Are people really having successful journeys down the road to recovery and if they are, how? Every holiday season, I answer these two questions with a 5 minute – two question survey.
It would seem the delta variant of Covid is responsible for spreading the
disease more quickly that the original Covid 19. What can you do if you are infected with either virus?
Of course, check with your medical doctor immediately. I am not a medical doctor, but I wanted you to know what my own doctor recommended if I or a member of my family is infected.
Anti-histamines Help Knock Out the Delta Variant
My own doctor recommended that I take antihistamines if infected with the Delta Variant of the corona virus. There are a variety of over the counter options. My naturopath has some high quality anti-histamine options which I decided to order in case someone in my family is infected. I recommend you check with your own doctor about natural alternatives that might recommend or have available.
Changing your diet should also help. Incorporate fresh foods like fruits and vegetables, fresh meat seafood, and whole grains. I found this listing of foods on the internet that contain high histamines which should be avoided:
Fermented dairy products, such as cheese (especially aged), yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, and kefir.
Fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut and kimchi.
Pickles or pickled veggies.
cured or fermented meats, such as sausages, salami, and fermented ham.
If you get infected with the Corona 19 virus or any of its spin offs, my doctor tells me taking anti-histamines and changing your diet can offer welcome relief from your symptoms. She said any over the counter anti-histamine product would likely help offer symptom relief. Most naturopaths have high quality anti-histamine supplements available, so no matter what, be sure and check with your doctor about any specific options they recommend.
I am excited to extend a warm invention to register for my no cost course, The Future of Medicine, which focuses on transformative frequency healing methods. New technologies are now making it possible to support the body’s natural ability to heal from the inside out. The need to suppress symptoms will become less and less necessary.
Have you been struggling with finding ways to help you feel better? Recent discoveries and new technologies afford us all opportunities to heal in ways never imagined five years ago. Frequency healing can now be delivered with light, sound and electromagnetic stimulation. You will learn all about them in my new course.
Click the secure link below to learn more about my new no cost course. Be prepared to discover new technologies that are little know today but will become standard practice in the years to come.
To answer the one question Parkinsons Recovery survey item click on the secure link below. After providing your input, I will email you a link to the report of therapies others have found to be most useful.
Let’s find out if Parkinson’s is degenerative. Please click on the secure link below to report on your experience. I will then send you a summary of what other people have reported to be their own experience.
Can taking CBD oil offer relief from your symptoms? We now have evidence the answer may be yes.
Responses are pouring in for my annual Parkinsons Recovery survey that gathers information about natural therapies that help members of my audience celebrate symptom relief. People report using many unique therapies, techniques and approaches that make a difference.
I will be posting summaries results. Floating to the top of the list of therapies reported to be useful is CBD oil which is now legal in all US states. It clearly helps some people but as with all therapies not everyone.
If you have not had an opportunity to try CBD oil, I recommend CTFO (Changing The Future Outcomes).
I am comfortable recommending this as a source because they have an excellent product with high penetration and the highest quality in the industry. They also offer a full 100% refund if the used empty bottle is returned with 60 days after purchase. There is no risk to trying this as a treatment option. If it does not help, you are only out the cost of shipping.
About CBD Oil
The endocannabinoid system has attracted considerable interest as a potential therapeutic target in numerous pathological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as anorexia and irritable bowel syndrome. It is s involved with a variety physiological processes such as energy balance, appetite stimulation, blood pressure, pain modulation, embryogenesis, nausea and vomiting control, memory, learning and immune response among others.
CBD Research
Clinical research on CBD (cannabidiol) includes studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain. A listing of the studies is posted on the Parkinsons Recovery webpage listed below. Quite a few of the listed studies were published recently. Researchers have been finding excellent results in their studies that are consistent with reports from users who reported symptom relief from the Parkinsons Recovery Survey this year.
John Coleman’s new book, Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease, is to date the most thorough exploration of the etiological pathways (causes) leading to diagnosis with Parkinson’s disease or similar neuro disorders.
