Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 20 of 37)

Parkinson’s Disease New Treatment

Parkinson’s Disease New Treatment

Below is a play by play account of how one man who currently experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s receives tremendous therapeutic advantage by intentionally making his “good side” worse. This Parkinson’s disease new treatment is counter-intuitive to be sure.

  1. Why in the world would anyone want to make their “good side” worse when they already have one “bad side”?
  2. Wouldn’t you then be straddled with two “bad sides” and not just “one bad” side?

The answer to both questions is “no“. Check out my previous post on “Neurological Diplomacy” to understand why.

This Parkinson’s disease new treatment costs absolutely nothing and insures you are in complete control.

  • No one is doing anything to you.
  • No therapists are required or necessary.
  • This Parkinson’s Disease new treatment is free. 

The example below applies the principle of Neurological Diplomacy to a trembling right arm and hand.  The account was emailed to me by an individual who prefers to remain anonymous.  What follows is the description he emailed to me which I have liberally edited.  He wanted to get this information out to others who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s disease because the approach has been so helpful to him personally.

First of all, I only do this after my cold morning shower when I am already moaning and trembling from the cold water. My body feels energized then too. Other times of the day I do not do this technique. Admittedly it looks weird for someone else to see, so I do this when no one else is watching me.  I’d be too self-conscious to do it in front of an audience. Also, I need high energy to do this technique.

After my cold shower (which is the time of the day when I have high energy)  I make my “good” left hand and arm and “good” left side shake and shudder like the dickens out of control. I literally act like a crazy man. I would not want anyone to see me doing this. They would think I was insane.

I do this maybe 10 to 20 seconds maximum. My thought process goes something like this:

“OK body if you want to see a tremble I will SHOW you a real tremble. You think that pathetic tremble on the right side is something?  Let me show you a real shudder and shake. “

I try to make the left side (my “good side) feel just like the right side. In this space –

  • I am out of control.
  • There is no way to fix this.
  • I am totally frustrated.
  • I am completely disabled and cannot function at all since both sides are trembling to beat the band.
  • Then, I stop, dry myself and dress.

Here is the good news. I have had less or no trembling on the right side (my “bad side”) as the months go by. The length of time with no trembling is increasing.

The outcome varies. Sometimes I get poor results. Usually I get some results. It might be seconds or minutes of no trembling on the right side, but it is usually longer. Sometimes, and increasingly so, all morning until later afternoon, I have little or zero trembling on my right (“bad”) side.

That is the dramatic version that I would never do in public… something that I have made a daily routine as a finish my morning shower. You certainly do not have to be nude to do this. Loose clothing works just as well.

I also practice a scaled down version during the day when I sometimes imitate the right side tremble on the left side with the intention of getting a frustrated feeling about it. My intention is to help my brain work on a correction.

Sometimes I do this “homeopathically” where one cannot even see what I am doing. Or, I create the conditions in my imagination. You do not even see my tremoring on my “good” side.

Admittedly, such efforts do not work as well as my morning shower routine. But each time I do it – bold and brazen or just in the imagination – I always feel currents and shudders along the spine that feel to me like I am “waking up.” Usually, I get seconds or minutes of less or no trembling in the right arm. Intuitively, using such intuition as I have, all this feels to me like the very best thing I am doing for my Parkinson’s symptoms.


Why not give this Parkinson’s Disease new treatment some serious attention? There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Best of all, this Parkinson’s disease new treatment has no side effects. The only expectation is improvement on some level.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease 


Sound Healing Seminar

Dr. Suzanne Jonas is the international expert who creates sound healing CDs and offers sound healing seminars for people with various chronic conditions including Parkinson’s. Here is an announcement of one of her  upcoming programs which promises to be spectacular.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

jonas seminar

September 23, 24, 25, 2016

More information is at:

Treatment for Parkinson’s: Natural. Safe. No Side Effects.

I receive the following question every day: “What is the best treatment for Parkinson’s”?
The truthful answer is that the best treatment for Parkinson’s depends on what
is causing the symptoms. There is one treatment for Parkinson’s, however, that
promises to result in positive gains on some level:Transformation of beliefs

about healing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

I have permission to share the following essay which speaks to the core of this issue.
It was written by Rev. Eva Gabrielle. In my view the essay is well worth copying and posting in a place that you see every day as a reminder of the important role beliefs
play in our healing.


