I surely appreciate all the info I receive from you regarding PD, however, it now has become overwhelming due to emails “everyday” from you. You emails remind me of my thoughts about Parkinsons. They can have a negative effect because I am reminded “every single day” that I have PD.
I need a stretch of days where I can enjoy that time not being reminded constantly that I am living with PD. Don’t get me wrong, you are providing a wonderful site and I am grateful for your dedication but I just need those few days without the reminder.
Thank you & be well.
I have been perplexed about this issue too recently. When I do not send an e mail out every day, people write and tell me that they miss it. When I do send out emails daily, some people unsubscribe to the e-mails because they are overwhelmed with too much information. In light of your input, I will reduce the sending frequency and see if I can hit a middle point.
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I know many other people who are dragged down into a ditch of depression when they connect themselves with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. When thoughts about Parkinsons surface, you are immediately reminded of the belief most people have that recovery is impossible.
My suggestion is to challenge this belief that you probably hold (along with millions of others). Think of the symptoms as messages your body sends about certain imbalances in your body that merit attention. The symptoms are information that can help you figure out what is needed to bring your body back into balance.
At the core of all symptoms are seed thoughts that feed the symptoms. A big part of returning to balance is to release, remove, eject and shield yourself from holding the negative seed thought that you have a disease which means you are destined to get “progressively worse.”
It is not true. When we believe it is true, the thought will manifest. When we hold the belief that recovery is possible, symptoms dissolve in their own way and time. My book Five Steps to Recovery provides the tools to transform thoughts that are not in your best and highest good (such as the thought so many hold near and dear to their heart that Parkinsons is degenerative. It does not have to be!
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
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