About Parkinsons Disease

Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Page 35 of 37

Bach Flower Essences

Alan gave me permission to post his experience with Bach Flower essences as therapies for his symptoms.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

While I’ve had to just live with my symptoms sometimes, I’ve also made some good strides with the Bach flower essences–just two of them. I saw a list of 17 essences (in boiled liquid form taken in drops) in a book on detox by Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald. For my use selection, I used the light chair/heavy chair method, mentioned by the psychic woman a few weeks ago in your interviews, naming each one and then seeing what the chair response would be rather than figuring out intellectually what me emotional symptoms were. From her, Lenore, I learned that the universe is made a certain way, meaning that our steps are just before us. Although I’ve noticed these flower essences in my reading for some years, I knew nothing about them and didn’t care to–too complicated! When they were needed, I learned enough about them in just a few days to employ them exactly as I need them for benefit. A woman in a chat room I visited was schooled in Bach, and I asked her the questions that I needed to. I read on websites suggested by Fitzgerald and found a documentary about Bach on youtube that is out of this world. The universe is made a certain way.

I have a stone collection and inherited some of it from my Grandfather’s collection in 1998. I had put an opal near my computer monitor, just because I like having favorite rocks around. On a particularly difficult day, I thought, “doesn’t this stone have some particular type of energy? I wonder what it is.” (I used to be into the energy of stones). I looked for it in Love is in the Earth. Sure enough, this particular stone is called “fire opal”. It doesn’t have iridescence, but it is bright orange. The last item mentioned in the reference as far as energy is concerned was (is used) “to assist in the recovery from Parkinson’s disease.” This didn’t surprise me because “the universe is made a certain way.” What did surprise me was the language of “recovery from Parkinson’s disease,” language like you use, while this book is from 1995! I’ve decided to sleep with the opal, having it near my pillow.

I work in a church as a music director, and my symptoms are quite public. It was a victory for me tonight to take part in an annual potluck, be sociable with a strong enough voice, get up from the table, walk, return, and eat without anyone seeming to notice symptoms. All I ever say to questions is, “I have some problems in my nervous system, and I hope to recover.” Tonight, there were no questions. I know that I have emotionally changed for the better, and that has helped everything.

For those who might have questions, the Bach flower essences affect the emotions only with no guarantee that physical healing will result. It was Edward Bach’s genius to notice that one’s emotional disposition has a lot to do with the course of physical healing. This was observed when two people would have the same disease or two returning British soldiers would come back from WW I with the same type of injury. One would heal easily and rapidly; the other would have a difficult time in the healing of the same problem! Bach took his research into the emotional dimension of his patients to try to help those who had difficulty in healing. I am grateful to him.

I am also grateful to you for setting a style of research into the Parkinson’s recovery field.

Thank you.


Recovery is Happening for Me

Below is an email I received from Monica who explains how “recovery is happening for me”.  She gave me permission to post her inspiring account.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

So thankful for your site !!! It seems the drugs are surrounding me, wanting me to cave in and take them…..its like a cloud that wont go away Inspiration that comes from the other side of the coin is fewer and farther away.

A neuro that I saw yesterday, who disqualified me for a Q-10 clinical trial, just about persuaded me that I was doing disservice to myself by not beginning drugs soon. I asked him a stupid question about whether he knew of anyone who had recovered..He said no. I forgot that he is in the prescription business and that probably seeing my recovery symptoms would made him uncomfortable…

I am 6 yrs with unmedicated symptoms and doing just fine. I am focused on makingrecovery is happening for me new neural pathways for balance right now through specific exercise, visualization and emotional freedom technique. Every year that I am in med free recovery, I celebrate. It is hard work. Recovery is happening for me…


Recovery Poem

Tuetle sent me this recovery poem she wrote and gave me permission
to post it here on the Parkinsons Recovery blog.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Pd is reversible, Yes, it is true!
No longer a need to be sad or blue
What works for me may not work for you
We can recover when we try things new

Neurons firing as new pathways are made
We all believe, feel secure, not let our hopes fade
As our brains and our bodies change in so many ways
Mobility, balance, joy, we will praise

Negative thoughts may creep in and creep out
We can make it if we throw out our doubt
Waking up, decided that this is all real
No more worries about some crazy new deal

So goodbye Stalevo, Requip, C-R
We will not need you, we know who you are
Healing takes time, energy, and will
We have learned the answers do not live in a pill

Science is searching, their motion is slow
Look- we have things to do, and places to go
Our journey begins now, for you and for me
We simply can not wait till we are one-hundred and three!

New spirit, new hope, new habits!! Freedom!!, we will say!
As the symptoms of Parkinsons pack their bags and go away!
We will heal and recover the skies will be blue
As we live in each moment, we will know that we grew!


Thanks to Turtle for allowing me to post her recovery poem which
is an inspiration to us all.

Resistance to Change

There is usually one black sheep in any family. Black sheep insist on doing things differently. Their family believes their way is weird, unsafe, unsound and just plain stupid. Resistance to change in all families is strong.