This is the replay of my interview with John on Parkinsons Recovery radio last Saturday
John explains how and why trauma, toxins and stealth infections create symptoms diagnosed as a “disease” such as Parkinson’s and responds to a number of questions submitted by listeners of Parkinsons Recovery Radio.
A surprising number of persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s have spent their entire life caretaking others rather than taking care of themselves. Friends and family alike become familiar with the “always available and reliable” caretaker of the family who is too often you!
Since caretaking is such a huge issue for persons traveling down the road to recovery, here are critical rules of caretaking to always keep close to your chest.
Always – day in and day out – give to yourself the same care and attention that you give to others. This is the number one rule for a reason. Most caretakers violate it all the time.
You are not an endless resource for others to take advantage of anytime of the day or night. When you are not taking good care of yourself, you can be of little help to others. Why?
Your energy will deplete.
Your health will deteriorate.
You will resent taking care of others.
Your needs will be different from your family and friends.
You do not need to feel guilty about saying “no” to requests for assistance.
 Taking time for unwinding is time well spent. How do you best unwind? (Note the question is not how should you unwind or how do others unwind.) What helps you relax, chill out and have fun? Do it.
Not occasionally.
Every day.
You are not being selfish by taking time every day for yourself and only yourself. If you do not take time out of every day for yourself, you will do a lousy job when you are caretaking family and friends.
In summary, once a caretaker, always a caretaker. The recommendation here is simple: Just be a top notch caretaker of yourself.
The big picture: Light Therapy has the potential to address constipation.
Parkinson’s symptoms originate in the gut.
Heal gut issues and symptoms will begin to resolve
Do you have constipation? The constipation must be reversed for you to get relief from symptoms. There are many potential remedies for constipation. Most therapies infuse the gut with one form of probiotics or another. Certain foods can also promote healthy bacteria in the gut.
Light therapy may also offer the possibility of infusing the gut with good bacteria. No need to take a probiotic supplement here!
Animal Studies find that light therapy promotes healthy bacteria in the gut. If this happens with animals, I am guessing humans will achieve similar results.
Many of you have been using the X-Plus Vielight light therapy to address symptoms such as memory impairment.. The class encourages you to apply the X-Plus on your gut once a day in addition to applying the light to your mid brain.
If you do not have an X-Plus device, information is available on the Vielight website:Â
If you decide to acquire one, be sure to tell the customer representative you are a Parkinsons Recovery member. The will apply a 10% discount. If you order the device from their website, the 10% discount will be applied on the shopping cart if you enter the coupon code healing4me.
The company gives you 6 months to try out their devices. If it does not offer symptom relief, you can always return the used product for an 80% refund. The risk is minimal.
Question: Why are my Parkinson’s symptoms worse during the Pandemic?
Answer: An epigenetic change in your physical body which was most likely set in motion during the first years of life. Unrelenting stress for a new born child results in “stress methylation.†A specific chemical molecule has attached itself to the on/off which is a part of every gene.
With stress methylation, the gene whose job it is to shut down the continuous flow of cortisol is deactivated. Since the switch is permanently “stuckâ€, we find ourselves as adults in an unexplained spin of worry, dread, anxiety and fear.
Since this anxious state is familiar as ingrained from the first year of life we do not really have any effective tools to un-stick the off/on switch.
All this means we can be instantly “triggered†and “set off†by the most innocuous experiences and stimuli. The recent events have been anything but “innocuous .”
Watch this wonderful BBC news explanation about the effects these stressful times are having on all of us. The link below connects to a 2 minute news video that explains why your symptoms have likely become so much worse over recent months.
Studies now conclusively demonstrate that EMFs (electromagnetic fields) – which we are all exposed to – causes a wide range of illnesses including neuro-degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, autism, infertility, unwanted genetic mutations and even cancer. This is the health crisis of this century.
