Lenore is a psychic from New York City who has a huge reputation for always getting it right with her psychic readings. Since I am always on the lookout for new ways to receive guidance on the next steps I need to take in my own life, I decided to ask Lenore for a psychic reading on myself. This way, you can get an idea of what psychic readings are all about and whether this might be an option you might want to pursue.
Lenore’s reading explored what choices I need to be making in my life regarding my own health and my work with Parkinsons Recovery. If you are curious about whether a psychic readings can provide healing for the symptoms of Parkinsons, listen to how she goes about doing a reading for me.
Note: This was recorded a number of years ago. I found it interesting to listen again today. Psychic readings have been helpful to me in the past. I thought this is an option you might want to seriously consider for yourself.
Audio PlayerI really enjoyed your reading with Lenore. In listening to the dialogue between you two (during your “healing”), I could sense a warm flow of glowing healing energy, going back and forth between you, through you. Yes, I am serious. Conversation was kindled by kindness and respect and a sense of fun. I guess one might call it good karma.
I particularly liked some comments that I think Lenore made about ownership of change. She alluded to the fact, that while she is able to counsel or direct a person in certain areas of life and make suggestions of change, that it really is the individuals call. The individual has to want to make that change. Ideas about the universe being open and ready for us were interesting. And, that sometimes when we stew over a decision that it is often right there in front of us, we just need to recognize it.
It would seem then, that it is ok if we make a change that does not “pan out,” just to feel free to keep slugging away, keep trying. After a bit of trial and error we are bound to get something right? Ha.
Anyway thanks to Lenore and yourself Robert, the broadcast did help me so much. I too, have grown to know, that with Parkinsons Disease symptoms being so different from one individual to another, that we need to look at our own case scenario and go from there, looking at the changes that we can make for ourselves that will improve our condition.
Keep up your wonderful work! ( But take some time for you too. Psychic Lenore’s orders.)
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
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