Hydration becomes more and more of a challenge with aging. The trigger mechanism for thirst weakens. We are hydrated, but are never thirsty so we do not drink enough water. Or, we drink only coffee or tea.

Many people awaken from deep sleep at night because they have to pee. Why does this happen? Bladder cells are – you probably already guessed the answer – dehydrated.

Some drink water continuously throughout the day. They presume they certainly  cannot be dehydrated. This seemingly logical conclusion is usually wrong.

This condition is described in the literature as short path hydration. The water you drink goes straight to your kidneys. Water is not distributed to the billions of cells in the body with  short path hydration. Your body eventually becomes very dehydrated.

Relationship between hydration and Parkinson’s symptoms

Neural pathways are very juicy, noisy networks. Water is needed for the neural firings to exist. If communications through a neural network are stonewalled because the path is dead dry, neurological symptoms result. The relationship between dehydration and tremors as well as walking challenges is strong. If you are dehydrated symptoms can not resolve.

Set the intention to become well hydrated day in and day out.


A homeopathic remedy recommended by Naturopath doctor John Coleman in this clip of my interview with him and used by many persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s are the Aquas. This homeopathic remedy resets the body’s ability to regulate hydration.  When taken, we realize we need to drink water because we are thirsty.  The body’s intricate system for distributing water to the billions of cells throughout the body is also reset.

Visit the website below for more information and to order:
