Click on the purple arrow to hear Naturopathic doctor Ivy Faber, ND, answer my question to her on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show:
What is So Special about a Bioenergetic Assessment?
what is so special about a bioenergetic assessment
Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms
Click on the purple arrow to hear Naturopathic doctor Ivy Faber, ND, answer my question to her on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show:
what is so special about a bioenergetic assessment
Click on the purple arrow to hear Naturopathic doctor Ivy Faber, ND, answer my question to her on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show:
what is the difference between bioenergetic testing and a standard medical test
Click on the purple arrow to hear Naturopathic doctor Ivy Faber, ND, answer my question to her on the Parkinsons Recovery Radio show:
What is Bioenergetic Assessment?
“I have just listened to “Jumpstart”. May I first encourage you to run that “2015 Jumpstart for Australia”; I’ll be the first to sign up.
More important still, I believe you touched on the dominant reason people do not have faith in their ability to recover and take control of their well being.
It is that first, damning “trauma” that accompanies every diagnosis of any form of Parkinson-ism; the inevitable statement in one form or another;
“It is degenerative and incurable, you won’t die of it but you will die with it”
I was diagnosed 5 years ago and have had definite success “following my instinct” in a number of ways; including visiting Dr Walton-Hadlock in Santa Cruz, “medical” QiGong, acupuncture and, not-so-simple-with-tremors, meditation.
It is my certain experience that each advance is reversed by the perpetual “echo” of that statement that I have now heard from three eminent neurologists and read in almost every book and website …”degenerative and incurable”.
You probably know there is a hospital in Putney, UK, that was established in the 19th century to treat neurological diseases. It was called “The Hospital for Incurables” until 1995 when enlightenment struck. The detrimental and counter-productiveness of that name was acknowledged and the name was changed.
Imagine being admitted under the archway emblazoned with with the original name – your “inevitable” fate.
Yet 20 years later no such enlightenment has struck amongst “Parkinson’s Specialists”, the very professionals whose hospital was re-named in recognition of the self-fulfilling damnation of the categorization “Incurable”.
I write in hope that you, a man of influence in the realms of this horrible, life denying disease, be inspired to arouse your multitude of followers, the “patient advocate and support organizations and those medical professionals aware of the values of “alternative” cures and self-motivation, in a campaign to cease and revoke the terms “degenerative and incurable”.
It is 20 years since UK’s “Hospital for Incurables” was renamed “Hospital for Neurological Dis-abilities” . Surely time to bring enlightenment to the neurological establishment by a campaign presenting the facts and recognizing the dreadful harm and hopelessness these terms impose on their patients.
In gratitude for your work.”
What follows is an inspiring email from Hans regarding his journey down the Road to Recovery from Parkinsons.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
“Your program provides extremely value in guiding me through the process I had already embarked on. The guidance you provide as well as the guidance the other participants provide through their stories is rock solid spot on , so my body confirms.
Allowing to feel the old pains – getting presented where they come from , processing and synchronizing the mind and body and .. releasing the old energy captured in my body after that is on my daily menu – all comments provide confirmation of, and context to that what I am going through all is part of the process.
Medication camouflages the real ‘feeling it’, processing it and cleaning it up – therefore I can imagine that when people take medication it is hard to help them heal, as the experience remains hidden. Until also max medication can’t cover it up any longer –
The area where medication does not yet or not anymore camouflages the symptoms is the area where the work lays. That’s where the nasty bits stick up their ugly heads, asking and yelling to be felt, recognized and healed.
So grateful that I was pointed at, and was given the techniques to handle the phenomena that then arise, through the guidance received from many, as a preparation for the release process which is now intensifying, and the relief that that brings afterwards – every time again.
So grateful for folks like yourselves!! Just had to let you know.
Grateful regards,”
I have been blogging for years about the role intoxication with heavy metals plays in causing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. One of the Seven Secrets to Healing is to get the “bad stuff” out of your body before pouring any “good stuff” in. Veterinarian Hanne Koplev’s story posted below is a compelling confirmation of how intoxication with heavy metals crashes the neurological system. Better yet, purging the heavy metals has a profound impact on reverse the symptoms.
Dr. Koplev sent me a picture of her to post which says everything about her own recovery from symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Hi Robert,
I like your approach. I have had success with an unorthodox approach using reiki, qigong, painting and a lot of intuition and research found out that I have massive amounts of copper and an excess of mercury. Although I am still registered as having PD I am on a 5 month detox with intravenous vitamin C and glutiathone 2 hours every second week and taking metalcaptase. I’ve had a brain scan and at least five experts confirm that I have PD. Then how can it be that I end up taking medicine for Wilson’s Disease? (Rhetorical question).
Warm regards
On a Parkinsons Recovery radio show I aired four years ago Cheryl heralded a TMJ treatment for Parkinson’s Disease that offered her welcome relief from her Parkinson’s symptoms. For a little background on where this story starts – listen to this radio show by click on the link below:
John, a listener of the Parkinsons Recovery Radio Show, recently asked Cheryl for an update on her current situation. I have her permission to post her email response to John which follows:
Robert Rodgers PhD
Seven Secrets to Healing
I guess you want to know if I am living Parkinson’s free, (among other things). Let me address this question first.. The short answer is : No, I’m not, unfortunately…Which is what I was hoping for – aren’t we all?
That being said.. There is a success story attached to that NO answer….
Sorry to be so confusing John. It’s kind of strange John.. But I would highly recommend getting an appliance especially if you were diagnosed within the last 5 years!!.. I am still better then anyone else I know who is living with Parkinsons.. My Neurologist at
UCLA can’t believe how little meds I take, how well I move, etc.. He says people living with Parkinson’s for 15 years , like I have, are all doing so much worse..
That being said: I have had lasting improvements, that I attribute to the TMJ treatment for Parkinsons Disease. For example: I can brush my teeth manually. I can put a sandwich in a baggie and have improved penmanship to name a few things off the top of my head.
That being said. I fall down – a lot- and I have tremors in my legs, that I never had 6 months ago. So I can tell the disease is marching on….
The bottom line is: it’s worth it!!! I still advocate for everyone in the Parkinsons community to get an appliance.. It’s not a cure but it definitely, definitely helps And it helps with out side effects. It also heals you today!! There is no waiting for clinical trials. And it’s immediate.. google Dr Brendon Stacks DDS in Virginia. Watch the videos… The appliance is real and it does work… I guess I was just hoping for more…but if the way I am is all I can get, well as I said.. I am still better of then if I had never used it.
Your friend in the trenches,
PS: I still wear my appliance, albeit not as often as what I should.
What you will see below is an email about amino acid therapy I received yesterday that I have permission to post here. It is always exciting to hear news of people who are have good success on the road to recovery.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
 I found a holistic neurologist in NYC – Christian Enescu. He put me on a program called targeted amino acid therapy. I am using prescription supplements by a company called CHK. There is a Hinz protocol which I think is similar and is one of the original amino acid therapy treatments. It required going cold turkey off all meds.
This is day 23 and I see a big light at the end of the tunnel. In the beginning I crashed. It was a VERY DIFFICULT time. Slowly started to feel better. I am almost at the point where I was before I started the program- which was mild symptoms (because they were being controlled by meds). This is working for me. This is HUGE! I fully expect to feel completely normal again soon.
Speaking practically, how can the energy field around a person be cleansed of obstructions and distortions? When the energy field is transformed, less force is required to transport it.
Think of transformation as a cleansing of the field of energy that encapsulates the
object. In its natural state, the field of energy around any entity is contaminated with distortions in the form of blockages or discordant frequencies. When distortions of any form are removed and cleared, the energy field is purified. This paves the way for less physical resistance.
Put simply, when you purify the field of energy it is easy to move a heavy object long distances. Â And, when the field of energy around a person is purified, it is much easier for them to move as well.
All humans have energy fields that are distorted to one degree or another unless a conscious effort is made to cleanse them. Â Traumas and toxins are the usual culprits. They will always distort an energy field to one extent or another. It is helpful to adopt a practice of purifying our own energy fields as we are continually exposed to toxins and traumas that distort them. If there are too many distortions field, a person will inevitably get sick.
