Herbs For Hand Tremors

Is there anything that can help with Parkinson hand tremors? Will herbs for hand tremors help? Tremors started in my right leg and now have spread to my right hand and arm. I’m trying to remain positive. Neurologist gave me Azilect but hasn’t helped at all that I can tell. 



If the prescription medications you have been taking have not served the purpose that was intended, it may be time to look elsewhere for options. Of course it would be important to consult with your neurologist before proceeding. If one therapy to treat the tremors is not helpful, I think it is smart to consider other therapeutic options.

Herbalists are wonderful resources in this regard. I have interviewed Andrew Bentley, a highly qualified herbalist from Lexington, Kentucky, who provided several possible herbs that address problems with tremors. Andrew was one of the pioneers that was featured in  Pioneers of Recovery.

The particular form of herb that has the potential to help depends on a wide variety of factors. It would be sweet if the answer would be”Take herb X and you are sure to see relief.” The neurological system is far more complicated than most people realize.

The choice of the particular herb to treat your tremor depends on a variety of factors  including your body type and overall metabolic constitution.

If someone has a lot of tremors but no pain, Andrew Bentley explains that:

“A herb that is an anti-spasmodic might help more than if someone is experiencing a lot of pain and rigidity, in which case we might use an entirely separate type of things. Some things are helpful more or less across the board.”

Several types of herbs have been found to be helpful depending on the person and the situation. Barley Malt extract is one that actually helps with the levels of dopamine in the brain. Oat straw is sometimes helpful for tremors. Andrew explains that oat straw usually does not cause drowsiness. A lot of things that are anti-spasmodic also cause sedation. He further explains that :

Valerian is a much stronger herb for helping to suppress tremors but it does carry some risk of sedation, of feeling more drowsy and so forth especially when people first start taking it. Sometimes that lessons as time goes on. It is a very strong substance when it comes to helping control involuntary muscle movement tremors and involuntary movement of otherwise involuntary muscles. It is a good one for that.

“Passion flower is also one that is helpful for some particular individuals. These are all things that would go into that category of working on tremors.

Last but certainly not least, Aunt Bean has invented a fava bean tincture that offers her profound relief from tremors. You can find detailed information about how she makes her homemade tincture by visiting the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

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