About Parkinsons Disease

Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Page 29 of 37


One item I would like to see addressed is a condition called gastroperesis. I am told I have this condition due to my Parkinson’s. Medication is not possible due to this condition. How prevalent is Gastroperesis and Parkinsons. What about diet, possible other medications? Your input would be appreciated.


One possibility you might explore with your doctors is whether the gastroperesis (which is a partial paralysis of the stomach and inability to digest food) is presently caused by any medications you might be taking. If that is the case, a solution for the problem can been found.

A second possibility is that your digestive system does not welcome food because it is unable to process it. Explore the possibility that your gut does not have sufficient good bacteria needed for digestion. Probiotics may be a solution to consider. I personally think everyone should be taking probiotics.

A third possibility is that the myelin sheaths around the nerves that control your stomach muscles are compromised. Are you getting enough fat in your diet?

A fourth possibility is that there is a deeper meaning behind what is happening to you. Is there something in your life you have simply not been able to digest, perhaps a job or a family member or a friend or an experience which is unpleasant or …? If we look for the deeper meaning behind what our bodies are telling us, we will understand the message our  body is giving us and solve the problem.

A fifth possibility is that there is something you are putting in your body that your body can not tolerate. Perhaps it is allergic to this substance (a food, supplement or medicine) or perhaps the substance is toxic for one reason or another. You might get a little mileage out of investigating more diligently what your are putting into your body.

A sixth possibility is that there is a virus that is jamming up the system. I will be releasing soon discoveries I have made about natural treatments for viruses.

Finally, it might help to disengage the association of Gastroperesis and Parkinsons. Perhaps a focus on the condition might prove useful. You can for example pursue holistic diagnostics that pick up what is happening here.

There is voice analysis and bioenergetic testing and other holistic diagnostic approaches that might provide you with valuable insights into the root cause of the problem. Many holistic diagnostic options that analyze frequencies might offer valuable insights here.

I personally do not get any mileage out of a diagnosis. That is the domain of medical doctors. I am a researcher – not a medical doctor. A diagnosis focuses on what is wrong.

I prefer the perspective that the body can heal from the inside out. Focus on the reality that your digestive system will come back on track once the imbalance has been remedied.

Your body is trying to tell you something. It is actually working perfectly. Just listen to what your body is trying to tell you and you will be able to solve the problem yourself.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Instructions for Making Fava Tincture

Aunt Bean was a guest on my radio show last year.  She invented a tincture which she makes herself from fava beans she grows on her farm in Tennessee. Her tincture has provided her with sustained relief from the symptoms of Parkinsons that she currently experiences.

I have had a flurry of requests from people wanting to know her “secret” tincture recipe. Aunt Bean has now written up the instructions on how to make the tincture yourself.

You certainly cannot buy Aunt Bean’s fava bean tincture at your local health food store. It is not available on the the internet. If you want it you are going to have to grow your own fava beans and make the tincture yourself.

Here is a genuine self help program of recovery at its best: You have to do a little work to help yourself feel better but the payoff is well worth the trouble. Just ask Aunt Bean.

To learn the step by step process (which is really not that cumbersome), visit the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website. I posted  Aunt Bean’s instructions on how to make the fava bean tincture today.


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Fava Bean Tincture Instructions

Could you please send me the fava bean tincture instructions? Thank you very much with a lot of respect


Instructions involve using the tips of the fava bean plants and placing them in alcohol for about 6 weeks. The person who invented this approach is Aunt Bean who blogs on the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website. I know she has been experimenting with various formulas.

She has a download of fava bean tincture instructions on the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website. The address to claim the download is:


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Lump in Your Throat

Hello. I have many of the symptoms of Parkinsons and am in the process of getting a diagnosis (MRI, etc). One symptom I have that I don’t know how to manage is that of the sensation of a lump in your throat. Like all the other symptoms I have, this sensation comes and goes but it seems to be getting worse, what can I do to manage this?

Thanks much

I have two thoughts for you in response to your question. First, your question asks

What can I do to manage this?”

You do not ask:

“What do you suppose is causing this lump in my throat?”

“How can I get rid of this lump?”

My point is simple: You seem to be resigned that you will be stuck with a – lump in your throat – for the rest of your life. You appear to have accepted the lump as a part of who you are. The only question of importance that remains is to figure out how to manage it.

Our language has a powerful impact on our recovery. If we believe a symptom is irreversible, it will be irreversible. If we believe our body can heal itself, symptoms such as lump in our throat will be healed.

My second thought centers around what your body might be telling you. Symptoms are information our body gives to us to let us know something is out of balance. I obviously do not know the message your body is sending to you but consider several possibilities by way of explaining my meaning here.

  • Perhaps you are eating something that is very bad  for your body. Your body’s reaction is to shut down your ability to eat. It does that by growing a large lump in your throat. If you stop eating the food that is toxic to your body, the lump will disappear.
  • If your voice is being compromised by the lump, perhaps it is a challenge for you to speak your truth? Perhaps you get all choked up often and lose track of what you want to say to others?
  • Perhaps your body is shutting down your ability to talk fluently so you can listen to your own inner wisdom. Perhaps you do not take action on what you know is in your best and highest good.

Of course, there are many possibilities. I suggest that you begin to listen to what your body is telling you. Recognize the lump as information you need to hear. What is your body telling you with this lump? Once you figure out the answer to this question and take the appropriate action, your lump will disappear.

Why not have a dialogue with your lump? Give your lump a voice. Listen to what she has to say. Have a conversation with your lump just as you might have a conversation with your best friend.

I must apologize for not actually answering your question. I have not speculated on you you can manage your lump because I do not view it as something which should be managed. Instead of being a symptom to be managed, I believe a lump in the throat is something to be heard with the mindful intention of healing.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Agent Orange and Parkinsons Disease

I have just joined your remarkable “Rosetta Stone” that will help me understand my disease  (Your approach is the 1st that includes laughter as a pathway to recovery). I am requesting “Where to Start” for information on Agent Orange and Parkinsons Disease.

I have been exposed, almost on a daily basis for 8 months, to Agent Orange spraying while serving with the 1st Infantry Division. I am presently receiving disability benefits from the VA. I was “diagnosed” in 2003 @ age 62. My CranioSacaral Therapist has told me that many Vietnam Vets require a good “cleansing” of their body of toxins that have “resided” there  since exposure.

Until I joined your group I have not been able to nail down research-wise this aspect of recovery or specific 1st hand “stories” of how other Vets are handling the Holistic” natural approach” to recovery. In order to save time could you point me in the right direction?

“Time is of the essence” as I have my first appointment with a nutritionist who alleges experience with PD patients on Tuesday PM 06/07/2011. I need to do some reading so I know what to ask her. Please forgive me for this intrusion on your time with such a short response time. Thank you for you good work and consideration.


Congratulations. You have unearthed a primary cause of symptoms you are currently experiencing. Research definitively confirms that exposure to agent orange (which can be from service in Vietnam or through exposure to pesticide applications on farms) does significant damage to the neurological system. Symptoms of Parkinsons are a likely outcome.

Even the VA now recognizes the compelling evidence on agent orange and Parkinsons disease – as you note in your letter – now offer benefits to veterans who were exposed. Once the agent orange toxin has been cleared from your body (and there may be other toxins as well) and damage to your delicate neurological system repaired – your state of health will improve dramatically.

A consultation with a nutritionist is an excellent choice. Detox diets can help your body detox. I would also recommend that you pursue this further by exploring various detox protocols that will facilitate the release of the agent orange toxin in your body. Be circumspect in the choices you make. Some detox protocols chase the toxins into the brain.

There are functional medical doctors who work with people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons and various naturopath doctors who specialize in detoxing the body. I suggest that you start your journey by exploring options for treatment in addition to those prescribed by your nutritionist.

