses that reveal a huge range of therapies, methods and activities that offer symptom relief.

Bottom line: Many people believe that all persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease are destined to degenerate over time. As with the results of previous years, findings from 2024 soundly refute this false belief.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2024
Parkinsons Recovery


  • Are you prone to experience respiratory problems including pneumonia?
    Have you ever had lung infections that were difficult to treat?
    Did you struggle to overcome a Covid infection?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions and currently experience Parkinsons symptoms, you want to provide protection again a pneumonia infection which is a leading cause of death among persons diagnosed with Parkinsons.

A new study offers a treatment found to offer respiratory support. The study evaluated a new photobiomodulation device – the Vielight RX-Plus – used as a treatment for 294 subjects experiencing COVID symptoms. Details of the study are reported below.

If you have confronted respiratory challenges in the past and decide to acquire the new Vielight RX-Plus device, there are two ways the company reduces the risk involved. First, they offer a 10% discount on all orders (coupon code healing4me). Second and most importantly, you are invited to use the device up to six months. If it does not offer the relief anticipated, you can return the device for an 80% refund.

Bottom line; Pneumonia is a serious health threat. The CODIV study results reported below suggest to me that the new photobiomodulation  is a new treatment option for pneumonia worth serious consideration.

Vielight RX-Plus Study

This first-of-its-kind PBM major clinical trial (n=294) with the Vielight RX-Plus (Vielight X-Plus 4 equivalent) examined the efficacy of photobiomodulation (PBM) in treating acute COVID-19 infections.

The primary focus was on recovery speed in patients with moderate-to-severe symptoms. Patients with symptom durations of 0–7 days experienced significantly faster recovery when treated with PBM and standard care (SOC) compared to SOC alone. However, those with 8–12 days of symptoms did not show significant improvement.


Recruitment began in September 2020, with 701 adults who tested positive for COVID-19 assessed for eligibility. Of these, 407 did not meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria: 406 participants either had severity scores outside the required 4-7 range on the WURSS-44 scale or were outside the age range of 18-65, while one couldn’t complete forms in English. This left 294 eligible participants. Recruitment ended on July 5, 2021, due to the availability of monoclonal antibodies, declining interest, and sufficient numbers for statistical power, after which the datasets were locked.

Results summary

This study evaluated the effectiveness of photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy, specifically the Vielight RX Plus, in accelerating recovery from COVID-19 for non-hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe symptoms. In patients experiencing symptoms for 0–7 days, PBM significantly reduced recovery time compared to standard of care (SOC) alone. However, in those with longer symptom durations (8–12 days), PBM did not produce a statistically significant improvement.

PBM was particularly effective in alleviating respiratory symptoms and reducing adverse effects like tachycardia and dysgeusia. It also contributed to a quicker recovery in specific symptoms such as headache, chest congestion, and body aches for patients in the 0–7 day symptom group. In contrast, the 8–12 day group showed slower recovery from fatigue and other energy-related symptoms, though they did experience milder symptom severity for some issues.

The study attributes the benefits of PBM to its anti-inflammatory effects, which have been linked to reduced cytokine levels in past research.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Magic of Music for Parkinsons

Hi Robert, some weeks ago I sent you a mail telling you my method to improve mymagic of music for Parkinsons walking especially in ff times. Here is a short video showing me first walking without the music – then afterwards walking with music and demonstrates the magic of music for Parkinsons. 

You can very well see in this video the result on my walking when I listen with concentration to the music. I would love other PD persons having problems with walking to have the same possibility of walking much better and for a Long time. The music has to be very Rhythmik with about 105 Beats per minute on the Metronom.

There is no medicine that can make me walk immediately – so I ask myself why nobody prescribes the Radetzky March to me ……….

What do you think about the result ?


This amazing video speaks for itself! Your video speaks to the reality  of  the magic of music for Parkinsons. This therapy is  natural, safe, fun and a 100% effective solution. It is one of the best natural therapies available.

Music Facilitates Movement

  • Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation: One of the most well-researched areas of music therapy for Parkinson’s is the use of rhythmic auditory cues to help with motor control. Patients often experience a reduction in symptoms like bradykinesia (slowness of movement) and tremors when they move in synchrony with a steady beat. Rhythmic cues can help improve walking patterns, gait, and overall mobility.
  • Enhanced Gait and Posture: Music with a clear, steady rhythm can help improve walking speed, stride length, and posture. Patients with Parkinson’s often struggle with walking, and rhythmic cues can help them walk more smoothly and confidently.
  • Movement Initiation: People with Parkinson’s sometimes have difficulty initiating voluntary movement, a phenomenon known as “freezing.” Music and rhythm can help overcome this by providing an external cue that prompts movement.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Pioneers of Recovery


Stochastic Resonance Therapy

Stochastic Resonance Therapy (SRT) was born in the German city of Frankfurt when Dietmar Schmidtbleicher developed a new training device for Olympic athletes. Since then, the whole-body vibration device he developed has been studied and shown to be effective in the treatment of Parkinson’s motor symptoms. While you may have already heard of the benefits of vibration therapy and Parkinson’s, chances are you haven’t heard of SRT until now.

SRT is different from other types of vibration devices. It delivers randomized and non-uniform oscillations and perturbations to the body, whereas all other devices on the market deliver uniform, sinusoidal vibrations. The random nature of SRT vibrations elicits the automatic stretch reflex in the muscles, which leads to postural adjustments being made in the spinal cord and the cerebellum (the part of the brain that automatically adjusts movement patterns). These adjustments keep the head still and the body upright while on the device. Hundreds to thousands of stimuli are delivered to the spinal cord and cerebellum in a matter of minutes.

In the literature, SRT has been shown to decrease tremor and rigidity, improve postural control and balance, and lead to better gait patterns in Parkinsons patients. For further information contact:


The following is an update on the status of the SRT therapy for use in the USA from Kyle Harris…

The SRT Zeptoring is available for purchase in the US by way the company in Berlin. It is primarily intended for use within a clinical setting, ie physical therapy clinic, and the price point reflects that. And as far as I know there’s are still only two units in the States.

However, it could be purchased for private in home use, cost being the prohibitive factor. It is equivalent to purchasing a luxury car.

I still hope to help this technology to the US, but the going has been incredibly difficult. Medical professionals are understandably hesitant to invest in a machine that they currently cannot bill for insurance. The SRT Zeptoring would easily clear the FDA requirements to be able to bill insurance, the German-based company is still waiting to officially expand here while they focus on expanding in Asia and continue to do very well in Europe.

Maybe some of your listeners would have the resources to be able to visit Germany to try the device. I would be more than happy to put them in contact with my contacts at the Berlin headquarters.

Hopefully in a a couple years we will be on he road to SRT being available via the US healthcare system.

Kyle Harris, MS, CSCS, SRT Zeptoring
Cell: 605.454.1418
Email: kyledharris2017@gmail.com

Brady Volmering
Cell: 989.551.9503

Parkinsons Dis. 2016:2016:7948721. Postural Stability in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Is Improved after Stochastic Resonance Therapy


Background. Postural instability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) increases the risk of falls and is not improved by pharmacological therapy. Objective. We performed a double-blind, randomized sham-controlled study to test the effects of stochastic resonance (whole body vibration) therapy on postural stability in PD.

Methods. Fifty-six PD participants were allocated to either experimental or sham groups. The experimental group received four series of vibration over eight days, with each series consisting of six stimulus trains of 60-second duration using a randomized whole body vibration. Participants allocated to the control group received a sham treatment.

Results. Within-group analysis revealed that postural stability in the experimental group improved by 17.5% (p = 0.005) comparing experimental and sham groups. The between-group analysis of change after treatment comparing both groups also showed a significant improvement of postural stability (p = 0.03). Only in the within-group analysis several items were improved after Bonferroni correction, too, rigor 41.6% (p = 0.001), bradykinesia 23.7% (p = 0.001), tremor 30.8% (p = 0.006), and UPDRSIII sum score 23.9% (p = 0.000), but did not reach the level of significance in the between-group analysis.

Conclusions. Stochastic resonance therapy significantly enhanced postural stability even in individuals with increased risk of falling. Thus it offers a potential supplementation to canonical treatments of PD.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Shortcut to Hope and Healing

Lilian Sjoberg presents a fascinating discussion on the shortcut to hope and healing.

Get ready to be inspired from watching my interview with her below. She is author of Interviews with People with Parkinsons.

Here are the questions Lilian answers during the interview:

    1. The book is based upon the connection between stress and Parkinson’s. Can you elaborate
      on this connection?
    2. What’s the most common misconception about Parkinson’s that your book challenges?
    3. This book features interviews – why this format, and what makes these stories so compelling?
    4. What are some practical stress reduction strategies readers can implement after reading your book?
    5. Many people feel hopeless when diagnosed with Parkinson’s. How does your book
      address this?
    6. Can you share a brief, inspiring story from one of the interviewees?
    7. What makes this book essential reading for everyone, not just for those with Parkinson’s?
    8. Many people with Parkinson’s feel isolated. How does your book foster a sense of community and shared experience?

Parkinson’s is traditionally diagnosed as a disease which only gets worse over time. This book challenges that view..

Interviews of people with a Parkinson’s diagnosis from around the world reveal that it does not have to be this way. Instead, hope and self-reflection can be part of the solution to a better life.

People can recover or improve, not via quick fixes or miracles, but with supporting psychotherapy and an understanding of why the body, due to chronic stress or trauma, has ended up reacting the way it does.

Below are listed the resources she discusses on the shortcut to hope and healing.

Faceblog group where Gary Sharpe and I post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hopeshortcut

Webpage: https://hopeshortcut.com/

The book: https://www.amazon.com/Interviews-People-Parkinsons-inspirational-conversations/dp/B0DC5MP99Y

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Feldenkrais for Parkinsons

Feldenkais Practitioner Cynthia Allen discusses the guiding principles of Feldenkrais for Parkinsons as she guides us through several fascinating movement experiences.

Feldenkrais for Parkinsons

Movement often becomes more difficult as we age. When we add Parkinson’s Disease to that mix, we can feel trapped. Let’s examine how we can reclaim functional and pleasure in movement using the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education. Learn how working with curiosity and movement experiments awakens your brain to possibilities that were unavailable just a few moments ago. You will get a chance to do small movement experiments within this session from a seated position. Experience what Feldenkrais for Parkinsons is all about. Come ready to be surprised!

Website: FutureLifeNow.com

Cynthia Allen has been working in wellness practices, healthcare management, and organizational consulting for over 35 years. In 2001, she became a Certified Feldenkrais® practitioner and, more recently, a Senior Trainer in Movement Intelligence. She is the co-creator of the Integral Human Gait theory and the creator of Your Learning Body, an online Feldenkrais community

She has found Feldenkrais Method and Bones for Life to be a vital part of finding personal health despite life challenges. In her private practice, she has had the privilege of working with many people with Parkinson’s Disease, helping them to move through daily life with increased ease.

Cynthia has written about the Feldenkrais Method, pain, and trauma for the Alternative and Complementary Therapies Journal as well as the online Chronic Pain Partners. She has conducted and published a research paper: Alternative Movement Program in Geriatric Rehabilitation in the Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics.

She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, business partner and NLP guru, Larry Wells and their new puppy Darby. Today her practice is held online allowing her to serve more people than she ever realized was possible.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

1: My Preoccupation with What’s Shaking

The following series of Blog posts come from Jay Whiteside in Toronto, Canada where he keeps in touch with family and friends in a series of newsletters he’s named as ‘What’s Shaking’.  Jay has edited highlights from ‘What’s Shaking’ for us to hear firsthand how he is managing his Parkinson’s symptoms which were first discovered over ten years ago. He kindly gave me permission to post seven of his episodes here.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Episode 1: My Preoccupation with What’s Shaking.

I began my Blog because of the long quiet among friends, family and me as I addressed my condition. I wanted those close to me to know how I was doing and for them to gain encouragement from my evolution. In doing so I stacked the deck to expect continued progress. 

Parkinson’s Disease has been called “as the gift that keeps on taking.”  Yet, for all that it takes I am enhanced for having it. 

And while the work is hard – and not always pretty – dealing with PD has made me more complete; a person I like more and am content with. But yes, the work is hard. 

This Blog is for me. It helps to organize my thoughts in a useful context. The plan is to make this a regular journal. In time, others may find this series of reports can be useful for them too. 

This is part of my effort to make sense of the changes that are taking place. My objective is to forestall the natural progression of the condition and establish strategies to get the best from it. 