I am the black sheep of my family. I am always trying out new therapies of one type or another. My current goal is to reverse the color of my graying hair back to black.

New therapies are continuously being introduced. It is likely that some of them will help. I figure, why not give them a try? They are natural, noninvasive and safe to try. What is there to lose? I have only one life to live and it does not last forever.

Reactions I get are blank stares and questions.

Is there any research to indicate this will help?

Why do you want to pursue a therapy that your doctor
does not even know about?

In short, there is usually significant criticism from family members if the black sheep of the family decides to branch out and try out treatments or therapies other than prescription drugs and/or surgeries. Resistance to change is indeed usually very intense.

Are you the black sheep of your family? If so, I need to clue you in to the reactions you can expect from your family when you announce you are pursuing therapies that re not familiar to medical doctors or approved by the FDA.

So you are going to try tai chi? Isn’t that a weird
eastern thing?

You want to eat differently? What is this? You don’t like
my cooking?

You really shouldn’t exercise. You may hurt yourself.

Sound familiar?

From my extensive interviews with persons who have the symptoms of Parkinson’s, a family drama often unfolds when the black sheep announces they are branching out of the family mold and trying other things.

Why do family members get so upset with the black sheep of the family in such cases, especially when the treatments they have been trying are not working? My answer to this puzzle is that you are challenging their limiting beliefs about illness and recovery.

Family members may very well have bothersome symptoms of their own. They hopefully have taken the smart step by seeking the advice from the specialty of western medicine. If they are not considering other specialties that have the potential to provide relief however, they have given up their power of control over their own destiny. They have resigned themselves to being told what to do.

It is frighting for anyone to acknowledge they have given up the power of choice, especially when it comes to their own health and well being. Learning that someone else in the family
is stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility for their own health elicits deep questions about the decisions they have made regarding their own health care. It is tough for all of us to face the truth of our actions. Denial runs deep in everyone.

Of course people in your family will react strongly if a black sheep of the family branches out of the grip of mainstream medical care and begins to take control over their own health. This act in itself raises questions about the power of choice everyone else has given up with regard to their own health care. No one likes to confront the reality they have given up all power of choice to someone else.

The secret to recovery is to take control over your recovery program. Defy resistance to change. You know the best way to proceed. Other people – whether family or friends – do not. We are all different with different needs.

Incidentally, the color is my hair is turning back to black from gray. I am doing it naturally – no dyes involved. Isn’t that cool? I suppose I could turn it back to black with hair dyes, but then I would be giving myself an overdose of toxins.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Medical Specialities for Parkinsons

There are many alternatives to consider when searching for therapies and treatments that provide relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. I will preview both Western and Eastern medical specialties for Parkinsons several by way of opening up ideas for where you can search to find relief.

Western Medical Specialities for Parkinsons

Western medical specialties for ParkinsonsOne of the places that is familiar to most people today is western medicine, a specialty among many other possible specialties that can be considered. Western medicine treats symptoms with prescription drugs and surgery. This approach for treating illness has become a commonly accepted method of treating disease for about 100 years now.

It is losing some of its popularity because of the side effects of the medicines and the consequences of surgeries. It is important to remember, however, that the mainstream medication specialty is precisely what some people need to jump start their recovery program.

Thank goodness the western medicine specialty is stringently regulated. Prescription medicines make molecular changes to the cellular structure of the body. Most prescription medicines have side effects. This is why Federal Drug Administration (or a similar agency in other countries) legally regulates the prescription and sale of all prescription drugs. Stringent certifications are required for the medical doctors who prescribe the meditations and for the pharmacists who sell them.

The standard treatment approach in western medicine is to perform diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the symptom. Unfortunately administration of the tests can of course take months and require considerable expense. Unfortunately, the diagnostic tests sometimes cause illnesses in their own right.

After determining a diagnosis, the standard approach is to prescribe medications or surgery. If the medications and/or surgery succeed in alleviating the symptoms, the treatment is declared a success. If unsuccessful, the treatment is suspended in search of an alternative drugs or surgeries that are hoped will provide relief. Sometimes medical doctors have to go back to the drawing board to consider other diagnoses. Some people have a long list of diagnoses for a variety of symptom sets.

The western approach to medicine works beautifully for some people and some symptoms. For other people and other symptoms, such treatments can be disappointing. Many people prefer this specialty over other alternatives. Others use both.

Eastern Medical Specialties for Parkinsons

There are also a wide variety of other specialties that offer the potential to provide reliefEastern Medical specialties for Parkinsons which rely on natural methods to heal the body. An advantage of such specialties is that they have been practiced for many thousands of years with great success. The worst side effect you are likely to experience when using natural therapies is improved health on some level.

The number of specialties other than western medicine is extensive: homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, meditation, energy healing, physical therapy, tai chi, qigong, naturopathy, exercise, hypnosis, counseling therapy, nutrition, body work – you name it. This is the short list.

