Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: Natural Remedies Parkinsons treatment

Parkinsons Natural Remedies

My fiancee was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 3 years ago.
We both would like to explore the best Parkinsons natural remedies.

To make a long story short, he’s made many lifestyle
changes (better dietary choices; no chemicals in his
home; takes soil-based organisms; limits stresses…)
and has been to multiple ND’s as well as MD’s for

He’s only tried one conventional medicine, Reserp,
which resulted in severe palpitations. He has refused
all other medications because he believes that this
only addresses the symptoms and not the cause.

This is only a brief synopsis of what’s transpired
over the past few years, but I’m hoping I’ve included
enough info for you.

What can we try to help him recover from this disorder?
Neither of us believe that this “disease” is incurable,
but we are at a loss as to what to try next. Any help
you can send my way would be MOST APPRECIATED.

You have asked a great question. Parkinsons Recovery
is all about identifying a wide variety of natural alternatives
for people to consider who are committed to feeling

You fiancee clearly is on the road to recovery and he
will get better. Keep in mind two realities. First, recovery
is a gradual process which takes time and patience.
You don’t start eating healthy food one week and see
dramatic improvements the next week. It takes the body
time to rejuvenate cells and to heal.

Second, you do not report whether he is seeing any relief
from symptoms. Is he getting worse? Is he the same? Is
he getting better? My guess is that you and he probably
do not know the answer

From the tone of your letter is sounds like you are
both discouraged. It is very possible that he is
actually improving – but neither of you see it. No one
is adept at tracking improvement in symptoms. We
all tend to focus on the problems not the successes.

You use the terms “better dietary choices” which is
an interesting use of terms. You do not say “healthy
dietary choices.” It is possible that while his eating habits are
generally good he may be eating foods he is
allergic to. Keep in mind also that sugar is a
neuro toxin. If he is eating any sugar at all
it will be a challenge to celebrate symptoms relief.

You say he has no chemicals in his home. That
is awesome news. He may however have certain
toxins lodged in the tissues of his body. Most people
do. It is just a question of whether the extent of
exposure is too much for his body to process.

You do not mention hydration. When the body is
adequately hydrated it is able to cleanse itself
of toxins more readily. Naturopath John Coleman recommends
a homeopathic remedy for dehydration called the
aquas. You can find more information at

I would venture a guess that a factor
that is aggravating his symptoms is a sustained
and persistent levels of stress and trauma. You say
he “limits” stress, but the truth is that any stress
can have a profound impact on our immune system
and on the health of our neurological system.

So as a final next step to consider, I would recommend
he investigate methods of releasing stress and trauma
that is lodged in the tissues of his body. As long as a
body is in a sustained state of stress the symptoms
will not and cannot resolve. Exploring ways to release
the trauma that is trapped at the cellular level should
rise to the top of the list of Parkinsons natural remedies..

There are many awesome approaches for relieving
stress and trauma that is lodged in the tissues of
the body: craniosacral therapy, Bowen therapy,
neurolinguistic programming, biofeedback
to mention just a few.

Which approach is right for him? Only he can figure that
answer out through experimentation using his intuition.
Different therapies work for different people. Only he
will know what is right for him.

I hope these suggestions are of some use. Keep in
mind that there are dozens and dozens of therapies that
have helped people with Parkinson’s. Your fiancee’s job
now is to figure out the ones that are a perfect fit for him.

He has set his intention. He has engaged the journey.
He will eventually get better as he and you experiment with various
Parkinsons natural remedies. Just watch. Be sure to celebrate
his progress as the two of you together track the
improvement in his symptoms over time.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

© 2024 Parkinsons Recovery

Best Natural Remedies for Parkinsons

My husband has been diagnosed with
Parkinson’s Disease. What are some
of the best natural remedies for Parkinsons?

From my extensive review of the
research literature on Parkinsons
you have asked the right question.
Diet and exercise have a compelling
influence on how your husband
feels every day.

  • Eat healthy food. Exercise. He will
    feel better.
  • Eat junk food. Be a couch potato.
    He will feel lousy.

It is as simple as that. This is not
rocket science.

The research on exercise and Parkinson’s
is unequivocal. Exercise helps people
feel better and get relief from their

Twp Best Natural Remedies for Parkinsons

I have a very simple, perhaps
mundane suggestion. Move any
way it feels good to him. Move
as often as he can.

Some people love to exercise. Other
people hate to exercise. I talked
with one woman last week who loves
to exercise -so much so that her physical
therapist has limited her exercise routine
to 90 minutes. She gets significant relief
from her symptoms.

Other people have never exercised
in their life and are proud of it. Making
a practice of moving every day is an
annoyance. Too bad for them.

I believe the trick is for your husband
to find a way of moving his body that
is motivated from a place deep inside
himself. When he discovers a way of
exercising every day that works for
him his body will let him know:

“Yes. This is what I need. Do it
today. Do it every day.”

What exercise is the right exercise
for your husband? Ask him to remember
what he loved doing when he was a child.
Did he enjoy swimming when he was little?
Then swim now. Did he love to play
marbles? Then play marbles now.
Did he love to play hide and seek?
Then play hide and seek with your
dog Fido now. (My apologies if your
dog is not named Fido). You get the

I have always been a runner, so I run
frequently. I get high when I run.
Running always makes me feel better.
It is the natural remedy that works
for me.

Some people with Parkinson’s tell me
running on a treadmill is their exercise
of choice. Running itself is clearly not
the best form of exercise for many

If any one of us (you or your husband or
myself) is told that we must exercise in
a specific way using a specific routine
for 60 minutes a day, we will not do it
for very long if we do not like doing it.

I will stick to a routine I do not like
for a week – maybe. Perhaps you
are good for a month. Maybe your
husband is more disciplined and will
last four months.

Eventually, we will all abandon any
type of exercise if it does not give us
intrinsic joy and genuine satisfaction.
The desire to move must, again, be
motivated by a place from deep inside

Another problem can surface if we
exercise because we are told we must
do it to feel bette not because we
want to exercise to feel better. Isn’t
that just what I am telling you now?

If the exercise is forced, we are
likely at some point to stretch and
challenge our muscles incorrectly.
Tares in tissues and serious injuries
can be the consequences. Injuries
do not happen when exercising
is done mindfully.

Of course, if you are injured you
can not exercise. Is not this the
perfect outcome for anyone who
has always hated to exercise?
The steps are simple to follow:

  1. Force yourself to exercise in a
    way that is not right for you.
  2. Injure yourself.
  3. Stop exercising.
  4. Feel worse.
  5. Conclude it is your body’s fault
    for not working correctly.

If the question you ask yourself
repeatedly when you exercise is:

“How much longer do I have to endure
this torture?”

Stop. Consider the possibility there is
another form of exercise that is a
better way of exercising.

You may very well have expected a
different answer to your question
about exercise. Perhaps you were
looking for an answer like this from

“Everyone with Parkinson’s should
do “Professor Bob’s Zippy 2 Hour
Daily workout for Parkinson’s.”
(Just to be clear in case anyone is
wondering – this program does
not exist.)

This is not the response I can give
you because I do not believe that
any single exercise program – even
Professor Bob’s Zippy program is
right for everyone. Any particular
type of exercise will always work
for some people, but it will never
work for all people. Far from it.

What is important is to move. Move.
Move. Move every day. The more
your husband moves the better he
will feel.

Everyone – people who are healthy and
people who are not – should move the
equivalent of 5 miles each day (weekends
included). Total up each of your separate
movements throughout the day to reach
your goal.

For example: Let’s say a walk from your
bedroom to the kitchen in the morning
is .005 miles. A walk from your car to the
store at 9 am is .02 miles. And so forth.
By the end of the day, the sum total of all
such movements should total 5 miles.

There are many, many ways to move
your body. If your husband is not moving
his body every day, I recommend he
investigate the multitude of options
that are available for getting the daily
exercise he needs: Pilate’s, Tia-chi, yoga,
swimming, daily walks — the list is
endless. There are so many fascinating
ways to get exercise.

If he does not move every day, his body
will eventually begin to complain loudly.
Symptoms will smack him in the face.

Have you noticed that there is redundancy
in my writing here? This is just was exercise
is all about, going through the same routine
over and over, day after day. So get with it.

