Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Grounding Pillow Case

While chatting with a member of my audience today I learned all about grounding pillow cases. Do a search on the term grounding pillow case to see what they look like.

You plug the case into an electrical outlet and you then rest your head on the pillow while sleeping.

I just wanted everyone to know about this positive report on its benefits. The cost is minimal and if it affords you a good nights sleep the purchase would be well worth it.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


  1. Ellie

    I would like to learn more about the grounding pillowcase thank you

  2. manabunnow4zph

    If you simply conduct a search with the keywords “grounding pillow case” a list will be displayed of various companies that make and sell the pillow cases. There are also grounding sheets. The cost is not excessive, but I recommend you purchase directly from the company that makes them which also has a warranty. If its use does not result in better sleep, you can always get your money back from reputable companies.

    If you decide to get one, let us all know the results!

    Robert Rodgers PhD
    Founder 2004
    Parkinsons Recovery

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