Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 14 of 37)

What Makes Recovery Possible?

Are people with Parkinson’s having successful journeys down the road to recovery? And if they are, how?

Every holiday season, I ask members of my audience to answer a 5 minute survey. Your input helps us all understand what therapies help to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms.

Please reply email me ( answers to the following two questions:
1. Since the holiday season one year ago, have you been generally feeling better, the same or worse?
2. Please list below any and all therapies, methods or approaches that have offered relief from your symptoms.
By way of thanking you for responding to the Parkinsons Recovery Annual Survey I will post on this blog here a summary report of what you and others report.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington

What is Bowen Therapy?

Do you have an explanation of Bowen Therapy on your website? I would like one please. What is Bowen Therapy that some medical practitioners say is useful as a therapy for Parkinsons?


So your question turns on what is Bowen Therapy exactly? The Bowen Technique involves a gentle, rolling touch over the muscles and tisses of the body with only very light contact. The ‘rolls’ either tighten or loosen muscles depending on the way the move is done.

The practitioner will stimulate sets of meridian points, with pauses, to allow the body to respond to the stimulation. The Bowen Technique releases built-up stress and trauma that has been trapped in the muscles and tissues of the body. Clients describe experiences of profound relaxation after a session, often falling asleep during the treatment.

The Bowen Technique stimulates the stretch and golgi tendon reflexes as well as joint proprioceptors in a way that heightens the sensory awareness of the body in the area worked on. This can lead to strange sensations such as heat release, tingling and a general increased awareness of the areas being worked.

A typical session takes place over 30 to 45 minutes, with occasional short breaks during the session to allow the body to respond to the treatment. Sessions are usually part of a series of three to five sessions, beginning with general stress loading points such as the lower and upper back, before moving on to problem areas specific to the person being treated.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Patients Who Reduced Their Medications

I know you are not a physician but we want to hear from patients with the same experience Or have you interviewed patients who reduced their medications  successfully to recovery. We want to learn from these experiences.

I post e mails from people here on the Parkinsons Recovery Blog who report patients who reduced their medications using one approach or another.  Check in with the blog periodically to get their stories.

I also document cases in Pioneers of Recovery. Many I have interviewed over the years have been successful in reducing their medications in close collaboration with their doctor.

People use different approaches to reduce their medications. The most important rule is to do this slowly working with your doctor.  As you point out, there are many excellent alternatives which can be considered. Some will succeed for you and others will not.

As you correctly point out, I am certainly not qualified to say one way or another whether this particular drug therapy would be a good choice for you. I would proceed just as you are – ask around – get some opinions – then  use your own intuition to decide whether taking this drug would be a smart decision for you or not.

Drugs have literally saved people’s lives, so we must all be thankful that they exist. The downside to taking any prescription drug is that there are always side effects. That is why the FDA is involved.

You may well achieve your goal (which in your case is to reduce the medications you are currently taking) but other unwanted side effects may emerge (or not). You never know since every one’s reactions to drugs differs.

As with any drug the list of possible side effects for the drug you are considering is extensive. Possibilities that have been reported for the drug you are considering include disturbed sleep, unsettling dreams, fatigue, spasms, pain, headache, diarrhea and an increase of liver enzymes. If you decide to pursue this as a therapy you may experience none of these possible side effects. Or, you may experience several of them.

You can always evaluate whether any therapy is a good idea or not for you through muscle testing and checking in with your own intuitive sense of what is the right decision to make.

You actually know the answer to your own question. When you sort out how the option feels, you will know the right decision to make.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery




Ross Pelton, the Natural Pharmacist, discusses how the prescription drug rapamycin can increase longevity.

The discovery of rapamycin resulted in scientific studies that have enabled scientists to gain a totally new understanding of the aging process and how we might use this new information to improve health and delay the onset of age-related diseases. The topics in this book are collectively one of the most important breakthroughs in the science of life extension that has ever been discovered.

  1. The Rapamcyin Story: An interview with Ross Pelton, author of Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome.

  1. Rapamycin: A Quantum Leap in Life Extension: Article was published in the Aug. 4, 2022 issue of the Townsend Leter.

  1. Rapamycin: Extending Health Span and Life Span:  Article was published in Integrative Medicine: May 2022.

Order At:


Problems with Fingernails

Why am I having problems
with Fingernails?

One healthy approach for understanding
any health problem – in this case problems
with fingernails – is to acknowledge that
your body is sending you a signal that
something is out of balance. Perhaps
there is a mineral or vitamin deficiency
such as, for example, the C or B vitamins
or both.

The challenge is to figure out what
your body needs. When bodies
scream at us to be heard,
it can be difficult to figure
the problem out. I have two
approaches for you to
consider: homeopathy and
an exploration of the underlying
reason for the condition.


Homeopathy can be very
useful in getting to the root
cause of problems with fingernails.
Homeopathy  treats illness in a novel way.
Homeopathic doctors use
substances that produce,
in a healthy person, symptoms
similar to the symptoms seen in the

Homeopaths use serial dilution (which
involves shaking between each dilution)
to remove the toxic effects of the remedy.
The underlying qualities of the substance
are retained by the diluent. The diluted
substance is usually indistinguishable
from pure water.

Practitioners select treatments according
to observations they have of a patient
through consultations that explore both
the physical condition and any emotional
issues that may be associated with the

Below is a link to a web site that
lists various conditions with nails
and suggests possible reasons why
such conditions might develop.
The descriptions give you an idea of
how homeopathy can be helpful
in sorting through a health challenge
and finding a solution to it. Homeopathy
can be used to treat any condition.

Explore the Underlying Cause of the Problem

A second way of figuring out what your
body is telling you is to investigate what
might be the underlying (and unconscious)
reason for the problem.

Louise Hay, author of You Can
Heal Your Life,
believes that
there are always underlying reasons
why a particular health problem
presents itself. She offers probable
reasons for a wide variety of ailments.

In the case of problems with nails she
writes that a probable cause is linked
to issues connected with protection.
The new thought pattern that she
suggests will help heal this problem is:

“I reach out safely.”

On a more general level, Louise Hay
says that problems with fingers are
related to issues associated
with the details of life. The healing
thought pattern is:

“I am peaceful with the details of life.”

If either of these possibilities resonate
with you, then you might want to
write one or both mantras on a piece of
paper and affix it to a place you
will see it everyday like your bathroom
mirror, refrigerator or front door.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Overwhelmed by the Dozens of Natural Options that Make Recovery Possible?

The good news is that dozens of natural therapies offer relief from Parkinson’s symptoms. When I launched my search in 2004, I thought there would be a handful. How wrong I was!

The bad news is that the multitude of options have created serious problems for people searching for solutions to their symptoms. It is nearly impossible to wade through the 270 replays of my radio show interviews to find therapies that can help, much less the hundreds of posts on my blog.

Many people begin a search for solutions to their symptoms but are overwhelmed by the massive body of resources I have created.

I have now solved this problem by creating a series of online courses focused on specific symptoms and themes. Instant access to the content is available when you register.

Visit the Parkinsons Recovery page listed below for information about each online course.
Olympia, Washington

Take a Giant Leap for Recovery

Take a Giant Leap for Recovery
With 14 Small Steps

After years of intensive research I have documented dozens of natural therapies that offer relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. When I began my search I expected to find several good therapies at best. The good news is that there are many.

So many in fact, that many members of my audience have become overwhelmed and frustrated with the options. More and more people are asking …

  1. Where do I start?
  2. Which options are right for me?
  3. Which therapies offer the promise of relief from my symptoms?

Click on the image below to enroll in Giant Leap for Recovery 

What has happened is unexpected. Many people do not even know where to start or how. The first step is often never taken due to confusion and frustration over the overload of information about what works and what does not work. Surfing the internet will make your hair fall out! There is just too much information out there for any single person to digest.

I have thoroughly documented these therapies in Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. The good news is that most therapies do offer relief to one extent or another. Some people have better success with some therapies than others. The bad news is that most offer temporary relief.

  • What steps can be taken to achieve long lasting relief?
  • How can you heal from the inside-out rather than paying lots of money for therapies that offer temporary relief at best?

There is no single therapy, action or habit that does the trick. Many people seek this type of solution and for good reason. We all want to feel better right now. Why wait? Suppressing symptoms can offer temporary relief for some people.

The key can achieving sustained relief from Parkinson’s symptoms is to put the  sympathetic nervous system in the back seat and the parasympathetic nervous system in the driver’s seat. Medicines do not accomplish this, nor do supplements. Simple, easy to do steps must be taken that can offer long lasting relief from symptoms.

This insight has inspired the development of this online course, Giant Leap for Recovery. Is it possible to experience a leap in recovery by embracing a single approach? My answer is no.

One of the reasons more people do not get well is that they are forever looking for that one solution that will fix everything. Such a one stop “fix” to the problem does not exist now nor will it ever exist in the future.

Long lasting relief from symptoms results from taking small steps, one by one. At the end of the journey, you can look back at the starting point and celebrate the progress that has made it possible to take a giant leap in your recovery.

America succeeded in being the first nation to land and walk on the moon by breaking down the problem into tiny parts to be solved. This remarkable feat was not accomplished with a single blast or one amorphous effort. It was accomplished by taking small steps, one by one. Recall the words spoken by Neil Armstrong when he first stepped on the moon:

That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Giant Leap for Recovery Course Details

This online course is offered on a spectacular course platform that presents information for each class in the form of videos, audios, text descriptions and downloads. Everything you need for each class is found in the same place. I have set up enrollment with a free 7 day trial so you can see how the course platform functions. Your credit card is not charged until the 7 day trial ends. Enrollment can always be before the trial period concludes.

Steps are rolled out every five days. The design invites you to explore and implement recommendations for each of the 14 steps. You can embrace each of the steps yourself. None of them require assistance medical professional or the purchase therapies.

Now while you can access the course materials any time of the day or night – you are also invited to always contact me with any follow-up questions or issues that have arisen. I am here to support your journey down the road to recovery. My intention is to offer all the support you need to establish a successful journey down the road to recovery.

Videos, audios, downloads and explanations of the steps are included with each class.

The giant leap is now completed, I want to thank you for this approach. I was surprised by the result, it gave me more hope in finding my own reason of this disease. I am still working on it, after seven years of Parkinson, I only have 2 Sinemet (100/25) per day.

I try to minimize the medication and find a way to heal inside.

Thank you for your support.

All the best for you and your family

Cheers Manon

What are the 14 Steps?

I am not going to tell you, nor explain them in advance. Really you say? Really.

The entire point of Giant Leap for Recovery is to make implementation of each step easy, interesting and fun. I think it best that no one looks ahead at what is coming. After all, taking the challenge of recovery moment to moment is one of the keys to reducing stress! Fixing yourself in the future is one sure fire way to create unnecessary stress. Recovery depends on reducing stress, not inflaming it!

I do want to be clear that all of the steps can be taken with the resources you have available. This has nothing to do with suggesting you purchase and/or take certain supplements or seek out therapists of one type or another. For you to be in the driver’s seat, you need to be in full control of your recovery and not rely on others to fix you.

I can report that you are never going to be able to guess what the 14 steps entail. I am quite sure you have never thought about the usefulness to recovery to many of them. The purpose of each step taken as a whole is to provide the foundation for recovery that can be sustained over the long run.


Click Here to Enroll in Giant Leap for Recovery ($100 Tuition)

Once enrolled, you will have instant access to the course content which kicks off with Step One.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004 Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington


Remedy for Depression and Fatigue

Is there a remedy for depression and fatigue?
I have it all the time.What can I do about it?

More and more scientists and looking at inflammation
as a contributing factor to many chronic conditions. In the
case of Parkinson’s, it makes logical sense to speculate
that neural networks function poorly when the tissues
connected with the neurons are swollen.

Think about how you feel when you eat too much.
I personally feel bloated, sluggish, blocked and immobile.
All I can do until some of the food is digested is to sit up
straight and pray I do not have to move for a while.
Meditation is a choice, but I usually fall asleep.

This is precisely how neurons feel when they become
swollen. Give your neurons a break. They have feelings
themselves you know. There is not enough room for
the neural networks to function when the tissues are
swollen. Electrical pathways become obstructed.

The distribution of hormones to your muscles
and tissues also becomes difficult when inflammation
is present. The tissues throughout your your body
are busy handling another emergency.
They have little space to receive the sweetness
of any uninvited hormonal visitations. A natural remedy for
depression and fatigue is not what you would expect: Get
inflammation under control.

It is like seeing two friends having a huge fight. They are both
furious at one another. As their friend who is witness to the fight,
you try to squeeze in a word or two, but your friends ignore you.
They are too preoccupied with their own fight. In a similar fashion,
hormones have difficult squeezing themselves into tissues that
are inflamed.

When all of the healthy cells function at their peak levels,
you will feel better and find relief from the symptoms of
Parkinson’s. Conversely, you will certainly feel worse
when the tissues in your body are inflamed. Depression
creeps in. Fatigue becomes a way of life. What then is a
natural remedy for depression and fatigue if inflammation
is the issue?

OK. Inflammation causes problems. What can I do
about it? When I exercise for a long time the tissues
in my body become inflamed. I often take one ibuprofen.
It reduces the inflammation in several hours, but
taking ibuprofen imposes a potentially life threatening
challenge to the kidneys. So ibuprofen is not a long
term solution.

Consider another possibility. Perhaps the
tissues in your body have always been inflamed.
Since you do not know any other way to feel,
you have become used to feeling lousy.
It is the only way you have ever known.

Why then are the tissues in your body always
inflamed? You may be allergic to a certain food
(or foods) that you love to eat. A hidden source
of inflammation for most people is allergic
reactions to something they put into their bodies.

How do you know if you are allergic to any foods.
And, if you are allergic, how do your figure out which
foods they might be?

It is very easy to know. Stop eating the foods you
suspect that may be causing the inflammation
for two weeks. See if you feel better. This sounds
easy, but it is anything but easy. Let me explain why.

Let us consider one food by way of example: ice cream.
I love eating ice cream myself. Here is my conversation
with myself (and I am not making this up).

“Maybe the inflammation is being cause by eating
ice cream. Oh, I think not. After all, when I eat
ice cream I do not get sick. I do not have rashes.
I do not have stomach aches. I do not sweat or
puke or turn purple. It it must not be ice cream.”

Being the logical person that I am, I continue eating
ice cream. I stop eating turnips instead to see if turnips
might be the problem. They are not. All is well. I still get
to eat the ice cream.

There is a double twist to my logic. My body has
become acclimated to processing and digesting
ice cream. If you also love to eat ice cream, you
have probably liked eating ice cream since you
were a child. As an incredibly cleaver living entity,
the body quickly learns how to turn on systems
that reduce the allergic reactions to ice cream.
In other words, the true symptoms are masked when
we eat ice cream regularly.

You thus conclude “I do not feel that bad when
I eat ice cream.”

In one sense this is true. In another sense you
would be feeling so much better if you stopped
eating ice cream and started eating healthy

Because you have always eaten ice cream
your entire life, the truth is that you have
actually always felt lousy. You just did not
know it. It is the only way you have ever
felt – lousy.

When crying out for a natural remedy for depression and
fatigue have you ever heard yourself say,

“I seem to be so depressed all the time.”

“I drag every day of the week.”

There it is.

Because you become acclimated to feeling tired
and depressed, you forget what it is like to feel
good. The only way to know if a food is causing
fatigue, inducing depression and entangling neural
networks is to stop eating that particular food for
at least two weeks. In my example, the test is to
stop eating ice cream for two weeks.

Acknowledge the source of Inflammation to get the 
Natural Remedy for Depression and Fatigue 

Then, eat a lot of ice cream one day.
Indulge yourself. Reward yourself for doing
the test. Eat a quart or two of your
favorite ice cream. Make it three. Then see
how you feel. If  you notice a flare up of
fatigue and depression after eating the ice
cream you can almost certainly conclude
that ice cream is causing inflammation
in your body.

I report this truth with such detachment
as if it has never happened to me. But it
has and it did. My naturopath muscle tested
me for various food items and suspected
that I had allergies to dairy. I love eating
cheese. I love chocolate milkshakes.

“I am OK when I eat these foods.
I love them. That can not be the problem.”

Did I stop eating milkshakes for two weeks?
Of course not. I convinced myself that I was
actually very healthy and that I deserved
a little pleasure in my life. My naturopath
got the wrong result.

After fighting this battle for years, I finally
did the gold standard test for allergies.
I did not drink milk shakes for two weeks straight.
The anticipation of being able to have a milk shake
became more and more intense with each passing
day until day 15 arrived when I ate two milk shakes,
one chocolate and one vanilla. They were
thoroughly yummy as always.

I paid a dear price for those few minutes of bliss.
I became seriously depressed for several days. The fatigue
was overwhelming. I really just wanted to sleep and
forget about working or playing. I was miserable.

The truth is that I did not realize how tired and depressed
the ice cream was making me until I gave my body a chance
to detox itself from dairy. After 14 days of not eating ice cream
the inflammation that was literally always present
in my tissues had subsided.

My experiment was a success. When I added back into
my body the dairy, my body told me in no uncertain
terms that it could not tolerate dairy. I now know this is
why I had constant ear aches as a child.

Of course I did not like the outcome, but excellent
substitutes for dairy do exist.

If you have Parkinson’s you need energy to feel better.
It is hard to do the things that will make you feel better
if you are depressed or if you are tired all the time.
It is thus highly probably that a big reason why you feel
bad is because of food that you are eating.

My problem is dairy. Your problem may be wheat or
corn or soy or whatever. Give the experiment a try
and see what you can discover for yourself. Most people
are allergic to something. They just do not know it.

The test is free. It requires only determination and
discipline. The end result can have a huge impact on
how you feel.

So, explore this natural remedy for depression and figure.
Say goodbye to depression and fatigue.
Say hello to life.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Success with Reversing Parkinsons

What success with reversing Parkinsons have you had?

We believe the causes of Parkinson’s are multi-faceted and
that the underlying cause for one person may differ from
another. Specifically, the underlying and primary cause for
one person may be heavy metals, another pathogens, and
still another trauma. Some people are unlucky enough to
have issues with all three.

Our research thus far has revealed success with reversing
Parkinsons disease for persons who chose not to take medications
with energy healing and craniosacral therapy.
Findings of our Portland study showed that 75%
of the symptoms for the 10 persons in the study either
stayed the same or improved. Results soundly disproved the
widespread belief that Parkinsons is degenerative.

Energy work clearly helps, but
that the body also needs additional support like good
nutrition, detoxing and exercise to come back into balance.
The study led us to adopt a holistic approach.

Some of our initial study volunteers are doing quite
well indeed.