Most people do not take this problems seriously. Effects are not immediate nor are they felt by most people. They are cumulative.
EMF effects scramble the energy field which derails normal functions. Studies show that a modest exposure to smart phones clogs up blood cells. Blood transforms into cells that stick together like globs of jelly of different shapes//
Why is this a problem? Blood cells that stick together cannot pass through the small capillaries of the body which feed 75 percent of the cells. The size of the globs is too great to pass through the tiny passageways of capillaries.
Are you perplexed because your detox problem is not showing the results expected? There is no way toxins will be eliminated from the cells if your circulation cannot access them. One factor could well be your continuous exposure to EMFs.
In this video I emphasize one small step you can take to reduce EMF exposure from one source: your smart phone. Do not put the cell phone against your ear when you talk. Use headphones (not ear plugs and certainly not a blue tooth).
Dozens and dozens of natural therapies have been discovered that help reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. I want you to know about several little known therapies in particular.
You are invited to watch videos I prepared that explain them. To do so, click on the secure link below. Then, enter your first name and email address in the fields provided. I will then email you links to the videos I have prepared for you to watch over the coming week.
Results of the 2019 Holiday Parkinsons Symptoms Survey
Results of the 2019 Parkinsons Recovery Survey that asked about Parkinsons symptoms replicated results from previous annual surveys.
Bottom Line Result: Parkinson’s is not degenerative.
I asked members of the global Parkinsons Recovery audience who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinson’s to report how they were doing relative to one year ago. Here is the question:
Since last holiday season in 2018 have you been feeling better, the same or worse overall?
One hundred and five (105) individuals responded to the survey. If you happen to buy into the false belief that Parkinson’s is “degenerative” people should report feeling worse with each passing year. They will not report that they felt better or have been feeling about the same as last year.
More explicitly, if Parkinson’s is in fact “degenerative” the following results would be reported:
Number feeling better – 0
Number feeling the same 0
Number feeling worse- 105
Only such a result would confirm the false belief that Parkinson’s is “degenerative.” This false belief is never qualified: Everyone is “expected” to be worse off. Isn’t this what you have been told?
This was not – I repeat not – the result of the 2019 Parkinsons Recovery survey. Sixty four percent (64%) of the respondents reported that they were either feeling about the same or better than a year ago.
Number feeling Better – 19
Number feeling the same – 49
Number feeling worse- 37
Isn’t this result exciting news?
I also asked respondents to list any and all therapies that helped them feel better. Dozens of natural therapies were reported to help reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. I want you to know about several in particular that were reported to have been helpful so I shot videos about a few of them.
To access these video presentations click on the secure link below. Then, enter your first name and email address in the fields provided. I will email you links to the videos
I have prepared for you to watch.
So, click on the secure link below then enter your first name and email address to receive links to the videos:
New breakthroughs by CTFO in the science of CBD oil have resulted in the development of new CBD products that significantly increase its penetration with a resultant beneficial impact on symptoms. Several short videos have just been posted on the new CTFP website that explain this new discovery.
What is the difference between CBDa and CBD oil? CBDa is a precursor to all CBD products. It is extracted from the hemp plant, more potent than CBD and more effective.
Why isn’t Everyone Taking CBDa?Â
It is actually available only from CTFO. When CBDa is exposed to heat – it de-stabilizes. Researchers recently succeeded in stabilizing CBDa so that it does not lose its potency. CTFO has the patent on this process. Their CBDa products are called “10X Pure”.
If you have discovered CBD offers relief from your symptoms, I recommend that you investigate the new 10X Pure products if you have not already done so.
CBD Research
Clinical research on CBD (cannabidiol) includes studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain. A listing of the studies is posted on the Parkinsons Recovery website below. Quite a few of the listed studies were published as recently as the last calendar year and even in 2019. Clearly, researchers have been finding excellent results in their studies.
If you decide to explore this option there is no risk involved. CTFO gives a full money back refund if taking its CBDa does not offer symptom relief. Simply return the used, empty bottle within 60 days to receive a full refund.
Since 2004 I have been documenting natural therapies for Parkinson’s disease that offer relief from Parkinsons symptoms. These discoveries have inspired the following conclusions:
Dozens of natural therapies are effective in reversing Parkinsons symptoms
No therapy helps everyone.
This week I administered a survey asking members of my global audience to report what natural therapies offer relief from their symptoms. Results re-confirmed my conclusions:
There are a surprising number of natural therapies that offer relief.
No therapy helps everyone.
Everyone discovers a unique set of therapies that work for them.
One respondent from Australia reported they had not tried any natural therapies. Is this also the case for you?
May the following summary of responses serve as an inspiration to try one or more of the natural therapies reported in this Parkinsons Recovery Survey.
Responses to the Parkinsons Recovery September 2019 survey are reported next. Informational resources that relate to the therapies reported to have been helpful are also included in this post.
Listing of Natural Therapies for Parkinsons Disease
Respondents were asked to list natural therapies that helped them experience relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. What follows is an unedited listing of responses that were received. My analysis of responses is provided in the following clip.
Report from Germany: Photobiomodulation (vielight neuro gamm and x-plus), medical mushrooms (neuromykon of dr myko san, zagreb, croatia)
Report from Arizona: Herbal supplements, Emotion Code therapy
Report from New York: High dose vitamin B1 (thiamin hcl)
Report from Nevada: Mucuna. lithium orotate
Report from Italy: Cold water on hands
Report from Switzerland: Ayurveda
Report from Luxembourg: Turmeric
Report from Oklahoma: CBD OIL
Report from Alberta Canada: reflexology, coconut oil, drinking water, fellowship & interaction with others, distractions, meaningful work, spiritual time with God.
Report from Montana: neck decompression (PD bend)
Report from North Carolina: Eating nuts, all varieties, fava beans and tincture, exercise, good fresh organic fruits and veggies
Report from India: Diet , Vit b12, Vit D, exercise, yoga and meditation
Report from Australia: Bowen therapy, Castor oil packs to the abdomen, sunbaths, trans dermal magnesium, THC & THCA, mucuna puriens 98% Ldopa
Report from Virginia: exercise
Report from California: take control of your own recovery, avoid stressful situations and stressful people, adequate sleep, gentle exercise (stretching), stay active (keep moving) in your daily life, ketogenic diet (low carb, no grain, no dairy, no sugars), inclined bed therapy
Report from Minnesota: Arogalife supplements
Report from Ontario Canada: Theracycle
Report from Michigan: Manitol
Report from Quebec Canada: dancing with a smile, also gluten and dairy free, osteopathic
Report from Pennsylvania: B1
Report from United Kingdom: transcendental meditation, cranial sacral
Report from Oklahoma: CBD OIL
Report from California: Exercise
Report from United Kingdom: Cats Claw tincture
Report from California: Parkinson’s Recovery
Report from Australia: Qi Gong, Mucuna Puriens
Report from California: Wisdom healing Qigong
Report from Virginia: Fava beans and tincture, variety of nuts daily, okra, papaya, black cumin seed oil, exercise , sunshine
Report from Minnesota: Passion Flower
United States: Balance class for seniors -deep breathing- to help relax.-.
Texas: Prayer, GABA 250 mg., Qigong, yoga corpse pose, Tai Chi, cranial sacral massage, aloe vera juice, grounding feet
Report from Luxembourg: turmeric green tea
Report from Colorado:
Report from California: Exercise, especially intense exercise, daily
Report from Michigan: Adherence to 7 dimensions of wellness
Report from California: Neurofeedback
Report from Michigan: has helped a lot
Report from Hawaii: Exercise daily, i.e. walking, yoga, body weight movements etc.
Report from Australia: Qigong
Report from United States: Mucuna Puriens powder, Homeopathic calming pills, enough rest, sleep
Report from Colorado: I am following the Hinz protocol (amino acids and extract of the velvet bean plant) with great success.
Report from California: PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy)
Report from Israel: Tai Chi, LDN, Rhodiola, low fat diet (almost vegan)
Report from United Kingdom: Exercise, vitamin B1 protocol, meditation
Report from Pennsylvania: supplements
Report from Pennsylvania: Meditation and yoga
Report from Minnesota: exercise
Report from Vermont: visualizing my brain and gut cells communicating instantaneously.
Report from Washington: Glutathione IV and intranasal
Report from Florida: Medical marijuana, both oils and smoking.
Report from Massachusetts: meditation and exercise, especially swimming and yoga
Report from India: i take dry coconut with turmeric and black pepper i feel this is giving me some help
Report from Vancouver Canada: Deep brain stimulator surgery
Report from Quebec Canada: swimming is a big help as well as yoga and pture
Report from California:
Parkinsons Recovery Web site-without doubt!! Hugely important keeping me on track with having positive attitude
Exercise-especially for my legs and feet
Eating healthy = NO SUGAR
Mars Venus brand Amino acid liquid shake to get protein between medication ingestions (I am on 25/100 carbidopa/levodopa)
Aquas to increase water absorption
Guided meditations daily.
Vielight neuro. This seems to loosen deep congestion in my upper head. The X seems too strong _ at least for now.
Being around special friend(s) who support me. Personally I do best with one or 2 at a time
Do you currently experience periodic or chronic pain?
Are you currently taking a medications that have proven to disappoint expectations?
Have you set an intention to reduce a dependency on opiates and other pain relievers?
I have exciting news for you. A new CTFO product is available as of this week which has been formulated to address the struggles of people who experience chronic pain. If your answer to any one of the three questions above is yes, please take 3 minutes to watch the video posted on the CTFO website.
Like most opiates the newly formulated 10XPure 1000 Gold CBD product CBDA is a COX-2 inhibitor which leads to the relief of pain and swelling. I recently heard a presentation by neurologist Stephen Trobiani who predicts that this new product development may well offer a welcome solution to anyone who suffers from persistent and chronic pain and is interested in avoiding opiates as a solution.
Of course we have no evidence at this point on whether this new product discovery will offer sustained pain relief, but I believe it is worth taking seriously and investigating further. The company – CTFO – that developed it is one that I have no hesitation in recommending. They are a first class act.
For more information on CBDA (and how it differs from CBD) visit:
Now – a big reason I have no hesitation with a recommendation that you consider trying a new product for which we have no solid feedback yet is that CTFO offers a full, 60 day money back guarantee. Return the used, empty bottle within 60 days after purchase and receive a full 100% refund.
If you decide to give this one a try, please let me know the outcome!
Most people with Parkinson’s symptoms have a serious glutathione deficiency. Nasal sprays have been helpful to some people. Intravenous infusions have helped others. A new discovery reveals that glutathione can be made in the gut with the help of an enzyme called Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3.The Probiotic ME-3 Makes Glutathione in Your Gut
Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton discussed the critical role of Glutathione for people who experience Parkinson’s symptoms during a recent radio show interview. The ME-3 new product development he discussed is previewed below.
Probiotic Research
Probiotic research is fast transforming our understanding of human health. Probiotics in general are invaluable for maintaining good health. We’re also learning we need certain strains that produce highly specified health benefits.
One of these strains is Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3. The startling probiotic breakthrough of ME-3 began in 1995. That’s when award-winning microbiologist Marika Mikelsaar, MD, PhD and her team of research scientists isolated the probiotic strain called Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3. This unique strain is able to produce the super antioxidant glutathione. Since then, Dr. Mikelsaar has dedicated herself to researching the numerous benefits of how the revolutionary probiotic ME3 makes glutathione in your gut.
What’s so Important about Glutathione?
