Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: Parkinsons Disease Information (Page 7 of 13)

Access 20 years of research focused on identifying natural approaches, therapies and treatments that offer the opportunity to celebrate relief from the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease.

Little Known Natural Therapies to Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms

Dozens and dozens of natural therapies have been discovered that help reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. I want you to know about several little known therapies in particular.


You are invited to watch videos I prepared that explain them. To do so, click on the secure link below. Then, enter your first name and email address in the fields provided. I will then email you links to the videos I have prepared for you to watch over the coming week.

Click Here Then Enter Your First Name and Email Address to Receive Links to the Videos 

P.S. I was surprised to see some of the therapies reported on the survey to have been helpful. I suspect you will too.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington

CBD Oil for Parkinson’s

New breakthroughs by CTFO in the science of CBD oil have resulted in the development of new CBD products that significantly increase its penetration with a resultant beneficial impact on symptoms.  Several short videos have just been posted on the new CTFP website that  explain this new discovery.

What is the difference between CBDa and CBD oil? CBDa is a precursor to all CBD products. It CBD Oilis extracted from the hemp plant, more potent than CBD and more effective.

Why isn’t Everyone Taking CBDa? 
It is actually available only from CTFO. When CBDa is exposed to heat – it de-stabilizes. Researchers recently succeeded in stabilizing CBDa so that it does not lose its potency. CTFO has the patent on this process. Their CBDa products are called “10X Pure”.

If you have discovered CBD offers relief from your symptoms, I recommend that you investigate the new 10X Pure products if you have not already done so.

CBD Research

Clinical research on CBD (cannabidiol) includes studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain. A listing of the studies is posted on the Parkinsons Recovery website below. Quite a few of the listed studies were published as recently as the last calendar year and even in 2019. Clearly, researchers have been finding excellent results in their studies.

If you decide to explore this option there is no risk involved. CTFO gives a full money back refund if taking its CBDa does not offer symptom relief. Simply return the used, empty bottle within 60 days to receive a full refund.

Check out the new CTFO videos to learn more about this new research development.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington

Natural Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease

Since 2004 I have been documenting natural therapies for Parkinson’s disease that offer relief from Parkinsons symptoms. These discoveries have inspired the following conclusions:

  • Dozens of natural therapies are effective in reversing Parkinsons symptoms
  • No therapy helps everyone.

This week I administered a survey asking members of my global audience to report what natural therapies offer relief from their symptoms. Results re-confirmed my conclusions:

  • There are a surprising number of natural therapies that offer relief.
  • No therapy helps everyone.
  • Everyone discovers a unique set of therapies that work for them.

One respondent from Australia reported they had not tried any natural therapies. Is this also the case for you?

May the following summary of responses serve as an inspiration to try one or more of the natural therapies reported in this Parkinsons Recovery Survey.

Responses to the Parkinsons Recovery September 2019 survey are reported next. Informational resources that relate to the therapies reported to have been helpful are also included in this post.

Listing of Natural Therapies for Parkinsons Disease

Respondents were asked to list natural therapies that helped them experience relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. What follows is an unedited listing of responses that were received. My analysis of responses is provided in the following clip.


Report from Germany: Photobiomodulation (vielight neuro gamm and x-plus), medical mushrooms (neuromykon of dr myko san, zagreb, croatia)

Report from Arizona: Herbal supplements, Emotion Code therapy

Report from New York: High dose vitamin B1 (thiamin hcl)

Report from Nevada: Mucuna. lithium orotate

Report from Italy: Cold water on hands

Report from Switzerland: Ayurveda

Report from Luxembourg: Turmeric

Report from Oklahoma: CBD OIL

Report from Alberta Canada: reflexology, coconut oil, drinking water, fellowship & interaction with others, distractions, meaningful work, spiritual time with God.

Report from Montana: neck decompression (PD bend)

Report from North Carolina: Eating nuts, all varieties, fava beans and tincture, exercise, good fresh organic fruits and veggies

Report from India: Diet , Vit b12, Vit D, exercise, yoga and meditation

Report from Australia: Bowen therapy, Castor oil packs to the abdomen, sunbaths, trans dermal magnesium, THC & THCA, mucuna puriens 98% Ldopa

Report from Virginia: exercise

Report from California: take control of your own recovery, avoid stressful situations and stressful people, adequate sleep, gentle exercise (stretching), stay active (keep moving) in your daily life, ketogenic diet (low carb, no grain, no dairy, no sugars), inclined bed therapy

Report from Minnesota: Arogalife supplements

Report from Ontario Canada: Theracycle

Report from Michigan: Manitol

Report from Quebec Canada: dancing with a smile, also gluten and dairy free, osteopathic

Report from Pennsylvania: B1

Report from United Kingdom: transcendental meditation, cranial sacral

Report from Oklahoma: CBD OIL

Report from California: Exercise

Report from United Kingdom: Cats Claw tincture

Report from California: Parkinson’s Recovery

Report from Australia: Qi Gong, Mucuna Puriens

Report from California: Wisdom healing Qigong

Report from Virginia: Fava beans and tincture, variety of nuts daily, okra, papaya, black cumin seed oil, exercise , sunshine

Report from Minnesota: Passion Flower

United States: Balance class for seniors -deep breathing- to help relax.-.

Texas: Prayer, GABA 250 mg., Qigong, yoga corpse pose, Tai Chi, cranial sacral massage, aloe vera juice, grounding feet

Report from Luxembourg: turmeric green tea

Report from Colorado:

Report from California: Exercise, especially intense exercise, daily

Report from Michigan: Adherence to 7 dimensions of wellness

Report from California: Neurofeedback

Report from Michigan: has helped a lot

Report from Hawaii: Exercise daily, i.e. walking, yoga, body weight movements etc.

Report from Australia: Qigong

Report from United States: Mucuna Puriens powder, Homeopathic calming pills, enough rest, sleep

Report from Colorado: I am following the Hinz protocol (amino acids and extract of the velvet bean plant) with great success.

Report from California: PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy)

Report from Israel: Tai Chi, LDN, Rhodiola, low fat diet (almost vegan)

Report from United Kingdom: Exercise, vitamin B1 protocol, meditation

Report from Pennsylvania: supplements

Report from Pennsylvania: Meditation and yoga

Report from Minnesota: exercise

Report from Vermont: visualizing my brain and gut cells communicating instantaneously.

Report from Washington: Glutathione IV and intranasal

Report from Florida: Medical marijuana, both oils and smoking.

Report from Massachusetts: meditation and exercise, especially swimming and yoga

Report from India: i take dry coconut with turmeric and black pepper i feel this is giving me some help

Report from Vancouver Canada: Deep brain stimulator surgery

Report from Quebec Canada: swimming is a big help as well as yoga and pture

Report from California:

  • Parkinsons Recovery Web site-without doubt!! Hugely important keeping me on track with having positive attitude
  • Exercise-especially for my legs and feet
  • Eating healthy = NO SUGAR
  • Mars Venus brand Amino acid liquid shake to get protein between medication ingestions (I am on 25/100 carbidopa/levodopa)
  • Aquas to  increase water absorption
  • Guided meditations daily.
  • Vielight neuro. This seems to loosen deep congestion in my upper head. The X seems too strong _ at least for now.
  • Being around special friend(s) who support me. Personally I do best with one or 2 at a time
  • LOTS of rest

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington

X-Plus Vielight Therapy

Click the arrow below to hear an interview with Vielight’s CEO and inventor Dr. Lew Lim who discusses his new X-Plus photobiomodulation device invention.

I want to make sure everyone knows about its availability in light of success with the previous Vielight  Neuro Gamma device. First, I will offer a brief report on user’s experience with using the Neuro Gamma device which is why I am excited about Dr. Lim’s new invention – the X-Plus.

Neuro Gamma Device

Over seventy (70) members of my Parkinsons Recovery audience purchased and used
the Vielight Neuro Gamma device over the past year. The exciting news for me has been that it was one of the most frequently mentioned therapies reported to be helpful in responses to my 2018 Holiday Survey.

Vielight representatives tell me that only 1 out of 10 units were returned for an 80% refund. Nine out of ten users found the device to be beneficial. My conclusion: The Neuro Gamma has helped most – but not all users. Odds of success are clearly in your favor.


The new X-Plus Vielight device can be used in conjunction with the Neuro Gamma to irradiate the posterior brain with light. If you are already getting good results with using the Vielight Neuro Gamma device.  consider using the X-Plus along with the Neuro Gamma. It just might provide a welcome boast to symptom relief.

The X-Plus can also be used  as an independent device. The great news of the day is that the cost of the new X-Plus device is half the cost of the Neuro Gamma. It is listed as $749. The company has again agreed to offer members of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount  on the X-Plus (as they did for the Neuro Gamma). To claim the discount enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. If you call in your order, simply tell the representative you are with Parkinsons Recovery.

I have no hesitation encouraging as many of you as possible to try the new X-Plus Device out. How come?

First, the Neuro Gamma has been a success. I am betting the X-Plus will follow suit. Dr. Lim is an amazing inventor.

Second, the company offers an 80% refund for any unit that is returned within six months of use. This gives you time to see if the therapy will prove helpful. The financial risk of trying it out is minimal since you are assured of getting 80% of your investment back.

More information about the new X-Plus Light Therapy device can be found on the Vielight website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Folk Medicine for Parkinson’s

Barbara Frank is a Holistic Practitioner, Internationally Certified Lymphologist, author of a Nobel Nominated book How To Take 10 Years Off Your Face and Add 10 Years To Your Life Naturally, who uses Folk Medicine as well as purified herbs and natural modalities to help those who want to use her expertise. She started 40 years ago and does telephone consultations for people all over the world and has had an enormous success rate. She grew up with her mother, grandfather and grandmother who practiced Folk Medicine and incorporates a lot of what she’s learned over the years and designs protocols for people based on their symptoms and complaints. This is Folk Medicine at it’s finest. For a full bio go to

Barbara Frank, world renowned Folk Medicine Practitioner and Internationally Certified Lymphologist, whose unorthodox approach to Biblical medical teachings from the bible uses those ancient teachings to change people’s lives so they can get to the state of body that they should be in.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Make Medicines Matter

Want to Make Medicines Matter? Are you …

  • Taking medications more frequently to achieve the same results?
  • Anxious about potential side effects that go hand in hand with higher doses?
  • Reached the maximum of how much medication your doctor can prescribe?
  • On the lookout for natural options that offer the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of your medications?

The good news …

Medications help some people celebrate temporary relief from Parkinson’s symptoms.

The bad news …

As time marches on, some persons have to take more medication more frequently to get relief from symptoms.  The dose that worked beautifully previously needs to be boosted.

I have two questions for you …

  1. Have you been wanting to discover how to get relief from symptoms without taking more medication and/or the same dose more frequently?
  2. Are you interested in reducing the frequency and dose of medications?

These two intentions are conveyed every day by members of my audience.  It is clearly a challenging problem to solve.  I have been working on solutions for fifteen years. Finally – I am in a position to suggest various natural treatment options and methods that merit your consideration. These possibilities are covered in my new course Make Medicines Matter

Six live classes with me (Robert Rodgers PhD) convene Thursdays and Saturdays May 16, 18, 23, 25 30 and June 1st (2019) at 12:00 pm Pacific time. Replays are available for all classes.  

Regular Tuition $98
$78 Tuition Discount Now Available

Of course, other medical treatments and therapies are available. Your doctor can advise you of the best options medicine has to offer. These may include medications and surgeries of one type or another. Since I am a researcher and not a medical doctor, you will need to discuss medical options with your doctor.  They will not covered in Make Medicines Matter.  You will also need to work closely with your doctor regarding any adjustments in medications that might be indicated or required.

If you are interested in receiving information about natural methods, therapies and treatments that offer the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of medications (which might preclude the need to take higher doses) I invite you to  join me starting Thursday, May 16th to discover methods that Make Medicines Matter (with replays available for all classes).

The course will cover a wide variety of natural therapies, methods and other options that are designed to help the body function more efficiently and effectively and , as a result, offer the possibility of reducing the need to increase the dose and frequency of medicines. Every person’s body is unique. There is no way to know or predict which of the options to be covered (if any) may prove beneficial to you. I do know each of the options to be covered have benefited some people.

Some possibilities to be covered  in the course have just been discovered or invented. They include some of the  newest technologies that offer a novel approach for supporting the body’s ability to process medications more efficiently and effectively.

Regular Tuition $98
$78  Tuition Discount Now Available

In summary ... natural therapies, methods and treatments do exist that can potentially increase the effectiveness of medications. Using one or more of these might make it possible to hold the line on medication increases. This is precisely what Make Medicines Matter is all about. Each class I will introduce a therapy, a treatment or a method that has helped some people who experience Parkinson’s symptoms get more mileage out of their medications.

The goal of Make Medicines Matter is to introduce a variety of natural options to consider. We can never be sure what will succeed for you, but at least I can introduce some viable options to consider.

Regular Tuition $98
$78 Tuition Discount Now Available

Please be advised that I am not a medical doctor. I am a PhD type researcher. You will need discuss with your medical doctor any decisions you are considering with regard to any of the therapies, options or treatments to be covered in the course. They are the experts when it comes to the medications. I will offer suggestions when it comes to natural options designed to support your body’s capacity to process and utilize medications more efficiently.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia, Washington





Lentil Sprouts

What follows is a marvelous suggestion from a member of the Parkinsons Recovery audience from India. She reports that lentil spouts helps offer relief from her symptoms and sent the following set of easy to follow instructions for sprouting lentils.

Germination / Sprouting of Lentil called MOONG DAL WHOLE in my country India

  1. Soak 1 cup Moong Lentils overnight in water. It is enough for one person’s diet for 3-4 days.
  2. Drain the water next day & leave wet. Cover with wet cotton cloth if whether is dry. Rinse with fresh water in the evening.
  3. Second day rinse again with fresh water twice a day morning and evening. Now u will see white roots coming out. Start consuming 5-6 teaspoons as soon as sprouting begins.
  4. Third day rinse again with fresh water twice, the roots will be little longer. Can consume again morning and evening.
  5. Fourth day repeat rinsing. The roots are 1  inch long.  It is the best full of healthy nutrients. Enjoy morning and evening.
  6. Repeat again for next four days.
  7. Raw sprouts are the best. U can steam for 5- 7 minutes for a different taste. Add finely cut onions, tomato, green chillies, coriander/cilantro, lemon/lime         juice, salt & turmeric for a different taste.
  8. Sprouts act both as Prebiotic and Probiotic and are better than pre-probiotic capsules.
  9. Raw sprouts are just like cashews in taste so also i enjoy them eating raw.

Please note-

  1. Sprouts are best if consumed raw.
  2. The best thing is they increase metabolism ( digestion and absorption) of food in our bodies with many more benefits.
  3. Sprouts contain many good quality vitamins and minerals and in addition contain many phytonutrients unknown to me, you, dietitians and doctors.
  4. NO SUGAR and sugar products please.
  5. I think and am sure Sprouts will certainly make life of parkinson’s patients better.

She recommends that sprouts should be taken empty stomach in the morning for better results. Eat breakfast after 2 hours if possible.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


CBD Oil for Parkinson’s

A potential therapy for addressing symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is CBD oil which is now legal in all US states and some countries. CBD stands for “cannabidiol oil”. It is extracted from either the Hemp plant or the Marijuana plant. Using CBD allows the medical benefits of medical marijuana without the high that is associated with THC. CBD in itself has no psychedelic properties and is considered safe for consumption

Should CBD oil be a therapy worth your consideration?

What do we know about the use of CBD oil as a therapy for addressing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

The 2018 Parkinsons Recovery survey reveals that some people experience relief from their Parkinson’s symptoms when taking CBD oil. It was one of the top therapies reported to be useful. Still, not everyone experiences relief from their symptoms. Why might this be the case?

1. A first possible explanation for why some people do not experience symptom relief is that the concentration of CBD oil they took was insufficient. Research using patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease finds that subjects who took a minimum of 300 mg showed improvement while those who took 75 mg showed no improvement.

A 2014 study on the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology examined results forTwenty one (21) subjects assigned to three groups of seven subjects each. One group was treated with placebo, one group with cannabidiol (CBD) 75 mg/day and one group with CBD 300 mg/day. One week before the trial and in the last week of treatment subjects were evaluated with respect to motor and general symptoms score (UPDRS) and well-being and quality of life (PDQ-39).

