Do toxins cause Parkinsons? Is there a connection between them? Dr. Joe Hickey MD offers a fascinating discussion of his investigations of toxins among his Parkinsons patients. Research studies find that toxins are a factor that contribute to Parkinsons symptoms, but after 10 years of testing he found no evidence of toxins in any of his Parkinsons patients.
Why then was he unable to detect the presence of toxins in any of his Parkinson’s patients? How can the studies report one result and he is unable to confirm it in his clinic? Is the answer to the question – Do toxins cause Parkinsons – no despite the extensive research evidence?
Listen to my interview with Dr. Hickey to learn how he solved this strange paradox.

Dr. Joe Hickey, MD, discusses the approach he uses in his practice to treat the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Many standard medical tests do not detect the presence of toxins embedded in the tissues and organs of the body.
Environmental toxins are presumed to be the triggers for development of Parkinson’s Disease. Examples of toxins as the cause of PD have been well documented such as Manganese toxicity, Carbon Monoxide poisoning, Carbon DiSulfide from the Rayon Industry and MPTP. He adds to this list environmental exposures such as aluminum, lead, and mercury.
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