- What is the bottom line to recovery from Parkinson’s disease?
- What is the secret to making recovery from Parkinson’s disease happen?
Most people hold near and dear to their heart the beliefs that recovery has to …
- Take years to unfold
- Requires medications and supplements
- Happens for only a select few
- Involves expensive therapies
- Happens only when you find the right therapist, health care practitioner or doctor who has the secret answer to recovery
- Calls for outside interventions of one form or another
I used to believe all of this was true. Not today. I hold a much different belief that recovery is possible for
- Anyone
- Anywhere
- Anytime
Anytime Can Mean Starting Today
Why do I embrace this seemingly outrageous belief?
Naturopath John Coleman ND discusses the ups and downs of his own recovery from Parkinson’s disease in this clip of my interview with him.
Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinsons have told me about unexpected blocks of time (a few minutes, hours, days) when their symptoms disappeared completely.
Surprisingly. these accounts more often than not involve situations which cannot be explained by taking (or not taking) medications or supplements or turning on or off a DBS battery connection.
Is this a familiar circumstance for you? Have you celebrated the quieting of symptoms unexpectedly? If it has ever happened once for you, I believe it can happen all the time.
What usually happens in when symptoms are unexpectedly quieted?
Our own thoughts are our undoing. The thinking process is something like:
- Wow. I feel great. I feel normal.
- Wait. this is not supposed to happen.
- I have Parkinsons Disease. I am supposed to get worse, not better.
- It feels a bit strange to feel so good.
- I do not deserve to feel so damn good.
- When any minor evidence of a symptoms resurfaces the thought is: Oh right. There it is again. I know I will never be rid of this. I might as well get used to it.
- Fear sizzles throughout the cells of the body
Almost all success stories involve people who have found ways to acknowledge when …
- Fear rears its ugly head
- Anxiety soars
- Stress sizzles
- Worries rattle over and over in our mind
Once fears, anxieties, stresses and worries are recognized, any and all unwanted feelings are quieted and calmed, allowing the physical body to return to a state of balance and harmony.
The answer lies entirely within your ability to recognize and release stress and anxiety in the moment. In other words, you can make it happen for yourself now. This put you…
In full control over your recovery
What are the triggers in your life? What sets you off? A wide variety of stimuli can “set us off” into a spiral. The possibilities of triggers are endless.
- Smells?
- People?
- Strangers who look like certain people?
- Noises?
- Colors?
- Shapes?
- Words other people use?
- Memories?
- Touching of one type or another?
- Invasive actions by others?
- People who want to control you?
- Thoughts about the future?
- Frets about the past?
You may never intellectually understand why any of the above sets you off and inflames fear and/or anxiety. It just does. End of story.
I believe the answer is not to attempt to sort through the reasons why (something like the smell of a certain perfume sets you off, but to recognize what you get upset and immediately Change the Channel
It is like you are watching a movie that is upsetting you so what do you do?
- You immediately stop watching the bad movie.
- Then you change the channel to something that is pleasing to your soul.
When stress is dissolved, symptoms immediately dissolve like an ice cream cone melting in the hot summer sun. Set the intention to make it so with each and every moment of your life from henceforth.
The best deal of becoming aware of your wanted reactions each and every moment and quieting them in the moment they flare is that the therapy is entirely free!
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
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