Perhaps you’ve heard of glutathione. Every cell in the human body uses glutathione to maintain cellular health. Scientists call it the “Master Antioxidant” and it’s absolutely vital to:
Maintain a healthy immune system
Support the health of cardiovascular tissue
Promote healthy liver function
You need healthy glutathione levels. Research indicates that it breaks down during digestion. That’s where ME-3 comes in. You supplement with the ME-3 probiotic which produces the glutathione levels needed for optimal health. It’s a new paradigm.
The body makes the glutathione. It passes through the blood brain barrier because it is recognized as produced by body rather than injected from an outside source. May you enjoy learning about this discovery as much as I did.
What Is In A Name?
The brand name Reg´Activ® was created from the words “Active Regeneration. This expresses what occurs when the patented probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 remarkably produces and recycles Glutathione, the Master Antioxidant resulting in higher levels of active glutathione functioning in the body for a longer period of time.
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One box lasts approximately one month when taking the recommended one capsule a day.
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Click the arrow below to hear an interview with Vielight’s CEO and inventor Dr. Lew Lim who discusses his new X-Plus photobiomodulation device invention.
I want to make sure everyone knows about its availability in light of success with the previous Vielight Neuro Gamma device. First, I will offer a brief report on user’s experience with using the Neuro Gamma device which is why I am excited about Dr. Lim’s new invention – the X-Plus.
Neuro Gamma Device
Over seventy (70) members of my Parkinsons Recovery audience purchased and used
the Vielight Neuro Gamma device over the past year. The exciting news for me has been that it was one of the most frequently mentioned therapies reported to be helpful in responses to my 2018 Holiday Survey.
Vielight representatives tell me that only 1 out of 10 units were returned for an 80% refund. Nine out of ten users found the device to be beneficial. My conclusion: The Neuro Gamma has helped most – but not all users. Odds of success are clearly in your favor.
The new X-Plus Vielight device can be used in conjunction with the Neuro Gamma to irradiate the posterior brain with light. If you are already getting good results with using the Vielight Neuro Gamma device. consider using the X-Plus along with the Neuro Gamma. It just might provide a welcome boast to symptom relief.
The X-Plus can also be used as an independent device. The great news of the day is that the cost of the new X-Plus device is half the cost of the Neuro Gamma. It is listed as $749. The company has again agreed to offer members of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount on the X-Plus (as they did for the Neuro Gamma). To claim the discount enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. If you call in your order, simply tell the representative you are with Parkinsons Recovery.
I have no hesitation encouraging as many of you as possible to try the new X-Plus Device out. How come?
First, the Neuro Gamma has been a success. I am betting the X-Plus will follow suit. Dr. Lim is an amazing inventor.
Second, the company offers an 80% refund for any unit that is returned within six months of use. This gives you time to see if the therapy will prove helpful. The financial risk of trying it out is minimal since you are assured of getting 80% of your investment back.
More information about the new X-Plus Light Therapy device can be found on the Vielight website:
Can-C eye drops reduce inflammation which is the primary cause of many chronic eye diseases.
Having difficulty seeing clearly because of cataracts?
Concerned about being able to pass a vision test for a driver’s license?
Prefer to avoid cataract surgery?
If so, you need to know about Can-C eye drops. They are a natural eye drop formulated by researchers that clears cataracts for nine out of ten users according to the research studies. Here is my interview with a representative of Innovative Vision Products Jennifer Jones who answers all of my questions about these eye drops.
Studies using humans as subjects find application of Can-C cataract eye drops as recommended reverse cataracts for 90% of subjects studied who apply the drops as directed (a total of 4 drops a day).
Can-C does not show results for 100% of people, but odds of success are certainly in your favor.
It takes time to see results – an average of 3 months.
It gets inflammation in the eyes under control so the body can reverse the cataract naturally.
I have been getting feedback on these eye drops for two decades and can confirm that approximately 90-95% of users are pleased with the outcome. This is why I have no hesitation letting you know about this natural option.
In summary, if cataracts are an issue for you and you prefer to side step surgery check out these eye drops by visiting this secure website: