Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 17 of 37)

Focused UltraSound

What follows is correspondence I received from a member of my audience who recently underwent Focused Ultrasound therapy. As you can see for yourself he was pleased with the outcome.

I have been arguing for years that the medicine of the future will be sound and light therapy. And by George, here it is – finally! Given the initial results of the early studies, it is clear this therapy will eventually be approved in all countries and will like be viewed as a viable alternative to deep ;brain surgery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


On 04/16/18 I underwent an MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound procedure at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel.

Tremors in my right hand have been reduced more than 90%, I’m able to do a lot of things that I couldn’t for at least 5 years.

I can write, type on computer, eat & drink with my right hand, get dressed by myself, walk without rigidity, no more shuffling, no more constipation, etc, etc.

Note that the treatment was for my right side only, for now. They recommend to wait 2 years for my left hand. 

The PD condition has not been cured, but now I can have quality of life.

I can’t stop giving thanks to God, I have my life almost back to normal.

I still have medication (Levopar+125, Kemedrine and Motilium); none of them available in the USA. So, I purchased 1-year supply in Israel.

If anyone needs tips on how to get this focused ultrasound treatment, feel free to contact me. I want to help others. I know exactly how they feel like.

FYI, MRI-g FUS was created in Rambam Medical Center in 2013, but it’s available in Spain, Switzerland, Italy and U.K.

A few hospitals in USA started recently trials for PD & Essential Tremors, but it might take 5-10 years to be approved by FDA. Plus the conditions to be accepted for trials are ridiculous and reserved for only patients that have been under medication manufactured by the sponsor pharmacy (sounds obscene, doesn’t it?).

I know my journey is long toward healing, but God has used MRI-g FUS and the wonderful and chosen people of Israel to change dramatically the symptoms we PD patients endure. 


Ivan Torres

Truth of Recovery is Simple

Truth of Recovery is Simple

My research agenda for the past decade and a half has been to identify natural therapies that offer the promise of helping people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease. In part, this initiative has aired 250 interviews with health care professionals, doctors and therapists who have offered remarkable suggestions for what has been helping people recover. All of these interviews are available as replays for free.

What is the bottom line of this extensive research? What is the truth of recovery? Is it complicated? Most people think it must be. Or, is it simple? I have concluded the key to a successful recovery is actually very simple indeed. I did not believe this a decade ago.

Seventy of the 250 interviews I have hosted on my radio program have been with guests diagnosed with Parkinsons disease who discovered one way or another to find relief from their symptoms. The surprise to me as a researcher has been the vastly different routes individuals have taken to engage a successful journey down the road to recovery. Each story is unique.

What do these remarkable pioneers of recovery have in common? Certainly not the specifics of their recovery programs. Each person discovered their own best course of therapies that helped them heal.

Despite the differences, I recently asked the question what do these pioneers of recovery have in common? The answer will shock you. Using a variety of approaches and therapies, they all found ways to infuse their body with the basics of life: light, water and oxygen.

  • Without the light of the sun there would be no life.truth of recovery - light therapy
  • Without oxygen from the air we breathe there would be no life

truth of recovery - oxygen

  • Without water to drink, there would be no life.

truth of recovery - waterThe authentic answer to recovery turns out to be profoundly simple. A body that is struggling with neurological difficulties is not receiving sufficient light, water or oxygen (or all three). Fortunately there have been a number of exciting developments that enable the rich and safe infusion of light and oxygen into the cells of the body as well as homeopathic remedies that have been designed to hydrate cells.

As I now see it, success with a recovery program depends on giving your body what it needs to thrive : light, water and oxygen. It really is that simple folks.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Giant Leap for Recovery

With 14 Small Steps Take a Giant Leap for Recovery

As of today I am opening enrollments for my Giant Leap for Recovery course which will kick off May 7th at 12:00 noon pacific time for seven continuous weeks. I am well aware many of you were unable to enroll because course was full before you had a chance.  Here is a second chance to climb aboard with others who are traveling down the road to recovery.

Giant Leap for Recovery

For more information visit:

This past year I focused my attention on identifying steps that can be taken to achieve long lasting relief. How can a person heal from the inside-out rather than paying lots of money for therapies that offer temporary relief at best? What I have discovered over the past year is that there is no single therapy, action or habit that does the trick. Yes, many people seek this type of solution without success. Why?