I am working diligently to document ways
of exercising that people with Parkinson’s
tell me helps them feel better. If your husband
has not found a way of exercising that works
for him, stay tuned.

There is a way of exercising somewhere out
in the universe that is perfect for him.
He just needs to discover it. Exercise is clearly
one of the best natural remedies for Parkinsons.

There are also physical therapists who are
specifically trained to help persons with
Parkinson’s. They assess your strengths and
weaknesses and recommend specific exercises
that will help him find relief from his symptoms.

Good options surround you. Explore the options.
Try them out. An exercise routine is not working
for you if you are not doing it regularly and loving
it. Find another. Try it out. Keep experimenting
until you find a way of moving every day that
gives you joy.

Your body will thank you. And you will thank

I am supposed to talk two of the best natural remedies
for Parkinsons. One of them is about diet . Oops. Sorry.
No time today. I have to get my daily run in before it gets too

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

©  Parkinsons Recovery

Mucuna as Treatment for Parkinsons

Question: What are your thoughts about using the mucuna to
treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s?


There is an upside and a downside to taking Mucuna to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

The Upside

Macuna bean (or Mucuna Puriens) is derived from a plant
that grows
in tropical climates. The Mucuna herb has been used
for generations in India and other eastern countries
to treat
Parkinson’s with varying success. Mucuna is by no means
a new revelation.

People use Mucuna in part because it does not have the side effects of prescription medications.A number of people in my global audience who take prescription
medications for Parkinson’s have been pleased with the results they
get from taking Mucuna.  Others  have succeeded
in reducing the dose of their prescribed medications or
even weaning themselves off prescription medications altogether. 

No changes in the dosage of prescription medications should of course be made without consulting with your doctor first. Even though it is not a prescription medication, it is also just as important to consult with your doctor before taking any natural herb supplement like Mucuna to boost dopamine.

The Downside

It is clear from talking with other health professionals that
Mucuna is not a cure nor does it provide relief
for everyone. After all, if Mucuna were a panacea
everyone with Parkinson’s would be taking it and no one
today would be suffering from its symptoms.

Many people think of Parkinson’s simplistically as a
deficiency of dopamine. In fact, the “disease” is
described by most health care providers as such.
The truth of the matter is that
reasons for
the symptoms of Parkinson’s are far, far more
complicated than this simple explanation. 

Symptoms of Parkinson’s are affected by an imbalance
of over
39 different neurotransmitters. When you take
Mucuna or any dopamine supplement for that matter
you are making a decision to
focus on a tiny fraction
of the problem. 

The body is making fine adjustments to the production
and distribution of hormones continuously, second by
second, minute by minute.
Consider the maze of
complicated adjustments your body makes to produce
and distribute the other 38 neurotransmitters when you take
any dopamine lookalike.

Ingesting a single synthetic hormone once a day creates an instant
adjustment the body must make to the delicate balance of hormones
in the body.
The “adjustment” that comes from taking a dopamine
supplement (whether prescription or a supplement like Mucuna)
is crude.The body produces and distributes hormones continuously each and every second of the day.

Do the math.

If the choice is between relying on the  body or any dopamine supplement I
am betting on the body any day of the week.

A second challenge you will encounter if you decide to
take Mucuna – and keep in mind this
may be a good
choice for you – is that you are giving your body the
signal it does not
need to expend the energy produce dopamine
on its own.
Think like your body and you will understand
the long term consequences of what happens when
you take a dopamine producing supplements.

Here is the decision sequence:

1. Your body is busy with the work of adjusting and balancing hormones
which, after all, is one of its functions.

2. An external source of domaine mysteriously
appears in the digestive system.
There is suddenly and
unexpectedly an
external intrusion into the body.

3. The body begins to ponder: “Who is in charge here?” A critical function of the body is suddenly and unexpectedly being handled by an external intervention.

4. The body then concludes:  “If someone else is doing my job, why should I bother?”
Isn’t this just anyone of us do  when someone else takes on the burden of  doing
a job you thought was our responsibility? I mean, if someone else wants to do the work, why not let them?

A reason cells in the substantia nigra die is because
dopamine is being supplied by an external source.
that produce dopamine are no
longer needed since the supply is provided by an external source.  You either use it or lose it. In this case you lose it.
The body eventually surrenders responsibility for producing dopamine.

Prescription medications and Mucuna  are different delivery systems for
dopamine. For most people higher doses have to be take to experience symptom

John Coleman ND points out that most of the Macuna bean
that is packaged and sold in the marketplace is not actually
“natural.” It is a processed. The Mucuna pill capsules
are manufactured and refined, purified and converted to
powder. John Coleman ND has also observed in his clinic that
some forms of Macuna  induce the “same adverse effects as synthetic
levodopa if consumed in large quantities over a long period.

Coleman offers a different recommendation for his clients.
He suggests you hydrate your body by taking a
natural homeopathic remedy. The body has an easier
time producing and balancing hormones when the cells
are adequately hydrated.

Mucuna may provide welcome relief in the short term.
But if it is used as a lifetime remedy your body’s
incredibly intricate
system for monitoring
hormones will be short circuited. Sensitivity of
the monitoring system is degraded and the system
itself is eventually disabled.

Your body gradually gives up its mandate at birth to maintain
health and wellness. You eventually begin to feel lousy.

Why not give your body a chance to do its work whenever
possible? Wait. Be patient. Ask the most important question of all:
What is causing your symptoms?

Once you identify and address the cause, you will not necessarily
begin feeling  good every day. Some days you will may feel lousy.

Helping  the body re-remember how to balance hormones is not an
easy task but the rewards are worth it.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Little Known Natural Therapies to Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms

Dozens and dozens of natural therapies have been discovered that help reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. I want you to know about several little known therapies in particular.


You are invited to watch videos I prepared that explain them. To do so, click on the secure link below. Then, enter your first name and email address in the fields provided. I will then email you links to the videos I have prepared for you to watch over the coming week.

Click Here Then Enter Your First Name and Email Address to Receive Links to the Videos 

P.S. I was surprised to see some of the therapies reported on the survey to have been helpful. I suspect you will too.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington

Solutions for Parkinsons Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Do You Have a Systematic Recovery Program?


Do You have a systematic recovery program? 

Is a Recovery Program Realistic?

Our experience in working with persons who have Parkinson’s has convinced us that there is no standard protocol that is the panacea. Of course, there is no “cure.” Factors that cause the
condition are multi-faceted so it depends.

We do know from a thorough review of the research that the symptoms can be caused by heavy metals, pesticides, chemical toxins, pathogens, trauma and stress. A variety of natural therapies are available to address each of these threats to the healthy function of the body.  We encourage each individual to investigate the therapies that are available
depending on their own individual needs and preferences and the primary factors that are causing their symptoms. 

  • Whole body detoxes are critical.
  • Strengthening the immune system is a must.
  • Reducing inflammation is important.
  • Nutrition is essential.
  • Adjusting the hormonal thermostat is important.
  • Exercising the body and the mind makes a huge difference.
  • Laughter every day helps.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Walking and Balance Problems

Today, I was looking for new inspiration and direction. My walking and balance problems are a little more wobbly, but the feeling on my left side (once quite numb) is much better in the last month now. So, in a way, I feel that I am doing better. I no longer feel like I have two different sides but have one body. I can make my left hand do things like brush teeth and type. (Having Parkinson’s does not make you ambidextrous; it is just that your non-sided hand must help out if it need be. There’s no comfort in that: it doesn’t have the coordination that the sided hand does, if that is the one that is affected).

I hope that this (one-body experience) is part of my recovery. I want to work harder on my health, as I keep thinking of the interview of the woman who had deep stimulation (not the poetry writing lady, the one before that). She said if she had it to do over, she would have given the alternative therapies a better chance.

Searching around the Parkinsons Recovery Blog, I read many blogs as well as listened to past interviews and this week’s interview, which included mention of stiffening in the chest related to the breathing. Taking your suggestion of working on one symptom, I decided to compensate for my shallow breathing for a week, moment by moment. I’m always deflated, and I know that I have not been getting enough oxygen.

Starting that, I decided as well to root out one thought form that may be contributing to this condition. I thought that it would take some time to discover one, but it came up immediately. The woman with the CORD therapy said, in general, that Parkinson’s people have a reality print of:

‘I can’t quite do this, or measure up’.

I understand that. I can affirm, I can do this, I can, I can–anything. Believe me, this is a different type of energy to have within myself, though I have accomplished a lot in my life. Idid it by simply pushing. I want my brain to learn something new here of real confidence.

I found a boost in this story from my own saved archives.

This story makes you think about your potentials, as the woman in the story did. She went to college in her 60s and got the geology degree that she always wanted. I can at least accomplish everything that is before me this week. Thanks for your site again. I’m working on getting it to two other people with Parkinson’s.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinson’s and Stress

I was diagnosed with PD 8 years ago. I completely agree that
the major cause is related to stress and stress hormones.
Dealing with Parkinson’s and stress is the key.

Can the body be convinced to produce dopamine after its total

Has any body been convinced and by what means?

I would be grateful to receive some help and advice for myself
and other PD sufferers in Lithuania.


Here are my responses to your questions in the
order they have been asked:

Can the body be convinced to produce dopamine after its total

I believe the body can always heal itself when given the
proper support and nutrition. Yes, the body does
know how to heal itself. It just needs a little help
from time to time re-remembering how.

I am well aware that most medical professionals frame the
the cause of Parkinson’s solely in terms of a dopamine
deficiency. If there is a severe head injury this is
probably a meaningful and useful frame of the problem.
But for a vast majority of people with the symptoms of
Parkinson’s, the problem is far more complicated
than a simple deficiency of dopamine. There are over
40 hormones in the body which are out of balance.
Dopamine is only one among these 40 interrelated
hormones that are out of balance.

Has any body been convinced and by what means?

The good news here is yes! Some people are symptom free
today. Many people are finding good relief by a wide variety
of modalities and approaches.

I have learned that there is considerable variation in what
works for people when it comes to addressing Parkinson’s
and stress..There is no universal list of things you
can do that will guarantee that you will feel better. It really
depends on the specific factors that happen to be causing your

I have spent the past year interviewing people who have
fully recovered or who are finding ways to get
relief from their symptoms. I will soon be launching a
Parkinsons Recovery member website where all of this
incredibly fascinating information will be posted.

I would be grateful to receive some help and advice for myself
and other PD sufferers in Lithuania.

There are a wide variety of natural methods you can
use to get relief from the effects of stress. The idea
behind all of these methods is to release fear that is trapped
at the cellular level so our bodies can produce neurotransmitters
and reduce the production of stress hormones. Strategies that
are useful on a daily basis are:

Listening to music

Body therapies are also useful in this regard.
If you click on the link below, do a search
for craniosacral therapists in Lithuania. Three were
listed when I did the search, though only one had
contact information.

Essential oils can be very effective, as can Emotional
Freedom Technique (EFT). I will soon be posting an interview with
an aroma therapist who explains how essential oils can
provide great release from the effects of stress. I recently
wrote a newsletter with a link showing the effects of
EFT on veterans of war.

Breathwork can also be very powerful. This involves continuous
breathing (in and out) for a period of 5 minutes or longer.
We bury the effects of stress on our bodies by not breathing.
When we do breathwork, we release the effects of stress that
has been trapped in our bodies, sometimes for decades.

These are just a few of the approaches that you can do
yourself. They are safe and noninvasive.

With a little experimentation, you should be able to
discover the methods, techniques, therapies and modalities
that work for you. Use them daily and you will gradually
see relief from your symptoms.

The true cause of the hormonal imbalance in
Parkinson’s lies with an overabundance of stress hormones:
It obviously will take time to convince the body otherwise
-to produce dopamine.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2024 Parkinsons Recovery

Natural Remedies

I am 52 years old and I have been
experiencing Parkinsonian symptoms
for over a year now. I am interested
in knowing all about natural remedies.
I went to a neurologist and he said I did show

early stages of parkinsons i.e. trembling
in left foot, cramped/small handwriting,
left hand has trouble touching thumb
to middle finger at a fast pace; I feel I
talk slower; I have constipation
(I thought the constipation was from
my acid reflux condition) and I recently
fell into a depression cause of some
events in my life…

I am taking SAMe now for three weeks
and feel somewhat better but not l00%…
I am scheduled to see this neurologist
again in September to see if my condition
is true and or progressed and at that time
he will discuss taking medication for

I am praying that these symptoms I
am experiencing are due to another
situation like menopause and or my

I am reaching out to you for any input
on where I am at and also any natural
remedies I might start doing now to
improve my health and well being.

Thank you for sending in your question
to Parkinsons Recovery. You will find
my newsletter, this blog and our website
contains information and resources that
offer many choices you can consider.

You will always find cutting edge information
posted on this blog. The newsletter
covers a wide range of topics, all
related to natural remedies.

I document natural remedies people report
have helped them, so we are very
practical in our approach here. Our
mission is to provide you with a
wealth of information about natural
approaches and remedies so you
can make the choices that are
right for you.

I interview people with Parkinson’s
on Parkinsons Recovery Radio
who tell me what has worked for them.
And, I also interview experts in their
various fields (e.g.: process psychologists,
physical therapists, herbalists, craniosacral
therapists, Neural Linguistic Programming
experts, biofeedback therapists, acupuncturists,
etc., etc.) who tell me about how their
respective modalities can potentially help people with
Parkinson’s feel better.

The good news is that I hear
reports every week from
people with Parkinsons who are
feeling better. You can too, though
you will have to make some
changes in your life.

Speaking generally, the natural
approaches that people tell me offer
relief from symptoms are: a healthy
diet, daily exercise, detoxing heavy
metals and other harmful substances
that reside in the body, awareness of
what stress does to the body, release
of traumas, meditation, laughter,
social contact and dedication to a purpose
in life.

The theme at Parkinsons Recovery is
to emphasize health and well being rather
than to dwell on “disease.” We believe
the body knows how to heal itself. It just
needs a little help remembering how sometimes.

Welcome aboard.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Testimonial for Centering Prayer, Meditation and Massage

“While I’m new to the PD world (diagnosed 12/07),
I’ve been “experimenting” with meditative and
action techniques to help me cope…
Brief background: I hold a pair of Masters
degrees, was, until recently, Head Librarian
at Ohio University-Chillicothe (Ohio) campus,
and have an extensive background in
Zen meditation/Martial Arts–I hold Dan
rank in Karate-do, have been a member of
US teams in international MA competitions,

“My feelings/findings, so far:”

1. “Karate or any other “hard” art is “out”–
I get dizzy, confused, even while performing
a kata!”

2. “Zazen (meditation) is effective, as long as my discomfort
level with PD and its effects doesn’t prevent
me from “going deep”.”

3. “My wife and I have joined a local Lutheran
“Centering Prayer” group; the combination of
Zazen and Do-Zen, sitting in meditative prayer,
then moving silently, is effective in helping me
to “forget” the PD and its effects and to
relax… While moving in the Sanctuary of the
church, I have had good results from
“gathering Chi” and “spinning Chi” with my
hands while walking.” 

4. “I have started getting massages, which
help to relax my body IMMENSELY. The
massager is tuned in to MA theories and
practices, by the way, which helps…
He has commented that my high tolerance
for pain helps him perform the massages,
since I don’t flinch (MANY years of MA
“torture” to account for that!).”

“Oh, I’m 60 years of age…”


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

John Coleman ND

How does John Coleman ND fit into your work here in the United States?

John Coleman is a naturopathic doctor from Australia who himself was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1995. Using a unique combination of natural approaches, John fully recovered after three and a half years. He now helps other people find relief from their symptoms as a naturopath doctor.

We collaborate closely with John Coleman ND. Zero Point Healers was doing work with Parkinsons in Washington state beginning in 2004. John had been working with Parkinson’s clients for 10 years.John came to Washington state to do a clinic on Parkinson’s which we attended. At the clinic, John talked about everything we were talking about here in the Washington state to help people find relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

So, I concluded we must have gotten it all right. We must have figured out the answer. After all, how could the two of us working independently on opposite sides of the globe have come up with the same set of ideas? It is highly implausible unless the ideas themselves are intrinsically correct.

John’s has had a profound influence on my own work here in the United States. His recent
book is Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease: The definitive guide to the known causes of Parkinson’s disease and proven reversal strategies

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

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