Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: Parkinsons Disease Information (Page 2 of 13)

Access 20 years of research focused on identifying natural approaches, therapies and treatments that offer the opportunity to celebrate relief from the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease.

Declaration of Independence

To succeed with a recovery program it is critical to take control over your recovery. Below is a declaration of independence I recommend you endorse by applying your signature below.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Declaration of Independence

In the beginning, one cell was formed inside the womb of my mother that captured the wisdom of all that I am today. The wisdom of one is 10 billion times seven fold  today as I am equipped today with a mind to organize my thoughts, a heart to evaluate them and a voice to express them.

At this time and this hour I declare my mind, heart and voice to be independent of any and all control over the health and well being of my body.

I acknowledge the miracle of life itself.

I celebrate the ability of my body to rejuvenate despite any and all limitations I currently experience.

I see limitless possibilities to manifest any and all of my dreams.

I cast off any and all limitations for recovery I have imposed on myself and imposed by others.

I assert the independent responsibility to decide what actions are in my best and highest good.

I acknowledge that the conditions which foster imbalances in my body are complex and multi-faceted.

On this day I ask for and openly receive healing.

I pledge from this day forward to listen to the wisdom of my body.

I commit to take any and all actions that are needed and necessary to bring my body back into balance.

I welcome the opportunity to transform bad habits that have been making me ill.

I refute the oppressive and dehumanizing claims that recovery is not possible.

I accept and welcome full responsibility for the health and wellness of my body.

I acknowledge that a therapy or treatment that helps one person may not necessarily be helpful to others or myself.

I commit to continue my journey down the road to recovery with the intention to persevere despite any and all setbacks and challenges I encounter along the way.

By affixing my signature below, I join with others who honor the power of the body to heal itself as I restore, rejuvenate and regenerate the inner wisdom of my body to heal itself.

_____________________                                                                                _______
Declaration of Independence Signature                                                       Date

Groundbreaking Discovery for Autism

I have exciting news about a groundbreaking discovery for autism. It can be reversed.

For more information about the Vielight Duo photobiomodulation device visit:

A 10 percent discount is available with coupon code healing4me. If your child does not show the improvement anticipated after 6 months of daily use, you can return the Duo device for an 80% refund

Ground Breaking Discovery for Autism Using  the Vielight Neuro Duo 

YouTube player

As the world’s only transcranial-intranasal brain photobiomodulation device, the Vielight Neuro Duo is the result of years of engineering and research.

Groundbreaking discovery for autism research with the Vielight technology produced improvements in cognitionmemory and blood flow.

The Vielight Neuro Duo comes with both Alpha and Gamma modes.

  • Gamma (40Hz): focus, memory, brain energy.
  • Alpha (10 Hz): relaxation and sleep improvement.

Summary for the  Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Study 

Children (BASEL). 2022 May 20;9(5):755. Transcranial Photobiomodulation for the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Retrospective Study

Data were reported and analyzed for 21 children, 13 males and 8 females with an average age of 9.1. The age range is 5 to 15 years old. The study was conducted over six months in the home setting.

Participants used the Vielight Neuro Duo with its two protocols, the Alpha 10 hertz protocol and the Gamma 40 hertz protocol.

Both Alpha and Gamma protocols were administered each day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Each session had a duration of 20 minutes, during which children were involved in stimulating activities such drawing, coloring, reading, playing games or doing homework.


After 6 months, transcranial-intranasal photobiomodulation was associated with:

  • reduction in ASD severity, as shown by a decrease in CARS scores (p < 0.001).
  • reduction in noncompliant behavior
  • reduction in parental stress
  • reduction in behavioral and cognitive rigidity
  • improvement in attentional functions and in sleep quality.

These remarkable improvements not only enhanced the lives of the patients but also greatly reduced stress among their parents, as measured by the SDAG scale, creating a more peaceful and effective environment for growth.

How Photobiomodulation Reverses Austism

How does the Vielight Neuro Duo photobiomodulation device work? It emits an optimal irradiance, amongst the highest in the industry with the 810 nanometer wavelength to penetrate the skull and reach the brain, transcranially and intranasally. The Vielight Neuro Duo’s design specifically targets the Default Mode Network to improve connectivity between its nodes.

The default mode network is crucial in understanding autism. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder have been observed to have alterations in their default mode network, contributing to difficulties in social interactions and understanding others’ perspectives.

Research has revealed that atypical connectivity within the default mode network underlies the characteristic challenges in social communication and repetitive behaviors seen in autism.

The two different pulsing modes, Alpha and Gamma have complementary effects.  The alpha protocol promotes relaxation, reducing rigidity and improving sleep. The gamma protocol boosts cognitive functions which facilitates improved focus and attention.”

Safety and Future Directions

From a safety perspective the treatment has been well-tolerated with minimal side effects, making it a safe option.

Front Neurol. 2024 Apr 26:15:1221193. Transcranial photobiomodulation in children aged 2-6 years: a randomized sham-controlled clinical trial assessing safety, efficacy, and impact on autism spectrum disorder symptoms and brain electrophysiology


Background: Small pilot studies have suggested that transcranial photobiomodulation  could help reduce symptoms of neurological conditions, such as depression, traumatic brain injury, and autism spectrum disorder.

Objective: To examine the impact of photobiomodulation on the symptoms of Autism in children aged two to six years. (The study listed above is based on older subjects 5-15 years in age).

Method: This study ran a randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial involving thirty children aged two to six years with a prior diagnosis of ASD. Pulses of near-infrared light (40 Hz, 850 nm) noninvasively were delivered to selected brain areas twice a week for eight weeks, using an investigational medical device designed for this purpose. We used the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) to assess and compare the Autism symptoms of participants before and after the treatment course. Electroencephalogram data during each session were collected from participants who tolerated wearing the cap.

Results: The difference in the change in CARS scores between the two groups was 7.23 (95% CI 2.357 to 12.107, p = 0.011). Seventeen of the thirty participants completed at least two EEGs and time-dependent trends were detected. In addition, an interaction between Active versus Sham and Scaled Time was observed in delta power (Coefficient = 7.521, 95% CI -0.517 to 15.559, p = 0.07) and theta power (Coefficient = -8.287, 95% CI -17.199 to 0.626, p = 0.07), indicating a potential trend towards a greater reduction in delta power and an increase in theta power over time with treatment in the Active group, compared to the Sham group. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the condition (Treatment vs. Sham) in the power of theta waves (net_theta) (Coefficient = 9.547, 95% CI 0.027 to 19.067, p = 0.049). No moderate or severe side effects or adverse effects were reported or observed during the trial.

Groundbreaking Discovery for Autism Conclusion:

Findings of these two studies taken together indicate that photobiomodulation is a safe and effective treatment for Autism. The Vielight Neuro Duo offers a groundbreaking treatment for Autism.

For more information about the Vielight Duo photobiomodulation device visit:

A 10 percent discount is available with coupon code healing4me. If your child does not show the improvement anticipated after 6 months of daily use, you can return the Duo device for an 80% refund.

Call Vielight to get answers to your questions. The company is located in Toronto Canada: 1-877-355-8012 (Main line)

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Incontinence Natural Treatment

Exercises that tighten your pelvic floor muscles reduce urinary incontinence symptoms. The Kegel exercise is an incontinence natural treatment that helps you celebrate uninterrupted nights of sleep.

Tighten your pelvic floor several times a day whether sitting or standing.

  • Identify your pelvic floor muscles that are what you use to stop the flow of urine.
  • Tighten these muscles and hold for 3 seconds. Then …
  • Relax these muscles for 3 seconds.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Recommended Daily Routine for the Kegel Incontinence Natural Treatment

Aim for a total of 30 pelvic floor contractions each day.
Spread the exercises throughout the day rather than doing them all at once.
Consider doing both short and long contractions

It may take a month or longer to celebrate an interrupted night of sleep.

Additional Benefits

* Improves blood circulation to the pelvic floor and vagina, potentially enhancing arousal and lubrication.
* Helps tighten the vagina after childbirth.
* Benefits men with overactive bladder symptoms or post-prostate surgery incontinence.

Make Kegel exercises a part of your daily routine and celebrate hours of interrupted sleepIncontinence natural treatment because the urgency to pee does not wake you up every two hours.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Triumph Over Tremors

Do you currently experience worrisome tremors? If so, I invite you to watch my short video below and listen to my 30 minutes interview with Bobby Krause, founder of Be Still Foundation, on his triumph over tremors.

Bobby Krause discusses how Focused Ultrasound changed his life below: 

Below is Bobby’s story

As a college athlete turned sales executive and father of two, I loved to live large and make the most of every moment. This was until a “nervous tick” began to occur in my left arm. After a series of doctor’s appointments, MRI’s and a pivotal appointment with a neurologist in 2016, my and my family’s lives were forever altered when I was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 42.

After my diagnosis, the harmless tick evolved into a relentless, debilitating tremor throughout the left side of my body. These tremors caused constant pain, embarrassment and a significant decline in my quality of life. I struggled to focus on life happening around me. I could not conduct business meetings without distraction. The tremors escalated greatly under the pressure of intense situations like coaching my son’s basketball games. I wondered how life could go on this way.

My Triumph Over Tremors

In 2020, a glimmer of hope emerged when I learned of clinical trials underway for a groundbreaking tremor treatment, called Focused Ultrasound. Thanks to an incredibly generous employer, along with an exceptional medical team at the University of Penn, my life-changing therapy was scheduled for June of 2022.

June 9, 2022, is a day I will never forget. While traveling to the University of Penn for my Focused Ultrasound therapy, I was full of hope, yet I could see my tremors intensify and feel my muscles tighten from the stress of it all. Little did I know, the profound physical and emotional impact the next two hours in the MRI tube would have on my life.

Laying fully conscious on the MRI table was surreal and incomprehensible. In real time, I communicated with the medical staff how and what I was feeling during the five sonication’s I underwent that day. While inside the tube during the third sonication, for the first time in nearly a decade, my body surrendered the tremors, my muscles eased, and the rigid tension melted away and I was finally able to…Be Still!

I’ve had the distinct honor of sharing my journey with Parkinson’s Disease and my Focused Ultrasound therapy experience at prestigious venues like Capitol Hill, Princeton University and within communities such as Rock Steady Boxing. Through these interactions, I’ve witnessed firsthand the hope my story instills. However, this optimism is tempered by the lack of awareness, availability and financial hurdles many face in accessing this treatment. These exchanges with those full of hope but greatly in need, are what sparked the start of Be Still Foundation.

Below are listed the questions I ask him during the interview as he discusses his triumph over tremors.

    1. Tell me about yourself Pre-Parkinson
    2. When were you officially diagnosed with Parkinson’s and what were your symptoms?
    3. How did you initially treat your symptoms and what were the pros and cons of those treatments?
    4. How and when did you become aware of Focused Ultrasound?
    5. Once you learned about focused ultrasound what were your next steps with your family and medical team?
    6. Can you take me through the day of your scheduled treatment?
    7. What side effects did you experience from the procedure?
    8. I understand it’s now been two years since your procedure, are you experiencing tremors again?
    9. What led you to create the Be Still Foundation?
    10. For those interested how can they support the Be Still Foundation?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons disease

Reclaiming Independence

The Parkinsons Recovery Reclaiming Independence Intensive provides one on one support to help transform walking difficulties.

Have you been falling, freezing or shuffling when walking?

Has walking become problematic?

If  your answers are yes, watch my short video right now to convert wobbly walking to one that is rock solid.

My passion is to help individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease transform any and all beliefs that recovery cannot happen for them.

The goal of the Reclaiming Independence Intensive is to develop a plan of recovery thatReclaiming Independence Intensive will transform problematic mobility into one that is rock solid. Once the plan is set, we review, monitor and adjust the plan as needed over the course of individual sessions with me.

My commitment to you involves a commitment that sets in motion a recovery program that can succeed for you.

I have been asked by many of you to offer an intensive, so here it is!

Visit the Intensive link below for more information and to register.

Reclaiming Independence Intensive

The Intensive Enhances Sound Decision Making

When it comes to a successful recovery program, choices are important.  Robert provides information about the benefits and risks of pursuing  recovery options. He helps you sort through the dozens of recovery options  to identify the ones that are perfect for your interests, goals and lifestyle.

Stress Reduction

Confronting health challenges is stressful day in and day out.  The Intensive helps reduce stress by creating structured plans and realistic goals. It also provides strategies for coping with disappointments and overcoming obstacles.

Motivation and Inspiration

At times, we all need a bit of inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward. Robert offers ongoing  encouragement and helps you stay motivated even when faced with setbacks. He celebrates your successes  with you and helps reignite your passion and drive when enthusiasm wanes. You are not alone.

Visit the Intensive link below for more information and to register.

Reclaiming Independence Intensive

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Parkinson’s disease dopamine

Two L-dopa sources for Parkinson’s disease dopamine are the prescription medication Sinemet and the over the counter supplement Mucuna. Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer answers the following question:

“Can both be taken and if so can there be unwanted side effects?”

Treatment of Parkinson’s disease symptoms often involves taking medications aimed at increasing Parkinson’s disease dopamine levels in the body. Among the various treatment options, Sinemet (a combination of levodopa and carbidopa) is prescribed by doctors to help alleviate motor symptoms by replenishing dopamine.

Patients and practitioners sometimes add  mucuna pruriens, a natural supplement, to the treatment regimen. While mucuna does not require a prescription from a doctor it is, like Sinemet, a medicine that  contains L-dopa. The body converts the L-dopa to dopamine.

Understanding Sinemet

Sinemet is a prescribed medication for Parkinson’s disease that combines two drugs:

  • Levodopa: This precursor to dopamine is converted into the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which is crucial for regulating movement and coordination.
  • Carbidopa: This component prevents levodopa from being converted into dopamine before it reaches the brain, which helps to maximize the effectiveness of levodopa and reduce side effects like nausea.

While Sinemet is effective, its impact usually diminishes over time. Patients usually need to take higher and higher doses to achieve the desired result.

Enter Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens, often referred to as velvet bean, is a natural source of levodopa. It’s been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is now gaining attention in the context of Parkinson’s disease treatment. The beans of the mucuna plant contain L-dopa, the same compound found in Sinemet.

Potential Benefits of Combining Mucuna with Sinemet for Parkinson’s Disease Dopamine

  1. Enhanced Dopamine Levels: Since mucuna contains l-dopa, it may potentially boost dopamine levels in the brain, complementing the effects of Sinemet. Some studies suggest that mucuna could offer a more rapid or sustained increase in dopamine levels compared to synthetic levodopa.
  2. Reduced Motor Fluctuations: Mucuna might help in smoothing out the “on-off” fluctuations experienced by some Parkinson’s patients on Sinemet alone. The natural levodopa in mucuna might work more consistently to help manage symptoms throughout the day.
  3. Possible Reduction in Side Effects: Some users report fewer side effects with mucuna compared to synthetic levodopa preparations. This could be due to the natural formulation of mucuna.

Considerations and Risks

  1. Lack of Standardization: Unlike prescription medications, the potency and purity of mucuna supplements can vary widely. This lack of standardization means that the exact dose of levodopa can be unpredictable.
  2. Drug Interactions: Mucuna may interact with Sinemet, potentially altering the effectiveness of either medication. It’s crucial to monitor any changes in symptoms and adjust dosages under medical supervision.
  3. Side Effects: While mucuna might have fewer side effects for some, it’s not without risks. Potential side effects include dyskinesia (the side effect Randy mentions in his answer to the question posed to him above), nausea, dizziness, or digestive issues. Always discuss these possibilities with your healthcare provider.

Practical Tips for Combining Mucuna with Sinemet

Consult Your Doctor: Before introducing mucuna into your regimen, have a thorough discussion with your neurologist or primary care physician. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition and treatment goals.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Overwhelmed and Overstimulated

Overwhelmed and Overstimulated?

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to be overwhelmed and overstimulated. With a barrage of options to consider it is easy to get caught up in the chaos. I have a suggested for you in the video. There are other strategies you can use to regain control and find a sense of balance. Let’s explore what these feelings mean and how to manage them effectively.

Understanding what it means to be Overwhelmed and Overstimulated

So overwhelmed you are stuck in a hole?Overwhelm occurs when the demands on your time, energy, or emotions exceed your capacity to handle them. This can be triggered by work pressures, personal responsibilities, or a combination of both. The result is often a feeling of being stuck, helpless, or incapable of managing your tasks.

Overstimulation, on the other hand, refers to being bombarded with too much sensory input—whether it’s through digital media, noisy environments, or excessive social interactions. This sensory overload can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty focusing.

The Impact on Mental Health

Being both overwhelmed and overstimulated has significant effects on mental health. They can contribute to anxiety, depression, and burnout. When you’re constantly in a state of stress, your body remains in a heightened state of alertness, which can affect your overall well-being.

Strategies to Combat Overwhelm and Overstimulation

1. Prioritize and Organize

Start by listing your tasks and responsibilities. Use a prioritization method like the Eisenhower Matrix to distinguish between what’s urgent and important versus what can be delegated or postponed. Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps can also make them seem less daunting.

2. Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Set specific times to check emails or work on projects and stick to them. Communicate these boundaries to colleagues and family members to help manage their expectations.

3. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate mindfulness practices like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine. These techniques can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your focus.

4. Limit Exposure to Sensory Overload

Be mindful of your sensory environment. Limit screen time, especially on social media, and take regular breaks from technology. Create a calming space at home or work where you can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed.

5. Engage in Physical Activity

Exercise is a powerful tool for managing stress and improving mood. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a workout session, or a relaxing stretch, physical activity can help clear your mind and boost your energy levels.

6. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional can provide relief and offer new perspectives on managing stress.

7. Practice Self-Care

Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or enjoying a hobby, self-care is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional health.

Finding Your Balance

Finding balance in a hectic world requires intentional effort and self-awareness. By understanding what triggers your feelings of overwhelm and overstimulation, and implementing strategies to address them, you can create a more manageable and fulfilling life.

Remember, it’s okay to take a step back and reassess your priorities. Embrace the process of finding what works best for you and make adjustments as needed. Balance is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing journey of self-care and adaptation.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Vagus Nerve Device

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

Vagus nerve stimulation is included in the therapies offered by a variety of different health care practitioners.  Vielight, the gold standardVagus Nerve company that conducts photobiomodulation (light therapy) research and invents devices based on research, has just introduced an affordable vagus nerve device that stimulates the Vagus Nerve. The Vielight Vagus can be used together with the Vielight Neuro to complement and maximize outcomes.

Visit this link below for detailed information about the Vielight Vagus: Vielight Vagus Device

To claim a 10% discount when ordering the Vagus Device or any of their devices, enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. Click on Order Vagus to purchase.
USD $699.00

Due to demand for the Vagus nerve device it is currently on back order.  Email them at to be notified when the Vagus Device is back in stock.

About the Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is crucial in regulating many of our bodies’ most basic functions. One of the most important aspects of the vagus nerve is its direct connection between the brain and the gut.

Neuroplasticity: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) is associated with promoting changes in the brain’s structure and function, improving connectivity and neural network efficiency.

Cognitive Enhancement: Studies have explored the impact of  Vagus Nerve Stimulation on cognitive functions. Findings suggest improvements in memory, attention, and other cognitive domains.

While Vagus Nerve stimulation is commonly conducted through electrical stimulation, the Vielight Vagus device offers non-invasive stimulation with light energy based on the principles of photobiomodulation (PBM).

As a patented device, the Vielight Vagus stands as the world’s only photobiomodulation device specifically designed for vagus nerve stimulation.

 Benefits of Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve offers a variety of benefits to both physical and mental health. Some of these include:

  1. Reduced inflammation: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been shown to help regulate inflammation in the body, which can be beneficial for conditions where inflammation plays a role, such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Lowered heart rate and blood pressure: Activation of the vagus nerve can lead to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  3. Improved mood: Vagus nerve stimulation has been linked to improvements in mood and alleviation of symptoms in mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. It can also enhance feelings of well-being.
  4. Enhanced digestion: The vagus nerve plays a key role in regulating digestion by increasing stomach acidity and digestive enzyme production, as well as promoting gut motility. Stimulation can aid in alleviating digestive issues.
  5. Better sleep: VNS has been associated with improvements in sleep patterns and overall sleep quality, making it potentially beneficial for those with sleep disorders.
  6. Pain relief: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) can help in reducing chronic pain by modulating pain perception and decreasing inflammation associated with pain conditions.
  7. Improved memory and cognitive function: Some studies suggest that VNS may enhance memory and cognitive abilities, which could be beneficial for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
  8. Epilepsy management: Vagus nerve stimulation is an established treatment for epilepsy that does not respond well to medication, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.
  9. Enhanced immune response: Activation of the vagus nerve affects immune system function, potentially boosting immune responses to infections and diseases.

Vagus nerve stimulation using photobiomodulation shows promise across a wide range of health benefits, though the extent and specific effects will vary based on individual health conditions.

Note: This video post is a part of my Shut Down Anxiety online course that introduces dozens of proven methods to shut down anxiety. We do not have any research evidence on this option yet, but I believe it merits serious consideration. For more information and the register for my Shut Down Anxiety online course, visit the Shut Down Anxiety course overview.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

How to Manifest Rock Solid Walking

In this video I preview a marvelous suggestion for how to manifest rock solid walking.

Here is the clip of my interview with John Pepper.

This suggestion to manifest centered and balanced walking is one among – get this – 144 other therapies, techniques and approaches to manifest rock solid walking covered in my RockManifest Rock Solid Waling Solid Walking online course. The ideas and techniques are drawn from 275 interviews I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery Radio over the past two decades. Visit the link below for more information about the course:

John Pepper, author of Reverse Parkinsons Disease, is a Parkinson’s Patient with six decades of experience. What has helped John manifest recovery is:

  • Taking Conscious Control of all movements
  • Doing Energetic Exercise
  • Managing Stress
  • Adopting a Positive Attitude

Below is the study which reports on the benefits of conscious control of movements to manifest Rock Solid Walking.

Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2007 Mar-Apr;21(2):123-6. Duration of Parkinson disease is associated with an increased propensity for “reinvestment”. R S W Masters, H S Pall, K M A MacMahon, F F Eves


Background: As a consequence of difficulties in movement initiation and execution, people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are typically encouraged to consciously monitor and control the mechanics of their actions. This is described as ‘reinvestment’ and has been shown to help mediate effective motor output.

Objective: To examine the propensity for reinvestment in a sample of people with PD.

Methods: A volunteer sample of 55 people with PD was asked to complete a previously validated measure, the Reinvestment Scale. A sub-sample (and age matched controls) was asked to complete a recently developed, movement specific, version of the Scale. Data was collected on Mini Mental State Examination and the Hoehn & Yahr Scale. Participant demographics, including age of onset and duration of disease, were also collated.

Results: Multiple regression analyses showed that duration of disease was associated with reinvestment score on both the Reinvestment Scale and the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale.

Conclusions: Participants appeared to become more aware of the mechanics of their actions over time. Possible explanations for this finding are discussed with reference to rehabilitation.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Can You Reverse Parkinson’s Disease?

The question “can you reverse Parkinson’s disease” is answered for you here. 

What really matters when it comes down to a successful program of recovery?

What needs to happen to celebrate a reversal of Parkinson’s disease?

Results of my annual Parkinsons Recovery survey answer the question posed here – can you reverse Parkinson’s disease.  What survey you ask?

Parkinsons Recovery Annual Survey

Each year during the holiday season I send out a question survey to members of the global Parkinsons Recovery audience. The question asked on the survey was:

Please list below natural therapies that have helped you experience relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

I am always surprised and awed with the variety and diversity of therapies reported to have been helpful by members of the Parkinsons Recovery audience. When I examined results of the survey, I asked myself the question – what is the common theme here?

The answer quickly became crystal clear. Therapies reported to have been useful in reversing Parkinson’s symptoms turn down the volume of the sympathetic nervous system (which inflames symptoms) and switch on the parasympathetic (which soothes symptoms).

There is no single approach, method or therapy that permanently flips the switch. Each person discovers their own unique way to make this happen for themselves.

Dozens of therapies are reported to have been useful in this regard as reflected in my survey. They are now thoroughly listed and documented in my online course What Really Matters that rolls out a comprehensive explanation and review of each recovery  option. Click on the What Really Matters Link below to register and take advantage of the 7 day free trial.

What Really Matters

While there are a surprising number of natural therapies that help, I wanted you to know about several in particular. Which ones among the many natural therapies will offer relief from your Parkinson’s symptoms? Consider the following possibilities that are reviewed in detail in this course.


Turmeric helps prevent depletion of dopamine, reduces oxidative stress and reverses inflammation


Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant which helps address issues with rigidity and constipation.

Lions Mane Mushrooms

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Lion’s Mane Mushrooms show welcome benefits as a therapy to reverse symptoms


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
One reason detoxes are unsuccessful is compromised circulation. PEMF is an ideal therapy to address this problem.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower
Some persons who experience neurological symptoms report Passion Flower has been helpful

Online Course Information 

The new What Really Matters online course rolls out a comprehensive explanation and review of each recovery  option. Click on the What Really Matters Link below to register  and take advantage of the 7 day free trial.

What Really Matters


Fasting is a natural way for the body to produce ketones which are the most efficient fuel for our brains.

