Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: Parkinsons Disease Information (Page 13 of 13)

Access 20 years of research focused on identifying natural approaches, therapies and treatments that offer the opportunity to celebrate relief from the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease.

Secret to Activating the Power of Universal Energy

Yesterday’s post left you with a teaser. What is the first step that must be taken to produce a the energy of the future that does not use the scarce reserves of oil or coal or natural gas? The bigger question that puzzles everyone with Parkinson’s symptoms is: What does this important step have to do with reversing chronic illnesses like Parkinson’s disease?

Invention of a clean source of energy that does not require the extraction of natural
resources of oil or oil or natural gas is the highest priority of all global priorities in the year 2014. Scientists agree that the effects of global warming have become exponential. At this point in the earth’s long history, more efficient consumption of scarce natural resources does  not stand a chance of reversing the devastating effects of global warming. It is the nightmare everyone feared. Time has run out.

If the grandeur of New York City skyscrapers or the pristine beaches of Miami Florida are
to be preserved for future generations, a new source of clean energy has to be invented that is different from all the methods employed today. What can be a source of new energy if not derived from oil. coal or busting up atoms?

A source of energy that offers the opportunity to dramatically reduce greenhouse emission has always existed. It is not new as it has always existed since the origins of the universe. Humans on earth have just not yet discovered how to access it. This problem will soon be solved. The source of new energy which emits no harmful exhausts is known in scientific circles as universal energy.

Scientists have studied the existence of a universal source of energy both theoretically and an empirically which is to say that they have imagined it exists and even shown the theory to be true. Existence of Higg’s God particle has been a theoretical postulate until 2013 when scientists in Geneva working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) verified its existence empirically. Many physicists now believe that the God particle is a key building block of the universe.

Universal energy exists everywhere in the world – from the energy fields of humans and animals to the energy fields of fire hydrants and sidewalks. We do not find it only in certainly locations like the oil fields of Texas or the coal mines of Kentucky mountains.It exists everywhere in the universe.  It exists everywhere in the universe – on the craters of the moon, inside the volcanoes of earth and even in black holes.

You do not extract universal energy from the earth. It requires no heavy duty extraction equipment such as wells needed to pump out oil or coal carts to carry coal out from deep inside mountains. Once we have developed the technology to harness it, we can power up the lights and appliances of our homes and fire up engines whether they power cars, trains or planes.

The obstacle to harnessing universal power is that in its raw form, it lacks the force and power that has traditionally been used to operate vehicles,  fly planes, move trains or light the skyscrapers of the world’s cities. Certainly gas or coal or nuclear power is required to accomplish such feats?

The surprising answer to this puzzle is no! Why is this? The universal energy fields of all objects in the world - both living and nonliving – are corrupted to one extent or another. All energy fields have entanglements, blockages and obstructions unless they are cleared and cleansed.  Some fields of energy are less problematic than others.

By way of analogy, imagine the universal energy field as either a three dimensional spider web or an image of frozen water. First, consider what a distorted architecture of a spider web might look like. It would have twists, turns, angles, dead ends and other anomalies in its curvature and shape. Such a spider web represents distortions that are found in the universal energy fields of all living creatures and non living objects until and unless they are purified and cleansed. Most fields of energy have not been cleansed and purified.

Second by way of further explanation, imagine the crystal like structures that are seen in images of fresh, unpolluted water crystals that have been frozen in contrast to the images of the crystals of water that has been polluted.  Ground breaking work by Masaru Emoto from Japan stunned the world with his photographs of water crystals. He showed that Images of the water from purified sources are beautiful structures with intricate geometric shapes.  Images of water from polluted sources had little structure or form whatsoever. Pictures of the crystals from polluted water had blotches and abstract forms. Even more fascinating was his discovery that the pollution could take the form of thoughts alone! Dark thoughts generated mal-formed images. Uplifting, positive  thoughts generated crystals that looked like magnificent church cathedrals.

The Secret to Activating Universal Energy

The second postulate that underpins the ability to harness universal energy is the following:

Energy fields must be cleansed and purified before universal energy is accessed. 

Until now, there has been no requirement to address the blockages and distortions of energy fields or cars or homes or planes or trains. Gasoline is a powerful source of energy that provides the all the power that is required to activate mechanical engines for transit through any energy field, however distorted or entangled. When burned in power plants coal is also a powerful source of energy that transmits energy to cities and towns. We have always been able to tap into a source of fuels that have the capacity when burned or heated to plow its way through any physical obstacle – including wind resistance, the resistance of gravity as well as any and all other resistances of a physical nature.

When using a source of power that has less force as is the case when accessing the universal energy field, it is first necessary to cleanse and purify the energy fields that enfold the engines that must be powered. Think of the transformation by way of analogy:

In the spider web of universal energy as well as the distortions in the crystal shapes found in water…

  • Entanglements are untied.
  • Obstructions are removed.
  • Blockages are cleared.
  • Geometric shapes are clarified

Once the energy field of a car or plane or rocket is cleansed and restructured it will not
take the force of high voltage electricity to source the energetic needs of vehicles or engines. Accessing the force of universal energy will be quite sufficient indeed.
Best of all, using universal energy as fuel does not exhaust scarce resources and is free to access as it exists everywhere.

You are probably thinking that no one has ever restructured the energy field. In my next post I will explain how the knowledge for doing just that is thousands of years old.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Below is profoundly insightful correspondence written by Rick who is on his own journey down the Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.
Parkinson’s disease is caused by the relentless death off dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra part of the brain which controls the central nervous system. Small intercellular furnaces known as mitochondria responsible for energy flow malfunction which give rise to oxidation agents called free radicals and it is these that are responsible for the death of the dopamine cells which they say don’t grow again. Scary stuff.
I’m told by my my neurologist that there’s nothing to be done and she also wrote that it was probably inherited dna. Since that time I’ve done a lot of my own research and ended up in a completely different place and have got into some new biology called epigenetics which has a completely different spin on dna, namely instead of lets say 50% dna which is inherited suddenly its 1 to 5% and the remainder is the effect of the environment that is to say that it is largely us that control our health and well being. This was music to my ears having been told that I have something classified as neurologically degenerative. And who thinks up this totally shitty and demoralising terminology.
I’ve adopted a scatter gun approach by testing the different possibilities, so its unlikely to be inherited, going to the shrink to find out if there were any negative patterns instigated by events in the first 7 years from for example by Henderson’s fire or moving 5 times in these 7 years. In these years there is a direct feed of info into the sub conscious which is the hard drive that controls 95 % of our brain activity and is difficult to influence. This part of the brain is massively powerful and correspondingly dull. However early negative crisis could elicit a later neurological shut down called Parkinsons. I developed an unhealthy amount of anger quite young in connection with the above mentioned fire and incessant moving.
Other issues were that Dad was hardly ever around because he was so out of joint after the fire and protected to some extent by mum who herself didn’t have a lot of excess energy to deal with a family when she herself had health issues. As the psychologist mentioned this is where the neglect and freedom come in. May also have been a bit put out sub consciously by dads slight envy and competition with us instead of being a father.
Other causes of Parkinson’s disease could airborne dirt/insulation which I was exposed to. Also read about a vet who’d been exposed to mercury poisoning and went to a holistic clinic on Jutland and this is where I had a test sent down to be analysed in Germany. 12 times too much mercury and 16 times too much copper. So I’m on a course of vitamins and will. Have 4 × 3 hours on vitamin C intravenously. 

Another difficulty has been the general very negative view of the illness probably helping with a placebo effect. Think yourself ill and you become ill and vice versa. We have huge powers of self healing which can be confused neutralized by over medication. 


Energy of the Future

In the centuries ahead, people will think of life in the 21st century as very backward and very outdated. In less than a decade from now, those of us alive today will be viewed as living in an ancient times. People in the year 2024 will pity us.

Of course, everyone today in the year of 2014 thinks of our lifestyle to be very sophisticated and very modern.

  • We can connect with anyone in the world instantly.
  • We can fly from New York to London in 5 hours.
  • We can drive from San Francisco to New York in 3 days.

What would our great great grandchildren say about life as it was lived in the 21st century? They will say I cannot believe…

  1. People had to put gas in their cars to make them move.
  2. The earth was populated by electrical wires that ran across polls positioned along the sides of streets.
  3. Rockets carrying spaceships had to burn fuel to escape the gravitational pull of the earth.

