About Parkinsons Disease

Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

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Best Things in Life are Free

The Best Things in Life are Free!!

Good evening Robert,

So I’ve been reading these great books written by a guy named, Robert Rodgers, PhD…have you heard of him?

I was reading about energy healing, amongst a myriad of protocols and treatments suggested. I proceeded to type in a google search: energy healing in Hollywood for free. Long story short…there is a spiritual community that is literally 5 minutes from where I live, and every Tuesday night, they welcome people for 1/2 hr hands on energy healing…cost: zero.

They train these healers and it’s all very legit. So I called, made an appointment and Tuesday night I went. Sat erect in a chair with my hands on my legs. My right hand tremor was very apparent. 10 minutes in, my 4 fingers stopped shaking…my thumb continued. Then, at 15 minutes…my entire hand stopped shaking for the duration of the session, and it didn’t come back till I was outside. Amazing!

The best news is that they suggested me coming every Tuesday night indefinitely!!
Robert, it’s true…

The best things in life are free!!

Blessings, Marsha


I’m very sorry I was unable to get to the seminar due to financial difficulty, however, I listened to your radio show on Trauma and believe that it played a major part in my PD

I’m having a little challenge in your website with connecting to the online course. I have purchased 3 of your books, but would like to further my efforts into getting the trauma under control. Is there an access to instructions on your site with a program I can do. Finances have been stretched with medical bills and supplements that its difficult for me to join a therapy program that is expensive. I was going to do Qigong or boxing at a facility but the cost would break me, so I’m doing some on you tube. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. I have to beat this……


Hi Trish:

I have created a 50% discount coupon for the online Jump Start to Recovery course which covers the same topics we just finished working with at the Alderbrook Jump Start program that concluded yesterday. There is an extended section in the course that identifies ways to release trauma. Many of the  methods I suggest are free to do.

I decided to put the content up onto an online course because Udemy (the company that maintains the course) offers a lifetime access. It is the best deal in town to be sure. If you are having problems signing up for the online course,  keep in mind that you first have to sign up with Udemy by entering your email and creating a password. The second step is to register for the course. You can get started by clicking on the link for the course that includes the discount: Jump Start to Recovery Online Course.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Food for Parkinsons Disease

Glen Pettibone  discusses his ongoing progress applying the diet and exercise approaches he uses to treat his Parkinsons disease, as featured in his book “Powerful Food And A Walk In the Sun“. He will touch on some of the newer approaches he has discovered about food for Parkinsons disease that are featured in his blog atpowerfulfoodandawalkinthesun.blogspot.com.

Glen Pettibone started developing Parkinson’s Disease symptoms in 2008. In 2011 he was diagnosed.  It was going fast and he could not tolerate most of the drugs.  In January of 2013 when off meds due to food poisoning, he shook so bad he could not walk. He was taking very high doses and at the “end of the algorithm”.  His doctors were suggesting Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery.

He did not like the high risk and marginal results he saw regarding the surgery So, he drew upon his scientific and engineering background and started reading every paper he could find.

He developed a diet combining Solanaceous vegetables, featuring eggplant juice, green tomatoes, and peppers with perhaps every other suggested dietary element and suggested supplement already discussed in the Parkinson’s community.   Also other nutrient dense foods. Dr. Mischley’s book was inspirational and helpful to him. He added more elements.  He has been under her care for 6 months or so.  She added intranasal glutathione which has helped.

Glen is now off more than 93% of his Parkinson’s disease medication. He completely cured his acid reflux, asthma, allergies and moderated his cholesterol. He regained color vision and acuity, his hearing and sense of smell are improving.  His skin has tanner color and healthier texture. He has more energy, strength, and stamina.

He is in the top 5 consulting employees in his company every month; sometimes number 1.  Also, prior to a car accident last summer, he was off all medication for 3 months. This spring he thinks he will be again.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery





Below is an email I received from songwriter Marsha Malamet with a link to an amazing YouTube video which plays one of her songs sung by Barbra Striesand. Take five minutes out of your busy day to listen and watch this video. It worked healing miracles for me.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery


I was so pleased that you wrote about Louise Hay. She has been a hero of mine for years. Someone created a video with my song as the soundtrack using her affirmations.This song sung by Barbra Streisand, is one of a few I have written with a spiritual theme to them, that were recorded.
Marsha Malamet


Chronic Anxiety

Hi Dr Rodgers.