“Illness is a curious thing. We can die from it, or learn to live through it.

You may think me crazy, but I think we pick our illnesses. We choose to slowly exit, or stay and learn how to live well.

I am choosing how to live well. Some day I will be done with PD, I will declare I am well and say I was cured by this or that.

Belief is what cures us anyway. We may take the best supplements and medicines in the world, but if we do not believe we can be healed, we won’t be. On the other hand, we may chant for 3 years off and on, decide we are cured and we are because we believe we are.

Or eat chocolate ants, and declare ourselves cured. Then we can write a book about it. People will eat chocolate ants and still be sick. Because of that they will declare you a fraud.

Look at how many people have gone after John Pepper!!

I was a New Thought minister for 24 years. Unity minister. I taught Science of mind and how to work it. It continues to be a fascinating study and experiment. I don’t have any sculptures nor painting to show for my work, but I know I have touched people’s hearts.

I am getting bored with having PD. I don’t want to go to doctors anymore.I really don’t want to take meds for it. But I am afraid to quit carb/leva 10/1000 x4 a day.

Rev. Eva Gabrielle

Constipation Treatments


You know, your writings simply amaze me.
I am suffering from my PD, but still
unmedicated. But it’s getting me down
quite seriously, and I need to discover 
constipation treatments that will offer 
relief from what’s happening.

Your article on constipation was quite
interesting, especially since a good BM is
about the only thing that gives me a bit
of some sort of relief. I am constipated
nearly all the time now, and the stools
are definitely not dark brown, and they
are huge in size. My doctor has me on 4
Ultra Meg (2 in morning, 2 evening) but
they are not doing the job, so I take a
couple of ExLax too, and some coarse
Metamucial, finally getting a BM to occur.

My body is definitely suffering from a
nutrient deficiency. My muscles are atrophying.
It makes no difference if I try to build
them up or not. This atrophying has been
going on for years, way before PD tremors


Suggestions for Constipation Treatments

Constipation is certainly “in your face”
right now. Great! Your body is giving you
rich information about what it needs to
recover and move on to the next stage.

There is a quick, temporary fix which
involves taking generous doses of vitamin C.
This certainly works miracles for me with
this problem. I suggest that you do not
rely on vitamin C in pill form, but consider
the options of other delivery forms.
I take vitamin C in a concentrated powder

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, so taking
generous doses works miracles for other
reasons. Consult with a knowledgeable
nutritional counselor to make sure you do
not take too little or too much.

There is also a long term fix. Your body is
sending you strong signals that the food you
are eating is problematic. If the body likes
the food we give it, the food goes down easily
and comfortably. It also exits smoothly and
without complication or pain.

You may very well be allergic to some of the
food you eat. A smart place to look is to
consider the possibility that foods
you have eaten your entire life (perhaps
dairy or wheat or potatoes or who knows what)
are creating strong allergic reactions. Such
problems may not have been present at an earlier
age, but they inevitably intensify as we age.

Out vitality and energy is derived from
live food, not from dead food. Most of
the packaged and processed foods found in a
typical grocery store has no life in it

I am going to be bold in my following
assertion, but I know it is dead right
(like the pun?).

Begin ingesting live food every day.
You will get relief from constipation.
You will begin to feel better.

Oh, and this promise comes with a life time

How long does it take to begin feeling better
after you begin to eat live food? It could be
weeks or months, but I personally detect a marked
shift in my own energy a few hours after eating
live food. Instead of working 8 hours a day, I
am able to work 14 hours! Now that is a difference
that makes a difference.

How do you find fresh food in the winter time?
Try your local food coop. I purchase fresh
vegetables at the local food co-op and juice them
as often as possible. My rule is to purchase fresh
vegetables that have as many different colors as
possible. Some stores will also juice veggies for
you which is very convenient.

Once you begin eating live food on a regular basis
you will not have to use any other aids to
relieve the constipation. The body can resolve
the problem of constipation, but you have
to give it a little help to heal. The solutions
will only have staying power if you make it a habit
to eat live food every day and stop eating foods
you are allergic to.

Protein Deficiencies and Constipation Treatments

The muscle weakness may be related to a protein
deficiency. A consultation with a nutritional
counselor might be very helpful with your
present challenge.

May you be free of constipation agony soon and
feeling better and better every day.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

© 2024 Parkinsons Recovery

Aqua Hydration Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease

In terms of the aqua hydration therapy and Parkinson’s disease, does that include putting your arms in a bathtub full of water for about 20 minutes a day? What is an ideal aqua hydration therapy and how many times does it have to be done on a weekly basis? Is this therapy one of your top 3 recovery mechanisms?



The Aqua hydration therapy recommended by naturopath doctor John Coleman, ND (who successfully recovered from Parkinson’s in the 1990’s) is a homeopathic treatment known as the Aquas. Dr. Coleman attributes 60% of his full recovery to the Aquas.

The Aquas are a combination of essential oils and Bach Flower essences that are designed to reset the mechanism used by the body to hydrate cells. As we age, this mechanism begins to break down.

You can find more information about the Aquas by visiting:

It is recommended that you take the Aquas each week day, then take a break on the weekends. This approach insures that the homeopathic signalling system remains potent.

Summary: Aqua Hydration Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease

Neurons are the juiciest cells in the body. If you are not well hydrated, there is no doubt in my mind that neurological symptoms will result. Many people report feeling a great deal better when their bodies become better hydrated. The better hydrated you are, the better you will feel. For any chronic illness I would put oxygen and water at the top of the list as therapies that are essential to health and wellness.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Parkinsons Recovery

Dehydration: A Consequence of Hot Weather

Dehydration causes serious neurological problems if you do not take action now. Why ask for more problems?

When I ask people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease the question “Do you drink enough water” the answer I hear most often is “no.” This is summer time in the western hemisphere. It is already sizzling hot in many places in the US and elsewhere.

Look out if the neural pathways dry out. The neurological system has to be “wet” and “juicy” to function. Toxins stick to the neurons like glue.

I just recorded a new YouTube video to inspire everyone to drink more water because of the problems in the body that are causes by dehydration. Listen right now to get inspired to hydrate your cells. Say “no” to dehydration today.

YouTube player

Find information about the Aquas Hydration Formulas here:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Panic Attacks and Anxiety

How to Solve the Problem of Panic Attacks and Anxiety

When panic attacks strike and anxiety sizzles, Parkinson’s symptoms get

  • What was a modest gait problem becomes unbearable.
  • What was a minor challenge with speaking clearly and loudly becomes major.

And – it all happens in a flash – as if a thunder bolt strikes you head on. What can be done to avert panic attacks and calm down anxiety?

One option is to take extra medications or supplements which can numb the problem.
Unfortunately, medications do not always work, particularly when a panic attack is unexpected as always seems to be the case.

I believe the smartest solution is to find practical ways to switch the high anxiety
switch to “off” without having to rely on medications and supplements. Put yourself in control, not the medicines. You can always respond instantly when needed when you are in the driver’s seat.

I am impressed with a program titled “Panic Away” which helps turn down the volume of anxiety and panic attacks. I recommend you check out the presentation on their website.

When you enter your email, you receive a link to a free 10 minute audio that is excellent. I found their way of dealing with attacks to be useful, practical and novel.

Check out their approach. They have excellent information on their website. Be sure to get the download and listen to the audio recording. It will exhaust 10 minutes out of your day but the benefit will be worth the trouble. It was for me.

Click on the link below. Enter you name (any name) and your email and they will send you a link to the free audio download in your email.  Download the audio to your computer or phone. Listen when needed!

Panic Away

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Mobility Exercises

Many people believe that the solution to mobility challenges is found in finding the right medications or supplements or herbs to take, not with mobility exercises. After an exciting decade of research into the question of what helps people regain excellent mobility, I have drawn the conclusion that medications or supplements or herbs do not offer a long term solution. Something else – something you would have never guessed – does.

I have concluded that practicing the ability to perform more than one task at a time offers welcome benefits to anyone who currently experiences issues with maintaining good balance and also anyone who fears the prospect of falling when walking. Watch my video below to discover mobility exercises that are fun and simple to do.

For information about the Walk with Ease and Confidence program, visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Recovery from Parkinson’s: Candida

When I launched my research program into the causes of Parkinson’s symptoms, I expected to identify one or two that accounted for most of the problem. To my surprise, it did not take long to identify a wide variety of factors that contribute to Parkinson’s Disease.

One such factor that surprised me was candida. Here is a short video that captures a clip from my interview with Lydia Epp who found candida was the cause of her symptoms.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Pioneers of Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

Dehydration Therapy: Aquas
Parkinsons Recovery Membership
Eye Drops for Cataracts

Road to Recovery Success

I received the email below which certainly made my day. Reports like this encourage me to continue my research into the various causes of Parkinson’s symptoms and the therapies that help to reverse them.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


I have read all your books. They are really great. I have had Parkinson’s for five years now and those books have been my crutch. I don’t take any medication and have done it all alternatively. I have used a lot of your ideas and your books are very motivational. I have reversed a lot of my Parkinson’s symptoms. But there is still a few more to do. I don’t listen to your radio show as the time zone is very different. I’m really honored to be in touch with you. Your books are a lifeline to me.

I also wanted to add that your books gave me hope when NONE was around, the only hope friends and family believed in was the medication!!! I just wanted to let you know the great contribution you have made to our/my world. Your books really helped me when I was right right down . I had family and friends but in reality I was alone but I kept rereading your books and taking   small steps. I just kept trying until finally I felt I was on the road to recovery and that’s where I am now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will recover from Parkinson’s, It’ just finding what needs tweaking for me/you being the car mechanic

Thank you again.

Gait Disturbance

Gait Disturbance and the Critical Role of New Neural Pathways

I have concluded that after a decade of research, most people believe the way to correct gait disturbances is to keep close watch over the medications and supplements they take. Problems surface when medications (or supplements) no longer work. It is certainly logical to conclude that the problem centers on an issue with the type or dose of medicines.

I disagree with this conclusion.  Even when the underlying causes of a gait disturbance has been addressed and healed (such as clearing out toxins, releasing traumas and eliminating infections) a person is likely to continue to experience gait disturbances. But why is the so?

The body has slipped into some bad habits. The safe and effortless way to move has to be re-remembered. In this video, I highlight a brief clip that demonstrates what one rehabilitation clinic is doing to help the body “re-remember” how to move the right (and upright) way.

Discover the strategies, therapies and programs that will help you Walk with Ease and Confidence.  Register for a membership by clicking below.

sign up 2

For more information about Walk with Ease and Confidence memberships visit: 

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Ataxia Gait

No doubt many factors contribute to ataxia gait disturbances, but one plays a central role. Such disturbances (which is a fancy way of saying a person is having difficulty walking) are more prevalent and problematic when a person is multi-tasking. When walking alone and totally focused on the task of walking, ataxia gait difficulties are minor. In contrast, when walking and talking with a friend at the very same time, ataxia gait disturbances can become problematic.

OK. So that is the problem. What can you do about an ataxia gait when you walk? An eloquent solution is to practice multi-tasking with totally fun and engaging exercises that coordinate the intricate interactions between the mind and body. For a suggestion of just such an exercise, watch my short video below.

Discover other strategies, therapies and programs that will convert an ataxia gait problem to rock solid walking in the Parkinsons Recovery online course Rock Solid Walking.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004

Parkinsons Shuffle

In a recent Parkinsons Recovery Radio show, Bill Hubert made an interesting observation. People with mobility problems often walk with one long step followed up by a short step. That is to say, the right step is consistently longer than the left (or vice versa). This is described by some observers as a Parkinsons Shuffle. Shuffles can eventually lead to falls.

So much for describing what is a common problem with an abnormality of gait for a surprising number of people. What in the world can be done about this problem?

In this video, Bill Hubert from Bal-A-Vis-X describes a simple therapy that corrects the Parkinsons Shuffle.

What is Bal-A-Vis-X? This is is an exciting program designed and created by Bill Hubert from Wichita, Kansas. I believe his ideas and approach can have a profound influence on the ability of persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms to find compelling relief.

Do you have difficulty with walking or freezing?

I believe his program offers promise that mobility can be significantly improved.

  • Do you use a walker?

I believe his technology and approach can make you entirely independent again.

  • Do you fall occasionally or often?

I believe his program offers the possibility of reducing if not preventing falls altogether. 

  • Are you currently bound to a wheel chair or fear you will be in the near future?

I believe his program can help you become independently mobile. 

