Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: calm tremors

Fred Phillips previews ways to calm tremors in this Parkinsons Recovery interview with him. You probably are unaware of his techniques and approaches, but they all have been very successful for him. Why not give some of them a trail run?

Treatments for Tremors

What are some treatments for tremors?


I am very hesitant to provide a listing of all the treatments and therapies people have toldtreatments for tremors me help to relieve their tremors. Why? After all – putting out such as list would impress everyone, wouldn’t? This guy has great suggestions people would say. Well – maybe.

I do offer suggestions in my books by way of reference, but the problem I have with providing specifics is that I know little about your actual situation. The question itself hits up against the strategy of masking symptoms rather than identifying the root cause.

When there are tremors – as in your case – your body is sending you a strong message that something is seriously out of balance.
Perhaps the imbalance involves exposure to toxins.
Perhaps it involves a past trauma that is unresolved.
Perhaps it involves living a stressful life that offers your body little relief from a continuous adrenaline rush.
Perhaps it is due to an insufficiency of certain substances the body needs to create energy.

There is a long list of possible causes.

I think the better questions to ask first are:

  • Why is my body sending me this strong signal?
  • What is causing my body to react as it is reacting now?

There are indeed a long list of possible answers to these questions. How do you find the answers to these questions?

A variety of assessments are available to you that can provide rich information about any and all imbalances in your body. These include (among others) bioenergetic testing, saliva tests, voice analysis, hair analysis to ascertain the presence of toxins and a wide variety of standard medical tests.

Health care practitioners have creative ways to ascertain the root cause using muscle testing.

In summary, I would say in response to your question that yes – it is certainly possible to mask a tremor with a wide variety of approaches including prescription medications, natural herbs and exercise. With most such treatments (other than exercise) more and more dosage is needed over time to get the same effect. You ultimately wind up creating more problems for yourself as the imbalances become more pronounced.

Why not ask a different set of questions here?

What is the underlying cause here?

What is my body telling me in the moment?

Once you figure out the answer to these questions you can find a treatment or therapy that will address the cause. With this approach masking the tremor becomes irrelevant.

I have developed an online course called tame tremors which presents classes on dozens of natural treatments. Once you identify the likely cause, you have a rich source option to choose from.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Herbs that Calm Tremors

Below are recommendation about herbs that
calm tremors suggested by Andrew Bentley
who practices as a herbalist In Lexington, KY.
Andrew is one of the contributors to
Pioneers of Recovery.

Herbs that Calm Tremors

herbs that calm tremors

What are Some Herbs that Calm Tremors?

Oat straw is one thing that is sometimes helpful
for that. A nice thing about oat straw is that

it usually does not cause drowsiness. A lot of
things that are anti-spasmodic also cause sedation.
Sometimes people aren’t looking for that. That
is a helpful thing about that particular herb
because it doesn’t have so much of that effect.

Oat straw refers to the green stems and leaves of the oat plant before the grains mature. It’s typically harvested when the plant is still in the vegetative or early flowering stages, before the seeds form. While oat straw is commonly associated with its use in making bedding for animals, it has been used as a herbal medicine for centuries.

Valerian is a much stronger herb for helping to
suppress tremors but it does carry some risk of
sedation, of feeling more drowsy and so forth
especially when people first start taking it.
Sometimes that lessons as time goes on.

It is a very strong substance when it comes to
helping control involuntary muscle movement
tremors and involuntary movement of otherwise
involuntary muscles. It is a good one for that.

Valerian has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, particularly for its calming and sedative effects. The plant is known for its tall stems, pink or white flowers, and its aromatic root, which is used in herbal medicine.

Passion flower is also one that is helpful for
some particular individuals. These are all
things that would go into that category of
working on tremors.

Passionflower is believed to work by increasing levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps calm neuronal activity, which is helpful in reducing the intensity of tremors triggered by anxiety and stress.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

©  Parkinsons Recovery

Herbs for Hand Tremors

Is there anything that can help with Parkinson hand tremors? Will herbs for hand tremors help? Tremors started in my right leg and now have spread to my right hand and arm. I’m trying to remain positive. Neurologist gave me Azilect but hasn’t helped at all that I can tell. 



If the prescription medications you have been taking have not served the purpose that was intended, it may be time to look elsewhere for options. Of course it would be important to consult with your neurologist before proceeding. If one therapy to treat the tremors is not helpful, I think it is smart to consider other therapeutic options.

Herbalists are wonderful resources in this regard. I have interviewed Andrew Bentley, a highly qualified herbalist from Lexington, Kentucky, who provided several possible herbs that address problems with tremors. Andrew was one of the pioneers that was featured in  Pioneers of Recovery.

The particular form of herb that has the potential to help depends on a wide variety of factors. It would be sweet if the answer would be”Take herb X and you are sure to see relief.” The neurological system is far more complicated than most people realize.

The choice of the particular herb to treat your tremor depends on a variety of factors  including your body type and overall metabolic constitution.

If someone has a lot of tremors but no pain, Andrew Bentley explains that:

“A herb that is an anti-spasmodic might help more than if someone is experiencing a lot of pain and rigidity, in which case we might use an entirely separate type of things. Some things are helpful more or less across the board.”

Several types of herbs for hand tremors have been found to be helpful depending on the person and the situation. Barley Malt extract is one that actually helps with the levels of dopamine in the brain. Oat straw is sometimes helpful for tremors. Andrew explains that oat straw usually does not cause drowsiness. A lot of things that are anti-spasmodic also cause sedation. He further explains that :

Valerian is a much stronger herb for helping to suppress tremors but it does carry some risk of sedation, of feeling more drowsy and so forth especially when people first start taking it. Sometimes that lessons as time goes on. It is a very strong substance when it comes to helping control involuntary muscle movement tremors and involuntary movement of otherwise involuntary muscles. It is a good one for that.

“Passion flower is also one that is helpful for some particular individuals. These are all things that would go into that category of working on tremors.

Last but certainly not least, Aunt Bean has invented a fava bean tincture that offers her profound relief from tremors. You can find detailed information about how she makes her homemade tincture by visiting the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

How to Tame Tremors

A decade of hosting 250 guests on Parkinsons Recovery Radio has made it possible to document a  variety of natural treatments to tame tremors that have proven successful. They fall into a various categories including herbs, certain foods, essential oil tinctures, ketone esters, light and sound therapies, energy medicine and many home made remedies.

Click Here for Registration and Immediate Access the Tame Tremors Online Course

Why Did I Develop The New Tame Tremors Course?

It is surprisingly helpful to embrace natural methods that tame tremors. Unchecked they sustain unrelenting stress. When we are unable to reduce the intensity of stress, tremors always get worse. The cycle is endless unless checked. The vicious cycle is familiar to everyone.

        1. Tremors cause reoccurring stress.
        2. Stress inflames the tremors.
        3. Taming tremors helps reverse this vicious cycle.

The challenge for members of my global Parkinsons Recovery audience is that natural treatments for tremors are scattered all over the place, buried in my many thousands of blog posts and replays from 10 years of my many Parkinsons Recovery radio show interviews.

My new online course rolls out dozens of natural therapies that have been successful for persons to tame their tremors. It organizes, explains and updates the most successful strategies, therapies and treatments that have been reported by persons who themselves experience tremors.

Some of the methods have just emerged over the past decade. Some have been practiced for centuries. We do not have yet a great deal of evidence on their effectiveness, but early reports are very encouraging. I want everyone to know about these new developments.

Traumas Cause Anxieties. Anxieties Inflame Tremors.
Anxiety has a profound impact on making tremors so much worse. One of the most successful strategies that tame tremors is to shut down anxiety.

Shaking Tames Tremors.
Vibration offers relief from symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Breathing The Right Way Tames Tremors.
If your cells have a deficiency of oxygen, doesn’t it make good sense they will shake, rattle and roll to get your attention?

Emotional Reactions Aggravate Tremors.
Emotional Reactions happen when our reaction to a situation is “over the top.” An intense and fiery emotional response is not justified by the circumstances.

Family Entanglements Sabotage Efforts to Tame Tremors.
Family Entanglements occur when we take on the suffering, pain and disease of another family member out of love.

Energy Psychology.
Energy psychology is a novel approach embraced by some psychologists who use muscle testing to identify and clear reasons for conditions like tremors.

Essential Oils.
Essential oils have a soothing effect on the body’s neurological system which helps tame tremors.

Herbal Remedies.
Certain herbal remedies can tame tremors. You have likely never even heard about some of them.

Home Remedies for Tremors
Macrobiotic Guru Warren Kramer offers highly effective (and little known) home remedies that tame tremors

For more information and to register visit:

Fava Beans.
Aunt Bean has developed an inventive way to formulate a tincture from fava bean plants which tames her tremors.

Ketone Ester Tames Tremors.
Ketone esters have been available commercially only since 2019. They are a natural source of energy for the brain which can tame tremors

Photobiomodulation (Light Therapy).
Research reports promising possibilities for photobiomodulation as a therapy that offers relief from neurological conditions

Power of the Mind.
You have everything you need to tame tremors and always have: Actualizing the endless power of your mind.

Tai Chi.
Tai Chi is an ancient practice of soulful meditation that brings the body back to a place of centeredness and balance and as a result tames tremors.

Feldenkrais Therapy for Tremors.
Small movements help the body remember how to experience calmness without tremors.

Vibration Therapy
Vibration Therapy shows promise as a therapy for Parkinson’s symptoms including tremors

Consuming a NADH supplement or eating foods rich in NADH may tame tremors.

Yoga Tames Tremors
Yoga Helps Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Including Tremors

For more information and to register visit:

P.S. The course will not address prescriptions medications which fall into the domain of medical doctors, so any issues or questions about medications will need to be addressed with your doctor.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia, Washington USA


When Will the Tremors Get Better?

My relative has been exercising regularly since her hand tremor first started 1 year ago. She has also been eating healthy and has been eating approximately 70% vegetable/fruits vs 30% meat. Also, she has started taking multivitamins and N-Acetylcysteine over the last two months however the tremor has not improved. When will the tremors get better?

Are there some other nutritional supplements that she should be taking (or things she should be doing)?  She is also on the selegiline prescribed by the doctor (although no one can fully guarantee she has PD).

Does drinking one or two cups of coffee per day stop tremors altogether? Or two cups of Green Tea?

When would her tremors get better?



Wouldn’t it be so sweet if we could find a supplement or treatment that would resolve tremors? My research shows that a multifaceted approach is required.

First, it is clear that your relative wants the tremor halted. After all, who wouldn’t want this? There are a few herbs that might help – and certainly there are supplements that are deficient in most people with Parkinsons (e.g., CoQ10, vitamin D3, NADH, etc.). Instead of driving down this pathway, however, I suggest you ask a different question.

Your relative’s body is giving them a strong signal something is out of balance. Do they have an overload of toxins? If so, taking supplements is not the answer.

Is there trauma trapped at the cellular level? Again, supplements or medicines can mask the tremor – but the underlying cause remains.

Is your relative holding a seed thought that is not true which fuels the tremor? If so, taking supplements of any type are not the answer in the long run.

You ask – when will her tremors get better? The answer is – that some herbal and medicinal treatments can reduce the tremors temporarily. But if she wants the tremors to stop – she will have to step back and find out what her body is telling her. Her body is giving her valuable information. Her most important job is to listen to the messages she is getting.

You can’t do that work for her. The answer to when will the tremors get better depends on finding and treating the cause. She has to figure this out for herself.

  • Perhaps she is under extreme stress and her body is telling her to slow down or change jobs or chill out.
  • Perhaps she is using a soap or detergent that is toxic.
  • Perhaps she is being exposed to electromagnetic pollution.
  • Perhaps …

I assure you the list of possibilities is very long indeed.

Her body has the answers. She just has to start listening.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Empower Recovery

In his second book, “Parkinson’s Empowerment Training” author Karl Sterling goes deep into exploring many areas that will help a person with PD to empower recovery, improve the quality of movement, cognition, memory, and life itself.

You will encounter suggestions in my interview with Karl that will provide techniques and methods that offer the opportunity to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms.

He addressed ways to empower recovery including:

  •  Power of hope, empowerment, and beliefempower recovery
  •  The two step process to maximize neuroplasticity
  •  How to get sustained sleep at night
  •  Benefits of using Power Plate and whole body vibration
  •  The multifaceted roles dopamine plays in the body
  •  Techniques to improve memory and cognition
  •  Methods to Improve Gait and Mobility

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washington

Solutions for Parkinsons Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Tremor Treatments

Here is a short list of questions I answered during the program today on tremor treatments and more:

  • What are the best techniques to reverse Parkinson’s?
  • Are probiotics and pre-biotics helpful?
  • What about juicing to remove heavy metals like lead?
  • How about taking Mucuna for tremors?
  • are there any tremor treatments that are effective?
  • Where does one start when deciding to travel down the road to recovery?
  • What about taking lots of supplements to address the symptoms?
  • I am doing all of the therapies that people say will calm tremors but they continue to increase. Can you recommend tremor treatments that will help?
  • Is ketogenic diet useful to address Parkinson’s symptoms or are there other diets that are better? I am confused. There are so many opinions out there!

Additional Parkinsons Recovery Resources Discussed During the Program

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery Memberships:
Treatments for Tremors
Tame Tremors

Seven Secrets to Healing

Relief for Tremors

“What can I do to relieve me of my hand, foot, and inner head tremors or, at least,relief for tremors experience some relief for tremors? The tremors are in my left hand, left foot, and upper, inner, left side of my head. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2014. I declined prescription  medications.”  

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Five Steps to Recovery


Calming of Tremors

Tao gave me permission to post below his email about calming of tremors. It follows.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Yes!!This is so exciting. Last night I clearly noticed a calming of  tremors. This morning there was a time period of it reverting back to only a thumb tremor (how it started roughly 3 yrs ago). This has not happened before. Also, last night I felt very calm from talking with another soul that truly believes in the bodies memory of wholeness. I’m also amazed at the clearing/calming feeling that blanketed over me while you spoke of the Physical and Energetic relation to Invasion and Parasites as well. To top it all off, I slept over two hours past my usual 4:15 ish inner wake up alarm.
Three new and likely contributing factors added to the menu of remedies and soul reminders from yesterday:
    • A good hard laugh while conversing with Tim B.
    • First 1/2 dose of  SYNCOLEIN
    • An amazing phone consultation with Dr. RR.

This morning I also discovered NIACIN and its relation to PD. I’m already naturally eating some of the best sources of B3 but will add more of the higher niacin foods.

I don’t even want to think about how life would be had I not stumbled on your site when I was rather in a blind panic after a rather cruel presentation of a diagnosis and loosing my friend on same day. It is again with tears that I share my appreciation for your consistent research and openness to share and find us who seek the path of healing.

Use Tremors to Muscle Test

What follows is a fascinating email from an individual traveling down the road to recovery who uses his tremors to great advantage. He refers to himself as “Tao.”  As you will discover below, his tremors are a surprisingly useful tool when it comes to muscle testing!
“I was having little success with trying various muscle testing techniques and it finally dawned on me to ask myself the question, “what might work best for me”.  Before I even finished asking that very question the thought came on like a light switch that I should use the tremor (that by the way I first acknowledged/interpreted as a ‘spiritual gift’ coming through back when I was living and backpacking in the Appellation Mountains last summer) as a method parallel to muscle testing. 
 I extend out my arm and briefly shake it into a relaxed state, then hold the pen as if i were about to write.  The little pause before the tremor is my yes and a more aggressive instant tremor a no.
I could be clueless if this tremor parts!!  lol”

Best Way to Eliminate a Hand Tremor

I need your help. I am 70 years old. I recently discovered that my right hand “tremors a little” when I hold a pen, a cup, or a fork. What is the best way to eliminate a hand tremor?

My friend told me that I may have early symptom of Parkinson and suggested to take 5 mg. of Enada.

What do you think? What is the best way to eliminate the hand tremor?



I can sense that the comment by your friend that you may be experiencing the early stage of Parkinson’s Disease elicited considerable fear and anxiety. The instinct of course is to find a quick remedy that will calm the tremor down or make it go away.

There are certainly medications of one type or another that will silence a  tremor in the short term. For many people relief [if even in the short term] is most welcome. You have ask for a recommendation on a medication that will do just that – silence the tremor whether in the short term or the long term.

There are variety of herbs and prescription medications that will serve that purpose and provide just that type of relief. I have interviewed several herbalists who recommend one herb or another for tremors – so this is clearly an avenue you might want to pursue. Aunt Bean makes a homemade tincture from fava beans which gives her incredible relief from her symptoms. You can find more information about her remedy on the Parkinsons Recovery Fava Bean website. []

Let me suggest an alternative approach to discover the best way to eliminate a hand tremor. Instead of dampening the symptom
– investigate more systematically. Why is your body telling you that something is currently out of balance? Treat the tremor as valuable information your body is giving you right now.

Have you been exposed to toxins of one type or another?

  • How about exposure to Agent Orange?
  • How about exposure to radiation?
  • How about exposure to pesticides?
  • How about exposure to heavy metals?

We have discovered that unwelcome critters that live inside your body can also create neurological havoc.

  1. Is Lyme Disease a possible factor for you? It’s symptoms are the same as those of Parkinson’s
  2. Do you possibly have an overgrowth of candida? This can cause the symptoms too.
  3. Is it possible that you have a reaction to a tetanus inoculation? Sharry Edwards has discovered that tetanus is a primary factor for a surprising number of people who have had BioAcoustic profiling done.

I will not attempt to provide a full of possible causes list since it would take a book and this is only a short post in a blog. Consider the above as a short list of possible factors that may be causing your tremor.

Most importantly, use your intention to dampen the fear that your friend has triggered. Once you determine the factor (or factors) that are causing the tremor, you will be able to find a resolution to the problem. One the cause has been identified and treated you will no longer need to mask the symptom with a prescription drug or herb.

Might I suggest that the perfect New Year’s Resolution for you would be to set the intention to determine the cause of your tremor, to treat it and subsequently become symptom free.

I just released Pioneers of Recovery which includes the stories of 11 persons with Parkinsons who reversed their symptoms. Each pioneer was a guest on my radio show. You
can listen to the shows as you investigate causes that may be factors or you can read about their stories in Pioneers of Recovery.

The one and only person who can solve the puzzle of why you are experiencing a tremor is you. Join with others on the road to recovery as you set the intention to heal the tremor instead of treating it symptomatically,

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Pioneers of Recovery

Essential Tremor

I have a non-Parkinson’s essential tremor, also known as a familial tremor. Does anything you do address any of these types of symptoms? I would love to know if you address the symptoms separately or the condition itself?

Thanks so much!



My response will likely come as somewhat of a surprise to you. I approach symptoms from the perspective of a researcher. My approach is markedly different than the approach taken by medical doctors. Medical doctors are trained and qualified to diagnose symptoms which may be declared as an essential tremor or Parkinsons or …

From your question, I gather that a diagnosis has been declared. Once the diagnosis is made, medical doctors are in a position to prescribe specific treatment protocols in the form of prescription medicines and/or surgeries. Be advised that I am not qualified or trained to practice medicine in this manner.

I have a quite different perspective. I do not believe that diagnosing conditions is conducive to health and wellness. Once we fall into the trap of wondering what is wrong with our bodies by insisting on a formal diagnosis, we embrace a plethora of negative thought forms that have very low frequency. Wondering what is wrong with our bodies is not the route to health and wellness. The diagnostic approach is depressing. It also depresses our life force.

More importantly, a diagnostic approach to health assumes that the solutions falls outside of us. Someone else surely has a medicine or a surgery that will fix us. They place a label on symptoms as in your case to be an essential tremor.

This disempowers our ability to heal from the inside out. I believe that all healing comes from a place within each of us and that we all have the capacity and power to heal. The more I learn about the body, the more I honor the miracle of life. Medicine does not heal us. Our bodies perform the healing miracles.

In the second edition of my book, Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease, I do include some of the treatments for tremors that people have reported to me help them get relief. But I must say, if there is a tremor, the more important question to ask is:

What is your body telling you?

If a tremor is present, something is out of balance. You can treat a symptom such as a tremor, but why not get to the root reason the tremor? Once you identify the cause, you can address it rather than trying to mask the symptom temporarily with medicines or supplements.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Liver and Kidney Detoxes

Can Parkinson’s be caused by problems in either kidney or liver? If so, can liver and kidney detoxes help relieve tremors?



Research has shown that many of the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease – and there are many – can be caused by toxins. The kidneys and liver get clogged up with a residue of toxins that create a formidable bottleneck in the elimination system. New toxins that enter the body have no where to go other than hide away inside the cells. Cells are a nice place to hang out.

My answer to your question is yes. Detoxes for everyone – those with a diagnosis of Parkinsons and those without – are a critical component of health and wellness. Think of detoxing your kidneys and liver to be the same chore as brushing your teeth. Both are necessary. Both need to be done on a regular basis.

Will a liver and kidney detoxes relieve tremors? The answer depends on whether you are also able to release the stress and trauma that may be trapped at the cellular level of your body. Toxins are impossible to release as long as trauma resides within the structural membrane of the cells.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership


Relief from Tremors

Where can I find how others get relief from tremors ? Mine get especially bad after 4pm……… drives me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sinemet does not help.



I have extracted all of the suggestions I have discovered over the past two decades and included them in my online course – Tame Tremors. Many of the suggestions come from persons with tremors who have found various ways to tame them. Visit the page below for an overview of the course and an opportunity to enroll.