Despite the tiny sample sizes, groups treated with placebo and CBD 300 mg/day had significantly different mea total scores in the PDQ-39 (p = 0.05). Significance is very much a factor of sample size, so this result is striking in itself.

Does this mean you would be best advised to order a 300 mg bottle of CBD oil? That would not be the best choice. You would be better offer getting a bottle with a higher concentration – as much as 1500 mg. Why?

A bottle with 1500 mg has a total of 1500 mg (and a bottle of 300 mg has a total of 300 mg). You are not taking 1500 mg (or 300 mg) with each serving. How much are you getting when you take the recommended number of drops?

Investigate how many servings are contained in a bottle. If a 1500 mg bottle contains 50 servings, then you would be taking 30 mg with each application.

A serving may be listed as 10 drops (or 6 drops). Early reports from users have suggested to me that you might be able to take fewer drops than the recommended serving. This should especially be true for the CTFO10X pure spectrum CBD oil which has just been released. Laboratory testing shows it has ten times the penetration.

In summary – you should be able to pay much less in the long run by getting the higher concentrations of CBD oil.  And keep in mind that if you cannot find a serving that helps – return the empty bottle for a full refund (within 60 days after purchase).

2. A second possible explanation is that the concentration of CBD in the oil they took was less than the concentration they thought they had purchased. Some CBD oil companies claim they are selling a bottle with a 500 mg concentration of CBD when only 50 mg or less is actually contained in the bottles. As a new product that shows promise for addressing many conditions , some companies have seized the opportunity to make a quick profit by selling a product that contains little of what is advertised.

3. A third possible explanation is that CBD will not offer relief from the symptoms of some people. No therapy helps everyone. CBD oil is no exception. Based on informal reports from members of the global Parkinsons Recovery audience I have observed that more people experience relief from their symptoms when taking CBD oil than those who do not.

My conclusion: CBD oil is worth trying out to see if it helps offer relief from symptoms. Acquiring CBD oil from a company like CTFO that certifies its contents through laboratory testing and offers a full money back guarantee is a choice worth taking seriously. You can try an entire bottle of CBD oil. If it does not offer relief from your symptoms, CTFO guarantees a full refund of your purchase. You only need to return the empty bottle within 60 days.

Many people inquire what concentration of CBD is best. The higher the concentration, the less needs to be taken for results to be experienced. Although the higher concentrations cost more, cost savings over the long run should accrue.

For more information, visit:

P.S.:CTFO ships to addresses in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland and Sweden.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Apoptosis and Parkinson’s Disease

John Rollins PhD discusses the critical role that is played by Apoptosis and why it has such a critical influence on nervous system health.  What is Apoptosis? It is the body’s natural process for repairing, regenerating and destroying damaged cells. Dozens of studies on Apoptosis are being published every day. It is one of the most researched topics out there right now.

Why is that?  Researchers (including myself) have just realized that understanding Apoptosis offers a genuine understanding about what the body needs to heal at the cellular level. What is the bottom line of this understanding?

Most of us actually do not have access to some of the foods that are needed for cells to rejuvenate and regenerate. This explains why so many people who have launched an A+ recovery program have still not succeeded in reversing all of their symptoms.

Dr. Rollins discusses these issues in detail and offers a little history lesson about his longtime relationship with Dr. Bill McAnalley who was a recent guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio and founder of Aroga.

Dr. Rollins explains how Aroga products and in particular the Core Pathways, Brain and Nerve Plus and Aloe 1 support and nurture neural tissue health. For more information about Aroga food products click on the link below.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Shifting Parkinsons Disease Mindsets

Click the arrow below to hear my interview with Chris Hageseth MD:

This Parkinsons Recovery interview about shifting Parkinson’s disease mindsets is with Chris Hageseth MD who dates his first non-motor symptoms to 2004 when his sense of smell disappeared. In 2008 he developed severe constipation which he has had ever since. In 2011 he saw the emergence of a tremor in his right hand which progressed over the following year to involve his entire right side.

It went on to include stooped posture, shuffling gait, and problems with balance. A neurologist confirmed his diagnosis in 2012. He tried three different medications over the next four months but discontinued each one due to side effects or lack of efficacy.

His neurologist gave him one piece of advice: EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE.

A year later many of his symptoms had regressed. He attributed his improvement to the intensity of his exercise and taking up yoga. He established his first website: Sweating Out Parkinsons Disease. He intended to encourage other PWPs to follow his example.

By 2014 he was doing so well that he had a DAT scan to confirm the diagnosis of PD. It was positive.

Over the last year and a half, he explored why more people are not doing better with PD. It was then that he started to examine how the mind may influence the course of PD. Exercise is the key to living a full life with PD, But if the mind does not believe the degree of improvement that exercise can achieve. Then improvement will only go so far.

Because of the problem of dyskinesia developing after five years on levodopa, he thinks newly diagnosed should pursue a program of great intensity and focus and manage their minds, so they realize they can live with PD and not require levodopa.


Shifting Parkinsons disease Mindsets

Dr. Hageseth offers marvelous insights into how he has been able to improve his gait significantly. Mindful walking has been a key to his recovery success which encompasses:

  • Standing straight
  • Pulling shoulders back
  • Pitching chest out
  • Directing eyes straight ahead (not down)
  • Walk swiftly always insuring safely
  • Focus on making the backward arm swing more vigorous (when arm swing is an issue).
  • Place your heels first
  • No scuffing shoes on the ground

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons DIsease


Mucuna Pruriens

What follows below is correspondence I received from Dovida about mucuna pruriens.  She is the wife of Michael Day who shares a wealth of information about Michael’s experience  taking mucuna to address his Parkinson’s symptoms.

Parkinsons Recovery provides information, support and resources to individuals interested in identifying natural therapies and treatments that offer the opportunity to celebrate symptom relief.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Dear Robert,

I am taking the time to write to you today to let you know about the death of my beloved partner Michael. You might remember us – we live in Venezuela.

Both of us love what you share with the Parkinsons community. We also love and appreciate the generous time you have spent with us on the phone several times over the past 6 years. Michael contributed a deeply thoughtful piece on his relationship to this health challenge which you published on your blog a number of years ago.

I am also writing because I want to contribute to your community through an update on Michaels experience using Mucuna, which remained a very positive one up until his death. I have also included some other things he had begun to experiment with.
I was not sure where to post it so that it would be read by as many people as possible.
Perhaps you could choose a way to share this?

Regarding his death: Last month Michael and I both caught a virulent flu that is going around. We almost never socialize and therefore pretty much always avoid the latest flu or cold. However, it was the birthday of the woman who takes care of our apartment building whom we adore. We had given her a gift and she came upstairs to thank us. 1 hug. That is all it took.

With Michaels challenged overall health, the flu quickly became double pneumonia and 2 weeks later he died on Saturday morning, July 21st. He was 64 yrs young.
He died at home with me, our friend who lives with us, and a nurse who was taking care of him with IVs, antibiotics, oxygen etc. We had done our best to create a stay at home hospital experience for him.

Michael managed to tell me he loved me earlier that morning and our friend tells me I whispered the same in his ear just before he died. My memory is a blur of those last moments. Having the neurological challenges of Parkinsons made it harder for Michael to cough out the mucous that filled his lungs.

I ask people with the same challenge to please take extra care to avoid getting a chest infection. You may be at a disadvantage and not have as strong a capability of coughing than most people.

Robert, I believe that everything is Love/Consciousness, including the bacteria that killed Michael’s body. It is not possible for anything else to be true. There is nothing in existence that is not loving awareness. All of the universe worked in harmony to carry Michael into the next stage.

Even Michael himself had made some unusual choices in the prior few weeks that greatly weakened his body. He was doing some writing and became like a man possessed, not stopping to eat or drink. It was wrecking his neurology – making his whole body writhe and shake – yet he felt compelled to keep going. I could not convince him to stop and did not try that hard either because I implicitly have always trusted Michael and his own inner guidance. Now I can look back and see how the choices were lining up to bring him to this transition from in the body to outside the body.

I have had Michaels body cremated and at some point I will take the ashes to India, a place in the sacred river Ganges. I will be staying on Isla de Margarita for now. It is a gentle place with warm ocean water and it is incredibly inexpensive to live here. $150-$200/month is plenty, which is a blessing since my body is not yet in great health (fibromyalgia) and able to work.

Michael and I were together literally almost every day of the past 29 years. I keep wondering when I am going to fall apart. But instead of crumbling I feel tremendous love and spiritual energy pouring into me, no doubt a lot coming from Michael. He is a very highly evolved soul.

My focus now is doing everything I can to let go of the chronic body pain I have carried so many years. Also, waking up and becoming established in remembering my true Self – experiencing the Oneness that Is – that is forever on my plate, too.

Mucuna Pruriens

Here is the scoop on Mucuna Pruriens for Parkinsons and a detailed description of Michaels experience with it. Some people use it as an adjunct to medication like Sinemet in order to reduce the amount of medication, and then there are people like Michael who either want a more natural approach or have too many side effects with sinemet that use mucuna exclusively. Michael was never able to tolerate any of the medications and all natural strategies had failed up until what I describe below.

Michael had tried mucuna pruriens years ago – we bought some on Amazon.
What we did not realize was that Michael needed a much higher extract of mucuna.
The extract you can get from mucuna is L Dopa.The stuff we bought on amazon was only 15% L Dopa. Eventually we befriended a woman in the Netherlands that was getting great results with a 98% L Dopa extract of Mucuna that she was buying from someone in Australia (who got his supply from China).The 2 main source countries are India and China.

At the point that we learned this information, Michael was in very dire straits.
This was the winter of 2016. He was 97% dependent- he needed help dressing, eating, turning over in bed, covering himself with the sheet, bathing and even wiping his butt. He was considered Stage IV Tremor Dominant Parkinsons by his neurologist. He could walk a little, falling forward and grabbing the walls for support. He could barely speak at an audible level and his diction was terrible.

He would have to whisper in my ear and I would decipher it.
He also had constant tremendous pain due to muscle stiffening in his arms and legs. I had started interviewing 24/7 care because it was quickly becoming more than me and our friend who lived with us could handle.

I bought some of the 98% L Dopa and within 3 weeks of starting it Michael could go outside and walk. All pain left and all neurological symptoms improved. By 6 weeks he was 100% independent and he remained 100% independent until his death in July 2018 from a flu that progressed quickly into double pneumonia. His body had desperately needed L Dopa and this high potency mucuna gave it to him. He still had some tremor and low energy but everything was better. Even skin problems cleared up.

Eventually I found a source in the US that sells 99% extract and actually charges less than anyone else. Michael started with a dose of 300 mg just to see if he could tolerate it. He was always very sensitive. The effects initially lasted 3-4 hrs. This was January 2017.

Slowly we raised the dose to 700 mg 4-5x/day and eventually 850 mg 5x/day. Over time he did require more mucuna as well as more often – every 2-3 hours. He and got up to 1200 mg 5-6x/day this past year. Most people using mucuna do not get the horrible side effect of dyskinesias (uncontrollable movements) that many people get from the drugs. At about 1200 mg mucuna, Michael did have some dyskinesia and he cut back to 1100 mg which reduced them. I know a woman that manages with 650 mg 4x/day for many years and a woman who uses a large dose of 5000 mg 3x/day for many years. Neither experience dyskinesias.

Everyone is different in terms of dose. You just start low and experiment.
I have also wondered about it being even more beneficial to add in some non-L-Dopa extract version of mucuna since the entire plant has many desirable healing properties. Places like Banyan Botanicals carry good quality organic whole plant mucuna if you want to try that along with the 98-99% L Dopa extract of Mucuna.

As a reference point – at Michael’s high dose of 1100-1200 mg 6x/day, a kg that costs $185 would last 2-3 months. In recent months Michael began experimenting with adding 5HTP and L-Tyrosine to better balance out his neurotransmitters and possibly increase the benefit of the mucuna.

He learned about these additions from John Greys work on improving brain health.
Michael had yet to notice any difference but it really could have been too soon to judge plus he did not take these extra amino acids consistently.

Michael was also experimenting with taking mannitol to extend the effect of the mucuna. He took 1 beano-type capsule along with it to prevent gas and bloating which can happen with mannitol. It was a little soon to tell but Michael felt it was helping and he did not get bloating.

Many people who take Parkinsons medications have to contend with nausea from the drug. It is the L Dopa/ levodopa causing nausea. Michael did get nausea when he started on mucuna, but eventually we discovered that taking about 1000-2000mg of straight Vitamin C from ascorbic acid at the same time as the mucuna worked perfectly and he never had nausea again.

This is also working to prevent nausea for some friends who are also taking mucuna.
It can not be buffered C- it needs to be ascorbic acid, which thankfully is very inexpensive. (You can get ascorbic acid at a great price at the same place that sells the mucuna). 

Candied ginger can also work for nausea but then you are also getting a lot of sugar so we were really happy to discover the Vit C worked. Mucuna extract is a tasteless white to off-white powder. I mixed it along with the Vit C into some room temp herbal tea sweetened with honey (preferably raw honey that has more healing properties).
Honey always helped Michael swallow.

Here is the US based company I bought mucuna from at a good price. We have also referred a number of people to this source and the mucuna is helping them, too.
(I am not an affiliate and I get no financial benefit if you buy here).

You will also need a good mg scale so you can be exact in your dose. Here is a link to a scale that has worked well for me.

Scale: there are similar ones on Amazon that have even better reviews, but this one has always worked for me and has not needed recalibration even after 18 months of frequent use.

One more thing to mention that may help your readers.There is a Chinese Herbal Formula that has helped many people with tremors. a friend of Michaels has used it for many months with great benefit. Michael had barely started it when he died so I can not comment on his experience. 

Here is one place that sells it.This place seems to have the best price and you can get 10% off using code: Wholesale

Please feel free to post my email address of I am happy to answer questions about anything I have written here.

Warmest regards,

CBD Oil and Parkinson’s Disease

Last week I hosted a Parkinsons Recovery radio show that highlighted a company (CTFO) that sells a high quality CBD oil at affordable prices. Since the interview I have received many inquiries from listeners asking about whether taking CBD can help their Parkinson’s symptoms. Naturally, each question differs in content, but the nature of the question is the same.

I am asked:

“I have (a list of Parkinson’s symptoms here) – will taking CBD oil help me?”

Because I have received so many questions like this I thought it prudent to post my response here.

Answer to the Question about CBD Oil:

There is no way to know whether taking CBD oil will offer you relief from the symptoms you describe. As a new therapy, there is very little research evidence. And with virtually all
natural therapies, I have concluded that any natural therapy (like taking CBD) will help some people but not necessarily other people who experience Parkinson’s symptoms.

There is little research evidence that uses Parkinson’s patients. Studies have found positive effects for the use of CBD on anxiety, stress and PTSD. You can review abstracts of these studies on (the US government’s index of scientific studies).

You can also access videos posted by persons with Parkinson’s symptoms on Youtube. Visit Search using the terms “CBD Parkinson’s” or variants thereof. The listing of videos will populate.

I encourage you to review what evidence does exist (however limited). Of course talk with your doctor about taking CBD before making a final decision.

If you decide to try it, I recommend you purchase CBD (preferably the high concentration
1500 mg CBD oil) from CTFO. Why? Because they offer a 60 day guarantee. You only have to
return the used bottle to them to claim a full refund if it does not help address your symptoms.

  • CBD products offered by CTFO have high quality.
  • They offer a high concentration 1500 mg CBD.
  • You cannot beat the risk free opportunity to see if taking CBD will help.

To summarize, no one can say whether taking CBD oils will help you or not. But, you can find out for yourself by trying it out. That is the “gold standard” test which will offer you a reliable answer to the question you have asked me to answer.

Click the link below for more information about CTFO products and the opportunity to order a bottle:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

Source of High Quality, Affordable CBD Oil

I have been asked repeatedly over the last several years for a recommendation on a reliable, high quality, low cost source of CBD oil. The CBD marketplace has been crazy these last two years. Companies come and go. Some falsify what they have to offer. Some rip you off. I have been genuinely perplexed and confused about what source of CBD oil I could recommend with confidence.

Some companies sell CBD oils that are outrageously expensive with a very low concentrations (as little as 25 mg). Because CBD oils are a new and very popular therapy, most companies are selling CBD oils at outrageous prices. Great when CBD helps suppress symptoms. Not great when they are so expensive.

Thanks to a vigilant member of my listening audience – I have at long last identified a company that I feel comfortable recommending: CTFO. Click the arrow below to hear a replay of my interview with John (who I signed up as an associate with) and Brad (a representative of the company) about CTFO.

Just to be clear – most of my radio show interviews involve generic information about therapies and programs that help people address their symptoms. This interview focuses on information about a specific company that offers CBD oils. Click below to discover the CTFO products. The company sells a high quality, high concentration CBD oil at – most importantly – competitive prices.

Important Qualification: CTFO only ships to addresses in the United States, Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland and Sweden. Shipments to Canada will be available soon.

I signed up for free to be an affiliate of the company because it enabled me to purchase the oils at an even better prices. You of course can do the same.

If you have been interested in CBD but have been hesitant to try it out because of the cost – consider ordering a bottle  from CTFO. They give you – get this – 60 days to try out their CBD oils. You can return the used bottle for a full refund. How cool is that? The risk to try the CTFO product out is minimal. Potential advantage is great.

The company suggests you order the highest concentration CBD oil – 1500 mg – so you get the best opportunity possible to see if it will help you. Of course, you should consult
your doctor before making any decision about how to proceed.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

High Dose Thiamine Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Italian Neurologist Antonio Castantini MD has been prescribing High Dose Thiamine Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease with noteworthy results. During my Parkinsons Recovery Radio interview this week he reports that patients who have symptoms that are more recent show on average a 50% improvement when taking high dose thiamine. Why should high dose thiamine Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms

You might well be thinking OK. I will have my doctor check my thiamine levels (or Vitamin B1 levels). Maybe my levels are too low.

Dr. Castantini explains that in the initial stages of his research, he did check thiamine levels in his originating patient. He found them to be within normal limits. Wait a minute, eh? If the thiamine levels were within normal limits, why should taking a mega dose of Thiamine make a difference? What follows is my explanation of why a high dose may be needed.

Why Should High Dose Thiamine Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Reverse Symptoms?

The problem has nothing to do with the actual quantity of B1 vitamin (or any of the series of B vitamins) in their body. Rather, the body is not converting B vitamins to the enzymes that are essential for the body function well. In more formal terms, this is known as a breakdown in the methylation cycle.

Persons diagnosed with Parkinsons disease are very likely to have a breakdown in their methylation cycle. I learned this from conducting a series of interviews with BioAcoustic Pioneer Sharry Edwards who has done a series of diagnostics for persons diagnosed with Parkinsona. Sharry has identified a series of factors that cause neurological imbalances. One of the factors that jumps to the top of the list is a breakdown in the methylation cycle. In simple terms, a person has a sufficient quantity of the B vitamins such as B1, but their body is not converting them to the enzymes that are essential for a body to function normally.

Once the B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12) have been thoroughly processed by the methylation cycle, the body uses various methyl-groups to make healthy cells. These cells facilitate the production of neurotransmitters such as – you guessed it – dopamine. A fully functioning cycle makes it possible to remove toxins in the liver and elsewhere in addition to fighting infections successfully. In other words, B vitamins play an indirect, but essential role in promoting healthy neurons.

Taking a normal dose of B1 and other B vitamins may well not result in the essential conversion to the basic enzymes that are essential for the body to function. The body has to be overloaded with excessive quantities of B1 to override the short circuit in the methylation cycle. The important question turns on the puzzle – what causes the methylation cycle to bomb out? I solve this puzzle next.

Why is the Methylation Cycle Short Circuited?

Taking a normal dose of B1 and other B vitamins will not convert to the enzymes needed if the methylation cycle that has short circuited. The key question turns on the question – what causes the methylation cycle to bomb out?

The answer is excessive and unrelenting stress. Anyone who experiences Parkinsons symptoms knows that stress has a direct and immediate impact on making symptoms worse. When stressed to the hilt, there is a heavy demand on the methylation cycle. The cycle requires greater quantities of B1 and Thiamine for conversion to the essential enzymes.

  • When you are continuously stressed,
  • When your sympathetic nervous system (the fight-flight nervous system) is choosing to run away or fight …,

Your body is expending all of its available energy to survive. Critical functions have to be protected. The body is designed for survival, not to insure that we feel good.

The heart needs to continuously pump. The lungs need to continue processing oxygen. Simply put, when we are anxious and stressed all the time, there is no energy available to manufacture enzymes which are needed for a less important role of helping us feel better and heal. The “within normal range” quantity of B1 is unused and discarded. The feel good – relax – chill out – parasympathetic nervous system (which produces dopamine) is deactivated in the interest of survival.

Why does high dose thiamine therapy for Parkinson’s disease reverse symptoms? A poorly functioning methylation cycle can produce enzymes as long as large quantities of B1 vitamins (and other B vitamins) are readily available. The cycle itself is so inefficient that excessive availability of B vitamins are required to override the short circuit.

Results of a Methylation Cycle that has Short Circuited

When the methylation cycle is under functioning, you will be fatigued, depressed, irritable, anxious, susceptible to infections and confused. The reason why the detox therapies have limited success can be often explained by a dysfunctional methylation cycle. All of these symptoms are tied to persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

Results of a Fully Functional Methylation Cycle

To summarize: The methylation cycle affects:

  • Neurotransmitter levels. This is why so many individuals diagnosed with Parkinsons have persistent anxiety and a deep depression that never seems to lift.
  • The immune function. This is why so many persons with Parkinsons symptoms get some relief from taking Low Dose Naltrexone which tricks the immune system into becoming stronger.
  • This is why so many individuals have pursued one detox regime after another with limited success. The problem does not reside with the detox protocols per se, but a breakdown in the methylation cycle.
  • Production of glutathione (which is a major antioxidant and protector of your cells). This is why so many persons diagnosed with Parkinsons are known to have dangerously low levels of glutathione.

High High Dose Thiamine Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Summary

  1. Since the methylation cycle has been compromised or even side lined completely, a therapy that appears to offer promise (in light of Dr. Costantinis research) is to take mega doses of vitamin B1 (thiamine). This supports that ability of the methylation cycle to process the essential conversions to enzymes. Normal levels are insufficient to activate the cycle. Most of the unused reside from B1 is simply eliminated rather than used to product the enzymes.
  2. Quieting an overactive sympathetic nervous system by dealing with stressful situations with calm and balance and reducing persistent anxiety will directly contribute to bringing a compromised methylation cycle “back on line”. In doing so, we add extra “hard drive” and “processing power” that the body now can use to convert the B vitamins to enzymes. Once the methylation cycle becomes fully functional, a high dose of B vitamins should no longer be required or necessary.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Food Sources of Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

After announcing my interview with Antonio Costantini MD I received the following email from Aunt Bean regarding natural food sources of Thiamine (or Vitamin B1) as a therapy for Parkinson’s. As you will see below Aunt Bean has found eating foods that contain high concentrations of thiamine reduce her requirements for the fava bean natural dopamine supplement she takes. (She makes her own fava bean tincture).

Aunt Bean refers to her natural l-dopa tincture in her correspondence to me that is copied below. The natural dopamine supplement Aunt Bean is referring to in her email is the tincture she invented using fava beans. Visit the fava bean Parkinsons Recovery website to learn all about Aunt Bean’s fava bean tincture and her other natural food research discoveries for Parkinson’s.

What follows is Aunt Bean’s Email.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Yes on thiamine Robert.

Since I have been eating nuts for a year and 2 months I have reduced my natural l-dopa tincture from 5 a day to usually one time a day. Mandolin playing and strength much better also. I eat 1 brazil nut, 4 walnut halves, 4 almonds, 2 bitter apricot kernels, handful of cashews and handful of pistachios a day.

Thumbs up😊.

Aunt Bean

Focused UltraSound

What follows is correspondence I received from a member of my audience who recently underwent Focused Ultrasound therapy. As you can see for yourself he was pleased with the outcome.

I have been arguing for years that the medicine of the future will be sound and light therapy. And by George, here it is – finally! Given the initial results of the early studies, it is clear this therapy will eventually be approved in all countries and will like be viewed as a viable alternative to deep ;brain surgery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


On 04/16/18 I underwent an MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound procedure at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel.

Tremors in my right hand have been reduced more than 90%, I’m able to do a lot of things that I couldn’t for at least 5 years.

I can write, type on computer, eat & drink with my right hand, get dressed by myself, walk without rigidity, no more shuffling, no more constipation, etc, etc.

Note that the treatment was for my right side only, for now. They recommend to wait 2 years for my left hand. 

The PD condition has not been cured, but now I can have quality of life.

I can’t stop giving thanks to God, I have my life almost back to normal.

I still have medication (Levopar+125, Kemedrine and Motilium); none of them available in the USA. So, I purchased 1-year supply in Israel.

If anyone needs tips on how to get this focused ultrasound treatment, feel free to contact me. I want to help others. I know exactly how they feel like.

FYI, MRI-g FUS was created in Rambam Medical Center in 2013, but it’s available in Spain, Switzerland, Italy and U.K.

A few hospitals in USA started recently trials for PD & Essential Tremors, but it might take 5-10 years to be approved by FDA. Plus the conditions to be accepted for trials are ridiculous and reserved for only patients that have been under medication manufactured by the sponsor pharmacy (sounds obscene, doesn’t it?).

I know my journey is long toward healing, but God has used MRI-g FUS and the wonderful and chosen people of Israel to change dramatically the symptoms we PD patients endure. 


Ivan Torres

Giant Leap for Recovery

With 14 Small Steps Take a Giant Leap for Recovery

As of today I am opening enrollments for my Giant Leap for Recovery course which will kick off May 7th at 12:00 noon pacific time for seven continuous weeks. I am well aware many of you were unable to enroll because course was full before you had a chance.  Here is a second chance to climb aboard with others who are traveling down the road to recovery.

Giant Leap for Recovery

For more information visit:

This past year I focused my attention on identifying steps that can be taken to achieve long lasting relief. How can a person heal from the inside-out rather than paying lots of money for therapies that offer temporary relief at best? What I have discovered over the past year is that there is no single therapy, action or habit that does the trick. Yes, many people seek this type of solution without success. Why?


The key to achieving relief from Parkinson’s symptoms that is sustained in the long run is to quiet and calm the sympathetic nervous system and put the parasympathetic nervous system in the driver’s seat (most of the time). Medicines do not accomplish this, nor do supplements. Simple, easy to do steps must be taken that can offer long lasting relief from symptoms.

This insight has inspired the development of my course, Giant Leap for Recovery.  Is it possible to experience a leap in recovery by embracing a single approach? My answer is no. You make it happen by taking small steps that, little by little, result in big wins.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Fava Beans

What follows is an email extending an offer of dried, ground fava beans. If you are interested, email me and I will forward your inquiry to Angela.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Hello, I have a few quarts of dried, ground fava beans that my father grew and used for his Parkinson’s. He passed away last spring and I am wondering if you or anyone you knew had a use for them.

The bean powder really helped reduce his dependence on pharmaceutical medicine and helped delay the onset of dyskinesia. My father was a PhD medical researcher, and researched Parkinson’s treatments obsessively. He felt the fava beans was one of the best alternatives.

Let me know and I’d be happy to mail them. I can also include the report he wrote.

Thanks, Angela

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