Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 6 of 37)

5HTP for Depression

The following is an inspiring interview about 5HTP for depression with John Schappi in 2011. John was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease in September, 2009 at age 80.

John discusses his remedies for sleep, incontinence and depression in this inspiring interview with him. Below is a marvelous review of his life. Sadly, John died in 2018. This post is celebrates his life and commitment to helping persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

JOHN V. SCHAPPI (Age 88) is a 1952 graduate of Cornell University, John spent nearly 40 years helping build the Bureau of National Affairs (now Bloomberg BNA) into a leading legal publisher. Hired in 1955, he later became associate editor overseeing BNA’s human resource (HR) publications. He also authored Improving Job Attendance, named to Princeton University’s 1988 list of Noteworthy Books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics.

He retired as BNA’s HR vice president in 1994 but stayed on the company’s board of directors until 1998, completing 20 years on the largely employee-elected board. Outside of BNA, John was active in the Washington, DC, community. From 1982 – 1992, he served on the Whitman-Walker Clinic’s board of directors and as board president in 1990-1991. He was selected for the 1990-1991 class of Leadership Greater Washington and served on its board in 1993-1994.

During his retirement, John enjoyed biking, playing bridge, gardening, and attending theater and dance shows. He travelled frequently and collected friends around the globe, especially in Nepal. He continued to write, sharing his experiences on his blog, Aging, Parkinson’s and Me where is highlighted the value to him of taking 5HTP for depression.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2024
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Self Discipline and Determination

Robert you are doing fantastic work: You’ve given me hope through your Parkinsons Recovery Radio program which I’ve never had before. It’s now six years since I was diagnosed, and I’m as young as you are; and I still more or less succeed in running my own medical equipment manufacturing company. However although I am looked after by one of London’s most eminent Neurologists, he has never given me the slightest suggestion that the symptoms can be over come with proper self discipline and determination….

But you have opened my eyes and by your enthusiasm, your profound study of the subject matter, you have transformed my attitude single handed. You are true hero, and I salute your efforts with all my heart.

I have a young first family with a three children of 8,10 and 12 and I have every thing to live for. But it is you that has transformed my attitude to life with Parkinson’s. Now I can see that its possible for me look forward to ten years time when I now still expect to be able to go skiing with my children, rather than dreading as before that they would not want to be seen with their then doddery Dad. You’ve shown me the light and the hope, and with that I can fight like hell to make sure my children are not robbed of their entitlement in a father.

Robert, I thank you for everything you are doing. May you have the strength to continue for a thousand years. 

Robert W (London)

Remarkable Story of Recovery

I extend a warm invitation to listen to a remarkable story of recovery documented in my interview with Sue. She provides a thorough and heart warming account of her rocky journey down the road to recovery from the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Learn all about the therapies and modalities that supported  her ability to recover.

Parkinsons Recovery challenges the false belief that Parkinson’s is a degenerativeremarkable story of recovery “disease” by documenting cases of individuals who have made remarkable recoveries. Some of the recoveries are complete in the sense that the person is symptom free today. Other recoveries are partial in the sense that the person has seen remarkable improvements. Both recovery experiences cases are documented in Pioneers of Recovery.

Once anyone realizes that people can and do recover, it is much easier to fully and completely believe in your heart mind and soul that the body really does knows how to heal from the inside out.

Are you serious about wanting to get relief from your symptoms? Sue Richards used a walker last year. She walks without a walker today. How did she accomplish this remarkable feat?

Sue provides a rich accounting of  her remarkable story of recovery as she traveled down the road to recovery. You might want to take notes as she provides a thorough accounting of the therapies that helped her celebrate sustained relief from her symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Reclaiming Independence

The Parkinsons Recovery Reclaiming Independence Intensive provides one on one support to help transform walking difficulties.

Have you been falling, freezing or shuffling when walking?

Has walking become problematic?

If  your answers are yes, watch my short video right now to convert wobbly walking to one that is rock solid.

My passion is to help individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease transform any and all beliefs that recovery cannot happen for them.

The goal of the Reclaiming Independence Intensive is to develop a plan of recovery thatReclaiming Independence Intensive will transform problematic mobility into one that is rock solid. Once the plan is set, we review, monitor and adjust the plan as needed over the course of individual sessions with me.

My commitment to you involves a commitment that sets in motion a recovery program that can succeed for you.

I have been asked by many of you to offer an intensive, so here it is!

Visit the Intensive link below for more information and to register.

Reclaiming Independence Intensive

The Intensive Enhances Sound Decision Making

When it comes to a successful recovery program, choices are important.  Robert provides information about the benefits and risks of pursuing  recovery options. He helps you sort through the dozens of recovery options  to identify the ones that are perfect for your interests, goals and lifestyle.