I also suggest that you detox slowly. Toxins cannot be cleared quickly. It is not like getting an oil change for your car.

May you continue to pursue ways to release trauma as you are currently through your treatments with a cranio-sacral therapist. When toxins are present, it is usually the case that the person has experienced significant trauma that is unresolved. The mere fact you served in Viet Nam suggests that focusing on releasing trauma will be needed to release the toxins. The body will refuse to release the toxins as long as trauma remains trapped in the tissues of your body.

When many people detox from a toxin like agent orange their symptoms flare. This is because the trauma is now presenting itself to be released. I discuss the connection between toxins and trauma at length in my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Toxins Cause Parkinsons Symptoms

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 4 years ago, aged 40. Since diagnosis I decided to take a holistic approach and have not been on medication.I have learned that Toxins cause Parkinsons symptoms

A recent hair tissue mineral test showed very high levels of lead, copper as well as elevated levels of aluminum and tin. I’m now working with a naturopath who has put me on a detox/chelation programme for 6 – 8 months. Two months into it, I’m feeling quite well energetically with clearer brain, however, the tremor has increased significantly.

I’m wondering if you have met anyone on a similar journey that have experienced worsening Parkinson’s symptoms while detoxing.


Sounds like you are on the right track with your detox protocol. Congratulations on identifying the reality that toxins cause Parkinsons Symptoms. Know that symptoms can often get quite a bit worse before they lift. The road to recovery is seldom smooth sailing.

You might talk with your naturopath doctor about slowing down the intensity of your detox program if symptoms are too bothersome. It is possible the current pace is a little too much for your body right now.

It is likely your body is sending you a strong signal you need to release trauma that is likely nested deep within your cells. There is a strong connection between toxins and trauma as I discuss in my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. It is important to address both – i.e., work on releasing both the toxins and the trauma.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Lymphoma and Cancer

My husband 83 was ill for the first time since University. Almost lost him due to vitals shutting down from septic condition. Lost 20 lbs in just a short time. Spent some time in hospital. Was diagnosed with Lymphoma and cancer.

After rehab return home etc He had extreme mobility problems. A neurologist in hospital was able to diagnose his condition as Parkinson’s not caused by the Lymphoma. He has improved with the medicine except for weakness and fatigue . The doctors said it is possible to have two illnesses.

I am his caregiver now and am glad I am able to do it. My question is are there others in my situation dealing with Parkinsons and cancer.

The chemo was very difficult . He is in partial remission Refuses more chemo but will take an alternative treatment if it comes up. He has had to stay with a walker. Is not great about exercise.

Appreciate any advice.

In any case thanks for being there.

Yes – there are certainly other people with Parkinsons who share a double diagnosis of lymphona and  cancer. Rest assured your husband is not alone!

Given your husband’s challenge with lymphoma, the one decision he can make that will improve the quality of his life immensely is to exercise. Unfortunately it appears exercise is not his cup of tea. When he understands that you have to exercise to clear the harmful cells trapped in the lymph glands.

There are various forms of forced exercise that can help move the lymph congestion out of his body. The lymphoma and cancer are related here. Cancer cells are multiplying in the lymph glands. Various forced exercise machines have been invented and can usually be found at health clubs. Research clearly shows forced exercise offers people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinson’s significant relief.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Six Myths about Parkinsons

I discuss below six myths about Parkinsons. What we so often believe is true turns out to be false.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Myth #1: Parkinson’s disease is degenerative.


The neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease are a signal  the body is sending that something is out of balance. Once the cause of the imbalance is identified and treated symptoms can resolve.

Myth #2: Symptoms of Parkinsons are always caused by a dopamine deficiency.


While some people experience relief from symptoms when they take dopamine supplements, others do not. Some people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons have an overabundance of dopamine in their body.  Their bodies are simply unable to synthesize it.

Myth #3: Scientists do not know what causes the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s .


