About Parkinsons Disease

Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Page 32 of 37

Relief from Tremors

Where can I find how others get relief from tremors ? Mine get especially bad after 4pm………..it drives me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sinemet does not help.



I have extracted all of the suggestions I have discovered over the past two decades and included them in my online course – Tame Tremors. Many of the suggestions come from persons with tremors who have found various ways to tame them. Visit the page below for an overview of the course and an opportunity to enroll. https://www.blog.parkinsonsrecovery.com/tame-tremors/

There is quite a bit of great information here on the Parkinsons Recovery Blog. Look over to the right column and scroll down to the category listing that reads “calm tremors.” Click on this category. It will take you to a listing of  postings that address ways people have found relief from their tremors. (If you are using your phone the category listings will be at the bottom of the page.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Physical Therapy and Swallowing: Two Suggestions That Helped

I appreciate your work very much. It has contributed a great deal to improving my life. For example, the doctors [Roya Sayadi, Ph.D. and Joel Herskowitz, M.D., authors of Swallow Safely] who were experts on swallowing ended much of my choking problems because of the build up of bacteria. A mouth cleansing usually brings things to an end. It was good to emphasize oral care because of this cavity’s proximity to the brain.

The man who was and is a physical therapist [Kevin Lockette, author of Move It] brought such passion to his work that I took up physical therapy when it was offered. It is very difficult to do. I am not doing the full load yet, but it is bringing hope of being less disabled as new pathways are created and felt. My PT has no idea what you go through with Parkinson’s, so today I explained a bit.


Parkinsons Tai Chi

Tai Chi Master Daniel Loney gave me permission to post his inspiration account of his Parkinsons Tai Chi visit to the USA. His story, which he titled Incredible People, follows.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

I recently returned from a fantastic five week visit to the U.S. I had been invited by the Parkinsons Recovery organization to give a series of Tai Chi workshops to Parkinsons people during an eight day cruise to Alaska. After the cruise, I gave several workshops in Washington and Oregon on behalf of the Northwest Parkinsons Foundation. And then, before returning to Israel, I spent a week in New York where I attended some dance sessions for Parkinsons people, sponsored by the Mark Morris Dance Group.

One evening during the cruise, my brother and I were having dinner with Robert Rodgers and Deborah Russell, the founders of Parkinsons Recovery. In the course of our conversation, Robert turned to me and said,

Danny, all week long people have been coming up to me and saying that the Tai Chi is great, but Danny is incredible.

His words went straight to my heart. I was fighting to keep back tears. Robert continued,

When you do your Parkinsons Tai Chi, you do it with such passion that the room just explodes with a high frequency energy that draws other people in, prompting them to be involved.

I was overwhelmed that I had such an impact on others. Tai Chi is one of my passions in life. When I am doing Tai Chi, I feel at my best. I go deep into myself, to a place where Parkinsons symptoms melt away. Just as a painter expresses his inner most self through his painting, and a poet through his poetry; I express my inner most self through my Tai Chi.

This frequency explosion or whatever you want to call it, repeated itself with every subsequent Parkinsons Tai Chi workshop that I did. Participant faces would light up with smiles as they followed my movements. At the conclusion of the Mercer Island workshop near Seattle, people were standing around in small groups, discussing the workshop. In one group, Bill Bell, president of the Northwest Parkinsons Foundation was commenting to others that the energy level in the room was so high that people could not keep from participating. One woman in the group said that when we were doing our Qi Gong exercises, she felt as if I were lifting her hands for her.

There is certainly nothing special about me. If I am incredible, then it must be because I am surrounded by incredible people. In fact, the Parkinsons group on the cruise was filled with many incredible people who were taking active roles in finding relief and healing from their Parkinsons symptoms.

One such incredible person is Dave Yonce. Talking with Dave is a wonderful experience. He has a gentle personality and his life is packed with adventures. He related to me how, in his younger years, he had walked and hitch hiked across North Africa and had tried to enter Israel. But, because there was no peace agreement at that time between Egypt and Israel, he was not permitted to cross the border. Dave recently completed a walk across the Olympian Peninsula in the state of Washington, a trek of more than fifty miles (80 kilometers). I looked at Dave wondering how on earth he had accomplished that task, as Dave had marked trembling in both hands and certainly did not look able to do such a feat.

