Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: healing

Secrets to Healing: Recovery is Always Moving Toward You

Are Answers are “Out There” Somewhere?

Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinsons Disease engage an aggressive search for ways to reverse them.  Secrets to healing are somewhere “out there” in the universe. The belief is that most of the good answers are difficult to find. The journey for the right answers is much like a treasure hunt for a treasure that is buried in a secret vault – a Fort Knox of sorts that locks up all the answers for reversing Parkinson’s symptoms.

Sometimes the journey involves finding one solution after another. When one solution fails to produce desired results, a new solution or therapy is pursued. Some people chase after dozens of therapies. Results are often disappointing time and time again. The search for answers “out there” is exhausting!

Research can and does make a difference. Being better informed can and does make a difference to recovery. That is why I maintain the massive body of resources on options for recovery on the many Parkinsons Recovery websites I subsidize.

But, there is a downside to a search “out there” somewhere for answers. It activates a continuous infusion of adrenaline. Adrenaline rushes are stimulating. They energize the body into action. The downside to adrenaline rushes is that the body has no energy or resources to produce dopamine. What is needed to reverse symptoms is to maintain a delicate balance of dopamine and adrenaline.

Recovery is Always Moving Toward You

There is a companion approach to a search for answers that offers the promise of marvelous results. Think about recovery as an opportunity that is always moving toward you. It is not something you have to discover by searching long and hard in places far away.

One of the seven secrets to healing a chronic illness like Parkinson’s disease is to
listen to the messages your body is always trying to communicate to you.  The body has a memory of the perfect state of wellness and health. Disease is not the body’s natural state. Health is.  the body is always striving to reverse any disease process that causes neurological symptoms.

Your body is giving you important information every day. Perhaps your intuition tells you to stop dying your hair or stop using a particular shampoo or stop using laundry detergent that is toxic. Perhaps you always tend to discount the instincts about recovery that you get every day. When you begin to trust these instincts you may marvel at how much better you begin to feel.

  • Finding natural ways to die your hair is not a solution that is “out there.” It is right here!
  • Finding a natural shampoo without toxins is not a mysterious solution that is “out there” somewhere. It is right here!
  • Changing your laundry detergent is not a task that can be performed only by a rocket scientist.

You can do it – right now.

The reality is that recovery is staring you in the face every day. Your job is simple. Pay attention. Act on any and all intuitions that you get when you listen to your body.

The body has all the resources it needs to maintain the delicate balance of adrenaline and dopamine. You usually have to make some life style changes to give the body the support it needs. When the body has the resources it needs to maintain balance, symptoms will melt like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.

The answers have been staring you in the face all along. They are not “out there.” They have always been moving toward you.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Seven Secrets to Healing

Healing Parkinson’s Disease

After ten years of interviews with hundreds of persons who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinson’s I am well aware that most people would prefer to mask their symptoms. Some people even prefer to hide out in their homes. All interest in going out on the town vanishes. Why?

Many symptoms of Parkinson’s disease – but not all – are difficult to hide. Other people tend to notice a face that has no expression. Other people tend to notice tremors, awkward mobility and freezing when those are the presenting symptoms for a person
with Parkinson’s symptoms. I say – so what?

Why? Yes – Parkinson’s symptoms are more “public”. Yes – symptoms can be horribly debilitating.

Rather than focusing on your own symptoms take a day or two to pay closer attention to other people; friends, family and strangers. Do most other people look
healthy to you? Certainly some are, but my casual observations of people as I walk the streets of my hometown of Olympia is that most people look unhealthy to me – even young people.

They may not have tremors, but their energy levels seem horribly depleted to me. The skin of many people looks sickly. Many look very sick to me. Wouldn’t you agree?

A surprising number of persons these days also have waste sizes that are too large for their bodies. For many reasons, more and more people are gaining too much weight to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that a vast majority of persons with Parkinson’s  symptoms do not tend to be overweight.

I would argue that you are in a much better situation for one important reason. Given that it is impossible to ignore Parkinson’s symptoms you acknowledge your body is out of balance. Right now it needs a little extra attention and a large dose of loving care.

People without any symptoms that “show” like tremors or gait problems tend to be in denial. They hold out the false expectation that their health problems will magically vanish tomorrow. Since they are not doing anything about their poor health, it will inevitably deteriorate.

In the wash, symptoms that are visible to you and others are a reminder to focus on a healthy lifestyle so that the symptoms can be reversed. The mere fact you are reading my blog today is a strong indication that you have set the intention to heal. Setting the
intention carries you 90% down the road to recovery. The good news of the day is that you are doing something about your health.

