Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Category: anxiety attacks

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025

Everyone who experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is well aware that anxiety fuels their symptoms. When stress is brought under control and you shut down anxiety in 2025, symptoms become far less problematic.

Everyone also knows that medicines and supplements have the potential to suppress symptoms in the short run. Unfortunately, they offer little promise of long lasting effectiveness. What in the world can deliver on this promise? Are there any natural solutions out there?

My answer is yes. A wide variety of effective methods to calm anxiety exist.  Techniques and therapies proven by research to shut down anxiety are covered in this course

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 Course Registration

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 introduces methods, strategies and techniques that are proven to quiet down and calm anxiety. They turn down the volume of the overactive flight-fight sympathetic nervous system that inflames neurological difficulties.

I did not invent these solutions. They have been extracted and simplified from an extensive body of discoveries  by practitioners and researchers.

There is no doubt that using these techniques provides relief from anxiety which is the key to celebrating relief from problematic neurological symptoms.

  • The course content introduces therapies and techniques that achieve relief that is long lasting rather than temporary.
  • It focuses on ways to shut down the relentless anxiety drives you crazy.
  • A bonus of the course is a download of my book Seven Secrets to Healing which covers the basics for how healing occurs from the inside out and a download of Pioneers of Recovery.

The course covers proven methods make it possible to release, remove and detach the debilitating impact of anxiety and anxiety attacks.  A welcome relief from symptoms follows.

Participants can connect to the Shut Down Anxiety online course content any time of the day or night using their phones or computers. Visit the link below to get started today.

Shut Down Anxiety in 2025 Course Registration

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Vagus Nerve Device

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

Vagus nerve stimulation is included in the therapies offered by a variety of different health care practitioners.  Vielight, the gold standardVagus Nerve company that conducts photobiomodulation (light therapy) research and invents devices based on research, has just introduced an affordable vagus nerve device that stimulates the Vagus Nerve. The Vielight Vagus can be used together with the Vielight Neuro to complement and maximize outcomes.

Visit this link below for detailed information about the Vielight Vagus: Vielight Vagus Device

To claim a 10% discount when ordering the Vagus Device or any of their devices, enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. Click on Order Vagus to purchase.
USD $699.00

Due to demand for the Vagus nerve device it is currently on back order.  Email them at to be notified when the Vagus Device is back in stock.

About the Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is crucial in regulating many of our bodies’ most basic functions. One of the most important aspects of the vagus nerve is its direct connection between the brain and the gut.

Neuroplasticity: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) is associated with promoting changes in the brain’s structure and function, improving connectivity and neural network efficiency.

Cognitive Enhancement: Studies have explored the impact of  Vagus Nerve Stimulation on cognitive functions. Findings suggest improvements in memory, attention, and other cognitive domains.

While Vagus Nerve stimulation is commonly conducted through electrical stimulation, the Vielight Vagus device offers non-invasive stimulation with light energy based on the principles of photobiomodulation (PBM).

As a patented device, the Vielight Vagus stands as the world’s only photobiomodulation device specifically designed for vagus nerve stimulation.

 Benefits of Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve offers a variety of benefits to both physical and mental health. Some of these include:

  1. Reduced inflammation: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been shown to help regulate inflammation in the body, which can be beneficial for conditions where inflammation plays a role, such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Lowered heart rate and blood pressure: Activation of the vagus nerve can lead to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  3. Improved mood: Vagus nerve stimulation has been linked to improvements in mood and alleviation of symptoms in mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. It can also enhance feelings of well-being.
  4. Enhanced digestion: The vagus nerve plays a key role in regulating digestion by increasing stomach acidity and digestive enzyme production, as well as promoting gut motility. Stimulation can aid in alleviating digestive issues.
  5. Better sleep: VNS has been associated with improvements in sleep patterns and overall sleep quality, making it potentially beneficial for those with sleep disorders.
  6. Pain relief: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) can help in reducing chronic pain by modulating pain perception and decreasing inflammation associated with pain conditions.
  7. Improved memory and cognitive function: Some studies suggest that VNS may enhance memory and cognitive abilities, which could be beneficial for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
  8. Epilepsy management: Vagus nerve stimulation is an established treatment for epilepsy that does not respond well to medication, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.
  9. Enhanced immune response: Activation of the vagus nerve affects immune system function, potentially boosting immune responses to infections and diseases.

Vagus nerve stimulation using photobiomodulation shows promise across a wide range of health benefits, though the extent and specific effects will vary based on individual health conditions.

Note: This video post is a part of my Shut Down Anxiety online course that introduces dozens of proven methods to shut down anxiety. We do not have any research evidence on this option yet, but I believe it merits serious consideration. For more information and the register for my Shut Down Anxiety online course, visit the Shut Down Anxiety course overview.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Is Anxiety an Issue for You?

I have exciting news. The gold standard company that invents new
light therapy devices ( has just announced the invention and availability of a photobiomodulation device that stimulates the vagus nerve. What is the big deal you wonder and why am I so excited to tell you about it?
Reduction of symptoms goes hand in hand with reducing anxiety.  When anxiety flares up, so do symptoms.

The Vielight Vagus device enables non-invasive stimulation of the vagus nerve via photobiomodulation (PBM). This device was engineered to enhance the parasympathetic nervous system via the vagus nerve. How cool is that?

Why the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is crucial in regulating many of our bodies’ most basic functions. One of the most important aspects of the vagus nerve is its direct connection between the brain and the gut.

Please consider getting the Vielight Vagus. I have not seen a new invention that I have been this excited about in a long time! By far the best strategy to reduce symptoms is to get anxiety under control. This device is designed to do just that.


Hello? The device was just invented. The company however invites users to use their devices for up to six months. If it does not offer the relief expected, return the device for an 80% refund. The risk is minimal. The benefits are potentially huge.
Enter the Parkinsons Recovery coupon code healing4me to claim a 10% discount.
Visit the link below to order (and do not forget to enter the coupon code above to take advantage of the discount).
Please keep me informed of your experience using the Vielight vagus.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Halt Anxiety with Proven Techniques

When anxiety flares up, symptoms always get worse. One of the best ways to sooth symptoms is to identify ways to get anxiety under control in the moment. This shifts the focus away from ways to suppress symptoms temporarily and embrace ways to reverse symptoms when they are most problematic.    

I document proven techniques to Halt  Anxiety in a book that is available as a download and as a paperback. This has been a work in progress for many months which is at long last complete.

My book introduces simple techniques that calm anxiety and reduce stress when they are most needed. The techniques:

  • Are simple to implement
  • Can be accessed anywhere, anytime in any situation.
  • Cost nothing
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Calm stress 
  • Help reduce the severity of symptoms

Click below to order the download of Halt Anxiety which will be sent immediately to your computer or phone.

Download of Halt Anxiety

Click the book cover below to order the paperback ($10):

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 
Olympia Washington
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease|


Solutions for Parkinsons Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




How Long Does Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease Take

  • What is the bottom line to recovery from Parkinson’s disease?
  • What is the secret to making recovery from Parkinson’s disease happen?

Most people hold near and dear to their heart the beliefs that recovery has to …

  • Take years to unfold
  • Requires medications and supplements
  • Happens for only a select few
  • Involves expensive therapies
  • Happens only when you find the right therapist, health care practitioner or doctor who has the secret answer to recovery
  • Calls for outside interventions of one form or another

I used to believe all of this was true. Not today. I hold a much different belief that recovery is possible for

  • Anyone
  • Anywhere
  • Anytime

Anytime Can Mean Starting Today

Why do I embrace this seemingly outrageous belief?

Naturopath John Coleman ND discusses the ups and downs of his own recovery from Parkinson’s disease in this clip of my interview with him.

Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinsons have told me about unexpected blocks of time (a few minutes, hours, days) when their symptoms disappeared completely.

Surprisingly. these accounts more often than not involve situations which cannot be explained by taking (or not taking) medications or supplements or turning on or off a DBS battery connection.  

Is this a familiar circumstance for you? Have you celebrated the quieting of symptoms unexpectedly? If it has ever happened once for you, I believe it can happen all the time.

What usually happens in when symptoms are unexpectedly quieted?

Our own thoughts are our undoing. The thinking process is something like:

  • Wow. I feel great. I feel normal.
  • Wait. this is not supposed to happen.
  • I have Parkinsons Disease. I am supposed to get worse, not better.
  • It feels a bit strange to feel so good.
  • I do not deserve to feel so damn good.
  • When any minor evidence of a symptoms resurfaces the thought is: Oh right. There it is again. I know I will never be rid of this. I might as well get used to it.
  • Fear sizzles throughout the cells of the body

Almost all success stories involve people who have found ways to acknowledge when …

  • Fear rears its ugly head
  • Anxiety soars
  • Stress sizzles
  • Worries rattle over and over in our mind


Once fears, anxieties, stresses and worries are recognized, any and all unwanted feelings are quieted and calmed, allowing the physical body to return to a state of balance and harmony.

The answer lies entirely within your ability to recognize and release stress and anxiety in the moment. In other words, you can make it happen for yourself now. This put you…

In full control over your recovery

What are the triggers in your life? What sets you off? A wide variety of stimuli can “set us off” into a spiral. The possibilities of triggers are endless.

  • Smells?
  • People?
  • Strangers who look like certain people?
  • Noises?
  • Colors?
  • Shapes?
  • Words other people use?
  • Memories?
  • Touching of one type or another?
  • Invasive actions by others?
  • People who want to control you?
  • Thoughts about the future?
  • Frets about the past?

You may never intellectually understand why any of the above sets you off and inflames fear and/or anxiety. It just does. End of story.

I believe the answer is not to attempt to sort through the reasons why (something like the smell of a certain perfume sets you off,  but to recognize what you get upset and immediately Change the Channel

It is like you are watching a movie that is upsetting you so what do you do?

  1. You immediately stop watching the bad movie.
  2. Then you change the channel to something that is pleasing to your soul.

When stress is dissolved, symptoms immediately dissolve like an ice cream cone melting in the hot summer sun. Set the intention to make it so with each and every moment of your life from henceforth.

The best deal of becoming aware of your wanted reactions each and every moment and quieting them in the moment they flare is that the therapy is entirely free!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Panic Attacks and Anxiety

How to Solve the Problem of Panic Attacks and Anxiety

When panic attacks strike and anxiety sizzles, Parkinson’s symptoms get

  • What was a modest gait problem becomes unbearable.
  • What was a minor challenge with speaking clearly and loudly becomes major.

And – it all happens in a flash – as if a thunder bolt strikes you head on. What can be done to avert panic attacks and calm down anxiety?

One option is to take extra medications or supplements which can numb the problem.
Unfortunately, medications do not always work, particularly when a panic attack is unexpected as always seems to be the case.

I believe the smartest solution is to find practical ways to switch the high anxiety
switch to “off” without having to rely on medications and supplements. Put yourself in control, not the medicines. You can always respond instantly when needed when you are in the driver’s seat.

I am impressed with a program titled “Panic Away” which helps turn down the volume of anxiety and panic attacks. I recommend you check out the presentation on their website.

When you enter your email, you receive a link to a free 10 minute audio that is excellent. I found their way of dealing with attacks to be useful, practical and novel.

Check out their approach. They have excellent information on their website. Be sure to get the download and listen to the audio recording. It will exhaust 10 minutes out of your day but the benefit will be worth the trouble. It was for me.

Click on the link below. Enter you name (any name) and your email and they will send you a link to the free audio download in your email.  Download the audio to your computer or phone. Listen when needed!

Panic Away

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Anxiety and Depression Relief

Dr. Kristen Allott, a naturopath doctor and Acupuncturist from Dynamic Paths, specializes in non-pharmacological interventions for anxiety and depression relief as well as  addictions and Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). Her passion is to empower persons to reclaim their health

What do you do when you wake up at 3 am and cannot sleep? What tools can you use to address anxiety, depression and fatigue? Listen to the show and discover all of Dr. Allott secrets for restoring balance and health the natural way.

Below is Dr. Kristen Allott’s handout for how to achieve anxiety and depression relief byanxiety and depression relief optimizing your brain health. The handout provides excellent guidelines that make it possible to achieve depression relief and reduce anxiety by eating small amounts of protein throughout the day.

Below is Dr. Allott’s overview for how the right nutrition for anxiety and pain relief that offers welcome relief from depression.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Optimize Your Brain

Copyright © 2012 Kristen Allott, ND, L.Ac.

Please consult with your doctor before changing your diet.

Healthy Protein Sources

Legumes Nuts

Firm Tofu 1/2 c 20 g Nuts 1/4 c 8 g

Tofu 1/2 c 10 g Seeds 2 T 3 g

Tempeh 1/2 c 16 g Nut butter 2 T 8 g

Lentils 1/2 c 9 g Seed butter 2 T 5 g

Refried beans 1/2 c 8 g Milk Products

Whole beans 1/2 c 7 g Cottage cheese (LF) 1/2 c 12 g

Gardenburger 1 patty 11 g High Protein Yogurt 1/2 c 8-9 g

Seed Grains Not Milk or cheese

Quinea 1/2 c 11 g Eggs

Barley 1/2 c 10 g Egg, whole 1 7 g

Dark rye flour 1/2 c 9 g

Millet 1/2 c 4 g

Oats 1/2 c 3 g Note: Egg yolks contain nutrients that

are excellent for mental health.

Brown rice 1/2 c 3 g

White rice 1/2 c 3 g

Dairy Substitutes Protein powder 1 T 9-15 g

Soy milk 1 c 6 g Yogurt (LF) 1 c 8-14 g

Soy cheese 1 oz 4-7 g Wild fish 3 oz 21 g

Soy yogurt 1 c 6 g

Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Pork 3 oz 21 g

Protein for Mental Health

Small frequent meals with protein help the brain synthesize dopamine and serotonin and stabilize blood glucose to help you feel better. Be sure to also eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

How much protein should I eat?

The quick calculation for your target protein intake is 8 grams of protein for every 20 lbs of body weight, or one-third of your caloric intake is protein. Most people feel better when they eat at least 20 grams in the morning, 20 grams in the afternoon and 20 grams in the evening. The maximum amount of protein per day is 120 grams.

Your Weight (lbs)   Target Grams protein      Acceptable Range Protein

100 40 36-45

120 48 43-54

140 56 50-63

160 64 57-72

180 72 64-81

200 80 71-90

Portion control

Here are some visual clues to help you keep servings to the proper size:

3 oz of any meat= a deck of playing cards

½ c cooked grain = a small fist

1 oz cheese = a thumb

1 oz nuts = a golf ball

1 T nut butter or nuts = a silver dollar or a walnut 

Benefits of eating enough protein

Less fatigue, particularly in the afternoons

Better sleep

More energy

Hungry less often

Better and more stable moods

Higher metabolism from having more muscle mass

Lizard Brain Treat

1/4 cup of fruit juice

1/4 cup of nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts)

Use the Lizard Brain Treat for anxiety and depression relief when you are …

  • Anxious, irritated, or agitated.
  • Anticipating something that makes you anxious, irritated and/or agitated.
  • Not hungry after waking in the morning. Try having nuts and juice on your bed stand and consume the treat prior to getting out of bed
  • Hungry, having gone too long (more than 4 hours) without eating
  • Having 3 AM committee meeting: waking at 3 AM and being sure that sleep will not come for 2 hours.

Three Day of Ridiculous Amounts of Protein: Protein Every Three Hours

7 AM Breakfast: (14 grams of protein) within an hour of waking

Two eggs, 1 piece of toast, one apple or pear

10AM Snack: (6-7 grams of protein)

1/4 cup of nuts: almonds, peanuts, cashews, and hazelnuts

Or 1/4 cup cottage cheese

Or 2 TBS of nut butter-peanut, almond, and/or cashew

12 to 1PM Lunch: (21 grams of protein) meat the size of a deck of cards

This can be a sandwich, wrap, salad, or soup.

Plus 1 cup of veggies or 1 cup of whole real grain-brown rice, quinoa, and bulgur

Be sure that there is a little veggie fat– avocado, nut oil and/or olive oil.

3 pm Snack: (6-7 grams of protein)

1/4 cup of nuts-almonds, peanuts, cashews, and hazelnuts

Or 1/4 cup cottage cheese

Or 2 TBS of nut butter-peanut, almond, and/or cashew

6 PM Dinner: (21 grams of protein) meat the size of a deck of cards

This can be a sandwich, wrap, salad, or soup.

Plus 1 cup of veggies or 1 cup of whole real grain-brown rice, quinoa, and/or bulgur

Be sure that there is a little veggie fat– avocado, nut oil and/or olive oil.

Before Bed: 1-2 slices of turkey or meat

Copyright © 2012 Kristen Allott, ND, L.Ac.

Please consult with your doctor before changing your diet.