Where can I find how others get relief from tremors ? Mine get especially bad after 4pm………..it drives me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sinemet does not help.



I have extracted all of the suggestions I have discovered over the past two decades and included them in my online course – Tame Tremors. Many of the suggestions come from persons with tremors who have found various ways to tame them. Visit the page below for an overview of the course and an opportunity to enroll. https://www.blog.parkinsonsrecovery.com/tame-tremors/

There is quite a bit of great information here on the Parkinsons Recovery Blog. Look over to the right column and scroll down to the category listing that reads “calm tremors.” Click on this category. It will take you to a listing of  postings that address ways people have found relief from their tremors. (If you are using your phone the category listings will be at the bottom of the page.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery