Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 21 of 37)

Six Marvelous Ways to Improve Balance and Eliminate Falls

It delights me no end to report that there are dozens of highly effective ways to improve balance and eliminate falls. These approaches come in various packages – some are structured programs and some are not. In this video, I preview six ways that I suspect you have never even heard about!

Why not consider running with one of the six programs and see where it leads you? You will celebrate the result when you do, especially when you experience how much progress you can make to improve balance and prevent falls.

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Information on the Walk with Ease and Confidence Membership Website sponsored by Parkinsons Recovery

Theracycle 200 for sale.

Elisabeth is interested in selling her used Theracycle. See her offer below.

Robert Rodgers PhDs
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

“It’s heavy so hopefully somebody in the San Francisco Bay area  would be interested. There is presently a THERACYCLE 100 on e-bay for $2,700. I would not charged that much. The cycle is in very good condition and we never had any problems with it. If you are interested email me at:”

Thank you again,


Intranasal Device

Hi Robert

I have come across an intranasal device called Vielight which has three models plus a transcranial model called a Neuro.  Do you know anything about these devices?

They apparently help the body to deal with all manner of problems, incl PD.  There is loads about this on the I/net.

I would be most interested to hear from anyone who has tried this.

Many thanks, as always.




I can add to what I wrote you last week that an inclined bed therapy benefit is that it is also slowly but definitely clearing up a stubborn case of Psoriasis I have had for months and months on the back of my legs. Varicose veins in my feet also seem to be improving. Arthur Fletcher talks about both of these conditions as potentially benefiting from Inclined Bed Therapy and that has absolutely happened in my case.

Psoriasis is interesting to me in connection with PD because, like Parkinson’s, the cause(s) are basically mysterious/unknown and the treatment options offered by conventional medicine are often ineffective and have harmful side effects. I wonder if anyone has looked to see if there is any correlation between the two diseases? I had no history of Psoriasis until Parkinson’s symptoms emerged. Maybe just a coincidence?


Alexander Technique

The following reflection from Fiona was inspired by a recent radio show interview on Uprighting with my guest Michael Protzel who teaches the Alexander Technique in New York City.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Dear Robert

Thank you for an interesting interview and for putting my question. I have been asking questions about uprighting both in dedicated practicing and as I go about my day. I have found it interesting to practice on a trampoline where there is different feedback via the feet, also on stairs and inclines. I have had glimpses of a different way of standing and experienced the pull of my right hand side; no wonder that I have to lean to the left to compensate. My RHS feels like stone- my LHS like wood – neither are very flexible materials! There is now greater ease in my body and the fear I felt in walking has reduced.

I was interested in the notion that the eyes should be engaged in AT. Mine are apparently engaged but closer investigation reveals that they are not. I discovered there is a name for this “attentional blink” (though it is not confined to vision) which describes the fraction of a second of non-attention while the brain switches tasks. It is easy to see why multi-tasking is so stressful and inefficient.

This period of non-attention gets longer under stress so there becomes a noticeable time period when you effectively don’t know what you are doing. I have had an odd feeling of this as a sensation of forgetting what I am doing as I walk. This may be some of the explanation for freezing. Before listening to the interview I regarded my freezing as protective and very annoying now I am regarding it as protective and very wise!

Apart from freezing I have improved my health vastly. The alexander technique approach has helped immensely. My worst writing is better than my best of a year ago. Then I couldn’t bear to write more than a line or two now I can write several pages. I have lot more energy and look forward to the day. I sleep 7-8 hours when I was once only sleeping for two. I don’t get cramps and the pain in my quads is much less. I could go on.

There are two curious things. First I have put all my energy into improving walking, which hasn’t improved, and second I couldn’t tell you what I have done to get better in these other ways. I had a flash of insight that I put all of my stress into my legs and only when that space was full did I put more stress into other places. It has been an illusion that my hand was first affected (my original symptom was hand tremor) caused by the fact that I couldn’t feel the stress in my legs. No matter how much I focused on my legs and feet I was never going to let go of stress there until it had been released from other areas first. I have had a lot of trauma in my life, including the birth of my sister when I was 14 months when I was consolidating my walking and had a tenuous bond with my mother and father. This may be a factor in walking issues for me.

If I had to give a reason for my improvement I would say it was a byproduct of mindfulness and the huge consequences and insights that come from being present. To be mindful it is necessary to do things you love that have meaning for you so your heart is in it and think in terms of what gives energy and what takes away energy. If you are wholehearted about what you do beneficial changes just occur.

This is just what you keep telling us in all your wonderful communications but It takes so long for the penny to drop!! I can only say I have experimented, asked questions rather than search for answers, and kept going. The Alexander Technique is one of many approaches I have explored. This way you change your relationship with your circumstances. The thing I love is literature, especially poetry which I use to take me into slow time.

I mentioned in my question that I was looking at magic eye pictures and interestingly all my dyskinesia disappears when I can see the 3D image. I suppose this must be so as the images would only appear if I use my eyes in perfect coordination. This is an exciting discovery as I have found a way that gives strong feedback on my left/ right coordination, provides evidence that dyskinesia may be revealed by levodopa rather than caused by it, and found an activity that is profoundly relaxing and mindful. Furthermore I can now read without glasses which I haven’t done for 13 years! I discovered this by accident when I realized I could read the paper when I picked it up. In my excitement I could no longer focus and lost it.

Since then, only about a week ago, I have practiced daily and if I am patient, the words come in to focus. When I look at a page of text I ask the question – what can I see – rather than what can I read and turn the book at angles, upside down etc. – anything I can think of to change my habit. Poetry turns out to be rather suitable for this because of its lay out and rhyme and because the font is larger than plain text. I try with a half known poem, go to one I don’t know and then try the paper. This is a lot of fun, gives excellent feedback, you know if a word is in focus or not. 

I owe you so much for giving me permission to experiment, try out my own ideas and make my own decisions and for tirelessly providing suggestions. I was inspired by your interview on the radio show about the Alexander Technique. You are indeed wholehearted in what you do.


Inclined Bed Therapy for Parkinsons

Now here is a natural, free therapy that may well be worth giving your serious attention. As you can see from the feedback from Bill below. he found it to be useful.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease 

Hi Robert-

For me Inclined Bed Therapy really shows great promise. I have inclined the bed I sleep in for about a week now and have already seen definite improvement in some areas:

  • Deeper, more restful sleep.
  •  Fewer trips to bathroom at night to pee.
  • Reduced lower leg swelling (edema)–this was an early PD symptom for me although I didn’t know it at the time.

I will send you a more complete report in a couple of weeks when more time has passed and I have more experience with this change.

Thank you so much for bringing this idea to my attention.


Invitation to Join a Support Group for Parkinsons Disease that Focuses on Recovery

The 2016 Parkinsons Recovery Support Group

My new support group has a few slots open. You can join an amazing group of individuals from across the globe who are dedicated to exploring ways that help to reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s. Sign-ups include the bonus of free lifetime access to my new Jump Start to Recovery Course.

Sign Me Up to Participate

I hear countless reports from those of you who have been deeply depressed after attending a Parkinson’s support group. If you have set the intention to reverse your symptoms, it is depressing to connect with others who are convinced their condition is destined to “deteriorate” over time. You know this is not true, but no one else in the support group seems to agree with you.

The 2016 Parkinsons Recovery Support Group will convene for the first time next week and continue meeting once a month throughout the year. The persons who have enrolled in the 2016 support group live in countries across the globe.

We will connect by phone or computer each month at either of two designated times each month. For each of our 12 sessions I will report any new discoveries that have helped people get well. I will then connect with each of you individually. Lastly, I will open up the discussion for everyone to talk with one another. All sessions will be recorded for access at a later time.

Here is the greatest deal ever. When you join the 2016 Parkinsons Recovery support group, you will have the opportunity to enroll in my new online Jump Start to Recovery Course for free. I love the platform I am using to support the course because it offers access not just for a year but for a lifetime. How cool is that?

Some of you may already be registered for the course. Great. If you are not currently enrolled in the Jump Start to Recovery course, I will send you a link to register for free after you enroll in the 2016 Parkinsons Recovery support group.

Since you are located in very different time zones, I have scheduled two times each month for the support group to connect: The last Monday of each month at 12:00 noon pacific time USA and the last Tuesday of each month at 8 PM Pacific time USA. This way, everyone will have an opportunity to meet together for the live, in person programs. Sessions will convene starting this month and continue throughout 2016.

Interested? Registration for the 2016 Parkinsons Recovery support group is a mere $10 a month or $120 for the entire year (which includes free enrollment in the Jump Start to Recovery online course) Click on the link below to enroll.

Sign me up to participate in the 2016 Parkinsons Recovery Support Group

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Coconut Oil

My name is Wally I’m 23 year old from Australia. My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. For the past 6 years we have tried multiple medications; even had surgery where they put a pump to his stomach connected to a needle witch injects him with the medication. Nothing has worked and he is getting worse. I just watched your video about the coconut oil and will get him onto it. Should I just rub his whole body with it head to toe? And make my mum cook food with it?

Thanks a lot


Hi Wally:

It is exciting to discover there are so many simple therapies that can make a huge difference to people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. For the full scoop on how you can use coconut oil, I recommend that you listen to the recording of my  interview below with Dr. Bruce Fife, ND, who – in my opinion – is the “go to” doctor when it comes to any and all questions about the use of coconut oil (whether applying it to the skin or eating it).

I personally love putting coconut oil all over my body after showers and using it for cooking . Food tastes so delicious when coconut oil is used.

May your father see improvements in his health with each passing day.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery


Invitation to Participate in a Parkinson’s Disease CAM Study

CAM Study

Interested in helping yourself as well as millions of others afflicted with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease? Here is how. Participate in Dr. Laurie Mischley’s CAM study which is designed to identify common traits among those who maintain their health despite Parkinson’s disease. When you join in the study you will help shed the first useful research findings for Parkinson’s Disease after a century of learning little to nothing. You can participate in her online CAM study here:
Participation is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and others in 2016!

I Have a Parkinson’s Challenge

I Have a Parkinson’s Challenge

By Dwight E. Roth 

When referring to my own Parkinson’s I prefer not to use the word disease.  I do not feel Dwight Rothat dis-ease with my health.   If my symptoms become severe maybe I will use the word, disease.  For the present I prefer to say I have Parkinson’s Challenge (PC) – a summons, a call to learn about the nature of Parkinson’s for others and myself.

People with Parkinson’s (PWP) typically become depressed when diagnosed as having PD by a neurologist.  Many neurologists are not very helpful   — they tend to say upon diagnosis, “Here is a prescription.  See you in three months.”   This is tragic because there are a wide variety of services that benefit PWP.  Most people are not aware of this. When depressed it is hard to look for these resources. Somewhere I read that about forty percent of PWP do not seek any service/treatment after being diagnosed.

When I was diagnosed in January of 2013 I was not depressed but I was frustrated by made my doctor because he gave me only a pharmaceutical prescription.   I wanted more for myself and I wanted to be an advocate for others PWP.   I quickly searched for another neurologist and found one in Wichita, KS.     A few months ago she moved to another state and I found someone to take her place.

  My new neurologist is holistic in her approach to PD and paid close attention  in our first meeting when I said I practice reflexology on my hands and feet (I was trained as a reflexologist by the  International Institute of Reflexology   Likewise she was interested in my taking lessons to help my balance through BAL/A/V/X    The latter since its beginning thirty years ago has been for youth with special needs.  The creator / director of this program, an older adult himself, a long time professional educator (and in my view mystic/shaman) is beginning to see how  BAL/A/V/X might help in balance problems for people late life. I think that reflexology and Bal/A/V/X are helpful to me –at little cost and no side effects.                                                                                                  

    In my Parkinson Challenge in Wichita I have been served well by physical and occupational therapists.  Of all treatment for my PC these workers have been the most important.  They have taught me the necessity of specific exercises for Parkinson’s – especially use of a treadmill helpful for stamina, stretching, stride/gait, balance, etc. 

One of my occupational therapists (WWSD) seeing my interest in dance suggested I attend the Dance for PD program in Brooklyn, N.Y.  I did so and it was a great experience.  Positive outcomes for PWP who dance in a structured class include: improved motor control, decreased rigidity, increased balance, reduced risk of falling, and improved self-concept. 

Most physical exercise rearranges the neurological pathways.  For me, dance is the best way to do this.  Thus it was that in 2014 I teamed with a professional dancer, Danika Bielek, director of the Bethel College Academy of Performing Arts to create Rhythm Connections – a dance program for people with mobility challenges  We have led workshops in five PD support groups in central Kansas.  Additionally, we had our first class at the Academy this fall.  Eight individuals participated in this class that met for ten weeks, one hour weekly.  Danika meets each Saturday at the Kidron–Bethel Retirement Community for one hour.  We have received excellent feedback regarding our work. 

I did not ask for Parkinson’s.  Now, that I have it, as said above, I see it as a Challenge – a call. This summons is to learn as much as I can about PD to help others and myself, especially to create new neurological pathways.;_ylt=A0LEVvqAOHRWUHUAmQwnnIlQ?p=neeurological+pathways&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002.  Creation of these pathways, help counter the neurodegenerative that is basic to PD.   I want to help PWP to see that they have a responsibility to slow the breakdown of their system of nerves and muscles. 

In my PC I am learning so much about the amazing human brain.  I am meeting wonderful, exciting people – professional health care workers and PWP. 

I realize that my Parkinson’s symptoms could drastically worsen.  In that case I hope I can take the view suggested by Wendy Lustbader regarding the meaning of frailty. She said according to a Sufi idea two curtains separate the individual from the sacred – security and health. If  developed advanced PD after tried all forms of appropriate health care technology and found that I was frail, I hope would exp.erience the sacred in its mystery, wonder, and love.  And, maybe a bit of holy foolery to make others and myself laugh for if  can laugh at something problematic, chances are you have conquered it.

I am becoming interested in teaching ways to improve balance and how to fall to lessen broken bones, especially hips.  Hopefully, I will do so through instructions from Danika and the BAL/A/V/X program. 

 My Parkinson Challenge is expanding.  It is exciting.  It is as if I am receiving a first rate graduate school education where I simultaneously professor and student – somewhere past the borders of academia as we know it.   The PC summons is fascinating.    Sunnum bonum –Mysterium magnum


Wendy Lustbader, (1999).  “Thoughts on the Meaning of Frailty”,  Journal of the American Society on Aging.  Winter, pp. 21-24.

Last Chance. Final Notice About Discounted Consulting Package

The is the last and final notice for my once a year 70% discount for four private consulting/coaching sessions with me personally. Time to enroll is now if you are interested. The 70% discount (which amounts to $60 a session) expires at the end of the day today (Wednesday). Click on the link below to register.

Sign me Up  for four(4) Coaching Consulting Sessions with Robert

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia Washington USA

Parkinsons Symptoms Relief

Experience Relief from Parkinson’s Symptoms

What is virtually guaranteed to experience relief from Parkinson’s symptoms? Answer: Reduce stress. When stress sizzles, symptoms are bound to flare up. The strong correlation between stress and Parkinson’s symptoms is scary.

What can you do today to experience a reversal of your Parkinson’s symptoms? The answer is clear: Reduce your stress level. How in the world do you accomplish such a formidable agenda?

I have asked countless individuals who currently experience Parkinson’s symptoms about what stresses them out. The most frequent response has been: Dealing with difficult people stresses them out the most.

I took this insight to heart and developed a new online Udemy course: How to Deal with Difficult People. Content of the course provides practical ways to reduce the stress that is fueled by dealing with the difficult people in your life.

Check out my new course! Here is a link that includes a 50% discount on the course tuition.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Let It Happen

Much of my work at Parkinsons Recovery over the past decade has been dedicated to identifying all sorts of options that are helping people reverse their symptoms. This has been important work and it seems I am the only researcher in the world doing this type of research. Everyone else is very focused on a narrow issue (as was I when employed as a professor). If you do not focus narrowly as a  professor, you do not get promoted or tenured. I succeed with the promotions and tenure but contributed little to the world in terms of insights and revelations.

What is my revelation this week?  I believe we do not need to struggle for the answer. The journey down the road to recovery need not be a war of us against a “disease.” I believe the answer comes quite naturally and effortlessly as long as we allow it to float in and “have its way.”

What do I mean here? If we are struggling to find a solution, we are activating all of the hormones and systems in our bodies that sustain neurological problems. If we are always on the go – searching and struggling to solve the problem – our bodies are never able to hang back and get the rest and space that it needs to heal.

Believe me when I say that the body really does know how to heal. Just give your body the power to heal and let recovery unfold gently in its own time. Focus on the health side rather than the disease side.

Yes, it may take a little time to come back into balance. No one ever said (certainly not me) that the body can heal quickly or instantly.  Allow it a little time and patience. Then, relish in the signals and signs of recovery as they unfold gradually and effortless over the coming months.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease 

Sound Therapy for Brain Injuries

I have a friend that suffered a major brain hemorrhage and is recovering. He can stand with assistance and has a goal of 5 metres but is still unable to walk. In your opinion, do you think that playing music would help him to get moving?

What an interesting possibility to consider. There is no question but that sound is healing for many issues in the body. They question for your friend turns on what sounds to use to get the therapeutic benefit. What music do they like to hear? It would likely be beneficial for them to hear the sounds they love to hear!