Most of these specialties have been practiced for thousands and thousands of years. The standard approach to illness in the United States was to use homeopathic remedies until the beginning of the 20th century, a time when most of us today were not living.

Many people get a huge advantage when they use a combination of specialties. Why? When used in combination, the benefits from using the treatments from more than one specialty are usually synergistic.

In the countless interviews I do with individuals who have the symptoms of Parkinson’s I am overwhelmed with what people do that helps – not just a little – but a lot.

May you open the door to consider what all specialties have to offer. That is what I have been doing with my own research strategy and I am unearthing unbelievable discoveries which you can read about in the Parkinsons Recovery blog.

Join me with investigating other specialties that have the potential to help you feel a lot better. The people who are getting great relief from their symptoms are willing to experiment with many different specialties. The sky is the limit. The potential for healing is limitless.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

ADA Protections for Parkinsons Disease

Hi Robert,  I am currently overwhelmed with an urgent problem which occupies all my time. My employer is going to fire me no later than September due to a combination of factors and my illness. I am interested in learning about  ADA protections for Parkinsons disease

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease two and half years ago; but the employer doesn’t know what my diagnose is. I have received a very bad but unfair performance evaluation this week to obviously lay grounds for my firing. So I need to urgently find out what options may I have under the circumstances: am I protected by the ADA, can I stay or should I go, can I get the employer’s permanent disability insurance, and so on.

I am currently looking for a good lawyer in the disability/job problem area preferably with experience in PD cases. I wonder if different Parkinson foundations/associations may have appropriate attorneys. Excuse me for bothering you with my problem, at the same time I would very much appreciate your advice.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Thanks so much for your e mail. What a formidable challenge the universe has concocted for you! I do know that the provisions of the American Disability Act provide strong protections. The employer must have 15 employees. If they are large enough, they must provide special equipment if needed, extra breaks, alter the work environment, adjust schedules, etc.

If you haven’t already done so, type in the words “ADA protection Parkinsons Disease” in your search engine and see what comes up. I sense getting the assistance of a lawyer at this point would be strongly advisable.

I also know that there are advocates who have Parkinsons and have become experts in this area. If you would like, I can post your question on the blog. Maybe we will get a comment or two from advocates.

The best outcome is to resolve the symptoms so that the issue becomes mute. Stress aggravates them, so with the stress you are under, it will be a challenge to see relief from your symptoms until you see relief on the horizon.

It feels like you have sunk into the template that you are stuck with the symptoms. It is easy to sink into that dark and dreary place. Use your intention to shift into a better place, a place where you know in your heart that you can heal.

Of course, the other issue the universe may be confronting you with – is this the job of your dreams? Or, is there something else you are being called to do?

All the best,

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004



Progesterone Cream and Parkinson’s

I am happy to have finally joined Parkinson’s Recovery. I have been trying alternative methods for years and I realized quite some time ago after seeing various practitioners and doing online research, including your newsletter which is great- that it is a combination of diet, exercise, etc. that may be different for each individual’s recovery. I had worked on diet especially because a naturopathic doctor had told me how important it was to balance my ph.which was dangerously acidic. I tried diet, yoga, supplements, etc. for @ 6 months and was doing somewhat better symptom wise but still was not able to balance my ph. I realized after buying a friend with hot flashes progesterone cream that I too was in need of the cream

I think sometimes as a pder we block all feelings and symptoms into, one category –

“It’s pd that is making me feel this way.”

After using the Progesterone cream for a week I was surprised by my dyskinesia reduction, I had been “flopping” violently sometimes for more than an hour with every going off/coming on medication withdrawal and dosing. Now about 3 weeks into the use of the cream which I felt my body just soaking up and screaming –

“Finally! you figured it out”

I am down to minimal flopping. Also I have gotten my appetite back and have gained 4.5 lbs since starting the cream. Another pleasant suprise is my ph has been balanced both urine and saliva 7 out of 9 days past.

This is one of the reasons I am very interested in the memory training. I had no idea that memory training could influence hormone balancing. So I have been improving rather quickly over the past 3-4 weeks. Today, after trying some of your exercises and listening to and trying some of the have you considered ideas I have so far had a “flopless day”

It could be the placebo effect as I usually react positively to new ideas or treatments rather quickly but I want to believe it is more than that. I am excited about having all of this information in one central location and being able to track my progress as I have a habit when I have been going through a bad time to feel helpless and give into negative thinking.

Your website has restored my hope in recovery – if I can just stay disciplined enough to visit everyday – I know that is the trick. I had been falling a lot since December and have really been in a funk lately and realized I hadn’t done any yoga for the past 5 months, making excuses to not do much at all besides eating healthy sporadically and cutting down on my medication, taking more mucuna than sinemet, etc.

So, the Progesterone cream gave me a real jump start and I feel with a combination of things that I can recover. Anyway I hadn’t planned on such a long letter but sometimes you wind me up and on I go. Well thanks again for all your doing and I hope to get an answer soon to my question about the symptom tracking.


