Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 18 of 37)

Leading Resource on Natural Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease

  1. Have you been spending hours every day searching for information on natural therapies and treatments that have been helping people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease?
  2. Has the search been frustrating and demoralizing?
  3. Has it been difficult to find sources you can trust? There are a lot of claims out there, but who in the world can you believe these days when fake news is the norm rather than the exception.

I have just updated my book Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease which eliminates the stress of finding information you can trust. Watch the two minute video below to discover why Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease is much more than a book. It is the leading resource you can trust on natural methods for reversing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery


Solutions for Parkinsons Symptoms

On Parkinsons Recovery Radio today. Fred Phillips offered his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinson’s symptoms. His solutions for Parkinson’s symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that You listen to my interview with Fred today. Click the arrow below to hear the replay. Fred has discovered some powerful, yet simple solutions to these
symptoms that have helped him enormously.

One of now over 70 pioneers of recovery I have hosted on Parkinsons Recovery radio, Fred also previews his 10 step protocol for recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease




Need a Little Help to Kick Start Recovery?

  • Have you been searching for natural treatment options that can provide relief from your symptoms?
  • Are you having trouble deciding which options would be best to explore?
  • Do you want to learn more about some of the new therapies for Parkinson’s disease?

Since 2004 I have been identifying a rich variety of natural therapies that successfully address the causes of Parkinson’s symptoms. Many natural therapies have shown good success with treating Parkinson’s, but which ones are the best for you to pursue? A therapy may work beautifully for a friend but flop for you if you try it.

During a private 30 minute consultation, I will answer all your questions. Natural therapies will be suggested that offer the promise of addressing what you and I suspect may be causing your symptoms.

Click on the link below to register for a consultation. Once you register, we can set up a time to connect.

30 Minute Private Consultation with Robert Rodgers PhD

P.S. There is a modest consultation fee involved of $48 which helps subsidize the many free services I offer through Parkinsons Recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia Washington
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease

Below is a fascinating email from Nancy who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I have permission to post her email which tells an exciting story of recovery that emerged for her in a way she could have never imagined or predicted when she launched her journey down the road to recovery three years ago. .

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago. Your book was a life-changer for me. I refused  to accept the diagnosis. I looked at each symptom and looked  for therapies  just as you described. I fought with the doctors and refused medication. I accepted that I had the symptoms but not the diagnosis.

I fought back some family members as well as a collective consciousness. Two neurologists and one family M.D. told me to stop fooling myself and accept the diagnosis. My Feldenkrais instructor who happens to be a neurologist suggested I see a neurosurgeon as I have a spinal cord injury in her professional opinion. Turns out she was right I went  in for surgery immediately and reversed all of my symptoms and he says I do not have Parkinson’s!

He also said there was a reason why my body refused the medication.  Interesting how had I taken  the meds I would’ve gone down a rabbit hole. My spinal cord injury dated back  10 years ago.  Symptoms started at three or four years ago. Lesson call and never, never, give up and listen to the innate  intelligence of your body.

I’m on the road to recovery. Thank you again, Robert The good work that you do! Happy Independence Day!



Herbal Detoxes

What do herbal detoxes entail? What is involved when it comes to the physical sensations and outcomes? Here is a fascinating email account I received permission to post from Deborah.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Herbal Detoxes

I’ve been detoxing on herbs for 2 years now so detox pathways feel very familiar. I took 1/3 of my 300 mg dose, used a razor blade to cut the small white pill. Waited an hour to eat a light fruit snack. Fell asleep 9 pm. Awakened 11:45 feeling effervescent bubbling and zapping sensations between stomach and liver back and forth almost gurgling with an intermittent stab of pain lasting only a second. I knew then that the immune boost I got from LDN was working! Then the sensation moved up esophagus this took awhile and then bam center of my brain. Internal brain tremors started as I calmly observed smiling at the work being accomplished. I didn’t have an early or heavy schedule so I just relaxed about sleep. I’ve been detoxing on herbs for 2 yrs now so detox pathways feel very familiar. I took 1/3 of my 300 mg dose, used a razor blade to cut the small white pill. Waited an hour to eat a light fruit snack. Fell asleep 9 pm. Awakened 11:45 feeling effervescent bubbling and zapping sensations between stomach and liver back and forth almost gurgling with an intermittent stab of pain lasting only a second. I knew then that the immune boost I got from LDN was working! Then the sensation moved up esophagus this took awhile and then bam center of my brain. Internal brain tremors started as I calmly observed smiling at the work being accomplished. I didn’t have an early or heavy schedule so I just relaxed about sleep.