When it comes to sound therapy, I would contact an expert to get some advise and support. I have interviewed two fascinating individuals on Parkinsons Recovery Recovery Radio who your friend might contact to get some additional direction:

Dr. Suzanne Jonas

Sharry Edwards

They each have been guests on Parkinsons Recovery Radio several times. You can listen to the recording of the previous shows to learn more about their approach and work.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease





Best Things in Life are Free

The Best Things in Life are Free!!

Good evening Robert,

So I’ve been reading these great books written by a guy named, Robert Rodgers, PhD…have you heard of him?

I was reading about energy healing, amongst a myriad of protocols and treatments suggested. I proceeded to type in a google search: energy healing in Hollywood for free. Long story short…there is a spiritual community that is literally 5 minutes from where I live, and every Tuesday night, they welcome people for 1/2 hr hands on energy healing…cost: zero.

They train these healers and it’s all very legit. So I called, made an appointment and Tuesday night I went. Sat erect in a chair with my hands on my legs. My right hand tremor was very apparent. 10 minutes in, my 4 fingers stopped shaking…my thumb continued. Then, at 15 minutes…my entire hand stopped shaking for the duration of the session, and it didn’t come back till I was outside. Amazing!

The best news is that they suggested me coming every Tuesday night indefinitely!!
Robert, it’s true…

The best things in life are free!!

Blessings, Marsha


I’m very sorry I was unable to get to the seminar due to financial difficulty, however, I listened to your radio show on Trauma and believe that it played a major part in my PD

I’m having a little challenge in your website with connecting to the online course. I have purchased 3 of your books, but would like to further my efforts into getting the trauma under control. Is there an access to instructions on your site with a program I can do. Finances have been stretched with medical bills and supplements that its difficult for me to join a therapy program that is expensive. I was going to do Qigong or boxing at a facility but the cost would break me, so I’m doing some on you tube. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. I have to beat this……


Hi Trish:

I have created a 50% discount coupon for the online Jump Start to Recovery course which covers the same topics we just finished working with at the Alderbrook Jump Start program that concluded yesterday. There is an extended section in the course that identifies ways to release trauma. Many of the  methods I suggest are free to do.

I decided to put the content up onto an online course because Udemy (the company that maintains the course) offers a lifetime access. It is the best deal in town to be sure. If you are having problems signing up for the online course,  keep in mind that you first have to sign up with Udemy by entering your email and creating a password. The second step is to register for the course. You can get started by clicking on the link for the course that includes the discount: Jump Start to Recovery Online Course.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Food for Parkinsons Disease

Glen Pettibone  discusses his ongoing progress applying the diet and exercise approaches he uses to treat his Parkinsons disease, as featured in his book “Powerful Food And A Walk In the Sun“. He will touch on some of the newer approaches he has discovered about food for Parkinsons disease that are featured in his blog

Glen Pettibone started developing Parkinson’s Disease symptoms in 2008. In 2011 he was diagnosed.  It was going fast and he could not tolerate most of the drugs.  In January of 2013 when off meds due to food poisoning, he shook so bad he could not walk. He was taking very high doses and at the “end of the algorithm”.  His doctors were suggesting Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery.

He did not like the high risk and marginal results he saw regarding the surgery So, he drew upon his scientific and engineering background and started reading every paper he could find.

He developed a diet combining Solanaceous vegetables, featuring eggplant juice, green tomatoes, and peppers with perhaps every other suggested dietary element and suggested supplement already discussed in the Parkinson’s community.   Also other nutrient dense foods. Dr. Mischley’s book was inspirational and helpful to him. He added more elements.  He has been under her care for 6 months or so.  She added intranasal glutathione which has helped.

Glen is now off more than 93% of his Parkinson’s disease medication. He completely cured his acid reflux, asthma, allergies and moderated his cholesterol. He regained color vision and acuity, his hearing and sense of smell are improving.  His skin has tanner color and healthier texture. He has more energy, strength, and stamina.

He is in the top 5 consulting employees in his company every month; sometimes number 1.  Also, prior to a car accident last summer, he was off all medication for 3 months. This spring he thinks he will be again.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery





Below is an email I received from songwriter Marsha Malamet with a link to an amazing YouTube video which plays one of her songs sung by Barbra Striesand. Take five minutes out of your busy day to listen and watch this video. It worked healing miracles for me.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery


I was so pleased that you wrote about Louise Hay. She has been a hero of mine for years. Someone created a video with my song as the soundtrack using her affirmations.This song sung by Barbra Streisand, is one of a few I have written with a spiritual theme to them, that were recorded.
Marsha Malamet


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