I have emailed you before and so I’m in the process of doing various therapies to help my recovery but I would still like to purchase “7 Secrets to Healing” and “Five Steps to Recovery” but not sure which one I should read first. I am still having chronic anxiety and bouts of depression due to PD. Also feeling of hopelessness that I will never get better just worse hoping my condition isn’t beyond repair.

Also, I would like to know if you do individual counseling sessions. I don’t have a lot of family here to accompany me so I’m kind of on my own.



Hi Jeannette:

Given your current situation, you might start with diving into Seven Secrets to Healing which addresses the core issues in healing. Five Steps to Recovery covers the key issue of how to transform thoughts that are in our best and highest good. We manifest what we think. This book down the road should also prove useful.

By the way, both books are included in my new Jump Start to Recovery Online Course at Udemy  which provides 24 hours of lessons on how to reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s using natural therapies and approaches. This would be a resource which I update every month which has proved extremely helpful to the students who have enrolled. I like using Udemy because they offer lifetime access.

Yes, I do offer personal consultations in a package of four sessions. You can sign up at
www.parkinsonsrecovery.us. I would be honored to provide the ongoing support you need now.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington

Cure for PD

Two questions which a similar theme follow which both ask whether they will ever be a cure for PD

Hello Robert,

I have just listened to your podcast “what is the biggest roadblock to recovery“. You talk about reversing symptoms or finding compelling relief of symptoms ~ Would you liken this to a cure for PD?

I am writing because my husband, 44 yrs old has a hand tremor & we are concerned that he has PD. We are in the process of finding a neurologist to evaluate him and give us some direction. This is an absolutely frightening experience for him/us. I appreciate any information you can provide.


I am suffering from Parkinson’s disease since 8th year. How can the the Parkinson’s disease be cured?

Speaking as a researcher who focuses on identifying the factors that cause neurological symptoms and natural therapies that help to reverse them, I never think in terms of a “cure” for anything. In general, this term is typically used when a treatment resolves the symptom completely. I know of no such intervention that works this “magic”.

The term “cure for PD” conveys a static condition. If the body is “cured” it is set in “concrete” so to speak. Once “concrete” is cured – it is hardened. The body is fluid and dynamic. Symptoms come and go for everyone – those with Parkinson’s symptoms and those who do not have symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

The body is always communicating to us what is out of balance. Instead of thinking of tremors as a “problem”, think of them as a message your husband is receiving from his body. In many cases, the body is simply releasing trauma – which it does successfuly by shaking (or tremoring).

You can certainly suppress tremors with medications which is an option many people prefer. There are also natural therapies that are helpful in suppressing tremors which I have document in my recent book Treatments for Tremors“.

As you already know from listing to my recent radio show What is the Biggest Roadblock to Recovery? I believe the most formidable roadblock to recovery is a failure to recognize the impact of trauma has on the ability of the sensitive neurological system to function.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s back in 2008. Something has been happening that I do not understand. What happens, looks like a seizure to me. His eyes are wide open, head back, jaw locked wide open and gasping for air. His body is also rigid during these “episodes”. It lasts an extended amount of time. He currently lives in a VA Nursing Home and has been rushed to ER multiple times now when this happens in “respiratory distress”. They usually end up putting a bipap oxygen mask on his face. The only thing I have seen shorten the length and severity is when they give him a low dose of Adavan (muscle relaxer). Can you please tell me what this “episode” is. Is it a tremor? Is there anything that I can look into to help him?

I am a researcher, not a medical doctor, and as such am not qualified to diagnose your father’s situation. Sounds like he is under great medical care however.