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Pain and Parkinsons Disease

Although the topic of pain and Parkinsons disease may have come up before, we haven’t gotten yet a satisfactory answer. The question is whether you have found pain to be a significant symptom in people with other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, and if so, what they do to find relief.

The second question is whether in people who take L-dopa, it is common for them to feel worse 20-45 min after taking the medication before finding relief.  Any suggestions or information you have on these two related questions would be very much appreciated.

Pain and Parkinsons Disease

Yes, I have received many reports from people who report pain is a very troubling symptom for them among others. First, from what I have learned, people get relief from pain by meditating. Meditation allows them to override all of the thinking that surrounds the “meaning” of the pain. We all put a head on top of our head, which makes the experience worse. That is one reason I have been motivated to record the weekly series of meditations for Parkinsons Recovery members.

Second, my observation is that there is typically a thought form that is buried beneath the pain. Once that is cleared and released, the pain resolves.

Third, a source of the pain is often unreleased trauma. Using one body therapy or another (we use craniosacral) helps with releasing trauma. Other therapies are helpful as well. Once the trauma is released, the pain resolves (if trauma is the primary causal factor)

Timing of Medications

As for the timing of the medications – this is a tough one. Your doctor of course is the go to resource when it comes to questions about medications.  Most people tell me that when they work closely with their doctor, they can adjust their medications so that the down time is minimized. People I have interviewed tell me they experience symptom relief after taking medications, not pain.

I wonder about the reason for the emergence of pain before the meditations kick in. Perhaps the body is in a suspended state of withdrawal until the new dose starts to work. Perhaps there is a temporary flare up of inflammation

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Our bodies got sick because of some type of toxicity at least that is my belief.

That is certainly my belief too. it’s not for 100% of the individuals who have Parkinson’s but from our extensive work it is clearly true for a pretty significant proportion of individuals there are toxins that directly contribute to the symptoms.  A huge body of research has unequivocally shown that toxins do contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

How do we get rid of the toxicity that is making us sick?

That’s actually a question that I am addressing in my interviews with naturopath doctors and other health professionals who have sharp insights into how we can eliminate the toxins in our bodies. There is no a simple answer to the question.

In part it depends on the nature of the toxicity that is present in the body. When you know what toxin(s) are most troublesome, you will have a better idea of what detox approaches are going to be most successful. Once the toxins are eliminated, the neural pathways can be rejuvenated. Toxins do a good job of glogging them up.

Detoxing is not a one-day event. It is not a one-week event. I believe it needs to be a lifetime event. Eliminating toxins from our bodies is something that we need to work on continuously. The good news is that there are many possibilities that can be very effective. Your body will thank you for detoxing and show its appreciation through a reduction in symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

12 Steps to Recovery

On Parkinsons Recovery RadioI interviewed John Coleman, ND. John is a naturopath doctor from Australia who was diagnosed with an advanced stage of Parkinson’s in 1995, but is symptom free today. Here is a replay of my interview with him where is also discusses his 12 steps to recovery.

Below are questions from members of the Parkinsons Recovery audience that John answers:

1. I live in Brazil and my mother, 81 years old, was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. She has Polycythemia Vera too. I would like to know if I can give her B2 Vitamin (riboflavin), 20mg/three times daily, with no risk of increase her hematocrit (actual level is 46).

2. My wife has been slightly anemic for over 5 years, just after she was afflicted with PD. Her hemoglobin, iron content and % saturation have been all below the minimum recommended range, despite valiant efforts to increase it, like taking iron pills and eating iron rich foods. Her Dr says that taking FE pills is not efficient, as it is poorly absorbed. Apparently, a lot of PD patients have this problem. What steps should she take?

3. How do you deal with the orthostatic hypotension? I take florineff and midodrine. I hate them – side effects are horrendous.

4. I have tried almost every therapy and treatment over the past five years, but that darn PD still seems to progress. This included two stem cell treatments, UCB by IV out of the country…. Improved over the first six months, but them benefits faded away! What supplements have you fond help the most?

5. Could you tell me – have you come across very many people who can link their Parkinsonism to taking Lipitor?

6. How can I get the best movement possible with the least amount of meds?

7. What will c/l dopa help and what won’t it help? What can I expect to be improved?

8. Are there any preventive measures my Mum (who has Parkinsons) should be taking with regard to the swine flu?

9. What are the 12 steps to recovery that you recommend that support the recovery process?

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Five Steps to Recovery

Your Five Steps to Recovery book is terrific.

“Recovery will happen for me” is my new mantra.

My body is responding. Also, your suggestion for remembering the feeling from past times I made non wishy washy decisions and the outcome was never seriously in doubt. At first I couldn’t recall such decisions. Then it came later that I had indeed made 4 of them, all life and death decisions based on how I thought and moved in a very short time span.

