Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 3 of 37)

Stiffness Remedy

I just got off the phone w a man in his early 50s. He called to ask me if I ever came across someone who went the holistic route and also found that medication made things worse. And if so, if there is a holistic stiffness remedy that might help. 

He feels his symptoms (namely stiffness) gets worse by the day. He believes the medication makes it worse. Yet, he says he can only manage 8-9 hours  without medication.
He called to ask me if I ever came across someone who went the holistic route and also found that medication made things worse. And if so, if there is a holistic stiffness remedy that might help. 

I don’t have this experience so I thought I would ask you.
Thanks for your questions about the possible side effects of medications and a stiffness remedy.  As for whether his challenges are due at least in part to medications he takes the answer would be maybe. You do not report the actual medication ins the question. If you did here is what I would do:
I would do a quick search on the internet with the name of his medications and the words “side effects”.  Check to see if stiffness is listed.
If the answer is yes. this is a discussion he can have with his doctor. If the answer is no what is the deal here?

I suggest he talk with his doctor about a magnesium supplement to address his stiffness remedy. That might well be a simple solution to a troubling problem. Posted below is an interview with Carol Dean, an international expert on magnesium. Most people are have a significant  deficiency.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Methods to Reduce Stress

I would like to tell you that I believe you have a valid thought in suggesting that STRESS may be a reason for contracting the disease. I need to learn all about methods to reduce stress.

While I have wondered for the past 4 months whether the tremors I experienced might be the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, seeing my family doctor today and having her refer me to a neurologist has finally given me the courage to read up on this horrible disease. Among other web pages, I found yours.

Almost a year ago I signed up for internet marketing coaching. I set up a LLC and paid close to $15,000.00. It did not take long for me to realize that I had been badly scammed  Still, having spent the money I wanted to give this my very best effort. This, on top of fighting with my recruiters and coaching company plus trying to stop these people from scamming other innocents and basically getting nowhere has brought on my symptoms.

I am a 71 year old female. The reason I dared take on the online marketing was that I have always been super healthy.

Not anymore.


Stress is directly connected to the symptoms of Parkinson’s. When relaxed and care free, symptoms are minimal or nonexistent.

There are a variety of methods to reduce stress that I have found useful. The best way to approach the goal is on a moment to moment basis.

1. Exercise. Many people tell me that when they feel anxious or are worried, exercise does the trick beautifully.

2. Meditate. Be quite and still for a minute. Focus on your breath. I am not talking here about a big deal. One minute will do during the moment when you need it. I have just finished a series of interviews with people who are experts on meditation for a book with Nancy Welch, Medicine Meditation.

There are many different approaches to meditation. The trick is to find an approach that works for you. Regardless of the method you are drawn to, the idea behind meditation is to still the mind babble which aggravates and inflames the stress.

3. Laugh. This is a simple suggestion, but it works.Laughing out loud gives an immediate dopamine rush. That is pretty cool if you ask me.

The irony is that you do not even have to think a joke is funny. Laugh out loud and you will get an immediate dopamine rush. The only side effect to laughter is improved health on some level.

4. Try holysnc (which is available from a variety of sources). Listen to the guided meditation by visiting the Monroe Institute website.

This method was created 100 years ago by Robert Monroe. It consists of sounds that have slightly different frequencies which are sent to the two sides of the brain through headphones.

I personally used this technology for about two years. I listened to tapes for about 30 minutes a day. Very gradually, the little things that stressed me out no longer had any impact whatsoever. I would listen for about a minute and instantly be asleep.

5. Get body work. Cranial sacral body work or energy work can be extremely helpful. There are physical blockages which twist and contort the body’s tissues that are released and removed through gentle body work. Everyone has blockages to one degree or another. Everyone in a body (and that includes all of us) should consider getting body work of one form or another.

I have used many different forms of body work for myself – energy healing, cranial sacral therapy, reiki, healing touch. zen massage, Bowen therapy. I recommend you try some of these wonderful techniques out and see which one your body likes the best.

6. My concluding suggestion is to acknowledge that many stresses are external to us. We are impacted by our parents or children or spouses or partners or money or jobs or the world condition or the economy – you name it. When I feel the external world invading my internal space, I have a mantra which helps me.

I honor the fate of [my child, my parents, etc.] What do I need now?”

The mantra instantly connects me to myself rather than responding to other external issues. Worrying about other people’s issues is a cleaver way for me to avoid a connection with myself. When I ask myself the question,

“Why I am here on the earth?

Much of the stress I carry is instantly released.

Combine these methods to reduce stress and  get an even bigger result.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Psychic Readings

Lenore is a psychic from New York City who has a huge reputation for always getting it right with her psychic readings. Since I am always on the lookout for new ways to receive guidance on the next steps I need to take in my own life, I decided to ask Lenore for a psychic reading on myself. This way, you can get an idea of what psychic readings are all about and whether this might be an option you might want to pursue.

Lenore’s reading explored what choices I need to be making in my life regarding my own health and my work with Parkinsons Recovery. If you are curious about whether a psychic readings can provide healing for the symptoms of Parkinsons, listen to how she goes about doing a reading for me.

Note: This was recorded a number of years ago. I found it interesting to listen again today. Psychic readings have been helpful to me in the past. I thought this is an option you might want to seriously consider for yourself.

I really enjoyed your reading with Lenore. In listening to the dialogue between you two (during your “healing”), I could sense a warm flow of glowing healing energy, going back and forth between you, through you. Yes, I am serious.  Conversation was kindled by kindness and respect and a sense of fun. I guess one might call it good karma.

I particularly liked some comments that I think Lenore made about ownership of change. She alluded to the fact, that while she is able to counsel or direct a person in certain areas of life and make suggestions of change, that it really is the individuals  call. The individual has to want to make that change. Ideas about the universe being open and ready for us were interesting. And, that sometimes when we stew over a decision that it is often right there in front of us, we just need to recognize it.

It would seem then, that it is ok if we make a change that does not “pan out,” just to feel free to keep slugging away, keep trying. After a bit of trial and error we are bound to get something right? Ha.

Anyway thanks to Lenore and yourself Robert, the broadcast did help me so much. I too, have grown to know, that with Parkinsons Disease symptoms being so different from one individual to another, that we need to look at our own case scenario and go from there, looking at the changes that we can make for ourselves that will improve our condition.

Keep up your wonderful work! ( But take some time for you too. Psychic Lenore’s orders.)


Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Painting for Parkinsons

My guest on the radio show this week was Anne Atkin who has made remarkable discoveries for herself about what helps her get sustained relief from her symptoms. She sponsored a novel Painting for Parkinsons program. Her interview is remarkable in every respect and I strongly encourage everyone to listen.

Anne was kind enough to send me a copy of her book, Living and Laughing with Parkinsons which I have now devoured. I did not stop reading and laughing until I landed on the final page.

Her book is a thorough and comprehensive review of the symptoms that are associated with Parkinsons and the frustrations that they present. Anne has drawn provocative and very funny cartoons that complement each explanation of a symptom and that embody the many challenges she personally encountered.

In addition to sending me her book, Anne forwarded a letter she wrote in response to a question about what she has been doing to get relief from her symptoms, Anne gave me permission to post the letter which follow. May this not however be a substitute for listening to her interview which is full  of golden treasures for anyone who currently experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I am very careful about how I describe what is happening to me. Recovery is a word that is too strong; I like to think that I have reached an equilibrium and a state of balance with Parkinson’s. I feel that I am always improving some aspect of myself. If you think you have recovered, then you may allow bad habits to come back whereas to keep in balance you have to keep working at it. It all becomes second nature.

Yes, it is true that I no longer use a cane and that has happened because my quad muscles are much stronger and that helps balance. Also, my overall balance has improved because I spend time just practising standing on one leg then the other.

I don’t do hours of exercise because I would be bored silly. I exercise no more than 10 minutes at a time but at frequent intervals. This way I don’t get tired or bored. I do all my own housework, which is also exercise! I love gardening and I will talk about gardening more.

I don’t do anything that is complicated or difficult. Nor do you have to do everything exactly the way I do it. After a while you will find your own pathway and it will feel right and comfortable. I treasure painting for Parkinsons but you may not be a painter. 

So I use a combination of:

Creativity as evidenced in my Painting for Parkinsons program in Australia.

Socialization- being with people from all walks of life is the way to go. Don’t isolate yourself.

Humor – develop a sense of humor as laughter is so good for our bodies

Exercise – and you don’t have to join a gym. There is a great book on exercise for us and it is called ‘Delay the Disease.’ It is by Jackie Russell and David Zid.


Wellness These three are handled beautifully on the Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation website


Positive thinking: Not giving in to negative thoughts

In everything I do I have a little catch-cry –

‘You’ll never, never know if you don’t have a go.’

You can retrain your brain through thinking positively. It is very important if you have depression.

Whoops! I forgot about gardening. Gardening is an activity that is both creative and exercise. You get the best of both worlds. I love gardening and spend at least an hour a day in mine.

My book ‘Living and laughing with Parkinson’s’ is just at the very beginning of my journey and it is my second book which is being published later this year which will do a lot of talking about the dot points above.

I hope I have given you some ideas but I must impress on you that you can find you own path to wellness and mindfulness. There is more than one pathway because Parkinson’s is such a mixture of symptoms. We are all different and therefore our pathways are going to be all different too.

I also started this journey about 4 years ago and the further along the pathway I went, the more easily I found it to take control of some symptoms. For example, anxiety attacks are now no problem because when I feel one starting, I just visualize myself drawing, or sniffing my roses or I see myself bathed in sunlight with, sitting on a hill and watching the clouds.


Painting for Parkinsons Postscript:

I do believe that the complexity of Parkinson’s means that there is a complexity of different ways you can tackle the condition. I concentrated on the motor skills because I like being physically independent. Plus, retraining the brain is vitally important. I hope people see that if a late middle-aged mum from Australia can help herself then it is something within the reach of most.

But the key word is Persistence.


Anne Atkin

How do you Determine Which Treatments Are Appropriate for you?

How Do You Determine Which Treatments Are Appropriate
for you?

You will always get an accurate reading by asking your body
this question. Your body knows the answer. We just have to
remember to ask. How do we ask our own body a question
and, more curiously, how do we figure out the answer?

Muscle testing is a great way to find out what our body

Some muscle testing methods work beautifully
for one person but not another. To be sure there are
many muscle testing methods that can be used. Some
require the help of another person. There are also methods
that you can do yourself.

I describe in detail the four muscle testing methods I use every
day in a 42 page Muscle Testing Booklet. You claim a download
of the booklet here:

Four Muscle Testing Methods

Or, do a youtube search on the internet to watch videos that
illustrate various muscle testing methods. There are many
different ones.

We encourage people to experiment, to find out what
works for them. If these techniques feel too mechanical to you,
you can always trust your intuition and instincts about any choice.
Your gut instincts will always be right.

In summary, the answer to your question: How do you Determine
Which Treatments Are Appropriate for you – is simple. Ask your body.
Your body always knows what is best and will never lie to you.
Your body knows what it needs. We just have to
remember to ask it and listen to the answer.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

©  Parkinsons Recovery


Dr. Janet Kohtz is a specialist in neuro-optometry. A member of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, she prescribes prisms and glasses to assist a persons with Parkinsons who are having mobility challenges.

What do glasses, prisoms and color have to do with Parkinsons Disease? Dr. Kohtz, a Neuro Optometrist, explains how glasses and neuro-rehabilitation therapy can positively impact persons who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease. Her patients have been able to adjust their posture, balance and gait to free themselves from walkers. Her website:

Dr. Kohtz what symptoms can be relieved with neuro-optometry treatments.

One of the problems has to do with locomotion. The Parkinsons patient can get stuck in space. He wants to walk over to the kitchen table, but has to sometimes be given a gentle push to start the movement. One of the most important aspects of peripheral vision is goal-directed locomotion. Remember, the vestibular system is in charge of gaze stabilization in space.

But, possibly the most important aspect of our vision is not 20/20 central vision, but the sub-conscious peripheral vision. This is what makes a great football player who is able to wind his way down a football field avoiding other players. And this sub-conscious peripheral vision is what STARTS our movement forward.

Glasses, prisms, color, and vision rehabilitation therapy can help.  Parkinsons is a problem of the brain, and the eyes work through the brain also. They are not just sitting there on the edge of the head, operating all by themselves. As a matter of fact, the eyes hook up with all the other systems of the body in the brain.

Dr. Janet Kohtz

Dr. Kohtz which opens up a new treatment alternative that is natural, safe and effective. Listen to my interview with Dr. Kohtz below. She provides an exciting option that facilitates recovery from movement disorders.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Pioneers of Recovery


Dental Appliance to treat Parkinsons

My wife with works with a woman who has Parkinson’s disease. Apparently this women is going to be going through some sort of treatment with a dental appliance to treat Parkinsons.  It originated in LA, but she is one of 26 receiving it out of Purdue.  Who manufactures this mouthpiece?


The mouthpiece is an appliance that is “custom made” by a dentist who has been trained to diagnose and adjust a jaw misalignment. It is not a device that is manufactured. There is no wholesale off the shelf “standard” appliance that is available currently.

A dentist (who must have special training and equipment to diagnose a jaw misalignment) does a diagnosis to determine if a misalignment exists. In rare cases surgery is recommended. If a misalignment is found, an appliance is made which the user wears during the day. The dentist does regular adjustments every week in the beginning. The treatment is similar to getting braces.

Some people are discovering to their delight that when a dentist corrects a misalignment in their jaw through use of an oral appliance – their Parkinsons symptoms show a dramatic and immediate improvement. Cheryl  described the results of the appliance she now uses to be a miracle.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the radio show this week, it is worth taking the time to tune in. Cheryl experienced benefits from the dental appliance the day she began using it.

As a result of my radio show this week I have received an explosion of emails and phone calls requesting additional information about dentists who are trained to correct the jaw misalignment. Most of the inquiries ask about a dentist in their area who has the equipment and training to do examinations and make the appliance.

You can search for a dentist to make a dental appliance to treat Parkinsons in your area by visiting the following website page:

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Newly Diagnosed with Parkinsons

I am Australian female, almost 64 years old, newly diagnosed with mild Parkinsons three months ago. I am not taking any medication at the moment, and going down the path of natural therapies. Thank you for all your assistance and wonderful website and to John Coleman of Australia for his advice.

Several weeks, I saw my neurologist for the second time. He did some muscle and reflex etc tests and then told me that he was revising his diagnosis. He was split 50/50 between Parkinsons and Atypical Essential Tremor. Any suggestions, assistance, advice, info would be greatly appreciated. I plan on seeing another neurologist in due course.

Cheers and thanks


Sounds like the opportunities to explore various options are wide open for you. Hooray! It also sounds like you are doing a thorough job investigating the options that are available through neurologists.

I suggest that in addition to the solid course of action you have already charted for yourself, consider broadening your search to consider other options. My research has identified a surprising number of options that are helping people with Parkinson’s symptoms reverse their symptoms.

You are already connected with Australian Naturopath John Coleman who is an amazing resource. I have interviewed two other Australians who are art therapists that work with persons with Parkinsons: Nancy Tingey and Anne Atkin. Both are also incredible resources who are available in Australia.

Also, I would suggest that you listen to the clips from the Pioneers of Recovery website  which features a book that describes the recovery of persons with Parkinson’s symptoms. (All of the pioneers were guests on my radio show at one time or another).

Each pioneer found a different approach which worked for them. We do know that what works for one person may well not work for another. Each person’s situation is truly unique.

Given that you are newly diagnosed with Parkinsons, make a determination of what you believe  is causing your symptoms.

Is it toxins? Then you need to detox.
Is it stress? Then you need to de-stress.
Is it trauma? Then you need to release the traumas that are embedded at the cellular level.
Is it infections? Then you need to purge them.
Is it due to a lack of exercise? Then get your body moving
Is it due to a lousy diet? Then begin eating healthy, organic food.  

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Herbs that Calm Tremors

Below are recommendation about herbs that
calm tremors suggested by Andrew Bentley
who practices as a herbalist In Lexington, KY.
Andrew is one of the contributors to
Pioneers of Recovery.

Herbs that Calm Tremors

herbs that calm tremors

What are Some Herbs that Calm Tremors?

Oat straw is one thing that is sometimes helpful
for that. A nice thing about oat straw is that

it usually does not cause drowsiness. A lot of
things that are anti-spasmodic also cause sedation.
Sometimes people aren’t looking for that. That
is a helpful thing about that particular herb
because it doesn’t have so much of that effect.

Oat straw refers to the green stems and leaves of the oat plant before the grains mature. It’s typically harvested when the plant is still in the vegetative or early flowering stages, before the seeds form. While oat straw is commonly associated with its use in making bedding for animals, it has been used as a herbal medicine for centuries.

Valerian is a much stronger herb for helping to
suppress tremors but it does carry some risk of
sedation, of feeling more drowsy and so forth
especially when people first start taking it.
Sometimes that lessons as time goes on.

It is a very strong substance when it comes to
helping control involuntary muscle movement
tremors and involuntary movement of otherwise
involuntary muscles. It is a good one for that.

Valerian has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, particularly for its calming and sedative effects. The plant is known for its tall stems, pink or white flowers, and its aromatic root, which is used in herbal medicine.

Passion flower is also one that is helpful for
some particular individuals. These are all
things that would go into that category of
working on tremors.

Passionflower is believed to work by increasing levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps calm neuronal activity, which is helpful in reducing the intensity of tremors triggered by anxiety and stress.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

©  Parkinsons Recovery

Toe Spasms

I get bad toe spasms. How do I  relieve this or get rid of the spasms? Thank you.


You might investigate the cause of your toe  spasms. What is their origin? What are they really all about? Probably the best strategy is to begin to notice if the spasms are connected with anything in particular – like stressful situations perhaps or the weather or pollens or ….

You might also ask yourself when your toes spasm:

What do you want me to notice now?

Your body is trying to tell you something. The question to solve is to figure out what!

There are meridian points throughout the body that connect to your toes. When I investigate which meridians the toes are associated with, the cause of the spasms is a compromised digestive system. On left foot toes, meridians connect to the gall bladder, stomach, liver and spleen – all of which are involved with digestion.

You can not go wrong by focusing on supporting your digestive system with natural, organic food, probiotics and exercise. Research clearly identifies digestion issues can be  responsible for Parkinsons symptoms

The spasms may also be tied to a trauma of some sort or another. Some researchers have concluded that the source of the Parkinson’s symptoms is rooted in some type of trauma to the feet. The therapy used by a group of researchers in Santa Cruz California is Yin Tui Na. If trauma is the cause, the Yin Tui Na  therapy should resolve your toe spasms.

You may also celebrate relief from the spasms with better grounding and vibration therapy. Check out the Power Plate devices.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Reflexology for Parkinsons

An email about reflexology for Parkinsons and other issues Neita gave me permission to post here:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Just started reading all your positive newsletters. Been diagnosed nearly a year, having tremors for 4 or 5 years in my hands. Had been exercising in a gym on treadmill and weight machines for 15 years and taking lots of more than minimum daily requirement vitamins.

I am 72, female, a good bit overweight but found myself slowing down. In November I had a big operation, went home and had to go back to hospital with infection coming from all my stitches in 3 days. Hospital and doctors had given me the big infection in my innards. Had a really hard time for 4 months.

Then, my psychiatrist, who had me on an antiphyscotic meds and was backing me off them because we thought it was causing the tremors, decided it wasn’t the meds so sent me to a neurologist when I had not exercised for 4 months and was still weak and just barely starting exercise again. So, the Parkinsons showed itself. Dr. said I do not blink my eyes as much as a NORMAL person, or have as much facial expression as a NORMAL person. Oh My God, I am not normal anymore, how can I live??Joke,joke! Started taking Azilect right away. Really don’t have any idea how well that is helping as of a month or 2 later.

I heard of a reflexologist in my neighborhood, who had learned it well to help his MS wife 15 years ago. His first treatment was 2 hours. With my reflexology for Parkinsons treatment, he gave me my life back. My joints opened up like someone unscrewed them. I could really move my legs again on the treadmill. Also, I got my personality back and could laugh and some things were funny now. I could think faster and to make matters not so good, my mouth started running again non-stop and I was awake when I got up in the morning first thing. I had come alive again.

Reflexology for Parkinsons does a lympth drain and works on all the endrocrine glands. I did not know what all that meant until I had a lot of people coming to my home last month and I snapped that I had no DREAD about all I had to do so I snapped that reflexology, in giving me my life back, had dumped DEPRESSION, which I had not realized I had, probably because of all my exercise and it was lowgrade.

I have also found 3 really good hypnosis cd’s that make me feel great after the wonderful deep relaxation for the mind and muscles, and spine and nerves and having the juices flow in the proper amounts from all the right glands. My chiropractor has a new machine called the Pro Adjuster which does great work, not like him just bending your body all around, which never worked for my back for years. I go there twice a month, all Medicare will allow, but maybe can get one more since the Parkinsons diagnosis.

I go to the reflexologist every 3 weeks, because I found out that if I wait 4 weeks, the tremors start a little bit again. Reflexology for Parkinsons clearly helps. Of course, I know that they will act up anyway if I get upset or excited! I have already bought a few books about the first year, and optimal wellness, which with all the vitamin info and saying what exercise will do for PD, I realized why it did not show itself sooner for me. Years ago, before lots of meds and info, my little Grandmother had Pd really bad. My dr says with me starting it so late in years, I won’t ever be as bad as she was.

Dr. also warned me about all those places on the internet who want you to buy stuff. Well, I may not buy all your stuff unless you have a good hypnosis cd to fight PD, but I love positive information to help. I do not want info about herbs because it will not be good for a chemical imbalance in the brain and I could have more bad episodes now that I am off the drugs. Hopefully , that part of my brain has healed itself as I am doing great in that area. Thank God, now that I have something else big to deal with. Also, thank God, that I am a Pollyana and look for the good. Not in denial, but don’t want to borrow trouble before it comes either.

Thanks for reading this. I am still 72 going on 55, as most people never guess anywhere close to my age. My spine is still straight with wonderful posture and I have almost no wrinkles for an old lady (another joke, as I don’t feel it). And I am married to a young thing. He is all of 69, so that has been my joke for 22 years. Thanks again.


Grounding Offers Symptom Relief

I’m reading a book called Earthing. I am wondering if grounding offers symptom relief. Its basic premise is that as bio-electrical beings we’ve lost, in modern times, our grounding to the Earth (with plastic shoes and other non-conductive barriers). That through bare feet on the earth, or through grounded sheets, mats, or patches a significant source of inflammation can be neutralized, allowing faster healing and restorative sleep, etc.,by tapping into Earth’s stabilizing electrons that neutralize free radicals.

Seems persuasive to me, yet I’m not a trained researcher. Just felt the want to share this approach in minimizing electro-pollution with you in case you haven’t heard…and if so, I’m curious as to your point-of-view…whether you might feel it’s junk science. A link to this approach:


I recorded an interview with Compounding Pharmacist Randy Mentzer in his office for my Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show. He had his bare feet firmly planted on the grounding mat which is sold by the earthing institute. During the interview, Randy talks about grounding and why it makes so much difference to healing our sensitive neurological system. Better grounding certainly helped Randy resolve some of the emergent health challenges he has personally faced.

If a person is not grounded, the electrical energy in their body flies out in all directions. It is much like what happens when an electrical connected is short circuited. This is why grounding offers symptom relief from Parkinsons.

I have also discovered that better grounding has had a profound impact on my own ability to maintain the balance needed to maintain health and wellness. Anyone who is an energy healer must learn how to be well grounded or they can actually do more harm than good for their clients.

You obviously do not need to purchase the grounding pad available through the Earthing Institute to become grounded, but Randy certainly discovered it helped him enormously.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Five Steps to Recovery

How to Reverse Parkinson’s disease
Eye Drops for Cataracts


Living Well with Parkinsons Disease

 Sel Kerans , Author of Leading the Dance: Living Well with Parkinsons Disease

leading the dance

Trust me on this. Take the time to listen to this interview which was recorded several years ago. It will be well worth your time!

Sel Kerans discusses his new book, Leading the Dance: Living well with Parkinsons Disease, and his own journey on the road to recovery in an open, conversational expose of a five year journey with Parkinsons disease and the experiences that have inspired the writing of a book that may be helpful, motivational and encouraging for others, especially those newly diagnosed with the condition.

His book has been dedicated to the late Robin Williams and is about overcoming adversity, staying positive and content; focusing on healing, recovery and living well. Leading the dance with an unwelcome stranger called Parkinsons disease. Sel discusses:

  • What hurdles have you faced?
  • How have you overcome them?
  • Would you consider yourself recovered from Parkinson’s disease?
  • Do you believe it’s possible to recover completely from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
  • You mention in your book some reluctance with medication – what’s been your approach to taking medication over the five years?
  • What resources have been useful for you in learning about alternative approaches to managing the symptoms?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Issues with Depression?

Do you have issues with depression?

John Coleman, a naturopath doctor
who once had Parkinson’s himself,
and helps others in his
Parkinsons Recovery Program
find relief from their symptoms.

John offered the followingIssues with depression
recommendations persons who have
issues with depression.
I am hoping you will see a
recommendation of his that will
resolve this problem for you.

Most depression is misdiagnosed
in my opinion. I feel that most
people with Parkinsons disease
are not truly depressed but are
anxious about their health and
all the negative rubbish they
have been told by the doctors
and their relatives and their
well-meaning friends.

I have found that this state
of anxiety responds well to
activity, that is regular
exercise, yoga, Pilates, Tai
Chi, gardening –  just getting
out there. Other helpful remedies
are flower essences and meditation,
especially meditating with
affirmations and visualizations.

It is also really important to
repair our gastrointestinal tract
when issues of depression are present.
A lot of depressive feelings
and so-called diagnosed depression
result from very poor digestion.

If we have poor nutrition, we can’t
produce the amino acids and the
neurotransmitters we need to feel
good. Repairing our tract and
eating a really good diet will
certainly alleviate depression.”

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Constipation Remedies

What constipation remedies offer relief
from my persistent constipation?

Why should anyone be concerned about gut
problems when “everyone” knows the challenge
with Parkinson’s involves a neural dysfunction?
Why even bother with constipation remedies?

Answer: function of the gut has a huge influence –
I repeat huge – on the symptoms of Parkinsons.
When the gut is working properly depression lifts,
constipation is relieved and energy returns.

Let me be blunt. If your digestive system is
not functioning properly, all of the money
you spend on supplements and healthy food
goes down the toilet.

The process is wicked. You spend money on
supplements and healthy food. You pour quality
supplements and healthy food into your body
each day like clockwork.

The following day the supplements and healthy
food from the day before come out the other end
– unaltered. This happens over and over, day in
and day out. Your body is not absorbing the

To summarize:

  • You pour money down the toilet day in and day out.
  • You do not feel any better.
  • You convince yourself it is impossible to feel better.
  • You stop doing the things that help you feel  better.
  • End of story.

The good news is that constipation remedies exist to reverse this wicked
cycle. Natural approaches for improving gut function
are widely available. Constipation remedies
fall into three categories: increasing hydration in the body,
maintaining a proper pH level in the stomach and improving
overall function of the bowels.

First let’s consider the important role of hydration
which, as we age, becomes more and more

Increase Hydration in the Body 

If the body is not hydrated adequately,
waste begins to accumulate in the cells.
This is the underlying reason why many
people feel sluggish and run out of energy
by the afternoon. The most important of constipation
remedies solution is to hydrate
your body.

John Coleman, a naturopath doctor from
Australia who himself recovered from
Parkinson’s, highly recommends that
people with Parkinson’s take a homeopathic
remedy for dehydration called the Aquas.
This therapy involves taking a few drops
of a unique combination of essential oils
and Bach flower essences in the morning
and the evening.

The mechanism in the body that signals
thirst needs to be recalibrated as we age.
I was totally unaware until last year
that I had stopped drinking water.
The tissues in my body had become
chronically dehydrated. It is the type
of problem that creeps up on you so
slowly you do not even notice what
is happening.

I have personally been impressed with
the ability of Aquas to signal
thirst when my body needs to be better hydrated.
If I do not take the Aquas, I do not drink
water because I am never thirsty.
The Aquas have solved this problem for

Stomach pH levels 

Everyone should maintain a pH level in the
stomach of 2. The term “pH” is a measure of the
acidity of a solution like a body fluid. The most
acidic of liquids will have a pH as low as -5 (this
is a negative five). The most alkaline of liquids
have pH level of +14.

By way of comparison here is a sample of
pH levels from selected foods: lemon juice
pH = 2.4, coffee pH = 5.0, pure water pH = 7.0,
tomato pH = 4.0, milk pH = 6.5.

A point of confusion for many people is to
conclude that you need to eat more acidic
foods in order to maintain the correct acidic
content in your stomach. This is not true.
Disease flourishes when the environment
in the body is acidic.

A high proportion of the food you eat should
contain a high alkaline content. Many doctors
recommend that 60% of the foods should be
alkaline. Others suggest 80% of the foods you
eat should have a high alkaline content in cases
of chronic conditions like Parkinson’s.

Most people think of the acid-alkaline scale
as linear: i.e., from 2 to 3 = 1 and from 2 to 4 = 2.
It is not. Each individual pH unit is a factor of
10 more than the next higher or lower unit.
An increase in pH from 2 to 3 represents a
10-fold change. An increase of 2 to 4 represents
a one-hundred (100) fold change.

Shifting down from a pH level of 6 (which is very
alkaline) to a pH level of 2 (which is more acidic)
is thus not as easy as it might seem. Given the
tricky nature of pH, is there any wonder that it is
difficult to maintain the proper pH balance in
the stomach?

The pH in the stomach needs to be low because
acid is needed to break food down. Here is the
key: If there is not sufficient acid in the stomach
(i.e., the stomach is too alkaline), food does not
break down. No. It crawls its way into your gut
and – if you a squeamish do not read further – rots.

Please note that I said the pH level “n the
stomach should be around 2. The pH of
other body fluids such as urine, saliva
and blood vary considerably. For example,
the pH of blood is 7.4. Secretions of the
pancreas have a pH of 8.1.

In contrast, a fluid in the body that has a
high acidic content in the body is plaque.
Plaque’s pH is low and will dissolve teeth
if it is not removed.

How can you know if the pH level in your
stomach is “2”? After all, having a pH lab
test every day would be very expensive
and time consuming.

There is an easy way to know. It costs
nothing. It takes a second each day.

Simply pay attention to the color of your
bowel movements. OK. I know this is not
exactly a sexy topic, but it is important to

If your poop is dark brown the pH
level in your stomach is low enough. You
are in good shape. If your poop is light
brown, there is not enough hydrochloric acid
in your system. That is to say, the pH level
in your stomach is too high.

So if the color of the poop is too light
corrective action is needed. What do
you do? Take Vitamin C and drink a
lot of water.

Vitamin C is the body’s anti-oxidant
of choice. If we give our bodies enough
Vitamin C, our bodies are able to
manufacture enough CO-Q10.

There are many vitamin C products on
the market, so be judicious in what you
choose to purchase. I use
Vital Mixed Ascorbates made by Pharmax which
is loosely packed in a 9 ounce container.
I mix it with water.

How much Vitamin C should you take? Your
body will tell you the answer. Just ask it. Muscle
test yourself. You will need to take more and more
Vitamin C until your poop turns to a dark brown

Most people are unaware that our natural
biology calls for large quantities of vitamin C.
You may be shocked at how much is needed
for your body to come back into balance.

Improve Function of the Bowels 

You are now well hydrated and your pH level is
good to go. Now it is time to focus on getting your
bowels moving. Everyone needs one good bowel
movement every day. Two to three movements
are ideal.

Herbs that can facilitate bowel function are
genian, chamomile, fennel and St Mary’s
thistle. Which herb (or herbs) will do the
best job for you?

I must sound like a broken record, but just
ask your body. Muscle test yourself. Your
body knows the answer.

John Coleman’s Constipation Remedy

John Coleman ND recommends a homemade
cocktail for people suffering from
digestive challenges including constipation.
He suggests you take this cocktail in the
morning and evening 1/2 hour before meals.
You make this special cocktail yourself.

The recipe:

12 ounces pure water
1/2 – 1 teaspoon Vitamin C powder
1/2 teaspoon magnesium
1 ml (eyedropper) zinc liquid
Aqua drops (1 drop AM in morning; 1 drop PM in evening)
1 drop selenium

Here is Neita’s recommendation on constipation:

Pointers that I learned for myself after years of reading about mega doses of vitamins for healing, and then being a manager for a VitaminWorld store for several years, so I studied more: Acidophilus or Pro Biotics and/or papaya enzymes eaten after 2 protein meals a day helped a life long constipation problem, which I was able to pass on to my customers, helping lots of people. The papaya is a digestive aid but it also works like a stool softener because the food is digested more properly. You start off taking how many it says on the bottle and adjust for your needs.

Once you get your digestive system back on line,
nutrients from the healthy food you eat will be
distributed to the cells that desperately need to be

As always, check out my ideas to improve
your gut function with your doctor before you
decide to do anything. Always treat anything
I say as information that needs to be discussed
and evaluated with your medical doctor.

May your constipation resolve with attention to 
the three key constipation remedies 

May your energy rebound as your gut
function improves.

Your body and your pocketbook will thank you.

Robert C. Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

©  Parkinsons Recovery

Do I fight or Give In?

Do I fight or give in to the symptoms?

I know what you are thinking. The
answer is obvious. Of course you fight,
right? This will not be my answer.
Since there are only two choices, you
now know my answer. Read on.

Fight versus Surrender

One of my favorite past times is
reading obituaries. OK. I agree
this is weird, perhaps even
demented, but give me credit
for a little self-disclosure here.

What do people say about their
loved ones when they die of cancer?

“She fought a courageous battle.”
It goes without saying (although
I am now saying it) the obituary
never points out that the battle
was lost. For all of the thousands of
obituaries I have read, no one –
I repeat no one – won the battle.
These odds are not encouraging.

This is my twisted way of alerting you
to what you are not expecting. I will
argue that a healthy way to heal
the symptoms of Parkinson’s is to
embrace the meaning and information
they offer to us.

My explanation starts with a story
about horse racing. How in the
world is horse racing related to
Parkinson’s? Ah, is impatience
an issue for you? It is for me. Let’s
each tolerate our impatience
as I write and you read the next

Horse Racing and Parkinson’s

One of my pleasures in life has been to
live at one time in the beautiful city of
Lexington, Kentucky which is home to
some of the fastest and most famous
thoroughbred racing horses in the world.
Part of the Lexington folklore revolves
around Patrick Henry, a horse that won
over 6 million in purses.

In his retirement years Patrick Henry
lived on a horse farm near the famous
racing track known as Keeneland.
His handlers told me that the most
dangerous time to be inside Patrick
Henry’s horse stall was when the racing
horn at nearby Keeneland signaled
the time for a race to begin.

Patrick Henry knew he was not at the
starting gate. He knew he was not racing.
He knew he had been “put out to pasture.”
He did not like it one bit.

Patrick Henry would become angry,
even violent. His entire body would
shake, rattle and roll. He tore up
anything in his way – his hay rack,
the walls to his stall and even his
handlers if they were inside the stall
with him. It was dangerous business
for his handlers on racing day.

Patrick Henry was determined to
race. He had no interest sitting
on the sidelines, hearing the shouts
of the crowd while eating hay in
his stall.

His handlers quickly learned that you
could not confront Patrick Henry during
such occasions. His fury would be ignited.
He temper would intensify. His symptoms
would become measurably worse.

His handlers explained to me that the
only response was to allow Patrick
Henry to have his pout, shake like
a mad horse and scream out his anger
from the bowels of his life force. The
only response possible was to allow
the energy to be expressed.

Once he was able to fully and
completely express his feelings they
would pass. The shaking would stop.
The fury would pass.

When the horse’s handlers are asked –
do I fight or give in to Patrick Henry – if they
fight they would most certainly be physically

Patrick Henry was processing his
own feelings of inadequacy. His
handlers and owners decided he
was too old to race. Part of him
certainly knew that he was too old
to race.

But this was all too much to stomach
for this proud horse. Patrick Henry
needed to release his own feelings of
inadequacy in his own way.

Parkinsons and Horse Racing

Let me now explain the connection
between Patrick Henry’s frustration
and Parkinsons. Having known now
many persons who have the symptoms
of Parkinson’s, I have observed that
there is an underlying intensity that
is usually present. The intensity is
coupled with a genuine sense of power
and focus, two remarkable traits that
help people succeed in life.

The intensity and focus is a good thing.
It is a precursor to success in life. It is
the reason why so many people with
Parkinson’s have a long record of amazing

The Place of Balance

When the symptoms of Parkinson’s present
themselves what is the typical response for
anyone? For most people (myself included)
the typical response is to fight the symptoms,
to engage an internal war against them.

This response works beautifully for some
people, but I want to offer a companion
response for you to consider.

Consider the possibility that
your body will find a place of
balance no matter what
circumstances you confront
or how you respond. 

If you operate in high gear day in and day out –
running marathons, accomplishing miracles,
running a business, setting high goals, handling
the traumas of everyday living – your body will
find a way – anyway – to find balance in your life.

You cannot stop this process no matter how
hard you try. You have no control over

Yin Versus Yang

We need both yin and yang. Aggression needs to
be balanced with receiving the pleasures of life.
The war inside us needs to be balanced with
making peace within us.

If it suddenly becomes more difficult to move,
your body may simply be finding a way to
slow you down. If it is more difficult to talk,
maybe your body is telling you it is time to
listen more often. If your body wants to shake
uncontrollably, perhaps there is tension in the
tissues that needs to  be released.

In other words, any symptom you experience
is valuable information your body is giving
you. All you need is to listen to your body.
Give in to the pain, discomfort and frustration.|
Set your intention to learn  more about its
underlying meaning. The symptoms –
however unpleasant they may be –
are gifts in disguise.

The best analogy here is to think
of what happens in martial arts
when you absorb the blows of your
opponent rather than counteracting
with equal force. There is limitless
power when you flow with the energy
of the moment – absorbing the blows
rather than fighting them.

If you counteract the blows of your
opponent you will ultimately lose
the fight. In the end the route to
victory is “giving in” and yielding. From
a martial arts perspective the answer to
the question – do I fight or give in – is to yield,
Absorb the blows. Therein lies the power.

Process Work

This philosophy is eloquently honored in
Process Work as formulated by Arnold
and explained in the Dream Body.
The following is taken from my interview
with Steven Fenwick, Ph.D., who
is a psychologist and national expert in
process work.

“As you look at the underlying meaning
and purpose of the symptoms, what are
they trying to tell you? It is like it has a
gift for you.”

“Even though you may hate the symptoms
– we all hate symptoms – but even though
we hate them and we want them to go away
and we do everything we can to make them
go away, which is good, we also want to look
at what the meaning is.”

“What is it trying to tell you about your life?
What is it trying to tell you about your life
purpose and meaning? And as you unfold
that and get more in touch with that and
express it more in your life, often times the
symptoms do get better. “

“From a Process Work point of view,
I would say ¦- instead of always trying
to repress the symptom, experiment.
Amplify the tremor or whatever your
most disturbing symptoms
are with just making them bigger and
feeling what they are expressing. “

Maybe you could dance it some; of if
you are sitting in a chair you could move
various ways to express it. You could
draw it. And just feel. If this had a
message for me, what is it telling me?

Do I Fight or Give In Summary

No one likes to have the symptoms
of Parkinsons. They are horrible.
A usual response is to launch a battle
against the symptoms or to find ways
to suppress them through medications,
drugs, herbs, supplements or other

I am suggesting here to consider a
counterintuitive approach to the question –
do I fight or give in – that is
embodied in process work:

  • Acknowledge the symptoms
    as gifts in disguise.
  • Set the intention to explore
    what they are really about.
  • Listen to what your body is
    telling you.

Your body is not broken. It is
working perfectly. My answer to the question –
do I fight or give in – is to listen to the messages
my body is sending. Do not fight them. Listen to
the messages they are conveying to you.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Naturopath Doctor John Coleman, Author of Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’, answers a question about the value of using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to address the trauma associated with the neurological symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Do you experience panic attacks and high anxiety that frustrate your ability to find sustained relief from your symptoms? There are simple approaches like EFT that can help tremendously.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a form of psychological acupressure that involves tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on a particular emotional issue or problem. The technique is rooted in the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, particularly the concept of energy meridians, which are believed to be channels through which the body’s energy flows. EFT combines elements of cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and acupressure.

How it works: EFT involves using your fingertips to tap on a series of acupressure points, primarily on the face, head, and upper body, while simultaneously stating phrases that address the emotional issue at hand. The tapping is thought to help balance the body’s energy system and alleviate emotional stress. The process typically follows these steps:

  1. Identify the issue: Focus on a specific emotional or psychological issue, such as anxiety, fear, pain, or trauma.
  2. Rate the intensity: Assess the intensity of the emotional charge on a scale of 0 to 10 (with 10 being the most intense).
  3. Set up statement: While tapping on a point (usually the karate chop point on the side of the hand), say an affirmation like “Even though I feel [emotion], I deeply and completely accept myself.”
  4. Tapping sequence: Tap on a series of acupressure points while mentally focusing on the issue, repeating short phrases that express the emotion or problem.
  5. Reassess: After completing the tapping sequence, assess the intensity again. Ideally, the emotional charge should decrease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Miracle Recovery from Parkinsons

My husband, has experienced a miracle recovery from
Parkinsons. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease

seven years ago, and who was drug free for the first five
of those years, has improved dramatically over the past
two months as follows:

major, noticeable and sustained increase in energy
  (sexual, emotional, physical, mental, etc.):
handwriting is easier;
balance improved;
less need for sleep and recovery/rest;
abatement of muscle soreness;
urge to return to direct, upright posture and then, arms swing naturally;
return of facial expression
moving faster and smoother;
the list goes on.

He presently takes 5 25/100 Sinemet per day, which he
has been taking for almost two years. He also is on a wide
range of supplements, which he has been on from the beginning
and finally, I have been giving him weekly energy treatments
which are loosely based on yin tui na but which amount to
an intuitive, hands on kind of relaxation session.

We are simply unable to explain his seeming recovery
and are happy to live with it as a miracle. However, we
wanted to advise you of the remarkable turn-around
he is undergoing and seek any input you may have.

Your story of recovery is an inspiration to everyone with
Parkinson’s who are on the road to recovery. Thank you
so much for sending it. I hope others with stories similar
to yours will be encouraged to send their own personalÂ
experiences with recovery.

Your husband’s recovery program has consisted of a two pronged
approach: nutrition and energy work. He gives his body the
nourishment it needs to rejuvenate damaged neural pathways and
balance out the intricate array or hormones in his body.

Why did it take so long for the supplements to take effect?
It is often the case that the digestive system is compromised
in the early stages of recovery. The food needed by the
body to repair cells is not being adequately assimilated or
processed. It takes time for blockages and barriers in the
digestive system to clear.

Some of the best evidence of recovery comes from John
Coleman, ND. It took him nearly four years to recover from
the symptoms of Parkinson’s. As a naturopath John has helped
other clients fully recover, but their recovery too has taken
2-4 years. It simply takes time for the digestive system and
the body time to come “back on line.”

You have also been giving him subtle energy treatments.
I believe this is also a significant reason for his miracle recovery
from Parkinsons.

My colleagues and I did a six month study to evaluate the
effects of energy healing on the symptoms of 10 persons
who have Parkinson’s in Portland, Oregon. We tracked
their symptoms using standard research instruments
and videos.

Findings showed that 75% of the symptoms either improved
or stayed the same. Videos of before the treatments and after
also showed remarkable improvements.

Energy work helps to release stress and trauma which we
believe is a factor that causes the symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Energy work also helps the body balance out the complicated
mix of hormones that are continuously circulating throughout
the body.

Your experience with the recovery of your husband matches
our own experience perfectly. The weekly energy sessions and
the nutritional supplements are both clearly two important reasons for
the miracle of his recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery  

© Parkinsons Recovery


The following is a home hydrotherapy treatment that has been used by Karen (who has the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Karen describes this procedure during my radio program interview with her. She did this treatment three times a week and saw remarkable results.

For more information about Transformational Tools Karen mentioned had been helpful to her recovery visit:

What is Hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy is a special technique that greatly enhances recovery from many of acute and chronic health problems. These simple treatments improve the circulation of blood and lymph, promote better digestion, and increase the elimination of toxins.  Hydrotherapy works so well because it acts to stimulate the bodys own healing force.

Directions for treatment that is done to you:

Part One:

Soak two terry cloth towels in hot water that is tolerable to the touch. Soak one terry cloth towel in cold water. Wring out hot towels. (Note: as an alternative, you can make the hot towels by wringing out two towels in tap water and putting them in the microwave. Be careful not to burn yourself, as microwaved towels can be very hot) Lying on your back, cover the bared chest and abdomen with the two hot towels. Cover entire body tightly in blankets. Leave the hot towels in place for 5 minutes.

Part Two:

Wring out cold towel. Replace the hot towels with a single cold towel. Cover entire body tightly in blanket. Leave the cold towel in place for 10 minutes.

Part Three:

Repeat the same procedures of Part One and Part Two, but do the treatment face down with the towels being applied on your back. The entire treatment should take about one-half hour.

Epsom Salt Baths

Karen describes Epsom Salt Baths that she uses along with the hydrotherapy.

For a standard-sized bathtub, add 1–2 cups of Epsom salt. Karen uses double this amount. Check the package for the recommended amount. 

Water temperature
The water should be warm but not hot, around 101.5–102°F (38.6–38.8°C). 


Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Suggestions for Insomnia

My husband has PD and he cannot sleep at night. Any suggestions for insomnia?


I would like to respond to your question using my own experience as a guide. I have attended a multitude of seminars where health care professionals offer step by step instructions that are supposed to help you sleep. You have probably heard the same recommendations:

  • Go to sleep at the same time every night
  • Don’t watch TV before you go to sleep
  • Don’t eat or drink anything before bedtime
  • And so one and so forth …

Speaking for myself, I can not do these things before I sleep. These routines are too rigid for me. I cannot live my life that way. My life is too unstructured.

Instead I have adopted five simple strategies that do help me sleep well every night.

Ear Plugs. It may sound silly, but many people are very sensitive to sounds. Spend a few dollars, even at a dollar store. Buy some wax type ear plugs (like swimmers use). Put them in your ears before you sleep.

White Noise. We turn on an air cleaner at night when we sleep. It is a soothing way to screen out extraneous noise that can put your hormonal system on alert. Noises that come from unknown places in the dark create fear in the body which is bound to keep you awake.

Darken the bedroom. When we started closing the blinds in the bedroom at night, we discovered it is much easier to sleep. For years we looked out the windows at our beautiful view of the Puget Sound, but at the cost of sleeping at night. Darkening the room promotes sound sleep.

Holosync. This is my personal favorite strategy for sleep, though it is the one recommendation that costs a little money. If I am ever unable to sleep, I pop on my holosync ear phones. I am out in two minutes.

Turn Off the Hamster Wheel. A frequent reason for being unable to sleep is the hamster wheel of thoughts that are not in our best and highest good. Make it a practice every night when going to sleep to place these thoughts aside for the evening. Tell your subconscious mind not to worry – that you will re-visit those thoughts in the morning. You literally have to stop the hamster wheel from churning around and around. Do it with clear intention and get that deep sleep that is so essential for recovery.

Parkinsons RecoveryRobert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

© Parkinsons Recovery.

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