Stress Reduction

Confronting health challenges is stressful day in and day out.  The Intensive helps reduce stress by creating structured plans and realistic goals. It also provides strategies for coping with disappointments and overcoming obstacles.

Motivation and Inspiration

At times, we all need a bit of inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward. Robert offers ongoing  encouragement and helps you stay motivated even when faced with setbacks. He celebrates your successes  with you and helps reignite your passion and drive when enthusiasm wanes. You are not alone.

Visit the Intensive link below for more information and to register.

Reclaiming Independence Intensive

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Parkinson’s disease dopamine

Two L-dopa sources for Parkinson’s disease dopamine are the prescription medication Sinemet and the over the counter supplement Mucuna. Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer answers the following question:

“Can both be taken and if so can there be unwanted side effects?”

Treatment of Parkinson’s disease symptoms often involves taking medications aimed at increasing Parkinson’s disease dopamine levels in the body. Among the various treatment options, Sinemet (a combination of levodopa and carbidopa) is prescribed by doctors to help alleviate motor symptoms by replenishing dopamine.

Patients and practitioners sometimes add  mucuna pruriens, a natural supplement, to the treatment regimen. While mucuna does not require a prescription from a doctor it is, like Sinemet, a medicine that  contains L-dopa. The body converts the L-dopa to dopamine.

Understanding Sinemet

Sinemet is a prescribed medication for Parkinson’s disease that combines two drugs:

  • Levodopa: This precursor to dopamine is converted into the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which is crucial for regulating movement and coordination.
  • Carbidopa: This component prevents levodopa from being converted into dopamine before it reaches the brain, which helps to maximize the effectiveness of levodopa and reduce side effects like nausea.

While Sinemet is effective, its impact usually diminishes over time. Patients usually need to take higher and higher doses to achieve the desired result.

Enter Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens, often referred to as velvet bean, is a natural source of levodopa. It’s been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is now gaining attention in the context of Parkinson’s disease treatment. The beans of the mucuna plant contain L-dopa, the same compound found in Sinemet.

Potential Benefits of Combining Mucuna with Sinemet for Parkinson’s Disease Dopamine

  1. Enhanced Dopamine Levels: Since mucuna contains l-dopa, it may potentially boost dopamine levels in the brain, complementing the effects of Sinemet. Some studies suggest that mucuna could offer a more rapid or sustained increase in dopamine levels compared to synthetic levodopa.
  2. Reduced Motor Fluctuations: Mucuna might help in smoothing out the “on-off” fluctuations experienced by some Parkinson’s patients on Sinemet alone. The natural levodopa in mucuna might work more consistently to help manage symptoms throughout the day.
  3. Possible Reduction in Side Effects: Some users report fewer side effects with mucuna compared to synthetic levodopa preparations. This could be due to the natural formulation of mucuna.

Considerations and Risks

  1. Lack of Standardization: Unlike prescription medications, the potency and purity of mucuna supplements can vary widely. This lack of standardization means that the exact dose of levodopa can be unpredictable.
  2. Drug Interactions: Mucuna may interact with Sinemet, potentially altering the effectiveness of either medication. It’s crucial to monitor any changes in symptoms and adjust dosages under medical supervision.
  3. Side Effects: While mucuna might have fewer side effects for some, it’s not without risks. Potential side effects include dyskinesia (the side effect Randy mentions in his answer to the question posed to him above), nausea, dizziness, or digestive issues. Always discuss these possibilities with your healthcare provider.

Practical Tips for Combining Mucuna with Sinemet

Consult Your Doctor: Before introducing mucuna into your regimen, have a thorough discussion with your neurologist or primary care physician. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition and treatment goals.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

How Parkinsons Disease is Caused

How Parkinsons disease is caused winds up being the question many people believe has already been answered. Simple. It is all about a deficiency of dopamine.

Really I say? Is the body really that simple? Are we like a car? When our car stops running we need only fill it up with more gas and bingo – it runs again?

The body transmits thousands of  instructions every second to keep us alive. It truly is a miracle. When symptoms emerge, there is no simple fix. If we were like a car, we could simply fill ourselves up with gas.

Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer explains the cascading array of factors that contribute to the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.


By way of further explanation, studies show that one answer to the question “how Parkinsons disease is caused” is exposure to certain pesticides. Many people know this and get tested for the presence of these toxins in their body. Often, the tests are positive.

Great. So now the person knows the cause is pesticides. Of course, a regimen is then initiated to detox the pesticides. But wait a minute here.

Why are pesticides stored and stuck in the body which is eloquently equipped to get rid of any and all toxins. What happened here?

Are kidneys compromised? Maybe an origin of the  problem is not pesticides but a kidney which is not functioning a full capacity.

Or, perhaps the liver is compromised? Maybe the origin of the problem is not pesticides but a liver problem which is not functioning at full capacity.

Let’s assume we know the problem is the liver. Why is the liver compromised?

Is it because of an alcoholic addiction? That will inevitably cause liver problems. If in fact this is the case, the contributing cause is not the pesticides per say or a liver that is diseased but an addiction to alcohol.

Or, is it because of the side effects of multiple medications that are taken?  It is well documented that certain medications cause liver damage.

Or, is it because of a Hepatitis C infection? A hepatitis infection can cause liver disease.

The point of course is that when a decision is make that the cause is pesticides, treatments will focus on detoxing the pesticides. But wait here. Can the liver tolerate the chelation of the pesticide toxin?

  • Not if there is a Hepatitis infection.
  • Not if the side effects of medications have caused liver disease.
  • Not if an alcoholic refuses to stop drinking alcohol.

I have talked with dozens of persons with Parkinson’s symptoms who have pursued methods to detox toxins with limited success. Why are they unable to succeed with getting the toxins out of their body? One or more of their elimination  organs (kidneys, liver, colon, skin) are compromised.  These organs have to be brought back to full functionality before any detox regime can succeed.

The above possibilities illustrate what I have presented in the video and what Randy Menzter discussed in the clip of my interview with him.

When symptoms emerge, most people conclude that their body is broken. The body’s natural state is one of harmony, balance and wellness. We simply need to support its ability to succeed at helping us heal from the inside out.

Check out my online course that introduces cutting edge methods and therapies that support the body’s ability to heal from the inside out.

Healing from Inside Out Online Course

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Foot Whisperer

Angela gave me permission to post her story and pictures below on recent therapies she has found have offered relief from the symptoms of Parkinsons she currently experiences offered by foot whisperer Randy Eady.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I met the author, Randy Eady, in Delray Beach, Florida, where he is known as the “Foot Whisperer” for his promotion of whole body health through treatment of the feet. I was intrigued as he had apparently had the same insight as Janice Walton-Hadlock in that PD is related to a blockage of Chi energy in the foot. I saw Randy for several sessions over the period of a month. He calls his work Ancient Walking to Primal Rhythms, a form of “movement meditation.” Each session began with a soak of my feet in a mini hot tub, followed by a foot massage concentrating on acupressure points particularly K1 (kidney 1). He had me try a number of different modalities:

Walking on a pebble mat (also called a Chi mat). At first this hurt a lot like walking on stones but I have become used to it. Randy gave me a pebble mat to take home with me and I use it faithfully every day.

foot whisperer


 Wearing shoes with individual toe sleeves. Randy got me a pair of Fila “skelatoes” shoes that are the next best thing to going barefoot. Shoes of this type are all the rage right now in the world of running. I find them exceptionally comfortable and superior to any walking shoe that I have ever owned.

Non-focused eye movement. He gave me a number of exercises to do that help train the sides of the brain to do tasks that formerly the other side had done (at least this is my interpretation of the exercises). -Tai chi. Randy instructed me in the first half dozen movements of tai chi, both sitting and standing. I am afraid I am a slow learner (could never learn to dance either) but feel that tai chi is one of the keys to solving the PD problem which I am coming more and more to believe is an electrical problem that can be corrected.

Counterrotating arms. At least this is something I can do quite easily: rotate one arm clockwise and the other arm counterclockwise. Again, I feel that this is about training the brain and creating new neural pathways.

– Vibroacoustic lounge and vest. Randy obtained both of these on loan and I was able to try both. I had previously used a vibroacoustic lounge at Robert Rodgers “Jump Start to Wellness” workshop in December 2009. In my opinion, the vibroacoustic vest was just as effective. The deep vibrations produced by the vest or lounge seem to entrain the tremors of PD, offering considerable relief. The sessions I had were highly relaxing; indeed, I fell asleep.
It is interesting how a tuning fork held against acupressure points, particularly the one on the top of the head, feels so very good.

Walking in nature. Randy introduced me to Delray Oaks, an incredible nature preserve that was less than half a mile from our condo.  Walking through that park was one of the most joyous experiences I have ever had and I was literally overflowing with gratitude.

And so much more. Foot whisperer Randy Eady is a true Renaissance man for the 21st-century who has something significant to offer to people with movement disorders such as PD.

Blessings from the blessed,


Parkinsons Natural Remedies

My fiancee was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 3 years ago.
We both would like to explore the best Parkinsons natural remedies.

To make a long story short, he’s made many lifestyle
changes (better dietary choices; no chemicals in his
home; takes soil-based organisms; limits stresses…)
and has been to multiple ND’s as well as MD’s for

He’s only tried one conventional medicine, Reserp,
which resulted in severe palpitations. He has refused
all other medications because he believes that this
only addresses the symptoms and not the cause.

This is only a brief synopsis of what’s transpired
over the past few years, but I’m hoping I’ve included
enough info for you.

What can we try to help him recover from this disorder?
Neither of us believe that this “disease” is incurable,
but we are at a loss as to what to try next. Any help
you can send my way would be MOST APPRECIATED.

You have asked a great question. Parkinsons Recovery
is all about identifying a wide variety of natural alternatives
for people to consider who are committed to feeling

You fiancee clearly is on the road to recovery and he
will get better. Keep in mind two realities. First, recovery
is a gradual process which takes time and patience.
You don’t start eating healthy food one week and see
dramatic improvements the next week. It takes the body
time to rejuvenate cells and to heal.

Second, you do not report whether he is seeing any relief
from symptoms. Is he getting worse? Is he the same? Is
he getting better? My guess is that you and he probably
do not know the answer

From the tone of your letter is sounds like you are
both discouraged. It is very possible that he is
actually improving – but neither of you see it. No one
is adept at tracking improvement in symptoms. We
all tend to focus on the problems not the successes.

You use the terms “better dietary choices” which is
an interesting use of terms. You do not say “healthy
dietary choices.” It is possible that while his eating habits are
generally good he may be eating foods he is
allergic to. Keep in mind also that sugar is a
neuro toxin. If he is eating any sugar at all
it will be a challenge to celebrate symptoms relief.

You say he has no chemicals in his home. That
is awesome news. He may however have certain
toxins lodged in the tissues of his body. Most people
do. It is just a question of whether the extent of
exposure is too much for his body to process.

You do not mention hydration. When the body is
adequately hydrated it is able to cleanse itself
of toxins more readily. Naturopath John Coleman recommends
a homeopathic remedy for dehydration called the
aquas. You can find more information at

I would venture a guess that a factor
that is aggravating his symptoms is a sustained
and persistent levels of stress and trauma. You say
he “limits” stress, but the truth is that any stress
can have a profound impact on our immune system
and on the health of our neurological system.

So as a final next step to consider, I would recommend
he investigate methods of releasing stress and trauma
that is lodged in the tissues of his body. As long as a
body is in a sustained state of stress the symptoms
will not and cannot resolve. Exploring ways to release
the trauma that is trapped at the cellular level should
rise to the top of the list of Parkinsons natural remedies..

There are many awesome approaches for relieving
stress and trauma that is lodged in the tissues of
the body: craniosacral therapy, Bowen therapy,
neurolinguistic programming, biofeedback
to mention just a few.

Which approach is right for him? Only he can figure that
answer out through experimentation using his intuition.
Different therapies work for different people. Only he
will know what is right for him.

I hope these suggestions are of some use. Keep in
mind that there are dozens and dozens of therapies that
have helped people with Parkinson’s. Your fiancee’s job
now is to figure out the ones that are a perfect fit for him.

He has set his intention. He has engaged the journey.
He will eventually get better as he and you experiment with various
Parkinsons natural remedies. Just watch. Be sure to celebrate
his progress as the two of you together track the
improvement in his symptoms over time.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

© 2024 Parkinsons Recovery

Why is Parkinson’s Disease Increasing?

The truthful answer to the question “why is Parkinson’s disease increasing” will likely surprise you. Is it because of the increasing toxins in our environment? Not really, but that is certainly a factor. Is it because of contaminated water systems? Not really, but that too is a factor. Enough. The answer is …

If you watched my video, you were likely surprised at my answer. There is typically one and only one answer to the question – what causes Parkinson’s disease. The  answer? A lack of dopamine. Everyone knows that, duh.

Take for example the Parkinson’s disease hand tremor. When the right medications or supplements and the right dose for your body that contain L-dopa are taken. the hand tremor is quieted. The L-dopa is converts to dopamine in the body. So maybe the reason Perhaps the answer to Why is Parkinson’s disease is increasing turns on the decreasing supply of L-Dopa?

End of story, right? I say wrong. Parkinson’s disease is caused by a persistent fear people cannot not shake. The fear is familiar to us all: Lack of control over everything and everyone.

Dynamics of the world  spin so rapidly these days many people feel they do not control anything – not their pay check, not the addictions of family members, not the untimely deaths of family and friends, not global warming, not …

In the video I explain how to turnaround the feeling of being out of control with an example of how to react when Parkinsons disease hand tremors become problematic. Do we sit on our hands? Do we tuck them in our pocket? There is another approach.

In summary – More and more people are feeling they are out of control which is the simple and obvious reason why Parkinsons disease is increasing.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

How to Raise Money for Recovery

My grandfather has Parkinsons in its later developments. He’s currently in stoke hospital recovering from a recent fall. He’s pretty much fully recovered now and ready to be released. I am interested in knowing how to raise money for recovery.

Unfortunately his care home wont take him back unless he has a properly fitted chair to get him around without falling over again. The chair costs around £3000 for the type that he needs. I’m trying to find a way to raise this money. I was hoping you might have some ideas as to how I might do it?

Sometimes people need a jump start to begin feeling better. Sounds like your grandfather may need just that. I typically do not work on questions about wheel chairs, since they invite thought forms which are negative and De-energizing. Sounds like in your grandfather’s case, a properly fitted chair might help improve his quality of life significantly so he can begin to feel better.

How to Raise Money for Recovery

I believe the way to approach this type of challenge is to set up an account on a platform  that makes it possible for friends and family to donate small amounts of money. A person may well be unable to pay 3000 pounds, but they can probably donate 5 pounds or 10 pounds.

When you set up the invitation to donate on the website, you explain how the funds will be used and invite people to make donations of any size. Many small donations will eventually amount up to 3000 pounds. You will be surprised by how many people will be eager and happy to assist. The money goes for a very worthy cause.

There are various platforms such as Go Fund Me that can be used to raise money for worthy causes such as you describe in your email. This way, friends and family can donate even small sums. It is a marvelous way for them to support any journey down the road to recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

NADH for Parkinsons


I have had a few difficult days and been very tired and very weary – sleeping is a nightmare. I hope to start going to yoga on a one to one basis starting in March. I have also had aromatherapy a few times since last I contacted you. Still wonder what natural medications to try – there are so many – where does one start? I was thinking of NADH for Parkinsons as a beginning – what do you think?

I saw my Parkinsons Nurse last Friday and he feels I am very stressed so has put me forward for a Research Study regarding stress in Parkinsons. And I had a phone call only today and am seeing a trainee clinical psychologist who will be carrying out this study. This is aiming at finding out if the number of stressful life events a person has experienced and their coping style in difficult situations, also family history and exposure to pesticides. It does make me feel that I am not forgotten at least!

I look forward to hearing from you as you certainly raise my spirits!!




It is refreshing to learn you are experimenting with a wide variety of therapies. My research reveals that people who are able to find sustained relief from their symptoms employ a variety of therapies.

It is also imminently clear from my research that the symptoms of Parkinsons are directly and immediately influenced by stress. When you are stressed symptoms will flair. I know of no exceptions.

NADH for Parkinsons

As for NADH, listen to this clip of my interview with Steven Fowkes.

Steven Fowkes has conducted two decades of research on Parkinsons and is in a unique position to offer suggestions for persons searching for ways to find relief from their symptoms. As you will learn from listening to this clip from my interview with him, Steve Fowkes says that approximately 40% of the individuals who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons have a NADH deficiency.

He recommends that anyone currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s consider taking NADH and see if they observe a difference in symptoms. Talk with your doctor about pursuing this option. According to him, it can’t do any harm and may well provide relief from symptoms. Fowkes says that you can obtain NADH from a health food store.

Now listen to Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer discuss NADH in response to a question submitted to Parkinsons Recovery.

May your recovery unfold gently and effortlessly,

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts

Road to Recovery

I received the e mail below last night from Danny. It makes my heart sing to know that my new book, Road to Recovery is having a positive impact on people who are on the Road to Recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Your book, Road to Recovery is absolutely phenomenal. I’ve only read the first 50 pages and I can’t put it down. I had to force myself to take a break and write you this email. During my 10+ years with Parkinson’s, I have had doctors, family members, support group friends and personal friends insisting that with Parkinson’s I will get progressively worse as time goes by until I am eventually completely disabled.

How refreshing to finally find someone who tells me that that is not necessarily the case, that I have the power within me to relieve my symptoms and to heal myself. I have always felt deep down that it is possible to get better and as you know I have made much progress in that direction through the use of tai chi.

In your book, you provide proof that it is indeed possible through a myriad of alternative approaches, with the research and stories of people who have been successful.You provide the information in such a positive and optimistic light, allowing the reader to experiment, discover, and develop his own Road to Recovery that is suitable for his own individual journey.

You encourage us to live life to the fullest, using our creative powers to experience the wonderful things that life has to offer us. These are indeed the best years of our lives.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


How to Improve Gait and Balance


Can you recommend any techniques for how to improve gait and balance? At present I tend to drag my right leg. If I go for a walk I am OK after about half a mile. I tend to drag my leg on short runs and around the house



First, Consider doing Tai Chi on a regular basis. It is a good idea to connect with a teacher who is proficient. There are excellent DVDs on Tai Chi that also extremely helpful if accessed on a regular basis.

Second, listen to the inspiring interview with Dancer Pamela Quinn who offers a variety of dynamite suggestions that provide suggestions for how to improve gait and balance.

One suggestion (among others from Pamela Quinn) for how to improve gait and balance

Third, Pamela offers a number of suggestions to persons with mobility challenges. She suggested for example that you practice kicking a soccer ball using the leg that drags. It helps to wake up that lazy leg.

You obviously do not want to kick a soccer ball while going to work or doing errands. Instead – you simply pretend that you are kicking the soccer ball as you walk from one place to the next. It works just as well as if you were actually kicking it.

Try bouncing a ball as you walk – just as you did when you were a boy. Your foot is dragging because your body is navigating through neural pathways that are dysfunctional. When you bounce a ball while you walk – you create new neural networks. This short circuits the old pathways that are presently hindering that lazy leg’s functionality.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts


Detoxification Foot Baths

It is clear to me that toxins can cause symptoms ofdetoxification foot baths
Parkinson’s. It is also clear that there are a wide
variety of ways to detox heavy metals, pesticides
and other harmful substances from your body.
Have you ever heard of detoxification foot baths used
to detox the body?

Several people have told me recently that detox
foot baths have helped them feel a lot better.  There
are a number of different detox machines
that are currently being marketed.

Summary: Detoxification Foot Baths

I like the idea of foot detoxes myself because they
are safe, non intrusive and natural. The jury is out
on how well detox foot baths help people get relief
from the symptoms of Parkinsons.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Antioxidants and Parkinsons Disease


What about Antioxidants and Parkinsons disease? Is Noni Juice helpful as a treatment for symptoms of Parkinson’s?



There is a very long list of symptoms that have been linked to a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. In fact – if you examine and analyze this list of symptoms, you will cover just about any diagnosis imaginable.

I am aware of no research that directly evaluates the use of Noni juice on the symptoms of Parkinsons, but this is the norm. Little formal evidence exists that evaluates natural treatments.

So What about Antioxidants and Parkinsons Disease?

Certainly, anti oxidants could potentially lend relief to some of the symptoms. We know that anti oxidants help the body reverse the process of aging. To the extent that aging is associated with a degradation of the neurological system, it seems reasonable to suspect that you should be able to expect improved health on some level with the ingestion of anti-oxidants.

Be aware that there are many choices you can make with regard to the use of anti oxidants. A search on the Internet will list for you foods that have natural anti oxidant properties (like blue berries for example).

The decision to take Noni juice or some other anti oxidant hinges on cost and personal preference. I believe everyone – regardless of whether they currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons or not , should be taking anti-oxidants of some form or another.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts


Stem Cell Implants

Greetings – I am getting more information from/about two
different private facilities that do stem cell implants.
Both advertise on the internet. One is in Cologne, Germany
and the other is in the Caribbean.  While there are no
guarantees, both claim to have made dramatic improvements
in Parkinson’s patients.

Notwithstanding the prices they charge, I’m tempted to
spend a good deal of my limited savings on one of them. Why?

Because I am approaching desperation. I’ve had PD for 20+ years
(I’m now age 67) and my symptoms–mainly dystonia,
depression, and fatigue– are worsening day by day.

I happened across your web site.

Please tell me what you would do if you were in my shoes.

Many thanks,


My short answer:

I would search for more information about stem cell implants. There are
many excellent options available now. My research reveals that
stem cell therapy usually offers welcome relief, but it is not
sustained over the long term. Continued treatments are required
over time to celebrate ongoing symptoms relief.

I would be highly suspect of anyone who promises a single
approach will do wonders for permanently relieving the
symptoms of Parkinson’s.  My understanding of Parkinsons causes
indicate that changes in life style and a multi-faceted
approach are necessary.

I have talked with many people in many countries who have found
ways to get relief from their symptoms. Some are happy with the
outcome. I have heard a few reports of individuals who were unhappy.
None of these therapies help everyone to be sure.

My guess is this: Stem cell implants can provide
temporary relief, but in most cases they do not appear to offer
long term relief. When symptoms are genuinely problematic I|
think stem cell implants can be a viable option to take seriously.
You need to jump start your recovery and get your life back even
if in the short term.

Causes of Parkinsons Symptoms

I have concluded from working with many people with Parkinson’s
and from interviewing many people with Parkinson’s that the causes fall
into a minimum of two categories: trauma/stress and toxins.

If you are carrying significant trauma in your tissues or holding
the effects of stress in your body, stem cell implants will not
succeed in releasing them. Other approaches are needed.
If you have an overload of toxins in your body, stem cell implants
will not necessarily help your body purge them. Other approaches are needed.

The other important issue I want to raise is the following:
Bu concluding your body needs a fresh batch of cells because the
existing cells are defective is a rather devastating statement
to the existing cells. You are saying to your body –

“You are not doing your job.”

Think of the feeling someone might have who has been fired
from their job despite the fact they are doing everything
right and putting in a 110% effort. The existing cells –
who I strongly believe have a consciousness – are certainly
going to wonder what is happening.

“Have I been fired without cause? Are replacements willing to be paid minimum wages being hired in my place?”

Your challenge is formidable to be sure. You have been
suffering from the symptoms for 20 years. You are not
feeling better and have good cause to be at your wits end.
It must be hard to find the motivation to do anything for yourself.

You might explore low cost ways to get a boast in energy so
you can begin feeling better. Some people find nutritional IV’s
are helpful (where you give your body an infusion of vitamins
and minerals it needs).

Eating fresh food each and every day helps. Juice with fresh
vegetables if you can. Nutritional approaches to recovery
have helped many people with troublesome
symptoms feel better. Finally, exercise every day will definitely help.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

©  Parkinsons Recovery

Opportunity to Earn Extra Income

No longer interested in the traditional 8-5 job working for someone else? The video below previews an opportunity to earn extra income that is worth taking seriously.

Opportunity to Earn Extra Income

I have had a number of requests from members of my audience recently for opportunities to earn extra income working from home.

live chat jobsThe opportunity previewed in the video is promising. It involves Live Chat Jobs and requires only $1 to get started.

  • Earn $25-$35 an hour
  • No Experience Required
  • US Based
  • You can begin today

    Visit the link below for more information and to get started:
    Live Chat Jobs

These are no ordinary jobs as they involve answering customer questions, providing sales links, and offering discounts, which means a lot of opportunities for growth in this field. The hours will vary each week, so there are always times when it would fit your schedule, even if you already have another job!

This involves no qualifications other than a device that can access business chat functions such as social media and website chat functions like phones, tablets, or laptops. As long as you can follow instructions and work independently, have a reliable internet connection, and work from the USA, this could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Complete your application here.

Robert Rodgers PhD

How Can Supplements Help if Brain Cells are Dead

With respect to your nutrition supplements of folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, how do they help any further since the brain cells in the substantia nigra are already destroyed which has caused the Parkinson’s disease? How can supplements help if brain cells are dead?


Many people believe that the symptoms of Parkinsons are caused by the death of brain cells that do not produce dopamine. As I feel into this thought form, it carries me into the pit of depression. If there are no more cells to produce dopamine, then no more dopamine will be produced. I personally can not access any hope here!

This belief is clearly not the foundation of recovery. This belief is also blatantly false. First, the body has the capacity to make all the new cells we need. If there is a deficiency in the cells that produce dopamine, it is because there is no demand to produce dopamine for one reason or another.

The body may be currently suspended in a perpetual state of fear. In this case, the body will be producing adrenaline and all the other stress related hormones. There may be little demand to manufacture dopamine.

Second, there are over 40 hormones in the body that must be balanced delicately balanced in any given moment. Dopamine is one of these hormones. Focus attention on creating hormonal balance throughout the body and all systems in the body will return to health and wellness.

It is more healing to acknowledge that the body is working perfectly. It may be presently out of balance as indicated by the presentation of specific symptoms.

My thinking is that it gets us no where to hold the thought that something is wrong with our bodies that must be fixed. When asking the question – How Can Supplements Help if Brain Cells are Dead? – it is assumed that all brain cells that make dopamine are dead. To be sure some are dead, not not all of them!

If there is the demand to produce dopamine, the body will make the cells necessary to produce it. The body is working perfectly. It just sends us signals from time to time (as in the case of neurological challenges) which indicate an imbalance that needs to be corrected. It is possible a source of the imbalance comes from specific vitamin or mineral deficiences like B6 and B12 which help the body cope with stress and trauma. Many deficiencies can be the cause of imbalances. These are only two possibilities.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Overwhelmed and Overstimulated

Overwhelmed and Overstimulated?

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to be overwhelmed and overstimulated. With a barrage of options to consider it is easy to get caught up in the chaos. I have a suggested for you in the video. There are other strategies you can use to regain control and find a sense of balance. Let’s explore what these feelings mean and how to manage them effectively.

Understanding what it means to be Overwhelmed and Overstimulated

So overwhelmed you are stuck in a hole?Overwhelm occurs when the demands on your time, energy, or emotions exceed your capacity to handle them. This can be triggered by work pressures, personal responsibilities, or a combination of both. The result is often a feeling of being stuck, helpless, or incapable of managing your tasks.

Overstimulation, on the other hand, refers to being bombarded with too much sensory input—whether it’s through digital media, noisy environments, or excessive social interactions. This sensory overload can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty focusing.

The Impact on Mental Health

Being both overwhelmed and overstimulated has significant effects on mental health. They can contribute to anxiety, depression, and burnout. When you’re constantly in a state of stress, your body remains in a heightened state of alertness, which can affect your overall well-being.

Strategies to Combat Overwhelm and Overstimulation

1. Prioritize and Organize

Start by listing your tasks and responsibilities. Use a prioritization method like the Eisenhower Matrix to distinguish between what’s urgent and important versus what can be delegated or postponed. Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps can also make them seem less daunting.

2. Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Set specific times to check emails or work on projects and stick to them. Communicate these boundaries to colleagues and family members to help manage their expectations.

3. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate mindfulness practices like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine. These techniques can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your focus.

4. Limit Exposure to Sensory Overload

Be mindful of your sensory environment. Limit screen time, especially on social media, and take regular breaks from technology. Create a calming space at home or work where you can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed.

5. Engage in Physical Activity

Exercise is a powerful tool for managing stress and improving mood. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a workout session, or a relaxing stretch, physical activity can help clear your mind and boost your energy levels.

6. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional can provide relief and offer new perspectives on managing stress.

7. Practice Self-Care

Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or enjoying a hobby, self-care is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional health.

Finding Your Balance

Finding balance in a hectic world requires intentional effort and self-awareness. By understanding what triggers your feelings of overwhelm and overstimulation, and implementing strategies to address them, you can create a more manageable and fulfilling life.

Remember, it’s okay to take a step back and reassess your priorities. Embrace the process of finding what works best for you and make adjustments as needed. Balance is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing journey of self-care and adaptation.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Vagus Nerve Device

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

Vagus nerve stimulation is included in the therapies offered by a variety of different health care practitioners.  Vielight, the gold standardVagus Nerve company that conducts photobiomodulation (light therapy) research and invents devices based on research, has just introduced an affordable vagus nerve device that stimulates the Vagus Nerve. The Vielight Vagus can be used together with the Vielight Neuro to complement and maximize outcomes.

Visit this link below for detailed information about the Vielight Vagus: Vielight Vagus Device

To claim a 10% discount when ordering the Vagus Device or any of their devices, enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. Click on Order Vagus to purchase.
USD $699.00

Due to demand for the Vagus nerve device it is currently on back order.  Email them at to be notified when the Vagus Device is back in stock.

About the Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is crucial in regulating many of our bodies’ most basic functions. One of the most important aspects of the vagus nerve is its direct connection between the brain and the gut.

Neuroplasticity: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) is associated with promoting changes in the brain’s structure and function, improving connectivity and neural network efficiency.

Cognitive Enhancement: Studies have explored the impact of  Vagus Nerve Stimulation on cognitive functions. Findings suggest improvements in memory, attention, and other cognitive domains.

While Vagus Nerve stimulation is commonly conducted through electrical stimulation, the Vielight Vagus device offers non-invasive stimulation with light energy based on the principles of photobiomodulation (PBM).

As a patented device, the Vielight Vagus stands as the world’s only photobiomodulation device specifically designed for vagus nerve stimulation.

 Benefits of Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve offers a variety of benefits to both physical and mental health. Some of these include:

  1. Reduced inflammation: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been shown to help regulate inflammation in the body, which can be beneficial for conditions where inflammation plays a role, such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Lowered heart rate and blood pressure: Activation of the vagus nerve can lead to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  3. Improved mood: Vagus nerve stimulation has been linked to improvements in mood and alleviation of symptoms in mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. It can also enhance feelings of well-being.
  4. Enhanced digestion: The vagus nerve plays a key role in regulating digestion by increasing stomach acidity and digestive enzyme production, as well as promoting gut motility. Stimulation can aid in alleviating digestive issues.
  5. Better sleep: VNS has been associated with improvements in sleep patterns and overall sleep quality, making it potentially beneficial for those with sleep disorders.
  6. Pain relief: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) can help in reducing chronic pain by modulating pain perception and decreasing inflammation associated with pain conditions.
  7. Improved memory and cognitive function: Some studies suggest that VNS may enhance memory and cognitive abilities, which could be beneficial for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
  8. Epilepsy management: Vagus nerve stimulation is an established treatment for epilepsy that does not respond well to medication, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.
  9. Enhanced immune response: Activation of the vagus nerve affects immune system function, potentially boosting immune responses to infections and diseases.

Vagus nerve stimulation using photobiomodulation shows promise across a wide range of health benefits, though the extent and specific effects will vary based on individual health conditions.

Note: This video post is a part of my Shut Down Anxiety online course that introduces dozens of proven methods to shut down anxiety. We do not have any research evidence on this option yet, but I believe it merits serious consideration. For more information and the register for my Shut Down Anxiety online course, visit the Shut Down Anxiety course overview.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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