Cure for Parkinson’s at the Forefront?

I have a question regarding the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Is a cure for Parkinson’s at the forefront?

A close relative of mine is suffering from what it appears to be a symptom of Parkinson’s. She is at the initial stages right now. E.G:

– resting tremors
– tremors get slightly worst in mid air (whether or not she’s holding onto something)

She is exercising regularly now which is a definitely a good thing, however, I have noticed that when she does a lot of housework or work in general the tremors would get slightly worst…is that a regular symptom of Parkinson’s?

At this point, she is going to be taking the anti-tremor pills prescribed by the doctor which hopefully will reduce or eliminate the tremor for the time being.

She is also not quite receptive to the idea of having to change the hygienic needs (e.g. shampoo, soap etc) to the herbal ones as was suggested in the e-book.

Are there any other suggestions you can provide aside from drinking 8 cups of water a day and more exercise to reduce the tremors? Acupuncture at this point did not seem to help very much…We haven’t tried massage or Bowen Therapy nor have we tried the Aqua therapy (simply coz we don’t know much about it)

Do you know whether there is a cure for the disease with the invention of a new pill at the forefront?

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.


You ask whether doing a lot of housework or work in general are regular symptoms of Parkinson’s? It is not the housework in itself or work in particular that fuels the symptoms. The issue turns primarily on the presence or absence of stress. When work – no matter the form – is stressful, symptoms will flare up. The more your relative can acknowledge the stress she is under and find ways to release it, less problematic will be her symptoms.

Is sounds like she has decided to medicate her symptoms. An alternative approach is to acknowledge her body is sending her a strong signal that something different needs to happen. Other symptoms will rear their ugly head if the cause of the current challenge is not addressed.

Exercise will certainly make a huge difference. Also consider doing more disciplined exercise like Tai Chi or perhaps yoga. Yes – body therapies that release stress such as craniosacral therapy and Bowen therapy have the potential to help offer her relief from her symptoms because they help her body release the stress that is trapped at the cellular level. Why not give them a trial run? With medicines you incur side effects (which may well be worth the cost). Body therapies are noninvasive and safe.

The Aquas are recommended by Naturopath Doctor John Coleman who himself is now fully recovered from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Aquas are a homeopathic approach which helps reprogram the body’s mechanism to signal thirst and distribute water throughout the body which gets disabled as we age. You can discover more information at:

Will there be a cure for the symptoms? No, there will never be a cure because the conditions that create the symptoms are multi-faceted. Each person’s situation is entirely unique to them. That is why the symptoms vary so widely across individuals. If there were a single cause, then it might be possible to see a “cure” down the road, but there is no single factor that causes the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Trauma creates havoc with the neurological system. Stress damages neural connections. Toxins blow the neurological system up.

I note that your friend does not seem to be worried about toxins. Toxins affect everyone who is alive today. If we do not take the effects of toxins seriously, we will eventually become ill in one form or another.

Do I have a suggestion for you? Yes. Make a habit of listening to the weekly Parkinson’s Recovery radio show.
You will find at least one suggestion in every show that will – I repeat will – help your friend get relief from the symptoms she is currently experiencing. It is free to listen.

You can download any of the previous shows for free. I have aired 90 shows. Your relative  can download any of the previous shows to an MP3 player and listen while they exercise.

From my contact with hundreds and hundreds of people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons I have observed the following. The people who are waiting on a  cure for Parkinson’s at the forefront are also waiting for someone out there to fix them. They inevitably feel worse and worse with each passing week. The people who are taking responsibility for their health and take it upon themselves to figure out what their body is telling them are feeling better week by week.

Is a cure for Parkinson’s at the forefront? Stop waiting! Take responsibility for your life and you get better. Expect someone or something to fix you and you get worse.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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