Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 19 of 37)

Dr. O’hhira Probiotics

After spending the last four months updating Road to Recovery from
Parkinsons Disease
I am awed by the variety of therapies that are helping more and more people reverse Parkinson’s symptoms. There are so many choices. Which ones are the most important?

I have drawn the conclusion that healing the gut should be a priority
for everyone. The cause of many Parkinson’s symptoms originate there.

I was most impressed by my interview with Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton who introduced the importance of taking probiotics to maintain a healthy gut. I started taking the probiotics he recommended – Dr. Ohhiras’s professional formula – and continue to be pleased personally with the results. It is not a quick fix, but healing the gut cuts to the core of what needs to happen for genuine healing to happen.

From my interview with Ross, my personal experience and feedback from those of you who are taking these probiotics, I concluded taking probiotics is a critical step to recovery.

Click the link below for more information…

Use This Fantastic Technique to Improve Balance

Have Issues with Balance and Mobility?

Here Is A Simple And Effective Strategy

 Watch this 2 minute YouTube video posted by Steve who has Parkinson’s symptoms for a tip that:
  • Is simple to do
  • Can be done right now
  • Requires no practice
  • Involves no training program
  • Is free.

This is by far the best idea I have heard about in a long time that helps improve balance and enhances mobility. I suspect it is effective because it opens up energetic meridians throughout the body that have led to poor posture and drained your energy.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia, Washington

Why Recovery from Parkinson’s Stumbles

I am proud to celebrate the dozens of therapies that are helping more and more people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. There are so many great options out there that did not exist five years ago.

If so many great options exist, why do not more people celebrate a reduction and reversal of their Parkinson’s symptoms? Why does recovery from Parkinson’s stumble for so many? My answer: People are gripped by a stranglehold of fear that their symptoms are destined to get worse. The process is “vicious” because symptoms are in your face day in and day out.

Take tremors for example. Tremors can calm down from time to time when stress is under control but they usually reappear.  The reaction to this seemingly never ending cycle is all too familiar.

  1. This tremor is driving me crazy. It is high time for it to disappear.
  2. The next day comes. The tremor persists.
  3. After many days, weeks and months you conclude you are “stuck” with this awful, nasty symptom for life.
  4. After all, this is what seemingly knowledgeable people have told you. Perhaps it is true after all.

What is the problem with this all too familiar pattern? It winds up supporting and sustaining the tremor. I suggest a very different reaction which can break this vicious cycle rather than sustain it.

Instead of viewing the tremor as the “bad guy” in your life, accept the tremor (or other symptoms) as the “good guy.”  Instead of wishing the tremor to vanish, wish it to flourish. Set an intention to allow your body to shake, rattle and roll if that is what your body needs to do in the moment.

Now, I suspect this recommendation must sound crazy to you. A tremor is your body’s way of getting your attention. It is the body’s natural method of releasing trauma and stress. When you suppress a tremor, the energy of trauma gets stuck in your body and sticks to your cells like glue.

When you view a tremor (or other symptoms) as the “bad guy” you  are giving your body a nasty message that it is broken.  But, it not broken now and never has been. Your body is working perfectly. It is just telling you something you do not want to hear or accept.

Treat a tremor (and other symptoms) as a natural healing response which is nudging you to set in motion new lifestyle habits.

  • Instead of resisting, why not make the changes?
  • Embrace new habits that you know in your mind, heart and soul are necessary to heal.

The best way to reverse the vicious cycle that leads to feeling worse is to acknowledge symptoms as the “good guys.” In so doing, you honor and acknowledge the body’s sacred ability to heal. Treat your body as broken and worthless and it will respond accordingly just as you do when treated with disrespect.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery

The Secret to Healing Parkinson’s

My research over the past decade has identified dozens of therapies that help people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. Therapies that
show resounding success for some people fizzle for others.

The surprise discovery is that many therapies help. Great.  OK. What do these therapies all have in common?

My answer may surprise you. Therapies that help people heal from neurological difficulties offer ways to settle and calm the sympathetic nervous system. This opens the opportunity
for the parasympathetic nervous system to function as designed.

We all exert control over our sympathetic nervous system. When we confront a hungry bear on the wilderness trail while hiking, we activate an instant rush of adrenaline to address the challenge.  Our response may be to fight, freeze or flight.

When the sympathetic nervous system is constantly churning and, for some with Parkinson’s symptoms, churning its gears on overdrive, the parasympathetic nervous system becomes overwhelmed. Both are necessary for the body function and survive.

The challenge for people with Parkinson’s symptoms is that the sympathetic nervous system is almost always dominating the parasympathetic  nervous system. In other words, the good guy here (the parasympathetic nervous system) is smothered by the bad guy (the sympathetic nervous system).

How does this play out moment to moment? People who experience Parkinson’s symptoms often have spurts of anxiety, panic attacks or are continuously stressed out with unfounded worries, unrealistic fears or negative thinking that scares the heck out of them. The churning of anxiety pumps out the hormones like adrenaline that stirs excitation throughout the body – so much so that the nervous
system is overstimulated.

Over the long haul deep ruts are carved in the neural pathways which eventually causes the myelin sheaths that cover and protect them to thin. The protective insulation is compromised. A type of “shorting out” occurs just as an electrical circuit short circuits when the insulation covering on the raw wires is exposed.

What then do all of the therapies that help people reverse their symptoms have in common? One therapy or another helps calm down the sympathetic nervous system so that it is not continuously running on overdrive. A body that is continuously running at a furious pace never has an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. The resting state (the parasympathetic state which is automatic and effortless) gets a little tender loving support
when the sympathetic nervous system is quieted.

The bottom line is this. If you find yourself being nervous and anxious most of the day and night your body will never get the opportunity to rejuvenate and heal itself. Best to let off the steam of the sympathetic nervous system by embracing a therapy that helps reduce its intensity.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Tip for Swallowing Safely

Hey Robert,
After having done lots of CPR through the years and also taking hand fulls of supplements on and off through the years, I wanted to mention that what may make it easier to swallow pills is simply the anatomical alignment of your head and neck and spine.  For me if I tilt my head up even slightly it makes swallowing pills nearly impossible.  If I look ahead and even move the eyes slightly downward there is no resistance whatsoever (like offering breath for a small child or infant in CPR ~ if the head is tilted back at all it usually blocks the airway so we use a more neutral position most effectively).

Calming of Tremors

Tao gave me permission to post below his email about calming of tremors. It follows.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Yes!!This is so exciting. Last night I clearly noticed a calming of  tremors. This morning there was a time period of it reverting back to only a thumb tremor (how it started roughly 3 yrs ago). This has not happened before. Also, last night I felt very calm from talking with another soul that truly believes in the bodies memory of wholeness. I’m also amazed at the clearing/calming feeling that blanketed over me while you spoke of the Physical and Energetic relation to Invasion and Parasites as well. To top it all off, I slept over two hours past my usual 4:15 ish inner wake up alarm.
Three new and likely contributing factors added to the menu of remedies and soul reminders from yesterday:
    • A good hard laugh while conversing with Tim B.
    • First 1/2 dose of  SYNCOLEIN
    • An amazing phone consultation with Dr. RR.

This morning I also discovered NIACIN and its relation to PD. I’m already naturally eating some of the best sources of B3 but will add more of the higher niacin foods.

I don’t even want to think about how life would be had I not stumbled on your site when I was rather in a blind panic after a rather cruel presentation of a diagnosis and loosing my friend on same day. It is again with tears that I share my appreciation for your consistent research and openness to share and find us who seek the path of healing.

Use Tremors to Muscle Test

What follows is a fascinating email from an individual traveling down the road to recovery who uses his tremors to great advantage. He refers to himself as “Tao.”  As you will discover below, his tremors are a surprisingly useful tool when it comes to muscle testing!
“I was having little success with trying various muscle testing techniques and it finally dawned on me to ask myself the question, “what might work best for me”.  Before I even finished asking that very question the thought came on like a light switch that I should use the tremor (that by the way I first acknowledged/interpreted as a ‘spiritual gift’ coming through back when I was living and backpacking in the Appellation Mountains last summer) as a method parallel to muscle testing. 
 I extend out my arm and briefly shake it into a relaxed state, then hold the pen as if i were about to write.  The little pause before the tremor is my yes and a more aggressive instant tremor a no.
I could be clueless if this tremor parts!!  lol”

Slightly Used Theracyle for Sale

Here is a notice about a Theracyle for sale. COntact Bob Jones if interested.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease 

“My wife has Parkinson’s, and to help her stay in fighting shape, we purchased a brand-new Theracycle 200 less than a year ago. But in the meantime, her lower back problems became more serious, so now we’re looking for someone to take the Theracycle off our hands. The bike is fully operational, and has hardly been touched. We’re asking $2500. I’d be very grateful if you were willing to share this information with your friends there on the internet.”