And what about others without Parkinson’s symptoms? A vast majority of other people without Parkinson’s symptoms are in denial about  their poor health. They are taking no positive action to heal, unlike you.

Celebrate the exciting expectation of recovery. Other people can choose to get sicker. You are making the much wiser choice to heal.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery



Full Recovery from Parkinson’s

Hi Robert: You have been incredibly on point with regard to healing and full recovery from Parkinson’s although I am not one hundred percent sure how it is I celebrated a full recovery. recovery I know that you have recently expressed the direction I went. I think the study of neurophysiology and quantum mechanics as it applies to neurology forced me to go back and re-learn the mathematics necessary to visualize quantum theory. Furthermore when I would go walking I would of course contemplate these principles. This is a little difficult to explain but it was like a light came on. This event was not sudden but involved significant time with daily study and contemplation although that is not what I intended.

In those days the talk of any sort of psychic change or shift in consciousness would have been met with laughter, however those concepts are steadily becoming more talked about especially from evolved teachers like yourself. Although not advised I quit taking all of my PD meds which included a lot of sentimet and mirapex. It was difficult for a few days and I was still shaky.

I applied a lot of other things that I had learned including detox, no refined foods, organic fruits and veg’s and a great deal of exercise. Then the symptoms dissipated completely so I am in full recovery from Parkinson’s symptoms now.

Robert I think if there is an effective way to release our minds from the conditioned way of perceiving information or reality as we have learned it is much easier to experience more constructive thoughts. Our new found way of experiencing life is where healing and recovery reside because there is this all important element of belief that plays a vital role.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease

Hi Robert: I have been continuing to follow your work and today I just felt compelled to write and convey my deep appreciation for you for my recovery from Parkinson’s disease. Your work is invaluable and the information you provide is the most probative for anyone interested in recovery from Parkinson’s and other forms of chronic illness. I know that I have already indicated my appreciation in times past but I felt the need to do so again.

Robert, before I was diagnosed I was a mess, my hands, legs, head and entire body would shake. I have never been fond of doctors and always felt it would somehow subside, I finally went to see my general physician who said I had some sort of advanced PD, he recommended me to a neurologist who told me the same. Not wanting to accept this PD business I just continued to ignore it, then one day I was with my children at the mall and fell down a long flight of steps and unable to get up.

Still resistant I did agree to talk with Abraham Lieberman and he and I wrote back and forth for a long time, he agreed to treat me at no cost but I would of course have to get to Miami, instead he procured an appointment with Dr. Jankovic at Baylor University. They examined me for 4 hours and the diagnoses was the same. I started the medications that improved my condition substantially.

The long and short of it is I no longer have any symptoms of PD nor do I take any meds.I celebrate a full recovery from Parkinson’s disease. This was the result of about three years of research and slowly making changes in all aspects of my life. I do have a good understanding of why and how I recovered however articulated this might not be so easy, it was not simply changing modalities but the capacity to perceive life and my existence in a way that is contrary to all I have been taught and conditioned, changing my perspective was not an easy feat but when that occurred I realized that healing and restoration was possible.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Negative Thoughts Equal Instant Failure

Below is an e mail I received from Rose with encouraging news of recovery from the symptoms of Parkinson’s from a “healing.”






Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery


Healing Crisis and Parkinsons Symptoms

I was just wondering if you know anything about the “healing crisis” and Parkinson symptoms?

Keep up the great web site.


About the Healing Crisis and Parkinsons Symptoms

I see with great interest that you place the words “healing crisis” in quotes. We may have different interpretations of the meaning for a healing crisis. Here is mine.

When issues come to a head, symptoms flare up and become especially challenging. It is the body’s way of sending us a strong signal that something needs attention. The message is:

If you keep on the way you are going, things are going to get worse. Please pay attention.

What causes the crisis? At the top of the list floats two causes I have witnessed often and that I have seen in myself.

1.Negative thoughts recycle continuously through mind tripping. We are not able to turn the channel of negativity off without help.

2. The suppression of feelings which we would prefer to numb and/or ignore.

What symptoms can be expected with a healing crisis? Anything goes here. Think like your body thinks.

How am I going to get her attention here? Do I need to make the existing symptoms dramatically worse so she will notice me? Or, should I manifest new symptoms, pains and discomforts so she will be more likely to notice me?

The Healing crisis and Parkinsons symptoms are tightly connected. The body makes a choice and wham. You feel worse. What happens feels quite horrible of course. You are spun into a desperate state. In the end a healing crisis is a very good thing.

We are afforded the opportunity to make some changes in our lives and urged to take action now because we feel so lousy. A healing crisis makes it possible to move on to the next level. After a long absence, we finally return home to our patiently waiting  soul.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery