Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Interview with John Coleman ND

I received a copy of the e-mail below from Kumar which refers to my interview with John Coleman ND on my radio program.

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Kumar has given me permission to  post his letter which was actually sent to John Coleman, ND. I love to post such letters – whether they are addressed to me or someone else.  It is energizing and motivating to see what other people are doing to get wonderful relief from their symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dear John Coleman, ND:

I just heard the interview with Dr. Rodgers and the questions and answers. It was fascinating. I was happy you gave so much importance to meditation. I have been meditating for the last two decades, praying to the Lord in the form of devotional singing and giving importance to spiritual exercises under capable Masters but yet I was diagnosed to be suffering from PD about three years back. However I have continued all these along with medications which is syndopa plus(Levodopa 100mg + carbidopa 25 mg) 1.5 tablets four times a day and the dopamine agonist Ropark 2 mg three times a day as prescribed by the neuro physician.

I am feeling quite fine. Tremors have reduced significantly. I can walk at a stretch for 30 min with both arms swinging and climb staircases without any support since this was the severe problem I suffered with last month since I was falling backwards while climbing staircases and also while moving horizontally at home and other places. Add to this hallucinations and uneasy feeling on the back of the head which are no longer there.

The present improved condition is due to two weeks of hospitalization for drug optimization, physiotherapy done both at home and the hospital for coordination, balancing, muscle strengthening involving cycling, rowing, weight lifting for both arms and lower limbs and exercise on the tread mill for slow walking with longer steps. Beside these I have also been doing exercises prescribed by Dr. Roberts from the Internet which are also helpful. I taught some of these exercises to the physios attending on me.

I am eagerly waiting for the Aquas hydration formula which has not arrived yet even after 24 days after ordering the same. In the mean while I am trying my best to drink 8 glasses of water everyday.

I would like to share a simple technique here which we call evening cleaning. After the day’s work when we are relaxed, we seat ourselves in a comfortable seat erect and at a quiet place, take the thought once only in the beginning that all complexities, negativities, fears, darkness, grossness, disease and recently added toxins are leaving our body from behind in the form of smoke and sit quietly for 30 min using your will power but not meditating. You feel highly refreshed and empty after doing this.

I am in the process of writing my Life history in brief which I will send it to you after I have finished.

Once again, it was wonderful listening to you.


1 Comment

  1. Austin

    I am Austin Ortiz, I was diagnosed of Parkinson’s disease in November 2014. I was given medications like levodopa to slow down the progress of the disease. I suffered from this disease till my wife’s co worker told my wife about a herbal doctor from Johannesburg, South Africa, who sells herbal medicines to cure all kinds of diseases including Parkinson’s disease. We contacted this herbal doctor via his email and bought the Parkinson’s disease herbal medicine from him. He sent it to me through courier service and i received it within 6 days. i applied it as instructed and was totally cured of the disease within 20-22 days of usage, all thanks to Dr Ejiro Mapipa. Contact him via his email, mapipaherbalclinic(at)gmail(dot)com or call his mobile number on +27617403481 Goodluck.

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