The focus of my step by step guide for how to transform the energy field of a person applies to a person. The same principle can be applied to transforming the weight of a heavy boulder. Once you experience the energy field transformation yourself, it is easy to see how the Egyptians built those amazing pyramids so many thousands of years ago.
Mechanisms for transforming the energy field of living entities will differ from innate objects. This demonstration focuses on the transformation of the energy field around a person.
Five participants are needed for this demonstration. Follow the steps below.
Ask the persons standing in the back and front of the seated person to place their pointing fingers under one of the arm pits of the seated person. Ask persons standing at their side to place their pointing fingers under a knee. That is, the person standing on the left side places their pointing fingers under the left knee. The person standing on their right side places their pointing fingers under the right knee.
On a count of three, ask all four persons to see if they can lift the seated person off of their chair. Of course, they will be unable to accomplish this challenge using their two pointing fingers only. Be sure no one strains to lift the person off the chair as this challenge will be impossible. The idea here is to experience the force that is required for four persons to lift a seated person with their pointing fingers within a field of energy that has not been transformed.
5. Now it is time to transform the energy field which will make lifting the person easy.
One of the four persons standing – it does not matter which one – starts by placing their right hand on the head of the person who is seated. The person standing to their left places their right hand on top of the hand already positioned. There are now two hands on top of the head of the seated person. The third person standing places their right hand on the hand of the second person. The fourth person then places their hand on top of the third hand already in position. In other words, go around the circle of the people who are standing from one person to the next as they place their right hands on top of each other. There should now be four hands on the head of the seated person which are at right angles.
Continue the process by placing the left hands of the persons who are standing on top of the head of the person who is seated. Proceed placing left hands (going around the circle) on top of the hands already placed on the head of the person who is sitting. There are now eight hands on the top of the head of the seated person that form right angles to one another. Leave the eight hands in position for 30 seconds or longer.
6. Without pausing and on the count of three, ask the four volunteers who are standing around the person who is seated to quickly remove their hands off the head, clasp their hands with their pointing finger extended and place their pointing fingers under an arm pit or knee just as they did before.
The field of energy has only been transformed for a short period, so it is critical to act quickly. With as little pause as possible, ask everyone to lift the person again just as they did before the field was transformed. If done quickly enough the seated person can now be lifted off the chair into the air, unlike before. It sometimes takes a little practice so that no one is delaying too long to place their fingers in position for lifting. With a little practice the ease with which the seated person can be lifted off the chair in an energy field that has been transformed will be obvious to everyone.
When you transform the energy field, objects (and in our demonstration people) become lighter and much easier to move (or lift). Less power and effort is needed to send an object in motion or, as in the example above, lift a person off of a chair. When transformation of the energy field is complete, less force and power is required. And, of course, this means that less energy is required.
Most people with mobility challenges view the problem as one that has been created by physical limitations. The challenges with mobility that are imposed by an energy field that has not been cleansed and cleared are, in my opinion, formidable and overlooked by most people. Â When the energy field around a person is purified, mobility becomes less problematic. It is far easier to move a human body that has been cleansed of contaminants whether they be toxins or trauma.
Permanent transformations of the energy field require ongoing interventions. Temporary transformations are possible with the demonstration I have outlined above. I will discuss the architecture needed for permanent transformations of energy fields in a description soon to be posted.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Seven Secrets of Healing
Various theories have been proposed about how did the Egyptians built the pyramids. Similar theories can be found for how the Romans moved boulders weighing one thousand tons. The word in the previous sentence is correct: tons, not pounds! Theories
in both cases suggest that the heavy objects were moved by a clever configuration of ramps, slides and elevated pathways that were lubricated to reduce friction and facilitate movement.
It is logical to conclude that heavy boulders could have been dragged on level ground on top of sleds connected to long ropes pulled by hundreds of laborers and animals. It would have been easier to pull sleds over long distances on flat surfaces which were lubricated. Such a technology would have been slow ad laborious but it would eventually have succeeded in transporting the heavy boulders to the pyramid sites.
It is also logical to conclude that ramps or sleds could have been constructed to lift the heavy boulders to the lower levels of the pyramid. As I see it, is not not logical or practical to believe that the boulders could have been moved to the top of the pyramids by human strength using mechanical assists of any configuration however clever. No theorist has ever suggested that humans living thousands of years ago had one hundred times the strength of humans living today.
I have no doubt but that the evidence scholars have unearthed regarding ramps and other configurations were used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans to construct their monuments. But a transformation of the heavy weights involved would have been necessary to move the heavy objects to the highest levels of the pyramids. The weight of the boulders had to be reduced at least temporarily for the force of human muscle power to succeed in lifting them to the top or pyramids. You can only fit so many human bodies near the top of a tall pyramid. At the top of the pyramids heavy lifting would have to have often been exerted from below the boulders as they were pushed up rather than pulled up. There was no place to stand above the highest point.
What do I theorize the Egyptians did to move those heavy boulders to the tops of the pyramids? They temporarily transformed the energy fields of each boulder before they moved them. A heavy object such as a boulder can become much lighter temporarily when its energy field is cleansed. Once transformed, an energy cocoon of sorts engulfs the heavy object, making it 50 times lighter to lift. The capacity of human muscle power becomes sufficient to elevate the heavy objects even against the force of gravity. The field of gravity is not altered. Rather, the immediate field connected to the heavy object is cleared of distortions and energetic blockages.
I admit it – this all sounds rather wild and theoretically implausible. You are probably thinking that the Egyptians did not have the sophisticated technology we have today. Of course they did not have computers or cranes but they did not need them. I believe they
succeeded in transforming the energy fields of the boulders using as few as four laborers.
Instead of reading about how an energy field can be transformed I will introduce a step by step explanation for how this can be accomplished in my next post. You are invited to experience the transformation yourself. To do so you will need to recruit four friends to assist with the experiment. The demonstration involves lifting a person by once their energy field is cleared.
My line of reasoning has a direct and profound connection to what is needed to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Stick with me on this one. You will not be disappointed.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Yesterday’s post left you with a teaser. What is the first step that must be taken to produce a the energy of the future that does not use the scarce reserves of oil or coal or natural gas? The bigger question that puzzles everyone with Parkinson’s symptoms is: What does this important step have to do with reversing chronic illnesses like Parkinson’s disease?
Invention of a clean source of energy that does not require the extraction of natural
resources of oil or oil or natural gas is the highest priority of all global priorities in the year 2014. Scientists agree that the effects of global warming have become exponential. At this point in the earth’s long history, more efficient consumption of scarce natural resources does  not stand a chance of reversing the devastating effects of global warming. It is the nightmare everyone feared. Time has run out.
If the grandeur of New York City skyscrapers or the pristine beaches of Miami Florida are
to be preserved for future generations, a new source of clean energy has to be invented that is different from all the methods employed today. What can be a source of new energy if not derived from oil. coal or busting up atoms?
A source of energy that offers the opportunity to dramatically reduce greenhouse emission has always existed. It is not new as it has always existed since the origins of the universe. Humans on earth have just not yet discovered how to access it. This problem will soon be solved. The source of new energy which emits no harmful exhausts is known in scientific circles as universal energy.
Scientists have studied the existence of a universal source of energy both theoretically and an empirically which is to say that they have imagined it exists and even shown the theory to be true. Existence of Higg’s God particle has been a theoretical postulate until 2013 when scientists in Geneva working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) verified its existence empirically. Many physicists now believe that the God particle is a key building block of the universe.
Universal energy exists everywhere in the world – from the energy fields of humans and animals to the energy fields of fire hydrants and sidewalks. We do not find it only in certainly locations like the oil fields of Texas or the coal mines of Kentucky mountains.It exists everywhere in the universe. It exists everywhere in the universe – on the craters of the moon, inside the volcanoes of earth and even in black holes.
You do not extract universal energy from the earth. It requires no heavy duty extraction equipment such as wells needed to pump out oil or coal carts to carry coal out from deep inside mountains. Once we have developed the technology to harness it, we can power up the lights and appliances of our homes and fire up engines whether they power cars, trains or planes.
The obstacle to harnessing universal power is that in its raw form, it lacks the force and power that has traditionally been used to operate vehicles,  fly planes, move trains or light the skyscrapers of the world’s cities. Certainly gas or coal or nuclear power is required to accomplish such feats?
The surprising answer to this puzzle is no! Why is this? The universal energy fields of all objects in the world - both living and nonliving – are corrupted to one extent or another. All energy fields have entanglements, blockages and obstructions unless they are cleared and cleansed.  Some fields of energy are less problematic than others.
By way of analogy, imagine the universal energy field as either a three dimensional spider web or an image of frozen water. First, consider what a distorted architecture of a spider web might look like. It would have twists, turns, angles, dead ends and other anomalies in its curvature and shape. Such a spider web represents distortions that are found in the universal energy fields of all living creatures and non living objects until and unless they are purified and cleansed. Most fields of energy have not been cleansed and purified.
Second by way of further explanation, imagine the crystal like structures that are seen in images of fresh, unpolluted water crystals that have been frozen in contrast to the images of the crystals of water that has been polluted.  Ground breaking work by Masaru Emoto from Japan stunned the world with his photographs of water crystals. He showed that Images of the water from purified sources are beautiful structures with intricate geometric shapes.  Images of water from polluted sources had little structure or form whatsoever. Pictures of the crystals from polluted water had blotches and abstract forms. Even more fascinating was his discovery that the pollution could take the form of thoughts alone! Dark thoughts generated mal-formed images. Uplifting, positive  thoughts generated crystals that looked like magnificent church cathedrals.
The second postulate that underpins the ability to harness universal energy is the following:
Energy fields must be cleansed and purified before universal energy is accessed.Â
Until now, there has been no requirement to address the blockages and distortions of energy fields or cars or homes or planes or trains. Gasoline is a powerful source of energy that provides the all the power that is required to activate mechanical engines for transit through any energy field, however distorted or entangled. When burned in power plants coal is also a powerful source of energy that transmits energy to cities and towns. We have always been able to tap into a source of fuels that have the capacity when burned or heated to plow its way through any physical obstacle – including wind resistance, the resistance of gravity as well as any and all other resistances of a physical nature.
When using a source of power that has less force as is the case when accessing the universal energy field, it is first necessary to cleanse and purify the energy fields that enfold the engines that must be powered. Think of the transformation by way of analogy:
In the spider web of universal energy as well as the distortions in the crystal shapes found in water…
Once the energy field of a car or plane or rocket is cleansed and restructured it will not
take the force of high voltage electricity to source the energetic needs of vehicles or engines. Accessing the force of universal energy will be quite sufficient indeed.
Best of all, using universal energy as fuel does not exhaust scarce resources and is free to access as it exists everywhere.
You are probably thinking that no one has ever restructured the energy field. In my next post I will explain how the knowledge for doing just that is thousands of years old.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
In the centuries ahead, people will think of life in the 21st century as very backward and very outdated. In less than a decade from now, those of us alive today will be viewed as living in an ancient times. People in the year 2024 will pity us.
Of course, everyone today in the year of 2014 thinks of our lifestyle to be very sophisticated and very modern.
What would our great great grandchildren say about life as it was lived in the 21st century? They will say IÂ cannot believe…
The source of energy that will soon fuel cars, planes, trains and rockets (or space ships) in the 22nd century will not rely on gas or coal or nuclear power. What then you ask?
The source of energy that will be soon accessed has always existed. Inventors have yet to figure out how to tap into this universal source of energy. This problem is about to be solved.
What is this source of clean energy that does not depend on gas or coal or nuclear energy? It is derived from the universal energy field that has always existed throughout time and space.
I know what you are probably thinking right now : Right. Sure. Everyone knows that while there is a source of energy that exists out there (from light or sound for example) it has no where near the power of strength needed to power a car, plane train or rocket for that matter. To this criticism I say to you – you are dead right. Have I just shot my
argument in the foot so to speak? No I have not my dear friend.
There is a first step that has to be taken to invent a clean source of energy before the universal source of energy can be accessed to operate engines, household appliances, cars, trains and planes.
Tune in tomorrow for the answer but please do not hang onto your seats while you wait!
The last thing I want to do is to create stress in your life. The answer has profound consequences to anyone currently experiencing a chronic illness like Parkinson’s disease!
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Seven Secrets to Healing Chronic Disease
What does it really take to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
Some treatment options suppress symptoms. It is comforting to know that
such options exist, but symptoms will always return. What can you do for yourself
to heal the underlying cause so that Parkinson’s symptoms can be reversed?
A key factor that causes Parkinson’s symptoms to flare up is stress.
The better question to ask is not how to reverse symptoms, but how to reduce stress.
OK. So what can you do today to reduce stress in your life? It is one thing to want less stress. It is quite another to make it happen.
I have concluded that a good answer to this question is mindfulness. This term is thrown around a lot these days as it has become trendy to become mindful. The intent of mindfulness is simple: Live in the present moment rather than projecting into the future or agonizing about the past. Learning how to live in the present moment takes a practice and patience.
This is why I have created the Parkinsons Recovery Mindfulness Series:
Nine volumes of exercises that offer the opportunity to become more and more
mindful with each passing week.
If you are sick and tired of chasing after treatment options that
treat symptoms but offer no long lasting result, give mindfulness
a trial run. It is something you get to do yourself. No prescriptions are required or necessary.No medical professionals need be involved.
Check out the brand new Parkinsons Recovery Mindfulness series.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
When you step away from any diagnosis such as Parkinson’s disease you are in a position to acknowledge there are likely to be many systems which are compromised. Causes of Parkinson’s as evidences by neurological challenges are multi-faceted. This is why symptoms manifest so differently in people.
Pouring more dopamine in your body may provide a temporary relief from your symptoms. Great. If that is all you expect or want, fine. But, why not dig a little deeper and ask the question:
What are some of the the potential causes of my symptoms?
My research over the past decade as reported in part in Pioneers of Recovery reveals that there are many potential causes.
Of course, the above list is a cursory preview of dozens of possible causes. When you
acknowledge that there exist many potential causes, it is easy to understand why talk
of a “cure” for Parkinson’s symptoms is silly. Any “cure” depends on the cause.
Once you know the cause or causes of your symptoms, you can engage a set of therapies
that can potentially help your body heal.
How can infusing your body with more dopamine help your body release manganese in your brain or infection in your liver or bacterial in your tonsils? It obviously cannot.
Most people have a good idea of some of the primary causes of their symptoms. Again, ask yourself this simple question:
What is causing my symptoms?
Become your own doctor. Act on your own hunches whether they come from a PhD (like myself) or anyone else for that matter. Celebrate the result when you focus your attention on addressing a specific reason for the symptoms
Robert Rodgers, PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Do You have a systematic recovery program?Â
Our experience in working with persons who have Parkinson’s has convinced us that there is no standard protocol that is the panacea. Of course, there is no “cure.” Factors that cause the
condition are multi-faceted so it depends.
We do know from a thorough review of the research that the symptoms can be caused by heavy metals, pesticides, chemical toxins, pathogens, trauma and stress. A variety of natural therapies are available to address each of these threats to the healthy function of the body. We encourage each individual to investigate the therapies that are available
depending on their own individual needs and preferences and the primary factors that are causing their symptoms.Â
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery
Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinsons Disease engage an aggressive search for ways to reverse them.  Secrets to healing are somewhere “out there” in the universe. The belief is that most of the good answers are difficult to find. The journey for the right answers is much like a treasure hunt for a treasure that is buried in a secret vault – a Fort Knox of sorts that locks up all the answers for reversing Parkinson’s symptoms.
Sometimes the journey involves finding one solution after another. When one
solution fails to produce desired results, a new solution or therapy is pursued.
Some people chase after dozens of therapies. Results are often disappointing time and time again. The search for answers “out there” is exhausting!
Research can and does make a difference. Being better informed can and does make a difference to recovery. That is why I maintain the massive body of resources on options for recovery on the many Parkinsons Recovery websites I subsidize.
But, there is a downside to a search “out there” somewhere for answers. It activates a continuous infusion of adrenaline. Adrenaline rushes are stimulating. They energize the body into action. The downside to adrenaline rushes is that the body has no energy or resources to produce dopamine. What is needed to reverse symptoms is to maintain a delicate balance of dopamine and adrenaline.
There is a companion approach to a search for answers that offers the promise of marvelous results.  Think about recovery as an opportunity that is always moving toward you. It is not something you have to discover by searching long and hard in places far away.
One of the seven secrets to healing a chronic illness like Parkinson’s disease is to
listen to the messages your body is always trying to communicate to you.  The body has a memory of the perfect state of wellness and health. Disease is not the body’s natural state. Health is.  the body is always striving to reverse any disease process that causes neurological symptoms.
Your body is giving you important information every day. Perhaps your intuition tells you to stop dying your hair or stop using a particular shampoo or stop using laundry detergent that is toxic. Perhaps you always tend to discount the instincts about recovery that you get  every day. When you begin to trust these instincts you may marvel at how much better you begin to feel.
You can do it – right now.
The reality is that recovery is staring you in the face every day. Your job is simple. Pay attention. Act on any and all intuitions that you get when you listen to your body.
The body has all the resources it needs to maintain the delicate balance of adrenaline and dopamine. You usually have to make some life style changes to give the body the support it needs. When the body has the resources it needs to maintain balance, symptoms will melt like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.
The answers have been staring you in the face all along. They are not “out there.” They have always been moving toward you.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Seven Secrets to Healing Â
What follows is a fascinating report of a revelation about healing Parkinson’s disease from a dream state. Now that is a novel approach. eh? You never know when profound insights might pop up when you are asleep and dreaming.  You might even discover healing Parkinson’s disease is the outcome.
This is what Rick discovered during his dream state as you can see in his email
which I have posted below.  Dreams can reveal critical information about the cause of symptoms that you could never figure out any other way. The mystery is often em bedded deep in our subconscious.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Hi Robert,
I have started doing Qigong after Bianca`s regime.
Apropos intuition I had two dreams on consecutive nights after night time
sessions of qigong/meditation. In the first dream it was presented to me why I had Parkinson’s disease – anger – with an explanation of why. In the second dream I died and was looking down on my body being asked by the controller of the archives where my soul info would be stored what I thought of my life to which I replied
“okay but hard -“
He then asked me why to which I replied that I had been too rigid and controlling of
everything in my life.
I woke up fresh and optimistic. So yes we are our own healers /therapists/doctors if we allow ourselves-
Warm regards and thanks.
Everyone in a body journeys down an unpaved, rocky road of healing. The journey inevitably involves encounters with disease in one form or another. Diseases play a central role in healing. To heal Parkinsons from the inside-out we need only realize our body is communicating important information about what is causing the problem.
Many people fear disease. They get angry because they became ill. Like it or not, we have to get sick so that the body can build up the immune system that is needed to fend off threats in the forms of toxins and bacteria.
Some people have an abundance of cancer cells. Others have blood pressure issues. Still others confront the the unexpected and unwanted symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Some have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Perhaps you are one. Others have not been diagnosed. Everyone with neurological challenges – whether diagnosed or not – is unsure about which path to take and what choices to make. There are so many.
People make one of three choices in response to the neurological imbalances.
The third choice involves listening to the wisdom of your body. This is the choice that offers the promise of lasting healing.
To listen to your body – you have to ask your body specific questions like:
Make no pretense here. Your body is your soul mate for life.
If you want to know the best choice to make, listen to the answers you get when you ask your body questions like these. For most people, answers come in the form of raw intuition. Instincts that emerge from our gut are precisely the insights needed to succeed. Your body is the one doctor you can always trust.
When we make sound decisions for our health, symptoms often get worse before they get better. When the response given is a direct response to the needs of the body, healing will unfold. This is not to say the road to recovery will be a smooth ride.
When the right choices are made we will feel lighter. We will get more energy.
The body is always trying to get your attention when there are imbalances. Pay close attention to the information your body is giving you. It is always trying to get your attention. When you do not listen more symptoms occur. The symptoms themselves are clues as to the underlying reason for the discomfort.
May your experiences today invite a new relationship with your body so that you can begin to heal Parkinsons from the inside-out. Discomfort is one way to engage a deeper part of yourself. Listen to the reasons your body is out of balance. Trust your raw instincts. Respect the wisdom of your body to know the right path to take and the best choices to make. Your body has been and will always be your best friend. Leaning how to Listen to your body is one of the seven secrets to healing.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Seven Secrets of Healing
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