Discover the strategies, therapies and programs that convert problematic mobility to one that is rock solid in the Parkinsons Recovery Rock Solid Walking Online Course.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Shoes for Balance Problems

What Shoes Tell You about Balance Problems (and Possible Back Pain)

I have a suggestion that will eat up 15 seconds of your day. That is not a bad deal, right? Better yet, what you discover in these 15 seconds will very likely reveal the actual reason for any balance issues (or back problems) you may currently be experiencing.

Convinced to do it? I hope so.

Examine how the heels of your shoes are wearing.  (OK. Maybe the task is a little longer than 15 seconds if you have to take off your shoes, but not much longer). If the heels of your shoes show more wear on the outside than inside, it probably means your hips are misaligned. Your balance will be compromised. Worse, your back may be screaming out in pain whenever you take a step.

I know just about as much as you do about hip misalignments. How do I know wearing on the heels of shoes tell all? In my earlier years I had severe back pain. My solution initially was to see a chiropractor. Did the chiropractor observe me walking so the problem could be evaluated? Nope! All he did was look at the bottom of my shoes.

Here is a picture of the shoes I wore at the time.

Shoes Robert Rodgers wore when a PhD Student at Michigan State University

Shoes Robert Rodgers wore when a PhD Student a Michigan State University

You probably first noticed that these shoes have not been polished.  Well, hey. I was focused on earning my PhD, not on making sure my shoes were polished.

What I want you to notice is the wearing on the outside half of the heels on both shoes. I was placing most of my weight on the outside edges of both feet when walking and running rather than the inside edges. Centered balance is achieved when we place more weight on the inside edges of our feet than the outside. The foot is built to withstand more weight there.

Years pass. Check out what the heels of my current shoes look like today.

Wearing on Heels of Robert's Shoes Today

Wearing on Heels of Robert’s Shoes Today

First, notice that I wear shoes today that do not have to be polished. I still did not polish shoes after I finished graduate school so I now buy shoes that do not need polishing.

Second, notice that the wear on the bottom of the heels is more even – not perfect by any means – but a lot better than shown in the first image of shoes from graduate school days.

How does the wearing on the soles of my shoes “tell all” today?  I have no back pain.

In summary, if you are having balance problems, examine the heels of your shoes. The cause of the problem may well be rooted in a misalignment of your hips.

I have just developed a program that offers a wide variety of strategies, tips, suggestions, therapies and programs that bring hips back into perfect alignment. Click on the link below for the inside scoop on my new program. 

Many options exist to bring hip problems back into balance. If your hips are not in perfect alignment today (by inspecting wearing on the heels of your shoes) rest assured that you hips eagerly await your tender loving attention. They do not want to be out of balance any more that you do!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

P.S. A chiropractor did not solve my back problem. I figured it out all by myself.

Balance Problems: An Eloquent Solution

Balance Problems

Most people figure that solutions to balance problems must be difficult, painful and tedious. Surely it must take months and months to address balance problems successfully. Right?

In the following video I present one eloquent suggestion that will lead you to a very different conclusion. Solutions to balance problems are actually easy when you  realize that you had the solution in your  hip pocket all along.

For information on the Walk with Ease and Confidence program visit

Abnormal Gait

Many persons who have issues walking with ease and confidence engage a battle with stuck muscles. They are determined to make their muscles stop behaving badly! When a war is declared on the delicate tissues of body gait issues become even more problematic. Muscles tighten up. The body becomes as rock solid as the Rocky Mountains.

In the following video, I explain why attempting to “force” the body to move “normally” backfires every time,

Robert Rodgers PhD

Road to Recovery

Michael’s Journey on the Road to Recovery

Michael sent me this update on his journey down the road to recovery and gave me permission to post it here along with his email. ”

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


I haven’t written in a long time, so I’m going to jump right in.michael day

Crucial context

It is my experience and my belief from research that the human body-mind is innately curative. As long as there is ample energy (prana, chi) present,
and as long as the body-mind is effectively nurtured and supported in natural, compassionate, and non invasive ways; homeostasis is achieved/reclaimed if… that is ultimately what is meant to occur.

At this point, I can no longer see Parkinson’s strictly as a disease.

For a certain percentage of the global population, the body-mind reaches a critical mass of chronic illness and for these people their breakdown manifests what we call the symptoms of Parkinson’s. What confounds the medical community is that these symptoms display slightly or greatly differently in each person. This is because the critical mass of chronic illness
is never going to be the same in each person.
Unless drugs or surgery are chosen as a response to the symptoms of Parkinson’s…those of us who are dealing with this situation are basically on our own.


