I heard your radio show describing Cheryl’s experience with TMJ. I live on Mercer Island, (relatively close to your neck of the woods) and would like to find dentists who Treat TMJ Misalignments who have the proper equipment and expertise to do TMJ properly. Can you help me on this? Also, who was her dentist in L.A?

I am 3 years into PD and want to RID myself of this thing!

And, thanks for your help with your show and optimism. I’m a strong believer in John Coleman’s protocol.

Thanks you so much for being there!


Click on the link below and you will find a listing of dentists who treat TMJ misalignments and are qualified to do the TMJ exam and make the appliance that corrects misalignments:


John Coleman, author of Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ is a remarkable man in every respect. Having become symptom free himself, he now provides help as a naturopath doctor to hundreds of people with Parkinson’s symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery

Five Steps to Recovery