We are now gathering stories from people across the country
and elsewhere who are feeling better and finding
relief from their symptoms so others can get a sense
of what other people are doing for themselves to feel better.
It gives hope to many people when they realize that others
with Parkinsons are finding relief from their symptoms.
Some people have fully recovered.

Clearly, there is no magic formula
that allows for a celebration of success with reversing
Parkinsons. It is also clear that many
people have found various therapies and methods  that
make it possible to get success with reversing Parkinsons.

Is success with reversing Parkinsons possible? Yes.
Is there an obvious way to make that happen for you?
No. The first step is to identify the cause of the symptoms.
You can then embrace therapies that address the cause.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Natural Sleep Remedy

Here is an awesome suggestion from a member of my audience.

I recently started taking at bedtime,

1capsule of Magnesium Citrate,
1 capsule mucuna
1 capsule Bosweliia extract

I was diagnosed with PD in 2013 and I know what off means, and it is how I usually wake up. But with these capsules, I wake up almost like my old self. It is truly remarkable.

I would be interested to know if there is some way to share this with others.

If you have some enthusiastic members with open minds, this might help a lot of sufferers.

Barry Knerr

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder in 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Weaning Off PD Medications

Lately, I have been contemplating the weaning off PD medications. Presently I take 100 mg of Levodopa Carbidopa 4 times daily and I take Requip for restless leg syndrome, five times daily.(The Levodopa is a fairly low dosage.) I am also on Azilect 1 mg 1x daily. This is the highly touted drug that is supposed to slow down PD.

Motivating me first and foremost to stop my meds, is that I do not like putting chemicals into my body and I have been taking Lev/Carb for 12 years now. Secondly I have read that if you keep supplying your body with pill form dopamine, it relies on that, and it will not try to make dopamine on its own.

In the future, I would like to try and free my body of pill form chemicals, and put my body back to work for itself. I know that this would have to be done gradually and carefully and working with a doctor under his/her guidance. And it would involve lots of work on my part. And I do remind myself too, that it could be risky–and at this moment I am fending off symptoms quite well.

My neurologist he cautions me saying that I am doing so well, why change anything? He says that first of all PD patients like myself, whose symptoms start with a tremor, tend to fare better than others. (And I am thankful for that). But mostly he stresses that MY MEDS are the biggest contributing factor for my ‘wellness’, and that THEY are what is making the difference for me. So, no encouragement from him whatsoever.

I just wondered if, in your work, with PD, Roger, have you ever encountered or heard of anyone else who has set out on a similar journey : without meds and using alternative therapies, and whether they have been successful, or not. If so I would be interested in hearing their stories. And do you or your colleagues have any comments?


Ms X

Your vision is clear about what you want to see happen with weaning off PD medications. You have precisely what you need to manifest your heart’s desire: a clear vision, solid focus and unwavering determination. There will always be people who question your decision. This happens with any change you have decided to initiate.

You ask if there are any other people who have pursued a similar path. I know of many people on a path of reducing meditations and/or alternating their program in one way or another. Some people wean themselves off medications that are no longer serving their best and highest good with the support of their doctors.

The challenge of course is that side effects of certain medications can begin to be  worse than the symptoms the medications are formulated to help.

Compounding pharmacists tell tell me that if a person is taking three medications, there is a good chance there are drug interactions and drug depletions. If a person is taking five, there is a 100% chance of drug interactions and/or depletions.

The term you use is weaning which is appropriate. When people try to stop medications, serious consequences can result – even visits to hospital emergency rooms. The trick is to reduce the dosage very gradually with the guidance of your doctor. It may take months before success is celebrated.

It takes a serious commitment on your part. And as you aptly point out, you have to work very closely with a doctor who supports your decision to wean off medications. It is also important to acknowledge the role that supplements have in whatever decisions you make and whatever approach you pursue.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Why Toxins Stick to Our Body Like Super Glue

Many persons who currently experience symptoms of Parkinsons are terribly  frustrated. They have determined through one diagnostic test or another that their body contains toxins – perhaps a heavy metal or pesticide or herbicide or…

Research on Parkinson’s symptoms has revealed many toxins are the culprits that wreak havoc on neurological systems. It does not take much to upset neurons. Their sensitivity is off the charts.

This frustration stems from various attempts to get rid of the toxins. Valiant efforts are made. Nothing seems to do the trick. Have you experienced this frustration?

Perhaps you listen to one of my radio shows with a prestigious researcher who recommends herbs as the ideal detox.

  1. You buy the herbs.
  2. You take the herbs.
  3. The recommended treatment is engaged.

Alas, the toxins continue to stick to your tissues like super glue.
Diagnostic assessments reveal the guilty toxin is still present in dangerous
levels. It does not get more frustrating than this, eh?

Most people who follow my work are dedicated to the end goal of recovery. They do not give up with the first therapy. More investigation is launched. A second detox protocol is begun. This one involves chelation under the close supervision of their doctor.

After pursuing the chelation protocol to its logical end, the toxicity remains. Toxins have a stubborn resilience. They appears to love hanging out in your body.

You too are stubborn. You continue to embrace one detox protocol after another. After all, there are other protocols and other doctors. Still, results do not shift. The toxins refuse to budge. Frustration begins to sizzle like a steak on a backyard grill in summertime.

Nothing Gets Rid of My Toxins

  • You certainly did not extend an invitation for the toxin to invade your body.
  • You certainly did not marry the toxin.

The toxins are just like a foreign enemy that refuses to surrender. Why? They are fighting furiously to defend their own territory which, of course, happens to be inside your body.

Why in the world does the highly toxic substance insist on invading your body
when they were not invited and certainly not welcome and worse have become
encapsulated? The answer to this million dollar question turns on a connection that is a mystery to most people.

Toxins and trauma go hand in hand like two love birds on their honeymoon.
Toxins do stick to the cells like super glue until  trauma (which is also
trapped at the cellular level) is released.

Agent Orange

The connection between toxins and trauma is profound. I will focus on one strong connection to explain the connection: exposure to Agent Orange (a deadly toxin) and the neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease.

The body has an intricate system for eliminating toxic substances. It retains what is needed and throws out what is unnecessary or harmful. If there is a massive
exposure of a toxin, it will take the body time – sometime years – to release all
the nasty chemicals that will eventually devastate the organs and tissues.

Why is it then that some soldiers who were exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam war are just now showing the effects of that exposure as seen through neurological symptoms, cancers or other illnesses? Wasn’t 40 years sufficient time for the body to do its job? Not when trauma was present at the time of the exposure.

The Vietnam War (as with any war) was a horrifying experience for all military personnel who participated. Trauma was not experienced for a brief minute as is the case with an automobile accident. It was experienced throughout the duration of their service which was one long year.

When a soldier was exposed to Agent Orange, they were functioning under highly traumatic conditions. At the moment of the exposure the body makes a direct connection between the two. There is a tight connection is formed at that very moment between
the toxin and the trauma.

What does the body do under traumatic circumstances? It either flees or freezes.

Soldiers could not flee unless they deserted. Some did. Suicide was an option
some elected to take. The much more common reaction was to freeze. This is what all animals do under such circumstances. They freeze dead in their tracks, hoping that the
enemy will not spot them. All secondary systems in the body are shut down,
including the systems that eliminate toxins naturally.

The toxins are tied, linked and stuck to the trauma. It is as if they are married to one another, holding hands as they celebrate their 40th anniversary.

If you fit into that category of persons who are frustrated because you have been unable to eliminate toxins (we we all have toxins in our body) then I suggest that you first investigate therapies that will help you release the trauma. Redirect your energies toward the work of releasing the trauma that is trapped inside the cells of your body.

Release of toxins will follow in due course. Many options are available today that
help people with Parkinson’s symptoms release the trauma that has been frozen
in their cells.

  1. Settle on a therapy that your intuition tells you is perfect for you and your body.
  2. Experience the relief from stress and tension as the trauma takes a long awaited exit from the stage of your life.
  3. Watch the secondary benefit with delight as those nasty toxins begin to stampede out of your body at long last.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington








Vielight Coupon Code

Many members of my audience report that using the photobiomodulation devices offers symptom relief. The company generously offers a 10% coupon code you can enter into their shopping cart to claim a 10% discount on all their devices. The Vielight coupon code is: healing4me.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Injury to the Head

A limited type of Chiropractic care called Upper cervical chiropractic care claims in the case of an injury to the head, they may be able to cure Parkinson’s Disease “if” you have had head trauma. Your neck is twisted because of it and you develop Parkinson’s years later.

They claim-along with a study, that the nerves from the trunk to the brain are being pinched off, causing them to atrophy and then years later the tremors start. Ever hear of this?

Are their claims valid. Is this one way of developing Parkinsons?

The consensus among medical researchers is that traumas to the head can be one causal factor that creates the symptoms of Parkinson’s. I think of this factor as cellular damage.

Keep in mind that multiple factors are at play for most people. Traumas to the head may constitute one among other confounding factors. It is a mistake to assume there is a single factor that accounts for any particular set of symptoms.

In my opinion, the body’s reaction to the trauma can take many forms. You describe one such form: Injury to the head causes twisting in the neck resulting in pinched nerves. Sometimes the source of the damage is rooted in the sacrum which lies at the bottom of the spine. Constrictions in the spine are not necessarily limited to problems with neck constrictions. There can also be direct damage to cells in the brain itself.

Many chiropractors are being trained in craniosacral therapy which address such problems in a holistic fashion. Our own Parkinsons Recovery study of craniosacral work with people who have the symptoms of Parkinsons certainly reveals that the gentle energy work with the craniosacral system helps to relieve symptoms.

As for a “cure,” I have not identified any single treatment that reverses symptoms entirely nor do I expect to find a “cure” in the course of my research. Recovery requires a comprehensive intervention that embraces a variety of treatments and modalities including diet, exercise, stress reduction and others.

The good news is that cells do rejuvenate. New neural networks can be created by the body. The big picture is that the body knows how to heal itself, even when there has been a physical blow to the body.

Rejuvenation does not happen quickly, but it can and does happen when the body is given the proper support and nourishment.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Empower Recovery

In his second book, “Parkinson’s Empowerment Training” author Karl Sterling goes deep into exploring many areas that will help a person with PD to empower recovery, improve the quality of movement, cognition, memory, and life itself.

You will encounter suggestions in my interview with Karl that will provide techniques and methods that offer the opportunity to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms.

He addressed ways to empower recovery including:

  •  Power of hope, empowerment, and beliefempower recovery
  •  The two step process to maximize neuroplasticity
  •  How to get sustained sleep at night
  •  Benefits of using Power Plate and whole body vibration
  •  The multifaceted roles dopamine plays in the body
  •  Techniques to improve memory and cognition
  •  Methods to Improve Gait and Mobility

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington

Parkinson’s Natural Therapies

Will only one Parkinson’s natural therapy work the magic to reverse symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease?

In a handful of cases, I have documented cases where an individual diagnosed with Parkinson’s found that a single approach succeeded in reversing their symptoms. The therapy involved healing an infection – either from a root canal or an infection like candida.

When I analyze results of the annual Parkinsons Recovery Survey, people who report they were feeling better over the previous year report using an average of four natural therapies. The bottom line is that most success stories involve a commitment to embrace a combination of natural therapies that help people get a handle on issues associated with the diagnosis involving toxins, anxiety and stress.

The other compelling result of the Parkinsons Recovery survey this year is the surprising spread of natural therapies reported to have been useful in reversing symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. What is a successful therapy for one person may not be successful for another.

The therapies generally fall into two general categories:

  1. Movement which includes all forms of exercise
  2. A wide range of natural therapies that calm the nervous system and support the functionality of the parasympathetic system.

In most cases, implementation of only one among the many Parkinson’s natural therapies that have helped  other persons does not necessarily lead to a reversal of your symptoms.

The choices of natural possibilities is wide. Experimentation is needed to discover which of the many Parkinson’s natural therapies will work the magic for you. What may succeed for a friend who experiences similar symptoms may not necessarily be the best solution for you.

Everyone is indeed different! The good news is that there are many Parkinson’s natural therapies have helped people celebrate a reverse of their own symptoms. Set the intention to find the ones that will work the magic for you.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Best Parkinson’s Diet

Many people ask me the following: What is the best Parkinson’s diet? Here is my answer after researching this issue now for over a decade.

Reports of Best Parkinson’s Diet Choices that have been helping persons with Parkinson’s Symptoms feel better 

The following is a listing reported by respondents on the annual Parkinsons Recovery Survey of dietary choices that helped them celebrate relief from Parkinson’s  symptoms during 2021. No one approach floated to the top of the list as the most useful diet. Take note of the variety of diets that are listed!

It makes perfect sense to me that different diets will be appropriate for different people depending on their metabolism, blood type, genes, DNA and other factors.  The challenge for those of you traveling down the road to recovery is to find and embrace the diet that will make it possible for you to celebrate relief from your symptoms.

Here is the list. There are other diets certainly that were not reported but may be ideal for you and your body. 

   Adequate Nutrition

   Acid Neutralization

   Coconut Oil

   Drink Warm Tea with Medication

   Fish Oil

   Grundy Diet

   Healthy Diet

   Low Carb Diet

   MCT Oil

   Mediterranean Diet

   Nutritional Consults

   Nuts and Seeds

   Organic Food

   Paleo Diet

   Plant Based Diet

   Protein Shakes

   Vegan Diet

   Wahls Diet

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia, Washington USA


Has Anyone Recovered from Parkinson’s Disease?

YouTube player

Most people buy into the belief that once diagnosed with Parkinson’s, you are destined to get worse.

              • No hope.
              • No chance of recovery.
              • No chance to get your life back.

No wonder so many people are depressed!

But …. Is this really true? Everyone in the medical community claims it to be true, but I ask you, what evidence do they provide to support their depressing claim you will inevitably get worse? I have seen no evidence.

I have now provided compelling evidence for the past decade that the belief Parkinson’s is degenerative is false. People do recover. People do get their life back. Symptoms can be reversed.

In my holiday survey I ask the question: over the past year since the last holiday season, have you been feeling better, about the same or worse? There are three choices.

If the claim Parkinson’s is degenerative is true, 100% of the respondents to my survey would report they are worse. This is not the result reported this year or any of the past years of my survey. This year, as in past years, two thirds of respondents (66%) report that they have either been better or about the same.

People diagnosed with Parkinson’s have found ways to reverse their symptoms or at a minimum not get worse.

Despite frustrations and roadblocks, know that in your heart, mind and soul that recovery is possible. Make it happen now.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease






Natural Therapies to Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms

Listed below are responses from respondents to the 2021 Parkinsons Recovery Survey who reported natural therapies to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms.

Listed below are the top 10 therapies rank ordered from most to least useful in terms of the most frequently reported useful therapies. Please take note of the finding that exercise ranks at the top of the list!

    1. Exercise
    2. Medication
    3. Diet
    4. Meditation
    5. Physical Therapy
    6. QiGong
    7. Photobiomodulation (light therapy)
    8. Massage
    9. Probiotics
    10. Avoidance of Stress

Below – the columns (worse,  same, better) indicate whether the respondent reported they were feeling worse, about the same or better over the past year. Keep in mind that respondents usually reported more than one therapy to be useful.

Listing of Natural Therapies to Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms

worse same better Totals








Amino Acid Therapy



Art Therapy






High Dose B1



Bone Marrow Stem Cells



Baoding Ball Exercise



breathing exercises














Chinese Medicine









Cranial Sacral Therapy






Deep Brain Stimulation



DBT Therapy



Deep Breathing



   Removed Root Canal



   Treated Tooth Infection



   Adequate Nutrition




   Acid Neutralization



   Coconut Oil



   Drink Warm Tea with Medications



   Fish Oil



   Grundy Diet



   Healthy Diet




   Low Carb Diet



   MCT Oil



   Mediterian Diet



   Nutritional Consults



   Nuts and Seeds



   Organic Food




   Paleo Diet



   Plant Based Diet



   Protein Shakes



   Vegan Diet



   Wahls Diet



Duo Nebulizer



Energy Work – Reiki




Filtered Water



Fisher Walace Stimulator



Focused Ultrasound



General Exercise





   Fast Walking

























fava beans



Follows Passion








Family Constelations



fight Parkinson’s Without Drugs



Grape Seed Extract



Heating Pad



Hydration Therapy



Jin Shin Jitsu









Medical Marijuana







Medical dousing to improve facial expression








   Minimal Medications








medlens dictation






Mitocondrial Support











Nerve Tonic (Hylands)



Neurofield Therapy



nicotene gum



Nurturing Relationships



Osteopathic Manipulation 



Ozone Therapy



Parkinson’s Support Group






Peptide Injections








Physical Therapy




   Neurological Physical Therapy












Positive Attitude – Talking with positive people








Qi Gong








Rest When Needed






Roller Sticks









Self Compassion






Smile Therapy







Sound therapy



Speak out loudly



spiritual practice




Stress Avoidance – Reduce Anxiety











   Amway Nutrilites



   B Vitamins




   Carbolic Acid



















   Grape Seed Extract



   Homocysteine Factors






   Lion’s Mane










   Phosfood (Standard Process)



   R Lipoic Acid



   Restore Gold









   Vitamin C






Tai Chi




Tesla BioHealing



Trauma Release Exercises










Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Parkinson’s Prognosis

Most people buy into the belief that once diagnosed, the Parkinson’s prognosis is that you are  destined to get worse.

No hope.
No chance of recovery.
No chance to get your life back.

No wonder so many people are depressed!

But …. Is this really true? Everyone in the medical community claims it to be true, but I ask you, what evidence do they provide to support their depressing claim you will inevitably get worse? I have seen no evidence.

I have now provided compelling evidence for the past decade that the belief Parkinson’s is degenerative is false. People do recover. People do get their life back. Symptoms can be reversed.

In my holiday survey I ask the question: over the past year since the last holiday season, have you been feeling better, about the same or worse? There are three choices.

If the claim Parkinson’s is degenerative is true, 100% of the respondents to my survey would report they are worse. This is not the result reported this year or any of the past years of my survey. This year, as in past years, two thirds of respondents (66%) report that they have either been better or about the same.

People diagnosed with Parkinson’s have found ways to reverse their symptoms or at a minimum not get worse. They also elect to embrace a wide variety of natural therapies.

Many people ask me what is the one therapy they should embrace to reverse their symptoms. When the success stories of people who have reversed their symptoms are examined, there is no single successful therapy that works for all persons other than the strong and compelling belief that recovery is possible for anyone.

Despite frustrations and roadblocks, know that in your heart, mind and soul that recovery is possible. Make your Parkinson’s prognosis a positive one.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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