The next morning I understood how he had walked such a distance. As the ship docked at Ketchikan, my brother and I disembarked to walk around and see the town. After walking some distance, we stopped to rest and take some pictures. Suddenly, I noticed Dave and his wife walking in our direction. As a Tai Chi instructor, I pay particular attention to peoples posture, how they move their bodies and how they walk. As I watched Dave approach, I was witnessing one of the most astounding acts of movement I have ever seen. Dave was gliding along, with big strides, effortlessly and efficiently moving his body. As he floated by, he moved like a graceful crane as if he was skimming on top of water. Dave smiled at us as he passed and I turned my head staring at him as he disappeared off in the distance. Later, we managed to catch up with Dave. I noticed him through the window of a small cafe comfortably parked at a table having a bite to eat. He looked relaxed, comfortable, and energized as he smiled through the window at me. By that time, I was sweaty and exhausted after clomping along trying to keep pace with my brother. I have since tried many times to replicate Daves walk, but to no success. I hope that I will see Dave again so that I can study his walk in greater detail.

While I was at a Parkinsons dance class in New York, I met another incredible person, Pamela Quinn. Pamela is a professional dancer who developed the symptoms of Parkinsons at a young age. She is currently 55 years old and has had Parkinsons for fifteen years. As she started teaching her class, there was that same explosion of energy that Robert had described about my classes. Participants were smiling and laughing and enjoying themselves. I was deeply moved as I watched her guide the class through her routines. She had such grace and poise. Pam is extremely innovative in her approach and has developed many exercises that address specific Parkinsons symptoms. I had taken my camera along, but I was so mesmerized by Pams passion and positive energy that I completely forgot to take the pictures.

So what made my visit to the States so special? It was special because I discovered that each one and every one of us has the opportunity to become incredible. I learned that we become incredible by living and investing ourselves to the fullest of our abilities in pursuit of our passions in life. And when we begin to share our passion with others, we release explosive high frequency energy that brings healing, encouragement, comfort, and joy to everyone around us.


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Pamela Quinn:



Amino Acid Therapy

Hi Robert!

Thought you’d find this resource interesting …let me know what you think.



Thanks so much for sending along the link. Yes – I am aware of the excellent work of Dr. Marty Hines, MD, and his clinics. I think they are doing wonderful work.

Their clinics perform extensive, ongoing testing so that they will know how much of the various amino acids to give their patients. I understand from talking with one of their nurses that they follow you very closely. It is not a therapy which can be administered at long distance. When you sign up with them as a patient, you must be willing to get regular testing done and take the supplements they provide as part of the treatment program.

It is not exactly a self help program – but I have received positive reports from persons who did the therapy. It is an extended process of treatment. Some people have reported they ended their participation because of the expense.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.

Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


How to Improve Gait and Balance

Hans de Rijke from The Hague in Holland called in during one of my radio shows and told us all about how he overcomes any and all challenges with walking by bouncing a ball. Isn’t that clever? He demonstrates his eloquent answer to the question how to improve gait and balance in the short video below.

His video demonstrates how this simple technique works for how to improve gait and balance.  You are going to have to turn you head to the side to watch. Just count that as part of your day’s exercise program.

Do you have a ball hanging around at home? Why not give it a try? Hans explains that no one takes notice of a man bouncing a ball down the street. It helps make you feel a lot younger than walking down the street with a cane.

Parkinsons Recovery is all about helping you figure out ways you can get sustain relief from your symptoms.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Rock Solid Walking Online Course

Riding Scooters

Last spring I was in the hospital for my half-year visit to my neurologist. In one of the corridors I nearly had a collision with a white-dressed woman who was riding on a scooter. (We call it a step.) After I stepped aside (she did not even apologize) I had a flash of insight: Riding scooters That is a good way to move along l halls and long corridors of the train stations and the schools where I work.

Riding scooters

I contacted a surf shop nearby and they showed me all kinds of scooters (even with a motor on it) and for my 60th birthday I received a beautiful scooter. I am very happy with it and I use him to do some shopping. I go to the railway station by bus and I take the scooter on my back and I use it on the platforms.

Every Tuesday when my wife and I look after my grandson, we go together on the scooter to the public library. Even when I have an unexpected off-period and it is difficult for me to walk I can use the scooter.

After bouncing the ball, kicking the football …

bouncing balls

and walking with Nordic-walking sticks …

walking with nordic sticks

It is for me a good way to move along.

And tomorrow I am going to my weekly Salsa-lesson in a restaurant near the beach. And I will be riding scooters to get there!!