I would recommend that you listen to a radio show I aired with Dr Bruce Fife ND, who discussed the usefulness of coconut oil as a natural treatment for preventing seizures according to recent research.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery


Early Parkinsonism

Below is an email I have permission to post from Larry who is having a quite fascinating journey on his own journey down the road to recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Hello, Robert.

In September 2014 a neurologist concluded that I exhibited symptoms of early Parkinsonism, which I understand could well be the initial stages of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). This followed a brain scan that discounted other explanations: tumour, aneurism, stroke. The diagnosis explained symptoms of slowly-increasing severity that I first became aware of some two years (?) earlier.

Those symptoms (mainly evident in my left hand) are declining finger dexterity – speed, strength, and proprioception, the effects of which are difficulty touch typing, tying laces, fastening buttons, using cutlery, etcetera and ad nauseam.

The neurologist concluded this no-hope-diagnosis with the cheerful thought that because I was at the time 74, I would likely die of some other ailment before the PD symptoms became debilitating, and should they worsen, there was always the promise relief by drugs.

Now, one year later, he has decided that because my symptoms have not worsened in the slightest that I don’t have PD after all! In fact, I am remarkably fit for my age. (I played ice hockey last winter and tennis this summer.) As for my “symptoms”, well, he has no explanation.”


Road to Recovery

Road to Recovery

Below is an email from Janet that I received permission to post.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery

“I was diagnosed with PD 8 years ago, just after my 44th birthday, and have been on the road to recovery ever since. I have taken various approaches over these years including various supplements, stress reduction, acupuncture and various bodywork, Tai Chi, Qigong, yoga, positive attitude, forgiveness, visualization, curiosity, meditation, read many books on healing, trained in (as well as received) Reiki, reflexology, cranio-sacral therapy, shiatsu and shiatsu shin tai. I attended your Summit in Santa Fe. I currently receive Shiatsu Shin Tai or therapeutic massage every week. Â I still exercise daily bicycling, yoga, qigong and walking. I am 2 months into a candida overgrowth diet and just learned I have fibrin monomers in my blood (thick blood) so have added nattokinase enzyme. I still believe I will recover during this lifetime and believe there is purpose to what I am experiencing.

I have never taken PD meds and continue to intuit that I should not start. I have done very well, although there has been progression of symptoms since May. I still walk and function without aids except for family members helping with some fine motor household tasks I can no longer do without great effort. I currently do not have the energy, strength, and coordination to practice as a body worker but continue bookkeeping at home for our family businesses.

I would like to know if there are others diagnosed but not taking meds. I cannot  find any through Patients Like Me site or other searches. I am curious how others are managing without meds  I have read and heard various recovery stories, but think most, if not all, recover within two years of diagnosis. I am curious what you have found in your research.”



“I am curious about is the link between toxic mold causing symptoms akin to Parkinson’s!  Our basement has been flooded three times in 19 years and there is residual damp in the walls although no obvious mold.  Muscle testing has suggested I have a mold problem.  Does anyone have any experience of this?”


The Real Meaning of Tremors

David Berceli PhD (a recent guest on my radio show) believes that tremors are the body’s way of releasing trauma. According to him they are not a pathological condition but a condition of healing. I suspect his thinking on this matter is strange to many of you.
Not to some researchers. A prototype pen is under development that vibrates when a person writes with it. When the prototype pen is used by persons with Parkinson’s who have handwriting difficulties their handwriting becomes legible. In other words, induced shaking of the hands really does have therapeutic effects.
One of the frustrations listeners have had with my show with Dr. Berceli is that there seemed to be no good way to learn how to do his TRE method unless you attend one of the TRE workshops. Listeners have emailed me and asked how involuntary shaking
is induced.
I learned from him after the show aired that he has developed a comprehensive online course that explains in detail how to induce the involuntary shaking to release trauma using his method. He emailed me a link you can use to learn more about his course with a discount to boot if you want to get started today with using his method of involuntary shaking to release trauma and reduce stress.
I really like the idea of an online course (which I did not know existed until after the show aired). The course is one way you can get started right now. You do not have to wait for his new DVD to be released.
Olympia Washington



There are so many fascinating ideas for how you can reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease using natural methods and therapies. In fact, there are so many good ideas out there these days that making a choice of which ones to pursue can be daunting to say the least.

Of All Herbs – Cinnamon?

I have an idea for you to consider (among the many possibilities) that attracted my interest. Researchers found success using ground up Ceylon cinnamon in rat studies. I know. I know. It does sound a little silly that a spice like cinnamon might make a difference and humans as research subjects are a far cry from mice. I also know that it will take many years for research studies with humans to be run, if ever.

Why should cinnamon of all spices help reverse Parkinson’s symptoms in mice? Researchers at Rush University report that “It is known that some important proteins like Parkin and DJ-1 decrease in the brain of PD patients.” The Rush study researchers
report that ground cinnamon metabolizes into a substance known as sodium benzoate, which helps stop the loss of Parkin and DJ-1 proteins, protect neurons, normalize neurotransmitter levels, and improve motor functions in mice with Parkinson’s
symptoms. That is a pretty impressive list, even for mice, Eh?

Why not step aside from the details of the academic research and simply ask yourself – do you like cinnamon? Have you always liked cinnamon? If so, why not make it a point to add a little extra Ceylon cinnamon to spice up your food? Who knows. Maybe your body
will thank you profusely.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Free Jump Start to Recovery Crash Course


Is there any help/advice anywhere on how to get to sleep?  During the day I mostly only notice right hand and arm shaking but at night every twitch/jerk/shake shows up in both hands and my lower legs and feet.  Not being able to quieten my body means I just can’t fall asleep for hours and hours.  Have tried 5HTP, magnesium etc etc.  Don’t want to go down the sleeping pill route but I’m beginning to dread going to bed!
I use White Willow Bark rather than painkillers but that doesn’t seem very effective.
I guess there are others out there with this  problem so any info or help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanksAnita 

Multi-Tasking and Parkinson’s Disease

I was fascinated by your thoughts on multi-tasking. I am a multi-tasker par excellence and I have always thought this is a factor in my neurological symptoms. The physical and mental sensations I get when I have problems moving put me in mind of the children’s game where you put hand over hand over hand speeding up until everybody loses the sequence and order become chaos. I lose my place in the same way when I have the intention to walk for example. Competing intentions and the consideration of too many factors cause garbled inputs and the system jams. It is as if I “forget” what I am doing and parts of my body get momentarily lost. In other words my proprioceptive system is blanking out.

My solution is to have a focus and slow down but this multi-tasking habit is deeply embedded in my physical, mental and physical worlds, so it is not easy. For example when my writing is running out of control I slow down, print, lift my pencil after every letter and sometime says each letter old loud as I write. This can be uncomfortable to almost unbearable but is always revealing.( In other words I have to become mindful)

I recently read that dopamine is involved in salience which I found very interesting. Maybe I am not able to prioritise inputs of intention, a situation that is hardly helped by multi-tasking.

I think intention is key. When I am unable to march on the spot I am very often able to “lift my right knee as high as I can, lift my left knee as high as I can”. Same movement;a slight shift in intention makes the impossible easy!

All the Best


Candida and Parkinsons Disease

Candida and Parkinsons Disease Question

I have also made the connection of candida and Parkinsons disease. I was on tetracycline for acne as a young teen and suffered with yeast infections off and on that exploded into severe, chronic infections after my dad died. Diflucan for over 18 months couldn’t stop; foot soaks held the infections at bay and within 2 years I was dx with PD.

I take no meds and have spent 8 years on mind-body-emotions work, healing techniques, attended your Santa Fe seminar… I’m 6 days into a strict no sugar, no gluten diet and feel more energetic and my ankles are skinny again. There are so many conflicting diets and advice.

How are you currently doing with candida? And is there a specific diet you followed? For how long before becoming less strict?


Just to clarify for those who do not know … I do not have Parkinson’s symptoms but have discussed my journey of recovery with candida cleanses on my radio show over the years. I have personally struggled to find answers to the questions you asked above for
many years now. The conclusion I have reached is that the dance with candida never ends. In the end it is a question of balance. Too much or too little candida results in horrible health problems. some of which include the symptoms of Parkinson’s as you state above.

I will first answer the personal question, then explain the connection of candida to Parkinson’s. I have done many candida detoxes over the years. They all have helped to reduce the infection in the tissues and organs of my body. It does pay to stay in a strict
candida diet for 6 weeks every now and then. The “problem” is never really permanently solved.

I instantly know candida is an issue because I get fatigued easily. I also know I have a candida overgrowth because I have indulged in consuming sweets. I also know because rashes can also pop up here and there on my body. There is no need to request diagnostic
tests for a candida problem. My body always sends off the alarm.

In the long run the best decision I have made is to cut out eating sugar except in rare, holiday situations. Our brains certainly need sugar to function but we get plenty of sugar from the natural sources of eating fruits and other natural food sources. In other
words, healing my addiction to sugar has been the key to getting the candida problem under control.

Connection of Candida to Parkinsons Disease

Most people think that all toxins enter the body externally through the food we eat and through toxins that enter our body through our skin. Some toxins are generated internally by the body. Candida is one substance that is responsible directly or indirectly for
the production of dozens of toxins. One such toxin is acetaldehyde which is typically found in the gastrointestional track. Another toxin – salsolinol – is synthesized by the body from acedaldehyde and dopamine. Elevated levels of salsolinol have been found in the
urine and cerebrospinal fluid of persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms.

Will you be likely to remember these complicated terms and connections a week from now or even tomorrow? I doubt it. I can’t. What is important to remember is that evidence suggests an overgrowth of candida can be an agent responsible for Parkinson’s symptoms.

Lidia Epp is the researcher who discovered the connection between Candida and Parkinson’s symptoms. She is one of the contributors to Pioneers of Recovery. Her Parkinson’s symptoms reversed after completing a successful candida cleanse.

Learning how to dance successfully with candida is the same lesson as learning to balance the energies of giving and receiving. Many people with Parkinson’s symptoms are givers who never stop to receive. They give their life force away. Learning to maintain a delicate balance of giving to others and receiving from others is one of the secrets to a successful recovery program. It is no less important than learning to balance the level of candida in our body.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery





Trauma and Parkinson’s Disease Genes

Trauma and Parkinson’s Disease

An idea that has been floating around for decades is that we are stuck with the genes we are born with. Some people are lucky and some unlucky. If we have a gene that predicts cancer – it is likely we will get cancer. If we have the genes that are disposed to Parkinson’s disease, we are likely to develop the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Some of us are dealt a lousy hand in life.
Research in the exciting field of Epigenetics reveals this thinking is baloney. Genes can be turned on and off by “programs” that control those genes. The issue turns on not whether genes exist, but whether they are turned on or off.
What circumstance switches a gene on or off? The answer will fascinate you. It is trauma! Research shows that the tendency toward post traumatic stress (which exhibits symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s) are passed down to the next generation. Children of holocaust survivors pass down a predisposition of stress and anxiety to their offspring.
You may have always thought that there have been no significant traumatic events in your life that could account for the degree of stress and anxiety that you currently experience. When you have heard me talk about the critical role of stress and trauma in affecting Parkinson’s symptoms, you may well have dismissed my argument. Recent research clearly shows that the origins of stress can reside in the experiences of ancestors. This is why my Jump Start to Recovery course includes the tools for clearing family entanglements as well as releasing the residue of past traumas.
How could traumatic events influence whether genes are turned on or off? Simple. When something cataclysmic happens to people they will say that they are not the same person. You may well have heard yourself or friends say the same thing. There it is my friend.
Trauma changes everyone in the family system. If you remain skeptical, listen to the interview with neuro scientist and epigeneticist Rachel Yehuda who has studied epigenetic changes in holocaust survivors and their children.
If you decide to explore my new Jump Start to Recovery online course which provides new techniques for clearing familyentanglements and releasing trauma, enter the coupon codejs222 for a $100 discount. There is a 30 free trial, so you can get a full refund if the content does not prove beneficial.

Jump Start to Recovery at Alderbrook

Why not join us for a fascinating 2 1/2 day Jump Start to Recovery experience at Alderbrook in Washington state.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia Washington

Cause of Parkinsons Disease

Cause of Parkinsons Disease is Multifaceted

After only a few minutes of research, you will encounter one explanation that is offered as the cause of Parkinson;s disease – a deficiency of dopamine. Yes, this clearly can be a factor, but only one among many other factors. Where do you start with a recovery program once the symptoms have emerged?
Most people choose at the beginning to suppress their Parkinson’s symptoms.  I discuss during the radio show the many logical reasons why the is the first choice for most people.
In the program today I recommend pursing another strategy. Why not determine the cause of Parkinson s disease first and then design a treatment program that addresses the cause?
My research over the past decade has revealed many surprising conditions that cause the Parkinsons Recoverysymptoms which include (but are certainly not limited to) toxins, infections, trauma, stress and thoughts that we rattle around our heads that are not conducing to recovery. I discuss all of these issues and more during the radio show today.
I also announce an exciting new Jump Start to Recovery program that will convene at Alderbrook in Washington state November 1st – 3rd. Check out the program details.
Robert Rodgers PhD

Jumpy Hands

Hello Robert: This is all mew to us. My 62 year old fiance has insulin dependent diabetes and severe neuropathy in his feet from the diabetes and he has started having jumpy hands, fingers, legs, and other areas of jumpiness in his body such as his eyes twitching and shoulders jumping and some twitching of muscles. He takes morphine for severe chronic arthritis pain in his low back and tailbone. He takes reglin for diabetic slow stomach emptying. He also takes oxycontin for breakthrough pain. His balance issues was caused form the diabeteic neuropathy which he had way before the jumpey problems started. He did not have the jumpy problems until about 6 months ago and it is progressively getting worse a little at a time but is not severe yet. It is not constant but he does jump and twitch in his sleep too as I have noticed this when he is asleep.

Do you think he has Parkinsons Disease? We are very concerned about this, but he does not I am writing to you as I am very concerned for him. Will Parkinsons take his life and does it cause Alzhemiers Disease which I know can eventually take a persons life. How advanced are the drugs for Parkinsons as far as slowing or stopping Parkinsons Disease? How much and for how long do these drugs slow the progression of Parkinsons Disease? Which drugs do you think are the best on the market to use for Parkinsons Disease. Are their any other disease that this could be besides Parkinsons. Any help you can give me is very much appreciated as I don’t want to loose him as he is my whole life. We both met after we had both gone through bad divorces and have only been together 11 yrs and I would like to spend many more years with him. By the way I am 60 and he is 62. Do you think if he had bariatric surgery for weight loss ( he is about 310lbs and 6 foot 2 inches tall) and we have read that gastric bypass surgery will put the diabetes in remisssion as long as he adheres to the eating program after the surgery for good. I am going to have the surgery and I think it will help him too. Any help or information you can give us is very much appreciated.



Response to your jumpy hands question follows ,,,

You have ask a series of questions that involve diagnosing and treating conditions medically with medications and surgeries. I am not the resource who can answer these types of questions which should be addressed to a medical doctor.

From the perspective of a researcher, I have two observations to offer. First, I would recommend that you investigate the side effects of the medications he is taking. Some of his current issues may be due to side effects. Keep in mind there is no research that reports side effects when two medications are used in conjunction with one another, much less more than two medications. The medications themselves combine together to create unreported side effects. Making matters even more complicated, the effects of medications differ depending on the person. Some people can tolerate them. Others cannot.

My second observation to your jumpy hands question is to suggest you take a different perspective. All of your questions address the treatment of symptoms. If you want to be together for another 30 years, think about finding and treating what is causing the symptoms. When it comes to reversing the symptoms of diabetes, diet changes do the trick. Change what you eat every day and you will be dazzled at the result.

Best of luck to the two of you and may you be together for another 30 years.

Robert Rodgers PhD
What is wrong with Me? 
Seven Secrets to Healing


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