Eliminate Dairy

Eliminate Dairy
Research consistently reports that eating dairy is a significant predictor of who experiences symptoms of Parkinson’s.


Research studies report that CBD helps to shut down anxiety. Once anxiety is brought under control, relief of symptoms follows.


Light Therapy – Photobiomodulation
Reports from persons who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s indicate light therapy has a beneficial impact on symptoms for 9 out of 10 users

Fava Bean Tincture

Fava Beans
Aunt Bean has formulated a home made fava bean tincture that offers welcome relief from her Parkinson’s symptoms. Here is the recipe so you can prepare it for yourself.

Healthy diet

Food as Medicine
Do you insist on only eating organic food? Great, but guess what? Eating organic is not enough. The food necessary for cellular healing is actually not available or sold in most food outlets.

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is a natural anti-oxidant that boosts glutathione levels which are usually dangerously low in persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN)

Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN)
Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN) is a prescription medicine that boosts the immune system. It is reported by some persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s to have been beneficial.

Hot Ginger Spine Therapy

Hot Ginger Spine Therapy
Macrobiotic Guru Warren Kramer’s Hot Ginger Spine Therapy

Secret to Recovery

Secret to Recovery
When most people get sick they immediately gravitate toward finding something they can put into their body, but …

Important of Life Style Balance

Importance of Balance in Diet and Lifestyle
Excesses in diet and lifestyle sustain tremors. When you eat mostly meat or carbs – you are out of balance. When you work 24/7 you are out of balance.

Inclined Bed Therapy

Inclined Bed Therapy
Improve circulation while you sleep by raising the head of your bed 6-8 inches.

Energy Kick Start

Infusion of Energy
An Exercise to Kick Start Your Energy using your siren voice along with a simple movement of arms and body.

Fermented Papaya

Fermented Papaya


Three Types of Toxins
There is no such thing as a single detox protocol that gets rid of any and all toxins. So, which therapies should be used for which toxins?

Heavy Metal Detoxes

Heavy Metal Toxicity
Types of heavy metal toxicity and methods to detox them

Issues with Parkinson's devices to help tie shoes

Problems with Tying Shoe Laces or Buttoning a Shirt?
Devices designed to make typing shoe laces or buttoning your shirt easier may not be in your best and highest good.

Vibration Therapy

Vibration Therapy
Vibration Therapy offers symptom relief.


Many individuals who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s report Yoga has been a life saver.

Emotion Code

Emotion Code

Dozens of natural options have been shown to offer relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The listing of possibilities above offers a sneak preview of the many shown to be helpful.

Summary: Can You Reverse Parkinson’s Disease

My answer to the question is obviously yes.

Dozens options like the ones listed above are rolled out in my new “What Really Matters” online course. Each option is thoroughly documented, accompanied by the research evidence that evaluates each option’s efficacy for persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms. Selections are inspired by what members of my audience report has helped them get relief from their symptoms. I list each option in the course because I know it has helped some people reverse their symptoms.

Click on the What Really Matters Link below to register and take advantage of the 7 day free trial.

What Really Matters

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia, Washington


Brain Power Exercises

Most people choose to suppress the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with medications or supplements. And why not? If you can begin to feel “normal”, you can begin leading a “normal” life. Brain power exercises are an entertaining and effective way to boost existing neural networks and create new ones.

Whole Brain Power

Michael Lavery, Author of Whole Brain Power

Michael Lavery, author of Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body. has invented fascinating and innovative ways to increase and enhance the integrity and functionality of your brain. You read my last sentence correctly.

  • You can get a lot smarter!
  • Your memory and recall can improve significantly!
  • Your handwriting can improve!
  • Your can become more focused!
  • You can lift depression!
  • You can reclaim your life force!

All of this is possible, Michael explains, when you start a program of brain power exercises that exercise your brain in ways you never before even imagined. I like his approach because it puts you in the driver’s seat of your recovery and allows medicines and  supplements to take a back seat rather than front seat.

Joining Michael in my interview with him is Len Fox who discusses his own experience with taking Michael’s program of brain power exercises seriously.

More about Brain Power Exercises

The fine and gross motor controls of the hands help to grow the brain.  This brain growth occurs specifically on the surface of the brain as well as certain anatomical areas of the hippocampi structures, the corpus collosum and the cerebellum. The growth of myelin occurs with improved procedural memories.  When the myelin thickens on the axon sheaths, chemical changes occur with the production of a  master steroid. This process helps maintain homeostasis within the brain.

The brain has the ability to create new neurons in a process called neurogenesis. The brain has much greater plasticity than previously recognized.This is encouraging news for anyone dealing with mild cognitive impairment. People dealing with Parkinson’s  and Alzheimer’s can be inspired to become more proactive with the issues of doing certain brain exercises that can help to rewire both hemispheres.

One of the tenets of whole brain exercises is to work on ambidexterity with handwriting drills and to also work on mirror writing.  This exercise is called “Da Vinci writing.”  It is one in which the practitioner writes from right to left with cursive penmanship.  The other ambidextrous drill is to bounce a golf ball off a mallet and to do so with either hand.

People with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s make tremendous strides in these areas where initially they had coordination problems.

To keep your program focused, Michael Lavery has also published a Whole Brain Power: Workbook & Progress Journal

How to Boost your dog's brain power

Canine IQ Quests

I suspect you may be thinking – really? I thought I was born which a fixed level of brain power. Do you have a dog? If so, I suggest test out the ability of anyone to get smarter – even dogs. Click on the Canine IQ Quests image for information about mind exercises that boost the brain power of a dog!


Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

How to Release Trauma from the Body

The therapy that I personally found was most beneficial in releasing my own trauma is described here:

How to Release Trauma from the Body: Reclaim Your Well-Being

Trauma isn’t just an emotional experience—it’s also stored in our bodies. When we experience trauma, our bodies can react in ways that are often invisible but deeply impactful. This can manifest as chronic tension, pain, or even illness. Releasing trauma from the body requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of healing. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to release trauma from the body to help start your journey toward restoring your health.

Trauma is the body’s response to an overwhelming experience that exceeds our ability to cope. This can include experiences like abuse, accidents, or chronic stress. When trauma occurs, our nervous system can become dysregulated, leading to a state of constant alertness or hyperarousal. This state can cause physical symptoms such as muscle tension, pain, and digestive issues.