Energy of the Future

The source of energy that will soon fuel cars, planes, trains and rockets (or space ships) in the 22nd century will not rely on gas or coal or nuclear power. What then you ask?

The source of energy that will be soon accessed has always existed. Inventors have yet to figure out how to tap into this universal source of energy. This problem is about to be solved.

What is this source of clean energy that does not depend on gas or coal or nuclear energy? It is derived from the universal energy field that has always existed throughout time and space.

I know what you are probably thinking right now : Right. Sure. Everyone knows that while there is a source of energy that exists out there (from light or sound for example) it has no where near the power of strength needed to power a car, plane train or rocket for that matter. To this criticism I say to you – you are dead right. Have I just shot my
argument in the foot so to speak? No I have not my dear friend.

There is a first step that has to be taken to invent a clean source of energy before the universal source of energy can be accessed to operate engines, household appliances, cars, trains and planes.

What is the initial step that must be taken?

Tune in tomorrow for the answer but please do not hang onto your seats while you wait!
The last thing I want to do is to create stress in your life. The answer has profound consequences to anyone currently experiencing a chronic illness like Parkinson’s disease!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Seven Secrets to Healing Chronic Disease

A Proven Method to Reduce Stress

What does it really take to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
Some treatment options suppress symptoms. It is comforting to know that
such options exist, but symptoms will always return. What can you do for yourself
to heal the underlying cause so that Parkinson’s symptoms can be reversed?

A key factor that causes Parkinson’s symptoms to flare up is stress.
The better question to ask is not how to reverse symptoms, but how to reduce stress.
OK. So what can you do today to reduce stress in your life? It is one thing to want less stress. It is quite another to make it happen.

I have concluded that a good answer to this question is mindfulness. This term is thrown around a lot these days as it has become trendy to become mindful. The intent of mindfulness is simple: Live in the present moment rather than projecting into the future or agonizing about the past. Learning how to live in the present moment takes a practice and patience.

This is why I have created the Parkinsons Recovery Mindfulness Series:
Nine volumes of exercises that offer the opportunity to become more and more
mindful with each passing week.

  1. Mindfulness reduces stress.
  2. Reductions in stress reverse symptoms.

If you are sick and tired of chasing after treatment options that
treat symptoms but offer no long lasting result, give mindfulness
a trial run. It is something you get to do yourself. No prescriptions are required or necessary.No medical professionals need be involved.

Check out the brand new Parkinsons Recovery Mindfulness series.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery


Healing Parkinson’s Disease Naturally

What follows is a fascinating report of a revelation about healing Parkinson’s disease from a dream state. Now that is a novel approach. eh? You never know when profound insights might pop up when you are asleep and dreaming.  You might even discover healing Parkinson’s disease is the outcome.

This is what Rick discovered during his dream state as you can see in his email
which I have posted below.  Dreams can reveal critical information about the cause of symptoms that you could never figure out any other way. The mystery is often em bedded deep in our subconscious.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Rick’s Experience with Healing Parkinson’s Disease Naturally

Hi Robert,

I have started doing Qigong after Bianca`s regime.

Apropos intuition I had two dreams on consecutive nights after night time
sessions of qigong/meditation. In the first dream it was presented to me why I had Parkinson’s disease – anger – with an explanation of why. In the second dream I died and was looking down on my body being asked by the controller of the archives where my soul info would be stored what I thought of my life to which I replied

“okay but hard -“

He then asked me why to which I replied that I had been too rigid and controlling of
everything in my life.

I woke up fresh and optimistic. So yes we are our own healers /therapists/doctors if we allow ourselves-

Warm regards and thanks.


Robin Williams, Depression and Parkinson’s Disease

The wife of Robin Williams revealed today that he had Parkinson’s disease. The news of a Parkinson’s diagnosis sends most people into a tail spin. Engaging a willingness to live
when confronted with this type of news is a herculean task for most people.

Robin Williams was already prone to depression. He had struggled with drug addiction issues his entire life. Hearing the news that he had Parkinson’s disease may have struck the final blow to his interest in living on this earth.

I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds of persons who have just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Without exception, everyone is devastated. They fear the worst. They foresee no hope of healing. Most people quickly hear that the condition is “degenerative” and prospects for recovery are nill.

No wonder people get so depressed with the news of a Parkinson’s diagnosis! No wonder
such news might well have been the final blow for Robin Williams.

I am immensely saddened if my speculation above is true about the trigger for his Robin
william’s death. Why? My research on Parkinson’s over the past decade reveals that Parkinson’s symptoms are indeed reversible. The condition is not “degenerative” or “progressive.”

This is what most people believe. My research shows it is not true.

  • First, a majority of persons who have been diagnosed with Parkinson”s disease probably have something else – toxins perhaps, bacteria perhaps, trauma perhaps – or perhaps a combination of all three.
  • Second, there are dozens of therapies and treatments that help people reverse  Parkinson’s symptoms. Once a person identifies the primary factor that causes the symptoms they can find a therapy that will help heal the condition.

The search for a cause is not simple. The pursuit of successful therapies does not promise a simple fix. But, a little patience, a great deal of focus and a clear determination
to heal are the magical combination that helps people reclaim their lives.

The world has lost a talent and a spirit that can never be replaced. To prevent such a tragedy from happening to others, please spread the word that Parkinson’s is not degenerative or progressive. It is only through thinking it is that the expectation becomes true.

The body really does know how to heal itself. I only wish Robin Williams had known this last week.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

Culprit of Parkinsons is the Gut

Hooray! Other researches also believe culprit of Parkinsons is the Gut. A primary cause of  symptoms originates in the digestive system, not the brain. Dr. Michael D. Gershon from Columbia University has been researching the human gut over the past decade. He has discovered something that will surprise you. Your intestines are your Second Brain. Believe or or not they have a mind of their own.

In Parkinson’s disease, abnormalities in the gut microbiome (the community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract) contribute to the development of the disease.

Persons with Parkinsons symptoms seem to have unusually leaky intestines, which let toxic materials such as tiny chunks of nasty bacteria, slip between the cells that line the intestines which have a relatively thin wall. This creates inflammation of the nerves and causes a particular protein – alpha synuclein – to fold up the wrong way. This triggers a chain reaction of misfolded proteins that gradually travel up the neural networks.

As they travel up the network they burn somewhat like a slow fuse, winding up
in the brain over the course of decades. The problem with Parkinson’s symptoms more than likely does not originate in the brain. Culprit of Parkinsons is the Gut not the brain.

One of the best strategies for reversing symptoms is to focus on getting your entire digestive system back up to speed. Problems naturally result over time with digestive systems. We unknowingly ingest toxins which get lodged in our gut. When the nasty toxins leak outside the intestines we suffer the consequences over the long haul.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Side Effects of Medications

What follows is the slide show presentation which provides a visual display of the information discussed by David Overton

  • Are you SUFFERING from drug side effects?
  • Are you taking MULTIPLE DRUGS?
  • Are drugs INEFFECTIVE for you?
  • Are you searching for ways to redue the dosage of your medications? 

David Overton, PA-C of Olympia, Washington addresses all of these concerns and more. More specifically, he will address how to manage the side effects of drugs and how to reduce prescription drugs safely.

Robert Rodgers, PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Difficulty Making Changes

I have always told other people with pride that I have no difficulty making changes. I embrace change. I proudly conjure many examples of why this is true: I have lived in many different states (Washington DC, New York, Georgia, Michigan, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, Texas, Washington, Puerto Rico, California). I even lived overseas for six months while on a sabbatical.

I have also worked in many different jobs (Navy Officer, County Manager, Assistant Secretary of State, Professor, Business Owner). I even attended a healing school for four years. Now all of this evidence certainly sounds like I embrace change. You are convinced. Right?

Wrong. When I dig deep down inside myself, I have to admit that I hate change. I love living in the same house. I love driving down the same streets. I love seeing the same neighbors. I love eating the same foods. I love doing yard work in the same way every week. I love my routines.

OK. I admit it. I have have been lying to myself all these years. When our bodies begin to send out signals that something is out of balance (like with neurological symptoms)
it means that changes of some type or form are indicated. Worse, chances are good that changes we need to make in our life style are changes that deep down we do not want to make.