Hans de Rijke

The Hague


Thanks to Hans for sending this most interesting set of solutions which have manifested rock solid walking for him.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

My Old Energy Has Returned

I was diagnosed early stage PD last January and have been on Sinemet ever since. I wasn”t seeing any definitive response to the med which my doctor saw as troubling, suspecting that might mean I had Parkinson’s plus… a grimmer diagnosis that simple Parkinsons. We worked up to 7 pills per day, which is a lot to start off with. The good news is that my old energy has returned.  

I felt better but honestly I myself wasn”t 100% sure it was because of the meds, because by that time (now i was 6 months post dx) I had gone beyond the shock and initial depression I had experienced upon initial diagnosis and was heavily into alternative treatments… (acupuncture, Chinese herbs, massage, exercise, twice weekly yoga, rest, meditation, Reiki, etc). reading your book was extremely helpful and inspiring. Facing my own deeper negative thought patterns was critical… particularly the belief that i wasn”t really ever going to recover.

My old energy has returned. Although I am not symptom free I do feel better as I learn how to take charge of my health more and more every day. Slowly I have come to believe in my capacity to recover. What a journey!

2 months ago I started gradually reducing my daily Sinemet from the peak of 7 pills to now 3, ramping it down half a pill per week. I plan on continuing this as long as I feel well, intending to get off it altogether several more weeks from now. Obviously I am pleased with this development, and recognize there will likely be more hurdles to overcome as I go forward. the point is I am ready for the challenge.


Thanks to Dan for giving me permission to post his update here.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 


Problems with Balance, Walking, Talking and Sweating

I still have problems with balance, walking talking and sweating. Turning is also a problem – especially to the left, dryness in mouth, problem of pronunciation of some words while talking. excessive sweating at the left side of forehead is remarkable . I also feel pain at neck below head backside of ears.

Kindly help,



You have a series of symptoms which is typical of people who are diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. It is likely that the cause is multi-faceted.

First, there is an Ayurvedic doctor in India, Dr. Paneri from Gujarat, who sees people with Parkinson’s exclusively and is getting remarkable results. His website is: http://www.drpaneri.com

Second, check the side effects of the drugs you are taking. It is likely some of the problems you are experiencing may be simply the side effects of the drugs. You may want to talk with your doctor about adjusting your medications.

Third, I suggest that you focus your attention on finding doctors and health care practitioners who can help you detox the toxins in your body, I am guessing that toxins are a primary cause of your symptoms. You may well have an abundance of heavy metals and pesticides that have accumulated in your body.Once they are removed your symptoms may well subside.

An important step to address problems with balance, walking, talking and sweating is to detox – just check around and find an approach that appeals to you. I have been using zeolite personally with great success – but there are many other excellent methods that are effective as well.

You can get a wide variety of suggestions on detoxes from my new book which is described at: https://www.parkinsonsdisease.me

Know always that the body knows how to heal itself. We just have to give it a little extra loving kindness and attention sometimes.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Mucuna as a Treatment for Parkinson’s

I enjoyed the book Pioneers of Recovery and am at present trying lots of different modalities and really feeling major changes are happening. What do you know about Mucuna as a treatment for Parkinson’s?

Is it available over the counter in Australia ?? or America ? Hoping to hear from you.

Best wishes.


Many people have reported back to me that Mucuna as a treatment for Parkinson’s has provided sustained relief from their symptoms. Some people use it in conjunction with Sinemet as a way of reducing the Sinemet they take. Of course, any such treatments must be carefully prescribed and followed by your doctor.

We know that mucuna helps some people with the symptoms of Parkinsons. We know that Sinemet helps some people. We also know that combinations of the two help some people. Of course – results depend on the person. Much of what I know about Mucuna is documented in my recent book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease which is available as a download or as a print book.

The problem with Mucuna is finding a reliable source. Various companies sell Mucuna on the internet. Just when I think I may have found a company that provides a high quality source of mucuna, I get a report from someone that reports they just received a batch that fizzled.

Here is the real deal. If you decide to use any herb as a treatment modality, you want to find a source that harvests their herbs in the wild. This is what gives the herb the “punch” you need. Most companies do not harvest their herbs in the wild. They grow them commercially.

In some cases, a person may have tried Mucuna they purchased from a commercial source and it did nothing for them. This is probably because the source was from a commercial growing field which stripped the Mucuna of the energy (or punch) that is needed. Manufacture of Sinemet (which is a synthetic) seems to be more standardized but because it is a synthetic, side effects are involved.