The key to achieving relief from Parkinson’s symptoms that is sustained in the long run is to quiet and calm the sympathetic nervous system and put the parasympathetic nervous system in the driver’s seat (most of the time). Medicines do not accomplish this, nor do supplements. Simple, easy to do steps must be taken that can offer long lasting relief from symptoms.

This insight has inspired the development of my course, Giant Leap for Recovery.  Is it possible to experience a leap in recovery by embracing a single approach? My answer is no. You make it happen by taking small steps that, little by little, result in big wins.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Recent Research has Profound Implications for Understanding the Causes of Parkinsons Symptoms

Have you drawn the conclusion that the fungal infection on your toes or the black spots on your hands have nothing to do with the causes of Parkinson’s symptoms?

It is now time to reevaluate that conclusion.


Many people who experience the symptoms of Parkinsons disease are convinced the causes of Parkinson’s symptoms reside in the brain and only the brain. After all – how can an infection in your hands spread to your brain?

A plethora of recent research however suggests the cause of Parkinsons symptoms could well originate in the gut or in toxins lodged at the extremities. Despite this compelling body of evidence, many remain unconvinced.

A revolutionary discovery by Neil Theise and his colleagues from a New York University School of Medicine study published in Scientific Reports may shift your opinion. Heretofore unseen and unacknowledged transportation highways exist throughout the body. They occupy the in-between spaces in the body which is why they have never been seen. Until now that is.

A fluid filled type of latticework of connective tissue has been discovered to exist throughout the body including the digestive organs, arteries and vital organs. It occupies  – – of all things – the in-between spaces. This is a revolutionary discovery. Advanced electron microscopy shows collagen bundles that look like long, snaky cells ebb and flow much like the tides of the ocean.

This new discoveries means, in a nutshell, that toxins and bacteria lodged anywhere in the body can be transported to any location including the brain. If you have concluded that those dark spots on your hands or that fungus on your toes have nothing to do with your symptoms, might I now suggest otherwise.

Dark blemishes are usually indications of toxins or infections which the body disperses to the extremities (hands, arms, feet, legs, head) to protect vital organs. This may well be only a temporary  measure. The recent discovery about a hidden transportation highway means that toxins lodged at the extremities today may be transported to the brain or vital organs tomorrow.

Most of the discussion about this recent discovery pertains to cancers for obvious reasons. Implications for neurological conditions are also profound.

The bottom line: Get serious about detoxing. Take steps to strengthen your immune system. That fungus growing on your big toe may wind up in your brain.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Fava Beans

What follows is an email extending an offer of dried, ground fava beans. If you are interested, email me and I will forward your inquiry to Angela.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Hello, I have a few quarts of dried, ground fava beans that my father grew and used for his Parkinson’s. He passed away last spring and I am wondering if you or anyone you knew had a use for them.

The bean powder really helped reduce his dependence on pharmaceutical medicine and helped delay the onset of dyskinesia. My father was a PhD medical researcher, and researched Parkinson’s treatments obsessively. He felt the fava beans was one of the best alternatives.

Let me know and I’d be happy to mail them. I can also include the report he wrote.

Thanks, Angela

Giant Leap for Recovery

In 14 Simple Steps Over 7 Weeks
After a decade of research I have documented dozens of natural therapies that offer relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. When I launched my Parkinson’s research program in 2004, I expected to discover several good therapies at best. The good news is that there are many.So many in fact that many members of my global audience have been overwhelmed and frustrated. How do you sort through all the options? How can you take a giant leap for recovery? More and more people have been asking me …
  1. Where do I start?
  2. Which options are right for me?
  3. Which therapies offer the promise of long lasting relief from my symptoms?

My new course – Giant Leap for Recovery – addresses these concerns directly. Its purpose

Giant Leap in Recovery from Parkinson’s disease

is to help you find long lasting relief and not simply suppress symptoms. The course kicks off February 13th
A progressive set of small, simple steps that really will – little by little and one by one – make a large difference to the success of your recovery or that of your loved one. I am there with you twice a week to provide all the support you need when taking each step.

Current Class is Full
Registrations Closed 
Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.

Photobiomodulation Light Therapy Update for Parkinson’s

Feeback about Photobiomodulation Light Therapy for Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

As a brand new invention. there is no systematic published research on the use of the Vielight Gamma Photobiomoduatlion light therapy to specifically address symptoms of Parkinson’s. It has now been several months since I aired an interview with the inventor of the new Vielight Photobiomodulation device, Dr. Lou Lim. Most users have not had sufficient experience to offer reports on its effectiveness for them, but I have heard scattered reports from users.

