Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: recovery (Page 2 of 4)

Rocky Recoveries

  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, instead of rocky recoveries, the road to recovery is  smooth and uneventful?
  • How about – you only need to identify a handful of therapies, all of which offer symptom relief to some degree?
  • Then presto. Over time you are fully recovered.?

No doubt this describes the ideal and anticipated experience of recovery for everyone. Is it a fantasy? Is the road to recovery smooth with no twists, turns or roadblocks?

Please listen to the short clips below which describe a recovery process which is anything but smooth and effortless.

Information about Aquas:

Information about Bowen Therapy:

John Coleman’s website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery


Success with Reversing Parkinsons

What success with reversing Parkinsons have you had?

We believe the causes of Parkinson’s are multi-faceted and
that the underlying cause for one person may differ from
another. Specifically, the underlying and primary cause for
one person may be heavy metals, another pathogens, and
still another trauma. Some people are unlucky enough to
have issues with all three.

Our research thus far has revealed success with reversing
Parkinsons disease for persons who chose not to take medications
with energy healing and craniosacral therapy.
Findings of our Portland study showed that 75%
of the symptoms for the 10 persons in the study either
stayed the same or improved. Results soundly disproved the
widespread belief that Parkinsons is degenerative.

Energy work clearly helps, but
that the body also needs additional support like good
nutrition, detoxing and exercise to come back into balance.
The study led us to adopt a holistic approach.

Some of our initial study volunteers are doing quite
well indeed.

We are now gathering stories from people across the country
and elsewhere who are feeling better and finding
relief from their symptoms so others can get a sense
of what other people are doing for themselves to feel better.
It gives hope to many people when they realize that others
with Parkinsons are finding relief from their symptoms.
Some people have fully recovered.

Clearly, there is no magic formula
that allows for a celebration of success with reversing
Parkinsons. It is also clear that many
people have found various therapies and methods  that
make it possible to get success with reversing Parkinsons.

Is success with reversing Parkinsons possible? Yes.
Is there an obvious way to make that happen for you?
No. The first step is to identify the cause of the symptoms.
You can then embrace therapies that address the cause.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Has Anyone Recovered from Parkinson’s Disease?

YouTube player

Most people buy into the belief that once diagnosed with Parkinson’s, you are destined to get worse.

              • No hope.
              • No chance of recovery.
              • No chance to get your life back.

No wonder so many people are depressed!

But …. Is this really true? Everyone in the medical community claims it to be true, but I ask you, what evidence do they provide to support their depressing claim you will inevitably get worse? I have seen no evidence.

I have now provided compelling evidence for the past decade that the belief Parkinson’s is degenerative is false. People do recover. People do get their life back. Symptoms can be reversed.

In my holiday survey I ask the question: over the past year since the last holiday season, have you been feeling better, about the same or worse? There are three choices.

If the claim Parkinson’s is degenerative is true, 100% of the respondents to my survey would report they are worse. This is not the result reported this year or any of the past years of my survey. This year, as in past years, two thirds of respondents (66%) report that they have either been better or about the same.

People diagnosed with Parkinson’s have found ways to reverse their symptoms or at a minimum not get worse.

Despite frustrations and roadblocks, know that in your heart, mind and soul that recovery is possible. Make it happen now.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease






Solutions for Parkinsons Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease

Below is a fascinating email from Nancy who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I have permission to post her email which tells an exciting story of recovery that emerged for her in a way she could have never imagined or predicted when she launched her journey down the road to recovery three years ago. .

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago. Your book was a life-changer for me. I refused  to accept the diagnosis. I looked at each symptom and looked  for therapies  just as you described. I fought with the doctors and refused medication. I accepted that I had the symptoms but not the diagnosis.

I fought back some family members as well as a collective consciousness. Two neurologists and one family M.D. told me to stop fooling myself and accept the diagnosis. My Feldenkrais instructor who happens to be a neurologist suggested I see a neurosurgeon as I have a spinal cord injury in her professional opinion. Turns out she was right I went  in for surgery immediately and reversed all of my symptoms and he says I do not have Parkinson’s!

He also said there was a reason why my body refused the medication.  Interesting how had I taken  the meds I would’ve gone down a rabbit hole. My spinal cord injury dated back  10 years ago.  Symptoms started at three or four years ago. Lesson call and never, never, give up and listen to the innate  intelligence of your body.

I’m on the road to recovery. Thank you again, Robert The good work that you do! Happy Independence Day!



Tremor Treatments

Here is a short list of questions I answered during the program today on tremor treatments and more:

  • What are the best techniques to reverse Parkinson’s?
  • Are probiotics and pre-biotics helpful?
  • What about juicing to remove heavy metals like lead?
  • How about taking Mucuna for tremors?
  • are there any tremor treatments that are effective?
  • Where does one start when deciding to travel down the road to recovery?
  • What about taking lots of supplements to address the symptoms?
  • I am doing all of the therapies that people say will calm tremors but they continue to increase. Can you recommend tremor treatments that will help?
  • Is ketogenic diet useful to address Parkinson’s symptoms or are there other diets that are better? I am confused. There are so many opinions out there!

Additional Parkinsons Recovery Resources Discussed During the Program

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery Memberships:
Treatments for Tremors
Tame Tremors

Seven Secrets to Healing

Process of Recovery from Parkinson’s Symptoms

I interviewed Tom House today on the radio show.  He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease about five years ago. Tom has a unique perspective on the “process” of recovery. Note that I used the word “process” not “outcome”. Tom explains that when athletes focus on the “outcome” they want – i.e., winning the game – their performance sinks and they are more likely to lose.

The outcome is not what matters, but the process. Of course people diagnosed with Parkinson’s want to see all symptoms dissolve. To make that happen however, the focus needs to be on the present moment activities and behaviors that in the end make that outcome possible.

This is why mindfulness programs are so successful for people with Parkinson’s.  They focus on process rather than outcomes.

My Interview with Former Major League Pitcher Tom House

P.S. Have you heard? I  just released the 2017 update to Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery




Remarkable Journey on the Appalachian Trail

Tao (his trail name) hiked the Appalachian trail last year with considerable difficulty. Many of his Parkinson’s symptoms became much worse. I suppose some people would conclude that should be the last extended hike he should take. Not Tao.

I received a call from him today. He is doing another long hike down the Appalachian trail this summer. This year, unlike last, he has had no difficulties. Get this. Tao was able to hike a total of 100 miles in three days. He emailed me an inspiring picture taken of him on a scenic route on the trail.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Why Recovery from Parkinson’s Stumbles

I am proud to celebrate the dozens of therapies that are helping more and more people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. There are so many great options out there that did not exist five years ago.

If so many great options exist, why do not more people celebrate a reduction and reversal of their Parkinson’s symptoms? Why does recovery from Parkinson’s stumble for so many? My answer: People are gripped by a stranglehold of fear that their symptoms are destined to get worse. The process is “vicious” because symptoms are in your face day in and day out.

Take tremors for example. Tremors can calm down from time to time when stress is under control but they usually reappear.  The reaction to this seemingly never ending cycle is all too familiar.

  1. This tremor is driving me crazy. It is high time for it to disappear.
  2. The next day comes. The tremor persists.
  3. After many days, weeks and months you conclude you are “stuck” with this awful, nasty symptom for life.
  4. After all, this is what seemingly knowledgeable people have told you. Perhaps it is true after all.

What is the problem with this all too familiar pattern? It winds up supporting and sustaining the tremor. I suggest a very different reaction which can break this vicious cycle rather than sustain it.

Instead of viewing the tremor as the “bad guy” in your life, accept the tremor (or other symptoms) as the “good guy.”  Instead of wishing the tremor to vanish, wish it to flourish. Set an intention to allow your body to shake, rattle and roll if that is what your body needs to do in the moment.

Now, I suspect this recommendation must sound crazy to you. A tremor is your body’s way of getting your attention. It is the body’s natural method of releasing trauma and stress. When you suppress a tremor, the energy of trauma gets stuck in your body and sticks to your cells like glue.

When you view a tremor (or other symptoms) as the “bad guy” you  are giving your body a nasty message that it is broken.  But, it not broken now and never has been. Your body is working perfectly. It is just telling you something you do not want to hear or accept.

Treat a tremor (and other symptoms) as a natural healing response which is nudging you to set in motion new lifestyle habits.

  • Instead of resisting, why not make the changes?
  • Embrace new habits that you know in your mind, heart and soul are necessary to heal.

The best way to reverse the vicious cycle that leads to feeling worse is to acknowledge symptoms as the “good guys.” In so doing, you honor and acknowledge the body’s sacred ability to heal. Treat your body as broken and worthless and it will respond accordingly just as you do when treated with disrespect.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery

Interview with Betrayal Series Host Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Here are some of the questions Betrayal series Host Dr. O’Byran answered on the Parkinsons Recovery radio show this week: 
  • Which gut tests do you recommend for folks with Parkinson’s?
  • Could Parkinson’s disease be considered in any way shape or form an Autoimmunine disease?
  • What tests do you need to determine what toxins, nutrient and mineral excess of deficiencies, etc. you have?
  • I am fighting to reverse my PD symptoms, which are a left hand tremor and a left shoulder freeze. My symptoms have lessened in intensity, but do you have a suggestion of what I can do? 
  • Quite a lot of calories come from gluten foods and dairy (I don’t eat processed foods or drinks) so I would like your advice on how best to maintain my calorie intake.
  • What do you think about microwaves?
  • I think It was mentioned in Betrayal episode 3 that the blood test for gluten intolerance was not fine enough to pick up all intolerances. Is there a test which we can ask for which is more accurate?
  • Would you pass along a name of a Functional Medicine Consultant with experience in Parkinsons Disease in my area or at least how to seek one out?
  • Could you be more specific about diet recommendations? Do you have general guidelines regarding diet?
Click on the link below to hear the replay of my interview with Dr. O’Bryan.    

How Long Does Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease Take

  • What is the bottom line to recovery from Parkinson’s disease?
  • What is the secret to making recovery from Parkinson’s disease happen?

Most people hold near and dear to their heart the beliefs that recovery has to …

  • Take years to unfold
  • Requires medications and supplements
  • Happens for only a select few
  • Involves expensive therapies
  • Happens only when you find the right therapist, health care practitioner or doctor who has the secret answer to recovery
  • Calls for outside interventions of one form or another

I used to believe all of this was true. Not today. I hold a much different belief that recovery is possible for

  • Anyone
  • Anywhere
  • Anytime

Anytime Can Mean Starting Today

Why do I embrace this seemingly outrageous belief?

Naturopath John Coleman ND discusses the ups and downs of his own recovery from Parkinson’s disease in this clip of my interview with him.

Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinsons have told me about unexpected blocks of time (a few minutes, hours, days) when their symptoms disappeared completely.

Surprisingly. these accounts more often than not involve situations which cannot be explained by taking (or not taking) medications or supplements or turning on or off a DBS battery connection.  

Is this a familiar circumstance for you? Have you celebrated the quieting of symptoms unexpectedly? If it has ever happened once for you, I believe it can happen all the time.

What usually happens in when symptoms are unexpectedly quieted?

Our own thoughts are our undoing. The thinking process is something like:

  • Wow. I feel great. I feel normal.
  • Wait. this is not supposed to happen.
  • I have Parkinsons Disease. I am supposed to get worse, not better.
  • It feels a bit strange to feel so good.
  • I do not deserve to feel so damn good.
  • When any minor evidence of a symptoms resurfaces the thought is: Oh right. There it is again. I know I will never be rid of this. I might as well get used to it.
  • Fear sizzles throughout the cells of the body

Almost all success stories involve people who have found ways to acknowledge when …

  • Fear rears its ugly head
  • Anxiety soars
  • Stress sizzles
  • Worries rattle over and over in our mind


Once fears, anxieties, stresses and worries are recognized, any and all unwanted feelings are quieted and calmed, allowing the physical body to return to a state of balance and harmony.

The answer lies entirely within your ability to recognize and release stress and anxiety in the moment. In other words, you can make it happen for yourself now. This put you…

In full control over your recovery

What are the triggers in your life? What sets you off? A wide variety of stimuli can “set us off” into a spiral. The possibilities of triggers are endless.

  • Smells?
  • People?
  • Strangers who look like certain people?
  • Noises?
  • Colors?
  • Shapes?
  • Words other people use?
  • Memories?
  • Touching of one type or another?
  • Invasive actions by others?
  • People who want to control you?
  • Thoughts about the future?
  • Frets about the past?

You may never intellectually understand why any of the above sets you off and inflames fear and/or anxiety. It just does. End of story.

I believe the answer is not to attempt to sort through the reasons why (something like the smell of a certain perfume sets you off,  but to recognize what you get upset and immediately Change the Channel

It is like you are watching a movie that is upsetting you so what do you do?

  1. You immediately stop watching the bad movie.
  2. Then you change the channel to something that is pleasing to your soul.

When stress is dissolved, symptoms immediately dissolve like an ice cream cone melting in the hot summer sun. Set the intention to make it so with each and every moment of your life from henceforth.

The best deal of becoming aware of your wanted reactions each and every moment and quieting them in the moment they flare is that the therapy is entirely free!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Story of Recovery: Manfred Poggel

Hooray I say. We can all celebrate still another story of recovery from Parkinson’s disease. Manfred Poggel is German, but his story is now available in a Kindle English ebook: Parkinson’s disease- How I was Healed Without Chemicals

manfred peggel Parkinsons-disease_E-Book

Poggel shares his experiences with using over 30 different therapies. Moreover, he describes his very personal way to recovery through approaches like de-acidification, meditation, acupuncture, homeopathy and many more. His main concern is to show ways of early detection and prevention.

An edited version of his kindle ebook’s description follows:

“From 2002 onwards, his Parkinson’s disease became so severe that by 2003 he was no longer able to work. The dreaded diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease was officially confirmed in 2004…He began his search for effective healing at the end of 2006. After phasing out the use of chemical medications, various connections between causes and effects became clear.”

“He recorded and checked all of the tips he was given and evaluated them for himself. It was a difficult process. It was not easy to choose the therapies that were right for him. Nevertheless, he dared to try them because he always, always had the feeling that he was being guided and that he would become healthy again.

“In autumn 2010, he was finally able to stop using his natural therapies. Today he can say that he is healed. He has overcome not only Parkinson’s disease but also all other illnesses from earlier in his life. Over these years he learnt to change his lifestyle and diet.”

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Road to Recovery Success

I received the email below which certainly made my day. Reports like this encourage me to continue my research into the various causes of Parkinson’s symptoms and the therapies that help to reverse them.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


I have read all your books. They are really great. I have had Parkinson’s for five years now and those books have been my crutch. I don’t take any medication and have done it all alternatively. I have used a lot of your ideas and your books are very motivational. I have reversed a lot of my Parkinson’s symptoms. But there is still a few more to do. I don’t listen to your radio show as the time zone is very different. I’m really honored to be in touch with you. Your books are a lifeline to me.

I also wanted to add that your books gave me hope when NONE was around, the only hope friends and family believed in was the medication!!! I just wanted to let you know the great contribution you have made to our/my world. Your books really helped me when I was right right down . I had family and friends but in reality I was alone but I kept rereading your books and taking   small steps. I just kept trying until finally I felt I was on the road to recovery and that’s where I am now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will recover from Parkinson’s, It’ just finding what needs tweaking for me/you being the car mechanic

Thank you again.

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons

What follows is an inspiring email from Hans regarding his journey down the Road to Recovery from Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

“Your program provides extremely value in guiding me through the process I had already embarked on. The guidance you provide as well as the guidance the other participants provide through their stories is rock solid spot on , so my body confirms. 

Allowing to feel the old pains – getting presented where they come from , processing and synchronizing the mind and body and .. releasing the old energy captured in my body after that is on my daily menu – all comments provide confirmation of, and context to that what I am going through all is part of the process.

Medication camouflages the real ‘feeling it’, processing it and cleaning it up – therefore I can imagine that when people take medication it is hard to help them heal, as the experience remains hidden. Until also max medication can’t cover it up any longer –
The area where medication does not yet or not anymore camouflages the symptoms is the area where the work lays. That’s where the nasty bits stick up their ugly heads, asking and yelling to be felt, recognized and healed.

So grateful that I was pointed at, and was given the techniques to handle the phenomena that then arise, through the guidance received from many, as a preparation for the release process which is now intensifying, and the relief that that brings afterwards – every time again.

So grateful for folks like yourselves!! Just had to let you know.

Grateful regards,”


Heavy Metals and Parkinsons

I have received permission from Hanne to post her 15 year journey down the road to recovery which demonstrates the strong connection between heavy metals and Parkinsons symptoms. Hanne now celebrates the result of detoxing the heavy metals in her body. The work continues, but results so far have been exciting. This story is remarkable in every respect and a true inspiration to others who are on the road to recovery.

People do succeed in reversing symptoms. Here is one more case study which has the power to motivate anyone interested in healing the neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease.

Take the time to digest her story below. You will not regret it!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Seven Secrets to Healing

A neurologist recommended in the year 1998, that I should be medicated against my tremor, but I said no thank you to his offer, as I preferred to be better diagnosed before starting medication.

The following year my symptoms increased, as I became more rigid and my tremor got worse and I therefore was easy to persuade by a new neurologist to try anti-Parkinson medication. Shortly after, I was scanned for Parkinsons disease and the result was compatible with the diagnosis of Parkinsons disease in the early stage.

Parkinson medication helped to decrease the symptoms, but soon I experienced more severe symptoms. At first I thought that it was the disease becoming more severe and this was confirmed by my neurologist who told me that it was unavoidable.

After one year on medication my neurologist recommended that I stopped medication before the next consultation. This became the start of a new phase in the way I coped with my disease, as without medication, I experienced that:-

-The medication can result in abstinences when the medication is stopped.

 Many of the symptoms, that I thought were Parkinsons symptoms, were in reality side effects of the medication.

Therefore I decided to accept the symptoms of the disease instead of being burdened with adverse side effects of the medication. The outcome of this choice forced me to search for factors, which had influenced my symptoms.

In the year 2001 I was tested for Heavy Metal Toxicity in a private clinic in Aarhus, Denmark by Dr. Bruce Kyle. I was diagnosed with a combined toxic overload with mercury and copper.

I was treated at Dr. Bruce Kyles clinic with the Chelating Agent DMPS, with Vitamin-C infusions and different kinds of antioxidants and nutritional support. At the same time I had my amalgam fillings removed and had non-toxic, non-metal composites instead. This was done by a dentist with extra education in safe removal of amalgam. I also use saunas, which help detoxification by sweating out the toxins through my skin.

After some years of undergoing detoxifying treatments, I had fewer tremors and was less rigid, but I still suffered from fatigue.

Allergic reaction against metals was suspect, and I undertook a MELISA-test. ( My test showed an allergic reaction against gold, nickel and cadmium and treatment protocol was removal of a dental gold crown, which was replaced with plastic. Now, I try to avoid nickel and to eat more organic food to avoid cadmium. Luckily I have been rewarded for my efforts as my fatigue has decreased.

Today I can honestly say that testing and treatments for my chronic cumulative toxicity has been successful for revealing some of the causes of my Parkinsons disease. However, I still have slightly high levels of copper left and in Autumn 2006 and Spring 2008 tests show that I am also burdened with lead and aluminum.

I do not dare to think about how my life would have been without detoxifying treatments! When I look at other patients with Parkinsons disease who are getting worse, I have even more reasons to be thankful for my health, which continues to improve as time goes on.

Where do These Heavy Metals come from?

In my case, mercury and copper were likely to have come from my amalgam fillings. Copper-amalgam contains a high percentage of copper and I had many fillings in my milk teeth. Even later in school I had many cavities, which were restored with amalgam. The dentist said that I had weak teeth.

As an adult, I have only had one cavity, so I might think that my parents were not good at helping me with tooth brushing and perhaps also the school dentist has been tempted to do fillings, which were not necessary as she was paid for the amount of pupils’ cavities that she restored.

In addition I have in my job as a veterinarian, been exposed to many thermometers, which sometimes break and where the mercury ended up in the bottom of the car. Veterinarians were not properly informed that this could constitute a health hazard at that time.

Moreover Mercury can come from vaccinations containing the preservative Thiomersal (ethyl-mercury). Mercury might also come from environmental pollution and intake of fish. Copper might come from use of copper spiral (anti contraceptive) and from drinking water and food. The Danish Agriculture Production uses 550 tons of copper yearly and this copper could be assumed to spread to the environment and end up in drinking water and food.

When a person is burdened with mercury toxicity, then the excretion of copper is decreased.

My toxicity burden with lead might perhaps come from common environmental pollution.

My toxicity with aluminum probably came from years of injections with aluminum containing products against dust mite allergy.

My nutrition today contains more antioxidants (nutrients which protects the body against free radicals and oxidation), more vegetables (raw vegetables are chosen) and more fruits.

I have stopped eating unhealthy fats such as margarine, hard fats, corn oil, soy, sunflower etc. I try to eat more of the healthy fats such as fat fish (salmon), linseed, olives oil, nuts etc.

I take antioxidants as nutritional supplementation, also a multivitamin mineral pill without iron and copper, extra vitamin C and E, Lipoic acid, N-acetyl-cysteine, Echinacea, Ginkgo Biloba and Coenzyme Q10. I also use DMSA for mercury, copper and lead chelation.

Concerning the nutrition I would recommend the book by Jean Carper – Your Miracle Brain

Physical activity has been an important part of my life.

At the beginning of my disease I walked without swinging my right arm and I stumbled rather often. After years training trying to walk normally with swinging my right arm, I have succeeded, but only when I am not too stressed or exhausted. The principle is like this, if I can walk one step with swinging the arm, then I can also walk 3 steps.. or also walk 5 minutes or 5 kilometers and so on.

I also use visualization when training my movements.

People, who do not realize the effects that Parkinsons disease has on their own body, often have problems understanding how demanding it is for a Parkinson patient to cope with conscious movements. Even something as banal as cleaning your shoes on a doormat is not necessarily functioning automatically but needs mental work, like steering a toy car with a joystick.

It is very common that a Parkinson patient with time develops a forward bending posture and some years ago I had thoracic Kyphosis and could not wear any of my shirts anymore. A physiotherapist has taught me some physical exercises, which I since have done every day.

Today my back is straight again, which makes me happy. People, who are happy, often have a straight posture, while sad and grieving people often have a crooked posture. By choosing body posture you can also indirectly choose your emotions.

I enjoy sending a signal that I am bubbling with joys of life.

I try to avoid, if possible, all kind of stress. Now I choose calm classical music instead of rock; I value tight relationships instead of having a circle of acquaintances with ‘small talk’ and I love being out in nature instead of taking city walks. It is a pleasure for me to do meditation and to sing.

I have also improved at listening to the signals from my body and I take care to rest and sleep when needed. I have also improved at learning to avoid doing things, which I dislike and instead I do things that make me happy.

When being diagnosed with a chronic disease the patient often goes through a life crisis and so did I. The crises made me more religious and I learnt to pray to my God from the bottom of my heart. This has given me spiritual power to cope with life and the new circumstances.

‘Where there is willpower, there is a way to go.’ This phrase was said about me by a good friend, as a way to express how I cope with my disease.

Years ago the neurologists said several times that I had got Parkinsons disease and that this disease is chronic, impossible to cure and progressive. I thought that it might be like this for other patients, but that it would not be like this in my case. By working and studying a lot and sometimes by choosing blind paths, I have succeeded in finding a tiny little path out of my disease. Today I have fewer symptoms than in the year 1998, which means that the expression ‘progressive’ cannot be used generally about all patients with Parkinsons disease.

I retired in the year 2001 when I was 44 years old and although it was really a hard time, today I feel that I have a good life. To my co-patients I will say: “Search for knowledge and keep on trying to search for new possibilities.”

Generally I recommend neurological patients to be tested with a chelating agent for chronic toxicity with heavy metals. If this is diagnosed, then it is possible to detoxify, which can give hope to a future of increased health and decreased neurological symptoms.

If you want more information about toxicity with heavy metal and Parkinsons disease use the Internet.

Thank you for reading my case-story and I wish you all the best.


I Ignore My Parkinson’s Disease

I wrote a plea in my newsletter for help in changing the false belief that Parkinson’s Disease is “degenerative.” What follows is one of the many responses I received. Brad gave me permission to post the statement that follows. His theme is – I Ignore My Parkinson’s Disease. Be prepared to be inspired.

Robert Rodgers,Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery

Why is it we “fight” cancer, but we must “accept” Parkinson’s Disease? I never accepted anything, that is why I continue to work, exercise, live normally, etc. Mostly I ignore my Parkinsons Disease. I skip my drugs whenever possible. I am too busy to be bothered with degeneration. 

It has not made me very popular with the medical establishment. Parkinsons Disease is exceedingly psychologically and emotionally sensitive. When our mind is preoccupied with growth, involvement, concentration (“recovery” mode), our symptoms abate. When we are upset, angry, anxious (“degeneration” mode) our symptoms are exacerbated. 

As most athletes and artists know, in order to accomplish something, we must first “visualize” the possibility.If we do not believe something is possible, it will never be so. If we believe, anything is possible. 

When my symptoms caused me to lose my ability to bicycle ride at a high level of performance, I fought back and reversed those symptoms. Last fall, my girlfriend and I rode six or seven difficult “century” rides (100 miles in one day), including one back to back days for the first time. 

I still have Parkinson’s Disease, but I can do anything I choose to do by simply deciding to let nothing stand in my way. Simple put – I Ignore My Parkinson’s Disease


Prognosis for Early Onset Parkinson’s

Nearly a year ago, I was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 27. While it definitely came as a shock to me, I haven’t let it define the person that I am. My father was diagnosed with PD when he was 51 (which is still considered young) and I sadly watched Parkinson’s completely take over his life. The smallest things such as walking and even talking have become difficult for him. 

I was wondering, because I am diagnosed at such a young age, will I become as symptomatic as my father by my 40’s?


My answer may come as somewhat of a surprise to you. Your future state of health and wellness is primarily a function of what you think will happen. More specifically, do you think in your heart, mind and soul that you will suffer the same fate as your father? If you do, then you will.

If on the other hand, you hold the belief that your body can heal itself and that the symptoms your currently experience are an indication that something is out of balance in your body, then you will search for answers and find them.

You want to know what happens to people who have also been diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s. The outcomes split into those who believe their fate is sealed – they get gradually worse – and those who know healing is possible – they get better. At the foundation of all healing are our thought forms.

The pessimistic thoughts have low frequencies which impede healing. The optimistic thoughts have high frequencies which facilitate healing. In the end, the engine that drives what happens to you lies in your moment to moment thoughts about what is possible to manifest. I have written about the impact of thoughts on healing for Parkinson’s in Five Steps to Recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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