I know of some herbalists who do not prescribe Mucuna for their patients because they cannot find a quality source of it anywhere. If anyone out there has found a reliable source, please comment here!

There is another herb some people are using with wonderful results which is derived from fava beans. You can see updates from a farm that grows fava beans by visiting :


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery

Five Steps to Recovery

Treatments for Tremors

I have been faithfully reading your daily mails to find treatments for tremors and find them quite comforting Here’s my problem.

I won’t be seeing a neurologist until November 15th.  My family doctor’s suspicion of Parkinson’s Disease is based on the fact that my hand tremors are ‘resting’ tremors.

Whenever I have the courage to check for more information online, I find information which makes me think it could possibly be caused by something else, i.e. genes (my dad had a bit of a tremor in his hand), low blood sugar (although I am not diabetic. The tremors seem to get better when I drink a pop, not diet.) … you get my meaning, I’m sure.

I also am very much aware of the fact that the tremors get a lot worse when I try to suppress them. If I sit on my hand, they seem to move into my shoulder. They also almost go away completely when I am totally relaxed (they come back at the slightest sign of stress).

I would like to do something to help myself while I wait for my appointment. I would like to be proactive rather than reactive. Is there something you can recommend? I know there are many good suggestions on your web page, but it’s information overload for me still.

Any suggestion will be much appreciated.


I feel the information overload too. There are so many natural treatments for tremors out there – which ones do you pursue? It gets really overwhelming. Let me offer a few suggestions you might want to talk with your doctor about.

First, enroll in my Tame Tremors online course. The course covers proven methods and therapies that calm tremors. Classes are rolled out every five days so you are not overwhelmed with endless options. Instead, you take your time to evaluate an approach. If you decide it is not the right approach for you, another proven methods is presented in five days.

Here are some basic habits that will help improve your overall health:

Stop eating dairy products.

Exercise every day. Exercise addresses the stress.

Use body therapies that release the stress like craniosacral therapy, Bowen therapy, Tin Tui Na, vibration therapy, etc.  As you well know, when you can release the traumas that are  trapped in your tissues, your symptoms will not flare when you are under stress in the moment.

Toxins are a big factor. I have no idea what you have tried – but zeolite is a great detox. There are several companies who offer zeolite detoxes. Detoxing with zeolite has the potential to offer significant relief. There are of course dozens of ways and methods to detox. Naturopaths are great resources when it comes down to a vibrant detox approach.

Finally – are you adequately hydrated? If your body is not getting enough water – symptoms will be worse. John Coleman recommends aquas (www.aquas.us). Whatever approach you use, be sure that your body is adequently hydrated every day.

I would not worry over a diagnosis. It is just a guess anyway. Your body has the power to heal itself when given the support and nourishment it needs to heal.

Give you body the support it needs to come back into balance and you will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Most importantly, select a treatment for tremors and take action. Any action. It will give you the energy and motivation to pursue recovery with a passion.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Exciting News of Recovery

The following is exciting news of recovery submitted by Sharon who gave me permission to share it here.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

Good morning Robert. I am as high as the 4th of July – no pun intended. I saw myexciting news of recovery neurologist yesterday – he is the head of the Movement Disorder Clinic in Vancouver, BC. They could find very few symptoms of Parkinson’s and were quite amazed. He said that the neurosurgeon who will call me about DBS surgery will probably say that I am doing too well!

I did keep asking them if they wanted to know why I was doing so well and I mentioned antioxidants, change in attitude, changes in diet and increased exercises … There were two nurses in the room who are also with this program and at the end of the appointment I asked them if they wanted to talk with me but they declined. I just hope that I have planted some seeds for change here.

I thought you two would be interested in the remarks of my holistic physiotherapist in response to my exciting news of recovery who I have been seeing for 12 years – she has been super for me.

Marilyn, huge congratulations! That is fantastic news and I know you will find the people who are receptive to your message to pass it on to. You’ve done great healing with your intention, positivity and openness to what is possible.

Thank you.

Warmth and Light,


Review of Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I just received permission to post the following review of  Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. It is a thrill for me to learn that Denise’s husband is getting quick relief from his symptoms from applying just a few of the suggestions offered in the book.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Your book ROAD TO RECOVERY is a gold mine of information. Fortunately  you are a researcher without any attachment to a corporation or institution. This freedom gives you the chance to have a larger vision of what it takes to recover our health and wellness.

