Parkinsons Recovery Newsletter
- About Parkinson's Disease
- ada
- adrenal exhaustion
- affirmation statement
- agent orange
- alexander technique
- alternative therapies
- aluminun
- amalgams
- Amino Acid Therapy
- anger
- anti-oxidants
- anxiety attacks
- apoptosis
- apraxia
- aquas
- art therapy
- autism
- Ayurveda
- bach flower essences
- back problems
- balance problems
- Beliefs and Parkinson's
- Bemer
- BioAcoustics
- bioenergetic assessment
- Biophotonic Therapy
- body work
- Bowen Therapy
- brain fitness
- breathwork
- calm tremors
- Can You Reverse Parkinson's
- Can-C eye drops
- cancer
- candida
- caretaking
- causes of Parkinson's
- cbd
- cell therapy with stem cells
- chi mat
- Chinese Medicine
- Chinese Scalp Acupuncture
- chiropractic Treatments
- chlorine
- constipation
- copper
- COq10
- cranial electrostimulation (CES)
- craniosacral therapy
- Creativity and Parkinsons
- crowns
- crystals
- Cure for Parkinsons
- Dancing and Parkinson's
- decision making
- Declaration of Independence
- Deep Tissue Massage
- dehydration
- dental appliance
- dental health
- denture cream
- depression help
- DHA (Omega 3)
- diagnosis
- diet
- dizziness
- Dopamine
- drug interactions
- Drug Side Effects
- drumming and Parkinson's
- early onset Parkinson's
- earn an income working from home
- electromagnetic sensitivity
- emfs
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- energy fields
- energy healing
- energy of the future
- essential oils
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- Exercise and Parkinson's
- Eye Problems
- fake product recommendations
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- Feldenkrais
- Fermented Papaya
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- fire opal
- focused ultrasound
- folk medicine
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- food allergies
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- foot injuries
- foot whisperer
- forced exercise
- Frankincense
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- frequency healing
- frozen shoulder
- functional medicine
- Future of Medicine
- gait issues
- gastroperesis and Parkinsons
- genetically modified foods (GMOs)
- genetics
- Glutathione
- gray hair
- groin pain
- grounding
- hakomi
- handwriting
- harmonic healing
- heal scars
- healing
- Healing Parkinsons from the Inside Out
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- herbs
- hivemapper
- holistic approach
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- honey
- hope
- hormones
- horses
- how family reacts
- How to produce dopamine
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- hypnotherapy
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- incontinence
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- inflammation
- injury to the head
- insomnia
- Insulin Resistance
- intramuscular stimulation (IMS)
- intranasal device
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- jaw misalignment
- John Coleman
- juicing
- ketones
- l-dopa
- language of recovery
- laughter yoga
- lessons learned
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- lithium
- lock jaw
- low blood pressure
- low dose naltrexone
- lyme disease
- macrobiotics
- Magnesium
- magnets
- making changes
- mannitol
- Massage
- ME3
- medical specialties
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- Meditation
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- micrographia
- mindfulness
- mindwork
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- mt. Kilimanjaro
- mucuna
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- muscle tightness
- music and Parkinson's
- Myofascial Release (MFR)
- Myths about Parkinson's
- Natural Remedies Parkinsons treatment
- Natural Therapies
- natural treatments for Parkinson's disease
- naturopaths
- Neuro Feedback
- Neuro-linguistic Programming
- Neurological Diplomacy
- neurologist
- nunchaku
- Nutrition
- oat straw extract
- optometry
- overwhelmed and overstimulated
- pain
- painting
- panic attacks
- parasites
- Parkinson's nutrition
- Parkinsons
- Parkinsons 5htp
- Parkinsons Disease Early Symptoms
- Parkinsons disease hand tremors
- Parkinsons Disease Information
- Parkinsons Disease Research
- Parkinsons Disease Symptoms
- Parkinsons Disease Treatment
- Parkinsons Plus
- Parkinsons Recovery
- Parkinsons Recovery Magazine
- Parkinsons Recovery Membership
- Parkinsons Research
- Parkinsons treatments
- perepheral neuropathy
- photobiomodulation therapy
- physical therapy
- Pioneers of Recovery
- placebo effect
- plasticity
- pneumonia
- poem
- potassium
- power of the mind
- prevent falls
- probiotics
- psoriasis
- psychic readings
- pulsed electromagnetic field therapy
- Q&A With Robert Rodgers PhD
- Qigong
- quantum healing
- radio program
- recovery
- Recovery that is Stuck in the Mud
- Reiki
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- rhodiola
- Rife Machine
- road to recovery
- rock solid walking
- salivation
- sam-e
- Seven Secrets to Healing
- side effects of medications
- sinemet
- singing
- skelatoes
- sleep disorders
- smell and Parkinson's
- sound healing
- sound therapy
- spasms
- Sports Massage
- stem cell implants
- stem cells
- steps to recovery
- Stochastic Resonance Therapy (SRT)
- Stress and Parkinsons
- sugar cravings
- Supplements
- support group
- support system
- surgery
- Surveys
- swallow safely
- symptom free
- symptoms
- table tennis
- tai chi
- Thoughts and Parkinsons
- tmj
- Toxins in the Body
- transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Trauma and Parkinsons
- treatment options
- Triumph Over Tremors
- Vagus Nerve
- vibration therapy
- vibroacoustic therapy
- viruses
- vision
- vitamin D3
- voice analysis
- voice profiling
- walk in shower
- weakness
- weight loss
- wisdom of the body
- yoga
Connect with me
Diagnosed 2012
My regimen:
The positives: no button difficulties, brush my teeth now w/o needing elect brush, more strength. Getting in and out of bed, turning over is easier. No more constipation. etc. motor and non-motor symptoms…
Slow progression: In my 6th year and have not fallen, not once, to the surprise of my neuro. Was seeing neuro every 6th month, last visit he set app one year. He said if needed we could do some changes earlier. He said my condition can change in as little time as one week.
New schedule, now I follow this regimen:
3 x day C/L 50-200 ER : morning, 11 am, 5 pm. Because it is ER, I take with or w/o food.
1 x day: Magnesium Malate, 425mg and/or Magnesium Glycinate, 200 mg : 5 pm
2 x day (morning 2g and 5 pm 2g) Vitacost vitamin B1 (as thiamin HCL) 500mg, easy swallow capsules
1 x day Life Extension Bio-Active Complete B-Complex, 60 Capsules. Ingredients include 100mg thiamin HCL, 400mcg Folate, 100mg B-6 : 11 am
2 x day 99mg x 4 Potassium Gluconate : morning, 5 pm
1 x day Vit D3 1,000 IU : …daily supplementation with 1200 IU vitamin D3 for 12 mo significantly prevented the deterioration of PD………. morning (evening may interfere w/ sleep). Very high levels of vitamin D (above 10,000 IU a day) may cause kidney and tissue damage. Evidence of risks at lower levels is limited, but some studies offer tentative signals about adverse health effects.
B1 Thiamine therapy reference / stop progression, suppress motor and non-motor symptoms:
(Thiamin HCL is oral substitute to IV B1) 2 x day (morning 2g and at lunch 2g)
Doctor Costantini strategy that I find helpful “thiamine hcl stops the progression forever…”.
Parky people say the first five years is your honeymoon stage with Parkinson’s. After that, progression more rapid.
I have gone from slow motion to normal motor action since joining the growing number of PwP that have started B1 regimen/protocol. –
Doctor Costantini – “Why is this? Because there is no medicine or drug that is able to affect all of the organs, whereas all of the organs function thanks to Thiamine. An important detailâ€, adds doctor Costantini, “the Thiamine therapy brings no collateral damage with timeâ€.
Google search: Doctor Costantini Parkinson
Dr Antonio Costantini,