Study after study has shown toxins play a key role in disrupting the neurological system. Research also demonstrates a compelling correlation of symptoms with trauma and stress.

Myth #4: Once a person has been diagnosed with Parkinsons, they might as well purchase a wheel chair and hire a care taker.


A surprising number of individuals with Parkinsons continue to lead vibrant lives. Some regularly run marathons. Others compete in bike races. Still others compete in a variety of activities: tennis, ping pong, kick boxing, martial arts, landscaping, tai chi, chi gong, sailing  … you name it. Some people are more physically active after their diagnosis than before!

Myth #5: Once diagnosed with Parkinsons, people will have to quit doing what they love to do the most.


Many people who have been diagnosed with Parkinsons say the best years of their life came after their diagnosis. Why? They had a good excuse to quit their jobs that were draining their creative energy and begin doing what gives them genuine pleasure and joy.

Myth #6: Of the six myths about Parkinsons, This one influences whether people get better or worse. The myth is that Parkinsons disease is progressive, meaning you are destined to get worse over time.


Symptoms are progressive. They either get better or they get worse. The direction of progression depends on how the person responds to the diagnosis. People who expect someone else needs to fix them experience symptoms that get progressively worse. People who take positive action to bring their bodies back into balance  get progressively better. It is a choice.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease





The Foot Whisperer

Listen to the replay of my interview with The foot Whisperer Randy:

Our bodies and our lives are ordered by rhythms great and small. Rhythm feels great and does us good. This wisdom comes from my radio show guest this week, Randy Eady. Parkinson’s Disease is one of the best examples to depict how rhythmic response can either throw off or balance the body’s physical activity needs and facilitate the integrity of machinery for maintaining a cell’s energy level.

Randy helps people with symptoms of Parkinsons Disease by stimulating the nerves and meridian pathways in their feet. He has developed several novel and revolutionary therapies that are offering sustained relief to people with Parkinsons.

About The Foot Whisperer

Randy is currently working with the California Institute for Human Science to create a Parkinson’s Recovery Garden using subtle energy elements discussed in this broadcast.  He will have elements of the garden at the June PR Summit that increase sense of touch in feet and hands and stimulates a sequence of meridian energy activation.  In July, participants will have the opportunity to “preview experience” the CIHS Therapy Garden Installation with movement protocols clinically shown to improve balance, breathing and circulation. Specific patterns of stone and crystal will encourage both magnetic resonance and balance with the earth.

Randy Eady is well known in Florida as the The Foot Whisperer for his promotion of whole body health and balance through treatment of the feet. He discusses a program he designed to help both medicalized and “non-med” PDers deal with the condition’s symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Parkinsons and Candida

Below is a response to an interview I aired with Lydia Epps  about Parkinsons and candida.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I know nothing about Parkinsons and candida, but I got a couple of takeaways (from listening to your radio show with Lydia Epp). One is that anyone with PD symptoms (or without them) should stop eating large or significant amounts of refined sugars and carbohydrates NOW. It does not matter whether there is a causal relationship there or not, nor does it matter which was first, “the chicken or the egg”.

PD’ers should adopt an organic, holistic, clean eating diet and lifestyle. This is mainstream nutritional and medical advice. Even if you are at a normal weight and in perfect health, with no dietary intolerances, you should care for that gift by eating clean and demanding the avoidance of chemical pesticides, preservatives, sweeteners, and the like. The damage they do does not become evident until later in life, when it is more difficult to reverse.

I think you said it best yourself, Robert, (paraphrasing): If you are looking for someone else to “fix” your health, you will get worse. If you take charge of your own health, you will get better.


Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts

Relaxation of Muscles with Qigong and Meditation

Is it true that people with parkinsons experienced a harder stomach than others…what I mean is, my Mom seems to have a very hard stomach as a result of toxins/wind inside. And it seems to be the case that with the recovery process her stomach is a bit softer (e.g. she’s been doing QiGong and meditation). Is this what you heard from people who are recovering?