You really do a good job. That is the way we can change the world and bring a new paradigm. We just started reading book. After 4 days of applying a few of your suggestions, we already have results. Thank you for new hope for my husband and me.


Placebo Effect

I read the book of Dr J. Coleman [Stop Parkin and Start Livin] as well as many other books & it is encouraging to know we can recover. I understood that 90% of the work is to nurture healthy beliefs, to find & release known & unknown negative images – bottom line to change the mind. This is what the placebo effect is all about. It is a daily routine to maintain the focus on wellness & recovery while we are feeling symptomatic. I must confess it is a tough journey but it is worth it. I choose this path & GOD is helping.

I don’t like the way the drugs make me feel & my plan is to reduce the doses when I am ready. I started to take regularly FAVA BEANS as part of my diet, also taking 3 serving of fish/week pm. I cannot describe my way any further because we are told there is no specific program, everything must be individualized.

at last my question for Dr. Rodgers – What is the best way to trigger a placebo EFFECT & maintain it to reach the recovery.

Thank you for your work


About the Placebo Effect

I agree totally that the key is a transformation of our negative thoughts. I believe this transformation was so critical to recovery that I recently published my book, Five Steps to Recovery, and recorded meditations that go along with the book that say absolutely nothing about therapies that can help and everything about the five critical steps that are necessary to transform thought forms.

The placebo effect is simply a way of installing the belief that you are going to get better. You have already triggered a placebo for yourself by virtue of your acknowledgment that thoughts are the difference that makes the difference to recovery.

The formidable challenge turns on the second part of your question: How do you maintain the belief that recovery is possible, especially when symptoms can flare at any moment. It is easy to switch a positive outlook into a negative one in a matter of seconds.

The key is to acknowledge that maintaining the belief that recovery is happening is a moment to moment process. We all can choose in any given moment to criticize, judge and be negative about our situation or to instill thoughts that embrace hope, new possibilities, new visions and new life for ourselves and our family.

We have over 60,000 thoughts a day. An interesting twist for most of us is that 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts we had yesterday, the day before and a year ago. We trash ourselves with negative thoughts day in and day out.

Simply put, we humans are really not very creative when it comes to the thoughts that we express to ourselves. Perhaps we have an affinity for being redundant. Perhaps we get negative pleasure in beating up on ourselves.

A practice that works is to recognize the hamster wheel of negative thinking when it starts to turn – to acknowledge the power of negative thought forms when they rear their ugly head – and to release, remove, detach and eject and shield those thoughts from pestering us again. The challenge is to hop off of the hamster wheel and hop onto a vehicle that takes us on a road we do want to travel, the Road to Recovery.

Maintaining the beliefs that will make us well depends on a steady focus and unwavering intention. Day by day negativity is released, allowing new possibilities to become manifest. This is not an easy process. It takes time and focus. But, it is doable.

At Parkinsons Recovery we devote time and attention to helping people come back into balance and nurture the spirit of our souls.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Ultra Mind Solution

Linda kindly gave me permission to post this email on the Parkinsons Recovery blog about the ultra mind solution and the miracle of the brain to rejuvenate and regenerate.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

This is Linda Ralph writing to you. I have written to you a few times now. You may remember me, I am from Victoria and went on the Alaska Cruise. I have something I would like to share with you.

I am half way through a  newly purchased book, “The Ultra Mind Solution by the author: Mark Hyman, MD. I have had one of Mark’s earlier books , “The Ultra Simple Diet” for years now , and was truly very excited to find two new books  published by him recently,  especially the one having to do with the brain, and healing and fixing the brain, entitled: “The UltraMind Solution”. On the cover of this book it says:

“Fix Your Broken Brain By Healing Your Body First”.

And, I really do believe that to be true. For me, this book reiterates much of what I have learned through your website, Robert. Be it through your blog, your published works or through information that I have heard from radio show guests, or through the personal stories written or told, of many folks who are having successes in coping with PD.

In addition to that, this book is also jam packed with practical information  to help one heal and to enhance the brain. It has realms of information , that although pretty detailed at times, does provide the reader with learning that I feel is relevant and vital. And there are also a personal case studies as well, that seem, ‘bring it all home’, so to speak, as well as referencing to PD.

Hyman speaks of

‘treating the body as a whole and not as separate entities’.

Now this is not a new idea. But it merits repetition. He too, states, that

‘your brain may be broken, but it can be fixed’.

This idea certainly rings true of the last few years findings and new discoveries about the brain. Many books and articles have alluded to the fact that you can rewire your brain, you can change it, and maybe you can even fix it. Outlined in this book is a detailed (but not overly complicated ) way as to what one does to go about fixing the brain and the methods to follow to have success.

Hyman says that by ‘pinpointing the biological problem one can then fix it, by letting the body’s natural healing intelligence take over to repair your brain’. He then goes on provide a program, a simple way to do this through his : Seven Keys to Ultra Wellness. This is a very well written and helpful  book. (Another recent book of his, with over 200 recipes, “The Ultra Metabolism Cookbook“, is also an excellent resource.

If you haven’t heard of him, ( and you probably have) I do believe that you would find this  book of his, to be another delightful addition and resource for your readers. It is a good read.

There may be some merit in your readers knowing about this book and its author. Maybe this author could be a guest on your show??

Linda Ralph

Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease

Hi Robert: I have been continuing to follow your work and today I just felt compelled to write and convey my deep appreciation for you for my recovery from Parkinson’s disease. Your work is invaluable and the information you provide is the most probative for anyone interested in recovery from Parkinson’s and other forms of chronic illness. I know that I have already indicated my appreciation in times past but I felt the need to do so again.

Robert, before I was diagnosed I was a mess, my hands, legs, head and entire body would shake. I have never been fond of doctors and always felt it would somehow subside, I finally went to see my general physician who said I had some sort of advanced PD, he recommended me to a neurologist who told me the same. Not wanting to accept this PD business I just continued to ignore it, then one day I was with my children at the mall and fell down a long flight of steps and unable to get up.

Still resistant I did agree to talk with Abraham Lieberman and he and I wrote back and forth for a long time, he agreed to treat me at no cost but I would of course have to get to Miami, instead he procured an appointment with Dr. Jankovic at Baylor University. They examined me for 4 hours and the diagnoses was the same. I started the medications that improved my condition substantially.

The long and short of it is I no longer have any symptoms of PD nor do I take any meds.I celebrate a full recovery from Parkinson’s disease. This was the result of about three years of research and slowly making changes in all aspects of my life. I do have a good understanding of why and how I recovered however articulated this might not be so easy, it was not simply changing modalities but the capacity to perceive life and my existence in a way that is contrary to all I have been taught and conditioned, changing my perspective was not an easy feat but when that occurred I realized that healing and restoration was possible.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Tai Ji Tears

Below I have posted a marvelous poem (Tai Ji Tears) written by Daniel Loney who is virtually symptom free from Parkinson’s today thanks to his practice and dedication to Tai Chi. You can hear my interview with Daniel Loney here:

His marvelous poem is posted below.

Robert Rodgers Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Below is the poem from Daniel Loney.

Tai Ji Tears

Exhausted from the fight
And weary of the journey,
I find rest upon a city bench
Parked, like a statue in the square.
Ignored and invisible to passersby
Who scurry through their lives,
They move with quickness and with ease,
A pace I can no longer keep.

Yet, there is still a hidden place
Where I am king.
A world where every move
Becomes a gift of praise.
A place where tears flow freely
In thanks for heaven’s grace.

Stillness is my solace,
And slowness is my sanctuary
Where every muscle, joint, and sinew seeks its rightful place,
And every limb and organ finds harmony in the whole.
Where I am quiet as a mountain,
Yet, flowing like a river great.

With the grace of a white crane spreading wings,
I move,
And with the firmness of a golden pheasant on one leg,
I stand.
Using the guile of a snake creeping down,
I fight,
And with the stealth of a tiger seeking prey,
I conquer.
Like a horse jumping over a stream,
I soar in victory,
And with the surety of a sparrow returning to its nest,
In triumph I fly.

So, if in your daily journey
Rushing from place to place,
You happen upon a man
Dancing an ancient dance,
And diamond drops rest on his cheeks

Know that he is immersed in tai ji prayer,
Crying tai ji tears of faith,
Worshiping through movement in awe of his Creator.

Daniel Loney

Story of Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease by Detoxing Lead, Arsenic and Mercury

Joan has given me permission to post her most remarkable story of recovery from Parkinson’s disease by detoxing lead, arsenic and mercury.