Generally speaking, some users tell me they are very pleased with the outcomes they have experienced. Others report disappointment that they did not experience the outcomes they had hoped for, but they still have time to use it before the 6 month warranty expires.

I called the Vielight company and asked what feedback they had heard. They reported that people who they have heard back from generally seemed pleased with the outcomes from use and that very few units had been returned. I think they have sold over 60,000 units.

Their sense was that the few people who reported disappointment with the device had very advanced Parkinson’s symptoms. The therapy may be more effective when symptoms are addressed earlier rather than later. The jury is still out on who and what photobiomodulation therapy helps the most. Do your own due diligence in deciding whether this particular therapy is the right one for you.

Click on the link below to hear my interview on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with Dr. Lew Lim, inventor of this new photobiomodulation therapy.

The Science Behind Photobiomodulation Therapy

Neurons are cells that contain mitochondria. Photobiomodulation energizes neuronal mitochondria, triggering a cascade of beneficial cellular functions. Potential benefits are neuroprotective effects, self-repair mechanisms and enhanced functionality.

YouTube player

Intranasal photobiomodulation is the most efficient method for light energy to reach the brain. Different from electrical and magnetic stimulation, photobiomodulation uses light energy (or photons) of specific wave lengths and power density to simulate cellular function.

Dr. Lim is an engineer and a Doctor of Natural Medicine with additional diplomas in Medical Neuroscience and Business and Accountancy. He obtained his degrees and diplomas from the University of California at Berkeley, University of Sheffield, Duke University, Quantum University and The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK.

YouTube player

Photobiomodulation Research

A 2017 study examined the effects of photobiomodulation  (PBM),  a light therapy that uses red or near-infrared light to heal and protect tissues, in five older adults with dementia, one of the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

After 12 weeks of treatment subjects showed significant improvements on the Cognitive Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale. With only five subjects, the effect sizes had to be huge for significance to be shown.

Caregivers who kept daily journals tracking experiences of the research subjects reported participants had:

  • Better sleep
  • Fewer angry outbursts
  • Decreased anxiety


Did Positive Results for Subjects Continue After Treatment was Suspended?

No. Precipitous declines were observed during the follow-up 4 week no-treatment period. Results suggest treatments need to continue for results to be sustained.

Saltmarche et al.(2017) Photomed Laser Surg. 2017 Aug;35(8)

About the Vielight Photobiomodulation Device

The company, Vielight, has generously offered followers of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount of orders of the the Vielight Neuro Gamma device which retails for $1749. Enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. Thewebsite:


Vielight is so confident in its new product that you get six (6) months to try out their newly invented  photobiomodulation therapy. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you can return it for a 80% refund. I have never heard of a company that is so confident in their product that such a generous warranty can be extended. They obviously have high confidence in their new invention. While there is scant evidence about its effectiveness for people who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, the opportunity to try it out for minimal risk is currently available.

Act Now or Wait for More Evidence?

If you prefer to wait for clear and convincing evidence that this or any light therapy will help with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, be on the lookout for research findings that will be completed and released 5-10 years from now. Designing and implementing studies takes time and of course big bucks. I would personally  like to see many people with the symptoms start getting photobiomodulation therapy now. Early users are giving us rich indications about its usefulness as a treatment for Parkinson’s symptoms,. I do not hesitate to suggest this as a treatment option to take seriously.

Are Medicines or Supplements no Longer Working for You?

If the answer is yes to this question,  what treatment options remain? There is, of course, Deep Brain Stimulation available as an option, but I am well aware many of you prefer not to pursue this treatment option. It is my hope and prayer that photobiomodulation therapy will become a natural option that supports the therapeutic effect of medicines and supplements such that the dosage does not have to be increased or even can be reduced under close supervision of your doctor.

I thus recommend that you consider this therapy so we can discover together whether my prediction of success is right or wrong. Keep in mind that while the device is relatively expensive – $1749 – you:

  1. Can claim a 10% discount if you use the Parkinsons Recovery discount code of healing4me.
  2. Get 6 months of use to see if it offers symptomatic relief or not.
  3. Risk is reduced 80% since you can return the device within the 6 month period after purchase for an 80% refund of the purchase price.
  4. Everyone in the family can use the therapy.