Thanks very much.

Bob Jones

Look in the Mirror When Making the “Good Side” Worse

Here is a fantastic twist on the idea of making the “good side” worse to make the “bad side” better. Look in the mirror when you do this exercise. It is even more powerful.

Also, be sure to tap into all the deep feelings your have about your “bad side.” Make the exercise more than a thinking exercise.  Treat your “good side” just like you treat your “bad side.”

This really does help tremendously. Make it a habit every day for a few minutes.


Neurological Diplomacy

Neurological Diplomacy is a Feldenkrais strategy to “make the good side worse” so that the “bad side” can become better. Yes. this sounds totally weird and strange, but it does succeed in reversing symptoms. Really!

I will illustrate the concept by describing an exercise introduced by Ruthy Alon in a Feldenkrais workship. Ruthy Alon is a senior Feldenkrais Trainer and founder of Bones for Life who coined the term “neurological diplomacy”.  I learned all about this technique from an email I received from one of the workshop participants who prefers to remain anonymous. Below is an edited version of the email I received.

An Exercise that Illustrates the Magic
of Neurological Diplomacy

Do the exercise right now so you can experience precisely how and why it works to reduce the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. There are seven steps.

  1. Pretend to drink water out of a stream, cupping your hands one over the other. Image you are drinking water from a fresh water stream. Sip water out of your two hands as you bring your hands up and down from the imaginary stream. Notice how easy this movement is for you. Notice also which hand is on top of the other as you do this.
  2. Rest a moment.
  3. Now, do the same imaginary movement again, but put the other hand on top. Bring your hands all the way to your mouth to drink the imaginary water. This is not your familiar or easy way of doing it. Chances are good this movement will not feel so comfortable or easy.

How do we go about improving the second way of doing it, the way that is not so familiar and more difficult?  We do not want to directly work with the “bad” side because this is not where the brain is working well. There is a lack of understanding by the brain or a difficulty there.

In the case of a Feldenkrais treatment there may be an injury or pain involved in the “bad side” or “bad movement”. No learning, nor any good outcome, can easily happen when the practitioner works directly with the “bad side”. Rather, the practitioner will leave the “bad side” alone and not attempt to “fix” it.

In summary, do not even think of any side as “bad” or any movement as “bad”. Instead, accept it as it is. Simply leave it alone. Ignore it. Do not even think of changing it.

Doing so is an act of violence. This is the last thing anyone needs who experiences the symptoms of Parkinson’s. 

  1. Now, do the movement the “hard” way again and notice carefully how it was hard and why. Perhaps your shoulders are tighter with that unfamiliar arrangement of the hands. Perhaps the brain is confused. Perhaps the coordination is klutzy in that unfamiliar way. Whatever – notice what you can.
  2. Rest a moment.

Now Comes the Magical Solution

The Heart of Neurological Diplomacy

  1. Now do the easy movement, with the comfortable arrangement of hands one top of the other. Make sipping water difficult by pretending you now have on the “easy side” all the trouble or difficulty you had on the “bad side” with the unfamiliar palm on top.

Play like that for a little while, pretending to imitate the bad movement even though your palms are arranged in the more comfortable arrangement. Try to feel a little frustration about the situation. It is as if you want to convince the brain now that “I do not have any easy way to get a drink of water with my hands.”

  1. Then let it go and rest. Breathe. Forget all about this. Just relax. After a minute or so go back and try to “drink water” with palms arranged in the “bad” or unfamiliar way.

Now, it will be much easier in most cases to make the movement the “hard” way using the more uncomfortable arrangement of hands. If that is not magic I do not know what is!

The surprise of the day is that you did not work with (or pay any attention) to the “bad side” at all! The intervention is magical in this way.

Physical therapists use this technique with stroke patients. They deliberately make the good side and the good movements temporarily restricted with splints or other devices in order to “magically” make the “bad side” better.  If the technique works with stroke patients, it will surely succeed for persons who currently experience Parkinson’s symptoms.

The brain is present, active and intelligent and functional in the “good side” or with the “good movement.” This is where learning can happen – not on the “bad side”.  By “teaching” the good movement to be “bad”, we show the brain how to release that learning, how to release a difficulty just of that exact nature which is transferred automatically over to the “bad side”.

The “bad side” or “bad movement” instantly becomes better without confronting the bad side directly.

  • We do not name the “bad side” or “bad movement” as “wrong” or “bad”.
  • We do not attempt to correct the “bad side” (which is the strategy most people engage).
  • We do not call it to be “wrong” or “stupid”.
  • We do not try to correct it.
  • We do not even think about correcting it.

Neurological diplomacy is an extremely gentle and respectful way of working with the body. That is why it is called Neurological Diplomacy.

In summary, do not declare war on your “bad side” or “bad movement”.  Become diplomatic in your approach. Be respective of your body’s ability to self correct. I will say it one more time. This really is magic at its best.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease






Betrayal Series free Access Ends Tonight

As the title of this post announces, free access to all 7 videos in the Betrayal series ends tonight. I understand he opened up the 7 part series for free viewing for this weekend only. (The series had also been available for free viewing last weekend as well).

You really do not want to miss this. Check out at least the sixth video which focuses on the brain and neurological diseases. The seventh video is also interesting in that the people discussing their recovery have not been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, but about 50% of the symptoms they discuss are the same as would be reported by a person diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I also personally benefited from watching Tom answer questions submitted by viewers.

I have personally found something useful in each of the 7 videos and bet you will too. Taking the time to watch has been a sound investment for me and my entire family. Please send the link below to friends and family who are searching for viable solutions to their health problems.

About the Betrayal Series

 For more information about this awesome series of videos, click on the banner below to watch a 6 minute video about this fascinating new series hosted by Dr. Tom O’Bryan. The content has profound implications for people with Parkinson’s symptoms as well as other illnesses.


Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery

Interview with Betrayal Series Host Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Here are some of the questions Betrayal series Host Dr. O’Byran answered on the Parkinsons Recovery radio show this week: 
  • Which gut tests do you recommend for folks with Parkinson’s?
  • Could Parkinson’s disease be considered in any way shape or form an Autoimmunine disease?
  • What tests do you need to determine what toxins, nutrient and mineral excess of deficiencies, etc. you have?
  • I am fighting to reverse my PD symptoms, which are a left hand tremor and a left shoulder freeze. My symptoms have lessened in intensity, but do you have a suggestion of what I can do? 
  • Quite a lot of calories come from gluten foods and dairy (I don’t eat processed foods or drinks) so I would like your advice on how best to maintain my calorie intake.
  • What do you think about microwaves?
  • I think It was mentioned in Betrayal episode 3 that the blood test for gluten intolerance was not fine enough to pick up all intolerances. Is there a test which we can ask for which is more accurate?
  • Would you pass along a name of a Functional Medicine Consultant with experience in Parkinsons Disease in my area or at least how to seek one out?
  • Could you be more specific about diet recommendations? Do you have general guidelines regarding diet?
Click on the link below to hear the replay of my interview with Dr. O’Bryan.    

Good Hydration Is Critical to Recovery

Listen to a Q&A with an international expert on hydration who discusses why good hydration is critical to recovery. Jaroslav Boublik PhD is the “go to” resource for how to drink the right water to hydration cells throughout your body which makes for good hydration.

Good Hydration

Good Hydration

When you your doctor answers the question: “What can I do to feel better?” by saying – “Drink more water” Do not laugh. Your doctor is probably right.

Dr. Boublik is, in my book of experts, the international expert on why good hydration is critical to recovery from Parkinsons. His research centers around the effects of dehydration. Dr. Boublik answers questions about the effects of dehydration on your health and how you can realistically address problems such as:

  • Why do we get dehydrated as we age?
  • Why is hydration so important to eliminate toxins?
  • If I add such substances to my diet such as – salt, energy drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol, colas, milk – will I be better hydrated?
  • What are the symptoms of dehydration?
  • Is drinking structured water a good idea?
  • Can good hydration reduce Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • Will better hydration enhance mental clarity?

Jaroslov Boublik is also one of the two amazing developers of the Aquas ( a homeopathic treatment for dehydration.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Rewiring the Brain

My guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio is Annie Hopper who developed The Dynamic Neural Retraining System as a therapeutic approach to rewiring the brain. Thousands of people have applied her novel program for varying chronic illnesses with great success. Focus of the program is to teach participants how to self-direct neuro-plastic changes in the limbic system that normalize threat mechanisms in the brain. This allows the brain and body to move out of a state of survival and into a state of growth and repair, where healing can take place.

What is the Limbic System?

The following is an eloquent explanation Annie emailed to me in preparation for the radio show interview tomorrow.

The limbic system is a complex set of structures in the mid brain that includes the hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala and cingulate cortex. It has been described as the feeling and reacting brain. It is responsible for the formation of memories and is constantly determining our level of safety. The Limbic System assigns emotional
significance to everything we smell, see, hear, feel, and taste. It is known as the seat of social and emotional intelligence and is the brains anxiety switch. It is closely integrated with the immune system, the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system.

When not functioning properly due to injury or impairment, the limbic system becomes hypersensitive and begins to react to stimuli that it would usually disregard as not representing a danger to the body. This results in inappropriate activation of the immune, endocrine and autonomic nervous systems that can lead to varied and seemingly unconnected symptoms.

This hypersensitivity of the limbic system causes over-firing of protective and threat mechanisms in the midbrain. This can result in distorted unconscious reactions, sensory perceptions and protective responses.

Similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it seems that limbic system hypersensitivity, or dysfunction, involves impairment to structures within the limbic system of the brain that alter connectivity to the pre-frontal cortex. We hypothesize that the hyperactivity in the limbic system fosters inhibition of the inhibitory networks, which allows the over-stimulation of survival mechanisms. This gives rise to an unconscious and persistent fight or flight response associated with limbic system impairment. Over time,
it is possible this state of hyper arousal can weaken the immune system, and affect systems associated with rest, digestion, detoxification, mood stability as well as motor and cognitive function.

The Dynamic Neural Retraining System was developed in 2008 by Annie Hopper as a therapeutic approach to improving these conditions and rewiring the brain using neuro-plasticity principles. Thousands of people have applied the program for varying chronic illnesses and have had great success. The focus of the program is to effectively teach participants how to self-direct neuro-plastic changes in the limbic system that normalize threat mechanisms in the brain. This allows the brain and body to move out of a state of survival and into a state of growth and repair, where healing can take place.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

How Long Does Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease Take

  • What is the bottom line to recovery from Parkinson’s disease?
  • What is the secret to making recovery from Parkinson’s disease happen?

Most people hold near and dear to their heart the beliefs that recovery has to …

  • Take years to unfold
  • Requires medications and supplements
  • Happens for only a select few
  • Involves expensive therapies
  • Happens only when you find the right therapist, health care practitioner or doctor who has the secret answer to recovery
  • Calls for outside interventions of one form or another

I used to believe all of this was true. Not today. I hold a much different belief that recovery is possible for

  • Anyone
  • Anywhere
  • Anytime

Anytime Can Mean Starting Today

Why do I embrace this seemingly outrageous belief?

Naturopath John Coleman ND discusses the ups and downs of his own recovery from Parkinson’s disease in this clip of my interview with him.

Many people who experience symptoms of Parkinsons have told me about unexpected blocks of time (a few minutes, hours, days) when their symptoms disappeared completely.

Surprisingly. these accounts more often than not involve situations which cannot be explained by taking (or not taking) medications or supplements or turning on or off a DBS battery connection.  

Is this a familiar circumstance for you? Have you celebrated the quieting of symptoms unexpectedly? If it has ever happened once for you, I believe it can happen all the time.

What usually happens in when symptoms are unexpectedly quieted?

Our own thoughts are our undoing. The thinking process is something like:

  • Wow. I feel great. I feel normal.
  • Wait. this is not supposed to happen.
  • I have Parkinsons Disease. I am supposed to get worse, not better.
  • It feels a bit strange to feel so good.
  • I do not deserve to feel so damn good.
  • When any minor evidence of a symptoms resurfaces the thought is: Oh right. There it is again. I know I will never be rid of this. I might as well get used to it.
  • Fear sizzles throughout the cells of the body

Almost all success stories involve people who have found ways to acknowledge when …

  • Fear rears its ugly head
  • Anxiety soars
  • Stress sizzles
  • Worries rattle over and over in our mind


Once fears, anxieties, stresses and worries are recognized, any and all unwanted feelings are quieted and calmed, allowing the physical body to return to a state of balance and harmony.

The answer lies entirely within your ability to recognize and release stress and anxiety in the moment. In other words, you can make it happen for yourself now. This put you…

In full control over your recovery

What are the triggers in your life? What sets you off? A wide variety of stimuli can “set us off” into a spiral. The possibilities of triggers are endless.

  • Smells?
  • People?
  • Strangers who look like certain people?
  • Noises?
  • Colors?
  • Shapes?
  • Words other people use?
  • Memories?
  • Touching of one type or another?
  • Invasive actions by others?
  • People who want to control you?
  • Thoughts about the future?
  • Frets about the past?

You may never intellectually understand why any of the above sets you off and inflames fear and/or anxiety. It just does. End of story.

I believe the answer is not to attempt to sort through the reasons why (something like the smell of a certain perfume sets you off,  but to recognize what you get upset and immediately Change the Channel

It is like you are watching a movie that is upsetting you so what do you do?

  1. You immediately stop watching the bad movie.
  2. Then you change the channel to something that is pleasing to your soul.

When stress is dissolved, symptoms immediately dissolve like an ice cream cone melting in the hot summer sun. Set the intention to make it so with each and every moment of your life from henceforth.

The best deal of becoming aware of your wanted reactions each and every moment and quieting them in the moment they flare is that the therapy is entirely free!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease



Heavy Metals and Parkinsons Disease

Naturopath Doctor John Coleman ND from Australia discusses the connection between heavy metals and Parkinson’s disease symptoms. While heavy metals can be a factor, John emphasizes the initiating connection of symptoms to trauma (whether physical, emotional or mental).

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

When to Start Taking Parkinsons Medications

Naturopath John Coleman. ND, from Australia answers the question asked by a member of my audience: “When to Start Taking Parkinsons Medications?” Many people agonize over this issue. John provides his own perspective in offering his answer to this question.

Author of the book Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin, John Coleman was one of the first individuals to recover from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease he personally experienced in the mid 1990’s. Given his personal journey down the road to recovery, John offers rich insights into the question from a member of the Parkinsons Recovery audience : When to Start Taking Parkinsons Medications?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Accidents Happen: How To Cut the Pain from Injuries in Minutes

Yes, Accidents Do Happen. What Happens When You Are Injured? 

Everyone has accidents of one type of another. What do you do when you are injured? I used to ignore the pain with the full knowledge that in time – and it usually took time – my body will eventually heal from injuries when accidents happen.

Now my approach is different. I now run “lines of light” which is a form of energy healing. I learned how to repair the injured energy field using “lines of light” from a first class healing school. .

This particular healing technique is simple and I must say unbelievably effective. I can literally feel less pain when I run the “lines of light” across an injury within a minute or two. The pain is usually gone within 3 minutes.

I shot a 10 minute video to demonstrate the “lines of light” healing technique. This happens to be an energy healing technique I have used most frequently and with the most success. Please believe me when I say it really does work!

What to Do When Accidents Happen

YouTube player

It is important to know about the “lines of light” healing technique I illustrate in this video not only for yourself, but for your children and family when they are injured.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Olympia, Washington
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Aqua Hydration Formula

Naturopath John Coleman, ND, discovered that using the Aqua Hydration Formula was a critical factor to his own recovery from Parkinson’s Disease. John is one of the first persons to my knowledge who succeeded in reversing his Parkinson’s symptoms in the mid 1990’s.

I interviewed one of the developers of the Aqua Hydration Formula, Dr. Jaroslav Boublik PhD, who answered questions about the Aquas and their use in addressing the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease.

Are you taking all the best medicines and supplements for your Parkinson’s symptoms and doing the exercises recommendedby the experts and yet not seeing a reversal of your symptoms? I have a good guess for you about why.

You may be dehydrated. Simply put, your body cannot take in the nutrients nor discharge the toxins if there is not enough water in your body.

When you your doctor answers the question: “What can I do to feel better?” by saying – “Drink more water,” do not laugh. Your doctor is probably right.

Dr. Boublik is my book of experts is the international expert on water and hydration. His research centers around the effects of dehydration. Dr. Boublik answers questions about the effects of dehydration on your health and how you can realistically address the problem such as:

Why do we get dehydrated as we age?
Why is hydration so important to eliminate toxins?
If I add such substances to my diet such as – salt, energy drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol, colas, milk – will I be better hydrated?
What are the symptoms of dehydration?
Is drinking structured water a good idea?
Can good hydration reduce Parkinson’s symptoms?
Will better hydration enhance mental clarity?

Jaroslov Boublik is also one of the two developers of the Aquas ( a homeopathic treatment for dehydration.

For more information about the Aqua hydration formula visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

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