Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: grounding

Grounding Offers Symptom Relief

I’m reading a book called Earthing. I am wondering if grounding offers symptom relief. Its basic premise is that as bio-electrical beings we’ve lost, in modern times, our grounding to the Earth (with plastic shoes and other non-conductive barriers). That through bare feet on the earth, or through grounded sheets, mats, or patches a significant source of inflammation can be neutralized, allowing faster healing and restorative sleep, etc.,by tapping into Earth’s stabilizing electrons that neutralize free radicals.

Seems persuasive to me, yet I’m not a trained researcher. Just felt the want to share this approach in minimizing electro-pollution with you in case you haven’t heard…and if so, I’m curious as to your point-of-view…whether you might feel it’s junk science. A link to this approach:


I recorded an interview with Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer in his office for my Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show. He had his bare feet firmly planted on the grounding mat which is sold by the earthing institute. During the interview, Randy talks about grounding and why it makes so much difference to healing our sensitive neurological system. Better grounding certainly helped Randy resolve some of the emergent health challenges he has personally faced.

If a person is not grounded, the electrical energy in their body flies out in all directions. It is much like what happens when an electrical connected is short circuited. This is why grounding offers symptom relief from Parkinsons.

I have also discovered that better grounding has had a profound impact on my own ability to maintain the balance needed to maintain health and wellness. Anyone who is an energy healer must learn how to be well grounded or they can actually do more harm than good for their clients.

You obviously do not need to purchase the grounding pad available through the Earthing Institute to become grounded, but Randy certainly discovered it helped him enormously.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Five Steps to Recovery

How to Reverse Parkinson’s disease
Eye Drops for Cataracts


Grounding Pillow Case

While chatting with a member of my audience today I learned all about grounding pillow cases. Do a search on the term grounding pillow case to see what they look like.

You plug the case into an electrical outlet and you then rest your head on the pillow while sleeping.

I just wanted everyone to know about this positive report on its benefits. The cost is minimal and if it affords you a good nights sleep the purchase would be well worth it.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery