Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: freezing

Parkinsons Freezing

I have had Parkinsons freezing for 18 or more years. My problem is locking up, can’t move.

Example: If I’m keying in on an object, trying to carry something, I will lock up and have to struggle to move. Once moving I’m better until I stop. Then, I struggle all over again. Is this a side effect of medication I take?  Jack

It is certainly the case that medications for Parkinsons have many side effects. You are wondering whether the side effects of the medications you are currently taking might be causing the freezing.

By way of investigating this issue, I recommend that you ask your pharmacist for the drug sheets on all medications that you currently take. Drug companies are actually quite good about reporting all the possible side effects. It is their legal obligation. If you see freezing listed as a side effect on the drug sheet disclosure, then you have the answer to the question you are asking here.

I would speculate that even if medication is contributing to the Parkinsons freezing that you are currently experiencing it is probably not the sole factor at play here.

Changing positions seems to always help people get unstuck. If you move from side to side after freezing it helps get you moving again.  If you focus on your destination, it also helps.

The reason for freezing is that the energy required for fluid movement gets totally blocked because of how you are standing and holding your body. Another way of saying this is that the center of balance gets shifted too far forward.

When you think about the challenge of freezing as a center of gravity issue it is much easier to address. You can do something about being stuck in the moment. If you believe freezing is caused by medications you take, then you may be less likely consider timely shifts in your balance that can help tremendously.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Solutions for Parkinsons Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

Audio Player

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




How to Unlock Freezing

Unlock Freezing

Do you sometimes freeze up for no apparent reason? Here is a tip from the amazing physical therapist Kevin Lockette that helps to unlock freezing every time.

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