I know stress and Parkinsons disease is a major player in my symptoms. I have chronic pain and suffering from a surgery to my face that developed into what is referred to as a central pain disorder. Meaning, the central nervous system has become involved. I think it interesting that where this takes place is in the vicinity of the Substantia Nigra area of the brain where Parkinson’s develops. I’ve always thought there might be a connection.

I take 2 anti-epileptic (dangerous) drugs in order to function but this still leaves me with unbelievable discomfort that registers on my consciousness at all times. This, I see, as one of my greatest challenges to any kind of recovery. The others are :

    1.  Subtle stress in most everything I do (I just realized this) and
    2.  Negative thought patterns even though I see myself as a positive person.

I had childhood trauma and trauma as a young woman. I developed an autoimmune disease at age 22 that most often is not manifested in anyone younger than 50. I attribute this to a sensitive body that could not handle the devastation of estrogen packed birth control pills manufactured in the early 70’s.


My research concurs with both of your observations. Reducing anxieties and transforming negative thoughts offer welcome relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Stress and Parkinson’s Disease

After conducting extensive research on methods that quiet symptoms, I have concluded that there is one step that helps the most. When anxiety and anxiety attacks are shut down, symptoms are significantly reduced. When anxiety flares its ugly head, symptoms become problematic. This is why I developed a three month online course to shut down anxiety so that symptoms become far less problematic.

My online course Shut Down Anxiety  introduces methods, strategies and techniques that have been proven by research and practice to reduce anxiety. They turn down the volume of the overactive flight-fight  sympathetic nervous system that inflames neurological difficulties.

I did not invent these techniques. They have been extracted and simplified from an extensive body of contributions by experienced practitioners and researchers. So, check out the online course and begin taking action on the methods suggested. They really will make a huge difference. Enrollment in the course is available here: Shut Down Anxiety.

Negative Thoughts Fuel Symptoms

The first online course I created focused on the transformation of thoughts that are not in our best and highest good. An explanation of the course and enrollment is available at:
Five Steps to Recovery.

Stress and Parkinson’s Disease Summary

Of course symptoms of Parkinson’s can be suppressed with medications and supplement.  A more direct approach that does not trigger the cost of side effects is to Shut Down Anxiety which it flares up. It also pays handsomely to transform negative thoughts that road block any recovery program by taking Five Steps to Recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery