What natural therapies for Parkinsons do you recommend aside from the food aspect?
The thrust of my research has been to cast a wide net to identify any and all therapies that help persons who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons. After five years of a focused search, I am happy to report that I have succeeded in identifying dozens and dozens of natural, safe and nonintrusive therapies that people with Parkinson’s symptoms tell me help them immensely. To my surprise, I have not found very many therapies that do not have a positive impact to some degree.
The nature of your question is tied to several underlying assumptions. First, you assume that Parkinsons disease is caused by one and only one imbalance in the body. I disagree. There are a multitude of factors that create neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. For many people, more than one factor is present. The particular therapies that can help will be driven by the conditions that are causing the neurological symptoms. There are no easy solutions of fixes.
You are likely thinking that I have a list of therapies that people should pursue if they expect to get well. That is, you assume that I promote a program of recovery. I am well aware that some medical professionals offer a very specific protocol to treat the symptoms and that some of these programs are successful.
I am not a medical care professional. I am a researcher. As such, my job is to find the people who are figuring out solutions that are working for them and let others know about it.
I document dozens of therapies that have proven successful for persons confronting neurological challenges. Each of these addresses a specific cause. The best approach is to identify the cause of your symptoms working in close consultation with your doctor. Once you know the cause you can get the therapy that best addresses it . My book
My book Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. The book offers a detailed description of the many factors that cause the symptoms and the natural therapies for Parkinsons that address them.
There are many opportunities to get well. Seize the opportunities and you will begin to feel better day by day.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
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