The body stores trauma in various ways:

  • Muscle Tension: Stress and trauma often cause muscles to contract and remain tight.
  • Postural Changes: Trauma can lead to habitual postures that may contribute to discomfort or pain.
  • Chronic Pain: Many people with unresolved trauma experience chronic pain without a clear physical cause.
  • Digestive Issues: The gut is highly sensitive to stress, often manifesting as digestive disturbances.

Techniques for How to Release Trauma from the Body

  1. Somatic Experiencing: Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, somatic experiencing focuses on the body’s sensations rather than the narrative of the trauma. The goal is to help individuals become aware of their physical responses and gradually release the energy associated with traumatic experiences. This technique often involves body awareness exercises, mindful breathing, and gentle movement.
  2. Bodywork and Massage Therapy: Various forms of bodywork can help release stored trauma. Techniques like deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and craniosacral therapy can address the physical manifestations of trauma. Working with a skilled therapist can help release muscle tension and promote a sense of relaxation.
  3. Yoga and Movement Practices: Yoga can be particularly effective for trauma release. It encourages mindfulness and body awareness while promoting relaxation and flexibility. Trauma-informed yoga classes are designed to create a safe space and offer gentle, supportive movements that can help release stored tension.
  4. Breathwork: Breathwork techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing and holotropic breathwork, can help regulate the nervous system and release pent-up emotions. By focusing on the breath, you can help bring your body back to a state of equilibrium and foster a sense of calm.
  5. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you become more attuned to your body’s signals and emotions. Techniques such as guided imagery or progressive muscle relaxation can assist in processing and releasing trauma.
  6. Trauma-Informed Therapy: Working with a therapist who is trained in trauma-informed care can provide support in navigating and healing from trauma. Techniques like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) or cognitive-behavioral therapy can be integrated with body-focused approaches to address trauma comprehensively.
  7. Art and Expressive Therapies: Creative outlets such as art, music, and dance can help express and process trauma that may be difficult to articulate verbally. Engaging in these activities can facilitate emotional release and physical relaxation.
  8. Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are crucial for overall well-being. These lifestyle choices support your body’s ability to heal and manage stress effectively.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment

Creating a safe space is essential for trauma release. This includes:

  • Finding Support: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand and respect your healing journey.
  • Setting Boundaries: Be mindful of your limits and take care to avoid situations or people that may trigger or exacerbate trauma.
  • Practicing Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself as you navigate the healing process. Recognize that healing is a gradual journey and honor your progress, no matter how small.


Releasing trauma from the body is a profound and ongoing process that requires patience and self-compassion. By integrating techniques that address both physical and emotional aspects, you can begin to release stored trauma and foster a sense of well-being. Remember, healing is a personal journey, and what works best for you may evolve over time. Be open to exploring different methods and seek support as needed. Your body has an incredible capacity for healing, and with time and care, you can reclaim your health and vitality.

Do I Have Trauma?

In the previous post I pointed out that everyone has been traumatized to one extent or another. The answer to the question “do I have trauma” is always going to be yes for everyone. If you are still not convinced , here is a list of the many sources of trauma. I am guessing you see many that apply to you!

The Many Sources of Trauma

This post addresses the question “do I have Trauma?”. I will cut to the quick and provide my answer to this question up front. My answer is yes and I do not even know you!

1. Early Childhood Experiences

Early childhood is a critical period where foundational experiences shape our emotional and psychological development. Sources of trauma during this time can include:

  • Abuse and Neglect: Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, as well as neglect, can have profound impacts on a child’s sense of safety and self-worth.
  • Parental Separation or Divorce: The disruption of family structures can lead to feelings of instability and abandonment.
  • Exposure to Domestic Violence: Witnessing violence between caregivers can create a pervasive sense of fear and helplessness.

2. Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Trauma can also stem from emotional and psychological experiences that may not always be visible but are deeply felt:

  • Bullying and Harassment: Experiences of being bullied or harassed, whether in school, work, or social settings, can lead to lasting emotional scars.
  • Rejection and Abandonment: Emotional rejection, such as feeling unloved or unwanted, can impact self-esteem and relationships.
  • Traumatic Loss: The death of a loved one or the end of a significant relationship can cause intense grief and a sense of profound loss.

3. Accidents and Physical Injuries

Accidents and injuries, whether minor or severe, can also be sources of trauma:

  • Car Accidents: Even if no physical injury occurs, the psychological impact of being in an accident can be significant.
  • Sports Injuries: Serious injuries from sports can lead to not only physical pain but also emotional trauma related to loss of ability or identity.

4. Natural Disasters and Environmental Trauma

Natural disasters and environmental events can be traumatic for those who experience them:

  • Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Floods: The devastation caused by these events can lead to significant emotional and psychological trauma.
  • Climate Change and Environmental Degradation: Long-term environmental changes can contribute to feelings of helplessness and anxiety about the future.

5. Violence and Crime

Exposure to violence and crime can leave lasting marks on individuals:

  • Witnessing or Experiencing Violence: Being directly involved in or witnessing violent acts, such as assaults or shootings, can be deeply traumatic.
  • Victimization: Being a victim of crime, such as theft or sexual assault, can lead to a range of psychological impacts, including PTSD.

6. Medical Trauma

Medical experiences, particularly those that are invasive or life-threatening, can also be sources of trauma:

  • Serious Illness or Surgery: The experience of a severe illness or undergoing major surgery can be traumatic, especially if it involves a lengthy recovery or a significant change in quality of life.
  • Childbirth: For some individuals, childbirth can be a traumatic experience, particularly if it involves complications or medical interventions.

7. Cultural and Societal Factors

Broader societal and cultural factors can also contribute to trauma:

  • Discrimination and Racism: Experiences of racial or cultural discrimination can lead to profound psychological effects, including feelings of marginalization and powerlessness.
  • Historical Trauma: For some communities, historical events, such as colonization or genocide, can have intergenerational impacts that continue to affect individuals today.

8. Personal and Interpersonal Relationships

The dynamics within personal and interpersonal relationships can also be a source of trauma:

  • Abusive Relationships: Relationships characterized by emotional, physical, or verbal abuse can lead to significant trauma.
  • Codependency and Manipulation: Dysfunctional relational patterns, such as codependency or emotional manipulation, can contribute to ongoing psychological distress.

The therapy that I personally found was most beneficial in releasing my own trauma is described here:


Understanding the diverse sources of trauma is a crucial step in addressing and healing from its impacts. Trauma can originate from many different experiences and contexts, each contributing to an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being in unique ways. Recognizing these sources allows for a more compassionate approach to both self-care and supporting others who may be navigating their own traumatic experiences.

