In your travels you have ever met an individual who has totally recovered from Parkinsons Disease?

I am not quite sure what it would mean to be “totally recovered” from Parkinson’s. I do know people who are symptom free.

John Coleman, a naturopath doctor, is symptom free today. He does not describe himself as “fully recovered” and regularly adheres to his own health program. He sees recovery as a life time process which has no definitive ending point. The process ends when we die.

Nathan is also symptom free after engaging in a very focused two year program of recovery. I have interviewed both individuals. Stories of recovery are published in my two Pioneers of Recovery Books.

Pioneers of Recovery: First Set of Interviews with 14 Pioneers: Therapies and Treatments that Reverse Symptoms of Parkinsons

Pioneers of Recovery: Second Set of Interviews with 9 Pioneers: How People with Parkinson’s Disease Reversed Their Symptoms 

John Coleman reports evidence of five other people he has worked with who are symptom free today.

Others who Totally Recovered from Parkinsons

Many people I talk with are holding steady (i,e. not getting worse). An impressive body of evidence comes from people who are getting steady relief from their symptoms. In other words, instead of getting worse, they are getting better little by little.

Parkinsons Recovery sponsors an annual survey during each holiday season. Respondents are ask to report since the last holiday season whether they have been feeling better, the same or worse. Responses have been similar over the years. Seventy-five percent of respondents to the survey with Parkinsons symptoms report that they have been either feeling better or have been about the same since the previous holiday season.

If anyone reading this falls into the category of symptom free, please contact me. I would love to interview you!

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery