Pioneers of Recovery is available on Amazon here: Pioneers of Recovery
Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms
Interviews from 11 guests on Parkinsons Recovery radio have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease are featured in Pioneers of Recovery. Each story of recovery is unique.
Naturopath John Coleman, ND, was my guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio discussing treat the cause. An overview of the program and a set of questions he answers follow.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
There is a strong view among adventurous healthcare professionals that Parkinsons disease is not a distinct, separate disease, but one possible set of symptoms arising from one or more causes that create a degenerative process.
Other diseases that may arise from these causes include Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Multiple System Atrophy, Motor Neurone Disease/ALS, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers disease, Dementia, Type 2 Diabetes, certain cancers, and many others.
When viewed in this way, likely causes become clearer and treatment options widen dramatically. Modern research is now showing significant benefits from folk medicine and anxient remedies like food choices, appropriate hydration, dancing, singing, gentle detoxification activities, self-love and meditation.
Lets look at Parkinsons disease as a set of symptoms, discover the individual pathway that led each person to this point, and treat the cause to manifest wellness.www.returntostillness.com.au
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Cheryl is on of the Pioneers of Recovery featured in Pioneers of Recovery. After ten years of searching and experiencing considerable frustration, she discovered am appliance treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) offered relief from her Parkinsons symptoms.
I remember going to Parkinsons support groups and they would have guest speakers come in. Some of these speakers would be therapists. They would tell you, you have to learn to accept your disease and you have to learn to accept your life the way it is. Grow from there. Develop from there. Learn new skills.
I would raise my hand and say, I will never accept this disease. I am looking at this guy, like he has four eyes; it is like, are you nuts?
I want my life back! I really do, I want my life back and to tell me to accept it is not helping me, just tell me how to get out of this. That is just my mindset about this whole thing.
Click on the arrow below to hear Cheryl on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:
Cheryl is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
TMD involves problems with the jaw joints and muscles that connect the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull. The temporomandibular joints are among the most complex in the body, allowing for movements such as chewing, talking, and yawning
There are three main categories of TMD:
Cheryl has discovered getting an appliance to align her jaw offered welcome relief from debilitating symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. If you have any of the symptoms of TMD listed above, why not visit a qualified dentist to see if correcting the misalignment might offer welcome relief from your Parkinsons symptoms too.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
I believe that Candida infection is a huge predisposing factor to Parkinsons, yet it might not be enough to trigger the onset of Parkinsons. Maybe you need another factor that will favor the development of Parkinsons; that will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
My guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio is Lidia Epp who discusses the causal connection between candida and Parkinsons disease. She is the co-author of the publication – Chronic polystemic candidiasis as a possible contributor to onset of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. The abstract of her article is posted below.
Lidia explains how the Parkinson’s disease of her husband changed the course of her life and eventually lead her to the in-depth study of causes of Parkinsons Disease. A molecular biologist by profession, Lidia researched scientific data and came to a conclusion that candida is one of the factors that cause symptoms of Parkinson’s.
In my husbands case that was the aspartame, but it could be different things for different people. For instance, farmers that are exposed to pesticides in huge quantities and that could be a very large contributing factor. All our bodies are different; our weak points are in different places. Parkinsons is a very general description of symptoms that can be caused by any number of things.
Lidia Epp
Click on the arrow below to hear my interview with Lidia Epp on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:
Lidia Epp is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
Bratisl Lek Listy. 2006;107(6-7):227-30. Chronic polysystemic candidiasis as a possible contributor to onset of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease.
The underlying cause of Parkinson’s disease is still enigma. Several mechanisms have been implicated in the etiopathogenesis of PD including oxidative damage, environmental toxins, genetic predisposition, and accelerated aging.
Recent research suggests that salsolinol, a derivate of dopamine, is an important contributing factor. In the presence of acetaldehyde dopamine is converted into salsolinol, a neurotoxin involved in apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons. Increased production of acetaldehyde is associated with chronic polysystemic candidiasis (CPC).
Chronically elevated levels of acetaldehyde in patients with CPC might participate in the formation of salsolinol and its metabolites in the brain contributing to the destruction of dopaminergic cells in substantia nigra. Clinical mental symptoms of PD often correspond with the mental manifestations of CPC.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Lexie is one of the Pioneers of Recovery who discovered low dose naltrexone to be a therapy that worked wonders for her.
When you go to your Neurologist and they tell you there is no cure for Parkinsons disease because that is the question that we all ask. Please, please, please do not get discouraged.
I was so depressed when I had three neurologists tell me that. I just decided somewhere in this world there is a treatment for Parkinsons disease. Somewhere in this world I am going to get help and I am going to get help for other people.
Click on the purple arrow below to hear Lexie on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:
Lexie was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease in October, 2008. She tried all of the Parkinson’s medications that her neurologist prescribed. While they helped offer relief from her “symptoms” she soon became discouraged. “I knew that I was taking ‘band-aid’ medications in the form of the PD Agonists and Sinemet. All 3 of the neurologists I conferred with said they did not expect a ‘cure’ in my lifetime. I was only 60 years old with a thriving professional career and that was not an answer I could accept, so I started researching.
I discovered Low Dose Naltrexone 2.5 years ago and I have never looked back. I have now titrated off of all of my PD meds and feel and look better today than I did 3 years ago when I was first diagnosed. I am excited to share my success with LDN with all of your PD listeners. It could change their lives, as it has changed mine.” Lexie
Lexie is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Sharry Edwards, pioneer of BioAcoustic biology unveils the mystery of voice profiling which is used to determine that underlying factors that cause the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease. She is joined by Miriam Lewis who has used voice profiling to address her Parkinson’s symptoms with success.
Everybody says to me oh, you look different or they go to help me when I do not need help anymore. They stand in awe and wonderment, how did you do that? They say, we know you pray but we did not know you had that kind of connection.
Click on the arrow above to hear Mariam Lewis and Sharry Edwards discuss voice profiling on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:
Mariam Lewis and Sharry Edwards are contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
The biggest challenge of recovery is having the true belief that you will recover. This is a disease that fights you every minute of every day. The first order of business is starting with the attitude that says, I will recover and believing it. I tell people believe it. This is not incurable. I will get better. There is a profound saying by Dr. Sha:
Howard Shifke
Howard Shifke recovered from Parkinson’s Disease using a holistic, drug-free approach that he developed. Howard’s recovery was a long, hard fight, but he has been symptom free since June 12, 2010, and on August 5, 2010, his neurologist stated that much to his surprise, Howard was in fact symptom free from Parkinson’s. Howard has chronicled his story on his blog, http://fightingparkinsonsdrugfree.com .
Click on the arrow to hear Howard Shifke on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:
Howard Shifke is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Absolutely. If I am feeling really down and having a bad day, I call my husband and talk to him. He will just say, “Get on your bike.” Within five minutes of getting on my bike it is like I have just put a plug in the wall and recharged my batteries. It is hard to believe that is a true statement but that is exactly what happens.
Nan Little
Click on the arrow to hear Nan Little on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:
Nan Little is one of the contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
You must believe that your life is worth living. You must not give up and withdraw from society and activities.
Gord Summer
Gord Summer traced his symptoms back to July of 1999. Martial artist, instructor and scuba diver, Gord is now more active than ever after retiring from the ownership and operation of hotels. In my interview with him below he previews the therapies and approaches that help him enormously
Gord Summer
Gord Summer is one of the contributors to Pioneers of Recovery
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder Parkinsons Recovery
Get involved in an exercise program, whether it is Tai Chi or something else that turns you on. Whatever it is, get involved and make it a regular part of your life because exercise and keeping your body moving is one of the things that keeps you healthy.
Daniel Loney
Click on the purple arrow to hear Daniel Loney
Daniel Loney is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
You have been given a box but you do npt need to crawl into it. Jump out of the box and explore. It is possible to reverse symptoms. Work on the fear. Work on the confidence. Work on the joy.
Bianca Molle
Click on the purple arrow to hear Bianca Molle on Parkinsons Recovery Radio
Bianca Molle is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
My interview with Bianca Molle explores Qigong as a primary strategy to jump out of the box and celebrate a reversal of her Parkinson’s symptoms. Wisdom Healing Qigong (WHQ) is a particular form of the ancient Chinese spiritual practice that focuses on personal health and wellbeing, blending essential ancient teachings into one gentle practice of movement, visualization, chanting and meditation. Compatible with traditional Chinese and modern western medicine, it fits all abilities and is very effective for chronic and acute health conditions.
Joining us on the show is my special guest Bill Bulick who has been practicing Wisdom Healing Qigong daily for almost 4 years. He was originally inspired by the story of Bianca Molle, who reversed her Parkinson’s symptoms through this practice, and by the extraordinary teaching of Master MIngtong Gu. Bill has been a devoted student of Mingtong’s since 2011, has attended six 10 day retreats, has increased his practice to 2-4 hours and is now in the WHQ Teacher Training Program.
Bianca’s story: https://youtu.be/0SCyxlgLqmE
Robert Rodgers Phd
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
My doctor recently switched my diagnosis from Parkinson’s Disease to MSA (Multiple System Atrophy). Do you know of any treatment modality that is particularly successful for treating MSA?
There are many causes of neurological symptoms. I believe it is always wise to pause and consider what factors might be at the root cause of the symptoms that are currently experienced. As you will discover from stories of people who have reversed their symptoms, many causes can be the culprit. Some of these stories are reported in Pioneers of Recovery.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
I recently started taking NOW brand Mucuna (120mg LDopa) along with my 1/2 Sinemet tablet in 4-hour intervals. Its been only 3 weeks, but I can feel the Mucuna working, even with the Sinemet dosage halved! I also ordered ZANDOPA from India. Can you comment on these 2 products?
It is wonderful to hear that the source of mucuna (which is a natural source of dopamine) which you have discovered seems to be helping significantly. Hooray! From interviews I have done with herbalists, there are few, if any, commercial sources of high quality Mucuna that are available.
Andrew Bentley, a herbalist who was featured in the 2009 edition of Pioneers of Recovery, reports that he does not prescribe Mucuna for his patients because he is unable to find a supply that is reliable. What he looks for is Mucuna that is grown in the wild which he has been unable to find anywhere in the world.
I have even had calls from some people who report that their supply of Mucuna had been working beautifully for them until they received a re- shipment – which fizzled. As you can see, reports are scattered all over the place.
I do not have any recommendations for a reliable source of Mucuna for these reasons. If sounds like your source may be a goldmine. I hope it continues to be useful.
A companion source of dopamine can be derived from fava bean plants. Aunt Bean offers instructions on how to make their own dopamine at home from the sprouts of fava beans (or the tips if you have a garden). Her homemade tincture offers wonderful relief from her own symptoms of Parkinsons. Claim a free handbook that describes how to make the tincture on the Parkinsons Recovery Fava bean website:
I do not have any specific information about the medicine you ordered from India, though I am certain it would depend on the specific source.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery
Pioneers of Recovery
I need your help. I am 70 years old. I recently discovered that my right hand “tremors a little” when I hold a pen, a cup, or a fork. What is the best way to eliminate a hand tremor?
My friend told me that I may have early symptom of Parkinson and suggested to take 5 mg. of Enada.
What do you think? What is the best way to eliminate the hand tremor?
I can sense that the comment by your friend that you may be experiencing the early stage of Parkinson’s Disease elicited considerable fear and anxiety. The instinct of course is to find a quick remedy that will calm the tremor down or make it go away.
There are certainly medications of one type or another that will silence a tremor in the short term. For many people relief [if even in the short term] is most welcome. You have ask for a recommendation on a medication that will do just that – silence the tremor whether in the short term or the long term.
There are variety of herbs and prescription medications that will serve that purpose and provide just that type of relief. I have interviewed several herbalists who recommend one herb or another for tremors – so this is clearly an avenue you might want to pursue. Aunt Bean makes a homemade tincture from fava beans which gives her incredible relief from her symptoms. You can find more information about her remedy on the Parkinsons Recovery Fava Bean website. [http://www.favabeans.parkinsonsrecovery.com]
Let me suggest an alternative approach to discover the best way to eliminate a hand tremor. Instead of dampening the symptom
– investigate more systematically. Why is your body telling you that something is currently out of balance? Treat the tremor as valuable information your body is giving you right now.
Have you been exposed to toxins of one type or another?
We have discovered that unwelcome critters that live inside your body can also create neurological havoc.
I will not attempt to provide a full of possible causes list since it would take a book and this is only a short post in a blog. Consider the above as a short list of possible factors that may be causing your tremor.
Most importantly, use your intention to dampen the fear that your friend has triggered. Once you determine the factor (or factors) that are causing the tremor, you will be able to find a resolution to the problem. One the cause has been identified and treated you will no longer need to mask the symptom with a prescription drug or herb.
Might I suggest that the perfect New Year’s Resolution for you would be to set the intention to determine the cause of your tremor, to treat it and subsequently become symptom free.
I just released Pioneers of Recovery which includes the stories of 11 persons with Parkinsons who reversed their symptoms. Each pioneer was a guest on my radio show. You
can listen to the shows as you investigate causes that may be factors or you can read about their stories in Pioneers of Recovery.
The one and only person who can solve the puzzle of why you are experiencing a tremor is you. Join with others on the road to recovery as you set the intention to heal the tremor instead of treating it symptomatically,
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery
Sharry Edwards, pioneer of Bioacoustic healing from Sound Health Options, discusses voice profiling discoveries for Parkinsons. When ask: What can people do to get relief from their symptoms – her answer:
Get away from aspartame, get away from MSG, get away from gluten and avoid eating GMO (genetically modified) products.
Sharry Edwards
Click on the arrow below to hear Sharry Edwards discuss revelations from voice profiling discoveries for Parkinsons on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with host Robert Rodgers, PhD.
Sharry Edwards is one of the contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
I have noticed that when I drink more water I begin to feel really lousy. I get more headaches, have low energy and feel like I have the flu. Parkinson’s symptoms are problematic as it is – and now this. I there a connection between toxins and Parkinsons?
I suspect you may be experiencing a huge detox effect from becoming better hydrated. The symptoms you list are all the symptoms that are typical of detoxes. Toxins may well be the pest causing the neurological problems you currently experience. Is there a connection between toxins and Parkinsons? The research clearly concludes the answer is yes.
You might consider getting an assessment of toxins of some sort or another – perhaps bioenergetic testing or voice analysis or hair analysis. You may have already had some assessments done – but they might not have picked up the true culprit which can show in the form of heavy metals of one type of another or pesticides. I aired a radio show with Dr. Joe Hickey, MD, several months ago who offered some fascinating perspectives on diagnostic assessments for heavy metals and detox protocols that succeed for people with Parkinson’s.
If the diagnostic assessments show toxins – then a strategy would be to set in motion a detox program to release toxins gradually and safely. The hydration is obviously a key but some toxins need a little extra nudge to leave your body. They do not exit willingly unless gently encouraged.
If the nudge is too aggressive you can pay dearly for the consequences. You certainly want to be rid of the toxins, but not at the expense of feeling lousy for months on end.
I have received a number of reports from people who report a worsening of symptoms when their detox programs are begun. This may be due to an inadvisable protocol or to a detox program that is too aggressive. It is best to proceed with detox programs slowly. Do not expect immediate relief.
Or they may simply be seriously dehydrated. Naturopath John Coleman ND recommends taking the Aquas which were formulated to hydrate the body.
People often assume that because they are feeling worse, the detox program is making the situation worse. They thus decide to abandon the detox program. Instead of giving up, I suggest that you recognize that toxins are an issue. Search for another detox protocol that offers a more gentle release.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery
A few months ago I have ordered and read your book Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. It gave me a lot of hope, and support for recovery from Parkinsons disease with very valuable information.
It was important for me to see that some people managed to recover! I am much more relaxed now, not in a panic any more.
I have a diagnose since August 2010. I took Azilect until December 2010, but afterwards I have stopped taking it. I’m exercising yoga, meditation. I’m walking every day. Tuina massage also helps. I have changed food, reduced stress factors, etc. And I’m taking Dr Paneri’s medicine for a month now.
Great news: I am already noticing some improvements!
I hope you know, how important your help is! Thank you.
I wish you all the best.
Kind regards,
Thanks so much for letting us all know about your recovery progress and giving me permission to post your update. I am hearing more and more stories of recovery every week now. I just released a new book this week – Pioneers of Recovery – that reports 11 stories of recovery as told on my radio show. These are exciting times to be alive.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Pioneers of Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Os there a cure for Parkinsons? The problem is that no one has been cured of Parkinson. I mean no one. Everyone talks about John Coleman but he is a Bowen therapist and uses his cure to promote his practice and generate income and clients. Parkinsons happens in the brain and no amount of therapy is going to fix that, perhaps stem cell therapy in time.
Not the remedies that merely address and help control the symptoms. It is best to be honest and upfront about this I think. Otherwise Robert, please compile a list of people who have been cured of Parkinsons apart from John Coleman and distribute it and say what cured them.
Thanks so much for sending in your question. John Coleman himself is very clear about not being “cured” himself. He is only symptom free. I personally do not find value in hanging my own thinking on “curing” anything.
John works hard every day at being symptom free. As a naturopath doctor he has helped many people feel better. Click on the arrow below to hear my interview with John Coleman ND on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:
There are so many stories out there and so many different programs and approaches that people adopt to get relief. The people I interview are not people who are “cured” to be sure. They are people who are leading full and complete lives. Most still have symptoms of one type of another but have found incredible ways to address them in one way or another.
I have included replays of interviews with persons that have celebrated successful recoveries here on the Parkinsons Recovery Blog. You can access all of them by clicking on the Pioneers of Recovery Category listing on this website. They are also included in my book Pioneers of Recovery.
I sent John Coleman your questions and comments above. He forwarded for posting the following thoughtful and informative response and has given me permission to post his response below.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Posted below is John Coleman’s response to John’s question above on is there a cure for Parkinson’s.
Thank you for initiating this discussion on what it means to become free from symptoms of a diagnosed incurable disorder. Whenever I enter into a discussion on any subject, I find that it is best to make sure that the information I am using is accurate and clearly stated. Therefore, I would like to correct several misapprehensions on your part.
1 have never claimed to be cured from any disease. I have never claimed to cure anybody. I have never claimed to have found a cure for Parkinson’s disease. So when you state that I use my cure to promote my practice and generate income and clients, and claimed to have cured others, you are deliberately misquoting all my published literature, my newspaper and radio interviews, and my websites.
2. My professional qualifications are rather more extensive than you have claimed. I am a qualified naturopath (known as a Naturopathic Doctor in USA and Naturopathic Physician in many European countries), having studied at two prominent Melbourne College’s. The Southern School of Natural Therapies and the Australian College of Naturopathic Medicine. I am accredited by all appropriate professional bodies, approved by the Australian government, accepted by professional insurance companies and many health insurance funds. I am also a qualified Bowen therapist, having qualified in basic Bowen therapy and Neurostructural Integration Technique. I also hold a certificate of massage.
3. My charitable work within society is well documented. I received a Tattersalls award for my work in founding Very Special Kids (a support group for families whose children face life-threatening disorders), a professional excellence award from the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association for community education (most offered without charge and/or at my expense), and was a finalist in the Pride Of Australia Medal Courage Awards in 2007 for my work with Very Special Kids and my recovery from Parkinson’s disease. All those in charge of presenting these awards are intelligent, professional people, and investigated my history and claims thoroughly before offering the awards.
4. I have lectured to a number of conferences that address the question – is there a cure for Parkinsons – including an international conference on Parkinsons disease, and have conducted workshops for health professionals in several countries instructing them on my research into recovery from incurable disorders. Offering this information around the world has cost me many thousands of dollars of my own money.
5. While there are many medical practitioners who find my ideas unacceptable, there are also a number of prominent neurologists who encourage their patients diagnosed with Parkinsons or multiple sclerosis to work with me
Now that we have brought some accuracy to the discussion, let me say that I agree totally with you that day is no cure for Parkinson’s disease. In fact, there is no cure for any disease.
We can, however, create an environment in which our body can become free from symptoms. That is the story of my recovery. I created an environment in and around my nerve cells that allows me to live a life with no symptoms of Parkinsons disease or multi-system atrophy, providing I continue to be conscientious in taking care of my health.
You are correct that the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease originate in the brain. If you wish to educate your self more about this and discover answers to the question – is there a cure for Parkinsons – you will do well to read The Biology of Belief (Prof. Bruce Lipton), Saving Your Brain (Dr. Jeff Victoroff), When The Body Says No(Dr. Gabor Mat), The Brain That Changes Itself (Dr. Norman Doidge).
These books will give you a thorough grounding in the fairly basic science you need to understand this process. Once you have read these books, I am sure that you will understand that Western medicine can currently only offers temporary control of Parkinsons symptoms, while my work is focused on addressing the cause of the symptoms.
If you look into the process of stem cell research and development, you will also understand that the only change required to change a stem cell from its immature state into a cell producing dopamine is a change of environment (this is what they do in the laboratory at vast expense). This change is possible within our brain, and you will understand that this is the prime focus of all my work.
If you choose to read all my work with an open mind, you will see that Bowen therapy, while a useful and important therapy, constitutes only about 3% of the recovery process. There are some homeopathic remedies that support another 13%, but more than 80% of the recovery process comes from within the individual, the changes they are prepared to make to their life and attitude, and these changes cost little or nothing.
I am very grateful that you have given me this opportunity to clarify my position on the question: is there a cure for Parkinsons. Many people have the same question
I wish you all the best in finding ways to improve your health, and trust that you will be surrounded with love and joy in the days to come.
Best wishes
John Coleman ND
Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer offers a rich answer to this question which turns on your diet, exercise and medications you take. He also offers a preview of tests that can determine which supplements might be beneficial.
The challenge, as Randy so eloquently expresses, is that every one’s needs differs. That is a real bummer to be sure. I think the trick is to learn how to connect with your body. The body is giving us the information about what it needs, we just have to listen. The other key is to be very mindful of what we put into our body as fuel.
The benefit of medications is that they offer temporary relief for some. The downside is that their use depletes certain essential vitamins over time. You do not mention whether you take medications, but if you do. please talk with your doctor about taking B vitamin supplements as well as CoQ10.
I record weekly meditations where I address the challenge of connecting with our bodies. New meditations are posted on the membership site every weekday. Discover more information about Parkinsons Recovery membership here: https://www.parkinsonsrecovery.com/parkinsons-recovery
I contend that with a little practice and perseverance, we all can learn to listen to our bodies. When we listen, our bodies tell us what fuel they need.
We have had the same experience with clients we work with. They get a lot better and can revert back to a previous level (not usually to the original level – but there are set backs).
The secret in the long run is not so much taking certain supplements, but the transformation of thoughts that are not in your best and highest good. It you believe, even unconsciously, that your health is destined to deteriorate, it will.
Transform those negative thoughts and turn around a condition that might be troubling.
I think it is most beneficial to work at the core level of thoughts and to acknowledge how they have a direct impact on symptoms. Think of this as working at the core level – at how certain negative thinking that sustains symptoms. I introduce ways to transform thoughts in my book Five Steps to Recovery which is available on Amazon.
The root barrier to recovery turns out to be certain core thoughts that hang recovery up. Of course, the seed thoughts are usually unconscious which makes releasing them the trick of it all. The true healing comes with embracing restorative statements that resonate with you.
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
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