- Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, instead of rocky recoveries, the road to recovery is smooth and uneventful?
- How about – you only need to identify a handful of therapies, all of which offer symptom relief to some degree?
- Then presto. Over time you are fully recovered.?
No doubt this describes the ideal and anticipated experience of recovery for everyone. Is it a fantasy? Is the road to recovery smooth with no twists, turns or roadblocks?
Please listen to the short clips below which describe a recovery process which is anything but smooth and effortless.
Information about Aquas: https://www.aquas.us
Information about Bowen Therapy: https://www.americanbowen.academy/find-a-practitioner
John Coleman’s website: http://www.returntostillness.com.au/
Audio Player Audio PlayerRobert Rodgers PhD
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Recovery
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