Fever kicked in for about a minute then gone! Zapping and bubbling continued moving arm, shoulder started tremoring furiously then stopped, then back to liver, stomach, another momentary fever and I fell asleep again. Woke 4:45 ran to bathroom with diarrhea.​ Went back to bad this time explosive diarrhea. Showered and cleaned lay down again feeling crazy head sensations, center the to ears, sinuses then skull. No more sleep just rest. The detox pathways just covered areas covered by vagus nerve, which interfaces with parasympathetic control of the heart and digestive tract. Oh yeah sensations went to my heart and a slightly longer fever persisted then faded. Don’t feel great this morning but ready to continue this battle to recover, thinking of possibly reducing dose to 75 mg as I’m not in a hurry. Recovery is a journey not a race and if too many pathogens are killed the toxic load is too much for the body to release. In that case it just recirculates through the body spreading more disease and we don’t want that!So why so many pathogens in my body? In a word trauma. From the age of eight and up I have had many episodes of disassociation. Where fear exacerbated by abusive circumstances of which I had no control had me(my consciousness) completely leave my body. This is when the immune system turns off and the body stores the trauma in a cellular level. Only to repeat it over and over. The immune system went into shock and now as pathogens move thru the body, the way they do, the immune system asleep at the wheel allows pathogens to start nesting eventually to take over if not reversed.”


Restless Leg Syndrome

Here is a short list of some of the questions I answered in Part IV of my Q&A program today concerning restless leg syndrome and the causes of Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

  • How can I go about reducing the dosage of medications I take? They are not working for me.
  • I want to know more about the Aquas.
  • What can I do for Restless Leg Syndrome?
  • What is the best way to control excessive shaking?
  • What about amino acid therapy as a treatment for Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • How can I stop my intercostals from contracting, worsening by 3 am and awakening me at night?
  • What about parasites, worms, and smaller creatures like mold, fungus, staph infections, etc. What role do they play if any?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery



Tremor Treatments

Here is a short list of questions I answered during the program today on tremor treatments and more:

  • What are the best techniques to reverse Parkinson’s?
  • Are probiotics and pre-biotics helpful?
  • What about juicing to remove heavy metals like lead?
  • How about taking Mucuna for tremors?
  • are there any tremor treatments that are effective?
  • Where does one start when deciding to travel down the road to recovery?
  • What about taking lots of supplements to address the symptoms?
  • I am doing all of the therapies that people say will calm tremors but they continue to increase. Can you recommend tremor treatments that will help?
  • Is ketogenic diet useful to address Parkinson’s symptoms or are there other diets that are better? I am confused. There are so many opinions out there!

Additional Parkinsons Recovery Resources Discussed During the Program

Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery Memberships:
Treatments for Tremors
Tame Tremors

Seven Secrets to Healing

Natural Therapies for Parkinsons Disease

The following are some of the questions and issues about natural therapies for Parkinsons Disease discussed during the program today:

  • Is eczema common to Parkinson’s
  • Does low dose Naltrexone replace the need for carbidopa/levodopa?
  • What can be done about dementia?
  • How can I become more independent?
  • Would surgery I had 18 months ago contribute to my Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • What is the cause of tremors?
  • Why does vibration reduce Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • Can stiffness in the neck contribute to symptoms?
  • What about stem cell therapy as an option?
  • What can be done about freezing and falling?

Additional Resources Discussed During the Program

Robert Rodgers PhD



LDN, Mannitol and Amino Acid Therapy

Today I answer questions on LDN and other natural therapies for Parkinsons. Here is a short list of some of the questions and topics I address:

  • Using a nutritional approach to healing Parkinson’s I now have a healing crisis every 4 days followed by good days. What does this mean?
  • More about LDN for treating symptoms please.
  • What about Mannitol as a treatment for Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • How can I reduce tremors in my left hand and foot and in the upper, inner and left side of my head?
  • When will the 2017 updated Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease be available?
  • What about amino acid acid therapy as a therapy?