I can be a better person while living with a condition that may be destroying my brain. Since there’s no hiding from it, I elect to embrace it. And since PD is relentless, then I will be too.

I am enjoying success with the program Rosie and I, and my health care team have put together. It’s a mix of traditional medicine and alternative approaches. I have good specialists supporting me. Some of my physical symptoms are reduced from a year ago. The emotional and cognitive limitations that are becoming more present can be successfully managed. “Parkinson’s in Remission” is a real possibility. Many different  years-ago metrics have improved.

My outlook is a well-managed positive one. Being upbeat in the face of challenge is a gumbo of gratitude, confidence, faith, good humour, and the choice to be happy.    

To consolidate and reinforce this, I reflect on my  simple pleasures. My list is intended to go beyond the sunsets-and-puppies pleasures that everybody shares and focus instead on deeply personal, specific pleasures of mine that celebrate and strengthen the sensation of being me. I include the following list of pleasures I am grateful to enjoy. 

Parkinson’s can’t take this.



2 My Five-Step Program.

The following series of Blog posts come from Jay Whiteside in Toronto, Canada where he keeps in touch with family and friends in a series of newsletters he’s named as ‘What’s Shaking’.  Jay has edited highlights from ‘What’s Shaking’ for us to hear firsthand how he is managing his Parkinson’s symptoms which were first discovered over ten years ago. He kindly gave me permission to post seven of his episodes here.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Episode 2: My Five Step Program

Starting with an upbeat mindset, my What’s Shaking Five-Step program includes excellent nutrition, 15-plus hours physical fitness training every week, Parkinson’s-targeted physio, and not automatically adding more prescription drugs (my pharma load is 25% less than two years ago). 

There’s a lot of learning in each of these steps (and lots of trial by error too) but with this plan I continue to see progress.

I reject the notion that I’m retired. I have a career’s worth of work ahead of me. Learning about myself. Learning about medicine and the warren of health care approaches. Continuous measured improvement of my five-steps. Learning and practicing and refining healing modalities – both conventional and natural, even mystical. Always moving forward. And seeking opportunities where my direct experience may benefit others, and vice versa. Sharing the lessons learned from this peculiar gift.

The work starts with getting in my own face…How healthy do I want to be? 

If on the one-to-ten scale it’s a number I can be proud of, then I need a big  vision. “Training” must be a total lifeforce devotion, not a twice a day lifestyle diversion. All-in commitment vs. sort-of miscellany. 

3 Reawakening a Zest for Life

The following series of Blog posts come from Jay Whiteside in Toronto, Canada where he keeps in touch with family and friends in a series of newsletters he’s named as ‘What’s Shaking’.  Jay has edited highlights from ‘What’s Shaking’ for us to hear firsthand how he is managing his Parkinson’s symptoms which were first discovered over ten years ago. He kindly gave me permission to post seven of his episodes here.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Episode 3: Reawakening a zest for life, while making do with less – and not wanting more.

That’s the thought I had when this picture was taken. I prepared (aka “trained”) for this week in Barbados and was determined to vigorously participate in all resort activities; every nibble was going to be a shark’s bite. That was my schtick.

We had a wonderful holiday. I especially love this photo because it depicts my body in a state of joy, disengaged from the limitations of my head. The week away was all of that.

Not to say everything was perfect. There was brain fog, stumbles, and Parkinson’s disquiet that collided with best intentions for fun and frolic. The verdict wasn’t always in my favour. I was sometimes left shaking and disappointed, wishing I could’ve been better in the moment. And so, the journey continues.

My newly acquired hard knocks are contrary to the usual principles of training. Weren’t we taught the longer and harder we train the more stamina we develop? Shouldn’t I be able to build a reservoir of energy I can spend recklessly during a vacation blow-out? Pre-Parkinson’s, sure. Now, maybe no. No, definitely not.

As you may have guessed, for all my preparation I over-indulged while on holiday. Nothing embarrassing unless you count the five weeks of sluggish recovery from exhaustion, and associated opportunity cost.

It’s been an important lesson about Parkinson’s-as-adversary: momentary improvement doesn’t foretell long-term success. This is a close cousin to a favourite platitude, “never take a victory lap.” This isn’t how I expected to feel after a week in paradise. What went wrong?

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