Natural Options that Reverse Symptoms

Author: manabunnow4zph (Page 10 of 37)

Sound Therapy for Parkinsons

I live in the UK.. As a sufferer of the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease since November 2005 one of the ways that has helped me to greatly improve my outlook on life is sound therapy for Parkinsons. This involves chanting the word HU which is a name for God in ECKANKAR. I have used this mantra for over 30 years and consider it my main lifeline to raising my consciousness and putting me in contact with the ECK (Holy Spirit).

HU is a word that can be used by people of any faith, it is non-intrusive. If you feel so inclined, please feel free to share this with others.

“The 3½ minute video ‘Miracles in Your Life‘ is a great way to share the benefits of singing HU. Through uplifting, lyrical language, and beautiful, natural imagery, viewers discover the miracles that HU can bring. They learn that the HU is for all people, regardless of faith.”

According to my Osteopath my PD symptoms stabilized some time ago and in some areas they have improved. I have been using a Recumbent Exercise Bike for about 3 years. I pedal for 30 minutes a day, everyday. When I started, I could pedal for 4.5 miles in 30 minutes, now I can pedal for 6.5 miles in this time.

Also, I have been using the Chinese/Russian herb “Rhodiola Rosea” for many years. I found this to be an excellent herb.

I have recently started to use the “Aquas” formula for the last 6 weeks.

Although, I still have many of the PD symptoms, I feel that I am slowly improving.

Another, interest I have is in writing lyrics for songs.



What an awesome suggestion! This sound therapy for Parkinsons is easy to do, fun and free. You do it yourself. No doctors are required. The only expectation for this one is improved health on some level. You cannot beat that formula!

I know some of you who are reading this post are performers. Visit the Ross website by clicking on the link he provides above. He is looking for performers to perform his songs. Why not be one of those people? His lyrics are amazing.

 Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Pioneers of Recovery

When Will the Tremors Get Better?

My relative has been exercising regularly since her hand tremor first started 1 year ago. She has also been eating healthy and has been eating approximately 70% vegetable/fruits vs 30% meat. Also, she has started taking multivitamins and N-Acetylcysteine over the last two months however the tremor has not improved. When will the tremors get better?

Are there some other nutritional supplements that she should be taking (or things she should be doing)?  She is also on the selegiline prescribed by the doctor (although no one can fully guarantee she has PD).

Does drinking one or two cups of coffee per day stop tremors altogether? Or two cups of Green Tea?

When would her tremors get better?



Wouldn’t it be so sweet if we could find a supplement or treatment that would resolve tremors? My research shows that a multifaceted approach is required.

First, it is clear that your relative wants the tremor halted. After all, who wouldn’t want this? There are a few herbs that might help – and certainly there are supplements that are deficient in most people with Parkinsons (e.g., CoQ10, vitamin D3, NADH, etc.). Instead of driving down this pathway, however, I suggest you ask a different question.

Your relative’s body is giving them a strong signal something is out of balance. Do they have an overload of toxins? If so, taking supplements is not the answer.

Is there trauma trapped at the cellular level? Again, supplements or medicines can mask the tremor – but the underlying cause remains.

Is your relative holding a seed thought that is not true which fuels the tremor? If so, taking supplements of any type are not the answer in the long run.

You ask – when will her tremors get better? The answer is – that some herbal and medicinal treatments can reduce the tremors temporarily. But if she wants the tremors to stop – she will have to step back and find out what her body is telling her. Her body is giving her valuable information. Her most important job is to listen to the messages she is getting.

You can’t do that work for her. The answer to when will the tremors get better depends on finding and treating the cause. She has to figure this out for herself.

  • Perhaps she is under extreme stress and her body is telling her to slow down or change jobs or chill out.
  • Perhaps she is using a soap or detergent that is toxic.
  • Perhaps she is being exposed to electromagnetic pollution.
  • Perhaps …

I assure you the list of possibilities is very long indeed.

Her body has the answers. She just has to start listening.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Here is a brief explanation of how the Hivemapper dashcam works. Once you have purchased the dashcam from Hivemapper and set it up on your car, you can begin earning honey tokens which can be converted to cash.
Visit the hivemapper website below for more information and to order a dashcam. I just noticed that the cost of a dashcam is listed currently at only $300, not $600.
Use coupon code earn to claim a 10% discount on purchase of a dashcam.

As I drive, the dashcam sends the images and video to my phone. Below is an image of how my phone displays the images as I drive. This image was taken shortly after I started my errands for the day. Note the number at the top in the middle (101). This is the number of images downloaded from the dashcam to the phone:

Every week there is an upload of honey tokens to my phantom wallet which displays the total dollar value earned. The token price varies considerably over time. More tokens can be made in the early stages of mapping (which is now) when many roads have not been mapped. You earn more tokens for mapping new routes than routes (such as interstates) that have been mapped extensively.

This is a new initiative, so the time to cash in is now!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Olympia, Washington

Drug Interactions and Side Effects

Are there any drug interactions and side effects from taking Parkinson’s medicines? My medicine is inderal 10mg and pacitane 2 mg, three times a day. Now my cardiogram is not perfect and for six months selgin 5 mg. I don’t get a good sleep at night. My doctor suggested that I stop selgin.

I am not a medical doctor, so I am not qualified to suggest changes to any medications that have been prescribed by your doctor. I can speak to your question about side effects.

Are there any drug interactions and side effects from taking Parkinson’s medications? Yes. There are many as is the case with most prescription medications. The frustrating challenge is that many of the side effects are the same as the symptoms of Parkinson’s that the medications are designed to suppress.

Keep in mind that when you use the term “medication” it really embraces anything we put into our bodies including food, drink, supplements, herbs, lotions, makeup, soaps, shampoos – the whole can of worms so to speak.

Side Effects of Medications

If you want to know which side effects are associated with the medications you are taking, go to your pharmacist and ask for the drug sheet which lists all side effects. You may be surprised to discover how long the list can be for some Parkinson’s medications.

One of the easiest ways to know about the side effects of medications is to do a quick search on the internet. Type in the words (name of medication) side effects. You will see several medical websites that list all of the major and minor side effects that have been documented in studies.

Drug Interactions

There are further, potentially serious complication. Drugs you are taking may interact with one another. When we take more than one drug, there is a possibility that the effect of taking more than one drug is causing additional, unanticipated and potentially life threatening symptoms.

Certified nutritional counselors tell me that there is a very good chance of drug interactions when you are taking three medications and a 100% chance of interactions when you are taking five or more medications. Of course, there are no studies that report on these interactions. Besides, everyone responds differently.

It is a good idea for people taking multiple medications to have analysis done by a pharmacist who can identify problems and recommend alternatives you can consider in consultation with your doctor.

The truth is that it is a very complicated area. It is thus very important that you involve specialists who know about drugs. They can analyze your full health history (which includes a consideration of foods you eat, supplements you take and substances you put on your body).

The body is a very sensitive, living entity. When we ingest something that is harmful to our health, we get clear signals through symptoms that it is time to make some changes. As you already know, the fact you are unable to sleep is a signal your body needs something it is not getting or is getting something it does not need.

Drug Depletions

Drugs can also deplete the minerals and vitamins our bodies need to produce energy, so it may be important to take additional supplements to counterbalance the depletions. People train for years and years to have the skills to help out with such problems. Take advantage of their skills. Find a compounding pharmacist or natural pharmacist who can do a thorough analysis for you so you know for sure where you stand. They can provide a thorough report of  drug interactions and side effects from whatever medications you are taking.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

Vagus Nerve Plays Leading Role in Recovery

What is the most significant step that leads to reversal of Parkinson’s symptoms?
Answer: Reduce anxiety

But wait here you say. I have done everything imaginable to get my anxiety under control but with little success.

A little known solution that supports the parasympathetic nervous system (which is the key to reducing anxiety) is to stimulate and cleanse the vagus nerve. What is the big deal about the vagus nerve?

Its function has a direct impact on brain health. This nerve wonders through every organ including the digestive system, lungs and even the heart. Toxins not only clog the vagus nerve, they contaminate the brain and other organs as well.

Essential oil therapists recommend specific oils to cleanse the vagus like clove. Therapies are recommended to stimulate the vagus nerve with acupressure  that apply gentle pressure to the nerve itself.

Just introduced is a novel therapy that stimulates vagus nerve function – a Vagus photobiomodulation (light therapy) device from Vielight. I predict the Vagus device will prove successful in taming down the sympathetic nervous system which will reduce anxieties and anxiety attacks. This in turn will lead to a symptom relief.

1.Get anxiety under control.
2. A reduction in the severity of symptoms results.

Check it out this out especially if you know anxiety is problematic for you. I predict this new invention will offer welcome relief for many.

Visit the link below for more information and to order.
Use the coupon code healing4me to claim a 10% discount.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 



Parkinsons Recovery Survey

This is a detailed report from responses provided by persons with Parkinson’s symptoms who responded to the 2023 Parkinsons Recovery Survey. The two minute survey asks two questions. First, how have respondents been feeling since the previous holiday season one year ago (better, same, worse) and what therapies have offered symptom relief.

Listen to my reading of responses that reveal a huge range of therapies, methods and activities that offer symptom relief. Well over 100 options were identified as being helpful.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Healing from the Inside Out
Olympia, Washington


Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?

The 2023 Parkinsons Recovery survey results provide a surprising answer to the question – Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?  Respondents report how they have been feeling over the past year since the previous holiday season in 2022 [better, same or worse] and what therapies have been useful in celebrating relief from symptoms.

You are cordially invited to listen to a detailed listing of results that refute the universal belief that Parkinson’s is degenerative.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Healing from the Inside Out
Olympia, Washington

Pain in the Thigh and Groin

My husband has been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease 7 years ago. He is 80 years old. His latest symptoms are: burning and pain in the thigh and groin. The only way to make him comfortable is by taking Neurontin and Darvocet.  Confusion is then increased. Any suggestions?

Ready to give up,


Pain in the Thigh and Groin Response:

First, let me give my customary warning: I am not a medical doctor and am not qualified to diagnose and prescribe. My response is founded on my research findings and should be taken to a medical doctor for further discussion and evaluation.

My first reaction to the description of symptoms is that the pain may be caused by lymph that is backed up and clogged around the groin area. The only way to move lymph out of the body is through exercise.

Does your husband get exercise every day? I am guessing not.

What if exercising is too painful for him at this point? It may be painful at the beginning, but if my guess is on target, the pain will subside when he begins to move. A great technique for moving lymph is to jump on a trampoline. Everyone should do it. You can purchase small ones for home use for $30-$40 in the U.S.

Another possibility is for him to use a body inverter which he can use to shift the body so that his head is lower than the feet. There are little valves throughout the lymph system that prevent the lymph from slipping back down, so when you place the body upside down, the lymph moves up and out. There is no organ that pumps the lump as there is for blood (which of course is the heart).

A total inversion would probably be unwise, but positioning the body so that the head is lower than the feet can be helpful. Various health care practitioners might have such equipment you can experiment with. If he has other health problems, this idea might be unwise, so check it out with his doctor.

The challenge for him is likely that the lymph in his body is a thick mucous. Hydrating his body will be a great asset. Dr. John Coleman, ND,  recommends that everyone with Parkinsons hydrate their body using a homeopath remedy called the Aquas ( The thirst mechanism for all older persons shorts out, so the body needs a backup signaling system that will help the body tell him when to drink. At a minimum he should drink a lot of water.

My guess is that the more he can move his body, the more relief he will get from the pain. You of course might also want to examine very carefully the side effects of any medications he takes. This can also be a confounding factor which can directly contribute to the problem he is experiencing.

Finally, the sentence jumps out at me

Ready to give up.

I note that you do not say whether you are ready to give up or he is ready to give up. If he is ready to throw in the towel, then I would say to you – honor his wishes. A time comes for everyone when a decision is made to begin shutting down. Is this his time? If so, he will not move or exercise or do anything of the things necessary to relieve the pain.

Are you ready to give up on finding solutions for pain in the thigh and groin of your husband? Believe me, this is totally understandable. It is so difficult to take care of someone you love who is ill. If you are ready to give up, it is time for you to take a break from caretaking.

Take a short vacation with your friends. Get away. No one can take someone who is ill 100% of the time. Ill people take the energy away from healthy people. That is the natural process of what happens.

You need to get away to rejuvenate yourself. This sounds counterintuitive, but by taking care of yourself, you are actually able to do a much better job of taking care of him.

My guess about the cause of the pain may be wrong and you will have to move to another possibility, but I can guarantee you that when he moves his body, he will feel better. It is the one surefire suggestion I can offer that I know will yield relief.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© 2024 Parkinsons Recovery

Help for Depression

I need help for depression. I am desperately
depressed. What can I do about it?

This is a truly challenging place to find yourself.
It is as if nothing can pull you out of the depths of
despair. There is a drag on all motivation to do anything
of any substance. Nothing you do makes a difference.
Clearly, hormonal imbalances are taking their toll.

The depression can be so deep and penetrating that
it is nearly impossible to take any action to reverse it.
Even making an appointment with a health care provider
takes up too much energy. The negative thought form
that emerges is:

It won’t make any difference anyway, so why bother?

It is a place of despair where all you can think about
is going to sleep so you are not haunted by the black
void of nothingness and immobility.

Have I described the feel adequately? I had never
personally experienced depression until a few years
ago when it struck out of the blue. I was sucked in
by the negative drain of energy which feels impossible
to deflect.

I have pondered what might be a constructive answer
to providing help for depression. Three simple possibilities are offered.

First, buy a seasonal affective disorder light. Use
it every day. Drag yourself to the computer and order
one online today.

Second, purchase a vitamin supplement of vitamin D3.
Please note – this is D3, not a composite vitamin D
supplement (which can include other forms of vitamin D).

Third, if there is sunlight, bask in it. You do not need
to take D3 if you are able to get sufficient exposure to

These are my simple suggestions. You can pull these things
off even in a state of deep depression. They will help
pull you out of the darkness.

Do it and you will see a gradual reawakening to the sweetness
of life.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

© Parkinsons Recovery

How to Activate Dormant Stem Cells

Lightwave X39 Stem Cell Patches

The Lightwave company has invented a patch that activates stem cells.  You apply the X39 patch to your body 12 hours each day. Patches are designed to trap infrared light energy when placed on the body. They secret a peptide called GHK that “wakes up” dormant stem cells. No drugs or chemicals enter the body.

Below is a link to a youtube presentation by the inventor of the X39 Lifewave patches David Schmidt:

How to Order the Lifewave Patches

Order the X39 patches  by clicking on the link below:

Peptide Research

The study abstracts listed  below do not specifically evaluate the impact of the X39 Stem Cell Patches on any specific chronic conditions. They do offer support on the impact of the GHK peptide secreted by the patches to rejuvenate dormant stem cells.

Stem cells facilitate healing chronic conditions from the inside out.

Brain Sci. 2017 Feb 15;7(2):20. The Effect of the Human Peptide GHK on Gene Expression Relevant to Nervous System Function and Cognitive Decline.Loren Pickart, Jessica Michelle Vasquez-Soltero, Anna Margolina


Neurodegeneration, the progressive death of neurons, loss of brain function, and cognitive decline is an increasing problem for senior populations. Its causes are poorly understood and therapies are largely ineffective. Neurons, with high energy and oxygen requirements, are especially vulnerable to detrimental factors, including age-related dysregulation of biochemical pathways caused by altered expression of multiple genes. GHK (glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine) is a human copper-binding peptide with biological actions that appear to counter aging-associated diseases and conditions.

GHK, which declines with age, has health promoting effects on many tissues such as chondrocytes, liver cells and human fibroblasts, improves wound healing and tissue regeneration (skin, hair follicles, stomach and intestinal linings, boney tissue), increases collagen, decorin, angiogenesis, and nerve outgrowth, possesses anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain and anti-anxiety effects, increases cellular stemness and the secretion of trophic factors by mesenchymal stem cells.

Studies using the Broad Institute Connectivity Map show that GHK peptide modulates expression of multiple genes, resetting pathological gene expression patterns back to health. GHK has been recommended as a treatment for metastatic cancer, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, inflammation, acute lung injury, activating stem cells, pain, and anxiety. Here, we present GHK’s effects on gene expression relevant to the nervous system health and function.

Biomed Res Int. 2014:2014:151479. GHK and DNA: resetting the human genome to health. Loren Pickart, Jessica Michelle Vasquez-Soltero, Anna Margolina 


During human aging there is an increase in the activity of inflammatory, cancer promoting, and tissue destructive genes plus a decrease in the activity of regenerative and reparative genes. The human blood tripeptide GHK possesses many positive effects but declines with age. It improves wound healing and tissue regeneration (skin, hair follicles, stomach and intestinal linings, and boney tissue), increases collagen and glycosaminoglycans, stimulates synthesis of decorin, increases angiogenesis, and nerve outgrowth, possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and increases cellular stemness and the secretion of trophic factors by mesenchymal stem cells.

Recently, GHK has been found to reset genes of diseased cells from patients with cancer or COPD to a more healthy state. Cancer cells reset their programmed cell death system while COPD patients’ cells shut down tissue destructive genes and stimulate repair and remodeling activities. In this paper, we discuss GHK’s effect on genes that suppress fibrinogen synthesis, the insulin/insulin-like system, and cancer growth plus activation of genes that increase the ubiquitin-proteasome system, DNA repair, antioxidant systems, and healing by the TGF beta superfamily. A variety of methods and dosages to effectively use GHK to reset genes to a healthier state are also discussed.

Robert Rodgers PhD

Treatment for Lyme Disease

Do you have any information on treatment for Lyme disease? I was bitten by a tick in 1998 and diagnosed with Parkinsons 30 months later.

Thank you in advance,


Oh my goodness. This sounds like a huge clue regarding a probable cause of your symptoms. The symptoms of Lyme disease are very similar to those of Parkinson’s. Many people get mis-diagnosed with Parkinson’s when the true culprit is a Lyme infection.

The treatment for Lyme disease is a long term series of antibiotics. The challenge of the treatment is that antibiotics destroy the immune system and the digestive system which cause other problems of their own. This particular infection is very difficult to beat as many with Lyme will attest.

Here is a report of a treatment Chris has been getting:

“I am being treated with Bicillin injections 4 times week. Treatment will go for two to three months.

My tremors have lessened in severity. I am tired however but working through it.

My doctor believes that the source of my Parkinson’s symptoms are the inflammation as a result of my immune system fighting Lyme for the last 7 years. I believe that if I remove the source of inflammation, my body will be strong enough to heal.”

And here is Kathy’s report on her experience with Lyme.

“I was diagnosed with PD in 2010. Two years later I found out I had Lyme disease, and had been infected for over 20 years! According to my naturopath, if Lyme disease is not treated with antibiotics in the first 45 days, the spirochetes burrow deep into the body and the antibiotics are no longer as effective.

I addition to the Lyme spirochetes, I also had 3 co-infectants. The little critters had eventually entered into my nervous system and wrecked havoc. I am currently Lyme free, but have a lot of nerve damage which heals very slowly.”


What follows is Chris’ report on his experience:

I found the source of my inflammation.

I started to see a new MD/ ND. She tested me for Lyme Disease. I have it and have had it for years. My immune system is on overload and my body is breaking down.I start treatment for the Lyme disease tomorrow.

My belief is that through cleansing the Lyme disease, I can drop the inflammation and recover.

I have had Lyme Disease for 7 years and none of my PD specialists even looked for it.Everyone should get tested

I am going to heal rebuild and recover


We know that the factors which cause neurological complications are multi-faceted. One root cause turns out to be bacterial infections. There is a particular bacterial infections which is extremely difficult to detect in tests called mycoplasma which are a bacteria that causes a neurological disaster in the body. From my recent research, it appears many people have this bacteria and do not even know it (because it is so difficult to detect).

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Resources for Recovery from Parkinsons in France & Great Britain

Dear Robert:I have been given your address, after being diagnosed with early Parkinson’s Syndrome, by a friend after discussing my general state of health with him. After exhaustive tests and the most frightening stay in hospital, a number of health issued raised their ugly heads. I am interested in resources for recovery from Parkinsons in France & Great Britain

I am just coming to my 56th birthday in June, to be told I had a liver virus, gall stones, depression (I have suffered with this after a nervous breakdown in 1994, but have been taught to control the effects through non-medicinal methods). I am in constant lower back pain and my specialist finally dropped the bomb shell that she believed I had the early symptoms of Parkinson’s.

I have been on a ‘light’ cocktail of drugs which have helped, but I do find it difficult to write now and hold a glass – it can suddenly fall from my hand for no reason. Walking is difficult, and I have had to give up driving, move into a friends apartment after falling and being unable to contact anyone for two days.

I want to be able to not be classed as disabled (which is what the French Health Service currently have me registered). It was hard work learning how to deal with my depression, but I learnt, I’m sure I can do it with the tools you have in your arsenal ! I am not a religious person, but I do believe in the power of the mind and the importance of a balanced spirit. If I could get to Bali, I know who and where I could go to get this positive / negative energy balance.

Thank you for your time,

Best regards


Sounds like it is indeed a good time to get serious about considering other options! You have certainly come to the right place to get information about options that are helping people reverse symptoms that are similar to yours.

Resources for Recovery from Parkinsons in France & Great Britain

Read posts here on the Parkinsons Recovery blog. If you have ever had any doubt about the prospects for recovery, those doubts will soon dissolve after you have listened to a few of the radio shows and had a chance to realize the wealth of information on the blog. Recovery is happening for more and more people.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Parkinson’s Treatment and Recovery

I would like to know more about Parkinson’s treatment and recovery.

Tell me about your Parkinsons Recovery membership.

Do you recommend Zandopa? What homeopathic products can / should one use? I am considering the membership. Your-e-mails are excellent, I love to read them. I live in Canada BC and I might not have access to any resources which are similar to yours.

I really believe that my body can heal itself if I give it a chance and the right support.

Response to Parkinson’s Treatment and Recovery

Thanks for your email inquiring about Parkinson’s treatment and recovery options. As for the Parkinsons Recovery membership, I recommend that join and visit the 12 member websites daily for a month and just see if the visits are helpful. The subscription is only $10 a month.

Information is updated daily. Successful recoveries involve an ongoing process. When you visit the website every day, you are setting the intention to recover. More information is available at:

As for recommendations of medications, I have to pass. I am not a medical doctor and so am not qualified to speak to that specific question. Rather, I am a researcher and can tell you a lot about what people do to get great relief from their symptoms.

Be sure to read the side effects of any medications you take. Often what you may think are the symptoms of Parkinsons are actually the side effects of medications you are taking. That news is a relief to many people!

Recovery requires patience and commitment. It happens for people who are determined to make it happen.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

Expect to Get Better and You Will Get Better

Alan granted me permission to post his reflection below on how thoughts about Parkinson’s Disease have a profound impact on his recovery.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Five Steps to Recovery

I just took time out to listen to Howard Shifke’s’ interview again. I am re-inspired to keep going.

I don’t know if I’m getting better or not, but I don’t worry as much about a bad day or “what Parkinson’s is going to do to me.” I have been working on my thinking that I will get better since the last time that I listened to this interview. I got his point that expecting to get better is the way to get better, but it often takes a million reminders a day and starting over as many times. Yet, I think today, how nice to think it can get better. That was just the vaguest hope since taking recovery seriously a year and a half since diagnosis.


Forget the Disease – Treat the Cause

Naturopath John Coleman, ND, was my guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio discussing treat the cause. An overview of the program and a set of questions he answers follow.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

There is a strong view among adventurous healthcare professionals that Parkinsons disease is not a distinct, separate disease, but one possible set of symptoms arising from one or more causes that create a degenerative process.

Other diseases that may arise from these causes include Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Multiple System Atrophy, Motor Neurone Disease/ALS, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers disease, Dementia, Type 2 Diabetes, certain cancers, and many others.

When viewed in this way, likely causes become clearer and treatment options widen dramatically. Modern research is now showing significant benefits from folk medicine and anxient remedies  like food choices, appropriate hydration, dancing, singing, gentle detoxification activities, self-love and meditation.

Lets look at Parkinsons disease as a set of symptoms, discover the individual pathway that led each person to this point, and treat the cause to manifest

  1. What evidence is there for the idea that Parkinsons disease is simply a set of symptoms rather than a distinct disease?
  2. What are the causes or processes that may lead to degeneration and diagnosis of a disease.
  3. How can we find the cause or causes for each individual when western medicine struggles to even diagnose Parkinsons disease accurately?
  4. Are there some simple diagnostic tools to help us?
  5. Are there some general health-giving activities and choices that apply no matter what cause is discovered?
  6. You list three basic causes for all degenerative disorders. Can we talk about some basic treatment options for each one?
    1. Suppressed trauma
    2. Environmental toxins
    3. Stealth infections
  7. How much of the recovery process depends on the patient?
  8. You talk about some specific therapies in presentations – Aqua Hydration Formulas and Bowen Therapy. Is there any evidence supporting their use for those diagnosed with Parkinsons disease?
  9. “Stop Parkin and Start Livin was published in 2005. Have you changed your views on any aspects of treatment since then?
  10. There is a lot of talk about the Mediterranean Diet for those with Parkinsons disease. Do you think this is the best diet to choose?
  11. Research has been published purporting to show that coffee (3-6 cups daily) is protective against Parkinsons disease (and a number of other conditions) and is a useful dietary supplement. Do you agree?
  12. If a person develops Parkinsons disease-like symptoms, and/or is diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, what are your top tips for moving forward towards good health?
    Is treat the cause at the top of the list?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

Cheryl is on of the Pioneers of Recovery featured in Pioneers of Recovery. After ten years of searching and experiencing considerable frustration, she discovered am appliance  treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) offered relief from her Parkinsons symptoms.

I remember going to Parkinsons support groups and they would have guest speakers come in. Some of these speakers would be therapists. They would tell you, you have to learn to accept your disease and you have to learn to accept your life the way it is. Grow from there. Develop from there. Learn new skills.

I would raise my hand and say, I will never accept this disease. I am looking at this guy, like he has four eyes; it is like, are you nuts?

I want my life back! I really do, I want my life back and to tell me to accept it is not helping me, just tell me how to get out of this. That is just my mindset about this whole thing.


Click on the arrow below to hear Cheryl on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:

Cheryl is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.

About Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

TMD involves problems with the jaw joints and muscles that connect the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull. The temporomandibular joints are among the most complex in the body, allowing for movements such as chewing, talking, and yawning

Types of TMD

There are three main categories of TMD:

  1. Myofascial pain: Discomfort in the muscles controlling jaw movement
  2. Internal derangement: Displaced disc or dislocated jaw
  3. Degenerative joint disease: Conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis affecting the jaw joint

Signs and Symptoms of TMD

    • Pain in the jaw, face, neck, or shoulders
    • Limited jaw movement or locking
    • Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw joint
    • Headaches
    • Earaches or tinnitus
    • Changes in bite alignment

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) and Parkinsons

Cheryl has discovered getting an appliance to align her jaw offered welcome relief from debilitating symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. If you have any of the symptoms of TMD listed above, why not visit a qualified dentist to see if correcting the misalignment might offer welcome relief from your Parkinsons symptoms too.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Candida and Parkinsons Disease

I believe that Candida infection is a huge predisposing factor to Parkinsons, yet it might not be enough to trigger the onset of Parkinsons. Maybe you need another factor that will favor the development of Parkinsons; that will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

My guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio is Lidia Epp who discusses the causal connection between candida and Parkinsons disease. She is the co-author of the publication – Chronic polystemic candidiasis as a possible contributor to onset of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. The abstract of her article is posted below.

Lidia explains how the Parkinson’s disease of her husband changed the course of her life and eventually lead her to the in-depth study of causes of Parkinsons Disease. A molecular biologist by profession, Lidia researched scientific data and came to a conclusion that candida is one of the factors that cause symptoms of Parkinson’s.

In my husbands case that was the aspartame, but it could be different things for different people. For instance, farmers that are exposed to pesticides in huge quantities and that could be a very large contributing factor. All our bodies are different; our weak points are in different places. Parkinsons is a very general description of symptoms that can be caused by any number of things.

Lidia Epp

Click on the  arrow below to hear my interview with Lidia Epp on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:

Lidia Epp is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.

What is Candida?

Candida is a genus of fungi, with Candida albicans being the most common species associated with human infections. It normally exists in small amounts in the body, particularly in areas like the mouth, gut, and vagina. However, an overgrowth can lead to infections, known as candidiasis.

This can manifest in various forms, such as oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections, and systemic infections in immunocompromised individuals. Factors like antibiotic use, a weakened immune system, and diabetes can contribute to its overgrowth.

Bratisl Lek Listy. 2006;107(6-7):227-30. Chronic polysystemic candidiasis as a possible contributor to onset of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. L M EppB Mraec


The underlying cause of Parkinson’s disease is still enigma. Several mechanisms have been implicated in the etiopathogenesis of PD including oxidative damage, environmental toxins, genetic predisposition, and accelerated aging.

Recent research suggests that salsolinol, a derivate of dopamine, is an important contributing factor. In the presence of acetaldehyde dopamine is converted into salsolinol, a neurotoxin involved in apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons. Increased production of acetaldehyde is associated with chronic polysystemic candidiasis (CPC).

Chronically elevated levels of acetaldehyde in patients with CPC might participate in the formation of salsolinol and its metabolites in the brain contributing to the destruction of dopaminergic cells in substantia nigra. Clinical mental symptoms of PD often correspond with the mental manifestations of CPC.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Low Dose Naltrexone

Lexie is one of the Pioneers of Recovery who discovered low dose naltrexone to be a therapy that worked wonders for her.

When you go to your Neurologist and they tell you there is no cure for Parkinsons disease because that is the question that we all ask. Please, please, please do not get discouraged.

I was so depressed when I had three neurologists tell me that. I just decided somewhere in this world there is a treatment for Parkinsons disease. Somewhere in this world I am going to get help and I am going to get help for other people.


Click on the purple arrow below to hear Lexie on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:


Lexie was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease in October, 2008.  She tried all of the Parkinson’s medications that her neurologist prescribed. While they helped offer relief from her “symptoms” she soon became discouraged. “I knew that I was taking ‘band-aid’ medications in the form of the PD Agonists and Sinemet.  All 3 of the neurologists I conferred with said they did not expect a ‘cure’ in my lifetime.  I was only 60 years old with a thriving professional career and that was not an answer I could accept, so I started researching.

I discovered Low Dose Naltrexone 2.5 years ago and I have never looked back.  I have now titrated off of all of my PD meds and feel and look better today than I did 3 years ago when I was first diagnosed. I am excited to share my success with LDN with all of your PD listeners. It could change their lives, as it has changed mine.” Lexie

Lexie is one of the eleven contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.

low dose naltrexone

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Voice Profiling

Sharry Edwards, pioneer of BioAcoustic biology unveils the  mystery of voice profiling which is used to determine that underlying factors that cause the symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease. She is joined by Miriam Lewis who has used voice profiling to address her Parkinson’s symptoms with success.

Everybody says to me oh, you look different or they go to help me when I do not need help anymore. They stand in awe and wonderment, how did you do that? They say, we know you pray but we did not know you had that kind of connection.


Click on the arrow above to hear Mariam Lewis and Sharry Edwards discuss voice profiling on Parkinsons Recovery Radio:

What is BioAcoustic Biology?

Sharry Edwards pioneered a unique technology that falls within a field of complementary medicine that has been designated “Human BioAcoustics.” This innovative discipline combines Vocal Profiling through voice spectral analysis and the use of low frequency analog sound presentation to assist the body to support optimal form and function.

Voice Profiling is a Self-diagnostic Tool

From thousands of case studies conducted by hundreds of trained BioAcoustic Research Associates, the perception of the human voice as a Mathematical Matrix of the body has become a useful concept to examine the architecture and frequency environments associated with the numerical pathways of human biology and physiology.


Mariam Lewis and Sharry Edwards are  contributors to Pioneers of Recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease

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