In my experience as a helicopter pilot I had 4 engine failures over a 30 yr period. One from 500 feet with a student, one from 15 feet over a helipad one at night, over a city from 500 feet, and the last over the ocean from 200 feet with 6 on board. Each one the feeling deep down was that I knew the end result would be successful.

That same feeling is the same feeling I have about recovery. I also have been using the TV screen meditation with interesting, positive results.

I also have to give credit for 5 sessions of EFT with Bernadette Hunter. Y

. It’s all coming together slowly for me. Soon my Aquas will be arriving…



This is certainly an exciting report for everyone to hear. I am so happy to learn you found Five Steps to Recovery useful. Thank you for sending it me and giving permission for others to read it. There are clearly exciting developments happening in your life. When you are on the road to recovery, it becomes so clear great things are beginning to happen.

Energy is running. A new and powerful life force begins to re-emerge. Of course, the process is seldom smooth sailing, but at least you know something important is happening.

We all have a tendency to focus on symptoms that are troubling and do not celebrate improvement in symptoms that have resolved or become much better.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Mercury Amalgams

Karen gave me permission to post her email below concerning issues related to the removal of mercury amalgams.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Today, I had two old, mercury amalgam patched gold crowns removed. They said they took out a LOT of Mercury amalgams from under the crown. They will replace them with Zirconium crowns that the man who analyzes the Clifford tests suggested to my dentist.  That man at Clifford would also be very interesting to interview. He has a wealth of info about compatible dental materials.

Another issue is the difficulty that epinephrine can cause. One woman new to our support group never had a tremor until recently when she was given pain killer containing epinephrine and she has not stopped having tremors since that dental appointment. 

Another woman said her “Parkinson’s” began at a dentist appointment. Our group leader asked his dentist who had been to a special conference where they said not to use Novocaine with epinephrine with people who have neurological challenges. Another man was given a copy of the printed info that comes with both kinds of pain killer. Today my dentist gave me plain Novocaine without epinephrine. After 2 hours of sitting while they worked I was shaky all over but it did go away. It felt like it might be my body adjusting to the big clump of amalgam leaving. I feel much better tonight.

I strongly feel people with Parkinson’s or a pre-disposition (heredity) should be informed about this issue and choice. My dentist said they keep both kinds of pain killer available because there are people who are sensitive. (Also, the dermatologist uses pain killer with epinephrine and could be asked to use a non-epinephrine alternative.)


Electromagnetic Sensitivity

I am totally convinced – and other practitioners have also felt the same – that my Parkinsonian symptoms are because of certain factors, especially  electromagnetic sensitivity to magnetic fields and microwave radiation. My condition is much worse than anyone else I have met. Being on this computer is making me really ill.

My house was badly affected by electro magnetic fields and geopathic stress. I moved but still got worse. Eventually five years ago Professor Burn at Newcastle General told me I had Parkinson’s Disease.

My partner of 10 years left me two weeks later. I was given dopamine agonist pramipexole. I initially saw some improvement. I moved from my house and got a computer, wifi and phone. My condition deteriorated. I moved again, but continued to get worse.

By accident I clicked onto the website electrosensitivity.uk (http://www.es-uk.info) A lady called Sandy was convinced my illness was caused by my sensitivity. A hair sample was sent to Gary Johnson who told me I did not have Parkinson’s Disease but electrosensitivity.

I checked where I was living. Five masts (90 yds from me) a lady called Georgi  came to my house. She had traveled 14,000 miles all over the UK to find a safe place. She settled in Rothbury in Northumberland. They then built two masts above house 3 miles from my floor. She was affected in the house and could hardly breath. Gary Johnson said if I stayed  there I would die.

Prior to this nutritionist Gwenda Jones tested my urine and told me I did not have Parkinsons Disease but lead poisoning from paint, mercury amalgam and sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. I started a detox program which was associated with horrible side affects. I searched for safe place to live out of the house.

Both Gary and Gwenda felt that the drug Pramipexole was enhancing my sensitivity. I slowly came off but was taken into the hospital very ill. Professor Burn increased my meds and l felt better the next day. He upped again.

Over the last four years I have become more and more affected by electromagnetic Sensitivity. From the age of 10 I lived in a house bedroom 25 ft from an electric sub-station which is 2 miles from the airport. An incidence of early deaths in the houses near me was scary. By council initiative, all houses were built with all electric heating under the floors. My father died at age 53.

Next door two 49 year old males had heart attacks; Alzheimer’s two doors away; two cases of MS; cancer in a 14 year old boy. For the first time I had enuresis nose bleeds. My parents argued all the time.

I recently went back to the area where I grew up. They had put a roof on the sub-station, but illnesses have gotten worse, especially among children. I left that house in 1972 to train to be a PE teacher.

It was when I started my nurse training in 1993 that a rash appeared on my buttocks and has slowly gotten worse. Every doctor says eczema. Do I want cream, etc.? They laugh when I tell them how I can get it to go away. As my condition worsened I started to take a herb called kapikacchu (Mucuna).

This has saved my life.

As a good friend said, out of adversity comes strength


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Music for Parkinsons

Alan gave me permission to post his email which follows about music for Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

I have a little experience with music therapy. Last Winter, I happened to meet someone who studies music therapy, and he believed that it can help any condition. I did a little search on this and found that lively music is good for people with Parkinson’s. This particular article said not to expect results right away.

I found a radio station that had lively music most of the time and listened in the car for a few months. That was a start but not a very satisfactory one because I didn’t enjoy the music. Then, someone gave me a CD of dulcimers and string band, which I liked and found delightful. Perfect music for Parkinsons as I saw it. Much of it is “toe-tapping”, so I would want to tap my foot, my left foot, which is my affected side, drawing forth a response.

I believe that the tapping got better over time because it was uncomfortable at first, and then it gradually became more fun. My neurologist had given me an article about music and Parkinson’s. It made one point: that the responses to music are spontaneous, and that the “letting go” response is different from the attempt at conscious effort. People with Parkinson’s can get up and dance when asked (if they like dancing), whereas the same people might have difficulty doing many things.

I did some conscious toe-tapping in the car to the dulcimer music, but it was better when it “just happened,” giving that automatic response some exercise. One of my neurologist’s tests is lifting the (left) heel off the floor rapidly. I did that better for him on my last visit, and we both noticed that I did it more strongly and more easily. Thanks for always emphasizing symptoms instead of a disease.

I received encouragement today on my walking. For the last two times going out, I noticed some “going back” of my left arm as well as the little bit forward. The back swing was new. Today, some REAL forward motion, that I did not produce, kicked in.

I so appreciate the doors that you have opened to me.


Parkinson’s Supplements

You must be most certainly aware of Dr. Mukesh Paneri,an ayurvedic doctor from Ahmedabad, India. His website is www.drpaneri.com who I understand treats patients with Parkinson’s supplements and diet. 

He claims to have cured more than 50 patients from Parkinsons Disease and 122 well on their way to recovery. I would like to know how genuine and authentic are his claims before progressing further. I am eagerly waiting for your reply.


I have been trying to arrange an interview with Dr. Paneri for a year but I have thus far not succeeded. I have talked with several people who have received his treatment. Results of my investigations to date are reported in my book, Pioneers of Recovery.

This is the first I have heard that he reports specific numbers of persons who are symptom free. It would be wonderful if he is now meticulously tracking the recovery of his patients.

My own feeling about “cures” is that no one else cures us of anything. We cure ourselves. I do know from my interview with Nathan Zakheim (who reports a full recovery from Dr. Paneri’s treatments in Pioneers of Recovery) that Dr. Paneri uses an Ayurvedic approach which requires a very strict dietary intake of food. His treatment involves much more than simply taking herbs or supplements which he sends his patients from his clinic in India.

He is the fifth generation in his family of people who have worked with people using supplements for Parkinson’s and diet. You are clearly dealing with someone who has intimate knowledge of the symptoms. I understand that he does consultations with his patients by phone.

I do not know whether the claims you report above are “valid” or documented. I have talked with people who have used his services who report feeling better as a result. I suspect that like all possibilities, some people respond favorably to his therapies and some do not. I have no direct evidence to this effect. I only have results of my own investigations on many other therapies and treatments.

Everyone has to find the path of recovery that works for them. I have not found a therapy yet that has a positive impact on everyone. I do know that if you commit to working with Dr. Paneri, you have to have a strong commitment to get better and you must be willing to make significant changes in your diet and life style. I suspect a reason people do feel better is because they begin to watch the food they eat much more mindfully.

If you decide to receive his treatments, please let us all know how it turns out! We would all love to hear from you.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Life with Parkinsons Disease

I tuned into the recorded version of your interview with Leif who discussed his life with Parkinsons disease. I could not listen to it for very long as the part where he experienced much difficulty moving around and talking, and when he apologized– it really bothered me. So I exited the show.

I can honestly say that he dashed my hopes somewhat. I felt somewhat frightened and depressed. I was hoping to hear the voice of the motivated, and strongly positive author, “Leif”. Didn’t expect ‘off times”. It recalled to me the supposed later stages of this condition, and of how dreary a future this condition could prove to be for me. ( Now maybe I should have stayed on line and listened to all — but I couldn’t.)

However a good thing. It re- emphasized to me how very important it is for me to listen to my own body and deal with it day by day, and not fixate on what may/may not happen to me in the future, down the road. Each case of Parkinsons Disease seems to be different depending on so many influencing factors. Everyone seems to go through this neurological condition differently.

Now for me after my diagnosis in’ 98, I am fairing well, all things considered. But it takes effort to stay well and it takes time, and it takes attitude! I used to receive mail from the Parkinson’s organizations here, inviting me to attend meetings having to do with: falling, drooling, freezing, depression, suicide, support for spouses, making a will etc. Talk about gloom and doom. So I unsubscribed to such mail.