There is quite a bit of great information here on the Parkinsons Recovery Blog. Look over to the right column and scroll down to the category listing that reads “calm tremors.” Click on this category. It will take you to a listing of  postings that address ways people have found relief from their tremors. (If you are using your phone the category listings will be at the bottom of the page.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Treatments for Tremors

I have been faithfully reading your daily mails to find treatments for tremors and find them quite comforting Here’s my problem.

I won’t be seeing a neurologist until November 15th.  My family doctor’s suspicion of Parkinson’s Disease is based on the fact that my hand tremors are ‘resting’ tremors.

Whenever I have the courage to check for more information online, I find information which makes me think it could possibly be caused by something else, i.e. genes (my dad had a bit of a tremor in his hand), low blood sugar (although I am not diabetic. The tremors seem to get better when I drink a pop, not diet.) … you get my meaning, I’m sure.

I also am very much aware of the fact that the tremors get a lot worse when I try to suppress them. If I sit on my hand, they seem to move into my shoulder. They also almost go away completely when I am totally relaxed (they come back at the slightest sign of stress).

I would like to do something to help myself while I wait for my appointment. I would like to be proactive rather than reactive. Is there something you can recommend? I know there are many good suggestions on your web page, but it’s information overload for me still.

Any suggestion will be much appreciated.


I feel the information overload too. There are so many natural treatments for tremors out there – which ones do you pursue? It gets really overwhelming. Let me offer a few suggestions you might want to talk with your doctor about.

First, enroll in my Tame Tremors online course. The course covers proven methods and therapies that calm tremors. Classes are rolled out every five days so you are not overwhelmed with endless options. Instead, you take your time to evaluate an approach. If you decide it is not the right approach for you, another proven methods is presented in five days.

Here are some basic habits that will help improve your overall health:

Stop eating dairy products.

Exercise every day. Exercise addresses the stress.

Use body therapies that release the stress like craniosacral therapy, Bowen therapy, Tin Tui Na, vibration therapy, etc.  As you well know, when you can release the traumas that are  trapped in your tissues, your symptoms will not flare when you are under stress in the moment.

Toxins are a big factor. I have no idea what you have tried – but zeolite is a great detox. There are several companies who offer zeolite detoxes. Detoxing with zeolite has the potential to offer significant relief. There are of course dozens of ways and methods to detox. Naturopaths are great resources when it comes down to a vibrant detox approach.

Finally – are you adequately hydrated? If your body is not getting enough water – symptoms will be worse. John Coleman recommends aquas ( Whatever approach you use, be sure that your body is adequently hydrated every day.

I would not worry over a diagnosis. It is just a guess anyway. Your body has the power to heal itself when given the support and nourishment it needs to heal.

Give you body the support it needs to come back into balance and you will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Most importantly, select a treatment for tremors and take action. Any action. It will give you the energy and motivation to pursue recovery with a passion.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease

Hi Robert: I have been continuing to follow your work and today I just felt compelled to write and convey my deep appreciation for you for my recovery from Parkinson’s disease. Your work is invaluable and the information you provide is the most probative for anyone interested in recovery from Parkinson’s and other forms of chronic illness. I know that I have already indicated my appreciation in times past but I felt the need to do so again.

Robert, before I was diagnosed I was a mess, my hands, legs, head and entire body would shake. I have never been fond of doctors and always felt it would somehow subside, I finally went to see my general physician who said I had some sort of advanced PD, he recommended me to a neurologist who told me the same. Not wanting to accept this PD business I just continued to ignore it, then one day I was with my children at the mall and fell down a long flight of steps and unable to get up.

Still resistant I did agree to talk with Abraham Lieberman and he and I wrote back and forth for a long time, he agreed to treat me at no cost but I would of course have to get to Miami, instead he procured an appointment with Dr. Jankovic at Baylor University. They examined me for 4 hours and the diagnoses was the same. I started the medications that improved my condition substantially.

The long and short of it is I no longer have any symptoms of PD nor do I take any meds.I celebrate a full recovery from Parkinson’s disease. This was the result of about three years of research and slowly making changes in all aspects of my life. I do have a good understanding of why and how I recovered however articulated this might not be so easy, it was not simply changing modalities but the capacity to perceive life and my existence in a way that is contrary to all I have been taught and conditioned, changing my perspective was not an easy feat but when that occurred I realized that healing and restoration was possible.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery