I would like to tell you that I believe you have a valid thought in suggesting that STRESS may be a reason for contracting the disease. I need to learn all about methods to reduce stress.
While I have wondered for the past 4 months whether the tremors I experienced might be the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, seeing my family doctor today and having her refer me to a neurologist has finally given me the courage to read up on this horrible disease. Among other web pages, I found yours.
Almost a year ago I signed up for internet marketing coaching. I set up a LLC and paid close to $15,000.00. It did not take long for me to realize that I had been badly scammed Still, having spent the money I wanted to give this my very best effort. This, on top of fighting with my recruiters and coaching company plus trying to stop these people from scamming other innocents and basically getting nowhere has brought on my symptoms.
I am a 71 year old female. The reason I dared take on the online marketing was that I have always been super healthy.
Not anymore.
Stress is directly connected to the symptoms of Parkinson’s. When relaxed and care free, symptoms are minimal or nonexistent.
There are a variety of methods to reduce stress that I have found useful. The best way to approach the goal is on a moment to moment basis.
1. Exercise. Many people tell me that when they feel anxious or are worried, exercise does the trick beautifully.
2. Meditate. Be quite and still for a minute. Focus on your breath. I am not talking here about a big deal. One minute will do during the moment when you need it. I have just finished a series of interviews with people who are experts on meditation for a book with Nancy Welch, Medicine Meditation.
There are many different approaches to meditation. The trick is to find an approach that works for you. Regardless of the method you are drawn to, the idea behind meditation is to still the mind babble which aggravates and inflames the stress.
3. Laugh. This is a simple suggestion, but it works.Laughing out loud gives an immediate dopamine rush. That is pretty cool if you ask me.
The irony is that you do not even have to think a joke is funny. Laugh out loud and you will get an immediate dopamine rush. The only side effect to laughter is improved health on some level.
4. Try holysnc (which is available from a variety of sources). Listen to the guided meditation by visiting the Monroe Institute website.
This method was created 100 years ago by Robert Monroe. It consists of sounds that have slightly different frequencies which are sent to the two sides of the brain through headphones.
I personally used this technology for about two years. I listened to tapes for about 30 minutes a day. Very gradually, the little things that stressed me out no longer had any impact whatsoever. I would listen for about a minute and instantly be asleep.
5. Get body work. Cranial sacral body work or energy work can be extremely helpful. There are physical blockages which twist and contort the body’s tissues that are released and removed through gentle body work. Everyone has blockages to one degree or another. Everyone in a body (and that includes all of us) should consider getting body work of one form or another.
I have used many different forms of body work for myself – energy healing, cranial sacral therapy, reiki, healing touch. zen massage, Bowen therapy. I recommend you try some of these wonderful techniques out and see which one your body likes the best.
6. My concluding suggestion is to acknowledge that many stresses are external to us. We are impacted by our parents or children or spouses or partners or money or jobs or the world condition or the economy – you name it. When I feel the external world invading my internal space, I have a mantra which helps me.
“I honor the fate of [my child, my parents, etc.] What do I need now?”
The mantra instantly connects me to myself rather than responding to other external issues. Worrying about other people’s issues is a cleaver way for me to avoid a connection with myself. When I ask myself the question,
“Why I am here on the earth?
Much of the stress I carry is instantly released.
Combine these methods to reduce stress and get an even bigger result.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
© Parkinsons Recovery
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