I have permission to post the following email I received from Hannah:
Hello Robert and Aunt Bean,
I recently have been diagnosed with YOPD
though I have been suffering for the past seven years from symptoms.
Today is my birthday and I am 42 years old. Even though I go to see a
functional medicine neurologist, they quickly directed me the
pharmaceutical route.
Five months into it, and I am researching as
much as I can for alternatives, and I do believe in healing!
We love to garden.
I live in Arkansas, and my family has a large
community garden that we work together. We are growing Fava beans this
year, under the wonderful directions we have found on your Fava Beans Blog. I
have been fermenting papaya, and purchased sprout-able fava beans to
begin the process. I am 100% excited!
Some thing that recently peaked my interest after I began
experimenting by taking Mucuna is that it does not have Carbidopa in
it only l-dopa. To me this makes a big difference in its ability to
get where it needs to go in the small intestine. I was excited to
learn that unlike Mucuna, Fava has Carbidopa! Game changer. I’m
excited to try it!!!
I love reading your updates Aunt Bean and the most recent I can find
is end of last year. Praying you are doing well.
Robert thank you sooo much for the wealth of information you freely give. May you both be blessed.
With love, Hannah
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