I make a practice of staying away from websites, articles, presentations of the same persuasion, because they are not helpful at this time and may never be– who knows. It is just more positive for me to practice and adopt a lifestyle that channels my energy and thoughts in a more positive way, to surround myself with people and circumstances that celebrate life — sunshine, nature, spirituality, music, friends, travel, vegetarian food, exercise, breathing, laughing yoga. Some may say that I have my” neck stuck in the sand” , “to face the music”, “to accept my disease”. I think not.

In the days and weeks following my diagnosis in ’98, I spent many a day and dark hour, dwelling entirely on this “di sease”. I found myself buried in a very dark place, a deep hole, thankfully I was able to crawl out. I never wish to return there!

So sorry( my opinion), that Leif experienced ‘off times’ during his talk, because he had a wonderful message to convey. I did read some excerpts from his book, and I do share in, and believe in much that he writes. Now maybe the rest of the show was entirely different, but….

Just someone sharing her thoughts having and dealing with” Parkinson’s” recovery.


What a fascinating report of your reaction to my life with Parkinsons disease interview with Leif this week. at the time of the interview Leif had Parkinsons for 21 years. He leads a very full, rewarding, happy and joyful life. Since being diagnosed with Parkinsons he has started his own business which has become very successful. Parkinsons has transformed his life. A replay of my interview with Leif follows:

Your experience listening to the interview is a true testament to how easy it is to be sucked into the dark and dreary negative belief template about Parkinsons that continues to linger out there in the ethers. As you so eloquently describe, it is so easy to be trapped by the negative belief template. Crawling out of it can sometimes feel like the challenge of breaking out of jail.

I think the actual experience of listening to my interview with Leif patterns your same experience over the years since your own diagnosis eleven years ago. Deep depression initially followed by a determination to engage the activities that help you feel great everyday. You are probably wondering what happened in the second part of the interview?

Leif took a mere ten minute break in the interview to meditate by breathing and grounding. His symptoms vanished. When you hear the second part of the interview you hear a voice of strength and power (though of course English is not his native language). It is a true testament to the reality that by setting his intent to move out of fear and paying attention to his body, his symptoms vanished in a flash. Healing happens in the moment. You do not have to wait years.

His symptoms were up during the first ten minutes of the interview because it was a stressful experience. After all, he was not just have a friendly chat with me. The interview was being recorded. Thousands of people will hear the interview. Once he was able to relieve the stress of doing the interview, all of his symptoms resolved.

Listening to the process of my interview with Leif who discussed his life with Parkinsons disease is really the same experience you have had over the years as you successfully were able to shift from being trapped in the belief template of fear into a belief template of health and wellness. You both are doing quite well indeed now, but it was also a struggle for both of you in the beginning. I suspect this is a familiar process for many people.

Thanks again for sending in your thoughts. You have helped so many people by telling us all about your own experience with Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Magnets for Healing Parkinsons

My dentist of many years retired, & I needed dentist shortly before I moved to my present location. When I explained that my unsteady gait was from Parkinsons Disease, he told me that he had cared for his mother who had had Parkinsons Disease. He said he did hours of research & found the most helpful thing was using magnets for healing Parkinsons & good hydration.

He said that he had a patient come in that shook so badly the walls were shaking. He told her of magnets for healing Parkinsons & his research. When she came the next week for a follow-up, he gave her magnets & had her put them on her forearms. He said they had to be pretty strong. He said in about 20 minutes or so her shaking had pretty much stopped. He saw her again about 6 months later, & she had a new car & was able to return to a fairly normal life. I assumed she was still on medications, but the tremors had stopped. He told me to find the info on the Internet, or he & his wife would even make the 2 hour drive to my new location to tell me more about it. I do not find that much about magnets helping PD.

Do you know where to find more information? Or do you know of anyone else having a good experience with them? When I left, he repeated to keep the magnets on the forearms & stay hydrated.


This is the first report of magnet use I have received. What an interesting story! Too bad you do not have the specifics. I could interview the people involved on my radio program.

First, I do hear over and over from people with Parkinson’s symptoms that good hydration makes a big difference. Some people are getting good results from taking a homeopathic treatment that was designed to help their bodies become better hydrated called the Aquas.

Second, magnets for healing Parkinsons alter the field which surrounds the human body. I do know there are companies which promote magnets as a device to clear blockages in the human energy field and thus help to restore energy and heal illness. I do not have any evidence from people with Parkinsons on the effectiveness of such devices.

I do know that the many forms of energy healing (reiki, healing touch, energy healing, acupuncture, etc.) also help to clear blockages in the human energy field. Magnets are one approach to achieving this same goal.

The problem as I understand it is that if you get the poles reversed when you apply the treatment, the treatment can backfire. Instead of opening chakras and clearing the blockages, the chakras can shut down and blockages can be solidified. I have heard Barbara Brennan (a famous healer) warn against use of magnets because of the pole reversal problem. Apparently, use of magnets can either work big time or backfire big time.

