Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 25 of 37)

Do You Have a Systematic Recovery Program?


Do You have a systematic recovery program? 

Is a Recovery Program Realistic?

Our experience in working with persons who have Parkinson’s has convinced us that there is no standard protocol that is the panacea. Of course, there is no “cure.” Factors that cause the
condition are multi-faceted so it depends.

We do know from a thorough review of the research that the symptoms can be caused by heavy metals, pesticides, chemical toxins, pathogens, trauma and stress. A variety of natural therapies are available to address each of these threats to the healthy function of the body.  We encourage each individual to investigate the therapies that are available
depending on their own individual needs and preferences and the primary factors that are causing their symptoms. 

  • Whole body detoxes are critical.
  • Strengthening the immune system is a must.
  • Reducing inflammation is important.
  • Nutrition is essential.
  • Adjusting the hormonal thermostat is important.
  • Exercising the body and the mind makes a huge difference.
  • Laughter every day helps.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery


Healing Parkinson’s Disease Naturally

What follows is a fascinating report of a revelation about healing Parkinson’s disease from a dream state. Now that is a novel approach. eh? You never know when profound insights might pop up when you are asleep and dreaming.  You might even discover healing Parkinson’s disease is the outcome.

This is what Rick discovered during his dream state as you can see in his email
which I have posted below.  Dreams can reveal critical information about the cause of symptoms that you could never figure out any other way. The mystery is often em bedded deep in our subconscious.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Rick’s Experience with Healing Parkinson’s Disease Naturally

Hi Robert,

I have started doing Qigong after Bianca`s regime.

Apropos intuition I had two dreams on consecutive nights after night time
sessions of qigong/meditation. In the first dream it was presented to me why I had Parkinson’s disease – anger – with an explanation of why. In the second dream I died and was looking down on my body being asked by the controller of the archives where my soul info would be stored what I thought of my life to which I replied

“okay but hard -“

He then asked me why to which I replied that I had been too rigid and controlling of
everything in my life.

I woke up fresh and optimistic. So yes we are our own healers /therapists/doctors if we allow ourselves-

Warm regards and thanks.


Heal Parkinsons from the Inside-Out

Everyone in a body journeys down an unpaved, rocky road of healing. The journey inevitably involves encounters with disease in one form or another. Diseases play a central role in healing. To heal Parkinsons from the inside-out we need only realize our body is communicating important information about what is causing the problem.

Many people fear disease. They get angry because they became ill. Like it or not, we have to get sick so that the body can build up the immune system that is needed to fend off threats in the forms of toxins and bacteria.

Some people have an abundance of cancer cells. Others have blood pressure issues. Still others confront the the unexpected and unwanted symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Some have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Perhaps you are one. Others have not been diagnosed. Everyone with neurological challenges – whether diagnosed or not – is unsure about which path to take and what choices to make. There are so many.

People make one of three choices in response to the neurological imbalances.

  1. The first choice is to ignore the symptoms. Most people do this. I have. If you wait, who knows. They may disappear.
  2. The second choice is to shut the discomfort down. Terminate the pain. End the agony. Better to silence the symptom right now for they may get worse. This choice usually involves treatments of one form or another that must be continued for a lifetime. Treatments for symptom relief can empty your pocketbook.

The third choice involves listening to the wisdom of your body. This is the choice that offers the promise of lasting healing.

Listen to Your Body to Heal Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

To listen to your body – you have to ask your body specific questions like:

  • “Ok soul mate. What in the world is up? Why do you keep screaming at me?”

Make no pretense here. Your body is your soul mate for life.

  • “Is all of this discomfort really necessary? What are you trying to tell me?”

If you want to know the best choice to make, listen to the answers you get when you ask your body questions like these. For most people, answers come in the form of raw intuition. Instincts that emerge from our gut are precisely the insights needed to succeed. Your body is the one doctor you can always trust.

When we make sound decisions for our health, symptoms often get worse before they get better. When the response given is a direct response to the needs of the body, healing will unfold. This is not to say the road to recovery will be a smooth ride.

When the right choices are made we will feel lighter. We will get more energy.

The body is always trying to get your attention when there are imbalances. Pay close attention to the information your body is giving you. It is always trying to get your attention. When you do not listen more symptoms occur. The symptoms themselves are clues as to the underlying reason for the discomfort.

May your experiences today invite a new relationship with your body so that you can begin to heal Parkinsons from the inside-out. Discomfort is one way to engage a deeper part of yourself. Listen to the reasons your body is out of balance. Trust your raw instincts. Respect the wisdom of your body to know the right path to take and the best choices to make. Your body has been and will always be your best friend. Leaning how to Listen to your body is one of the seven secrets to healing.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Seven Secrets of Healing

Healing Parkinson’s Disease

After ten years of interviews with hundreds of persons who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinson’s I am well aware that most people would prefer to mask their symptoms. Some people even prefer to hide out in their homes. All interest in going out on the town vanishes. Why?

Many symptoms of Parkinson’s disease – but not all – are difficult to hide. Other people tend to notice a face that has no expression. Other people tend to notice tremors, awkward mobility and freezing when those are the presenting symptoms for a person
with Parkinson’s symptoms. I say – so what?

Why? Yes – Parkinson’s symptoms are more “public”. Yes – symptoms can be horribly debilitating.

Rather than focusing on your own symptoms take a day or two to pay closer attention to other people; friends, family and strangers. Do most other people look
healthy to you? Certainly some are, but my casual observations of people as I walk the streets of my hometown of Olympia is that most people look unhealthy to me – even young people.

They may not have tremors, but their energy levels seem horribly depleted to me. The skin of many people looks sickly. Many look very sick to me. Wouldn’t you agree?

A surprising number of persons these days also have waste sizes that are too large for their bodies. For many reasons, more and more people are gaining too much weight to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that a vast majority of persons with Parkinson’s  symptoms do not tend to be overweight.

I would argue that you are in a much better situation for one important reason. Given that it is impossible to ignore Parkinson’s symptoms you acknowledge your body is out of balance. Right now it needs a little extra attention and a large dose of loving care.

People without any symptoms that “show” like tremors or gait problems tend to be in denial. They hold out the false expectation that their health problems will magically vanish tomorrow. Since they are not doing anything about their poor health, it will inevitably deteriorate.

In the wash, symptoms that are visible to you and others are a reminder to focus on a healthy lifestyle so that the symptoms can be reversed. The mere fact you are reading my blog today is a strong indication that you have set the intention to heal. Setting the
intention carries you 90% down the road to recovery. The good news of the day is that you are doing something about your health.

And what about others without Parkinson’s symptoms? A vast majority of other people without Parkinson’s symptoms are in denial about  their poor health. They are taking no positive action to heal, unlike you.

Celebrate the exciting expectation of recovery. Other people can choose to get sicker. You are making the much wiser choice to heal.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery



Robin Williams, Depression and Parkinson’s Disease

The wife of Robin Williams revealed today that he had Parkinson’s disease. The news of a Parkinson’s diagnosis sends most people into a tail spin. Engaging a willingness to live
when confronted with this type of news is a herculean task for most people.

Robin Williams was already prone to depression. He had struggled with drug addiction issues his entire life. Hearing the news that he had Parkinson’s disease may have struck the final blow to his interest in living on this earth.

I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds of persons who have just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Without exception, everyone is devastated. They fear the worst. They foresee no hope of healing. Most people quickly hear that the condition is “degenerative” and prospects for recovery are nill.

No wonder people get so depressed with the news of a Parkinson’s diagnosis! No wonder
such news might well have been the final blow for Robin Williams.

I am immensely saddened if my speculation above is true about the trigger for his Robin
william’s death. Why? My research on Parkinson’s over the past decade reveals that Parkinson’s symptoms are indeed reversible. The condition is not “degenerative” or “progressive.”

This is what most people believe. My research shows it is not true.

  • First, a majority of persons who have been diagnosed with Parkinson”s disease probably have something else – toxins perhaps, bacteria perhaps, trauma perhaps – or perhaps a combination of all three.
  • Second, there are dozens of therapies and treatments that help people reverse  Parkinson’s symptoms. Once a person identifies the primary factor that causes the symptoms they can find a therapy that will help heal the condition.

The search for a cause is not simple. The pursuit of successful therapies does not promise a simple fix. But, a little patience, a great deal of focus and a clear determination
to heal are the magical combination that helps people reclaim their lives.

The world has lost a talent and a spirit that can never be replaced. To prevent such a tragedy from happening to others, please spread the word that Parkinson’s is not degenerative or progressive. It is only through thinking it is that the expectation becomes true.

The body really does know how to heal itself. I only wish Robin Williams had known this last week.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

The First Secret to Reversing Parkinson’s Symptoms

I have been focused as a researcher for the past decade on discovering the causes of Parkinson’s symptoms and, just as importantly, discovering the therapies that help reverse them. I must confess that what I believe now to be the ways to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms are very, very different from what I thought a decade ago.

For starters, most people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease focus on what substances they can put into their body to ease the symptoms. There are loads of choices of course, ranging from prescription medications which must be prescribed by a medical doctor to natural herbal remedies and supplements that you can obtain from a health care practitioner or from your health food store.

There is certainly nothing wrong with any of these approaches. I cover them in detail in Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease. They may give you your life back.

The first secret of seven that I discuss in Seven Secrets to Healing is that it is much smarter at the outset of your journey down the road to recovery to focus on getting the “bad stuff” out of your body rather than putting anything else in (no matter how “good” the stuff might be).

Please do not feel as though you are being singled out because I am saying you have “bad stuff” inside your body. Everybody does! We live in a toxic world. Everyone has heavy metals, pesticides and bacteria inside their body. The miracle of the body is that it is able to eliminate enough of the bad stuff to keep our delicate organs and other body equipment functioning. When the neurological system becomes challenged, it is more likely the case that there is an overabundance of bad stuff that has accumulated inside the tissues of the body.

The capacity of the elimination organs is constrained.  It cannot eliminate a pound of mercury in a day – obviously! Further, a component of whatever we put into our body – whether a medicine or a supplement or a food – has to be eliminated no matter how “good” we are convinced the “stuff” is that we are ingesting.

When Parkinson’s symptoms are present, I have concluded that the body is already overloaded with too much “bad stuff” that it is desperately trying to get rid of through one of the elimination organs: the kidneys, liver, spleen and colon.

The better choice is to set the intention to get the “bad stuff” out through detoxes and other methods before putting anything else in, One of the seven secrets to recovery from any chronic condition including Parkinson’s Disease is to purge first.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.

Olympia, Washington
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Seven Secrets to Healing

Culprit of Parkinsons is the Gut

Hooray! Other researches also believe culprit of Parkinsons is the Gut. A primary cause of  symptoms originates in the digestive system, not the brain. Dr. Michael D. Gershon from Columbia University has been researching the human gut over the past decade. He has discovered something that will surprise you. Your intestines are your Second Brain. Believe or or not they have a mind of their own.

In Parkinson’s disease, abnormalities in the gut microbiome (the community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract) contribute to the development of the disease.

Persons with Parkinsons symptoms seem to have unusually leaky intestines, which let toxic materials such as tiny chunks of nasty bacteria, slip between the cells that line the intestines which have a relatively thin wall. This creates inflammation of the nerves and causes a particular protein – alpha synuclein – to fold up the wrong way. This triggers a chain reaction of misfolded proteins that gradually travel up the neural networks.

As they travel up the network they burn somewhat like a slow fuse, winding up
in the brain over the course of decades. The problem with Parkinson’s symptoms more than likely does not originate in the brain. Culprit of Parkinsons is the Gut not the brain.

One of the best strategies for reversing symptoms is to focus on getting your entire digestive system back up to speed. Problems naturally result over time with digestive systems. We unknowingly ingest toxins which get lodged in our gut. When the nasty toxins leak outside the intestines we suffer the consequences over the long haul.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Big Picture Science Beats Out Little Picture Science

Is big picture science or little picture science the best strategy to pursue if you are determined to reverse the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease? There are two sides to this curious coin of choices.

Little Picture Science

I initially began my research career in the gold standard tradition of all academic research. I constructed a narrowly focused program of research – one that only a few other academics were pursing. The strategy worked for me as it does for all other successful academics – I published in the best journals, worked in excellent universities, was promoted and tenured.

There are two sides to every coin. On the one side of this coin of choices, my narrowly focused research program led to success in an academic setting. On the other side of my coin of choices, my research was so narrowly defined that I investigated a tiny piece of a
very complex puzzle. Yes, I was successful but my university funded research
did not have the impact I had envisioned when I went to all the trouble to earn a Ph.D.

Big Picture Science

Discouraged that the best of my energy and efforts resulted in outcomes of little consequence I quit my academic position a decade ago to pursue big picture science.  I did not want to waste my life away studying narrowly constrained questions.
I chose the most difficult of all diseases to research by setting my research
agenda to investigate what causes Parkinson’s symptoms and what people had done to reverse them.

Having opened the opportunity to consider any and every possibility, I have unearthed many exciting discoveries over the past two decades which are documented in my radio shows, blog and books. I could not have done this work in a university setting while engage in Little Picture Science.

I believe the reason my research has been far more successful this past decade than was the case before then is that I refused to focus my attention on a tiny piece of the big picture. Tackling the big picture is a strategy that produces the most rewarding

Big Picture Science for Parkinson’s Disease

So much for my story. Have you been narrowly focused in your thinking? Have you been chasing after a pill or therapy that will fix everything? Such an approach engages a narrowly focused strategy that, as with my experience, promises a feeble result in most cases.

In this place and at this hour I encourage you to pause and take a step backward for a moment. Ask yourself big picture questions.

  • What is the origin of your symptoms?
  • What happened to you six months to a year before your symptoms became problematic?

By asking yourself big picture science questions like these you will likely discover answers that will help guide you down a steady course to recovery.

Think big.
Ask big questions.
Get big answers.

There is nothing wrong with the small picture scientific approach, but it promises to produce disappointing results. That has certainly been my experience. I expect the same will be true for you.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Heavy Metals and Parkinsons

I have received permission from Hanne to post her 15 year journey down the road to recovery which demonstrates the strong connection between heavy metals and Parkinsons symptoms. Hanne now celebrates the result of detoxing the heavy metals in her body. The work continues, but results so far have been exciting. This story is remarkable in every respect and a true inspiration to others who are on the road to recovery.

People do succeed in reversing symptoms. Here is one more case study which has the power to motivate anyone interested in healing the neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease.

Take the time to digest her story below. You will not regret it!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Seven Secrets to Healing

A neurologist recommended in the year 1998, that I should be medicated against my tremor, but I said no thank you to his offer, as I preferred to be better diagnosed before starting medication.

The following year my symptoms increased, as I became more rigid and my tremor got worse and I therefore was easy to persuade by a new neurologist to try anti-Parkinson medication. Shortly after, I was scanned for Parkinsons disease and the result was compatible with the diagnosis of Parkinsons disease in the early stage.

Parkinson medication helped to decrease the symptoms, but soon I experienced more severe symptoms. At first I thought that it was the disease becoming more severe and this was confirmed by my neurologist who told me that it was unavoidable.

After one year on medication my neurologist recommended that I stopped medication before the next consultation. This became the start of a new phase in the way I coped with my disease, as without medication, I experienced that:-

-The medication can result in abstinences when the medication is stopped.

 Many of the symptoms, that I thought were Parkinsons symptoms, were in reality side effects of the medication.

Therefore I decided to accept the symptoms of the disease instead of being burdened with adverse side effects of the medication. The outcome of this choice forced me to search for factors, which had influenced my symptoms.

In the year 2001 I was tested for Heavy Metal Toxicity in a private clinic in Aarhus, Denmark by Dr. Bruce Kyle. I was diagnosed with a combined toxic overload with mercury and copper.

I was treated at Dr. Bruce Kyles clinic with the Chelating Agent DMPS, with Vitamin-C infusions and different kinds of antioxidants and nutritional support. At the same time I had my amalgam fillings removed and had non-toxic, non-metal composites instead. This was done by a dentist with extra education in safe removal of amalgam. I also use saunas, which help detoxification by sweating out the toxins through my skin.

After some years of undergoing detoxifying treatments, I had fewer tremors and was less rigid, but I still suffered from fatigue.

Allergic reaction against metals was suspect, and I undertook a MELISA-test. ( My test showed an allergic reaction against gold, nickel and cadmium and treatment protocol was removal of a dental gold crown, which was replaced with plastic. Now, I try to avoid nickel and to eat more organic food to avoid cadmium. Luckily I have been rewarded for my efforts as my fatigue has decreased.

Today I can honestly say that testing and treatments for my chronic cumulative toxicity has been successful for revealing some of the causes of my Parkinsons disease. However, I still have slightly high levels of copper left and in Autumn 2006 and Spring 2008 tests show that I am also burdened with lead and aluminum.

I do not dare to think about how my life would have been without detoxifying treatments! When I look at other patients with Parkinsons disease who are getting worse, I have even more reasons to be thankful for my health, which continues to improve as time goes on.

Where do These Heavy Metals come from?

In my case, mercury and copper were likely to have come from my amalgam fillings. Copper-amalgam contains a high percentage of copper and I had many fillings in my milk teeth. Even later in school I had many cavities, which were restored with amalgam. The dentist said that I had weak teeth.

As an adult, I have only had one cavity, so I might think that my parents were not good at helping me with tooth brushing and perhaps also the school dentist has been tempted to do fillings, which were not necessary as she was paid for the amount of pupils’ cavities that she restored.

In addition I have in my job as a veterinarian, been exposed to many thermometers, which sometimes break and where the mercury ended up in the bottom of the car. Veterinarians were not properly informed that this could constitute a health hazard at that time.

Moreover Mercury can come from vaccinations containing the preservative Thiomersal (ethyl-mercury). Mercury might also come from environmental pollution and intake of fish. Copper might come from use of copper spiral (anti contraceptive) and from drinking water and food. The Danish Agriculture Production uses 550 tons of copper yearly and this copper could be assumed to spread to the environment and end up in drinking water and food.

When a person is burdened with mercury toxicity, then the excretion of copper is decreased.

My toxicity burden with lead might perhaps come from common environmental pollution.

My toxicity with aluminum probably came from years of injections with aluminum containing products against dust mite allergy.

My nutrition today contains more antioxidants (nutrients which protects the body against free radicals and oxidation), more vegetables (raw vegetables are chosen) and more fruits.

I have stopped eating unhealthy fats such as margarine, hard fats, corn oil, soy, sunflower etc. I try to eat more of the healthy fats such as fat fish (salmon), linseed, olives oil, nuts etc.

I take antioxidants as nutritional supplementation, also a multivitamin mineral pill without iron and copper, extra vitamin C and E, Lipoic acid, N-acetyl-cysteine, Echinacea, Ginkgo Biloba and Coenzyme Q10. I also use DMSA for mercury, copper and lead chelation.

Concerning the nutrition I would recommend the book by Jean Carper – Your Miracle Brain

Physical activity has been an important part of my life.

At the beginning of my disease I walked without swinging my right arm and I stumbled rather often. After years training trying to walk normally with swinging my right arm, I have succeeded, but only when I am not too stressed or exhausted. The principle is like this, if I can walk one step with swinging the arm, then I can also walk 3 steps.. or also walk 5 minutes or 5 kilometers and so on.

I also use visualization when training my movements.

People, who do not realize the effects that Parkinsons disease has on their own body, often have problems understanding how demanding it is for a Parkinson patient to cope with conscious movements. Even something as banal as cleaning your shoes on a doormat is not necessarily functioning automatically but needs mental work, like steering a toy car with a joystick.

It is very common that a Parkinson patient with time develops a forward bending posture and some years ago I had thoracic Kyphosis and could not wear any of my shirts anymore. A physiotherapist has taught me some physical exercises, which I since have done every day.

Today my back is straight again, which makes me happy. People, who are happy, often have a straight posture, while sad and grieving people often have a crooked posture. By choosing body posture you can also indirectly choose your emotions.

I enjoy sending a signal that I am bubbling with joys of life.

I try to avoid, if possible, all kind of stress. Now I choose calm classical music instead of rock; I value tight relationships instead of having a circle of acquaintances with ‘small talk’ and I love being out in nature instead of taking city walks. It is a pleasure for me to do meditation and to sing.

I have also improved at listening to the signals from my body and I take care to rest and sleep when needed. I have also improved at learning to avoid doing things, which I dislike and instead I do things that make me happy.

When being diagnosed with a chronic disease the patient often goes through a life crisis and so did I. The crises made me more religious and I learnt to pray to my God from the bottom of my heart. This has given me spiritual power to cope with life and the new circumstances.

‘Where there is willpower, there is a way to go.’ This phrase was said about me by a good friend, as a way to express how I cope with my disease.

Years ago the neurologists said several times that I had got Parkinsons disease and that this disease is chronic, impossible to cure and progressive. I thought that it might be like this for other patients, but that it would not be like this in my case. By working and studying a lot and sometimes by choosing blind paths, I have succeeded in finding a tiny little path out of my disease. Today I have fewer symptoms than in the year 1998, which means that the expression ‘progressive’ cannot be used generally about all patients with Parkinsons disease.

I retired in the year 2001 when I was 44 years old and although it was really a hard time, today I feel that I have a good life. To my co-patients I will say: “Search for knowledge and keep on trying to search for new possibilities.”

Generally I recommend neurological patients to be tested with a chelating agent for chronic toxicity with heavy metals. If this is diagnosed, then it is possible to detoxify, which can give hope to a future of increased health and decreased neurological symptoms.

If you want more information about toxicity with heavy metal and Parkinsons disease use the Internet.

Thank you for reading my case-story and I wish you all the best.


Inflammation and Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinsons Recovery is dedicated to identifying all options that help people with Parkinsons Reverse their symptoms such as the connection between inflammation and Parkinson’s disease. I received information from Chris about Microdose Therapy that is helping her as well as others who currently experience Parkinsons symptoms. Her correspondence follows.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

We share a common belief. Parkinsons can be stopped.

It is individual in its nature and how it affects people. I believe a holistic multi-pronged approach and a changing approach according to how your body is reacting is the correct way to attack this disease.

Every Neurologist that I have spoken to has said that Parkinsons will progressively worsen. I do not believe it. I know that my body got here over time and it has the power to heal itself with my help and clean living and exercise.

Dr. Stenberg has a wonderful approach. I believe this will be helpful to people. Dr. Stenberg believes that inflammation is the root of many chronic diseases including Parkinsons. I have been using his system for a few months now and it has reversed symptoms, not just stopped them, reversed them.

Here is a link to the Helen Foundation which administers Microdose Therapy to their patients to stop inflammation and Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

I look forward to corresponding with you! Thanks for being here!



Seven Secrets to Healing

What are the seven secrets to healing that solve the mystery behind healing chronic diseases? How can you heal from the inside out so that disabling symptoms are reversed and imbalances in your body restored?

When we become ill we lose energy and get depressed. The gut instinct is to
find treatments that offer a promise of making symptoms magically disappear. There are certainly medical options that are no secret to anyone which do offer temporary
symptom relief. If you are searching for quick fixes to your illness you will not find them in my new book. Why? These quick fixes are not secrets!

What are the seven secrets to healing illness? I am confident you would never
guess the seven secrets because the path to authentic healing is unknown to most people.

  • Is one of the Seven Secrets to Healing all about the importance of eating a healthy diet? No! Certainly eating the right food is one of the pillars of maintaining good health and helping heal chronic diseases. But, this truth is no secret to anyone!
  • Is one of the Seven Secrets to Healing about the importance of getting regular exercise? No! Certainly exercise is also one of the pillars of reversing illness but this tidbit of wisdom is no secret to anyone.
  • Is one of the Seven Secrets to Healing all about the role stress plays in creating illness? No! Certainly stress plays a foundational role in creating and sustaining chronic diseases but researchers have already published hundreds of books that reveal this truth. The connection between stress and illness is no secret to anyone. .
  • Is one of the Seven Secrets to Healing all about the impact of economic hardship on a persons overall health? Duh? Now, no one would ever find this observation to be a secret to healing.

OK. Enough. My point is simple. You will be surprised by the Seven Secrets to healing because they are indeed exactly that – secrets. Until now.

The truth is that the body can reverse any illness and heal any disease as long as the condition has not progressed to the point of no return. How do you make this happen for yourself? It happens by healing from the inside out rather than dampening symptoms from the outside in. Take the revelations of the seven secrets seriously. You will be dazzled to discover the results.

Click on the link below to review the listing on Amazon:

Seven Secrets to Healing

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Side Effects of Medications

What follows is the slide show presentation which provides a visual display of the information discussed by David Overton

  • Are you SUFFERING from drug side effects?
  • Are you taking MULTIPLE DRUGS?
  • Are drugs INEFFECTIVE for you?
  • Are you searching for ways to redue the dosage of your medications? 

David Overton, PA-C of Olympia, Washington addresses all of these concerns and more. More specifically, he will address how to manage the side effects of drugs and how to reduce prescription drugs safely.

Robert Rodgers, PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Two Ancient Practices Show Promise for Parkinsons

Two ancient practices show promise for Parkinsons: Qigong and Tai Chi. Two individuals in particular have experienced profound symptom relief . One embraced Qigong. The other embraced Tai Chi. Both methods quiet the mind and reduce day to day stresses that are problematic for persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

The first approach which proved successful for Bianca Molle is Qigong. The second which proved successful for Daniel Loney is Tai chi. Each  method originated in the East many, many years ago. Qigong and Tai Chi are both tried and true methods that have obviousy survived the test of time.

Some of the therapies that people place the most confidence in have emerged within only the past few decades and have not yet passed the acid test of time. In my “book” of successful therapies, continuous use of a therapy for centuries on end counts for something. When people across the continents practice methods like Qigong and Tai Chi for hundreds of years they must be worthwhile, eh?

I am personally dazzled at the success these two individuals have manifested. They are true pioneers of natural methods that are helping more and more people across the globe reverse Parkinson’s symptoms. Techniques of Qigong and Tai Chi obviously differ but the end result is similar. They both help to bring the delicate balance of hormones that are critical to neurological health back to their natural state.


You can obtain more information about my interview with Bianca Molle who finds Qigong to be the therapy that worked for her by visiting:



Qigong for Parkinson’s Disease



Tai Chi

Daniel Loney has clearly found profound relief from his symptoms through a systematic practice of Tai Chi. He is now an active proponent of Tai Chi. He says it has helped him and other people with Parkinson’s Disease enormously.

You can discover more information about my interview with Daniel Loney by visiting the book website:

Tai Chi for Parkinson’s DiseaseTai_Chi_for_Parkinso_Cover_for_Kindle




These Two Ancient Practices Show Promise for Parkinsons as demonstrated by these two remarkable individuals who have been traveling down the road to recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Difficulty Making Changes

I have always told other people with pride that I have no difficulty making changes. I embrace change. I proudly conjure many examples of why this is true: I have lived in many different states (Washington DC, New York, Georgia, Michigan, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, Texas, Washington, Puerto Rico, California). I even lived overseas for six months while on a sabbatical.

I have also worked in many different jobs (Navy Officer, County Manager, Assistant Secretary of State, Professor, Business Owner). I even attended a healing school for four years. Now all of this evidence certainly sounds like I embrace change. You are convinced. Right?

Wrong. When I dig deep down inside myself, I have to admit that I hate change. I love living in the same house. I love driving down the same streets. I love seeing the same neighbors. I love eating the same foods. I love doing yard work in the same way every week. I love my routines.

OK. I admit it. I have have been lying to myself all these years. When our bodies begin to send out signals that something is out of balance (like with neurological symptoms)
it means that changes of some type or form are indicated. Worse, chances are good that changes we need to make in our life style are changes that deep down we do not want to make.

  1. We know we should make the changes.
  2. We say will will make the changes.
  3. But we do not change.

Perhaps I no longer should be eating certain foods that are bad for my body.
I have a variety of cleaver rationales that supports my decisions to continue my same
bad eating habits. My arguments seem quite logical to me. I use them to convince myself that I have the right to continue eating the food that I love.


  • I deserve it.
  • I have to learn how to give to myself.
  • I have to learn to receive.
  • I need a break from the stresses of the day.
  • Bla Bla. Bla. 

Believe me when I say that my list is endless.

When I personally eat dairy, my intestines become bloated. I look like Santa Clause. My entire digestive system shouts our in horror. Inflammation throughout the tissues of my body abounds. I feel absolutely lousy for days on end.

And I still do it? Hello.

Here is the truth of it all. When all is said and done, if you or I or anyone wants to feel
better when our symptoms flare (and everyone has unpleasant symptoms from time to time) we have to change our bad habits. Yes. it can be difficult to figure out what changes are necessary. But something has to change about the way we have been living, eating, moving, laughing and working.

  • Perhaps the exercise we have been doing is not right for our bodies.
  • Perhaps we have wrongly convinced ourselves that exercise is bad for us.
  • Perhaps we need to move our bodies but prefer the couch instead.
  • Perhaps our body is allergic to some of the food we love to eat but because we have been eating the same food since we were kids, we refuse to eat something else. 
  • Perhaps we are eating dead food that is rotting the insides out of our intestines.
  • Perhaps we are surrounded with people who vomit a deadly sense of negativity which drives us into the valley of depression day in and day out.

There are certainly an endless list of possibilities here. The bottom line is this: If I do not make some changes in my life, the symptoms of fatigue and depression that I have experienced from time to time will continue to linger.

The argument I have for you today is simple. If you are currently feeling lousy for whatever reason – some type of change is indicated. Something has to be added into your life or something needs to be taken away.

It is one thing to understand what changes are needed to feel better. It is another to institute the changes on a permanent basis. I suspect I am no different from most folks. I continue to struggle with making permanent changes to my eating habits.

I know what I should be eating, but do I? Sometimes. I know what I should not be eating. Do I avoid it? Sometimes.

What is needed is all the time. You now know all about my own resistance to making changes that will make me a healthier, stronger man. What are your truths? No one is listening to your thoughts right now. Why not be honest with yourself? Do you resist change too?

A big step toward making the changes that are critical to reverse troublesome symptoms is to take the first step. Acknowledge resistance to change. There. I have taken just this step myself. And, I am now more determined than ever to stop eating sugar.

What about you? What change are you making to your life today? Ah – too busy to even think about answering this question? My case rests and I am not even a lawyer.

Robert Rodgers, PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Attitudes About Recovery from Parkinson’s

Be honest with yourself. No one is listening to your thoughts right now.

What are your true attitudes about recovery from Parkinson’s disease? Do you believe that while a few people have succeeded in reversing their symptoms – the chances you can reverse your symptoms are about as good as winning the lottery? Or, do you believe recovery is possible, but find yourself doubting the miracle of recovery all the time?

We all have doubts. There are so many people who tell lies these days it is really difficult to know who you can trust.  I have an idea for you to carry around in your hip pocket. Why not make a commitment to trust yourself?

I invite you to make a resolution beginning today.How? It is simple.

  1. Print this post today.  
  2. Slip it into your pocket (where ever that might happen to be in the moment).
  3. Take the ten resolutions below out of your pocket everyday.
  4. Read them out loud to yourself.
  5. Slip them back into your pocket to be retrieved again tomorrow.

As your belief in the statements below strengthens, prospects for recovery will also strengthen. The two go hand in hand.

Attitudes About Recovery

Expedite your journey down the road to recovery. Commit now to the following ten (10) truths that will transform your journey down the road to recovery.

  1. I create my life.
  2. My intention is to create health and wellness for myself.
  3. I admire people who have recovered from Parkinson’s disease.
  4. To have my health makes my life more enjoyable and rewarding.
  5. I get well by doing what I love.
  6. I deserve to be well because I add value to other people’s lives.
  7. I fully and completely receive the healing that is offered by my friends and family.
  8. I am truly grateful for the health that I have.
  9. Opportunities for recovery come my way every day.
  10. My capacity to recover expands with each passing day.

Believe it and believe me. It will happen.  You do not have to trust me or anyone else. Trust yourself.

The power of the body, mind and spirit to heal is infinite.

Robert Rodgers. PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


How to Detox Aluminum from your Body

How can I detox Aluminum from my body? My doctor says that my Parkinson’s symptoms may be due in part to the presence of aluminum in my body.

Talk with your doctor about the possibility of using the following substances to reduce your toxic load of aluminum which may be hanging out in the folds of your brain. Some studies suggest that they can facilitate the release of aluminum in the brain.

Chelates that Detox Aluminum

  • Magnesium citramate. Magnesium reduces brain levels of mercury and the citramate. combination of citrate and malate, has been shown to significantly stimulate elimination of aluminum from the body.
  • Ascorbates (as magnesium or calcium ascorbate). A study found ascorbate to be a very effective chelator of aluminum, especially when the aluminum was bound to brain cell DNA. Taking higher doses of ascorbate with the magnesium citramate increased the removal of aluminum even more.
  • Malate. Malate was shown to be one of the more effective aluminum chelators for the brain. Pyruvate (as calcium pyruvate). Pyruvate has been shown to effectively prevent aluminum absorption.
  • Flavonoids. Eat a lot of fresh vegetables. Supplements containing flavonoids, such as quercetin and hesperidin, also prevent aluminum absorption. Chlorella helps remove mercury and lead and may remove aluminum. These supplements are in addition to the antioxidant vitamins you normally take.

Permit me to also point out that the goal here is to get the bad stuff out of the body. It seems to me to be a bit problematic to achieve this noble goal by putting more stuff into your body. Another option that I actually prefer is to focus on cleaning the primary elimination organs of the body so that your body can do the work of detoxing.

There are too many roadblocks in the body: the kidney and large intestine are likely loaded with too many toxic substances. Instead of focusing on one toxin, step back and focus on strengthening your body’s ability to do the work of detoxing itself. If you are like most people, aluminum is just one of many other toxins that are interfering with the normal function of all systems in your body – especially the neurological system.

Robert Rodgers, PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Infections and Parkinsons Disease

With regard to infections and Parkinsons disease, in my wife’s case, taking B12, folic acid and other supplements were not effective in raising her hemoglobin. I even tried that carao fruit advertised on the web…nothing there either!

When she had a UTI infection 2 years ago, her hemoglobin dropped drastically to 77, which is about 35 points below the min range! Therefore, we know that infections of various kinds do adversely affect hemoglobin.


Infections and Parkinsons Disease

Well, this is interesting. Perhaps her primary problem is rooted in an infection. Have you been following my work on the role of infections and Parkinson’s disease as they affect the function of the body and aggravate neurological symptoms? It may well be productive to pursue the possibility that an infection is the primary culprit. I would certainly place it on my list of primary suspects.

It is well known that infections can cause Parkinson’s symptoms. Lyme disease, for example, presents the same symptoms as Parkinson’s. We also have evidence that taking LDN reduces symptoms in some people. Low dose naltrexone (or LDN) boosts the immune system. When the immune system functions at peak capacity the body is able to eliminate the infections that can cause the symptoms

Your fortune for the day is:

“Your determination to find the answer will yield a positive outcome.”

All the best,

Robert Rodgers, PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Parkinsons Disease and Dopamine

I have a Parkinsons Disease and dopamine related question: First, I was astounded to read that only 1/3 of PD autopsies indicated degeneration of the substantia nigra. There is no history of PD in my family, so I immediately thought I could well be one of the misdiagnosed 2/3 -even though I underwent the full battery of tests to rule out other possible problems.

My specific question for you is about the efficacy of PD drugs as an indicator. I believe I was told at the onset that if the PD medication controls my symptoms, then I indeed have PD. If PD medication does nothing, I may only have Parkinsonism. What is your opinion?

Without knowing the science behind this, I still believe miracles big and small happen every day, and I don’t believe PD is a permanent fixture in my life. Last month I proved to myself that attitude is everything: Reflecting back, I realized that I felt much worse on July 29, 2009 than I did on July 27, 2009. Nothing had changed except that I was told I may have PD. So, early last month, I decided to host a festive funeral for my PD, complete with a decorative shovel and a champagne toast. I have felt more capable and optimistic ever since! My symptoms are still present, but I know I already buried my PD, so it can’t be that!

In closing, I simply want to thank you for your precious work and the hope and optimism left in its wake.

Best Regards,


Response to Parkinsons Disease and Dopamine

What an amazing report! You are indeed on the road to recovery. There is certainly no question that our thoughts are the most powerful force on earth. If we think we are sick, we remain sick. If we think we are well, we become well. If we think we are on the road to recovery, we feel better and better over time. If we feel all the dopamine producing cells in our body are dead, we give up and reserve a bed in our neighborhood nursing home.

My research reveals that there is badly mistaken thinking about Parkinsons (which will soon be archaic my work and others spreads like wildfire). Here is the mistaken logic:

The body has a given number of cells that produce dopamine. In some people – these cells begin to die off like soldiers at the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.

By the time 80% are of these dopamine cells are dead the person has neurological symptoms that are destined to get worse and worse over time. They are diagnosed with a condition known as Parkinson’s Disease. The only hope is to fill this sadly malfunctioning body with dopamine because it is not capable of producing dopamine on its own.

This simplistic view does not match with my observations as a researcher. Why? I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds of persons with Parkinsons. People tell me the same story over and over but the details differ here and there. Here is a prototype of the stories I hear everyday.

I loved to play ping pong when I was young. I gave it up years ago because I was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease One day – don’t ask me why – I decided to try and play ping pong again. Why not after all. It is a degenerative condition right?

Once I put the paddle in my hand and started playing all of my symptoms vanished. I could play as well as when I was 20 years old. No one could tell I had Parkinsons if they were watching me play. When I stop playing the symptoms return.

In the report above I used the word ping pong. You can substitute dozens of other activities; e.g. – kick boxing, painting, singing, woodworking, tennis. martial arts. The list is endless.

Now I ask you and all others reading this now: How could the body return to a state of balance and harmony and be producing all the dopamine needed to maintain a steady hand to play ping pong and move seamlessly if 80% of the dopamine producing cells in the body were dead? Duh – Of course it could not.

Of course – a small percentage of persons do have a deterioration of dopamine producing cells. Me research reveals that most people do not.

Why is it you ask when dopamine producing medicine is given symptoms are controlled in the short run? The problem is not a dopamine production problem. It is an access problem. The body is not able to activate the pathways necessary to produce dopamine because the pathways needed by the body to manufacture dopamine are obstructed for one reason or another.

Instead of giving a scientific explanation permit me to explain the problem the body confronts by way of an analogy.

Imagine if you will that you and I are traveling down main street in Olympia, Washington to play ping pong at the YMCA. We encounter an unexpected road block and cannot get through town. The road is closed. We peek ahead and see that there is an accident involving two cars that are badly twisted.

The road we are traveling on on is analogous to one of our many neural pathways. The blockage we confront is a trauma that we have experienced in our life or a toxin or a bacteria that has invaded our body. The body physically contorts inside when confronted with any of these three obstacles (i.e. – trauma, toxins or bacteria). Unless we set our intention to remove the obstacles, the blockage will remain though we may be able to pass partially push our way through the blockage. Or, we can always take a detour which unfortunately creates an uncomfortable twist in the pathway.

We take our detour and run into another road block. This time there is slippery gunk on the road way – toxins that have spilled from a gas truck that overturned. These are analogous to the toxins in our body that are making it impossible for the delicate signaling system to function in our neurological system.

We turn the car off to wait, then decide to turn the car back on and take another detour. Oops – the car will not start because the alternator is broken. Sometimes genes that are critical to the function of the hormonal system are shut down, genes like COMP. If that turns out to be the case, you simply have to wake the sleepy genes up.

Some people falsely belief that if a gene is “defective” you might as well pack your suitcase and head for your neighborhood nursing home now because there is no hope. That idea too will be seen as middle ages thinking as the ability of the body to repair genes is better understood.

We got lucky and find ourselves stuck next to a repair garage and are lucky to get a replacement alternator for the car in 15 minutes. We start her up again, turn around and take another detour. A mile down the road we confront a mother hen and her 12 chicks crossing the road. Unfortunately, they are not interested in reaching the other side. Rather, they have a dedicated preference to hang out in the middle of the road, blocking our ability to pass.

A hen and her chicks on our journey to the ping pong courts is a symbol of all the critters in our body that can obstruct the pathways the body needs to access to produce dopamine. Which critters? The list includes among others bacteria, viruses and fungus in the form of candida. These critters are living entities in our body that a conscious of their own.

If we do not find a way to invite them to leave the roadway (and our body) the neural pathways in our body will be littered with obstructions.

Once we arrive at our destination at the ping pong courts our bodies relax. Stress dissolves. We are finally ready to have some fun. Our bodies are finally able to relax from the our series of roadblocks on our journey to the ping pong courts. The same type of obstructions occur over flashes of time as neurological signaling is sent and received.

What does it really mean when dopamine supplements are given to a person who confronts one or more of the roadblocks above? Some people do feel better. The good news is that they can function normally sometimes for years. This can be an excellent option to embrace. The problems that are causing the symptoms are not addressed with dopamine supplements.

  • Dopamine does not heal the trauma. It continues to linger.
  • Dopamine does not release the toxins. They too still hide out in the crevices of our body.
  • Dopamine does not kill the harmful bacteria in the body. They too continue to thrive inside the body (where it is warm and cozy) and not outside (where it is cold and dangerous).

Supplementation of dopamine (whether through medications or supplements) overrides the normal operating system used by the body to manufacture and access dopamine.

To clarify – the ping pong courts were sitting there waiting for us to use them. We just discovered that access was obstructed by an accident (trauma), an oil spill (toxins) and the chickens hanging out in the road war (critters). We are lucky if we get to play ping pong because all of our symptoms dissolve when we do.

If instead we get so frustrated with all the road blocks, we may simply give up our plan to play ping pong. It is just too difficult to get there. (Note – this is what happens to so many people who give up the activities they enjoy so passionately.) When it comes down to Parkinsons disease and dopamine, it is high time to get a hit of dopamine, eh?

We may decide instead to stop at the bakery and have dessert full of sugar and genetically modified wheat. When we arrive back home, we feel horrible and have to go to bed.

Yes, dopamine is obviously a factor. The problem in summary is not a dopamine deficiency. It is a problem of access to dopamine. Help the body with the access problem and the symptoms will fade away into the sunset.

Robert Rodgers, PhD.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Excessive Saliva

What can I do about excessive saliva? I am swallowing all the time. I have been ill one year. I currently take ropinirol and l-troksin.

Thanks for your Parkinsons Recovery newsletters. They are very interesting to me.

A number of factors might be causing the troubling symptom of excessive saliva. Your body may be simply releasing toxins through the saliva rather than urine. Since the discharge is centered in your mouth and throat, there may be a residue of heavy metals that your body is working hard to get out of your body. A detox protocol might be very helpful in this regard.

There is one possible cause that I would recommend you investigate first. Your problem may be caused by the side effects of medications you are currently taking. I recommend that you talk with your doctor and a pharmacist about the side effects of the drugs you are taking. You can also usually obtain information sheets on the drugs from your pharmacist or from the company that dispenses your drugs.

It is possible that you are experiencing the effects of a drug interaction. Taking any two drugs such as those that you you mention in your question may possibly cause the symptom you describe of excessive saliva. No one can ever really know what side effects might present when more than one medication is taken. Why?

There is never any research done on the possible interactions that result when more than one prescription meditation is taken at the same time. Even if research existed, we still would not know if your body would react more severely from taking these two particular medications than would be found with another person.

In short, it would be a smart move to talk with your doctor about the possibility you are experiencing side effects of the medications you are taking,

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

© 2013 Parkinsons Recovery

Treatment Options for Multiple System Atrophy

My doctor recently switched my diagnosis from Parkinson’s Disease to MSA (Multiple System Atrophy). Do you know of any treatment modality that is particularly successful for treating MSA?

There are many causes of neurological symptoms. I believe it is always wise to pause and consider what factors might be at the root cause of the symptoms that are currently experienced. As you will discover from stories of people who have reversed their symptoms, many causes can be the culprit. Some of these stories are reported in Pioneers of Recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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