Robert Rodgers
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Relief for Tremors

“What can I do to relieve me of my hand, foot, and inner head tremors or, at least,relief for tremors experience some relief for tremors? The tremors are in my left hand, left foot, and upper, inner, left side of my head. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2014. I declined prescription  medications.”  

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Five Steps to Recovery


Pathway to Freedom

What is the pathway to freedom for anyone experiencing symptoms of Parkinsons?  do any or all of the following reactions resonate?

  • I have been dealt a horrible setback I did not deserve.
  • I have done nothing to deserve Parkinson’s symptoms.
  • I am not guilty of wrong doing.
  • I have been imprisoned unjustly.
  • I have lost my freedom.
  • I have lost friends because of my circumstances
  • I cannot escape my circumstances.
  • I make valiant efforts to escape but I remain jailed.

Well? These resentments are identical to individuals imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. There are estimated to be 120,000 inmates serving sentences in United States prisons who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit. Since 1989, 2000 have been exonerated and freed.

People who experience Parkinson’s symptoms become are also wrongly convicted prisoners in their own right. How does anyone survive when they are victims of imprisonment?  What is the pathway to freedom? What have wrongly convicted prisoners done to remain sane? How were they able to maintain the dedication to pursue their freedom despite the fact many remained imprisoned to 10-20 years before being released from jail?

Stories of recovery and vindication have been documented in a recent book edited by
Laura Caldwell and Leslie Klinger titled Anatomy of Innocence: Testimonies of the Wrongly Convicted. One of the cases is told by former Jazz Musician Antoine Day who was falsely imprisoned for 10 years. He concluded that his mental state would be dependent on his ability to connect with his past.

Through persistence and clear purpose, he succeeded in convincing prison officials to provide musical instruments to inmates who shared his
love of music. Day formed a prison jazz band which helped keep himself and other inmates sane. Inner resolve and commitment were critical to securing his ultimate freedom. His persistence paid off in the end.

Be inspired by the wisdom of Antoinne Day and other wrongly convicted prisoners who refused to give up. In small part it is about persisting in the face of formidable obstacles. In large part it is about embracing your life passions. How can you best activate the process of recovery?

  • Reinvigorate the thrills of what gave you excitement and joy in the past.
  • Embrace your life’s calling.
  • Respond to the call of your soul’s longing.
  • Take the steps you know in your heart, mind and soul will ultimately lead to freedom.

What have you loved in the past that you have abandoned? Embrace it now. That is what Antoinne Day did. Follow his leadership into a new life outside the confines of confinement and restriction.

Persist. The solution will find you at the right time and in the right place. May it not take as long as 10 years to celebrate symptomatic freedom as it did for Antoinne.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Hidden Secrets from our Birth Date and Name

I have never held much stock in interpretations derived from an analysis of our name and/or birth dates. For fun, I decided to make a pass through an automated program (for free) that gave me information about myself after entering my name and birth date. I have to report I was very surprised at the report’s accuracy.

Make a pass for yourself and see what you think. If anything, it is a fun activity. It is free. And it is a welcome distraction from the news of the world. Click on the picture below to retrieve  your own numerology chart and see what you think.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Process of Recovery from Parkinson’s Symptoms

I interviewed Tom House today on the radio show.  He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease about five years ago. Tom has a unique perspective on the “process” of recovery. Note that I used the word “process” not “outcome”. Tom explains that when athletes focus on the “outcome” they want – i.e., winning the game – their performance sinks and they are more likely to lose.

The outcome is not what matters, but the process. Of course people diagnosed with Parkinson’s want to see all symptoms dissolve. To make that happen however, the focus needs to be on the present moment activities and behaviors that in the end make that outcome possible.

This is why mindfulness programs are so successful for people with Parkinson’s.  They focus on process rather than outcomes.

My Interview with Former Major League Pitcher Tom House

P.S. Have you heard? I  just released the 2017 update to Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery




Remarkable Journey on the Appalachian Trail

Tao (his trail name) hiked the Appalachian trail last year with considerable difficulty. Many of his Parkinson’s symptoms became much worse. I suppose some people would conclude that should be the last extended hike he should take. Not Tao.

I received a call from him today. He is doing another long hike down the Appalachian trail this summer. This year, unlike last, he has had no difficulties. Get this. Tao was able to hike a total of 100 miles in three days. He emailed me an inspiring picture taken of him on a scenic route on the trail.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Dr. O’hhira Probiotics

After spending the last four months updating Road to Recovery from
Parkinsons Disease
I am awed by the variety of therapies that are helping more and more people reverse Parkinson’s symptoms. There are so many choices. Which ones are the most important?

I have drawn the conclusion that healing the gut should be a priority
for everyone. The cause of many Parkinson’s symptoms originate there.

I was most impressed by my interview with Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton who introduced the importance of taking probiotics to maintain a healthy gut. I started taking the probiotics he recommended – Dr. Ohhiras’s professional formula – and continue to be pleased personally with the results. It is not a quick fix, but healing the gut cuts to the core of what needs to happen for genuine healing to happen.

From my interview with Ross, my personal experience and feedback from those of you who are taking these probiotics, I concluded taking probiotics is a critical step to recovery.

Click the link below for more information…

Parkinsons Recovery Memberships

Parkinsons Recovery Memberships offer members ongoing support for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The design of the 12 member websites is inspired by my decade long research into what helps people find sustained relief from their symptoms using natural methods.  Watch the brief video below for a preview of member resources.  Cost of membership is only $10 per month.

For further information about Parkinsons Recovery memberships and to subscribe, visit:

Use This Fantastic Technique to Improve Balance

Have Issues with Balance and Mobility?

Here Is A Simple And Effective Strategy

 Watch this 2 minute YouTube video posted by Steve who has Parkinson’s symptoms for a tip that:
  • Is simple to do
  • Can be done right now
  • Requires no practice
  • Involves no training program
  • Is free.

This is by far the best idea I have heard about in a long time that helps improve balance and enhances mobility. I suspect it is effective because it opens up energetic meridians throughout the body that have led to poor posture and drained your energy.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia, Washington

Why Recovery from Parkinson’s Stumbles

I am proud to celebrate the dozens of therapies that are helping more and more people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. There are so many great options out there that did not exist five years ago.

If so many great options exist, why do not more people celebrate a reduction and reversal of their Parkinson’s symptoms? Why does recovery from Parkinson’s stumble for so many? My answer: People are gripped by a stranglehold of fear that their symptoms are destined to get worse. The process is “vicious” because symptoms are in your face day in and day out.

Take tremors for example. Tremors can calm down from time to time when stress is under control but they usually reappear.  The reaction to this seemingly never ending cycle is all too familiar.

  1. This tremor is driving me crazy. It is high time for it to disappear.
  2. The next day comes. The tremor persists.
  3. After many days, weeks and months you conclude you are “stuck” with this awful, nasty symptom for life.
  4. After all, this is what seemingly knowledgeable people have told you. Perhaps it is true after all.

What is the problem with this all too familiar pattern? It winds up supporting and sustaining the tremor. I suggest a very different reaction which can break this vicious cycle rather than sustain it.

Instead of viewing the tremor as the “bad guy” in your life, accept the tremor (or other symptoms) as the “good guy.”  Instead of wishing the tremor to vanish, wish it to flourish. Set an intention to allow your body to shake, rattle and roll if that is what your body needs to do in the moment.

Now, I suspect this recommendation must sound crazy to you. A tremor is your body’s way of getting your attention. It is the body’s natural method of releasing trauma and stress. When you suppress a tremor, the energy of trauma gets stuck in your body and sticks to your cells like glue.

When you view a tremor (or other symptoms) as the “bad guy” you  are giving your body a nasty message that it is broken.  But, it not broken now and never has been. Your body is working perfectly. It is just telling you something you do not want to hear or accept.

Treat a tremor (and other symptoms) as a natural healing response which is nudging you to set in motion new lifestyle habits.

  • Instead of resisting, why not make the changes?
  • Embrace new habits that you know in your mind, heart and soul are necessary to heal.

The best way to reverse the vicious cycle that leads to feeling worse is to acknowledge symptoms as the “good guys.” In so doing, you honor and acknowledge the body’s sacred ability to heal. Treat your body as broken and worthless and it will respond accordingly just as you do when treated with disrespect.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery

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