I have an intuition that in the years ahead, such machines will be much more sophisticated than today. I can also add that of the many therapies that we now know help give symptom relief, I know of no therapy that helps everyone. Just because it might have helped someone else does not mean necessarily that it will help you out.

Anyone out there have any experience with magnets as a treatment option for Parkinsons? Let us hear from you!

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Resources for Recovery

I am so glad to have found your website! I came across it through Google last week and have subscribed to your daily newsletter and have received 3 so far! They are awesome! How can I access other resources for recovery 

I have a diagnosis of early PD. Very early. But I am intrigued by the power of the mind to handle my recovery and total deliverance and healing from symptoms and PD! I am young in my quest. Can you please tell me how or where I might find your thoughts on how this works? You know, putting into practice whatever is necessary for my body to begin healing itself? What is the process? What other parts need to happen?

I am anxious to learn more. Can you please direct me, help me?

Thank you so much for all you do!


Thanks so much for your thoughtful letter. It makes my day! You will find a constant stream of support for your recovery at Parkinsons Recovery. There are numerous resources for recovery to support your journey down the road to recovery.

In addition to the blog and newsletter I have also developed online courses that address specific topics. For a listing and information about each course, visit: Parkinsons Recovery Courses

If you are a reader, there are several books that address the therapies and approaches that support a successful journey down the road to recovery. In particular, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease and  Pioneers of Recovery. I have published one book which address the underlying issue of transforming thought forms which is entitled Five Steps to Recovery.

Always remember that the body does know how to heal itself. It is truly the miracle of all miracles.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

What Supplements Should I Take?




Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer offers a rich answer to this question which turns on your diet, exercise and medications you take. He also offers a preview of tests that can determine which supplements might be beneficial.

The challenge, as Randy so eloquently expresses, is that every one’s needs differs. That is a real bummer to be sure. I think the trick is to learn how to connect with your body. The body is giving us the information about what it needs, we just have to listen. The other key is to be very mindful of what we put into our body as fuel.

The benefit of medications is that they offer temporary relief for some. The downside is that their use depletes certain essential vitamins over time. You do not mention whether you take medications, but if you do. please talk with your doctor about taking B vitamin supplements as well as CoQ10.

I record weekly meditations where I address the challenge of connecting with our bodies.  New meditations are posted on the membership site every weekday. Discover more information about Parkinsons Recovery membership here: https://www.parkinsonsrecovery.com/parkinsons-recovery

I contend that with a little practice and perseverance, we all can learn to listen to our bodies. When we listen, our bodies tell us what fuel they need.


We have had the same experience with clients we work with. They get a lot better and can revert back to a previous level (not usually to the original level – but there are set backs).

The secret in the long run is not so much taking certain supplements, but the transformation of thoughts that are not in your best and highest good. It you believe, even unconsciously, that your health is  destined to deteriorate, it will.
Transform those negative thoughts and turn around a condition that might be troubling.

I think it is most beneficial to work at the core level of thoughts and to acknowledge how they have a direct impact on symptoms. Think of this as working at the core level – at how certain negative thinking that sustains symptoms. I introduce ways to transform thoughts in my book Five Steps to Recovery which is available on Amazon.

The root barrier to recovery turns out to be certain core thoughts that hang recovery up. Of course, the seed thoughts are usually unconscious which makes releasing them the trick of it all. The true healing comes with embracing restorative statements that resonate with you.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Orthostatic Hypotension

I am really interested in the Aquas with reference to my blood pressure issues that I continue to wrestle with. Do you know anyone else with PD that has orthostatic hypotension?

As I understand it, approximately 10 % of PD patients have orthostatic hypotension which, incidentally, is a big fat problem and treatment for sucks due to lack of interest I suppose. I have some theories – for me I believe it is due to medication as well as long term stress and anxiety leading to Adrenal issues. As you know, the adrenals are key in regulating blood pressure. J.B.

Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a drop in blood pressure during relatively quick changes in body position that occur; for example, when shifting from a sitting position to a standing position. You ask if I know of anyone else with Parkinson’s Disease who has this problem.

I have seen every imaginable symptom a person can possibly have who has a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. So, the answer is yes and my answer would be yes to virtually any symptom anyone could list.

I totally concur with your assessment of the problem. A huge factor that contributes to the symptoms of Parkinson’s is stress. This is well documented in the literature and confirmed through my own Pioneers of Recovery interviews.

The adrenals are responsible for the production of adrenaline which our body requires to help regulate blood pressure and help us cope with stressful situations. When stress runs rampant throughout our body our adrenals become exhausted, literally. They poop out and are no longer able to perform their job adequately.

The resolution lies in bringing the adrenals back on line with proper diet and exercise. Specific supplements can be very beneficial to healing adrenal dysfunction. A daily meditation practice can also help.

The Aquas are a homeopathic approach that was designed to hydrate the body. It is logical to conclude that blood pressure abnormalities will be ameliorated in a body that is better hydrated. There is no specific research evidence to prove this is the case when using the Aquas. However, it seems to be an obvious benefit to good hydration.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

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