Five years of rigorous research has revealed a number of natural treatments
that a (usually) small number of people had used to successfully eliminate the symptoms of Parkinson’s. After much due diligence…I felt intuitionally led to try a number of these approaches. So far, each of my attempts to eliminate the symptoms of Parkinson’s have failed. Why…?
I suspect now that the critical mass of chronic illness in my body was too different from the critical mass of chronic illness in the bodies of those who had achieved success and/or…the scope of the particular treatments I was led to choose was not broad or deep enough to respond to enough of my particular array of imbalances to make a difference.
Some of the blogs created by people who have cleared the symptoms of Parkinson’s by natural means often have a statement at the end of their blog entries: DON’T EVER STOP RESEARCHING AND EXPERIMENTING! As long as I am able…I won’t!


After reflecting on all the approaches I have tried, a few things became clear.
Each time I decided on an approach, usually after much reading, meditating and prayer, emailing, phone, Skype video interviews, etc… the chosen direction always seemed comprehensive at that time. However, each time I failed, the experience always taught me where my vision had actually been shortsighted. Being careful at these times… to not fall into disappointment, impatience, depression, or self pity…what I learned from each failure
was always what partly led me to the next possibility which was always revealed to be more comprehensive.


Where I am now


 1. I have just started with a new team: A recently retired neurologist who is also an Ayurvedic physician. A medical doctor who is also an Ayurvedic physician and homeopath and runs an Ayurvedic hospital in India.
I am in an 8 month program utilizing diet, cutting edge nutraceuticals,
very strong herbs, and homeopathics. Both practitioners have much experience with clearing the symptoms of Parkinson’s. The program will concentrate a lot on the brain/gut connection.


One of the only real longings I have at this point is to return to India.
I would like to live at an Ayurvedic medical hospital/community for 6 months to a year so that I could undergo 5,000 year old profound restorative treatments. I have been to India twice and it has always felt like my true home and also a place of great healing on many levels for me.


2. After 10 months of saving, we can finally purchase a cutting edge machine that produces concentrated molecular hydrogen. Molecular hydrogen produces a hormone called ghrelin in the gut. Clinical trials have shown that increasing ghrelin in the gut has induced remarkable sustainable recovery in many people dealing with the symptoms of Parkinson’s.


3. Twice a day, I directly treat my brain by pulsing very strong electromagnets.


4. Radiance Healing

Radiance Healing flows into the mind, body and soul on a fundamental level, providing positive effects in all these areas. This energy pours divine light to the soul and gradually dissolves accumulated negative qualities. Over the course of receiving the energy for one year, the energy permeates into one’s system profoundly on the body, mind and soul levels.


Healing Effects

Fatigue & Stress Reduction; Improvement of Migraine, Shoulder & Back Pains, Anxiety, Irritability, and High Blood Pressure; Relief from Climacteric Distress; Recovery from Pre & Post Delivery; Recovery from Surgery; Over All Health Improvement & Health Maintenance; Disease Prevention; Relief Allergic Rhinitis & Other Allergic Symptoms; Improving Various Chronic Symptoms; Boost Vitality & Spirit of People with Chronic Fatigue; Raising the Spiritual Conscious Mind.

Currently Researching 



Current Physical Condition 

It’s been 2 years now since I have been able to leave the condo and take a walk. Thank god 20 minutes on the Chi Machine provides cell aspiration equal to a 1.5 mile brisk walk. I am currently unable to eat, shower, or use the toilet without assistance. Sleeping more than 30-45 minutes at a stretch is rare due to tremor. I have hardly been able to talk for the last 2 years.


Typing is almost impossible…this email took a week to complete.


I feel strong…quiet…still totally in love with existence…I feel an ever deepening faith in the infinite mystery of Life. I feel deeply grateful to have been given this life…I am deeply committed to recovering completely if that is meant to be…I spend most nights surrendering totally to the shaking that never stops…the relentlessness of the tremor is beautifully shattering the ego and is taking me me deeper and deeper into the heart…While this journey often scared me shitless last year,I no longer feel fearful of wherever this process is taking me.”


Michael Day
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