Steer a Steady Course on the Road to Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease
In small part, recovery from Parkinson’s disease is about medicines, supplements, exercise and good food.
In large part, it is about our own thoughts that declare we cannot heal, stress that soars to new heights every day, anxiety that seems to never lift, toxins that eat away at tissues and even infections that destroy cells.
The Jump Start to Recovery Course offered by Parkinsons Recovery founder Robert Rodgers PhD introduces the steps one by one that must be taken to celebrate a successful journey down the road to recovery.
Regular Tuition $148
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Let me ask you a few questions. Do you want to…
- Erase negative thinking that does not serve the best interests of your recovery?
- Discover what is causing your symptoms?
- Explore natural treatment options that reverse your symptoms?
- Manage your anxiety?
- Release past trauma?
In short, do you want to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease? Want to do that in 2025? Jump Start to Recovery provides the resources and support needed for a successful journey down the road to recovery.
Lillian comments on Jump Start to Recovery
Jump Start to Recovery Launches Monday January 6th, 2025
Since 2004 I have been conducting research on the factors that cause Parkinson’s symptoms and natural therapies that offer the opportunity to reverse them. After two decades of research, I have integrated my discoveries into my best selling Jump Start to Recovery online course. Included are recent discoveries that are revolutionizing how neurological conditions can be successfully reversed.
Jump Start to Recovery is the whole enchilada!
These sessions were very helpful as far as truly understanding Parkinson’s disease. To me it’s like a mystery movie playing out in your body and your job is to solve that mystery by trying everything you can to find answers as your body give you clues. The class helped a lot with my anxiety which was a very big problem for me. I still have it but now I seem to be able to control it better. Also I especially enjoyed listening to what the others had to say about the different things they are doing to help their symptoms. Jeannette |
In short, Jump Start to Recovery offers a wealth of resources I have identified over the past two decades that have been helping people reverse their symptoms.
Why not set the intention to formulate a personalized recovery program that supports a successful journey down the road to recovery in 2025?
Regular Tuition $148
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Hi Robert,
Thank you so much for putting the jump start program in the place. I am experiencing great benefits from your knowledge as well as the experiences of others. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 8 months ago by a neurologist. Not believing her, I drove 2 1/2 hours for a second opinion by another neurologist that specializes in movement disorders. It was confirmed. Beyond a reasonable doubt, they said. I accessed your materials within one month of the diagnosis. I refused medication and put together my own program, with the help of your materials.
Nancy |
Purpose of Jump Start to Recovery
The good news about Parkinson’s disease is that it is possible to feel better and celebrate relief from symptoms. Jump Start to Recovery demonstrates what other people with Parkinson’s have done for themselves to feel better.
Everyone knows some things that can make a difference. Eat healthy food. Exercise. Reduce stress. Maybe you do this. Maybe not. Jump Start to Recovery introduces fresh ideas and approaches that are making a huge difference to the quality of life for people who currently experience Parkinson’s symptoms.
The Jump Start to Recovery experience helps you discover what you can do for yourself to feel better. You read the last sentence correctly. Jump Start to Recovery is all about putting you in the drivers seat of your own recovery. It is not about convincing you to buy into any particular therapy.
More and more people are reversing their symptoms, but the path to success differs for everyone. Given the complexity of this particular neurological condition, there will never be a single magical solution that will fix the problem for everyone.
Jump Start to Recovery helps you figure out for yourself the natural therapies that will offer you the best opportunity for returning to your natural state – the state of balance and health.
- My mission is to help you steer a steady course on the road to recovery.
You are the one who heals. - My role is to facilitate your process of recovery.
You are the one in control.
Hi Robert,
Now that our Jump Start to Recovery program has completed, I want to thank you. Your knowledge and skill in guiding us through each session was very helpful and appreciated. You affirmed my feelings that I need to learn to trust my gut instinct and maintain control over my own healing journey.
Thank you for making time to respond to every one of my emails when I was looking for information. I’m looking forward to having ongoing access to all the resources you are posting. All the Best, Ann |
It goes without saying that the 2025 Jump Start to Recovery course will not offer a quick fix or “cure”. Given the complexity of the factors that contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s, it is highly unlikely that any single “cure” will ever be found.
I do believe it is possible for each person to discover opportunities to get great relief from their symptoms and lead a full and productive life. My research has revealed that many people’s lives are enriched beyond measure after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Some are symptom free today. Others are successfully traveling down the road to recovery,
Grateful…yes, that is the word for the Jump Start To Recovery. The opportunity to share and reflect in a neutral space, a place where awkwardness crumbled in the mind’s inner core to be awakened on a new path for discovery.
What Helps Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms?
Find out by enrolling in the Jump Start to Recovery course. You get to take the journey with other participants who are also committed to their own healing.
Regular Tuition $148
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Many people use prescription medications to control their hormones. This works well for some people and not so well for others. Jump Start to Recovery introduces various options that capitalize on natural therapies and approaches that facilitate recovery. My goal is to help you heal yourself from the inside-out by learning how to reset the delicate ‘thermostat” your body uses to balance your body’s hormones.
Hi Rob:
Your program provides extreme value in guiding me through the process I had already embarked on. The guidance you provide as well as the guidance the other participants provide through their stories is rock solid spot on , so my body confirms. Allowing to feel the old pains – getting presented where they come from , processing and synchronizing the mind and body and … releasing the old energy captured in my body after that is on my daily menu – all comments provide confirmation of what I am going through. All is part of the process. Medication camouflages the real ‘feeling it’, processing it and cleaning it up – therefore I can imagine that when people take medication it is hard to help them heal, as the experience remains hidden. Until also max medication can’t cover it up any longer – The area where medication does not yet or not anymore camouflages the symptoms is the area where the work lays. That’s where the nasty bits stick up their ugly heads, asking and yelling to be felt, recognized and healed.
So grateful that I was given the techniques to handle the phenomena that then arise, through the guidance received from many, as a preparation for the release process which is now intensifying, and the relief that that brings afterwards – every time again.So grateful for folks like yourselves!! Just had to let you know.
Grateful regards, Hans
Can I Participate If I Take Medications?
Heavens yes! Medications are simply one of the many options that many people pursue to get relief from their symptoms. Many participants in our Jump Start to Recovery Programs currently take medications of one type or another. Methods that improve the efficacy of medicines and make it possible for them to last longer will be addressed in the course.
Hello Robert,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your Jump Start Program. I appreciate all the time and effort you put in to it. I learned so much and now have so many options to explore and research. Thank you so much Janie |
Can a Family Member Participate?
Yes indeed. Family members are always welcome in all of the classes. They play a critical role in the recovery process.
Thank you so much for a wonderful seminar, full of a lot of practical ideas to help oneself, and most importantly your genuine care and concern for everyone. May Our Lord continue to bless your work with Parkinson’s and instilling hope and the positive approach that this does not have to be a life sentence. God bless you always,
Mary and Jeff |
Reasons to Register for Jump Start to Recovery
Jump Start to Recovery does not replace the critical role of your doctor and other health care providers. It is critical that you consult with your doctor before starting any natural therapy that is introduced through the Jump Start to Recovery course.
Past experience has shown that best results come from gently nudging your body to do the intricate work of balancing hormones. Short term remedies do produce awesome results for a few weeks or months. Jump Start to Recovery is all about helping you discover ways of nurturing your body so that you enjoy long term relief of symptoms.
I got the diagnosis from the neurologist last year in May and made the choice not to take medication. I started to do my own research. I changed habits (still do), started to heal traumas and now I am healing my gut. So, your Jump Start program is a great welcome and a big confirmation that I am on the road (my road) to be recovered. Recovery is my goal. Thank you for this wonderful Jump Start.
Marie-Laure Netherlands |
Stress and trauma aggravate the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Sometimes trauma from the past – even in childhood – can be so horrific that it remains contained and stuck in your physical body. Trauma from the past can literally be lodged in your tissues. Reduce ongoing stress by releasing traumas.
There are gentle ways to release unresolved trauma. When stress and trauma are released from the body, it becomes possible to return to a familiar state for the body – a natural state of balance and harmony. The body’s natural tendency is toward health and wellness, not toward disease. At Jump Start to Recovery we introduce a variety of powerful methods that gently nudge the body to remember how to maintain the delicate balance of hormones and sustain overall health.
Lay a Fresh Foundation for Recovery
Much of my research over the past two decades involves identifying the therapies and treatments that help people with Parkinson’s celebrate relief from their symptoms. I know a great deal about what helps because people with the symptoms of Parkinson’s tell me what helps them.
What lies at the foundation of the symptoms? Some researchers believe genes lie at the foundation. I enthusiastically applaud their work. Other researchers believe chemical and hormonal imbalances lie at the foundation of symptoms. I enthusiastically applaud and support this stream of research. Still other researchers focus on developing new drugs and surgeries. I too enthusiastically applaud and support this work.
I center my attention on an entirely different approach – the identification of what is causing the symptoms. Once the cause has been identified, appropriate therapies can be pursued to reverse symptoms.
Thought forms also lie at the foundation of the symptoms. Thoughts which bring up fears, anxieties and stress will inevitably wreak havoc on a sensitive neurological system. When we churn a hamster wheel of negative thoughts day in and day out, physical discomfort and disability will inevitably persist.
When destructive thoughts are dismantled and replaced with a new foundation of thoughts that serve our highest and best good, recovery becomes possible. This is when correcting all imbalances in the body happens.
Entanglements in family systems can also impede recovery. Once identified, these entanglements can be cleared. Clearly entanglements is also an important focus of Jump Start to Recovery programs.
Learn about Natural Approaches and Methods for Releasing Toxins and Viruses
Viruses and toxins also contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s. There are a wide variety of natural and safe approaches that can be used to release toxins and viruses from the body. Jump Start to Recovery offers explanations of natural approaches that facilitate the release of toxins, bacteria and viruses that clog up the neural networks. Many people are unaware that they are being re-exposed to toxins from every day exposures.
Jump Start to Recovery Course Tuition
Regular Tuition $148
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The Path to Recovery Starts with Jump Start to Recovery
There is no doubt about it. People feel better when they are not stressed and when they take control of their own health. Jump Start to Recovery is informative, interesting, fun and stress free. Learn what you need to know to feel better at Jump Start . Have fun doing it. Why wait?
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder of Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia, Washington
© 2025 Parkinsons Recovery
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Kind regards from Germany,
Hey Hardy:
The link is:
Thanks for letting me know the link was missing! Look forward to connecting soon.
Hey Robert,
Yesterday I paid USD 98 early bird rate, but I did not get any email confirmation from you.
Could you please check what went wrong?
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Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Hardy Bühler