Parkinsons Recovery was founded in 2004 to provide information, support and resources to persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and their family interested in exploring natural therapies that offer symptom relief.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Hello Robert,

It has been a while since we communicated but with reasons. Shortly after you were here in Lexington, I went somewhere into a tremendous panic situation finally diagnosed as Panic Disorder. As usual, I wanted NO DRUGS and it took a bit to locate natural products to manage and stop this thing! It was not a kind place to be and it took a grave toll on me. So………I got SERIOUS! I wanted NO MORE OF THIS AND NO MORE PARKINSON’S DISEASE!

I searched for and found a Medical Doctor who practiced natural therapies……yes cures and recoveries! Thank God he is only a short 30-minute drive from me in a lovely small town called Midway, Kentucky. His clinic is Midway Center for Integrative Medicine, 129 Winter Street, www.themidwaycenter.com . He has helped me, Robert!

I went to him with HOPE and came away with real facts for recovery. He diagnosed me with LEAD, ARSENIC, AND MERCURY poisoning in my whole nervous system from simple blood tests and I am NOW ON MY WAY TO RECOVERY!! When I said to him,

You mean I do not have Parkinsons?

His reply was direct and loaded with impact! His reply,

Don’t put a label on it!

He placed me on a full detox program with nutritional supplements to increase my health that had been so damaged by doctors who only treated my SYMPTOMS and never the CAUSE!! I have seen seven neurologists in seven years of dealing with this horrid disease who all ended up with the same position. MRI, Cat Scan, and diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. When I finally asked the last one at the University of Kentucky Neurological Institute to do a toxicology test, she refused saying it would do no good because I have the disease. THIS IS SAD!! So many people……..such a dastardly disease……….and with doctors who won’t even TRY to step outside their boxes of comfort and paychecks!!

On March 23 I went to Dr. Roach the first time. He did blood work and diagnosed the CAUSE of my nervous system that was a mess from being attacked by poisons. He started me on certain few supplements ahead of getting the results back from the Lab and I began to FEEL BETTER inside a week! Just FEELING BETTER increased my HOPE and my TRUST in a Doctor was finally beginning to grow. See the comparisons listed here in less than two months recovery!!!

Joan’s Story of Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease – Comparison of Pre versus Post Symptoms


  • Wheelchair bound and I was seriously considering a nursing home
  • Basic frozen body, total weakness, inability to move at all most times
  • Severe toes spasms and cramps
  • Tremors so massive my body, at times, would violently shake to almost injury
  • Slurred speech and drooling
  • Unable to stand or walk beyond 10 feet
  • Been to emergency room for panic attacks and inability to move while standing three times since September 2009
  • Disinterest, not able to even go to Christmas with my family
  • All the other stuff that goes along with this disease


  • No wheelchair since April 20! Though for very long days I take it in case of need
  • Freezing gone……….some minor feelings come and go throughout the day and getting better 
  • Toes improved 60%
  • Mild weakness
  • Tremors down to ZERO!
  • No slurred speech
  • No drooling

I walk everywhere……….even though it is often painful and at times I have to sit a bit longer than I want to give my body time of recovery from the minor freezes. On my first visit, Dr Roach told me (on my 3rd visit) that he thought my IQ was really low………but on this 3rd visit April 20, he said my  brain is just fine!


Robert, he says 6 months to two years should see me recovered! I WILL TAKE THIS DIAGNOSIS ANY DAY!!


Many thanks to Joan for sharing her remarkable story of recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Myofascial Release and Parkinson’s Disease

I was so happy to listen to your radio segment with David Howell on Myofascial Release. I’ve been using it on myself for over 4 years. I am diagnosed with PD symptoms for 5 yrs but probably have had symptoms for 8.

I developed trigger finger in my thumb, and was interested in a therapy I could do myself other than the usual icepack, cortisone, etc therapy the doctor prescribed. I wanted to know and understand the root cause. I ended up on the internet of course and typed in “trigger finger” and saw a book called “The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook Second Edition, Your Self-treatment Guide For Pain Relief. by Clair Davies, NCTMB“.

“Trigger Point Therapy” is another name for Myofascial Release. The book is very user friendly and well written.  I’ve also self-treated myself for stiff neck and shoulder pain, so common with PD, and just recently a groin pull. I am not a massage therapist. I can understand better after reading this book how PD, emotional and physical stress could breed trigger points very easily.  PDr is constantly out of whack (tense muscles)  and one unbalanced area puts severe strain on another part of your body you might think is in no way connected.  They call this “referred” pain.