The Vielight company obviously has confidence in their product which is a very encouraging sign. I have never heard of any company that offered a 6 month warranty. You can purchase the Gamma Vielight device from the Vielight website:

Be sure to enter the coupon code healing4me on the Vielight shopping cart to claim your Parkinsons Recovery 10% discount. Please also email me your experience with using it after a month (or longer) of use.

Vielight Photobiomodulation Device Instructional Manual Video

YouTube player

Research on Light Therapy from MIT

The following video previews recent research at MIT that explains why light therapy offers a promising opportunity to reverse dementia associated with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

YouTube player

I hope many of you will try this therapy out and let me know the result. It is not a permanent “fix” to be sure, but neither is medicine. I am attracted to this option because it is noninvasive and inexpensive over the long term when you consider it can be used for a lifetime and by all members of the household.

Photobiomodulation Mechanism

Visible red and near infrared light energy stimulates cells to generate more energy facilitating self-repair. The healing takes place within the mitochondria through an enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase. This enzyme accepts and converts the light (or photonic) energy into cellular energy (ATP) and other gene transcription factors leading to cellular repair and regeneration.

Will Photobiomodulation Therapy Interfere with My Daily Life?

No. You are welcome to receive the therapy while working, reading or doing anything really.  Dr. Lim, the inventor, recommends that people with more serious health issues such as Alzheimers might be advised to do the therapy at night while going to sleep. The treatment duration lasts only 20 minutes.

Photobiomodluation therapy

Photobiomodulation Therapy while Working

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia Washington
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

The Secret Pathway to Recovery is a Healthy Gut

Broken Brain Series Focuses on Nurturing a Healthy Gut

Episodes 7 and 8 of the Broken Brain series focuses attention on the importance of a healthy gut when it comes to reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s. I have watched all of the Broken Brain episodes that have aired so far. The time I have set aside to watch the episodes has been well spent. Some of interviews are with guests who have been Parkinsons Recovery Radio but many interviews are with people
who have not been guests on my radio show.

I recommend that you set a little time aside to watch Episodes 7 and 8 which are airing for free today and tomorrow. The Broken Brain series is not primarily focused on Parkinson’s, but many of the presentations cover issues pertinent to Parkinson’s symptoms. The last two episodes (Episode 7 and 8) contain a set of steps for nurturing a healthy gut. I will be watching for sure and suggest you do too.


Click Here for Free Access to Episodes 7 and 8 of the Broken Brain Series 

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


Dementia is Not a Normal Part of Aging

Here are some of the highlights I unearthed from listening to Episode Three of Dr Hyman’s
Broken Brain series.

  • Dementia is not a normal part of aging.
  • Ways to heal heavy metal toxicity.
  • Great information about Ketogenic diets.
  • How Dementia creeps up on you over time.

I must report, I have been impressed with the rich coverage and practical application of the
presentations. Yes, listening will take up about an hour of your day today. But, I am quite sure you will be pleased you took the time to listen. I did.

If you have not already done so, you can access the eight part series for free by clicking on the image below to register:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Photobiomodulation Therapy for Parkinsons

The Future of Medicine has Arrived

Click on the link below to hear my interview on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with Dr. Lew Lim, inventor of this new photobiomodulation therapy.

I predict the future of medicine rests with innovative therapies that utilize light and sound to bring the body back into balance and harmony. Neurons are cells that contain mitochondria. Photobiomodulation energizes neuronal mitochondria, triggering a cascade of beneficial cellular functions. Potential benefits are neuroprotective effects, self-repair mechanisms and enhanced functionality.

YouTube player

I predict Dr. Lim’s new invention promises to set health care in new and exciting directions and has the potential to offer far reaching benefits to persons experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms.

After listening to this interview, I am even more optimistic about this therapy for Parkinsons and other conditions including mental fog and dementia. Be sure to listen to my interview with Dr. Lim posted at the top of this post. I believe Dr. Lim is a true pioneer who has invented medicine of the future which uses light.

Intranasal photobiomodulation is the most efficient method for light energy to reach the brain. Different from electrical and magnetic stimulation, photobiomodulation uses light energy (or photons) of specific wave lengths and power density to simulate cellular function.

Dr. Lim is an engineer and a Doctor of Natural Medicine with additional diplomas in Medical Neuroscience and Business and Accountancy. He obtained his degrees and diplomas from the University of California at Berkeley, University of Sheffield, Duke University, Quantum University and The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK.

YouTube player

Photobiomodulation Research

A 2017 study examined the effects of photobiomodulation (PBM), a light therapy that uses red or near-infrared light to heal and protect tissues, in five older adults with dementia, one of the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

After 12 weeks of treatment subjects showed significant improvements on the Cognitive Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale. With only five subjects, the effect sizes had to be huge for significance to be shown.

Caregivers who kept daily journals tracking experiences of the research subjects reported participants had:

  • Better sleep
  • Fewer angry outbursts
  • Decreased anxiety


Did Positive Results for Subjects Continue After Treatment was Suspended?

No. Precipitous declines were observed during the follow-up 4 week no-treatment period. Results suggest treatments need to continue for results to be sustained.

Saltmarche et al.(2017) Photomed Laser Surg. 2017 Aug;35(8)

About the Vielight Photobiomodulation Device

The company, Vielight, has generously offered followers of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount off orders of the the Vielight Neuro Gamma device which retails for $1749. Enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. The website:


Vielight is so confident in its new product that you get six (6) months to try out their newly invented photobiomodulation therapy. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you can return it for a 80% refund. I have never heard of a company that is so confident in their product that such a generous warranty can be extended. They obviously have high confidence in their new invention. While there is scant evidence about its effectiveness for people who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, the opportunity to try it out for minimal risk is currently available.

Act Now or Wait for More Evidence?

If you prefer to wait for clear and convincing evidence that this or any light therapy will help with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, be on the lookout for research findings that will be completed and released 5-10 years from now. Designing and implementing studies takes time and of course big bucks. I would personally like to see many people with the symptoms start getting photobiomodulation therapy now. Early users are giving us rich indications about its usefulness as a treatment for Parkinson’s symptoms,. I do not hesitate to suggest this as a treatment option to take seriously.

Early Evidence on Vielight’s Photobiomodulation Device as a Treatment for Parkinson’s Symptoms

As a brand new invention. there is no systematic published research on the use of the Vielight Gamma Photobiomoduatlion device as a therapy to specifically address Parkinson’s symptoms. I have heard informal feedback from users that the therapy has resulted in relief of some symptoms and report below my summary observations:

  1. One common report from users is that the therapy does not show quick results. You apparently have to apply the therapy over a period of several weeks to a month or longer to celebrate a positive shift in symptoms.
  2. I have heard several specific reports on tremors that were calmed.
  3. It is unclear at this point to what degree the therapy will address balance issues, but I have heard it seems to offer help with gait issues.
  4. Evidence does suggest that this therapy can potentially help with dementia.
  5. One user reported a definite return of smell, but the jury was out on the effect on tremors and other symptoms.
  6. The wife of one 85 year old man with advanced Parkinson’s symptoms reported that after 6 weeks of using the Vielight Neuro device. there were no major improvements but several minor ones of some consequence: Her husband reports being more alert, sleeping better, his cough is less, he has been inspired lately to use his automatic peddler and his hallucinations have dwindled. She reports it has been an answer for a better quality of life for both of them and promises to keep me updated.

Of course, it is difficult for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s to attribute an improvement in symptoms directly to their photobiomodulation therapy when they are getting other therapies at the same time. Reports above are a general summary of the informal feedback I have received in emails and phone conversations.

Are Medicines or Supplements no Longer Working for You?

If the answer is yes to this question, what treatment options remain? There is, of course, Deep Brain Stimulation available as an option, but I am well aware many of you prefer not to pursue this treatment option. It is my hope and prayer that photobiomodulation therapy will become a natural option that supports the therapeutic effect of medicines and supplements such that the dosage does not have to be increased or even can be reduced under close supervision of your doctor.

I thus recommend that you consider this therapy so we can discover together whether my prediction of success is right or wrong. Keep in mind that while the device is relatively expensive – $1749 – you:

  1. Can claim a 10% discount if you use the Parkinsons Recovery discount code of healing4me.
  2. Get 6 months of use to see if it offers symptomatic relief or not.
  3. Risk is reduced 80% since you can return the device within the 6 month period after purchase for an 80% refund of the purchase price.
  4. Everyone in the family can use the therapy.

The Vielight company obviously has confidence in their product which is a very encouraging sign. I have never heard of any company that offered a 6 month warranty. You can purchase the Gamma Vielight device from the Vielight website:

Be sure to enter the coupon code healing4me on the Vielight shopping cart to claim your Parkinsons Recovery 10% discount. Please also email me your experience with using it after a month (or longer) of use.