Which other aspect of the body have you heard of improving during the recovery process? I’m presuming tremors takes the longest to heal?



Many people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons have very rigid and tight muscles. Energy workers have told me that the bodies of some persons feel like concrete to them when they first start working with a client. After several treatments the muscles soften and the person becomes much more flexible.

Qigong and Meditation

Your Mom is accomplishing the same transformation doing Qi Gong and Meditation. Congratulations to her. May she now celebrate her remarkable accomplishment. She is now officially on the road to recovery.

You also ask what aspects of the body improve during the recovery process. For most people the journey to recovery is rocky. Once certain therapies are started a healing response will be experienced. Some people feel better instantly. This is rare. Most people can and often do feel worse before they begin feeling much better. It takes a little time for the body to make the adjustments that are needed to return to full balance and hormonal harmony.

In response to your last question, I have been told by a number of people that tremors are the last symptoms to resolve.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Foot Injuries and Parkinsons

Do you believe in the correlation between foot injuries and Parkinsons? And why?

I include injuries to the body as one of many possible causes of symptoms that are associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease in my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. Why is an injury to the foot particularly problematic?

There is an energy meridian from the foot which connects to the digestive system and other systems in the body that are essential to maintaining hormonal balance and harmony. If this meridian is disrupted the body’s ability to assimilate the nutrients that are essential to neural health is compromised.

The larger perspective turns on disruptions of the energy field (and distortions to any meridians) which are the causes of all illnesses. Most diseases – Parkinsons included, originates in the energy field. Any and all distortions are eventually transmuted to the body where they are manifested as illness.

Energy healers can see or sense disease in the energy field before it is manifested in the physical body. Energy work can be helpful in interrupting a disease process already underway and restoring a person’s body to its natural state of balance and wellness. Once all contortions, distortions and blockages in the meridians and energy field are cleared and restored, the disease process is reversed.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Lock Jaw and Parkinsons

Cheryl was a guest on my weekly radio show several months ago. I received permission from Dianna and Don to post the following question about Lock Jaw and Parkinsons that Don and Dianne offered.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Don does not have any TMJ problems, to his knowledge. His jaw does click when he opens his mouth widely, and measuring this on a computer program rated his left jaw as having a sound of 127 out of a possible 800. Don also had x-rays that showed the space between the trigeminal joint and the inner Eustachian tube is 1 cm; the space should be about 4 cm.

We were told that a branch of the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels pass through this area. Constriction of the area would put pressure on both that could cause problems. The purpose of the appliance is to shift the jaw forward, thus increasing the space and taking the pressure of the nerve and blood vessels.

Dianne and Don

Recharge Support Groups

I have received several inquiries recently that express concerns about how to recharge support groups that are boring and lack vitality. It is common for Parkinson’s support groups to move into a negative thought frame where the primary focus revolves around talk about what is wrong with everyone’s body. What can be done in such a situation?

  • Stop attending? This is a preferred choice for many people I have interviewed.
  • Become inundated with negativity? This is difficult to avoid if you continue attending sessions where complaints are aired and agony is the norm.

What do I suggest? My idea is inspired by Professional Dancer Pamela Quinn who was a guest on my radio show last year. Pamela invented the activity shown in the video below that I facilitated at the Vancouver Parkinsons Recovery Summit  Please note that the activity is very fun and engaging. As I tossed more balls to juggle, proficiency improved and the volume of laughter became much louder.

A sinful quantity of dopamine was created in this short 6 minute exercise. Join in the laughter of the moment as you watch. It is like giving yourself an IV of dopamine.

Why not begin and end all of your support group meetings with this ball tossing exercise?How to Recharge support groups This is a sure fire way to shift negativity into hope without saying a word. It is a simple and proven method to recharge support groups

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Voice Profiles of Persons with Parkinsons

Sharry Edwards from Sound Health has been systematically analyzing voice profiles of persons with Parkinsons and the commonalities across them that have been taken of people with Parkinsons symptoms. Some of the profiles were taken from listeners of my radio show. Others were taken from people who attended the Parkinsons Recovery Summit this year.

I pronounce the following without reservation: You are going to be truly amazed at what she has discovered. You will also be very surprised about the factors she has identified that are common to Parkinson’s Disease. Her research discoveries will inspire a different approach to the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s symptoms.

Get ready to be excited and dazzled. This interview will knock your socks off without even taking your shoes off. Sharry ws joined by Dr. Roman Chrucky, MD, who will discuss his own experience with voice profiling.

Voice profiles of persons with Parkinsons offer insights into the causes of symptoms and treatments that can effectively address the. This is the medicine of the future. The exciting part is that it is available to us all now.

With a critical body of data available, Sharry has done an analysis and found some fascinating deficiencies and factors that are common to the people studied. This show is well worth taking an hour and a half to hear. It could well change your life.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


How to Jump Start Your Energy

Judith Lynne’s passion is to introduce the power of harmonic healing to persons with chronic symptoms, especially Parkinson’s. In the following video she demonstrates a brief exercise using sound from your voice that gives a quick energy boast. The end result is far more powerful than slurping down an energy drink.

Why not do this harmonic exercise along with Judith. Give it a whirl anytime you feel your energy dip stick is on low.

Judith’s website: https://www.frequencykeepers.com/

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Swallow Safely

My husband was just diagnosed with Parkinson back in January. His main problem is an inability to swallow safely.  He has to use thicket for liquids and other food has to be mushed. He has to take small bites and hold his head down and swallow twice.

I am his caregiver. I feel our life is about over. We used to go out to eat at least 2 times a week. Now we can’t.

He just had knee surgery and while he was in rehabilitation they treated his Parkinson which I am grateful for. The doctor who treated it upped his medication and told him people with swallowing problems can get better with the medication. The therapist said that was not true, that he has to be very careful because he could get phenomena.

I have been chopping his food with my food processor. I have also been buying him TV dinners because I am a loss about what to do anymore.

We are both miserable. We are both 68 in what they call the Golden years. Someone lied about that. I went to the care givers chat no one was there. Any suggestions we would be grateful for. he does not shake at all.


Linda and Bill

My reaction as a researcher (not a medical doctor) is that you are approaching the current challenge of recovering from a swallowing problem from a limited perspective. No wonder you are both feeling hopeless!

There are dozens of alternatives that are available to you that will provide relief from the symptoms your husband currently is experiencing. Your medical doctor suggested medication might be one solution, but I can assure you there are many other treatments that might be considered.

You assume that the problem will never resolve. Why? What thought form leads you to draw that depressing conclusion? I can assure you that the body has the strength and agility to recover from any imbalance.

You are assuming that medications are the one and only answer to your husband’s swallowing difficulties. Medications are one among dozens of other therapies that might be considered. Medications do not address underlying causes. They are formulated to suppress symptoms. As such they have side effects. To be clear here – it may be medications will be a wonderful solution. But there are also many other alternative treatments that can be considered that have no side effects.

Have you been following the posts here on the Parkinsons Recovery blog?


You will find incredible suggestions here. These are exciting times for any and all persons on the road to recovery. Climb aboard.

Are you aware of the marvelous book, Swallow Safely?  Authors Roya Sayadi, Ph.D.and Joel Herskowitz, MD, offer many excellent suggestions that enable people to swallow safely.  Click on the book title below to purchase their book on Amazon:

Swallow Safely

I recount a rich variety of approaches people are using to get relief from the symptoms of Parkinsons disease in the second edition of my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease: For information about the second edition visit:


If you believe medicine is the only answer – you will in the long run likely be disappointed. More and more medication over time is usually required to attain the same result. If you believe all healing comes from a place from deep within, you will be delightfully surprised with the outcome. It takes hard work on your part and your husband’s part and a strong intention for healing, but recovery is possible.

In summary – it sounds to me like you are looking to medicines as the sole answer. Be open to other possible treatment modalities. There are many to consider and many that might potentially prove very beneficial indeed.

I suggest that your husband look in the mirror. He is the one person in the world who can solve the challenges he currently faces.

Believe me please when I say that you are overlooking dozens of therapies that can potentially have a huge impact on his recovery and your collective mood.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Energy Healing

I have just listened to the interview on energy healing with Howard Shifke.

Just prior to that, I prayed for a new perspective because I was in pain which was about to discourage me again. So, I put it on, layed down, fell asleep, and woke refreshed in a very listening state. Howard covered all the areas that I have not understood yet. I began to see the symptoms–like the annoying urinations–as gifts. All the symptoms give you a true reading on your problems. I didn’t understand the spiritual and inner connection and the inner process of self therapy, though I have in fact been working on this–with improvement. His sharing of energy healing methods gives me much more in resources. Howard certainly understands exactly what it is like and what is happening and the process of recovery. I have a great desire to keep going now. I’ve already started listening to my body, but now I have a handle on what I’m hearing. There are a few other details I could include such as I devised a standing meditation and am returning to liver detox. Maybe Howard would enjoy this email to learn he helped someone in his interview.

I have a little contribution that has helped me. It is a flower essence story again, but this one worked more powerfully than the others. It started at the end of summer 2010. in the Bach series, Agricola is a remedy for those who carry great problems but outwardly act like the happy-go-lucky life of the party. This flower remedy helped me overcome suffering suffering in front of others, which was a pretty awkward problem. I found this flower remedy through energy testing, which was a strong “yes” for me. Whatever it is supposed to do for people, for me it made me more emotionally caring for myself (thus diminishing signaling care from others) and more spiritually tuned to others’ joy. Now, I habitually look for joy in people, and they seem to know it, as they are glad to see me. In this vibration-connection, they are distracted from my symptoms and would rather like their happiness reinforced. At the same time, I try to reduce my show of symptoms so that there is less to see. This makes for a good social exchange, as both my jobs entail seeing a lot of people.

Thank you for developing the resource center that you are. Believe me, there is a crucial need for it–and how wonderful that so many people are waking up to a better picture of parkinsons recovery! Publish this as you see fit.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Therapeutic Power of Art Therapy

You may be pondering what art therapy is really all about. What do you do? How do you do it? Jessie Lyle demonstrates the therapeutic power of art therapy.

Are you becoming frustrated because your support group meetings are boring? Give art therapy a whirl. Your entire support group can join in the activity that Jessie demonstrates in this video.

Art therapy is fun to do and simple to learn. Anyone can do it. The therapeutic power of art therapy is not disputed. If you are looking for novel ways to get relief from your symptoms, why not give art therapy a trial run?

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Treatment for TMJ to Relieve Parkinsons Symptoms

We tracked your interview with Cheryl (on the radio show) who had treatment for TMJ to relieve Parkinsons symptoms. How is she doing now? Has she stabilized? Is she continuing to improve? Has she regressed? I ask because there is a cranial facial specialist in Canada, relatively close to us, and we are considering following Cheryl’s path.

In our case, my husband does have a TMJ misalignment. The space between the TMJ and the eustachian tube, which should be abut 4 mm, is 1 mm. The misalignment is possibly as a result of tongue-thrusting as a young child. (Try sticking your tongue out, and you will notice your lower jaw moves backwards.) Dr. Rondeau explained that this constricts blood vessels and a branch of the trigeminal nerve that pass through this space.


Cheryl sent me an update on her situation which I posted here on the blog on March 21st. Scroll down to read her update. I am happy to report that she continues to get more and more relief from her symptoms.

In my opinion, TMJ mis-alignments are one of many causes of the neurological symptoms associated with Parkinsons Disease. If it does happen to be a factor for you in particular – as it is for Cheryl – it would seem to be a very smart move to get a treatment for TMJ to Relieve Parkinsons Symptoms with a fitted appliance.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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