For instance, you may have excruciating wrist pain (Referred Pain), but the cause (Trigger Point) is further up your arm and even the muscles in the base of the neck. I don’t like to wait for the PD stiffness to evolve to jammed up trigger point aches and pains. I combat muscle stiffness so I don’t have to use trigger point therapy with daily at home simple yoga, tai chi, and 3lb dumb bells. Also I do walking and breathing meditation. Knock on wood, I am without any pain on a daily basis. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for featuring this not well heard of therapy in the PD community.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Heavy Metal Chelation for Parkinson’s

Just wanted to let you know that I have been testing for heavy metal for over 7 years now and nothing ever showed up on lab tests. I kept having a nagging feeling that a big part of my symptoms were caused from heavy metal poisoning, but I couldn’t get anyone to prove it. I have always believed there is a benefit of  getting heavy metal chelation for Parkinson’s.

I kept searching and found a naturopathic doctor who consented to another urine test, but this time he used the chelating agent MDSA to pull the metals out of my tissues.

The results confirmed my feeling of years. Extremely high levels of Mercury, Lead and Uranium. He said in all of his practice, he has never seen such high levels and promptly started me on a heavy metal chelation. I’m now on a two week regimen to support my organs from permanent damage prior to the chelation.

He said that while he can’t promise a definite correlation of symptoms and heavy metals, he does feel there is a huge relationship. He also so that he can’t promise complete relief of symptoms after chelation and removing these heavy metals from my body, but he said he feels confident that my symptoms will improve, and my symptoms shouldn’t worsen and my body should be allowed to heal, once the mercury is gone. He said that with my levels of metals, it may take up to a year to completely chelate.

I will keep you posted. I just thought you might be interested in knowing my most recent finding, and possibly an option for some of your other followers.

Again, thanks for all you do and continue to do. You are amazing! Such a gift to humanity, not only those with a PD diagnosis.

Take care,


Thanks for the update Melanie on heavy metal chelation for Parkinson’s. I have my fingers crossed your symptoms will gradually improve.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Hi  Robert: First let me say that I just finished reading your book on Parkinson’s: On The Road To Recovery from Parkinsons Disease AND IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!

We have corresponded before. I live in Victoria BC. My name is Linda Ralph. I have had symptoms of PD for 12+ years now. I wanted to send you my review of Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. 

I loved the way you presented it in a clear, concise, easy – to- read fashion, so that even I could understand it from cover to cover.(Ha.) At last a hands- on reference book for Parkis that is useful. Yeah!

Because of the chosen format, the wealth and variety of information, the adaptable index and contents, readers like myself, can access pertinent information readily, or, if not, be shown alternative ways to gain such information. Good stuff.

I really enjoyed the inclusion of the anecdotes of others who had/have this condition. Reading their stories, as well as listening to the guests that are featured on your radio show, have provided me with some new ideas and strategies that I would like to try. And hearing the success stories of those who are completely free of the symptoms of Parkinson’s – well – that’s my kind of reading. Yes!

The Q. and A. section was personal and informative and reminded me, and probably other readers as well, of some of the same questions that we too have pondered at some time or another along our way. Such questions are real.

Most importantly I think that your book provides Parkis and their family members with some HOPE in a society where doctors are still professing, even today, much gloom and doom to the newly diagnosed. And, HOPE where there is depression, anger, resentment, pain and lack of understanding about this condition.

I have already lent my book to a newly diagnosed friend of mine. I just wish that I had been given a copy way back in 1998 when I was first diagnosed. Perhaps my bout of depression, brought on by: fear, hopelessness, misinformation, and by the way my doctors treated me at that time could have been avoided. (Who knows?)

What you ARE NOT  providing for those of us with this condition is a cure. And some may say,”Darn.”(or maybe something a wee bit stronger.) But what I am saying that you ARE providing, is something to hold onto. Something tangible that Parkis can use to fight their symptoms right now and in the future, a reference book that those of us with the symptoms of Parkinson’s and our families can pick up, look inside and maybe  find an idea or two that may just work. And dare I say maybe glean just enough information, and try just hard enough, to recover completely from this condition.

Thank you so much for this book. And thanks to your staff, who worked alongside you to help you reach your goal. And thanks to you for all the work that you have done and continue to do  for those of us with this condition.

You are appreciated!

Linda Ralph

Linda gave me permission to post her review of my book here on the blog. You can find more details about Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease by visiting: https://www.parkinsonsdisease.me

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


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