  1. We know we should make the changes.
  2. We say will will make the changes.
  3. But we do not change.

Perhaps I no longer should be eating certain foods that are bad for my body.
I have a variety of cleaver rationales that supports my decisions to continue my same
bad eating habits. My arguments seem quite logical to me. I use them to convince myself that I have the right to continue eating the food that I love.


  • I deserve it.
  • I have to learn how to give to myself.
  • I have to learn to receive.
  • I need a break from the stresses of the day.
  • Bla Bla. Bla. 

Believe me when I say that my list is endless.

When I personally eat dairy, my intestines become bloated. I look like Santa Clause. My entire digestive system shouts our in horror. Inflammation throughout the tissues of my body abounds. I feel absolutely lousy for days on end.

And I still do it? Hello.

Here is the truth of it all. When all is said and done, if you or I or anyone wants to feel
better when our symptoms flare (and everyone has unpleasant symptoms from time to time) we have to change our bad habits. Yes. it can be difficult to figure out what changes are necessary. But something has to change about the way we have been living, eating, moving, laughing and working.

  • Perhaps the exercise we have been doing is not right for our bodies.
  • Perhaps we have wrongly convinced ourselves that exercise is bad for us.
  • Perhaps we need to move our bodies but prefer the couch instead.
  • Perhaps our body is allergic to some of the food we love to eat but because we have been eating the same food since we were kids, we refuse to eat something else. 
  • Perhaps we are eating dead food that is rotting the insides out of our intestines.
  • Perhaps we are surrounded with people who vomit a deadly sense of negativity which drives us into the valley of depression day in and day out.

There are certainly an endless list of possibilities here. The bottom line is this: If I do not make some changes in my life, the symptoms of fatigue and depression that I have experienced from time to time will continue to linger.

The argument I have for you today is simple. If you are currently feeling lousy for whatever reason – some type of change is indicated. Something has to be added into your life or something needs to be taken away.

It is one thing to understand what changes are needed to feel better. It is another to institute the changes on a permanent basis. I suspect I am no different from most folks. I continue to struggle with making permanent changes to my eating habits.

I know what I should be eating, but do I? Sometimes. I know what I should not be eating. Do I avoid it? Sometimes.

What is needed is all the time. You now know all about my own resistance to making changes that will make me a healthier, stronger man. What are your truths? No one is listening to your thoughts right now. Why not be honest with yourself? Do you resist change too?

A big step toward making the changes that are critical to reverse troublesome symptoms is to take the first step. Acknowledge resistance to change. There. I have taken just this step myself. And, I am now more determined than ever to stop eating sugar.

What about you? What change are you making to your life today? Ah – too busy to even think about answering this question? My case rests and I am not even a lawyer.

Robert Rodgers, PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Treatment Options for Multiple System Atrophy

My doctor recently switched my diagnosis from Parkinson’s Disease to MSA (Multiple System Atrophy). Do you know of any treatment modality that is particularly successful for treating MSA?

There are many causes of neurological symptoms. I believe it is always wise to pause and consider what factors might be at the root cause of the symptoms that are currently experienced. As you will discover from stories of people who have reversed their symptoms, many causes can be the culprit. Some of these stories are reported in Pioneers of Recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Sam-e for Parkinson’s

Dr. Richard P. Brown, MD, recommended a supplement called Sam-e for Parkinson’s (no prescription needed) when I interviewed him on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show.  His research revealed that persons with Parkinson’s symptoms tend to be very low in Sam-e. Dr. Brown has done extensive research on Sam-e and has compelling evidence about its usefulness in general for persons with neurological challenges.

Why? Dr. Brown believes that the levodopa medication depletes Sam-e and recommends that it be taken along with Levodopa.  In general, he explains during the interview that Sam-e is good for our liver, joints and cartilage – so it is a healthy supplement for anyone to take.

His recommendations are not necessarily endorsed by other medical doctors. I have heard from one listener recently that she was unable to get the endorsement from her neurologist to take Sam-e along with her Levodopa prescription medication. Be forewarned then that doctors disagree about the best protocol to follow when taking Sinemet. I recommend that you listen to my interview with Dr. Brown and if so called to do so, discuss the option with your doctor. Then of course decide for yourself the best course of action to pursue.

Dr. Brown believes that persons who currently experience Parkinson’s Disease symptoms can use a set of specific natural modalities along with improving lifestyle choices to recharge their dopamine system. The welcome results is a reversal of symptoms. He reports that his clients in general experienced more energy, better ability to move, greater mental clarity and more active engagement with the world. His Website:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Consultations on Options


How to Increase Effectiveness of Levodopa

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat solutions exist for how to increase the effectiveness of Levodopa? I am asked this question often. Many people confront the challenge of having to take more frequent and higher doses of medications like levodopa to treat their Parkinsons symptoms. Most people would prefer to hold down the dosage taken in light of the possible side effects which can become problematic.

Solution to the On Off Period Quagmire

Dr. Richard Brown, MD, a recent guest on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show, who offered a fascinating option that you might well want to discuss with your own doctor. Dr. Brown has had extensive experience treatment persons who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. My fascinating interview with Dr. Brown follows:

His suggestion, among others, is to begin taking SAM-e, a natural supplement which can be found in health food stores. His research reveals that people who supplement their diet with SAM-e experience

  • Lessened anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • Enhanced energy
  • Relief from depression

Better yet, he finds that when people who take levodopa take SAM-e with their medication the positive response to levodopa is enhanced considerably. His studies show that people have to take less medication less frequently when SAM-e is taken. On periods are lengthened and off periods are shortened.

Studies show that SAM-e:

  • Enhances mental focus,
  • Sparks new enthusiasm for life,
  • Activates pleasures long abandoned
  • Renews optimism about the future.

Why? SAM-e nurtures the cell membranes of nerves which Dr. Brown explains is one important reason why it can be so helpful to persons who experience Parkinson’s symptpoms.

You may have come across early research on SAM-e which showed it had no effect. Dr. Brown explains that this research involved injecting SAM-e into people’s brains. Since SAM-e has to first be processed by the liver, this approach was destined to fail. The only result was to create harmful acidity in the brain.

I recommend that you first listen to my radio show interview with Dr. Brown by visiting Dr. Brown’s recorded radio show. Then, if you are so called, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking SAM-e with levodopa as Dr Brown recommends

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Best Path to Recovery

An idea fizzled into my brain that sizzled with energy and insight. What is the best path to recovery? Let it happen or make it a struggle?

Much of my work at Parkinsons Recovery over the past six years has been dedicated to identifying all sorts of options that are helping people reverse their symptoms. This has been important work and it seems I am the only researcher in the world doing this type of research. Everyone else is very focused on a narrow issue (as was I when employed as a professor). If you do not focus narrowly as a  professor, you do not get promoted or tenured. I succeed with the promotions and tenure but contributed little to the world in terms of insights and revelations.

What is my revelation this week about the best path to recovery? I believe we do not need to struggle for the answer. The journey down the road to recovery need not be a war of us against a disease. I believe the answer comes quite naturally and effortlessly as long as we allow it to float in and have its way.

What do I mean here? If we are struggling to find a solution, we are activating all of the hormones and systems in our bodies that sustain neurological problems. If we are always on the go searching and struggling to solve the problem – our bodies are never able to hang back and get the rest and space that it needs to heal.

Believe me when I say that the body really does know how to heal. Just give your body the power to heal and let recovery unfold gently in its own time. Yes, it may take a little time to come back into balance. No one ever said (certainly not me) that the body can heal quickly or instantly. Allow it a little time and patience. Then, relish in the signals and signs of recovery as they unfold gradually and effortless over the coming months.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Angela’s Story

Angela is my guest on the radio show this week. As you can ascertain from her story below, she has had a fascinating journey on the road to recovery.

Angela’s History

Work as a freelance professional engineer in the pulp and paper industry. Based near Vancouver BC but work mainly overseas, particularly in Chile and in New Zealand.

In 2009, I won the Beloit Prize, the highest honour for engineering in the pulp and paper industry.

Have had previous training as a therapist in Hakomi body centered psychotherapy.

Was a trainer in “Living Love” method as described by Ken Keyes Junior in his book “The Power of Unconditional Love” and others. Ken taught that true happiness is uncaused, that no one or nothing is ever made us upset are unhappy. This is really good news since I realized I could change myself whereas it is impossible to change anyone else.

Living Love has really helped me with my PD. I don’t have to demand that I not have it, with all the attendant negative emotions. I can prefer to be PD free and work to that goal without negativity.

For many years, was an adept meditator. Spent much of my spare time on the spiritual journey visiting spiritual communities around the world.

My hobby and passion is fine wine. I am a past president of the American Wine Society. I know that many people with PD have lost their ability to smell but I still have mine. The result of long, intense training?

My outlook on life is decidedly optimistic. I am a “reverse paranoid” as I believe that everyone is out there to make me happy!


First symptoms 2006 at age 59: cramped handwriting and frozen right shoulder.

Over the years my handwriting has remained cramped but my right shoulder has thawed. The tremor in my right hand has increased from virtually nothing in 2006 to intermittently bothersome in 2010.

Saw a neurologist in December 2006. Possible Parkinson’s. I rejected this out of hand as it was obvious that I have a “pinched nerve”.

Part of me still wants to believe the pinched nerve theory.


Went for a second opinion. Saw another neurologist in May 2007. Diagnosis: idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. This was a terrible moment in my life as the urologist was almost gleeful when he told me what I had, as if he had solved some great mystery. I felt like I had been shot with a cannon.

On the recommendation of my neurologist, I started on Mirapex, a dopamine agonist. Dreadful side effects: somnolence, insomnia, nausea. Just about everything except compulsive gambling. I stopped taking Mirapex after four weeks and vowed to never again take a Parkinson’s medication.

It is as if the Mirapex put a “hole” in my brain. It took over three years for this to be repaired. I would classify Mirapex is a neurotoxin.

Desired third opinion. Had a PET scan at the Inglewood imaging center in LA. Supported diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Finally accepted that I had PD and decided to defy rather than deny it.

Having read that exercise is the “best medicine” for PD decided to get serious about it. Started running. Started going to the gym. Hired a personal trainer. Within four months I had lost nearly 50 pounds and became a lean, not-so-mean, fighting machine.

I exercise regimen at the gym typically consists of 30 min. of cardio (upright bike), 30 min. on the weights, and 30 min. of stretching.

My personal trainer concentrates on keeping all of my muscle groups functional. She also includes many balance exercises. Balance on my right leg is not as good as on my left but at least I still have it.

I regained use of right shoulder by numerous injections of prolotherapy, although my right arm remained significantly impaired.

Prolotherapy is merely the injection of dextrose into the tendons. This irritates the tendon and stimulates blood flow to the area. It really hurts! But after two months I could raise my arm that was formerly just hanging at my side.

I was introduced to kickboxing by my personal trainer. Found that I enjoyed it very much.

They usually have 2×30 min. sessions of kickboxing a week. Kickboxing also feels good and I believe it is the cyclic vibrations from alternating job-crosses, right hooks-left hooks, right kicks-left kicks, that keep my movements stabilized. I particularly like hitting a dummy that I have named “Mr. Parkinson”.

On the recommendation of a friend, I started playing tennis again (I had to stop due to my frozen shoulder) using my left arm instead of my right. Soon after, however, I regained the use of my right arm. Now, I have two forehands and a left-handed serve.

I now visit Florida for two months each year where I engage a tennis coach every other day to put me through my paces. When I am on the court, I can run like the wind, and have no problems moving sideways or forwards or backwards or running. As soon as I leave the court, my PD symptoms return. I wish I could play tennis 24/7.


Saw Jon Stossel, Canada’s top PD researcher at the University of British Columbia. With him, I feel that I am being provided with the best service available from standard Western medicine.

I see Jon Stossel once a year.

Became a patient of ND Caleb Ng of Mountainview Wellness Center in Surrey BC. Introduced to protocol of Dr. David Perlmutter, the “renegade neurologist”. Embraced Perlmutter’s protocol of supplements for neuroprotection of Parkinson’s patients. This included co-enzyme Q10, omega-3, B-complex, N-acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, phosphatidylserine, and others.

I have been taking intravenous glutathione once or twice-weekly. I began with 1400 mg but am now taking 2500 mg each time. Quite frankly, I have never noticed any of the miraculous improvements shown in Perlmutter’s videos.

Caleb also started me on chelation therapy as urinalysis revealed high contents of lead and mercury. I had about a dozen sessions but then have stopped. I understand that dozens of sessions are necessary for any improvement to be realized.


While visiting my Hakomi teacher in Ashland, Oregon, I found out about the Center for Natural Healing in Ashland where herbalist Donnie Yance had a botanical protocol for PD. In late July, 2009, I commenced his protocol for botanicals and supplements. Botanicals included Mucuna pruriens, Withania somnifera, turmeric, and others. Additional supplements included vitamin D3, zinc, selenium, and others.

After one year on the Donnie Yance botanical protocol, I decided to stop taking Mucuna and NADH as neither of these appear to offer any therapeutic benefit whatsoever.

I am about to start using henbane, a botanical anticholinergic, in an attempt to reduce the tremors. The grand experiment is yet to begin however.

In June, 2009, I became a member of (patient name: Dawn Angel). I also joined where I learned that I did not have the LRRK gene for Parkinson’s.

In September, 2009, I visited John Coleman in Australia. The recommended that I go on a strict diet: gluten-free, dairy-free, coffee-free, sugar-free, peanut-free, cashew-free, and so on. He also recommended that a begin taking the Aquas. For therapy, he recommended Bowen.

I have recently stopped taking the Aquas as I have never noticed any benefit from it.

I had several sessions of Bowen therapy. Very relaxing. Not as effective as IMS (see below).

While working in New Zealand, I found a very good osteopath who was able to effect incredible improvement in my tremors.

Osteopathy is mostly hands-free bodywork. I have no idea how or why it works, but it does.

In December, 2009, I attended Robert Rodger’s “Jump Start to Wellness” in Olympia Washington. This is where I first learned that there were other people interested in getting well.


A check of my free cortisol rhythm revealed that my cortisol levels were very low throughout the day. This is characteristic of “adrenal fatigue”. The only problem was, I remained high-energy and was not fatigued in the least, however, I began taking the supplement called “Adrenal Support”.

In January and February of 2010 I had a 10-session course of Hellerwork, a form of myofascial release. Very good.

Hellerwork is closely related to Rolfing. Over the 10 sessions my practitioner literally massaged all the fascia of my body. It felt great to have stiffened muscles worked upon. I return for an occasional tune-up.

I found a practitioner of intramuscular stimulation (IMS), who has been able to read awaken muscles that had become shortened due to disuse. This has been the most effective therapy of all for me.

IMS involves needling as in acupuncture but the needles are applied to the tendons instead of to fictional meridians. The benefits of IMS are immediate and last for at least several days. I see my physiotherapist weekly.

Despite improvements in my mobility and strength, the tremors in my right hand had become noticeably worse, especially when I visit either an M.D. or a neurologist. The tremors would go away as soon as they left their offices. This is clearly a manifestation of “white coat syndrome”.

I revisited John Coleman in May, 2010. He commented that tremors were the last symptom to go away for him.

After hearing about the possible benefits of neurofeedback for PD, I had a EEG done and found that my dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was not producing theta waves. I have since had six sessions of neurofeedback and have noticed improvement.

In a session, an electrode is applied to my scalp in the location of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. I listened to soothing sounds through headphones. When that part of my brain is active I hear the sounds. When it is in active, I hear only static. The reward is the sound and the brain actively creates the ability to hear the sound without intervention on my part.

I purchased a small unit for cranial electrostimulation (CES). This applies a very small current through my head by means of electrodes clamped to my earlobes. I find it very relaxing; indeed, it is a form of meditation. Since my diagnosis with PD, meditation has not come easy to me.

In October, 2010, I visited France where I completely abandoned my dietary protocol and gorged myself on foie gras, croissant’s, baguettes, rich cheeses, exotic desserts, café au lait, and other forbidden foods. After one week I felt better than I have in three years. Go figure, who would’ve thought there was such a thing as the “French Cure”! Vive la hedonism!


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