A website that provides a Listing of Bowen Therapists in the USA
is provided below.
John Coleman ND recommends Bowen therapy
as an effective way to release trauma and stress from tissues in
the body as one way of finding relief from the symptoms
of Parkinson’s.
Bowen therapy originated in Australia, but
there are many therapists who are trained in
Bowen therapy who practice in the United States.
If you click on the link below you can do a search of
Bowen therapists by region. This is a very useful resource
because it gives the level of training for each therapist
and their phone number to call for further information.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
© Parkinsons Recovery
Hi, I just wanted to add references to a broader group of Bowen Therapists in the US.
thanks 🙂