If you or someone you know is struggling with trauma, seeking professional help from therapists, counselors, or support groups can be an important step toward healing and recovery. Remember, acknowledging and addressing trauma is a sign of strength, and there are resources available to support you on this journey.

Trauma Affects Everyone

The therapy that I personally found was most beneficial in releasing my own trauma is described here:

Why Trauma Affects Everyone and How to Address It

Do you believe trauma affects everyone, even you? Trauma is a word that often conjures images of catastrophic events—natural disasters, violent crimes, or severe accidents. Yet, trauma is a deeply personal experience that can touch anyone, regardless of the severity of the events involved. It’s a universal aspect of the human condition, and understanding its impact is crucial for fostering empathy and creating supportive environments.

What Is Trauma?

Trauma refers to the emotional, psychological, and physiological response to events that are overwhelmingly distressing or life-threatening. While some traumas are clearly defined, such as surviving a natural disaster or a serious accident, others may stem from less visible sources, like childhood neglect, emotional abuse, or ongoing stress.

The impact of trauma is not confined to the event itself; it often reverberates through the individual’s life, affecting their mental and physical health, relationships, and overall well-being.

The Universality of Trauma

  1. Personal and Subjective Nature: Trauma is highly subjective. What one person might perceive as a minor inconvenience, another might experience as a profound emotional crisis. This subjectivity means that trauma can affect anyone, irrespective of the outward appearance of their experiences.
  2. Cumulative Effects: Trauma is not always the result of a single event. For some, it accumulates over time through repeated exposure to stressors or through ongoing situations of abuse or neglect. These cumulative effects can build up and eventually overwhelm even those who seem outwardly resilient.
  3. Impact on Daily Life: Trauma can have far-reaching effects on daily functioning. It can influence how one interacts with others, their ability to concentrate, and their overall mental health. This can manifest as anxiety, depression, or chronic stress, which can be debilitating if left unaddressed.

The Broad Spectrum of How Trauma Affects Everyone

Trauma’s impact is broad and can affect everyone in different ways:

  • Children: Exposure to trauma at a young age can shape a child’s development and affect their emotional regulation, behavior, and ability to form healthy relationships.
  • Adults: In adults, trauma can lead to various mental health issues, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety. The stress and coping mechanisms developed in response to trauma can also affect career and interpersonal relationships.
  • Communities: Trauma can also have a collective impact on communities. For example, areas affected by repeated violence or systemic injustice may experience widespread psychological and social issues.

Addressing Trauma: A Collective Responsibility

Understanding that trauma affects everyone can pave the way for more compassionate and effective responses. Here’s how we can address it collectively:

  1. Promote Awareness: Raising awareness about the various forms of trauma and their impacts helps to create a more empathetic society. Education can dismantle stigmas and encourage individuals to seek help when needed.
  2. Support Systems: Building strong support systems—whether through friends, family, or community resources—provides a safety net for those struggling with trauma. Offering a listening ear, understanding, and encouragement can make a significant difference.
  3. Access to Professional Help: Encouraging and facilitating access to mental health professionals is vital. Therapy and counseling can offer valuable tools and support for those dealing with trauma.
  4. Self-Care and Resilience Building: Promoting self-care practices and resilience-building strategies helps individuals manage stress and heal from traumatic experiences. This can include mindfulness, exercise, and other self-care routines.
  5. Policy and Systemic Change: Advocating for policies that address the root causes of trauma and support mental health can create environments that foster healing and resilience on a larger scale.

Trauma Affects Everyone Conclusion

Trauma is a pervasive part of the human experience that transcends individual circumstances and affects everyone in some way. By acknowledging its universal impact and addressing it with compassion and proactive measures, we can create a society that better supports and heals all its members. Whether through personal support, professional help, or systemic change, understanding and addressing trauma is essential for fostering a more resilient and empathetic world.

Ketones for Parkinsons Disease

William Curtis talks about his efforts to understand how ketones for Parkinsons disease have helped with his symptoms. His symptoms surfaced at the age of 45 in the year 2000 and has been instrumental in collaborating with NIH researcher Richard Veech in Washington DC.

What follows are the questions I ask Bill during the interview today on Parkinsons Recovery Radio.

To learn more about the new ketone ester visit this website:

What follows is a list of questions Bill answer on the topic of ketones for Parkinsons disease:

How did Parkinsons affect your life?

What led you to experiment with ketosis?

After the ketogenic exercise, what did you do to find out more about how ketosis could help your Parkinsons symptoms?

What is the purpose of fasting?

What is the purpose of the morning fat and coffee mixture?

What happens when you eat too much carbohydrate?

What happens when you eat too much protein?

Can exercise take you out of ketosis?

Can stress take you out of ketosis?

What supplements do you take to support ketosis?

What do you think is causing the improvement in symptoms?

Have you been able to cut back on the Parkinsons medications?

What do you think is going on as far as the disease progression you personally are experiencing?

Where do you think the use of ketosis in Parkinsons is going?

What is a Ketone Diet?

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, limited protein and carbohydrate diet that encourages the body to burn fat.  When we eat carbohydrates, they convert to glucose which is the primary fuel for brain function. When there is little to no carbohydrates that are ingested, your liver converts fat into and ketone bodies. The ketones become natural food for your brain rather than using glucose as an energy source.

Ketones can also be produced by the body when you eat a high fat diet. A cocktail in the morning consisting of a drink composed of coffee, butter, whipped cream and coconut oil (and/or MCT oil) is used by some persons with Parkinsons who pursue a ketone diet. The body uses the fats to product ketones.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia, Washington


High-Dose Thiamine: A Novel, Promising Therapy for Parkinson’s disease

High Dose ThiamineParkinsons Recovery is dedicated to identifying promising new therapies that offer the promise of reversing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. One such therapy, High-Dose Thiamine, was discussed on Parkinsons Recovery Radio by Italian neurologist Antonio Constantini MD. He has been prescribing High Dose Thiamine as a treatment for his Parkinson’s patients with good success. Click on the pointer to hear the replay.

Brief Summary of the Q&A Follows

What Results have Your Parkinsons Patients Experienced?

It depends in part on whether the person has been recently experienced symptoms of Parkinson’s or has had them for several years. For the newly diagnosed taking high dose thiamine (whether by oral tablet or injection) reduces motor symptoms on average by 50% to 70% for persons who have recently begun experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms. In selected cases a patient can celebrate experiencing no symptoms. Improvements in motor symptoms are common.

For patients who have experienced symptoms for a long period of time, Dr.Costantini prescribes L-dopa and other more traditional medications. Such patients are also reported to experience symptom relief but results are generally not as dramatic.

How “High” Does the Thiamine Dosage Need to Be?

The recommended dosage varies considerably from patient to patient and is determined only after a medical checkup. Many factors influence the dosage that is prescribed. Possibilities range from 1 gram up to 4 grams a day of Vitamin B1 which is 1,000 to 4,000 times the normally recommended dose.

For some patients requiring the higher doses Dr. Costantini may administer B1 injections of 100 milligrams twice a week for a total intake of 200 milligrams each week of treatment.

Why Do You Prescribe High Dose Thiamine for your Parkinson’s Patients?

When there is a deficiency of thiamine, the result is a dysfunction in
metabolism. For persons experiencing Parkinsons symptoms, Dr. Costantini hypothesized there is a deficiency in the update of thiamine to the brain cells that produce dopamine.

How Quickly Do Parkinson’s Patients Begin to Experience Relief from Symptoms?

If they are taking Thiamine in tablet or powder form, it typically takes 2-3 days to experience symptomatic improvement. When shots or injections are administered the improvement can typically be experienced in 30-45 minutes.

Once a patient begins taking high dose thiamine Dr. Costantini reports that they typically must continue taking it to receive continued benefits. It is possible to take short breaks without incurring troublesome setbacks.

What Conditions Other the Parkinson’s Is High Dose Thiamine Therapy Useful?

Dr. Costantini reports that high dose thiamine is also useful for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, cluster headaches, migraines and Huntington’s disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Can Parkinson’s Disease Be Reversed?

Perhaps you are one among people individuals who have been wondering whether anyone has succeeded in reversing the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. Everyone says the condition is degenerative. Can Parkinson’s disease be reversed? Take a peak at my new video to discover the answer.

Parkinsons Recovery Radio is one of the many free services I support through Parkinsons Recovery. I began hosting guests on the show in 2008. To date, there are over 270 shows that have aired and are available for free replays any time of the day or night. Over seventy (70) of these shows have been interviews with individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease who found ways to reverse some if not all of their symptoms.

The cumulative evidence from these radio show interviews leads me to conclude the answer to the question “can Parkinson’s Disease be reversed” is yes.

The update to my book Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease provides detailed information about these guests and the dates the shows were aired.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

P.S. Sales of Road to Recovery help to subsidize the expenses to provide replays of all Parkinsons Recovery radio show interviews for free to all listeners.

Can Parkinson's disease be reversed

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Memory Training for Dementia

As discussed in my short video, memory training for dementia is a strategy we all need to engage as we age whether our current age is 20 or 80!

Information about the Parkinsons Recovery Mindwork challenges is here:

Below is an abstract from a study that examined the usefulness of memory training for 76 individuals currently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease:

Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020 Mar;72:13-22. doi: 10.1016. Effects of working memory training in patients with Parkinson’s disease without cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial. Anja Ophey , Kathrin Giehl , Sarah Rehberg , Carsten Eggers , Paul Reker , Thilo van Eimeren , Elke Kalbe 

Objective: To determine the feasibility and evaluate effects of a computerized working memory (WM) training (WMT) in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) on cognitive and clinical outcomes.

Methods: 76 patients with PD without cognitive impairment were randomized to either the WMT group (n = 37), who participated in a 5-week adaptive WMT, or a passive waiting-list control group (CG, n = 39). Patients underwent clinical and neuropsychological examination at baseline, after training, and at 3-months follow-up, with verbal WM and non-verbal WM as primary outcomes. Outcome assessors were blinded for group allocation.

Results: All WMT participants completed the training successfully and reported high levels of motivation for and satisfaction with the training. Repeated-measures, linear mixed-effects models revealed positive training effects for the WMT group compared to the CG in verbal working memory with a small relative effect size 0.39 [95%CI 0.05; 0.76] for the 3-months follow-up only. No other reliable training effects in cognitive and clinical variables were found for either point of time.

Conclusions: In this randomized controlled trial, memory training for dementia is feasible and yielded some evidence for 3-months follow-up training gains in patients with Parkinsons disease. WMT might be an effective intervention to prevent cognitive decline in this patient group.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Are EMFs Dangerous?

Are EMFs Dangerous or Not?

Are EMFs dangerous or not is the question on everyone’s mind. Research below signals a serious alarm about the dangers of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

Curr Alzheimer Res. 2022;19(2):119-132. Low Intensity Electromagnetic Fields Act via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation to Cause Very Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: 18 Distinct Types of Evidence. Martin L Pall


Electronically generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs), including those used in wireless communication such as cell phones, Wi-Fi and smart meters, are coherent, producing very high electric and magnetic forces, which act on the voltage sensor of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce increases in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i.

The calcium hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has shown that each of the important AD-specific and nonspecific causal elements is produced by excessive [Ca2+]i. [Ca2+]i acts in AD via excessive calcium signaling and the peroxynitrite/oxidative stress/inflammation pathway, which are each elevated by EMFs.An apparent vicious cycle in AD involves amyloid-beta protein (A?) and [Ca2+]i. Three types of epidemiology suggest EMF causation of AD, including early onset AD.

Extensive animal model studies show that low intensity EMFs cause neurodegeneration, including AD, with AD animals having elevated levels of A?, amyloid precursor protein and BACE1. Rats exposed to pulsed EMFs every day are reported to develop universal or near universal very early onset neurodegeneration, including AD; these findings are superficially similar to humans with digital dementia. EMFs producing modest increases in [Ca2+]i can also produce protective, therapeutic effects. The therapeutic pathway and peroxynitrite pathway inhibit each other.

A summary of 18 different findings is provided, which collectively provide powerful evidence for EMF causation of AD. The author is concerned that smarter, more highly pulsed “smart” wireless communication may cause widespread very, very early onset AD in human populations.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Remarkable Story of Recovery from Parkinsons

Have been struggling with the ups and downs of recovery? Has your success been terribly frustrating? Check out John Colemans remarkable story of recovery from Parkinsons.

If so, you are not alone. Naturopath John Coleman ND from Australia offers an honestJohn coleman's remarkable story of recovery from Parkinsons account of his journey down the road to recovery which took 3 1/2 years. He is symptom free today. This truly is a remarkable story of recovery from Parkinsons.

John refers to two therapies in particular that were especially helpful to his recovery: Bowen Therapy and the Aquas. More information is provided for each in the links below:

Bowen Therapy


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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