In a recent Parkinsons Recovery Radio show, Bill Hubert made an interesting observation. People with mobility problems often walk with one long step followed up by a short step. That is to say, the right step is consistently longer than the left (or vice versa). This is described by some observers as a Parkinsons Shuffle. Shuffles can eventually lead to falls.
So much for describing what is a common problem with an abnormality of gait for a surprising number of people. What in the world can be done about this problem?
In this video, Bill Hubert from Bal-A-Vis-X describes a simple therapy that corrects the Parkinsons Shuffle.
What is Bal-A-Vis-X? This is is an exciting program designed and created by Bill Hubert from Wichita, Kansas. I believe his ideas and approach can have a profound influence on the ability of persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms to find compelling relief.
Do you have difficulty with walking or freezing?
I believe his program offers promise that mobility can be significantly improved.
- Do you use a walker?
I believe his technology and approach can make you entirely independent again.
- Do you fall occasionally or often?
I believe his program offers the possibility of reducing if not preventing falls altogether.
- Are you currently bound to a wheel chair or fear you will be in the near future?
I believe his program can help you become independently mobile.
Discover the strategies, therapies and programs that convert problematic mobility to one that is rock solid in the Parkinsons Recovery Rock Solid Walking Online Course.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery
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