Research on Light Therapy from MIT

The following video previews recent research at MIT that explains why light therapy offers a promising opportunity to reverse dementia associated with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

YouTube player

I hope many of you will try this therapy out and let me know the result. It is not a permanent “fix” to be sure, but neither is medicine. I am attracted to this option because it is noninvasive and inexpensive over the long term when you consider it can be used for a lifetime and by all members of the household.

Photobiomodulation Mechanism

Visible red and near infrared light energy stimulates cells to generate more energy facilitating self-repair. The healing takes place within the mitochondria through an enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase. This enzyme accepts and converts the light (or photonic) energy into cellular energy (ATP) and other gene transcription factors leading to cellular repair and regeneration.

Will Photobiomodulation Therapy Interfere with My Daily Life?

No. You are welcome to receive the therapy while working, reading or doing anything really. Dr. Lim, the inventor, recommends that people with more serious health issues such as Alzheimers might be advised to do the therapy at night while going to sleep. The treatment duration lasts only 20 minutes.

Photobiomodluation therapy

Photobiomodulation Therapy while Working

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia Washington
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Advanced Parkinson’s

A Therapy for Advanced Parkinson’s?

Over the past decade, I have made significant progress identifying dozens of natural therapies that are helping people reverse the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.  Engaging many of these therapies requires a person to have energy and the ability to function reasonably well. But what about persons whose symptoms are advanced and whose ability to function is limited? I have found little to suggest  until now.

Why now? Partly, I am influenced by a radio show interview with Bill Curtis who has pursued ketone therapy (using fasting, ketone salts and a newly invented ketone ester). Bill is hopeful that the new ketone ester may offer the most benefit to persons who have the most aggressive symptoms. The jury is certainly out on this hopeful expectation since the ester will not even be available for use until February, 2018 at the earliest. Still, I suspect Bill’s early insight needs to be taken seriously. If he is right, the new ketone ester along with a ketone diet may provide the boost people with advanced Parkinson’s need.

I would say – do not give up hope for symptom relief even if the situation looks dire. Listen to my interview with Bill posted below. If you would like more information about the new ketone ester, visit:

P.S. If Bill’s expectation turns out to be right, many will likely rush to order the new ketone ester. If there is a rush to purchase, the problem will be availability. The first production batch has not even been completed as of this date.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease


EMF Exposure Inflames Symptoms

EMF Exposure: The Most Significant Health Threat of the Century

A widely unacknowledged health threat is EMF exposure from smart phones. Being attached to the hip so to speak with your phone can cause horrendous health problems. How do I know this?

  • From research studies that report scary findings (cancers, brain tumors, learning disabilities, increasing dementia, hearing loss. etc.).
  • From health departments in various countries and states that have issued warnings about the dangers of EMF exposure.

People who already have challenges associated with neurological issues need to take these warning seriously. (EMFs) can further exacerbate the symptoms of brain disorders.  This is not a little deal. It is a big deal.

Sadly, over the coming years we will all witness a surge of horrible illnesses from EMF exposure. This insight into the future is not inspired by a soothsayer, fortune teller or flimsy guesswork. It is a logical conclusion from what the research has been finding. This is scary stuff folks.

The solution does not require that you throw your phone away. Rather, it is about using your phone in ways that cause the least exposure. Here are some tips. Act on them today to prevent serious problems tomorrow. Your brain will thank you.

  1. Turn your Wi-Fi off at night.
  2. Keep your phone on airplane mode as much as possible.
  3. Keep your phone off your body when not using it.
  4. Stay away from Bluetooth devices.
  5. Opt for wired headphones.
  6. Do not sleep with your phone!

For other suggestions, listen to the replay of my radio show interview with Lloyd Burrell.

In 2002 Lloyd Burrell became very sick. His doctors could find nothing wrong with him. He realized that he was reacting to the electromagnetic fields from the electrical devices in his environment, cell phones, computers, cordless phones and even electrical wiring.  In 2009 he created to raise awareness and offer solutions to the growing number of people whose health is being compromised, often unknowingly, by exposure to wireless and similar technologies.

Lloyd Burrell has a wealth of information on his website his goal is to help people that are struggling to deal with EMF exposures. He has also written several eBooks on dealing with EMFs, notably

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Symptoms of Parkinsons as a Trance

Michael gave permission to post this fascinating perspective about possible underlying meanings behind the symptoms of Parkinsons as a trance.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

I am beginning to seriously consider
that the symptoms of Parkinsons
as a trance.
I am experiencing many moments these days
where I sense I can step out of this box
called Parkinsons.
I am able to feel a little bit
of what it might be like
to step out of this box
stronger than that¦
I can feel what seems like
an eery state of resignation.
This resignation feels like
something I signed up for
a long, long time ago
in a galaxy far, far away.
It seems as if at some point this lifetime,
I became resigned to not growing
to not evolving
beyond certain notions of Life
beyond certain notions of how far
I could possibly evolve this lifetime.
These limitations
(like any limitation)
are clearly regarded
as comfort by the ego
and that comfort is palpable to me.
I am beginning
to sense the possibility
that the symptoms of Parkinsons
are simply one possible configuration
of limitation that I asked to have put in place
when my evolvement reached a certain point.
When I reflect
on where my consciousness was evolving to
before the symptoms of Parkinsons seemed to occur…
one could say that I was living way out on a limb.
Way outside of societal norms.
Way outside of what is normally accepted.
For most of this life, I have played the black sheep.
However, when I reflect on what life has felt like
since subscribing to the symptoms of Parkinsons
it feels as if my expanded consciousness 
has placed itself inside
a much more societally accepted framework/box called…
severely debilitating illness.
While many of the people who know me
feel sad or sorry about what I seem to be going through
there is a subtle way
that other peoples sympathy
coupled with my being physically limited
by the symptoms of Parkinsons right now
somehow kind of keeps me a good boy
a better citizen of the matrix…
keeps me from being more able to disturb or upset
other peoples status quo apple carts.
I can also detect an identity present:
Hey! Remember Michael?
He got so close to the mountain top
but just before the summit
he got sick and finished out his life
identified with the body as Self
because he was unable to evolve
beyond a certain point in consciousness
that partly displayed itself as the illusion
of the symptoms of Parkinsons.

Smelling Parkinson’s

Below is an email I have permission to post from a wife who has the unique ability for smelling Parkinson’s. She reports below that when her husband (who has Parkinson’s symptoms) was using the new Vielight Gamma device she was unable to smell it, but when he interrupted use, she could not detect the Parkinson’s smell.

I interviewed the inventor of this new device on the radio show and posted his interview here on the blog for those of you who need more information about what she is talking about when she refers to the “Vielight machine.”

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Dear Robert:

My partner has Parkinsons. I have been with him for nearly 4 years. And he has had a strong smell, not pleasant, since that time – until using the Vielight machine. After 3 days I noticed that his smell wasn’t there – I didn’t know he had started using the machine – it took him a few weeks to work it out! and have the confidence to try, but I did notice ‘no smell’ and when I asked him, found he had started. I think he felt a bit more energy too. He has been using the machine on alternate days.

About a week ago the smell had returned, not strongly but enough to notice, I said have you been using the machine? “Not for a few days” so he has started again, and no smell!

Have been meaning to feed this back to you and was reminded by posts on Facebook about a woman in Scotland who can ‘smell’ Parkinsons.

Keep up the good work!


Functional Medicine: A New Paradigm in Medicine

Dr. Jennifer Kessman MD discusses how to heal from disease. Functional Medicine has been around for a number of years and began with Dr. Jeffery Bland’s motivation to look at medicine in a different way. Now the field of Functional
Medicine is ever expanding and a center at the Cleveland Clinic has opened its doors for care. It is becoming more widely accepted and parts of it have been integrated into a wide variety of disciplines in medicine.

Here is a list of questions she answered during my interview with her:

1. What is Functional Medicine?
2. How did you come to get involved?
3. What are the root causes of disease?
4. So, if inflammation is the basis of disease how does functional medicine help with inflammation?
5. Tell me about your experience with Environmental Medicine?
6. Dr. Dale Bredesen and others have found ways to reverse early brain dysfunction and reverse dementia. How are they doing this?
7. Do you think this can apply to Parkinson’s?
8. The immune system is a big actor in most diseases we know- how can we calm our immune system?
9. What has been your experience with environmental impact of electromagnetic fields and brain dysfunction?
10. What is the influence of stress on disease?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

Q&A Two with Robert Rodgers PhD

Click on the arrow below to access the replay of the Q&A today:

Below is a listing of some of the questions I discussed today.

  • What vitamin complex have you found to be useful for treating Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • Is the Paleo diet recommended?
  • What about a Ketogenic diet?
  • What is the best diet for addressing Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • Parkinsons Recovery has introduced many natural therapies that are helping people
    address the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Why don’t we hear about these wonderful therapies from other sources?
  • Why is there so little discussion about the Marty Hines amino acid therapy? I have found it to be useful.
  • My blood pressure tends to increase when I sleep and am off medications. What can I do about it?
  • What are some natural sources of sugar other than Stevia?
  • Should I go off of Levodopa? It does not help much.
  • How can I massage my own feet?
  • What about drumming to address Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • How about using Shungite?
  • How do I find a FSR (Forceless Spontaneous Release)  practitioner?
  • How does one stop dystonia (my involuntary curling of toes)?
  • How can I best treat infections and viruses naturally?
  • Tell me about promising new treatments for Parkinson’s
  • What about stem cell therapy and deep brain stimulation?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease





Light Therapy Treatment for Parkinson’s Symptoms?

I posted several days ago here on the blog a comparison of laser light therapy with unfocused light therapy as treatments for Parkinson’s symptoms . The former requires involvement of a medical doctor. The later does not.

I know many of you are now pursuing one or the other therapy. Please. Send me reports on your experience using either one. Speaking for myself, I do not want to wait 10 years to see what the research says about light therapies. I want to know now.

As a researcher, I learned long ago that you can tell whether something works or not from even a very a small group of subjects. Let me know! This is not “publishable: research. There is no “sample” here. And there is nothing random about this. But look. I do not care a flip.

I have published a ton of studies that did not help anyone. The idea here is to help people get well now, not 10 years from now. Maybe light therapy is one of the solutions. Let’s all find out together.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Olympia Washingon

Macrobiotics: Natural Medicine for Parkinson’s Disease

My guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio today was Warren Kramer who discussed what is involved with a successful macrobiotic practice for Parkinsons and why it is so powerful in improving one’s health. Click on the arrow below to hear this useful and amazing interview.

 Macrobiotics Natural Treatment of Parkinson’s
Warren discussed how to tailor the macrobiotic approach to address symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. He also previewed what foods are best to avoid and to incorporate. Interested in natural remedies to address your symptoms? He offers several natural home remedies and lifestyle factors to consider.
  • Do you have tremors? Warren has some awesome suggestions for you.
  • Do you have mobility issues? Warren also has some awesome suggestions for you too.

Topics discussed about macrobiotics during the interview included:

1) Where does macrobiotics come from?
2) What is the difference between what a dietitian would suggest and you?
3) Why is macrobiotics effective in healing?
4) How do lifestyle factors play a role in healing?
5) What are the most important foods that a person with Parkinson’s should avoid?
6) What foods to include?
7) What are natural home remedies? What can help Parkinson’s?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia Washington
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Benefits of Using Humor to Manage Parkinson’s Disease

The following is an announcement of a seminar that certainly sounds interesting. I am actually working this month on developing a jokes app which will encourage laughter each and every day – the natural way to make dopamine.
My name is Shiry and I am the community manager at GeneFo – a free medical community platform. I found your blog after hearing so many positive reviews
On Sept 27th we will be holding a free online lecture titled :The Medical Benefits of using Humor to Manage Parkinson’s Disease”. Our speaker will be Ms Yvonne deSousa, a chronic patient, humorist and author. I thought your community would find this session interesting and wanted to invite you to share the information.
I am attaching a link to register, the facebook post and also a link to an article in Parkinson’s News Today which featured this session.
I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
Link to register:

Biophoton Therapy

I believe that 20 years from now, people will look back on 2017 as an age of ancient medicine. Why might this be so? After all, for several hundred years, medicine has focused on suppressing symptoms using medicines and surgeries.

Fast forward 20 years (or even a few years). Light (and sound) will be the therapies of the future. Many researchers and inventors have focused their energies on both.

To this end, I have been diligently searching for new biophoton (or light) therapies that might just offer relief from tremors and other Parkinson’s symptoms. Finally – I was not going to give up the search – I discovered a new invention by an inventor in Toronto. It is only one year old. There are no studies using Parkinson’s patients (or any others for that matter).  But get this. I have heard from one person using it for only several weeks that it reduced his tremors.

This is my introduction to an interview that I will host on the radio show with the inventor next month. My intuition tells me this may be a way to suppress symptoms without incurring the side effects of the medicines.

I am excited about this one and suspect you will be too.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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